Working Late at the Office (horror porn)

Ronnie and Jenna are working late on advertising campaigns.
Whichever one is selected by their boss will go on a trip to the
present it to the customer. More than likely that will result in
a big contract for the company and a promotion for whoever came
up with the winning campaign.

It’s nearly midnight when Ronnie can no longer ignore her full
bladder; she takes a quick trip to the ladies room. While she’s
away, Jenna sneaks over and messes up her presentation, putting
in a bunch of derogatory language, deleting whole pages, etc.
Ronnie has backups, but most of this evening’s work is trashed.
When she gets back and sees the results, she goes over to Jenna’s
cubicle and slaps her face, calling her a bitch.

Jenna calls Ronnie a bunch of names and scratches her face, then
turns back to her computer to continue working. Enraged, Ronnie
takes the cord from Jenna’s phone and wraps it around her neck,
pulling it tight. Jenna gets up and tries to fight, pulling at
the cord and stomping on Ronnie’s foot, but Ronnie just screams
and pulls harder. Jenna reaches back and grabs Ronnie’s arms,
trying to pull her hands back together, but she just can’t get
enough leverage. She tries to turn around, but Ronnie forces her
up against the desk, forcing what little air was left in her
lungs out past the cord.

“I’ll just use the best parts of your campaign; I don’t think
you’ll mind because you won’t be around to care.” Ronnie savors
the raspy snoring sound that Jenna makes whenever she tries to
breathe. She can tell that Jenna isn’t getting enough air, even
with her throat only partly closed off. The snores are coming
faster and faster as Jenna’s system reacts to her increasing
blood Co2 by panting, and her pulling on Ronnie’s hands becomes
more frantic.

“I’m going to enjoy killing you, you really deserve it,” Ronnie
growls. “You were always sucking up to the boss or trying to
sabotage other people — good workers — instead of just
producing better material yourself. But nobody could quite pin
anything on you.”

Ronnie slowly pulls the cord tighter. “Until now, that is. You
went too far this time. I know there’s nobody else in the
office; even the janitors have left for the day. You’ve helped
make this a suffocating place to work in. Now feel what it’s
like for the rest of us.” In less than a minute, Jenna is
reduced to clawing weakly at the cord around her neck. Her face
is red and her eyes are glazing over.

Ronnie finds herself getting excited by the power she holds over
Jenna’s breath and life, and decides to make it last a little
longer. “Would you like to have _one_ more breath?” she asks,
then pauses as if listening for an answer. “Yes, I bet you
would. OK, Honey, I’ll give it to you, but just the one.” Ronnie
relaxes her grip on the cord for a second, and Jenna draws in a
long gasping breath without thinking about it. Ronnie quickly
winds the phone cord around her hands for a better grip, then
slams Jenna up against the desk to drive the breath out again.

She quickly draws the cord back to its former tightness and wraps
her legs around Jenna’s to help pin her to the desk. Slowly the
cord is pulled tighter, as Jenna’s face turns red again. Ronnie
enjoys the feeling of Jenna’s struggles to get loose, the body
twisting and turning between her legs as she she pulls harder and
harder until at last Jenna can’t breathe at all. She keeps
pulling tighter on the cord, admiring the way it bites deep into
Jenna’s neck and feeling the thrill of knowing she is in control
at last. Jenna’s life is fading away in her hands, and she
enjoys it.

Jenna’s body heaves with the effort to draw in some air, she
struggles and fights for the air she can’t have. The strangling
sensation in her chest completely overpowers all other sensation
and she claws weakly at the cord around her throat. Her body
writhes desperately, trying to find a position where she can
breathe, but it does her no good. Ronnie enjoys the way Jenna’s
death struggles rub against her crotch; she knows she will come,
if only Jenna lasts long enough.

Jenna’s struggles are rapdily getting weaker, and Ronnie no
longer needs the desk to help control her. She turns until they
are facing the window. With the office brightly lit and the
moonless night outside, the window functions as a mirror. Ronnie
can see Jenna’s face, now turning from red to purple. Jenna’s
eyes are bulging; her tongue protrudes from her slack mouth. The
cord is biting deep into her throat and the skin above it is so
darkened from pooled blood that it’s almost black.

Soon Jenna is too weak to struggle further, but the sight of her
face and throat are enough for Ronnie. As Jenna starts to sag
between her hands, Ronnie finds herself in the throes of an
extremely powerful orgasm. She involuntarily pulls the cord even
tighter as the sensations overtake her. When she regains
control, she finds Jenna’s lifeless body leaning against her,
hanging limply from the cord she’s still pulling tight.

Ronnie disposes of the body in a dumpster that will be picked up
by a semi-automoted service next day, and returns to start
putting her campaign back in order. Refreshed by her orgasmic
experience, she whistles happily to herself as she works. She
now has plenty of energy to undo the damage Jenna did to her
work, and can see exactly how to incorporate the best parts of
Jenna’s campaign into hers to form a seamless whole.

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