Orgy after the match

The Ref blew a blast on his whistle to signify the end
of the match and Phil, Nicole and the rest of the
supporters of the away side, Leeds United, sprang up out
of their seats to celebrate victory. It was a well
deserved win against a very good side in Chelsea. Phil
turned and hugged Nicole, who was wearing one of Phil’s
old football shirts. Nicole didn’t support Leeds like
Phil, but she was happy that her friend’s team had won.

Phil’s friend Tony turned to him and said, “Back t’ that
Pub now Phil. I think a few pints is in order to

“Definitely,” said Phil, “I’ve got a free beer coming if
you guys drink enough.”

“You’ll probably get two then,” said Declan, another of
Phil’s friends from ‘Up North’.

The four of them began to file out of the ground,
followed by the rest of Phil’s friends, Joey, James and
Mike. On leaving Stamford Bridge they made their way
back along the route to Phil’s apartment block, singing
celebrity football songs as they did. The pub they were
heading to was at the end of Phil’s street.

They entered ‘The Ferret and Spud’ and ordered a round
of drinks. “‘ere Phil,” said Tony, “You know we’re
crashing at yours t’nite don’t you.”

“No, Nobody told me,” replied Phil. “I ain’t got the

“I ‘eard your pad is right big.” said Joey, “should be
plenty ‘o room.”

“My spare room is a gym, there ain’t a bed.”

“Who gives a fuck.” said James, “I’d rather kip on’t
your floor than catch last train back t’ Leeds pissed
owt me skull.”

“Ay.” said Mike, “The lads spot on there.”

“Alright,” said Phil. “Y’can stay.”

“Great!” said Declan. “More beer ‘ere barkeep.” As more
beers were paid for, Nicole turned to Phil, “If they’re
all staying the night I may as well go and get Lisa. We
could make a proper party of it, take them up west or

“Cool,” said Phil. “What d’you think lads, should I send
Nicky to get her flatmate?”

A chorus of approval followed.

“I’ll be back now,” said Nicole to the lads as she left,
“The two of us together will show you boys how to
party.” Phil noticed a definite glint in her eye.

Nicole rushed back to her apartment, stripping off the
football shirt she was wearing as she walked through the
door. “‘Liss,” she called, “Lisa! Are you in.”

There was no reply, but Nicole could hear tell tale
groans coming from her own bedroom. She walked down the
corridor and pushed open the door, which was already
ajar. She saw just what she expected to find. Lying on
the sun bed, legs sprawled wide, and with a vibrator
lodged deep in her cunt, was Lisa.

“‘Liss, what are you up to?” Nicole asked. Lisa just
groaned louder and worked the vibrator into her pussy
with more vigor. She gave Nicole no answer. In response
Nicole moved over to the sun bed, kneeling beside Lisa’s
lower half. “How many times have I told you,” said
Nicole, “not to do this on the sun bed. It’s a bitch to
clean afterwards.”

With that she scooped up the smaller frame of Lisa in
her arms. Lisa had a grin of ecstasy on her face, and
she continued to work the vibrator in and out of herself
as Nicole carried her over to the bed. She
unceremoniously dumped Lisa on the mattress, causing the
vibrator to jolt and almost disappear inside Lisa’s
cunt. Nicole knelt down again, this time between Lisa’s
wide spread legs, and moving Lisa’s hands away she took
hold of the vibrator.

“We haven’t got much time, I’ll have to make this quick.
We are supposed to go and meet Phil and his friends in
‘the spud’.” She began to move the pale pink plastic
device quickly in and out of Lisa’s dripping pussy.

As Lisa began to buck her hips in time with the thrusts,
Nicole bent her head down, and began to lick at Lisa’s
clit. Lisa gripped Nicole’s head, to make sure she
didn’t move away. Nicole flicked at Lisa’s clit with her
tongue, then she gently nibbled at it, then she sucked
into her mouth.

It was all too much for Lisa, who had been doing this
for a long time before Nicole arrived. The movements of
her hips became quicker, and she gripped Nicole’s head
tighter, pulling her face to into her blonde mound. She
let out a final cry, a loud scream, as she came with
force. The waves of orgasm ripped through her body,
causing it to shake and ripple.

As the orgasm subsided Lisa let go of Nicole’s head.
Nicole stood up, removing the vibrator from Lisa as she
did. As it left her body Lisa whimpered slightly, and
reached out for it, but Nicole brought it up to her lips
and began to lick it clean. When she was finished she
threw it down to Lisa on the bed.

“Come on, get up. There’s five blokes waiting down the
pub to meet you.”

Lisa got up off the bed, her legs still shaky from the
intensity of the orgasm, and went into her own room to
get changed. “Do I have time for a shower?” she asked as
she left. “Not really,” said Nicole, “Just throw some
clothes on, brush your hair and slap on some lippy. Phil
and his friends are probably 3 or 4 pints ahead of us by

“We’ll just have to drink shorts then to catch up.” Lisa
busied herself getting ready.

Nicole changed her clothes, putting on a teasingly short
skirt, and a see-through chiffon blouse. She capped it
off with a pair of strappy high heels, and was admiring
how sexy she looked in the mirror when Lisa walked up
behind her. She reached around and cupped Nicole’s
sizable tits.

“Did the boys appreciate these?”

“I think so,” replied Nicole. “Are you ready already?”
“Yep. I figured since we’ve already got six men to keep
us company, a full ‘clubbing’ make-over wasn’t needed.”
Nicole turned around to see Lisa dressed in a tight
white crop top, through which her hardened nipples could
clearly be seen.

Her mid-rift was exposed, showing off Lisa’s new belly
button ring, and her skirt actually looked shorter than
Nicole’s, probably due to her diminutive size. She wore
platform trainers, adding four or five inches to her
height, but Nicole still towered above her. With little
time to spend on her hair she had simply tied it into a
tight bun on the top of her head.

“How do I look?” she asked.

“Like a complete tart,” said Nicole.

“Good,” said Lisa, “So do you.”

“Thank you.”

“Shall we go?”

“Whenever you’re ready,” said Nicole.

The pair matched out of the apartment and down the
street towards the pub arm in arm, their arses swinging
in unison as the strutted their stuff.

As soon as the pair entered the pub heads turned to look
at them. Lisa, Nicole and Phil were regulars in ‘The
Ferret and Spud’ but even so the girls still drew looks,
especially when dressed for a party. They both loved it,
and often played to the crowd. On this particular
Saturday night they were only concentrated with Phil’s

The group was on the far side of the bar, so the girls
had to push through the crowd to get to them. There were
one or two couples sat at tables around the edge of the
room, and the men couldn’t help but watch the girls
arses as they wiggled past them. One of them got a slap
around the face from his girlfriend for his trouble.
When Lisa and Nicole arrived at the group, they were
greeted by a broad smile from Phil.

“Boys,” he said, beaming, “You already know Nicole.”

“She d’ay look like that earlier,” interrupted James.
“She looks fucking gorgeous now.”

“What, I didn’t before?” said Nicole.

“No, I didn’t mean that…” stammered James, struggling
to get out of a hole.

“Well this,” Phil said saving his friend from further
embarrassment, “is Lisa.” He presented her to the lads
like a trophy. All of them looked on admiringly and Lisa
loved it. She responded by placing one hand on her hip
and the other by her ear. She bent her knees as she
showed off for her audience.

“FUCKING HELL,” said Joey, “You said she was PE teacher.
I never ‘ad a fucking teacher that looked like that.”

“Too fucking right,” said Mike. “All my fucking PE
teachers looked like fucking men.”

“They were fucking men,” said James flatly, “Unless they
were dykes, in which case they would have been fucking
women.” “Are you lot just gonna gas, or is somebody
gonna buy me a drink.” said Lisa.

“Yeah,” said Nicole, “We’ve got some catching up to do.”
There was a rush for the bar as the lads all fished out
their wallets to buy the girls a drink.

Three glasses of vodka later Lisa was ready to go out

“Where shall we go Phil.”

“I don’t know, up west somewhere?”

“No fucking way,” said Joey, “The prices down ‘ere are
fucking stupid. I’m nearly out o’ dosh already.”

“I’m wiv’ ‘im,” said Mike, “There’s no way Ic’n be goo-
ing up west t’ sum fucking club, just t’ giggle about
and pay four quid for a beer.” “I’ll tell you what,”
said Nicole, “Why don’t we go to the offie and get some
cheap beer and a couple of bottles of vodka, and go back
to our place. We’ll stick some records on and have our
own party.” “What about ya neighbors?” asked Tony,
always the sensible one.

“Fuck ’em,” said Lisa.

“Yes you have,” said Phil and everyone laughed. “I
mean,” said Lisa in a stern tone, “that most of them
will be out on the town themselves, and the rest can
piss off.” “Sounds sound t’ me.” said James, “Which
way’s t’offie.” The group left the pub and made their
way to the “Victoria Wine” across the street. There they
brought as much booze as they could carry, before going
back to Lisa and Nicole’s flat.

When they got into the flat, the guys went into the
kitchen to deposit the beer while Lisa and Nicole headed
for the stereo to put on some music. They choose some
club tunes, and set the volume at a level that was loud
enough to dance to but low enough to avoid complaints.
The lads came back into the lounge, cans of beer in
hand, to find the two sexy young ladies trying to dance
in the confined space.

“Will ya look at that,” said Declan. “Is there a better
sight than two hot babes bumping and grinding.”

“There’s not enough room here,” said Nicole.

“Guys,” said Lisa pointing to two of them, “Give us a
hand will you. I want that sofa against that wall, those
chairs moving, and shift this coffee table.”

Beer cans were put down and furniture was moved to make
more room to dance. Phil had managed to avoid all the
work and came into the room with two vodkas for the

“Phil,” said Nicole as she took the drink from him, “You
read my mind.”

For the next few tracks the flat resembled many a
nightclub. The girls danced around each other, vodkas in
hand, while the guys sat around the edge of the room
supping beer. Both Lisa and Nicole were still dressed
for the club, and they looked *hot*. There movements as
they danced were very suggestive. Declan, James, Joey,
Mike and Tony stared, jaws open, entranced by these sexy

Phil had seen it all a thousand times, but never tired
of it. “Cor!” said Declan as Lisa swung her hips in time
with the music, wiggling her arse in his face. He
reached up a hand to touch it, but Lisa batted it away
and tossed her head back in laughter. The music changed
and slowed somewhat. Now it was really bump and grind

Instinctively Lisa and Nicole took hold of each other
and began to grind their hips together, bending their
knees with the beat. Lisa turned around, and ground her
arse into Nicole’s crotch. She stayed like that just
long enough to flash a smile at each of the guys around
the room, before turning back to face Nicole. Lisa
reached up with her lips and found Nicole’s. They kissed
passionately, to ‘whoops’ and cries of encouragement
from the men.

“Fuck this off,” said Declan. “I’m having me some of
that action.” He stood up, discarding his empty can on
the floor. At six foot he towered above Lisa, so instead
he crept up behind Nicole, placing his hands on her hips
and swinging his hips with hers.

Nicole abandoned Lisa and turned around to embrace
Declan, kissing him forcefully. Now dancing on her own,
Lisa ran her fingers through her hair, and Phil had to
admire how sexy she looked.

Joey stood up and slid over to Lisa. She threw her arms
around his neck, and the danced together slowly as they
kissed. “These girls are hot.” Tony said to Phil, “You
were lucky to find them.”

“Find *them*. They found me mate. But yeah, I’m damned

The four on the makeshift dance floor continued to move
together slowly, even though the music had changed and
speeded up again. Phil passed his three friend who were
still sat down a can of beer, and cracked one open

“Hey ‘Liss,” he called to her. “Why don’t you show Joey
what you do best.”

Lisa broke off the kiss and raised an eyebrow. Her
bright blue eyes sparkled at the suggestion. Slowly she
dropped to her knees, running a hand down Joey’s body as
she did. When she was level with his belt, she stopped
and began to unbuckle it as slowly as she could. Three
of the four still seated watched in fascination. Phil
smiled as he imagined the pleasure Joey was about to
experience. Declan and Nicole took no notice, they were
still in their own world, their tongues grappling with
each other.

With Joey’s belt undone, Lisa opened the button on
Joey’s trousers, then pulled the zip down slowly. She
reached her hand inside his boxers, and fished out
Joey’s cock. When she saw it her eyes lit up. It was
*huge*. A wicked smile flashed across her face before
she bent her head to kiss the tip of it.

“Lisa gives the best head I’ve ever had,” said Phil.

“What,” said James, “better than Sally Jones.”

“Way better than Sally Jones.”

“No fucking Way,” said Mike, “Sally Jones is fucking

“Hey Joey,” called Phil, “Have you had a blowjob off of
Sally Jones?” Joey had his eyes closed as Lisa began to
suck on his cock in the masterful way that only she
could. He simply nodded his head in response to Phil’s

“Thought so, most people in our class have done. Did she
manage to swallow all of that monster of yours.”

Joey shook his head a negative.

“I tell you lot wot,” he said to the other three,
“Twenty quid says that ‘Liss will take all of Joey’s
cock into her mouth.” “You have a bet,” said James, “If
Sally couldn’t, no bitch can.”

“I’ll have some of that action.”

“Fucking right, me too.”

Phil shook on the bet with his mates then turned to Lisa
and called, “Come on girl, half of this sixty quid is
yours if you can do it. Don’t let me down.”

Lisa moaned around Joey’s cock and began to move her
head quicker over it. Everyone watched, even Declan and
Nicole had stopped dancing and were now watching.

“Get ready to pay up boys,” said Nicole. “That cock is
about to disappear.”

With each stroke Lisa took more of Joey’s dick into her
mouth. Joey looked like he was going to lose it.

“Joey lad,” said Phil. “Hold it in boy, just a minute
more.” Phil needn’t have said anything. One of the
things that made Lisa’s blowjobs so good was her ability
to tease a man and bring him to the point of no-return,
and hold him there. She reached down and squeezed the
base of prick, holding back the team of swimmers waiting
for the starting gun.

She almost had all of Joey’s dick in her mouth now. Her
strokes on it had slowed, and one final time she moved
her head forward until her nose touched Joey’s belly,
and only his balls visible as they bounced on her chin.
She held out both arms, and accepted the applause that
the others were now offering. “That was fucking
amazing.” said Declan, “Can you do that?” he asked

“Not as well as her,” said Nicole dropping to her knees
in front of Declan, “I’m still learning.”

Lisa began to bob her head quickly over Joey’s cock,
taking only half of it in her mouth now, but wanking him
with one hand at the same time. The other hand was
inside his jeans and massaging his bum. Nicole had
pulled Declan’s trousers and kegs down to his ankles and
was bobbing her head over his rigid cock. The two girls
looked like they were in competition at the cock-sucking
world championships. Lisa had a head start, but Nicole
was determined to catch up and went wild on Declan’s

Joey’s eyes closed tighter, and he gripped Lisa’s head
as she worked on him. He began to thrust his hips wildly
into her face. He let out a wild cry as he came,
shooting jet after jet of cum down Lisa’s throat.

Lisa took the cock out of her mouth after she had
emptied it, then made a point of swallowing hard,
leaving everyone in no doubt that she had enjoyed the
meal. She sat on her hunches with a wide smile of
satisfaction on her face, as Joey fell backwards into a

Lisa had her hands on her thighs and turned her head to
look at Declan as he to let out a cry, and emptied
himself into Nicole’s glorious mouth. Nicole drank down
Declan’s gift eagerly, then abandoned him to go and sit
next to Lisa in front of the remaining four men.

“Come on Phil,” said Lisa. “Why don’t you show your
friends what your best at?”

“Oh, I think that would be rude,” said Phil, “Our guests
should be first, don’t you think?”

“Whatever,” said Lisa, pulling her crop top over her
head to expose her tits. “but I’m horny as hell, and I
need to get fucked NOW.” She crawled on her hands and
knees across the short distance to Tony, who was sat
next to Phil.

“Mind if I suck on this?” she asked reaching for his
belt buckle and undoing it before waiting for an answer.

“Feel free,” said Tony.

With a smile Lisa ripped open the buttons of his fly and
reached inside for his cock. She pulled it out and began
to stroke along it’s length. Before she lowered her head
onto it she looked over to Phil’s remaining two friends,
Mike and James, and said, “You two had better decide
soon who is gonna fuck me, ’cause if you don’t do it
soon, I’ll ask Phil again, and I know he wouldn’t dare
refuse me twice.”

Mike and James looked at each other and shrugged their

“I’ll flip ya for ‘er,” said Mike.

“Fine,” Lisa’s voice was muffled with her mouth full of
Tony’s cock, “just hurry up and get on with it.”

“God she’s impatient,” said James.

Mike flipped a coin and James called it right. He stood
up and opened up his trousers as he walked over to Lisa.
“At last.” she said, “Give it me hard and fast. Let’s
see what you’ve got.”

Naked from the waist down, apart from his socks, James
dropped to his knees behind Lisa. He bunched her skirt
up around her waist and was delighted to see she was
wearing no knickers. He fisted his cock and lined it up
with Lisa’s cunt. He rubbed it up and down her pussy
lips a few times, but Lisa wanted it inside her, and she
pushed her hips back against his, engulfing his dick in
one attempt.

James was lucky to get his hand out of the way. He
gripped Lisa’s hips and began to thrust into her as
quickly as he could. Each thrust forced Tony’s cock
further into Lisa’s throat, and made Lisa moan despite
her full mouth. Lisa quickly settled into a rhythm,
pushing her hips back to meet James’s thrusts, and
bobbing her head over Tony’s dick.

Nicole had watched the action, and unconsciously
unbuttoned her shirt, and was rubbing her huge tits
through her bra. Now she turned her attention to Mike.

“Guess that leaves me with you,” she said, slipping her
blouse of her shoulders and onto the floor. “You’d
better be naked by the time I get over there.”

Nicole stood and reached around her back to unclasp her
bra. She slipped it off and threw it to Phil while Mike
struggled to get his clothes off as quick as he could.
Nicole pulled her skirt down slowly, bending over so
that Declan and Joey behind her got a great view of her
ass. She did the same to get her g-string off. Now she
was dressed only in her strappy heels and a wide smile.

She walked over to Mike and pushed him back down into
his chair. His dick stood proud and tall, and Nicole
positioned herself above it. Her tits were level with
Mike’s face, and he couldn’t take his eyes off them.
“Want some?” she said, lifting up the right one to his
lips. Mike didn’t answer, he just opened his mouth and
sucked as much of Nicole’s tit into it as he could. With
his other hand he reached up to Nicole’s other tit and
began to massage it, pulling hard on the erect nipple,
twisting and flicking it.

Nicole moaned loudly, and put her hands on Mike’s

“Yeah, suck my tits,” she said. “Suck ’em hard.”

Mike sucked harder on the buds at the end of great big
balloons of flesh. Nicole closed her eyes and enjoyed
the sensations that Mike was causing inside her. James
was still thrusting away at Lisa’s cunt, and Lisa was
feeding greedily on Tony’s cock.

Phil sat and watched his two favorite women in the world
being enjoyed by his lifelong best friends. Joey and
Declan lay exhausted. Nicole had had enough of having
her tits sucked now, she wanted that cock that was
pointing up at her pussy lodged deep inside her. She
began to lower herself onto it, but it was difficult
with Mike’s lips still locked on her nipple. She bent
her legs more, forcing Mike to bend down to keep

As she bent down, his cock moved and was no longer
pointing at her pussy. She pulled his head away from her
tit and up to her face. She kissed him hard then pulled
away. “Fuck me. Put you cock in and Fuck me.”

Mike leaned back and once again lined his dick up with
her slick opening. Mike held it in place and Nicole
lowered herself onto him. He went inside all the way up
to his balls, and Nicole sat there for a few moments
just getting used to the way he felt.

Then she began to fuck him. She lifted herself up until
only the head of his dick was inside her, then brutally
sat back down on him with her full weight. She did this
a couple more times, then sat straggling him and thrust
her hips forward and back, rubbing her clit in his pubic
hair. She really got into it, she loved sex. “Hey Phil,”
she called, “Enjoying the show?”

“Immensely,” he replied.

“Want to join in? You’re the only one left now.”

“And how do you want me to do that?” he asked. “Well,”
Nicole thought about it then continued, “I can’t really
suck you in this position, and I couldn’t be asred to
move, so why don’t you fill up my arsehole.”

“You serious?”

“Sure. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be
filled by two big dicks.”

Phil stood up and undressed himself. With his cock
jutting out in front of him he walked over to the chair
where Nicole was fucking Mike. He stood behind her and
she leaned forward as far as she could, giving him
access to her rear entrance. Phil reached down to her
pussy, which was filled with Mike’s cock, and tried to
smear some of the juices there on her ass.

When he was satisfied it was wet enough, he lined up his
cock with her tight hole, and proceeded to force his way
into it. As he entered he could feel Mike’s cock in her
pussy through the thin wall between the two passages.
When he was all the way in he gripped her hips, then
began to fuck her, forcing her to move up and down
Mike’s dick as he did so.

It wasn’t easy to fuck in this position but Nicole
didn’t care, she was in heaven. She had never felt so
filled as she did now. Meanwhile Lisa’s attentions had
brought Tony to the height of his pleasure.

“You fucking bitch,” he said, “This is the best fucking
blowjob I’ve ever had.”

Lisa moaned a little louder and bobbed her head a little
faster. This was too much for Tony, and with a loud
groan he came in Lisa’s lovely little mouth. Lisa
swallowed each and every drop on the life-giving liquid
as it was pumped into her mouth in jet after jet. When
he had finished, Lisa took Tony’s cock out of her mouth,
and licked it clean.

When she had finish she turned her head to face James
and said “Come on Jamie . Make me cum, fuck me as hard
as you can.” James tried to respond but he was already
thrusting as hard and fast as he could. He simply
couldn’t go any faster. As for making her cum, unless
she was ready to cum now she was going to be out of
luck, he was ready to shoot his load himself.

“You’re out of luck babe,” he said. “I’m about to cum

Lisa frowned slightly, a little annoyed, but she knew
what to do, she was an experienced slut. She reached
back between her legs and rubbed her clit. She felt
James’s cock inside her swell up, followed by the jets
of thick, goopy cum hitting the walls of her cunt.
Combined with her own rubbing of her clit, this sent her
over the edge, and waves of pleasure rocked her body as
the orgasm swept over her.

Her spasming pussy muscles milked James for all he had
got, and as the dual release subsided James collapsed
down on top of Lisa. She held up both of them with one
strong, athletic arm, and pushed him off her back with
the other.

“Get off me,” she said. “You weight a ton.”

Lisa looked over at the remaining three people in the
room yet to cum. Phil was thrusting into Nicole’s ass as
best he could given the awkward position.

“Two cock’s feels good doesn’t it Nicky?” said Lisa.
Nicole’s reply was unintelligible. She mumbled, groaned
and moaned, but words escaped her. Suddenly she
screamed, and her body convulsed as she was rocked by a
powerful climax. To try and prolong her pleasure, Phil
tried to thrust into her harder, but instead he only
succeeded in bringing Mike to orgasm. Phil could feel
Mike’s cum flood Nicole’s already dripping cunt. In her
present state, Nicole was only vaguely aware of it

Now Phil was the only one left to cum, and he wasn’t
happy with this situation. He thrust harder into
Nicole’s ass, ramming himself all the way in, and almost
all the way out. With a final thrust, and a cry of “Oh,
Yessss.” he whipped his cock out of her ass, and sprayed
his sticky white cum all over Nicole’s back.

The evening had gotten off to a good start. Over the
next few hours all six of the men fucked Lisa and Nicole
in every combination and position conceivable. And the
girls loved it. By the time everyone fell asleep, both
of them were filled to overflowing ad covered in cum.

The guy’s had to travel back up to Leeds the next day,
but not they didn’t leave before each of them had had
one more delightful fuck. As they left the flat, Tony
was the last one out of the door. He shook his childhood
friends hand vigorously, which quickly turned into a
manly hug.

“Thanks for a great weekend mate.”

“No probs Tone.”

“You know there’s five other London clubs in’t Premier

“Ay, an’ I ‘cpect you’ll been own for each and every

“This year and next, I just ‘ope that Palace and Rangers
come up for next season, that’ll make it eight trips
down ‘ere.” “And the girls will look forward to ’em

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