The Initiation of the Mouth

“I found out a little too late that it wasn’t exactly a run-of-the-mill college club I was being initiated into. It was just a place for a bunch of real weird freak-outs to do their thing. But now that the worst part is over, and I’ve been initiated into the goddamned thing, I’m having a

New Year’s Eve party

10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR! Everyone cheered for the passing of another year. Couples kissed, friends hugged, and my friends and I all toasted the New Year with glasses of sparkling grape juice (we’re all underage). As the celebration comes to an end, people begin to clear out. I say goodbye to my friends and I myself

Laura In Red

At a Christmas party held by well meaning friends, I met Laura again. She walked in from outside, and the room brightened by her presence. This time I hesitated before going to her, but it was only from the shock of seeing her. I watched as she took off her coat, jealous of a woman

Holidays in heaven Part1

Day1 It was the second year in a row that I worked in this hotel by the beach during summer. I was there for two months last year and I was about to do the same this year. It was a really nice hotel for families and couples. During summer time it was full, and

Kinky Candy porn story 2.

Hello again……once again I find myself with some spare time so I though I would tell you about my New Years Eve. It started out innocently enough with a guy I know, Bill, asking me out. I said sure and we decided we would go into DC, hit a few bars and then go to

Donna’s Summer Golfing Vacation

Donna ran to the front door when she heard the bell ring. She opened the door. John, her boyfriend, stood there with a seductive smile, “What’s up babe?” Donna smiled back, “Mom and Dad went to the mall. Their night to shop and eat out.” “Way to go good old mom and dad.” John stepped

Ringing In the New Year with Kelly

I’ll admit that I’m feeling a little nervous. It’s New Year’s Eve, and I’m alone in a motel room in a strange city. We’ve talked many times, but this will be our first time to meet in person. I was delighted when you asked me to spend New Year’s with you, but now I’m starting

Santa fucks at Xmas party

It’s not every day you get to play Santa and I can assure you my sacks were full to the brim. I did my duty and handed out all the Prezzies at the masquerade work Christmas party, tossed out candy canes and generally made everyone smile. I think it was more of a punishment from

XxX Christmas Dinner

“Hey Jack, how ya doin’ t’day?” “I’m hot, I’m sweaty, my feet hurt, and I need a shower something terrible,” replied Trevor McDaniels. “In a word, awful.” He smiled and winked at the old man as he scooped up some turkey stuffing and plopped it onto the old man’s tray. ‘Seagull’ Dan, dressed in at

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