My dirty Step-Mom Sylvia sitting on my face

“We’re never going to get there if we keep going this slowly.” Sylvia
told me.

“I’m going as fast as I can, Sylvia.” I answered her, as I followed her
down the trail, breathing heavily from the exertion.

It was my husband Vince’s idea for Sylvia and I to go camping together.
Sylvia was Vince’s seventeen year old daughter. He thought it would teach
us to get along with each other. In the year that Vince and I had been
married, Sylvia and I had had a pretty rocky relationship–it would
actually be more accurate to say that we hated each other. She didn’t like
having a step-mother any more than I liked being one. I knew when Vince
and I were dating that she’d make my life hell if I married him, but I
loved him and at thirty-three I was getting a little desperate to settle
down and have some kids of my own, if I still could.

Sylvia and I fought constantly. So much so, that every day was a new
battle. It drove Vince nuts until finally he hit us both with the
ultimatum. We had to settle our differences or *he* was going to move out.
That’s when he came up with the camping plan. It was the summer. Sylvia
was out of school. We were going to spend a week together alone in the

That’s how I ended up lugging a backpack full of junk down a trail with
an angry seventeen year old for company. Not exactly my idea of a dream
vacation, but Vince was right–we had to work out some sort of relationship
between us.

“If you don’t keep up I’m going to just leave you.” Sylvia told me.

She was a real delight to spend time with. It made it worse that I was
so uncomfortable in the woods. I’d never gone camping in my entire life.
Vince was an outdoorsman. Sylvia had camped out with him every year since
she was seven. We were in a remote area of one of our state’s heavily
wooded parks; we’d left the car at the trailhead that morning and had been
hiking for what seemed like forever. Even though Sylvia was an inch
shorter than my five foot eight, she was curvier than I was and probably
out-weighed me by ten or fifteen pounds. But she easily hauled her pack
along the trail mile after mile, while I quickly tired.

“Slow down Sylvia–I-I can’t keep up.” I complained to her.

“We won’t make it to where we’re going to camp in time to set up the
tent if we slow down Margaret.” She said. I hated the way she said my

I wasn’t happy–but being the city girl, I was I really didn’t want to
be setting up a tent in the dark. So, I did my best to keep up with her.
We’d been together five hours and probably hadn’t exchanged words more than
a dozen times. What a fun day indeed. The trail grew more rugged as we
went, but Sylvia seemed to know where she was going. Soon, we left the
trail altogether. I heard running water somewhere nearby as the going got
rougher and rougher. Finally we came into an open area. It was a
beautiful clearing next to a small stream.

“This is it. Come on, let’s set up this tent.”

It was dark when we finished, and I’d be lying if I told you that I’d
been much help getting the tent together. It was a very nice tent, much
larger than we needed really. Sylvia had laughed about how Vince had
bought a new, bigger tent so that a city girl like me would be happy with

Sylvia just kept shaking her head at my uselessness as she quickly put
together the multi-section poles and pounded stakes into the ground that
she later tied the tent lines off to. The assembled tent really was bigger
than we needed–it was so big you could almost stand up inside it.

She’d built a small fire as well. I emptied stew from a can and heated
it up over the fire in our pan. We didn’t really need the fire for warmth,
even though it was a bit chilly for June, the temperature at night probably
wouldn’t fall lower than fifty degrees. Besides, Sylvia had packed a
sleeping bag with each of our packs when she and Vince had prepared our
things for the trip.

We didn’t talk much during dinner and I started to wonder about Vince’s
plan. I didn’t see how roughing it like this was going to make a
difference. When darkness fell Sylvia unrolled the sleeping bags in the
tent and we got ready for bed.

I looked at the stretched out sleeping bag. It wasn’t that big at all.
I’d appreciated how light the bag was to carry earlier in the day when we
were hiking, but now it seemed too small to be comfortable. In my pajamas,
I climbed into the sleeping bag and started to zip up the zip that ran most
of its length along the side. But the little tab that pulls the zipper was
only on the outside, not the inside, so I could only do it up to a certain
point before my arms would be stuck if I went further. Sylvia, wearing
flannel night-shorts and a t-shirt, looked over at me and noticed my

“Here, let me help you.” Sylvia offered.

I put my arms down inside the bag and she did the zipper up to about
where I wanted it.

“It looks like this one’s broken, there’s supposed to be a little pull
thing on the inside too.” She told me, zipping the zipper up even higher!

“That’s far enough, Sylvia, thanks.” I told her.

“Let me show you something first. They call this a mummy bag.” She told
me as she continued to zip up the bag all the way to the hole were my face
was! “See, now you look just like a mummy! Pretty tight fit, isn’t it?
You can barely move your arms, and now even if you manage to get your arms
up here you can’t undo the zipper.”

I twisted and turned, but she was right. The tight fit of the sleeping
bag had me pretty much completely restrained. She smiled down at me as I
realized she was right.

“Which means one thing. You’re trapped, you stupid bitch.” She laughed
and then she turned and started rummaging in her backpack.

“Sylvia! You unzip this sleeping bag this instant!” I demanded.

Sylvia was smiling when she turned back to face me. And then I saw the
rope in her hands.

“What’s that? What are you doing?” I asked stupidly, as she lifted up
my head and looped the rope around me just below my shoulders.

“I have my own plan for how we can work out our differences. Don’t
worry, I’ll tell you all about it when I’m done tying you up.” She told me,
as she rolled me back and forth a little to get a second loop of rope
around my middle, this time pinning my forearms to my sides as she
tightened it.

“Stop this immediately! Young lady, if you don’t let me out of this
thing there’s going to be hell to pay.” I threatened, but she just ignored
me and continued to roughly handle me as she looped the rope around me one
more time, this time around where my knees were.

Sylvia tied the rope off one final time, and then she looked down at me
and smiled.

“There. You’re all locked into that mummy bag and tied so you can’t
possibly escape. I guess now you’re my step-mummy, huh? Ha ha ha.” She
laughed at me.

“Sylvia what do you think you’re doing? Let me out of this thing. I’m
not joking–this isn’t funny!” I told her, and she didn’t look fazed in the
slightest by my demands.

“Oooh, is poor little step-mummy angry? Well I don’t give a shit. We
*are* going to work out our differences on this trip. Because, from now on
you’re going to realize that *I* am in charge.” She told me.

“What? Untie me this instant. You-you little . . . *bitch*!” I
blurted in outrage.

“Oh, that’s not a good little step-mummy. Calling me names, tsk tsk.
Now shut up or I’ll shut you up.” She told me sternly.

“What? This isn’t funny Sylvia! What do you think your father is going
to say when I tell him about this?” I demanded as she moved closer to me.

She swung her leg over me, and straddled my head facing my feet!

“I told you step-mummy, shut up or I’ll shut you up myself.” She said,
and then she pulled her ankles in against the sides of my head and started
to lower her round bottom back towards me!

I watched in horror. I felt shock and disbelief as the tightly
stretched material of her shorts came closer and closer!

“Sylvia! What are you doing! Get off of memmmmpppppph . . .” My cries
disappeared into silence as she sat down on my face, her soft buttocks
sealing my into their pillow-like embrace as she pressed her full weight
down onto me!

My nose was pressed painfully flat and my attempts to speak, even to
breathe, were completely stifled then by the smothering weight of her
bottom. I was in shock–I couldn’t believe what she was doing to me. It
was an outrage, and there seemed to be nothing I could do to stop her. I
felt so . . . *helpless*.

“That’s better, why don’t you just smell my *ass* for a while. I hope
it isn’t too sweaty from today’s hike, ha ha. Now that we have a little
peace and quiet let me explain my plan. Dad thought that we would come to
respect one another if we spent some time in the woods together–and he was
half right. You are going to come to respect me. By the time I’m done
with you this week I guarantee you’ll know who is in charge here.” She said
from above me as I started to panic from the suffocating feeling of being
deprived of air by her bottom.

She finally lifted herself off my face for just long enough that I
caught a single gasping breath, and managed just to start to say her name
“Sylvmmmmmphh” when she sat herself back down on me again!

“Shhhh, be a good little step-mummy and shut up.” She demanded, but by
then my lips were already sealed–sealed by her ass!

She wiggled her hips, jiggling my face back and forth in the clutches of
her buttocks and jamming my nose even farther into her shorts. It was
terrifying to feel so helpless, to not even have control over my own
breathing. It felt like I smothered under her forever before she finally
spoke again.

“For the rest of our trip you’ll only speak when spoken to.
Understand?” She asked me, lifting herself up off of my face again as she
said it.

“Sylvia! Get offmmmmphhh . . .” I managed before she’d lowered her ass
back down onto my face again, plunging my nose up into her crack once more.

Once again she used a wiggling motion of her hips to lodge my nose up
into her bottom. It felt then like I was being swallowed by her ass, like
my whole head had just been sucked up inside of her. Her soft yet
unyielding weight stifled me completely–I couldn’t see, couldn’t speak and
most of all I was totally bereft of oxygen.

“Maybe you didn’t hear me, mummy. I *said* for the rest of our trip
you’ll only speak when I want you to. That means that you keep your stupid
slut mouth shut otherwise. You could have been breathing now, if you
didn’t run your smart mouth. But now you’re just going to have to
*smell*…*my*… *ass*. Until *I* decide otherwise.” I heard the anger
in her voice then above me.

At first, it was just humiliating, but the more she rubbed her round ass
in my face the more frightened I became. I was desperate for air. She
didn’t show any sign that she was going to be getting up any time soon.
Frantically, I tried to cry out, to somehow wiggle myself free, but, all I
managed was a quiet muffled moaning sound. Finally, she seemed to notice
that I was in trouble under her.

“What’s wrong? Can’t breathe? Ha ha ha! That’s what you get! Because
*I* decide when you breathe now, not you. Until then, you can just smell
my ass.”

She was insane! My lungs burned and my heart pounded, loud as a drum,
in my chest. I was going to die. My crazy step-daughter was going to
smother me to death and then bury me out in the woods some place. My panic
grew more and more intense. I actually felt myself starting to drift off.

“Alright, let’s try this again.” I heard someplace in the dark distance.

Sylvia lifted herself up off of me until she was kneeling upright. I
coughed explosively and gasped for air. She turned and looked down over
her shoulder at me. My eyes clenched shut as I gagged and wheezed precious
air into my lungs. It smelled so clean and pure, it was like heaven. I
opened my eyes as the clean air washed the stench of her ass out of my
lungs. Even though Sylvia was looking down at me I found myself suddenly
staring at her round bottom. It was still so close to me. I was terrified
by it, now that I had experienced its breath-stealing power. I pulled my
eyes away from it and looked up at her. From her smile I took it that my
silence pleased her.

“Do you see something you like there, step-mummy?” She asked me, and
then she caressed her bulging bottom.

“W-what?” I stammered.

“Oh, you don’t understand what I’m asking you about? Let me show you

She started to lower her butt back towards my face again, and I felt a
swell of fear come over me.

“No! Please don’t!” I plead to her frantically.

Sylvia ignored me. I watched her bottom grow bigger as she lowered it
inexorably towards my face. After having felt its breath-stealing embrace
three times I found myself truly terrified by its approach.

“Please Sylvia please. Not again!” I plead to her. It was humiliating
to hear myself begging *her*–my own seventeen year old step-daughter.

Just as the seat of her tightly stretched shorts was about to land on my
face, she paused. Sylvia held her ass there, hovering menacingly over my
face. I was humbled by her calm, cool demeanor then.

“I was asking you if you’d seen something you liked. What were you
staring at a minute ago?” I heard her voice from someplace above the great
curves that dominated my view.

“Your . . . your bottom.” I admitted shamefully.

“You mean my ass. I think you want to tell me that you *love* my ass.
Say it!”

I couldn’t believe what she wanted me to say. I couldn’t do it. As
shameful as it was to have been made to break down and beg, I wasn’t going
to sink to this new depth. I was too afraid to tell her as much though.
Moving my arms and legs around, I tried to find someway to give myself hope
that I could get out of the situation somehow, but it was useless. I felt
her ankles pull in tighter against my head, ensuring I faced right up at
her soft round rear cheeks.

“I see, we still haven’t learned our lesson huh?” I heard her softly
sigh, and my heart pounded with fear.

Sylvia sat down atop me, plunging my face up into the pillow-like grasp
of her rear, sealing off my nose and mouth with one fell swoop. Her entire
weight pressed down on me. Any thought I had of breathing became little
more than a fantasy.

“You’re going to learn to respect me. I’m comfortable. I can sit here
all night long. I’m in control here.”

There was nothing I could do. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, I
couldn’t breathe. The control Sylvia held over me was undeniable. She had
all the power; I had none. I felt myself suffocating under her. I was
terror-stricken. The longer I went without air the more I began to believe
that I was going to *die* under Sylvia’s ass.

“Does it smell nice down there slut? This is what you get when you
don’t do what I say. No air, just *ass*!”

My heart pounded. I started to go light-headed. I couldn’t think. I
was seized by pure terrifying panic. Then, just when I thought I was
surely meant to die, right there in that tent, Sylvia finally lifted
herself off of me and allowed me to breathe. She turned and looked down
over her shoulder at me. Gasping, I looked up into her sparkling wicked
eyes. I was truly afraid of her.

“Look at my beautiful ass. If you don’t want to smother under it, you’d
better tell me what I want to hear.”

“I love your ass.” I said it so quietly I barely heard myself say it.

“What? Is that the best you can do? I don’t think so.” Sylvia turned
away from me and started to lower herself back towards me.

I was seized by overpowering fear at the sight of her round cheeks
descending towards me.

“No! Please wait Sylvia. I love your ass!” I blurted in terror as her
bottom paused in its descent, hovering just over my face.

“Very good. Now kiss it. Kiss my *ass*.” She demanded.

Her derriere’s bulging curves dominated my vision, hovering over me in
the most menacing fashion. It’s humiliating to admit, but I didn’t think
about it for long before I pressed my lips up to her buttock in a quick
peck of a kiss. Even though the contact was brief, when I pressed my lips
to her butt there was an electric sensation to it. The moment seemed to
last forever. As I pulled my mouth away from her, Sylvia began to laugh.
She laughed so hard her body shook above me.

Sylvia climbed off of my face. Then she sat down facing me. She began
to wiggle out of her shorts, and my eyes grew wide.

“Don’t mind me, step-mummy. I’m just going to get a little more
comfortable here. What’s wrong, don’t you think these panties are cute?”
She asked me as she tossed her shorts aside.

Her panties were pink. They featured a little cartoon girl on her
crotch. It was really disturbing to see her in just her panties and
shirt–especially in this situation, with me all tied up, and at her mercy.
She smiled at my discomfort then she moved to straddle my face again. She
turned towards my feet and swung her leg over me. I found myself looking
right at the pink cotton rear of her panties, stretched tightly over her
round ass. Glittery silver letters spelled out the word “Princess” in a
curved arc. Sylvia looked down over her shoulder at me, sliding her ass
back until it loomed in front of my face before she spoke.

“I wore these panties especially for you. Do you see what’s written on

“Princess.” I answered her.

“That’s right. Because that’s what I am–a *princess*, right?”

Her ass was so close to my face that all I could think about was how
she’d smothered me in it earlier. I looked up at the soft pink cloth of
her panties. I was terrified. The nightmarish situation I was in was
completely unbelievable. I had to find a way out of it–I had to.

“Sylvia, please. Please just get off of me. I swear I’ll never saw a
word about this to your dad. And, I’ll be the best stepmother you could
ever have from now on. Just get off of me, please.” I plead to her.

Sylvia’s face twisted into a mask of anger. The fear I felt then was
tremendous. She began to move, pushing her bottom back towards my face. I
was seized by outright panic.

“Sylvia, please! No please nommmmppph . . .” My cries were cut off yet
again by her smothering weight.

“This is disappointing. I *thought* we were making progress.
Apparently I wasn’t clear enough before. We are going to be alone out here
in the woods for a week. And *I* am in charge. You’re going to do
whatever I want. Because if you don’t, I’m going to smother you to death
and leave you out here for the animals to eat.” She said above me.

Under her, my nose and mouth were completely sealed by her ass’s
embrace. Her full weight pressed her soft buttocks against me with
incredible force; so much so that breathing was a mere fantasy. I twisted
and squirmed helplessly until she finally lifted off of me. I lay there
gasping for breath as she looked down at me again.

“Now maybe you feel like telling me who here is a princess?”

“You are. You’re a princess, Sylvia. You’re a princess.” I coughed the
words with helpless speed.

“That’s right. I’m *princess* Sylvia from now on. And you’re going to
do whatever I say. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, princess Sylvia.”

“Show me how much my little step-mummy loves my ass–kiss it again.”

I lifted my head as best I could and forced myself to do as she ordered.
My reward for the degrading act was another round of Sylvia’s laughter as
my strength let out and my head fell back to the ground.

“That’s better. You see, you are capable of learning. All it took was
a little time sniffing my gorgeous ass to straighten you out, isn’t that

I was too frightened to disobey.

“Yes, princess.”

“Now tell me you love it. Tell me you love my ass.” She demanded.

“I love your . . . your ass, princess.”

“Ha ha. Now tell me you wish you had a beautiful ass like mine.”

“I wish I had a beautiful ass like yours, princess.” I said.

Somehow, the more I obeyed her, the easier it got.

“Ha ha hah. Now tell me that you’re a flat-assed cunt.”

“I-I’m a flat-assed cunt, princess.”

It was horribly humiliating to say, but with her round rear looming over
my face I was too scared to defy her.

“Now ask me to sit on your face again.”

“Please sit on my face, princess.” I managed to say it.

Instead of moving back the small distance and forcing her bottom onto my
face as I expected, Sylvia climbed off of me. At first I was relieved, but
my relief was short-lived. She turned to face me as she straddled me
again. She sat down onto my upper chest. I found myself looking right her
crotch, just inches from my face. Sylvia gave me a wicked grin before
moving farther up, locking my head between her thighs.

“What’s wrong step-mummy? You *asked* for me to sit on your face.” She

Her crotch moved over my chin. Then further still, hovering over my

“No, please Sylvia–I mean princess. Not this way, please!” I cried out
as I watched her mound loom larger.

She just ignored me and sat down onto my face. As her weight pressed
down onto my head my nose was thrust deeply into the crotch of her panties.
My breath was cut off again and I found myself breathing in the scent of
*her*. Smelling her feminine aroma made the horrible humiliation of having
her private parts jammed in my face that much more real. I couldn’t
imagine it wasn’t happening–not with Sylvia’s musky female scent filling
my lungs.

“What’s wrong, mummy? It’s just my pussy in your face–that’s all. Ha
ha ha. Sniff it, you stupid cunt.” She laughed.

Sylvia adjusted herself above me, forcing my nose even deeper into her
mound. I couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but lay
there in humiliating submission to Sylvia’s wicked desires.

“I don’t know what you’re bitching about. Darryl loves it when I sit on
his face. When I rub my pussy in his face it drives him wild. And then he
licks me for hours. Speaking of which, have you ever eaten pussy before
Mummy? Because doing this to you is making me really horny.” She told me.

My position was shameful enough, but to hear her asking me about *that*
made it even worse. Her scent grew even more powerful as I felt a slick
wetness begin to soak through her panties.

“Mmmm, I’m getting wet. Smell it, smell my wet pussy.” Sylvia hissed as
she began rock back and forth, grinding her sex against my nose.

Her rocking hips drove my nose up and down her mound. It was painful
and humiliating to feel her basically using my face to masturbate–but at
least I could breathe through my mouth periodically. Her panties were
soaked with her juices. Every breath I managed was tainted with the
powerful aroma of her arousal.

“That would be naughty, wouldn’t it? Eating your step-daughter’s pussy?
Oh fuck, fuck that feels good. Oh fuck me, fuck me.” She began to moan.

Her thrusting hips settled into a smaller, faster motion as she moaned
louder and louder still. My nose was pressed into her harder then, and her
weight pressed down onto my face in a way that made breathing impossible.
My nose was getting crushed against her. My whole existence became the
sensation of her smothering crotch devouring my face.

“Oh fuck, fuck me, fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” She squealed.

I felt her whole body shudder atop me as she came. Her humping stopped.
I felt her shake again. Lying there tied the way I was there was nothing I
could do but hope for Sylvia’s mercy. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe,
I couldn’t do anything but lay there with my nose thrust up inside her as
the panic grew ever stronger. Sylvia seemed so preoccupied with her
release that she’d forgotten to let me breathe. My lungs burned, and the
terror of suffocation consumed my every thought.

She shifted a little and immediately I thought she meant to let me
breathe. She began to softly rock atop me. Sylvia’s began grinding her
crotch against me harder and faster.

“Oh . . . unnnh . . . unnnnh . . . oh . . .” I heard her moaning
rhythmically above me.

I realized with horror that she was getting herself off again. She
wasn’t going to let me breathe at all! Lying there, terrified, humiliated
and helpless, the last thing I heard before I passed out was the sound of
my step-daughter cumming on my face again.

* * * * * * * * * *

I awoke to Sylvia slapping my face. I became aware slowly; it felt as
though my head was filled with cotton. I struggled for a moment as I found
myself bound, then the memory of where I was flooded back into my
consciousness. Sylvia was smiling down at me, and I barely choked back a
sob as the tears began to form in my eyes.

“I thought you were dead. I thought I’d actually *fucked* you to
death.” Sylvia laughed.

“Please Sylvia. You got what you wanted. I’m scared of you. You-you
*masturbated* on my face. Untie me and I’ll never mess with you–I swear
it.” I plead to her, tearing streaming down my cheeks.

“You think I’m done? We’re just getting started. When I’m through with
you, you won’t just be scared of me–you’re going to be my own little
sex-toy. We’ve got a whole week together and I’m going to enjoy every
minute of it. Now what were we talking about when I got sidetracked? Oh
yeah, I remember. I was asking you if you’d ever eaten pussy before. Well
mummy, have you?” She demanded.

“Please Sylvia. Please.” I plead to her.

“I *asked* you a question! Do you want to take another nap?”

“No! I mean, no princess Sylvia.” I answered as I remembered her rules.

“No you don’t want to take a nap? Or no, you haven’t eaten pussy?” She

“Neither, princess Sylvia.”

“So you’re a pussy-eating virgin, so to speak.” She said as she rose up
to her knees and pulled down her panties.

I stared in horror at her unclothed lower body as she worked the pink
panties all the way off and tossed them aside.

“Well, I’m afraid I can’t give you any pointers–I’ve never eaten pussy
either.” She laughed as she climbed atop me, straddling my stomach.

Staring into my eyes with this wicked smirk, Sylvia moved forward with
exaggerated slowness. She slid herself along me until her naked crotch was
right there in front of me. Her sex exuded a musky aroma that was
sickeningly familiar then. I looked away from her eyes and stared at the
teenager’s pussy that now loomed in front of me, practically touching my
chin. She was completely shaved down there. The lack of hair made the
sight of her glistening slit even more obscene somehow. Her hand grasped
my hair and pulled my head up from the ground, so that I was looking
straight at her sex.

“That’s right; take a long look at it. You may have never eaten pussy
before, but you are going to eat *this* pussy tonight.”

“Please, Sylvia. Don’t do this.” I sobbed.

She slid a tiny bit farther forward, until my nose and mouth pressed
lightly against her swollen lips.

“Shut up and kiss it.”

It was far worse than when she’d smothered me in it, this time there
wasn’t even a thin layer of cotton separating my mouth from her sex. I was
repulsed by the sight, smell, touch and for that matter *thought* of my
position. The fact that she was just a girl made my humiliation that much
worse. I wanted to do anything to resist her, really I did, but at that
point I was too frightened of the thought of further smothering to try to
resist her. Eyes closed, I pressed my lips together into an obscene kiss.
My mouth bent to her will in that act of humiliating submission as I kissed
her swollen lower lips.

My reward was another tinkle of her laughter as Sylvia pushed my head
back down to the ground then moved over me. She lowered herself until her
sex was mashed in my face.

“Lick it, or smother in it. It’s your choice, step-mummy.” She

When I forced myself to give in, to slide my tongue along her hot wet
flesh, she moaned in response above me.

“Good step-mummy. Very good, step-mummy.” She encouraged as I put more
energy into the degrading service I was being forced to perform.

I tried to think of anything else as I licked her, but it was
impossible. The taste and smell that dominated my senses was purely,
obscenely, *Sylvia*. I had been reduced to performing oral sex on this
snotty brat of a girl. It was like being trapped in my own little hell.
If there was anything worse that could happen to me, I couldn’t think what
it would be.

“Are you sure you’ve never done this before? You’re actually pretty
good at it.” She laughed between moans.

Sylvia was really getting turned on by my licking. I could feel her sex
growing hotter and wetter with every passing moment. My fear of being
smothered further drove me to continue the filthy act of subservience as
Sylvia’s hips began to move, grinding hers pussy against my mouth with ever
increasing force.

“Oh shit. Fuck. Oh fuck you’re good at this. Oh . . . fuck . . .
eat my fucking pussy, bitch . . . fucking eat it . . . oh shit . . . oh
oh OH OH *OH*!” She grunted as she came.

Sylvia went quiet for a moment, sitting forcefully on my face without
moving at all. I felt a shudder go through her.

“Oh don’t stop now, bitch. Suck my twat!” She demanded.

Trapped under her full weight, breathlessly so, I had stopped licking
when she came. As the terror of being smothered under her grew, I forced
myself to return to licking her. Her teenage pussy was dripping with her
juices. The flavor and scent of her arousal was overpowering. It was
beyond humiliating to not only have just been forced to go down on Sylvia,
but to be smothering helplessly at her mercy as she forced me to lap up her
gooey secretions.

“That’s it step-mummy, clean your princess’s hot pussy with your tongue.
Fucking-A.” Sylvia urged me, lifting herself up so that I could breathe
while I did her will.

She hovered there over me, her lower lips pressed to my mouth, while my
probing tongue slurped up her wetness. It was terribly degrading.

“Well I’ll be damned you really *are* useful after all.” Sylvia laughed
as she finally climbed off of me.

Covered with her juices, and panting for breath, I watched as Sylvia put
her night clothes back on. She laid down in her sleeping bag next to me.

“Get some sleep step-mummy. You’re going to have a very busy day
tomorrow.” She told me as she snuggled into her sleeping bag with a sigh.

She didn’t say anything else while I lay there catching my breath.
Then, after a time, I heard her breathing grow deep and regular. I
couldn’t fight off the tears any longer. Lying there, tied up next to my
teenage tormentor, I quietly cried myself to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * *

I woke up slowly to the sound of chirping birds. My head ached. My
face hurt. There was a funny taste in my mouth. I didn’t remember what
had happened the night before until I tried to stretch and found myself
tied up in the bag. Then it all came rushing back to me. How Sylvia had
*raped* me.

The sound of deep even breathing made me turn my head. She was lying
right there, next to me, sleeping like a baby. I tried to work my arm up
out of the sleeping bag, but it was hopeless the way she had me tied.
There was nothing I could do–I’d have to wait for her to wake up.

Worse, I really needed to pee. I lay there for a while, memories of her
abuse the night before filling my head. The memories made me sick to my
stomach. When I thought about the horrible humiliations I’d suffered,
tears came to my eyes.

She must have heard my sniffling, because Sylvia soon gave a loud sigh.
Then she stretched languorously beside me. My crying intensified as she
turned to look at me–the sight of her smiling face was too much to take.

“Good morning, step-mummy. Did you sleep well?” She asked me, as she
sat up.

“Sylvia . . . how could you . . . do that to me?” I managed to ask
her, between shaking sobs.

“Do what, step-mummy? Are you asking how I could sit on your face and
make you eat my pussy? Cause that’s simple, if that’s what you’re asking.
It was fucking *hot*. Mmmmmmhhh, I’m getting turned on just remembering
it. You’re under me, sniffling and squealing while I fucking came *so*
hard–it was great. Fuck, just talking about it is making me wet.” Sylvia
told me, and then she began to remove her panties!

She moved over me on all fours, smiling down into my face as she sat
down onto my chest.

“Please don’t . . . not again. Sylvia, I-I have to go to the bathroom.
At least let me go pee.” I begged her.

“I’ll let you out after I’ve woken up completely. And, I know just the
way I like to wake up–to a nice juicy orgasm.” She laughed at me.

I watched in horror as she slid forward, her obscenely exposed sex
filling my view before she pressed it onto my mouth. Her eyes locked on
mine with a warning glare then.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten what you learned yesterday. Now eat my
fucking pussy! Or do I have turn around and let you visit with my ass
again?” She demanded.

I wiggled my head from side to side as I forced myself to do what she
wanted. Once more I found myself licking the snotty brat of girl’s pussy.
My helplessness humiliated me to my core. Sylvia seemed to just relax
above me as she sat on my face, enjoying my oral service as if it were
absolutely normal for me to be doing it. I licked and licked until I felt
her hips begin to move. A sigh escaped her, and then she really began to
grind her pussy in my face.

“Mmmm. Yeah. This is how I like you. With your mouth shut and your
tongue in my cunt! Lick it! Lick my fucking cunt you whore!” Sylvia’s
verbal abuse became filthier and filthier as she neared orgasm.

She was ramming her full weight down on my face, my nose and mouth were
just objects she was using to scratch her itch. Only my eyes were left
exposed as she forced my nose into her wetness. I could feel her clit
mashing against me as she rode my face with savage glee.

“Get in there you fucking whore! Get in my fucking pussy! Oh, I’m
fucking you now. Oh yes, I’m fucking your dirty face. I’m going to fuck
your face right off. Oh, fuck. Oh . . . oh . . . oh oh oh OH OH
*OHHHHH*!” She cried as she came atop me.

I couldn’t breathe at all–I was smothering in her wet cunt. The
sensation of her weight pressing down on me. The sound of her gasping
cries of climax, her wetness in my nose and mouth, all combined to make her
feminine mastery of my senses complete. I didn’t know where I ended and
her pussy began–her sexual domination was that intense.

“Oh God. Fuck me. Holy shit.” She moaned as she came down from her
orgasmic high.

Her pussy still held an airtight seal over my mouth and nose. I was
growing light-headed under her. She looked down between her legs into my
eyes, and then she smiled wickedly.

“Oh, I almost forgot about you down there. Did you enjoy that? Did you
enjoy drinking your princess’s girl-cum? I know you did. I can tell from
your squirming that you’re probably pretty close to passing out again. Too
bad–that’s exactly what I want. Now, it’s time for you to take a little
nap, a little nap in my pussy.” She laughed.

I despaired at her words, an immediate panic seizing hold of me. My
lungs burned and ached for air, but, as I looked up into Sylvia’s evilly
curious eyes, I knew that I would not get any relief. Terrified, the last
thing I remember as I passed out was the evil smirk on my step-daughter’s

* * * * * * * * * *

When I awoke again, my head throbbed with a pounding pain and my face
stunk of Sylvia’s pussy. I was out of the sleeping bag and naked. My
hands were tied behind my back. She’d used the rope to fashion a crude
collar and leash around my neck.

“Good morning again, step-mummy. Do you still need to go to the
bathroom?” Sylvia asked me.

She was completely dressed, which made my humiliation at being naked in
front of her somehow greater. I couldn’t even bear to look at her–I was
so frightened and ashamed. I turned down my eyes and nodded. Sylvia
yanked my leash, and I looked up at her in fear.

“Look at me when I talk to you, cunt. And answer me when I speak to
you. Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

“Yes, Sylvia.”

“Don’t you mean, ‘yes, princess’?” She asked me, tugging the leash again
for emphasis.

“Yes, princess.”

Sylvia dragged me out of the tent by the leash. I followed awkwardly,
my head pounding. My arms and legs were stiff from being tied up all
night. She led me into the bushes and then she stopped.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Squat down and pee, bitch.” She
laughed at me.

She was looking right at me. I turned to at least face away from her,
which brought me another tug at the leash.

“Look at me while you do it.”

I peed like that, squatting in the woods with my teenage step-daughter
watching and laughing at me. That’s how my training began.

* * * * * * * * * *

I think Sylvia sat on my face for least half of every hour that day. At
least the parts of it that I remembered. Any time she’d spent off of my
face had only been to add some increasingly humiliating new lesson to my

At one point in the afternoon she’d rewarded me with an entire hour of
kissing her ass. She laid out on a blanket in the sun while I knelt behind
her kissing her bottom over and over again, saying whatever she wanted to
hear while I did it.

“I love princess Sylvia’s beautiful ass. I love princess Sylvia’s
beautiful ass.” I muttered again and again as she relaxed there, enjoying
the warmth of the sun.

That I did it wasn’t the worst thing about it–it was that I was
actually grateful to her for the break that was the worst. I was so broken
by her continuous smothering that I was like a human jellyfish at that
point–I’d do anything not to be smothered anymore.

* * * * * * * * * *

The rest of the week was just one long training session, broken up by
punishments and rewards. My punishments were always the same–being
deprived of breath by some part of her beautiful young body, usually her
round bottom. My rewards when I behaved well? The opportunity to bring
her to orgasm with my mouth.

I’d like to tell you that at some point I stood up to her. That there
was some humiliating task I’d managed to refuse. The truth of the matter
is that there wasn’t–I did every humiliating thing she demanded.

Each day she smothered me less and less as I grew more and more
subservient to her. By the last day Sylvia didn’t have to smother me at
all. I just obeyed her without question.

“Ask for it first, bitch.” Sylvia told me.

It was our last night, we were about to go to bed. Sylvia lay on her
back on a sleeping bag. I knelt between her legs, my face just inches from
her sex.

“Please let me . . . please let me eat your hot cunt, princess.” I
quickly said, frightened that I’d displeased her by forgetting to ask

That set her giggling at me, and when she giggled like a schoolgirl she
actually looked her age for a moment. Which made the humiliating reality
of my slavery that much more powerful.

“Look at you. Ha ha ha ha! You’ll just do whatever I want now, won’t

“Yes, princess Sylvia.”

“I wish my friends were here to see this. Did you know that I used to
call you ‘the bitch’ when I talked about you? You’re not a bitch to me
anymore though, are you?”

“No, princess Sylvia.”

“What are you now, cuntlicker? Tell me what you are to me.” She

“I’m your cunt-licking slave, princess Sylvia.”

After I made her cum, twice, she let me sleep curled up by her feet.

* * * * * * * * * *

We were driving home when Sylvia made me stop, and pull off onto the
side of the road. She wriggled out of her shorts and panties, and then she
turned in her seat so that she was lying back against the passenger door.
She bent her legs at her knees, spreading them so that I was looking right
at her sex.

“Get your face over here.” She demanded.

I turned and did as she wished. Her fingers took hold of my hair and
pulled my face roughly down to her cunt.

“Kiss it, you fucking nasty little slaveslut. Kiss my fucking pussy.”
Sylvia ordered me, and I complied.

“If you even think about resisting me, this is the last thing you’re
ever going to see. Do you understand me? I’ll take you out somewhere and
ride your face until you’ve given me ten orgasms. Then I’ll lower this
pussy onto your face and the last thing you’ll experience is drowning in my
girl-cum. I’ll just sit there until you *die*, do you understand me?” She

Tears trickling down my cheeks, I nodded my head and continued to lavish
kisses on her pussy. I knew that she would actually do what she said, and
it terrified me.

“Now make me cum, slut. Eat it.”

I was still crying ten minutes later when Sylvia’s thighs clenched
convulsively around my head as she came, screaming with pleasure. I drove
home in silence, the whole car smelling of Sylvia’s arousal. Sylvia napped
most of the way, tired from the hard work of cumming in my face.

* * * * * * * * * *

“How do you feel about this?” Vince asked me.

It was a little over a week after I’d returned from the forest of doom.
I was talking with Vince about our joint decision to let Sylvia go out with
her friends.

“I’m glad we decided to let her go to the party. She seems really
happy.” I told my husband as we watched Sylvia hurrying around the house
getting ready to go out.

At Sylvia’s direction I had convinced him that she deserved to go to the
party as a reward for having made so much progress with me.

“I know. I told you the camping trip was a great idea! Things have
been wonderful since you guys had your little girl’s week alone together.
You don’t know how happy it makes me to see you guys getting along so
well.” He told me, and I forced myself to smile back at him when he gave me
a hug.

I found myself looking back at the time since the trip, in my head.
Vince had no idea at all what was really going on. In his presence we were
like best buddies, Sylvia and I. What he didn’t know was that when we were
alone I spent most of my time on my knees. Often not just on my knees, but
between his pretty daughter’s legs.

The difference in our work schedules meant that I got home an hour
before he did. Every day I would spend that hour worshiping his little
princess. It wasn’t always the same. Some times she just used me for
sexual satisfaction and then sent me away. Other times, she’d remind me of
her power, sitting on my face over and over again until there could be no
doubt in the shattered remains of my mind that she was in charge.

The only common thread in our private time together was her verbal
abuse. The horrible names she called me, the awful things she made me say
for her amusement. At times, when we were all home together, but Vince was
out of earshot, she’d give me some little humiliating reminder of her power
over me.

Once, when Vince got up to get a snack while we were all watching
television, she got up and moved in front of me. Staring down into my eyes
she leaned over until her face was just inches from mine.

“You’re a disgusting fucking dyke whore. The fucking sight of your ugly
fucking face makes me want to puke, did you know that?” She whispered to

“Yes princess.”

“Stupid fucking cunt. Just remember this. Maybe I should sit on your
face and just forget to let you breathe. Then, after your ugly ass was
dead and buried, maybe my dad could find himself a real woman. Cunt!” She
spat softly at me, and then she shoved my head away from her as she stood
back up.

Sylvia moved back to where she was sitting and settled in just before
Vince came back into the room carrying a bowl of chips and a glass of soda.

“Chips?” He asked as he set down the bowl cheerfully.

“Sure.” I said, as Sylvia and I both smiled at him.

Inside, I was terrified. She’d just threatened my life, and the sick
thing was that I could picture myself just meekly letting her do it to me.

On Thursday night, Vince had gone out for his regular poker night with
his friends. That left me alone with his little princess for *hours*.

First she’d made me lay over her lap while she spanked my ass red. Then
Sylvia lay back on the couch in her panties with her legs spread wide while
I knelt between them sniffing her crotch.

“I love Princess’s pussy.” She made me repeat the filthy phrase
continuously for over an hour while I rubbed her with just my nose.

I said those nasty words until my voice was hoarse and her panties were
fragrantly moist with her secretions. Then she made me lick her over and
over again until she was so spent and tired that she had to go to bed
early. I stayed up of course, crying until I forced myself to stop so my
eyes wouldn’t show any tell-tale signs to Vince when he returned.

My mental review of the horrific nature of my new existence was abruptly
halted as Sylvia hurried into the room.

“Margaret? Could you help me with my makeup?” Sylvia asked me sweetly.

I smiled and nodded. I glanced at my husband as I got up, and I could
see that he really did enjoy seeing the two of us get along better. As I
made my way to the bathroom with her though, I knew I wasn’t going to be
applying any makeup.

She closed the door to the bathroom and faced the mirror over the sink.
I watched as she wiggled out of her shorts and panties before giving me a
forceful stare in the mirror.

“You know what to do.” She said simply.

“Yes princess.” I answered as I sank to my knees behind her.

I began softly kissing and licking her buttocks as she started to apply
her makeup.

“We don’t have all night. Get your little tongue in there.” She
demanded above me.

“Yes princess.”

I knew exactly what the awful teenager wanted. With loathing, I spread
her soft rear cheeks apart and brought my mouth between them. She sighed
as I began to tongue her there, and a tear rolled down my cheek as I
started to quietly cry.

The tile was cold on my knees. A grown woman, I was kneeling behind my
teenage step-daughter and licking her in her most nasty private place.
Another tear dribbled from my eye and wormed a trail down to my chin as I
moved from just licking her there to doing as she’d trained me to, probing
her tight passage with my tongue. Time passed slowly as I worshiped her
ass, and it seemed like forever before Sylvia finished her makeup.

When she did, Sylvia pushed me away from her ass with a little motion of
her hips and turned to face me. Spreading her legs slightly she grabbed my
hair and roughly pulled my mouth to her sex.

“Now be a good little step-mummy. Eat my pussy.”

Her pussy lips were already puffy and her slit wet, lubricated no doubt
by the sensations I provided her jamming my tongue up her ass. I closed my
eyes and tried to think of anything else as I did what she wanted. With a
yank on my hair she glared down at me then.

“No. Look at me while you do it.” She demanded.

It was even more humiliating looking up into her happily smiling eyes as
I worshiped her pussy. In time she began to slide herself around against
my face–humping in time with the rhythm of my licking. It didn’t take
long before Sylvia was covering her mouth with one hand while the other
pulled my face harder and harder into her crotch. She stifled her cries
with her hand, but I could still hear Sylvia’s muffled moaning intensify as
she humped my mouth faster and faster yet. Then finally, it was over.
Sylvia quivered in the hold of her climax. My filthy duty was done.

She pushed me away and leaned back against the sink, chest heaving as if
she was out of breath. After a while, her breathing calmed and she patted
me on the head like a dog before turning to check her makeup and hair one
last time.

“Clean yourself up before dad sees you like that.” She told me, as if it
was somehow my fault that my mouth and nose were wet and fragrant with the
smell of her.

“Yes princess.” I said with a little sob, and she gave an amused snort
and was gone.

Still choking back the odd bout of tears, I stayed in there with the
door closed until after she was gone. Sitting there on the toilet I tried
to figure out how my life had been turned upside down. Sylvia was like a
devil, no–Sylvia was *the* devil. How else could a sixteen year old girl
hold me in such thrall?

* * * * * * * * * *

A week later I came home from work to find Sylvia waiting for me with
her boyfriend Darryl. They were sitting next to each other on the couch.

“Darryl? Say hello to my step-mummy, Margaret.” Sylvia said.

“Hello.” He said to me with a smirk.

“Cunt-licker? Say hello to my boyfriend Darryl.”

“Hello.” I said quietly, turning my eyes down in shame.

“Darryl’s been a good boy, so I’ve promised him a reward.” Sylvia said.

She lifted her bottom off the couch then worked her shorts and panties
down over her hips. When the clothing was off of her she tossed it aside
and spread her legs slightly.

“Get to work, bitch.” Sylvia demanded.

I sank to my knees in front of her. Lowering my head, I pushed my face
down into her crotch and began to lick.

“Go on, a deal’s a deal.” Sylvia told Darryl as I lapped at her sex.

Darryl got up from the couch. I felt him moving around behind me. Then
I felt his hands slide along my sides and grasp my tits!

“Fuck me. You were telling the truth about her. I can’t believe she
lets you treat her this way.” Darryl said behind me.

“She’s so scared of me; she’ll do anything I want. Besides, I think
she’s really learned to like it.”

I could feel his erection pressing against my bottom as he began to
roughly fondle me. My eyes must have widened, because Sylvia smiled just

“What’s wrong, step-mummy? We’re just going to have a little fun.
You’re going to lick my pussy like you always do only this time Darryl’s
going to fuck your ass while you do it!” Sylvia laughed as Darryl’s hands
began to fumble with my belt.

Somehow, despite all I’d been through, the thought of this new violation
brought tears to my eyes. I stopped licking, resting my forehead against
her thigh as I quietly began to sob.

“Or would you prefer I sit on your ugly face until you pass out?” She

“No princess.” I answered.

Still crying, I returned to lapping at her pussy. Darryl had my pants
and panties down over my bottom. I felt the urgent pressure of Darryl’s
cock as he guided it to my rear opening. I gasped, in agony, as Darryl’s
hard flesh forced its way inside me. My face was driven forward into
Sylvia’s cunt as I tried in vain to avoid Darryl’s assault on my ass. She
laughed above me as I continued to lick her despite my tears and pain.

“Unnnh.” Darryl grunted as he forced himself deeper inside me.

“That’s it, fuck her nasty ass while she eats my pussy.” Sylvia urged

Darryl withdrew his cock slightly before forcing himself into me again.
Once more my face was jammed into Sylva’s twat by the force of his thrust.
My ass was on fire, the pain was so intense it felt like he was killing me.
As he began to build up a rhythm behind me, my face was mashed into
Sylvia’s sex over and over again.

“Fuck, that feels nice. You’re pounding her face right into my pussy!
Don’t slow down, fuck her harder!” Sylvia demanded.

The boy behind me fucked my ass harder still, at her insistence. The
sound of his hard stomach slapping against my ass made a solid meaty noise
as I was rocked forward again and again by his savage thrusts.

“Yes ma’am.” He answered, picking up speeding behind me.

Sylvia’s moans grew louder as the sensation of having my face rammed
into her cunt got her increasingly aroused. Darryl’s own groaning cries
grew louder in time with her.

“Oh yeah, fuck her. Fuck the bitch’s ass. Fuck my little slavebitch
step-mummy up her ass! Oh . . . oh shit . . . oh OH *OH*!” Sylvia cried

I felt her hips bucking and her pussy growing even wetter as she came
against me. Darryl’s assault on my ass had reached a fever pitch.

“Unnh . . . unnnh . . . unnnh . . . uunnnnNNNNH! Oh god, UNNNNNH!”
Darryl grunted, as I felt his cock erupt inside my rear.

He continued to slide himself in and out of me for a minute, burying
himself all the way to the hilt as he squirted his spunk inside me. The
sound of both of them, sighing and moaning with sated contentment was
humiliating for me. I knelt there sobbing, my violated ass throbbing with
pain, as they carried on a conversation above me.

“Fuck. That was intense. I can’t believe I fucked your mom’s ass.”
Darryl said.

“Step-mom, she’s just my step-mom.”

“Fine, your *step*-mom’s ass. I’d pay good money to fuck her again,
*whoever* she is.” He laughed.

I was still crying then, my violated ass still burning with pain. My
tears obscured my vision but not enough to make me miss the expression on
Sylvia’s face when she heard Darryl say he’d pay to fuck me again.

“You know Darryl, I bet there are plenty of guys that would pay to fuck
her ass, don’t you think?”

“Well yeah, sure.” He answered.

Sylvia’s eyes locked down on mine as a smile spread across her face. I
hadn’t thought that my nightmare could get any worse. I was wrong.

“You’re a genius, Darryl. You can talk to all the guys at school, tell
them you can hook them up. Then this fucking bitch can earn me some
money.” She told him.

“You want me to help you . . . pimp out your *mom*?” He asked.

“*Step*-mom–I told you already. Why not? I own her ass. There’s no
reason I shouldn’t make a little money off of her.” She continued.

My sobs intensified as the full horror of what she was suggesting sunk

“Damn, Sylvia. You’re *evil*.” Darryl said.

“You think? You haven’t even heard the best part yet. I’ll pimp her
ass out to your friends until it’s time to go off to college. Then I’ll
make sure my dad finds out she’s a fucking whore. He’ll dump her ass for
sure! This is perfect.”

“Come on, I don’t care how submissive she is. She’ll never let you do
that!” He suggested.

Sylvia took hold of my hair and yanked my head back as I looked up at
her in fear.

“Oh yes she will. You’ll be my *whore*, won’t you step-mummy?” She

I couldn’t resist her will. I was too broken, too well conditioned to
fear her.

“Yes princess.” I admitted.

She smiled even wider, and then she pulled my face back down to her

“Eat it, *whore*. All this talk about being your pimp is turning me on
again.” She ordered me.

Still sobbing, I did as she desired and began to lick her again. She
moaned softly as I dipped my tongue into her wetness.

“Mmmm, that’s great whore. You know, I bet I could get some girls to
pay for you to do *this* as well. I’m going to wring every dime I can from
your sorry ass, and then I’m going to throw you away!” She laughed before
looking back to Darryl. “You see, Darryl. What did I tell you? Isn’t she
just the best little step-mummy a girl ever had?”

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