Quality Erotic and sex stories archive

Swinging, you get the idea, true!

We arrived at Steve and Carol’s house and were pleased to see several other couples that we knew from previous parties. There was Ethan and Amy, Brian and Kathy and of course Steve and Carol. There were also two other couples that were new. The two new couples were Bob and Nina and Mark and

Teen sluts needs a real men

The main problem for me as a teenager during summer holidays was finding the cash to have a good time. One summer when I was sixteen I scored a job cleaning cars on in a car sales yard. The girls were encouraged by management to wear bikinis with short sarongs and although it was a

For Sharon, who does this to me Then and now

1. Up against a wall holding your wrists behind your back with one hand while my other touches you there and there wherever I want. My mouth covers yours and muffles your cries. 2. Savagely just inside the door kicking it shut with my foot and pulling down your pants and panties ignoring blouse and

Wife’s femdom story

So I hadn’t managed to humiliate him. In his own mind he’d screwed a girl, my best friend, and now he was trying to use the fact that the girl was my husband to get to me. He’d succeeded and he’d failed, and so had I. All in all, in this last competition to fuck

Sex and the Vampires

Joyce relaxed into her seat in the crowded room. It was so good to get sometime to her self and leave the dig behind. The last couple of months had been a constant battle against time and the construction crews. The auctioneer appeared and the murmur in the saleroom fell to a polite whispering. Joyce

Brunette holes fulfilled

Jack geared down his rig as he approached the traffic lights; he was heading for a long haul and would most probably be driving well into the night. As the truck rolled to a stop next to a small white sports car, glancing down through the front window of the vehicle below, he was greeted

Chocolat A’ Trios – threesome in the kitchen

Kelly was my fiancée of three months, although we had been going out for nearly three years. We were going through a rough time trying to map our what exactly we wanted from our marriage and the sex rules part was getting tricky. Many of our friends were quite open with their marriages, often inviting

Clara rough seduced

Clara went to work as usual, she sat at her desk and commenced work a little nervously, but after a while she became absorbed in her typing and forgot all the apprehension that had built up during her bus trip to work that morning. By morning tea time her boss Evan passed by her desk

The Friderika’s Blackmail Begins

I sat at my desk at work one morning, when my phone starts ringing, its a withheld number. I answer it, slightly cautiously, and I am surprised when I here my ex girlfriend’s voice. She sounds quite authorative as she speaks, not starting with any pleasantries. I am listening and can’t believe what I am

Erica’s extreme sex story

That night I was still in that room, awaiting my next tortuously sexual episode, as I was sure there were more to come. That both excited and frightened me. I was on my back on the rug with my wrists tied above my head to that wooden post. My ankles were in shackles that were

Alien cock in my pussy and ass

Marie had been driving for some time, she was traveling to her family’s country home from her city apartment. The road out of the city had seemed quite deserted during the day and as evening crept in she realized she had not passed a single soul. The heavily overcast sky shut out the minimal light

Office Sales Call, by Rajah Dodger Kukta

Bob Mathews was the quality manager for Farthing Software’s new products division, and had been successful enough to rate a corner office on the fifteenth floor. He was reviewing the notes from his last conference when he was surprised by the appearance of a striking thirtyish woman in a jet-black business suit carrying a large

Anna, Susan, Sandra, Sis, and Me

Tomorrow. Tomorrow Sis will start the treatments,’ Susan thought. A week had passed and they had managed to forget about the treatment, the illness, but now it was too close for Susan to put it out of her mind. This was the last day. They had slept together in Susan’s big bed, kissed and cuddled,

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