Tourist Trap Part One – Beyond The Prophet

Our flight home was diverted to Al Sha Bara airport in the tiny
oil-wealthy Emirate of Tashkat, some mechanical difficulty I
suppose. We were informed that we would be delayed for at least
twenty four hours. My traveling companion and I decided to make
the best of our time by visiting the local bazaar. We were
assured by airport personnel that the markets were both safe and
friendly to westerners.

We had been walking the twisting alleys enjoying the exotic items
available for sale and the antics of the shopkeepers as they
tried to lure us inside. I had bought a couple of inexpensive
trinkets and was in the process of storing them in my backpack
when someone ran into me, knocking me onto my back. As I
struggled to gain my feet the mugger picked up my pack and tried
to run off with it. My opinion of the local’s friendliness was
wavering as I watched the dark stranger darting through the crowd
with my things. But, my faith was restored when the thief was
brought down by a group of men who dragged him back to me along
with my belongings. My rescuers then commenced to yell and beat
on the man, so much so that it attracted the attention of the
police who quickly took custody of the criminal and dispersed the

A tall officer approached me, “I must apologize to Madam, for
this unfortunate incident. It is quite out of custom here. I must
inquire about your names please.”

“I am Miss Mina Ree, of London England and this is my friend Miss
Jennifer Baron.”

“Well Miss Ree, I can assure you that we deal most harshly with
criminals. This case might merit amputation of the man’s right

I was aghast, “No, I don’t want that. I don’t think I wish to
press charges. We will be leaving tomorrow morning and I won’t be
available to testify.”

“Then you must come to the station house and negotiate the
thief’s damages. It is required that he make recompense for his
deeds. If you do not agree on a price then the law will follow
its full course.”

“Very well,” I said, “I do not wish to offend against your

Back at the police station Jenny and I were asked to leave our
backpacks so their value could be assessed and the minimum fine
calculated against the thief. While this was being done we were
treated to tea and biscuits by female attendants clad in floor
length burkas that revealed only the wearer’s eyes. A few minutes
later the man who had stolen my pack was led into the room
escorted by officers who were holding our packs. These men spoke
to the arresting officer in Arabic. Then they said some harsh
sounding things to the thief and pushed him out of the room.

Jenny and I looked at each other in confusion. We must be missing
something I thought. “Excuse me, but what is his fine?”

“He pays no fine miss,” the officer said, “When two crimes are
committed Islam demands that the greater crime be prosecuted.”

“What greater crime did he commit,” I asked innocently.

“He committed none. It is you and your friend who have greatly
offended … with these,” he said as he reached into our
backpacks and retrieved the wine that we had forgotten about.

“I don’t understand,” I said, “We didn’t steal the wine. We
bought it in Egypt.”

“You are not charged with stealing the wine. You stand accused of
smuggling it into our country.”

“Smuggling,” Jenny retorted indignantly, “Well we had forgotten
it was in there, but no matter. We would like to pay whatever
duty is owed and get back to a civilized country.”

“You owe us no duty. This is a pure Islamic state. The possession
of alcohol is forbidden. Your punishment if you are convicted
will be five years in prison and worse perhaps.”

Jenny and I were too stunned to respond. How could this be
happening to us? As we recovered our senses I demanded to see the
British Consul.

The officer smiled at us and shook his head, “If this were a
civil offense we would contact your embassy. This is however, a
religious offense so you will be handed over to the religious
police. Neither contact with your embassy nor lawyers isallowed.

A week later Jenny and I stood clad in burkas before a panel of
Imams who would judge or case. The proceedings were entirely in
Arabic. The court did provide an interpreter but she ignored our
frantic questions and only explained what she thought was
important. One half hour into the proceedings the eldest man on
the panel stood and spoke, after which the judges left the room.

“You have been convicted,” our interpreter said. You have been
given five years and five hundred lashes. And,” she hesitated as
though trying to find words, “You have been declared Baraka …
that is beyond the protection of The Prophet.”

“Five hundred lashes,” I thought, “Was that the worse that the
policeman had warned of.”

There had been some sympathy in the woman’s eyes as she told us
of the years and lashes, but what I saw when she proclaimed us
Baraka disturbed me more.

“What does that mean,” I pressed.

“It means,” she said with her eyes averted, “that it is the duty
of every true believer to do whatever they can to turn you to the
light. And, that nothing that is done to you can be considered
illegal … or immoral … you can be used,” she said then stood
and left the room as swiftly as her outfit allowed.

“Used,” Jenny echoed. At the start of our confinement Jenny and I
had lived in fear of torture or sexual abuse … you hear such
stories. But in fact, the few men that we had come into contact
with had been extremely deferential towards us, often avoiding
even looking in our direction. Now, if we had heard correctly, we
were in trouble.

We started to discuss our plight and what our options might be
but our talk was cut short. Guards entered the court and took us
into their custody. I was dismayed by the fact that they eyed us
freely and even propelled us forwards by pushing on our backs. We
were taken to a van with darkened out windows and along with four
other women prisoners driven for hours into the long desert
night. Finally, the van stopped, the doors were opened and we
were pushed out into the courtyard of a compound.

A man in a crisp khaki uniform stood in front of a squad of
guards. He wore a beret low down over his eyes and his lip
sported a thin mustache that gave him a cruel appearance. We were
made to form a line in front of him.

“I am Captain Fahd. I am in charge of this facility. You are the
first female prisoners to be assigned here, but female or male,
the rules are the same. Obey and survive. Allah has placed you
into my hands. I know my duty and I intend to fulfill it. Two of
the women are westerners for their sake and because I do not wish
to hear the language of the Prophet soiled by your foul mouths,
we will speak English here. Now, starting on my left state your
name, age, marital state, your crime and sentence, and whether or
not you are a virgin.

One by one the women told their tales. Two were married and two
were single. Their crimes included driving a motor vehicle,
(prohibited for women), disrespect to a lawful husband or his
family, dressing in western clothing, and in the case of one of
the single women, adultery. The sentences were all two years and
two hundred lashes except for the adulteress. Her sentence was
five years and five hundred lashes, the same as ours. Upon
hearing this Jenny and I finally understood how serious alcohol
offences must be.

Of course, neither of the married women were virgins, but
surprisingly, the adulteress claimed to be one.

“How can this be so,” Fahd inquired.

“A marriage was arranged by my father. I was betrothed but not
married. They caught me sneaking out to meet the boy I love.”

“So,” Fahd continued, “In your heart you betrayed your husband,
but not with your cunt.”
I was taken aback by his coarseness, coming as it did from out of
the blue. Then it my turn to speak, I rattled off the details
easily until I got to the part about virginity. Jenny and I were
twenty two years old and we’d both been sexually active for

“I … I am not a virgin,” I said, surprised at how dirty it made
me feel around these pious women.

Fahd let Jenny speak and she looked humiliated also … at least
to my eyes.

“Very serious crimes indeed,” Fahd intoned when Jenny had
finished. “You have each been deemed to be `Baraka’ by the Imams.
This places you outside the protection of the Prophet. Our task
is to make you sinners learn to hate your sins, so that you will
once again long to walk in his light.”

He paused, eyeing us each in turn. Then he ordered the
adulteress, a girl named aleah, to step forwards.

“You will take off your clothing now.”

The girl fell to her knees crying, “Captain … no, please. I am
a virgin. Do not humiliate me so.”

Fahd approached the trembling girl, “Do as you are told.”

Standing, Aleah pulled her burka off, like all of us she wore
nothing under it. She tried to cover her body as best she could
but Fahd would not have it. He made her stand with her legs apart
and her hands braced behind her neck, displaying all she had, for
all to see.

“Now,” Fahd said with satisfaction, “for the next part I think I
need someone with special knowledge. He looked at Jenny and me,
pondered for a moment and then called Jenny forwards.

“How many men have you slept with,” Fahd inquired.

“I … I’m not sure,” Jenny said softly.

“So many you can’t count?”

“No, I mean I would need time to think.”

“Take a moment and do so,” Fahd said politely

Jenny blushed then said, “Six … no seven.”

“Seven men,” Fahd said, seemingly impressed. “Then you will have
the specialized knowledge that I require. Take off your burka and
pose like Aleah.”

Jenny took a few deep breaths then pulled off the burka and stood
with her legs spread wide and hands locked behind her head. She
stared Fahd squarely in the eyes as he looked at her nudity.

“So, a real red-head I see,” and all his men laughed. It was too
much for Jenny, she broke down into tears.

Fahd then selected ten of his guards and ordered them to strip,
dismissing the rest of the crew. If those enlisted were
embarrassed they were hiding it behind white-toothed grins.

“Now Jenny,” Fahd said in a fatherly tone, “I want you to select
the best equipped man amongst these ten. Step forwards, take your
time and walk around if you need to.”

Jenny let her arms fall to her sides then reluctantly walked
along the line of nude men. “Him,” she said, pointing to a tall
man with an eight inch semi-erect penis.

“Hassan is your choice. It appears that you might be correct, but
to be fair we must consider that some men grow more when they
`grow’, than others. Would you be so kind as to maximize each of
my men’s potential.”

Although we were not virgins, neither Jenny nor I would have been
pegged as being especially sexually adventurous. We had certainly
never had sex with strangers, in public and in groups to boot.
Reluctantly Jenny let her hand enfold the nearest mans cock.

To our horror Fahd spoke again, “You will not use your hands for
this task,” he intoned.”

“Captain,” Jenny uselessly pleaded, “I’m not a slut. I don’t do
that … please.”

“You don’t do what my child,” Fahd asked in feigned innocence.

“In a meek voice, probably knowing that he only wanted to
increase her torment Jenny said, “I don’t do oral sex.”

“Of course you do because you are a slut. You are my slut. Do as
you’ve been instructed or we’ll begin counting off those five
hundred lashes, and understand this, all of you. There must be no
more dictionary terms for your sins. Speak commonly and plainly
like the sinners that you are, of face the punishment. Now woman,
what are you going to do?”

“I … I’m going to suck their cocks.”

“Fine then,” said Fahd, “get about your work.”

Tears ran freely down Jenny cheeks as she dropped to her knees.
She looked back at me in obvious pain then placed her hands on a
guard’s ass-cheeks and slowly pulled him to her, enveloping the
head of his cock with her mouth. The guard let her lick it for a
minute then grasped her by her head and shoved his dick all the
way into Jenny’s mouth. She gagged and coughed but he held her
there until she was turning blue from want of air. Then he pulled
out and let her take a few gasping breaths. “You must learn to
swallow it and breathe around it.”

He chucked Jenny under the chin, “Once again and this time
swallow.” He let Jenny work her own way onto his cock, commanding
that she go a little deeper with each stroke. I could see the
muscles in her neck working as she tried to guide the man’s dick
into her esophagus rather than her windpipe. Once more when his
full length was buried in my poor friend, he held her in place
with her nose buried in his dark pubic hair. After a minute Jenny
seemed as though she was again about to panic, but finally she
was able to calm herself and breathe comfortably. Her attacker
kept her in place for another minute then began a slow thrusting
with his hips. Everyone in the courtyard was so silently
enthralled, or appalled, that you could hear the wet slicking
sounds of her lips as Jenny’s mouth was being fucked.

“Good,” Fahd said, “move along to the next man.

Blushing profusely Jenny complied. All of Fahd’s men wanted Jenny
to demonstrate her newly acquired ability to deep-throat. The men
with the biggest cocks seemed to delight in Jenny’s panic as she
struggled to relax enough to breathe around their meaty dicks.
But the smaller men seemed angry at their inability to torment
Jenny in that way, so they went out of their way to degrade her
in other ways. Some would pull out and squeeze strands of pre-cum
from their cocks and smear it over Jenny’s lips, while others
would rub their sex across Jenny’s cheeks and make her lick their
balls. By the time she had serviced all of Fahd’s selected guards
some of the first to have enjoyed her were soft again. Fahd made
his men form a circle around Jenny while she rapidly mouthed all
of them. When each man’s cock was standing rigid Fahd spoke.

“Now, once again make the selection.”

This time Hassan was not the lucky winner as another man’s prick
was at least ten inches long at its full excited length. Jenny
tapped him on the shoulder without making eye contact.

“Saud,” Fahd said proudly, “the adulteress is yours.”

A low leather covered table had been brought into the courtyard.
It had built in shackles, padded leather pillows and had clearly
been designed with a purpose. Saud took Aleah by the hand and led
her over to the table, forcing her down on her back and securing
her arms above her. I thought that he would fall on her
immediately but he did not. Instead he used his hands to slowly
explore the girl’s trembling body. He teased her nipples into a
state of erection with one hand, while his other hand brushed
lightly over her pussy-hair. Aleah protested the invasion with
tears and little cries but all to no avail, Saud continued his
finger tour of the virgin.

After a few minutes of this attention I noticed a subtle change
of tone in Aleah’s cries. The effect seemed to come and go and I
wasn’t sure that my assessment was correct. That is until Saud
knelt down between Aleah’s legs and slowly licked up and down the
length of her slit. I saw her pull against her bonds as a throaty
moan escaped her lips.

Fahd then knelt at the girl’s head and looked down into her eyes.
“Tell me child, do you like this sin that Saud is performing upon

She hesitated, I couldn’t see her eyes but I guessed that she was
wondering if she dared to lie to this man, but she was well on
her way to being broken.

“Yes … yes, I like it, she confessed.”

“Are you now wondering what it would be like to be filled with
this man’s sex?”

“Yes,” she gasped under the continuing ministrations of Saud’s
talented tongue.

“As you wish,” Fahd said, “But you must not close your eyes. I
want you to gaze up at me the whole time. You must let your
pleasure be reflected in you eyes like stars in a darkened pool.
Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Aleah cried.

Fahd tilted Aleah’s head as far back towards himself as he could,
“Saud,” he said.

Saud placed a small leather pillow beneath Aleah’s hips, tilting
her pelvis upwards. Then he knelt on the table, his large cock
poised above the entrance of her cunt. Saud leaned down towards
his target, stopped for a moment, and then began moving his hips
forwards in slow short strokes. I could not help but admire his
self control. Every vein in his cock was standing out blue
against the reddish-purple shaft itself. He must have longed to
just plunge ahead and bury his sex in Aleah’s virgin cunt, but
still he held back.

I found myself imagining what was being done to the girl. I
pictured the head of his dick parting her private lips and being
slowly pulled back, only to repeat the measure … but a little
deeper each time. He must have felt a little more of her warm
wetness with each stroke and nerve endings the length of his
shaft must have been calling for their share too.

Then my imaginings were brushed away by sight of Saud’s well
muscled back and bottom plunging forwards, inch after inch of his
dick disappearing from view until he was belly to belly with his
conquest. Aleah froze for a moment, and then uttered a sound
familiar to women. The secret sound of their surrender to the
flesh, a low, hollow … ugh, followed by an uncontrollable urge
to push up against our lover, or defiler. And push up against him
she did as he stroked deeply into and out of her cunt causing her
hips to buck and drawing short gasping moans from the parted lips
of her mouth.

Fahd had held Aleah’s head throughout the violation, staring down
into her eyes as though he wanted to ravage her very soul. It
must have been torture for her not to be able to close her eyes
and shelter a little from the lust that she had been given to,
but Fahd showed her no mercy. When he heard her breath become
raspy and he knew that her point of no-return was nearing he
warned her again, “Do not close your eyes. You are not allowed to
hide from me.”

Then Saud delivered a series of sharp, rapid thrusts that ended
with him pressed as deeply into Aleah’s sex as he could go. He
closed his eyes and grunted as his hot seed pumped into the girl,
and that sticky torrent carried her over the edge also. She
moaned, screamed and humped shamelessly against her assaulter.
She never closed her eyes, but they did roll back white for a
moment … before she passed out.

Fahd smiled kindly down upon Aleah for a moment then gently
slapped her cheeks until she came to, “You are well,” he

“Yes,” Aleah said softly.

“Was the experience a pleasure to you?”

“Yes,” she said without hesitation, “It was a great pleasure.”

“Then you are indeed a wicked sinner and a slut. For what you
have done is an abomination before the prophet. You must be
punished … you will all be punished,” he addressed us other

“Now,” he continued, “Saud, was she indeed a virgin?”

Saud grinned down at his conquest, “Yes Captain,” he intoned,
“See,” he said reaching between Aleah’s legs and returning with
his fingers dripping strands of thick white cum, streaked with

“Excellent,” cried Fahd, “We must all observe the proof …
come,” he said to his naked guards, “See.”

The guards took turns examining Aleah and her dripping cunt and
those few that had lost their erections during her violation were
quickly returned to a state of readiness by what they saw.

Fahd looked at his guards compassionately, “I see that you
suffer. May the prophet forgive me,” he added. “It is against
Islam to allow a guest to leave the table still hungry. Come,” he
said to Jenny, “You must relieve these suffering men … with
your mouth.

Jenny shrank back against me. “There are ten of them,” shecried.

“Nonsense,” Fahd intoned, “I’m sure that Saud does not wish to
mingle his memories of a virgin cunt with the ministration of an
unbeliever’s mouth.”

“It is so,” Saud interjected.

“So,” Fahd said, “It is merely nine. “You are still upset,” he
asked, brushing tears away from Jenny’s eyes as he spoke. She
merely sobbed in return. “Well, I suppose I could reduce your
torment … You,” he said to me, “You will help your friend
please my guards … strip her,” he said to his men, and in
moment they had my burka off and I too stood naked under their
hungry stares.

I had never been nude in public before, and the urge to cover my
body was almost overpowering. But I knew that Fahd would not
allow that. He seemed to enjoy cutting off at the knees all
efforts to protect our dignity. A calm aura was what I hoped to
project. A `you can’t touch my soul’ sort of air, but I wasn’t
really sure about that. And, I knew that they could touch my body
at will, or at least at the will of Fahd. Jenny and I knew that
someone would come looking for us. We both had families and we
had resolved to do what it took to stay alive for as long as it
took them to find us. But this was so hard … so humiliating.

Fahd stepped in front of me and bade me to assume our hands
locked, knees spread … position. Then he slowly and calmly
examined me.

“Your breasts are D-cup,” he inquired.

“No,” I said trying to sound disinterested but my cracking voice
gave me away. “I’m a C-cup … thirty four C.”

“Forgive my error,” I think my calculations were led astray by
the great difference between you and your friend. “Come,” he said
to Jenny, “Come stand at Mina’s side.” Without protest Jenny
obeyed. She, at five-ten, was four inches taller than I was. She
was very long through the waist with well rounded hips and a firm
butt. Her breasts, at thirty four B, were on the smallish size,
but I think it enhanced her appeal. She had a very charming
girlish look about her. A look she cultivated with her short
stylishly cut auburn hair, and her pouty lips. I, with my long
dark hair and larger breasts, tended towards the voluptuous, not
heavy but not a stick either. We were both comfortable and
confident in our looks. Still, is was unnerving to be stood
side-by-side and assessed like cattle.

“Yes,” Fahd said, “you set each other off nicely. It will be a
pleasure to watch you learn to work together over the years.”

“God,” I thought realizing that he meant years of …”

“Sucking cock,” Fahd accidentally completed my thoughts. “You
must learn to do it as well as Jenny,” Fahd said, “Begin now.”

I stood back but Jenny took my hand and led me to the line of
waiting guards. “Its okay she whispered, “Just swallow it down,
try to find your quiet center, and it will be over soon.” She
coaxed me to my knees then released my hand and quickly went to
work on the man in front of her. I watched her in, in admiration
actually. She was so strong. My reveries were halted by a sharp
tug on my hair. I stared up at the grinning face and throbbing
cock of the man who would have me first.

Unlike Jenny I had done this before, but I had never really
enjoyed it, just being a sport with a boy that I had really
liked. Now I was just sport for these men that I hated. Enough,
it was time to get it over with. I stared at his dick-slit for a
moment and then gave it a tentative kiss. This elicited a little
moan from him and I took that as a cue to envelope the head of
his dick with my mouth, running my tongue all around it as I did.
Then he pushed against me and I knew he wanted deeper attention.
Luckily, he was not that large, maybe five inches long and I
accommodated the length of him without difficulty. He was however
quite thick in the shaft, so much so that my jaw hurt from
stretching open to admit him. When my nose was perched against
his scratchy pubic hair he started to fuck my mouth in earnest. I
was trying to blank my mind against his intrusion, but I was
startled back to the world by Jenny’s scream.

“No,” Fahd was saying as he stood with a five-tongued whip
unfurled, “You must never spill a man’s seed upon the ground. You
must take it within you unless he tells you otherwise. With that
he unleashed a barrage of four more strokes across Jenny’s back
and shoulders.
Facial Sex Stories
“I’m sorry,” she cried in obvious terror and pain, “I didn’t
realize … please.”

“Get back to work,” Fahd said disgustedly, as Jenny sought and
found her next visitor as quickly as she could.

Another sound had intruded upon the scene … my man was moaning
and bucking into me as hard as he could. I grasped his ass to
keep from being bowled over and he pulled me to him by my hair.
Then I felt the spasms as his cock ejected a flood of hot spunk
directly down my throat. I expected to vomit and knew that if I
did I too would dance beneath Fahd’s lashing attention. I held on
and held up. Finally he was finished. I had swallowed as fast as
I could but a final flow of seed just as he was withdrawing
filled my mouth with more than I could handle. His sticky, bubbly
cum leaked out of my mouth in long strands. I caught it in my
hands storing it there until I could swallow more. As I cleaned
up the last of the sickening mass I looked up to see Fahd smiling
down on me approvingly.

“Good, good,” he encouraged, “Now get along, my men are waiting.

And so Jenny and I passed the next hour. I think one man came
four times, and most of them were sure to make at least one
deposit in each of us unwilling containers. I have no idea how
much spunk I swallowed. I was just glad to have it over. After
that I wanted … a toothbrush. I was overwhelmed by the
salty-vinegar taste of stale cum, if not a brush then at least a
rinse. But it was not to be so.

“Well done my brothers,” Fahd had praised his men, “Enough for
tonight. We have years to while away our pleasures on these
whores. Tuck them away for the night.”

As we were pushed toward the main building in the center of the
compound, Jenny and I tried to pick up our discarded burkas but
Fahd made us leave them were they lay, “You’ll have no use for
such things for a long time,” he admonished.

We were each taken to our rooms or cells if you will. Before we
entered we were shackled and blindfolded, led into our rooms and
secured to what felt like a bed. Then my guard said, “And
something special for you and your cum-eating friend.”

With that I, and presumably Jenny were gagged. Meaning we had to
spend the night with their foul cum sticking to our faces,
matting down our hair and warming in the wetness of our mouths.

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