Loretta’s step-daughter knew all about her mommy’s kinky vacations

As she unpacked her luggage, Loretta Porter allowed herself a tiny, satisfied smile. Paris was lovely this time of year and she intended to make the most of it. Her hotel offered her a spectacular view of the city and past visits afforded her the knowledge of the best restaurants and shops. Loretta loved flying and regretted that in a few more years, she would likely no longer be able to get such huge discounts on travel. All the years of working as a flight attendant and then, training the younger girls, had given her opportunities that most never even received. Her career had even led to her meeting Marcus and a marriage that was soon to celebrate 20 years.

Had it really been 20 years? The face that stared back at her from the mirror would not have appeared to agree. She did not appear to be a woman in her late 30’s and yet, she knew that it had been nearly 25 years since her first encounter with Danielle Shaw. An encounter she treasured and that had changed the lovely brunette’s life forever.

Her trip to the Bahamas had been a birthday present from her parents. Loretta Allen, as she was then, had earned some of that trip herself through hard work. She worked for her family’s grocery store and she worked hard in school. Small wonder then, that Stuart, her boyfriend at the time, got the short end of the stick. The girl adored him, but there wasn’t enough time in the day to spend with him. Most of their dates were on Saturday nights, when the part-time girls covered the shifts. She and Stuart would go somewhere for dinner and perhaps a movie or something else. In the first few years of their relationship, that seemed to be enough for him. All of his buddies knew that he was dating the hottest, tallest and smartest girl in school. He took a lot of ribbing as to how he landed himself such a catch.

Now that they had been dating for a year, the inevitable had happened. They were old enough, he was 19 and almost on the day of Loretta’s 18th birthday, Stuart started to pressure her. “I want us to fuck,” he told her after one movie night. “Going to dinner and movies all of the time is kid stuff.”

“Do you have to be so crude about it?” Loretta had answered, wrinkling up her cute little snub nose. “Could you not have said that you wanted us to make love? Anyway, what’s the big hurry?”

Stuart gave her a look of impatience. “All of my friends are doing it,” he told her. “Don’t tell me you buy that crap about waiting until marriage. I’m not sure that’s where we’re heading.”

Right from that moment on, Loretta saw her boyfriend in a new light. “All your friends say they’re doing it, but don’t believe them. I don’t necessarily believe in waiting until marriage, no – but this is the first time you’ve ever said that you don’t see us getting married. So just what is it you think that the two of us are doing together?”

“Well, you know, hanging out, having some laughs, being pals,” Stuart told her. From the look on her face, he knew that he had been saying the wrong things. She threw him out of her house and told him that she’d call him later – maybe. She was glad that her parents weren’t home at the time because she used curse words she didn’t even realize she knew at the time.

Loretta was glad that she was going to the Bahamas in a few days. It would give her a chance to cool down and reassess her relationship with her idiot boyfriend. She didn’t even want him seeing her off at the airport and let his friends know it. No one commented but all could tell that something had gone down between the two of them, even if they didn’t know just what it was. She was glad that her parents trusted her enough to let a 15-year old kid go to the Bahamas by herself. Loretta was a sensible young woman who could handle herself in a crisis, her parents knew. It would do her good to get away from the daily grind of school, work and a boyfriend neither of them cared for.

To this very day, Loretta considered her confrontation to be a blessing. If she hadn’t been on a temporary breakup with the older boy, she likely would never have enjoyed the experience that awaited her on vacation. She was a very upstanding person and not the type to cheat. However, Loretta didn’t consider it cheating if you currently weren’t seeing the other person. They were on a break. If the jerk could find some girl to let him fuck her while she was away, that was fine with her. Let some other dumb bimbo put up with him and his inexperience. Naughtily, Loretta thought that she might find an older and wiser man to teach her about sex while she was on her exotic vacation. She wasn’t opposed to sex, not at all. She was just as intrigued by it as the next girl. It had been Stuart’s attitude that had put her off. An older man would be suave and debonair, she was sure of that. She could have a little fling and come back home with some experience. Then she would see if she still wanted to date Stuart. There were a lot of handsome guys around town and she knew that she would likely meet more once she started university in the fall.

Loretta loved the island from the moment her plane landed and she loved how welcome she felt. There were lots of things to do, great beaches and a market and several casinos. Loretta looked older than she was, although no one seemed to care about how old she was. She allowed herself to have a few drinks. The brunette teenager felt so grown up and she loved walking the beach in a daring bikini that her mom would never have let her wear at home. It was silver and clingy and she intended to get as tanned – all over – as she could.

She went for a daily run along the beach every afternoon and eyed all the sexy tourists. Loretta kept her eye open for a single, older man who might be up for a romp with a pretty, teenage girl. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted someone to fuck. The girl had no idea that fate was about to provide that for her when she nearly collided with a tanned and taller, slightly-older blonde. The two girls started apologizing to each other before bursting into a fit of the giggles and deciding to get a drink together.

“My name is Danielle or Dani, to my friends,” the bikini-clad blonde introduced herself as they made their way to the closest beach-bar. “I’m 19 and I come here every year, well, since I was 15. I’m here with my mother and sister.”

“Not your father? Are your parents divorced?” Loretta asked.

“God no, my mom loves my dad, we all do,” Danielle told her new friend. “She just says that once or twice a year, she needs to get the fuck away from him and his `macho bullshit’ and just hang out with some girls.”

“I know how she feels,” Loretta said right before she ordered her Pina Colada. She explained the situation to Danielle, who appeared to be listening sympathetically.

“Men,” the pretty blonde sighed, lifting her glass. “I’d cut his fucking balls off and knowing my mother, she’d want to watch,” she laughed. “When you get home sweetie, dump his loser ass. You don’t need that dude.”

Loretta sighed and took a large mouthful of her drink. “Well, I kinda do if I want to have sex when I get back. He’s a good-looking guy and he is okay in a lot of ways. I’m just bugged about this. If you promise to keep it a secret, I was out on the beach looking for an older guy, someone I could score with. I want to go home with one up on Stuart.”

“Good for you, honey,” Danielle told her. “Don’t let a guy run your life, mom and I sure don’t. Oh, she lets my father think he does, but no one gets away with anything with my mom. Hey, the three of us are going out tonight – why don’t you doll yourself up and come with us? Maybe you’ll find that hot, older guy you’ve been looking for!” She winked.

“I’ve got a really trashy dress that I’ve been dying to wear,” Loretta grinned. “I know I could catch someone’s eye if I was to wear that.”

“Is it really that slutty?” Danielle laughed and ordered them another round of drinks.

“Totally,” Loretta laughed and started her second drink. “My mother would shoot me if she saw me in it.”

“It’s perfect then,” Danielle laughed with her. “I don’t suppose you have stockings and a killer pair of heels to go with it?”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Loretta grinned wickedly. “I bought them both when I knew I was coming on this vacation. I’m getting older and I thought I’d like to be a bit more sophisticated. Are we going all-out, then?”

“For sure,” Danielle nodded. “We’ll all meet in the lobby of the hotel, around 9. We can hit some of the nice clubs and dance and drink and be total bitches. Are you a good dancer?”

“I took both dance and gymnastics when I was younger, so yeah, I can move,” Loretta explained. The two girls walked back to the hotel and hugged goodbye. Loretta didn’t miss the attention the two-bikini clad girls drew. Small wonder – if her own bikini had been scandalous, Dani’s was indecent. Somehow though, the blonde could wear it and not look sleazy. She had a way about her and that made Loretta feel at ease. She went and got some food and had a nap before getting ready for her first real grown-up night out. The tight red dress and heels looked sexy-trashy on her and the stockings gave her an added bit of style. She rode the elevator down to the lobby, eager to see Danielle again and wondering just what the girl’s mom had to be like. Obviously, having raised someone like Dani, she had to be pretty cool.

“Cool” wasn’t the right word for Kay Thomas. “Incredible” or “Mind Blowing” would have been a closer fit and even those words were understated. A tall and slinky brunette who actually looked more like Loretta than she did Dani, Kay instantly made the girl feel at ease. She gave her a big hug and told her to put her money away, the night was on her. “My husband’s stinking rich,” she told Loretta. “The three of us usually don’t come home until we’re partied out or we’ve maxed out one or two of his credit cards – sometimes all of that,” she giggled. Loretta observed that for a woman with two children who had to be in her late 30’s, Kay looked younger. She had great boobs, legs and her stomach was flat. She also moved well and looked great in heels. Her black dress was shimmery and sexy and she was showing a near-indecent amount of skin.

“I know I look totally hot, right?” Kay nudged Loretta’s arm. “I love being the center of attention, I used to be an exotic dancer before I met Shawna’s dad. I wasn’t too bright when I was younger; I was a mom at 16. Not that I don’t love both of my girls, but am I glad I met my husband when I did. I was just a dumb kid who had ended a bad relationship. I wanted a fling; he wanted a sexy, fun-loving wife. Guess who won?” She smiled, flashing a large diamond and laughing again.

Shawna was blond like Danielle, but the similarities were slight. She was petite with a peaches and cream complexion and a soft, lilting voice. Loretta was almost mesmerized by the young girl who was almost exactly the same age – to even the same month – as she. She believed that even without any makeup, Shawna would attract attention. In a tiny blue dress and matching heels, her makeup perfect, she looked like a perfect little doll. She seemed the type that only spoke when spoken to, but when she did speak, Shawna was bright and lively. When they got into the cab to go to their club, it was Shawna’s smile that disarmed the cabbie. Loretta would have bet that he’d never had 4 such exquisite beauties in his old Crown Victoria before that night.

The casino had a wonderful show and it was another thing that likely would have scandalized Loretta’s mom. The wonderful Irish comedian was fast and witty and told some great, off-color jokes. The showgirls were topless! Loretta took it all in, had a great time and was ready to dance and party when they went to the club to enjoy themselves. There sure were a lot of nice looking men and women there, but Loretta rightly believed they themselves were in the Top Ten of hotness!

The four stunners danced until late that night and didn’t pay for even a single drink. All four of them turned down offers, some charming and some rather risqué – even one or two that were outright lewd – but opted to stay together. They all went back to the hotel, tipsy and in the best of moods. “I really, really, really wish this night didn’t have to end,” Loretta sighed as she recalled every fun moment. “I’ve had the best time with all of you tonight.”

“It doesn’t have to end,” Kay said brightly. Danielle, who was sitting in the front seat with the driver, spun around.

“Mother!” She sputtered at Kay. “You can’t be serious!”

“Why not? We’ve certainly done it before,” Kay said. Shawna just sat there with a bemused smile on her pretty young face.

“Well, yeah, but …”

“Excuse me, but what are you two talking about?” Loretta asked, her curiosity nearly driving her crazy.

“We’ll talk about it a bit more when we get back to the hotel, in a few minutes,” Danielle answered. “Mom and I have to discuss her rather ludicrous notion.”

When they did go back to the hotel, Kay and her daughter went in to get coffee and talk. Shawna and Loretta sat outside and waited for them. “Do YOU have any idea what the two of them are talking about?” Loretta asked her new friend.

“Oh sure, I know exactly what they’re talking about,” Shawna said, smiling impishly.

“Are you going to tell me?|

“Heck no, they’d both shoot me if I did,” Shawna snickered. “Hey look, here they come now. Don’t sweat things baby, just listen to what they have to say. We’re all having fun, right?” Don’t sweat it; just listen to what they have to say. We’re all having fun, right?”

Loretta was a bit puzzled by Shawna’s cryptic comments, but she let them slide. Shawna moved to one side and let Danielle sit on one side of Loretta and Kay on the other.

“Is anyone going to tell me just what it is that I’m missing here?” Loretta asked impatiently.

“Darling girl, we’ve all have had the best time with you tonight,” Kay smiled, taking the girl’s hand. “You’re a lovely, vivacious and very sexy young woman.”

“Thank you.”

“You did say that you had a lot of fun with us tonight,” Danielle added.

“Yes Loretta, you did say that,” Shawna chimed in.

“You said that you wished it didn’t have to end, didn’t you?” Dani questioned.

“Yesss, I said that,” Loretta answered honestly, not sure where they were going with all of this.

“It doesn’t have to end, not tonight,” Kay told her. “We’re going to go up to our room and have a little bit more fun. Do you understand what it is we mean by fun, darling?”

Loretta didn’t, not at first. When it did hit her, her hand flew to her face. “You mean that the three of you are all going back to your room to …”

“Fuck babe, yeah, we are,” Danielle answered honestly. “We’ve been having fun together this way for a while. When we get sick of the men in our lives, we get away and swing together and with other like-minded girls. Mom didn’t know about your – situation – so I had to explain it to her. She said that you still might like to party some more with us and that a first time could be just as much fun with a girl as with a guy. You wanted someone with experience – our mom has plenty of that.”

Loretta’s heart was racing and her head was pounding. “You’re not worried about the incest thing or the cheating?”

“No and no,” Kay answered just as straightforward as her oldest daughter. “I love my husband and I’d never cheat on him. Not ever, not with another man. When I was a dancer and after I broke up with Dani’s father, I swung exclusively with other girls. I liked it – I liked it a lot. One of the dancers had a twin sister and they had this act and it got everyone all hot and bothered, me included. One night, they had me over to their place, we all got buzzed and when I woke up, I’d slept with one of them – or so I thought. Turned out later, I had slept with both of them.”

“God mommy, that story still gets me hot,” Shawna shivered.

“Over the years, I would take these little vacations away from my husband to clear my head and blow off some steam,” Kay continued. “I partied with a lot of hot women, including some mothers and daughters, aunts and nieces, cousins and sisters. I realized that when Danielle turned 15, she was as sexy as any of the girls I was swinging with. Why should I deny myself something because she just happened to be my daughter? I offered her a vacation and she came with me to Vegas. Believe me, what happened in Vegas didn’t stay entirely in Vegas,” Kay laughed.

“So far, this all sounds crazy, but I guess I’m not running away,” Loretta said as she stared at the trio. “Go on.”

“Shawna came on her first vacation with us six months back and Dani and I have shared several since that first time,” Kay told her.

“Mom and I are always scouting for new babes and when I invited you out tonight, she thought it was to score with us,” Danielle explained. “After the talk we just had, I realized that mom had a point. You’re old enough to have sex and make your own decisions about who you want to have it with. There’s no question you’re beautiful enough that we all want you. The question is simple, do you want us?”

Loretta sucked in a deep breath of air and looked at the three women. Two sexy young blondes plus one experienced and sultry brunette. All three of them with experience enough to make this a truly unique happening. Loretta was being totally honest with herself. Several times throughout the evening, she had been checking out the women in the nightclub. Everyone had come up short when compared to her companions. Loretta needed to have an adventure on this vacation so that she could have a sense of one-upsmanship on Stuart. All she had to do was to be bold enough to reach out and take it.

“Yes,” she smiled as she got to her feet. She’d been a bit inebriated until just a few minutes ago. Now the reality of what they were about to do had hit her like cold ocean water. “I think you’re all fun and beautiful and – I like you all!” Loretta grinned.

Kay squeezed Loretta’s hands warmly and leaned in close. “I know we’d all like to kiss you, but we don’t want to make a scene at almost 3 in the morning. Let’s go up to our room. We’ve got lingerie and oils and toys and a huge bathroom to play in. Girls can get very naughty in our suite, we always make sure of that,” she told Loretta.

“I’m so excited and yet, my feet don’t seem to want to work,” Loretta said nervously. Her companions surrounded her and led her towards the elevator. Once inside the deserted elevator, the coast was clear enough for everyone to give their new friend a few quick pecks.

To Loretta’s surprise, Shawna piped up “If I didn’t think you’d faint, I’d lift up your skirt and eat your pussy right here.”

Kay clucked her tongue in disapproval while Danielle laughed at her younger sister’s impudence. It proved to be Loretta that had the final word this time. “If I wasn’t still so nervous, I just might have let you. Maybe before I fly home next week.” 3 sets of jaws dropped and 3 sets eyes went wide. With a chuckle to herself, Loretta sensed she that just achieved her own small victory.

Loretta gasped when Danielle took her hand and led her into the opulent, 3-bedroom suite. It was so large that you could have played a tennis match in there. “I want Loretta and me to have a bath together, you two shameless bitches go and change,” she said to her family. “I saw her first and I get first dibs, right?”

“We’ve always played by that rule, yes,” Kay smiled as she led a pouting Shauna into an adjacent bedroom. The younger girl wanted to see what was going to happen between her older sister and the sexy brunette, yet she was wise enough to know her mother would not disappoint. The sun would likely be streaming through the windows before the delicious quartet finished their games.

Danielle led her friend into the opulent bathroom with the inlaid tub. Without a hint of self-consciousness, she let her sexy dress slide to a puddle on the floor. She kicked it away and stood in front of Loretta in sassy, sexy underwear, stockings and heels. Only the smallest of tan lines marred the perfection of her body. “You can touch me, you know,” she said softly to Loretta. “You should get used to touching another girl.” Danielle had been scared to do anything up until this point, afraid that if she did it would all vanish in a wisp of smoke. Now she gingerly walked over to the blonde and faced her. She brought her face to Danielle’s and all of her fears and doubts vanished in a wisp of smoke that was akin to the one she had feared. It felt natural and right and when Danielle began to help her undress, she offered no resistance. Her own clothes joined Danielle’s on the floor, the small puddle becoming a bigger lake as they continued to strip.

“I really liked that,” Loretta said when she could breathe again. Danielle had started running their bath and looked over at her with a gentle smile.

“I could tell, you happen to be a really good kisser,” Loretta told her. “I’ve got news for you hon, you’re not bi-curious, you’re bi or maybe even a full-on lesbian. Curious girls don’t kiss like that, they give little quick pecks. From the instant my mouth touched yours, you were really into it.”

“I was into it, I won’t lie,” Loretta smiled as she stepped down and into the tub. “I have never had a kiss like that and I want more, as many as I can get.”

Danielle offered up her lips another time and the girls blended into one as Loretta’s arousal grew even higher. They began their play and the young brunette let her cares melt away in the embrace of the older blonde. She could have stayed in there all night and let Danielle tease and please her, but there was even more excitement awaiting her in the other room. She was hot to experiment with Kay and with Shawna too!

The two women padded into the next room and found mother and daughter in a sexy mess of tangled limbs. Loretta wasn’t sure what she should do and allowed Danielle to take the lead. The girl did just that by jumping into the fray with her mom and sister and dragging Loretta along with her. There was an erotic flurry of lips kissing hers and gentle hands moving all over her body. Loretta felt so very nice that she wished it would never stop.

“My beautiful girl, if you could only see the look on your face,” Kay said as she pulled away from the naked brunette. “It looks as if you’re experiencing the most wonderful feelings of your life.”

“Pretty close to it, yeah,” Loretta sighed. She looked to one side and saw the two blonde sisters kissing each other passionately. She wanted to be a part of that, yet before she could even move, the entire family was at her disposal. Kay was at her right breast and sucked a stiff nipple while Shawna sought its twin. All the while this was going on, she watched with glee as Danielle’s face disappeared between her legs. It was all so lovely, just so very lovely.

Danielle’s tongue in her pussy was a feeling the young girl could not describe. It was erotic and wonderful and the blonde girl seemed to be everywhere. The beautiful trio was very attentive and as Loretta enjoyed herself, she became aware that they were all subtly changing places. Now it was the adorable little Shawna who was eating pussy. She might have had a bit less experience than her older sister, but it didn’t show in her enthusiasm. Her cute and appealing beauty belied a truly perverted nature, Loretta soon discovered.

“I think she likes it,” Shawna giggled when she came up for air. She and he sister kissed while Kay took her turn. Loretta didn’t think that she could survive much more intense action but she wasn’t going to be foolish enough to complain. She was experiencing some new feelings and it took her a few minutes to realize that the women had succeeded in licking her to orgasm.

The night turned into morning as the four women played. Loretta lost her virginity to a well-lubed dildo that was wielded by Danielle. As was their rule, the woman who discovered the playmate got first dibs. It really didn’t matter, because by the time the foursome finished, everyone had fucked Loretta’s tight, slutty cunt and she had actually fucked both Dani and Shawna.

For the remainder of her holiday, you never saw Loretta too far away from her new companions. Nights were spent clubbing and then, in the most decadent of lesbian debaucheries. By the time Loretta flew home, she was very experienced in lesbian sex. She had not limited herself to just her new friends, they had seduced several young and hot women also on vacation. Loretta’s next goal was to bed as many of her school mates as seemed interested. If she could get a steady supply of sex as good as she’d shared during her holiday, she no longer needed Stuart or his macho bullshit.

Those memories faded as she heard the commotion outside her door. Three happy, squealing women tumbled into her room with a flurry of kisses and hugs. Kay still looked stunning and wore her years well. Her “sisters” both welcomed her so warmly that she almost wanted to tumble into bed right there and then. Next year, it would be a wild orgy in someplace exotic. Loretta, Danielle and Shawna all had daughters who were approaching the age where they could join in the games. Loretta’s daughter knew all about her mommy’s kinky vacations but was a few months too young as yet. Next year – next year they could all happily continue the tradition that had begun 25 years earlier.

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