Donna reprogrammed

It had been a year since I’d visited San Francisco. This latest trip was business but I’d talked my boss into letting me stay over
Thursday, Friday, and the weekend. I didnt’ travel much on my job (restaurant
goods supplier) and I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. I’d heard a lot about Frisco from the guys at work. There was an intersection
at Columbus and Broadway where all of the local strip joints were clustered.
I figured, hey, I’m a single guy, this is a big city, and life is short. So I
took a couple of hundred dollars out of the bank and thought I’d treat myself
to some big-city action. I got a whole lot more than I bargained for. I was standing outside a little ice cream shop on Columbus when I saw her. Or
‘them’ I guess I should say because she wasn’t alone. The woman – I’d later learn her name was Donna – was about five foot eight or
nine. She had dark, reddish hair, long legs and a body that wouldn’t quit.
She was wearing an overcoat, one of those fancy-assed fashion raincoats that
hangs down below the knees. The front opened with every step she took, which
is how I caught my first glimpse of her legs. The man she was with was nothing special to look at. About six feet, short
hair, a salt-and-pepper beard. He had a medium build and dressed the way those
men’s magazines like to call ‘business casual’. There was a good deal of traffic on the sidewalk and they were still about 2
yards away, so I kept getting peeks of them. At one point, they stopped
walking. I saw him press her back against the building and lean into her for a
big kiss. I don’t know whether he cared or not, but I saw his hands slide
inside the raincoat. He was having a great time. As he moved his hands
around, the coat slid up over her leg, revealing some of the stocking above the
knee. A little further and I saw the darker color that indicated she was
wearing either thigh-highs or stockings with garters. A fun couple. No one on the street stopped or even seemed to notice. I guess I was in the
Big City after all!

He finished his kiss and turned his head, caught my eye for a second. I looked
away, wondered if he’d really noticed me. I found out quickly. In less than a minute, he was standing beside me. “Hey, friend.” I nodded nersously. “Hi.” “I couldn’t help but notice you. Your eyes were bugging out of your head.” I grinned. “Well, I’m sorry if that…” He waved his hand. “Don’t apologize. In fact, I kind of appreciate your
enthusiasm. You like her, I take it?” It hit me immediately, this must be a pimp with his whore. I thought about
that money burning a hole in my pocket. “She’s nice.” “It’s OK, I’m not a cop.” We both grinned. “How about a beer?” he asked me. —– “So, I figured, why not? I mean, I didn’t know exactly how it worked – I still
don’t – but I’ve seen the results. It’s true. They manage it somehow.” I picked up my beer and took a long drink. His story was fantastic, there
wasn’t any way it could be true. Why was he spinning such an elaborate yarn? “OK, let me see if I’ve got this straight.” He nodded for me to continue. “You are travelling in /foreign country/. Through some business connections,
you end up spending time with royalty. And you’re introduced to one of his
slave girls. You spend the night with her and it’s great. After that, he
explains to you that he is going to blackmail you if you don’t help him with an
experiment his researchers are doing.” “So far so good.” “Now the research is into mind control. And specifically, what he wanted to
accomplish was to destroy and then replace a personality.” “That’s a crude understanding of what I said, but it gets the point across.” “So, he finds a woman and — for one million dollars — she commits to give up
5 years of her life to become a total sex slave. Which is where you come in.” “Exactly. You’ve got it. Donna here had been employed with one of his nieces.

They became friends and she opened up that she hated her job. In fact, she
hated nearly everything about her life. And she thought money was the answer
to her problems. The niece puts the two of them in touch and – like magic –
now he has a willing subject.” I glanced over at Donna. She was still sitting upright and still in the
hardback chair, eyes staring down at her hands folded demurely in her lap.
She’d shown no signs of response during his entire story – neither supporting
or challenging what he’d said. “So, the money went into a Swiss bank account, the girl quit her job, and the
doctors took her for twelve weeks. In that time, they learned and preserved
everything that they could about her personality, habits, memories, etc. Then
they rebuilt her through a series of electrical, chemical, and behavioral
changes. And they rebuilt her with only one goal in mind – sexual pleasure.” I motioned for the waitress to bring me another beer. This story was getting
odder by the minute. “She was conditioned to forget her own language and was taught a dead foreign
one. She worked out with weights, ate a carefully designed diet, and spent
endless hours being taught by concubines of the prince or watching videotapes
concerning age-old lovemaking techniques. She was spared nothing. She was
taught to take the lash, to take lingams of nearly any size or shape into any
of her orifices, she mastered sexual techniques with women, with young and old
men, with beautiful and ugly partners, with athletically gifted and with
deformed partners, with a variety of animals and objects, and in a variety of
places, both indoor and outdoor, in private and in public, for small audiences
and large. “She has been prevented from learning any words other than sexual commands.
She responds to a variety of commands but cannot carry on a conversation. They
told me that this ability was difficult to remove and will be the most
difficult to restore. She will need to be deconditioned weekly throughout the
five years because women are naturally bright and would pick up the language by
listenting to those around her. We do not want this to happen. “My question to you, now that you know all of this, is: what would you like to
do with her?” I smiled. This was fantastic, but — regardless of his motivations, regardless
of whether he was telling the truth or not — it was a fascinating proposition. “What will it cost me?” He smiled. “A sensible question. The price is not one we can discuss here.
There is no money to change hands. There is nothing tangible to exchange.
There is only the giving up of an illusion, a childish superstition. If you
have a soul, the prince wants it.” “We don’t have souls.” “Fine, then you lose nothing.” I gave him a quizzical look. “Are you serious?” “I am serious. Don’t ask me why he made such a stupid condition, but I must
have anyone who wants her agree to his terms.” “He isn’t anything but a prince of some stupid foreign country!” “Exactly. A religious superstition of his, I suppose. To make him feel
better.” “Well hell, those countries are all backwards anyway, aren’t they?” He laughed and clapped a hand on my shoulder. “So, it’s agreed?” “It’s agreed.” —– We walked to a hotel just a few blocks from the bar. When the elevator door
closed, he said something like “spadda”. Donna moved to the center of the
elevator and turned around, facing us. She dropped to her knees, shrugging the
raincoat off of her shoulders, revealing that she was naked underneath. She
kept her hands in the coat pockets, but spread her knees wide. The fabric fell
open to reveal her thighs and crotch. I noticed that she also leaned her head
back slightly, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth wide. “Just a position. There are hundreds.” He’d pressed the button for the 20th floor. I watched her face as the elevator
bell rang at each floor we passed. It might stop at any floor to pick up
passengers, yet she showed no signs of concern. “Cheet.” She stood up, pulled the coat back into place, and stepped to the back of the
elevator. She put her hands against the wall, placed her feet about 18 inches
from the corner and spread her feet wide – the classic “arrest” position I’d
seen on so many cop shows. We were at the 12th floor. The car stopped at the 18th and the doors opened. The two men on the landing
looked at her, their eyes widened. I tried to vanish into the woodwork. The
other man nodded and signalled for them to step in. The doors closed behind
them. “It IS what you think and we’re having a party on the 20th floor. Are you in a
hurry?” The two looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and said “not that big
a hurry.” “Kree.” She turned around, pulled the coat tight around her, and stood in a relatively
relaxed position as though nothing had happened. “It more or less means ‘at ease’.” —- Once we were inside the room, the man said a few more words I didn’t

She took off the coat and hung it carefully in the closet. Then,
she peeled off the thigh highs and stood completely naked in the middle of the
room. She dropped to her knees and opened them wide. She arched her back
until her face was parallel with the floor, then arched a little further. She
opened her mouth wide and closed her eyes. Her hands went between her legs and
spread open her cunt lips. “Goddam, I’ve never seen anything like that!” one of the two new men exclaimed.
I hadn’t either, but didn’t want to say so. “Klee-taroo.” She rose and walked across the room to the bathroom. She returned carrying a
suitcase which was obviously fairly heavy. She sat it down on the floor and
knelt down in front of it. The locks clicked open at a touch. The suitcase
revealed that the top and bottom sides were both actually parts of a mechanical
device. She removed some pieces of hollow tubing, moved them deftly into place in
sockets provided in the cases, then ran a plug from one of the sides to the
outlet in the wall. “Zanna.” She opened a compartment and removed a large, flat, wooden paddle. It fitted
into a retaining fixture on one of the arms. She adjusted it until the height
seemed right, then flipped two switches. “This is something one of the engineers dreamed up. If you have ever been
present when someone is being beaten or spanked, you know that it is often very
difficult for the person providing the punishment to listen to the cries for
mercy. We have solved that problem with this device.” He stepped toward it again, leaned over and lifted the arm slightly. He made
some other adjustments, then spun it around a few times. “Just right. Zee-tolak.” The woman opened another compartment and removed several alligator clamps.
Each was attached by a wire back to the box. “Sokk.” With a wince of pain — the first emotion I’d seen her show so far tonight —
she attached one of the clips to each nipple. “Zakkata.” She picked up another clamp and stood up. She squatted down and took one of
her cunt lips between her fingers. I watched fascinated as she pulled it then
attached one of the clamps to it. It must have been very painful, I’d nipped
my finger with alligator clamps before working on a wiring project. They hurt. “Zakkata.” She repeated the motion on her other lower lip. Then, she picked up a small
box from inside the compartment and held it in her hand. She stood, hunching
slightly. “Too!” She snapped to attention. I could see the grimace as her body readjusted
itself. “Zanna,” he repeated the word from earlier. She got on her knees and
positioned her ass just in front of the paddle. Then, she turned around and
pressed another button on the machine. She flipped a switch and returned to
her kneeling position. The machine made little noise as the arm drew back. With a quick motion, some
sort of spring release activated and the paddle crashed against her ass. She
didn’t respond. He said she’d been through this and I guess he was right. The paddle drew back again, then landed in place on her ass. I saw that it was
going to land in the same place each time. This was going to hurt real bad
real fast. Crack Crack Crack She started making little noises. She was resistant, she wouldn’t cry, but we
heard whimpers. It swung and landed 10 times before I noticed that she was
finching slightly before each hit. It was getting to her. “Crazza.” She arched her back a bit. I could see the clips more clearly. When the
paddle hit the next time, I heard the telltale sign that they’d connected with
the metal of the clips. She screamed and jumped forward. “Position!” he barked. She returned to her position, arching her back again,
ass high and clamps exposed. Crack! “AAAHHH!!” she screamed again and then started begging. “Nassa, keeiaa,
llooollooo!” The words meant nothing to any of us. I knew they must be coming from her
acquired language, I wondered what the others thought. Crack! She was throwing her head from side to side, crying out in the language no one
understood. At 15 times, the machine stopped. She remained still, panting and sobbing. I
could see the line of sweat down her spine and across her face. “Shoo, shoo,” the man said quietly. This calmed her down, she stopped crying
and relaxed her hips a little. He stood behind her, caressing her bottom. She
moaned lightly and he slid a finger between her cunt lips. Lightly, he
massaged her clitoris. She responded immediately – the relief intensifying her
own feeling. She began purring for him, moving under his hand. He slid a finger into her
cunt while the other worked her clit. She pushed back against him. I saw her
start licking her lips, big, wet licks, saliva dripping down her chin. He let her cum, bucking against his hand. Then, he withdrew and stood before
her. “She WILL do anything. you believe me, no doubt.” We all nodded. “For instance…zee-da!” She pressed a button on the small control device and screamed immediately. I
could tell from the way she moved that there was some amount of voltage running
through the wires from the suitcase to the clips. “No more of that, I just wanted to prove a point.” He said another word and she removed the clamps from her body. I could see the
way she reacted that it was very painful taking them off. I’d read that
before. “Kallata.” She knelt in front of him. Then, she leaned forward, resting on her belly.
With her forearms, she raised her head until it was just about the level of his
crotch. He unzipped his pants and she positioned herself so she was underneath him, his
balls resting gently in her open mouth. She was breathing softly on them,
flicking her tongue lightly over them. “I sometimes keep her like this for hours. Different men, whatever it takes.
I love watching her like this. It’s probably the sexiest position I’ve put her
in. What do you think?” We agreed, though there were probably other things I’d rather be doing with her
right now. “Have you ever had someone fuck her while she’s like that?” “No, actually. I was too worried about her getting carried away and nipping
me.” One of the men pulled his belt off, pushed down his pants and said “fuck
getting nipped. I want some of that ass.” He climbed between her legs, pushed them roughly apart, and slid his cock into
her damp cunt. She was carefully concentrating on the balls in her mouth,
didn’t do anything to jeapordize them. The man on her was shocked that she was
also working her cunt on him. He felt the insides constrict and relax, felt
her grinding her hips against the carpet. “Goddam, she can do everything!” “Oh yeah,” the first man said. “That’s kinda the point.”

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