I felt her tongue twisting, pulling, licking, drawing

I woke as the sun light peeked through the blinds above
us, I could hear her breathing next to me. Smiling I
reached under the covers and lightly touched her bare
hip. Her breathing changed only slightly. I was
surprised to feel a morning hard but I chalked it up to
the three cans of New Red Bull called In-her-gee that
I’d had last night. It was said to keep a guy going
like Viagra. I supposed that it sufficed for three
rounds last night and apparently was still kicking in.

As I thought over the situation I realized that the
morning hard wasn’t really anything special. Actually I
really just needed to take a leak, plus after last
night’s anal activities my johnson was more then a
little sore. Maybe if I just eased my way out of the
bed and to bathroom she wouldn’t notice.

“Umm, .put it in again… please,” I heard her whisper.
I think she was still 90% sleep but if I moved she’d
wake up for certain. I laid as still as a crook trying
to hide from a police chopper. “Pleeease… I need it!”
She moved her smooth, round, ass cheeks into my crotch.
With her right hand she pulled her ass cheek open for
me. I imagined the pink hole puckering like a fish’s
mouth. Shit.

“K, just let me go take a piss real quick and I’ll be
right back… kay?”

I felt her small, warm hand grab my cock and pull the
head to her ass. It bumped a cheek and I heard her
grunt in frustration. I guess I could’ve helped but
until you’ve been relegated to little more then a
walking, talking, flesh bottle you wouldn’t understand.
Again, my over-thinking the situation had a negative
effect on J-willy aka my cock. It began to shrink a bit
in her grasp. Thanks buddy.

It’s times like these that make you understand why it’s
a dog that’s man’s best friend and not his own dick.
Her voice was beginning to get the familiar rasp of a
juice addict. I hated that. It was the reminder that
just like the others before her it wasn’t me she
wanted. It was my cum and nothing more. No biggie, I
was here to make money, not to make love.

“Nooo, I need some…just a little, I’ll be good, I
promise baby…” Thinking that if I was able to get out
of the bed I’d make a break for my clothes, make
certain my wallet was still full, and then take my
chances in the street. I was only a four or five blocks
from home. I whispered softly in her ear “Let me go pee
and get another drink and I’ll take care of you,

“It’s Sherri…no, don’t worry… I’ll help… I

She turned and for a brief moment I caught a glimpse of
her face, eyes still closed – I wondered what color
they were, she was pretty, a little pale, and sallow,
but that seems to be the norm now-a-days. Her lips were
full, pinkish red, without lipstick, hair three shades
of blonde. I felt her tongue on my chest then my gut,
stopping at my belly button flicking into my dent like
a broke guy checking a change dispenser for loose

I guess cum gets stuck there now and then but I know
the deposits I left in her last night didn’t stray that
far. Next came the warm, wetness of her mouth
enveloping my semi-hard cock. She didn’t bob or give it
a deep draw, she simply let it lay on her tongue
waiting. I lay still wondering what was next, still
thinking about my get-away. Pants… see ’em, check,
shoes… there’s one… can’t see the other one – fuck,
shirt, check. I felt her hand press just under my belly
button. That was different. Didn’t do much to get me
harder but it did make me have to go worse. “Shirley…
um… Sherri… I really gotta go, I’m serious, if you
keep that up you’re gonna get something other then cum
to drink this morning.”

She pressed harder. “Oh… I get it. Good grief. First
cum addicts, now this… okay, whatever… Grandma used
to say that when life gives you lemons you make… This
could be messy but whatever. You’d think you’d just be
able to let go, but again, until you’ve tried it,
believe me, the first time ain’t easy. I closed my
eyes, relaxed and imagined that I was standing at a
stall at a Yankees game. Hey, you do what you do and
let me do what I do.”

I felt her suck gently and press again. That’s all it
took. I took a deep breathe then let it out…all out.
I tried to keep it to a slow release but you already
know we don’t have much control in that area. I felt
the pleasant urgent release of pressure and could hear
her swallowing, humming, swallowing. Then a bit of pain
as she squeezed my cock to slow the flow.

I felt a bit of coolness as she pulled my dick from her
mouth and took a deep breath. A moment later, swore I
heard her giggle, then I was lost in the warmth again
and flowing like a busted fire hydrant. I pulled the
covers off to watch and was treated to the sight of the
top of her head and my slight gut. I need to mix in a
few sit-ups tomorrow.

Leaning back a bit I brushed her hair aside. There’s
really few sights sweeter to a man then the sight of
his cock enveloped by pink lips. She swallowed my
stream like a frat boy doing a beer bong. I was truly
amazed. I really wanted to pull out and see the stream
go in like those videos on the net but she was focused.
Almost crazed. I hadn’t heard that urine had the same
nourishing effect on chicks as cum but then again, TV
hadn’t been on in months and radios were hard to find.
As the flow subsided she sucked harder, getting every
precious drop.

“Ummm, de-lish. Did that help?” she asked, voice still
a bit raspy but not as bad as earlier. “Yeah, thanks.
Did it help you?” “Actually it did help a little…but
not nearly enough.” She slowly jacked me as she said
this. Staring at J-Willy like my words were coming out
of its hole.

“Brrrrp, scuse me…” she giggled. Piss belch. Not
exactly sexy, but obviously she wasn’t going to let me
go that easy. Resigned to my duty, “K, so how do you
want it this time?” “Ass… ass… in my ass!”

It’s strange, the effect of the space dust affected
every female differently. Some got relief quicker
anally, others, orally. Not too many seemed to find
much satisfaction vaginally. I’d heard early on that
the semen was absorbed quicker by the tongue, throat,
stomach, and colon linings then the vaginal tract.
Apparently some were worried about the world’s
population decreasing because of this but at these
times that’s really someone else’s problem.

“K, turn…” She was on her knees and elbows before I
could say over. Her grasp on my wrist was as tight as a
weight lifter and I bet she didn’t weigh more then 110
wet. These cum-heads develop uncanny strength when they
get close to juice. Not wanting to get my balls ripped
off and eaten I assumed the missionary position and
aimed my pole at the wet, puckering brown and pink hole
of her ass. I wondered if the wetness had come from her
cunt or from sweat.

As I pressed into her, I heard her sigh, “yess… oh,
ow, yesss… deeper… OW! Keep pushing… yes…

I slyly flicked my fingers at her cunt and clit to test
the waters there. In earlier days these moves would’ve
gained me a slightly higher status in my partner’s eyes
but now, those skills were wasted. Oh well. Dry. Her
ass was wet but her cunt was dry.

My 7-inches of, muscle, meat, vein, and skin slid in
and out smoothly. She buried her head in the pillows
and pushed back against me. She was mid level tight,
and it still hurt a bit but fortunately she’d done this
more then a few times before so I switched my body to
auto pilot and worked the butter churner as best I
could. Damn, her fucking ass wets up like a pussy.
What’s next for this world? I wondered. Yeah, I think
too much. 25 minutes later I was back on the streets,
keeping to the shadows, watching out for crazed cum-
heads on the prowl for man juice, and $500 richer.

How in the hell did we get here? It was six months ago
when life was plugging along as always, Obama was up
for impeachment for boinking the VP’s wife, but what
the hell. It was his second term, the budget was
balanced and we had just about pulled out of Iraq.
Unfortunately, balancing the budget meant massive cuts
in the space program. Maybe if we’d spent a few dollars
there we may have noticed the half Pluto sized comet
that skirted past Mars dragging this special “dust”
behind it. I blame Bush. Both of ’em.

Anyway, as I understand it, as the rock passed Earth’s
gravitational flow some of the dust got sucked in, bent
the rays of the sun, and made it appear to flicker like
a bad light bulb. Talk about freaking everyone out. All
hell broke loose. The dim witted scientist had no idea
what had occurred the religious freaks claimed, of
course, that it was the end of the world and all of our
rapture was upon us. Yeah, if it was then God must’ve
gave us all the finger because he didn’t take anyone.
Haha. Of course everyone blamed O’Bama, especially
Biden. Go figure. So in the midst of all this the
government was basically useless – as usual.

It took a couple of weeks before females who had
reached puberty began acting odd. They were literally
dieing for cum. They needed it like heroin times 10.
The doc’s tried everything but nothing other then fresh
cum straight from a cock sufficed. The back and forth
rubbing, the entire act of either oral or anal sex set
neurons off in their heads and opened new “pores” in
their bodies that drank up the sperm.

The “high” lasted about 48 hours at first, but now I
guess most guys had been pretty well drained and the
“thirst” was getting stronger so for some 4 hours per
tablespoon was asking a lot. Frozen sperm, that had
been thawed didn’t work on it’s own but it was assumed
that if you had a dildo and a bag of the stuff near by
that a woman might be able to pull it of, but good luck
with all that. There were enough of us sperm bags
walking around to satisfy their needs.

Obviously this was heaven sent for most guys for about
two weeks. Husbands took dutifully took care of their
wives, girls with boyfriends had their fix at hand. I
was told that dad’s with daughter’s would put a sheet
over themselves and then let their wives get them to
the point of busting a nut then the wife would have the
kid drink up. I hadn’t seen it but I suppose it
could’ve happened. Not certain what I would’ve done in
their place. Probably the same. Maybe worse.

Unfortunately, single women, older widows, and
unattached girls were in bad shape. Talk about a
pedophile’s dream. 12 year olds used to show up selling
Girl Scout cookies now those without dads, boyfriends,
or brothers handy would show up at the neighbor’s door
begging for donations of cum juice down their throats
or up their asses. Of course if neighbor “Bob” had a
wife or girlfriend they weren’t about to share their
supply with “little Lucy”. Yeah, being single I gave my
share of donations. Hey, it was for a good cause.

One month of this shit is all it took for a sane world
to crumble to damn near prehistoric levels. Major
corporations shut down as guys couldn’t leave the
house. Either to make certain the wife and daughter
weren’t prowling the alleys and bus stations for their
fixes or because the wives wouldn’t take the chance of
hubby donating his precious juice to that bitch

Single guys were able to keep things running for about
a month but after that all bets were off. One by one,
stores closed, TV stations went off the air, and radio
stations went next. Somehow electricity kept working in
a few areas. I guess there were guys who dodged the
cum-heads for the good of the whole. I’d even heard of
a few guys trying to castrate themselves to avoid an
over eager partner’s “passion”. What a bunch of idiots.

As for me, like most single guys I decided to make the
best of it. I went from telemarketer and part time
computer repair guy to Joe the Gigolo. I’m not the only
one of course. Most guys are waiting for a miracle to
save us (sort of). Others, like myself were doing what
we’ve done since the dawn of time. Adapt, day by day.
Most women don’t like to fight for their dick so it’s
easy to simply find a safe spot, make eyes, listen to
the offer and either go with them to a nearby alley for
a quick $50 or to their pad for more.

I prefer the house or apartment since most still can
cook a bit and the last restaurant in this city closed
it’s doors weeks ago. At this point even taking cash is
a bit pointless as there’s no where to really spend it,
but we’re all expecting this shit to pass and things to
return to normal so you want to have as much cash
stashed as possible when, well if that day ever comes.

How’s your town and the rest of the world making out?
Hell if I know, I’m just giving you the goods as I know
them in my city. Before the last station went off the
air last month it was said that the middle east had
basically blown itself off the map as some of the
radicals took this as some sort of chemical warfare
against their women by Afghanistan and tried to set
some half ass nukes off which ended up blowing up a
quarter of their own country.

Nevertheless, the intent was there and that begat a
volley of nukes. Fortunately, none of those idiots had
any long range missiles so North and South America were
spared…sort of. Can’t say the same for much of Europe
and Asia. The nukes set off massive earthquakes and
tsunamis. They say that Africa was spared so most are
going there for safety. Talk about a 360. As far as the
our side of the little blue planet, an out-brake of
aids in South America had ravaged all of Braziland the
surrounding countries as well as half of Mexico.
Obviously travel was cut off early on but who knows
now. I’ll worry about that later.

So what caused this shit to happen? Good question. A
French scientist figured it out after an autopsy of a
dead chick’s throat immediately after she passed. He
found that those cum hungry “pores” were actually
spores. Spores of something not of this planet. So all
this time we were expecting little green dudes with big
heads like Sam Cassell (he was a basketball player) and
they show up as dust. Go figure.

Turning down the street towards my place I hear a dog
bark then whine. I look back, safe. No one following. I
can see my two bedroom place from here, three houses
down. Within running distance~ I hope. I’d been
thinking that having a dog might be a good idea. Kinda
like that Will Smith movie. I move to the fence where I
heard the dog’s bark. I can still hear a low whine. I
step behind a bush and up on a small cinder block to
peak over. Now I’ve seen it all. An overweight chick in
a sundress was down on all fours going down on a light
brown collie that was lying, one leg up, next to its
dog house.

“Oh, please…aahh…Rexy… I need your juice… I’ll
give you a big bone… mmm… mmmm… mmm… give
mommy… aaah… what she needs again… mmmm…
mmmm… mmmmm.” I looked at the dog, its tongue hanging
out, tail slowly thumping, her head bobbing, and
thought that I’d probably had the same look of
resignation on my face an hour ago.

I’m not into dogs or fat chicks but this first of a
kind combination kinda did a little something for me.
Stepping off the block I thought for a moment, do I
have any juice left in my sac to even attempt to make a
buck off of this chick? Is this too close to home? I
don’t need her fat ass on my porch every day… yeah, I
know, thinking too much again. I checked my package.
Yeah, still a little weight down there. Must be that
last In-Her-Gee drink I’d knocked back on the way out
of Cheryl’s or whatever her name was’ house.

I went to the back yard gate and let myself in. I was
about to tap her gently on the ass but paused to get a
better look. She was so heated that she didn’t even
hear me a foot behind her. I could smell her sex. At
least her twat still got wet. I hadn’t had that in
months. Damn, why’d she have to be fat? Oh well, I’d
heard they have tight cunts.

As I contemplated my next move Rex’s eyes and ears
perked up and he barked. “Yes, that’s a good boy…
yes… gimme… give mommy some cum… mmm… mmmm…

The dog twisted away from her and ran at me. Shit!
Hadn’t thought of that. “No! Rexy!! NO!!” I turned to
run from the mutt but the damn dog was too fast. He was
on me, past me out of the gate, and down the street
before I’d taken two steps. Muthafuck! The chunky chick
moved past me as well but stopped at the gate watching
Rex’s tail wave good bye in the distance.

I came out of my psycho sex cloud. “I’m really sorry,
ma’am… I heard the dog whine… and thought it might
be… um hurt… um… yeah… I’ll see if I can catch
him for you.

“No, he’s free… let him go… but… aah… you
know… you know… I can’t believe you just saw me…
saw me doing a dog… I’m sorry… I know it’s wrong…
but I was so thirsty… I’m alone… my husband left
last month with his… his slutty sister… I’m
sorry… I-I still… I can… pay you…”

“Um, well, since I cost you your dog… the least I can
do is… well, you know.”

Her cherub face lit up. I bet she was cute a long and
100 pounds ago. She kinda reminded me of a young Mrs.
Santa. Red cheeks, pink lips. “Can we go inside, or
would you rather I lie down, haha!”

She just kind of looked at me. “I’m joking, really, the
world’s pretty f’d up right now, I’m not judgin’ you…
really.” A single tear rolled down her cheek.

“C’mon,” I said as I took her warm hand in mine and
entered her house through the sliding patio door. She
slid the glass door behind us and locked it. She gazed
out to the yard for a moment before closing the
curtains. “I’ll leave the gate open, in case he comes
back. I didn’t mean to hurt him. They always
leave…all I wanted…I gave him all I had. He ate
steak, I ate…I ate… With that she broke down
sobbing in my arms.

Okay, awkward… sad… but… awkward… Damn! Why
didn’t I just go home? I rubbed her back and looked at
the fireplace mantel behind her. The pictures were all
turned around. As I let her sobbing subside and tried
to pull away slowly.

“How about I come back later tonight and we eat and
talk for a bit… k… I’ll be back promise.”

Her eyes wide, voice slightly raspy “No! Please no…
I’ll be good. I won’t hurt you, I can… I can… I can
deep-throat really good… it won’t take long…

Two more tears, one from each blue eye rolled over her
cheeks and into the corners of her mouth. I stood still
for a moment, saying nothing. Her eyes never left mine
as she went to her knees. She unzipped my pants, I
heard her intake of breath.

“Ummm…yes…God yes…”

Like a kid playing the hand slap game her hand shot
into my crotch, grabbing my cock and in a moment five,
six, seven inches, hair was between her lips. I felt
her tongue twisting, pulling, licking, drawing. Damn,
she is good. Her hands were on my ass pulling me
closer, pushing me out an inch or two forcing me back.
I could feel the tightness of her throat, the warmth of
her tongue.

I stood still, this woman face fucking herself with my
cock. I felt a bit sick in the head wondering if the
dust from space was really the devil bringing us all to
our knees. Screw that, that’s thinking too much. This
is what it is. Enjoy it. She pulled off for a moment.
“You must’ve ass fucked someone earlier. I can taste
it, smell it still on you.” She pulled me back into her
mouth slowly. Sucking, savoring… “Yeah, um… sorry
’bout that, I should’ve washed… I… um sorry.”

She pulled off, a long strand of pre-cum mixed with
saliva still attaching us like a freakish high wire
act. “I know it’s sick, but I like it. It tastes sweet.
Please cum for me. Mmmm” I placed my hands on both
sides of her head, wishing for a moment I was slightly
larger, found the right angle and pressure in her mouth
and throat and sawed my cock into her face for all I
was worth. She let her hands fall to her side as I used
her head like a deep snapper on crack. Ten, twelve,
fifteen pumps.

I lost count at twenty seven. I felt that familiar
tightening of the nuts, tingle of the cock, and then
finally the rush of expelling my seed. At the first
spurt her hands came back up to my ass locking me in to
her. She milked me, drained me, emptied me completely.

“Mmm, thank you kind sir. Thank you.”

“Yeah, no problem. Can I use your restroom for a sec?”

Getting up slowly (and I think a bit painfully) she
straightened her dress, rubbed her neck a bit and said
“Of course…first door to your right.” As I stepped
into the bathroom I lifted the seat, paused before
pissing and thought about this morning. A small smile
looked back at me from the mirror above the sink. “Hey,
Miss… can you come in here for a sec?”

If it’s going to be a crazy world… who am I to
question it?