Stepsister’s Skillful Mouth – Chapter Three

When Nathan Warner woke up the next day, there were little men with booster rockets aimed at each other across the broad span of his brain. They were firing them one by one. His mouth tasted like an Alabama election, it stank. His body was bruised slightly and his skin was stinging, as if he had a sunburn.

She was gone. He got up and went rummaging around for aspirin. Five tablets down, with water, and a second glass lull for a gargle; “I wonder if that dame ever sleeps?” he muttered to himself, talking out loud. He staggered around the room, looking. Where was the white envelope? He checked the carpet to see if it maybe had fallen down. No note. No forty bucks. “The damn bitch,” he said aloud.

He showered, shaved and dressed. The aspirin was rumbling in his stomach, doing more work there than on his head. He winked at his watch on the table by the bed He sneaked another glance at it. Two-twenty. Then a hunch hit him for some odd reason. He whipped out his wallet and opened it.

There was a note all right in his wallet! “IOU $l20. Thanks, darling. We have a trip to make. Please bring a small overnight bag. Be here at seven, dear! Paulette.”

“The hell you say, woman,” he said.

He crumpled the note in his hand and threw it on the floor. He stalked out of the room, not even bothering to take down the DO NOT DISTURB sign. He walked the three blocks to his MG, fuming, all burned up. “I got in the MG and drove back to his apartment. He was halfway up the steps to the door when it started hitting him, and he came to a dead stop.

Re turned and scooted back down hoping she hadn’t seen him. He remembered yesterday. He remembered how good sex had ben with Nancy. What . the hell? Last night with the widow was good, in a way, he thought. But the widow had to put something on it.

Somewhere in the back of his mind hovered a quiet guilty thought: Nancy had been expecting him to come home since last night. The answering service! He remembered. He scooted over to a corner phone booth and checked in.

“Mr. Warner, Nancy has called every hour on the hour, and Mr. Buck Pappas has called twice.”

“Listen, sugar plum, I want you to tell me something. Please don’t tell me wrong. Now, did you tell either Mr. Pappas or Nancy that the other had called?”

“Well, I told Mr. Pappas that Nancy had called…and..;”

“Never mind the rest. You got a pencil and paper handy?”

“Sure, Mr. Warner, that’s part of my job.”

“If Mr. Pappas calls, tell him that I’m away on a film job and you forgot to tell him will you do that for me?”

“All right,” she said reluctantly.

“Now, when Nancy calls, tell her the same thing. You forgot to give her the memo before. Now get this exact: I called long distance from location. I went on a quick trip with a producer to a Mexico location. Tell her I’ll drop a letter to her and will be back in a day or so. Also, tell her I love her.”

He rechecked with her again to make sure she had it. He knew it was too much for her, but all he could do was hope she had her memo correct and would follow through. By God, he thought, his mind was made up. He wasn’t going to let any rich Mexicali Rose beat him out of one hundred and twenty bucks just because she was tape happy and he was the fall guy. He. would keep that appointment with Jim again tonight; and show her who had the best insurance policy.

He figured his remaining cash torn the original forty and his last night’s piano tips and it wasn’t much. But it would do. He bought a small flight bag; two white, shirts, some socks, underwear, and toothpaste and a toothbrush. He then went and had a big steak. The Japanese sukiyaki and five aspirins had left nothing but an empty cavern in his stomach.

Then he got in his MG and drove out to car dealer, Warner told himself that sometimes the opportunity comes to a man to do something, and he better be ready to grab at-it. He hated to get rid of the little bomb, but he parked and collected the papers out of the glove compartment. He got out and handed the papers to the man. Just like that.

“Three hundred is all she’s worth,” the dealer said.

“Pay me in cash,” Warner said.

The dealer got in, drove the MG around back while Nathan cooled his heels, came back and gave him the cash. He transferred the papers to the dealer, then went across the street to a brand had a quick bourbon while he Collected his thoughts.

Suddenly, he wanted to see Nancy, to find out just what she could do for him with Weindorf, the producer.. But first, he had to collect his dough plus interest from the Empress. He’d already made up his mind to go on her trip with her.

He got up and walked to a corner drugstore and got an envelope and stamps, then came back to the neighborhood bar for another bourbon. He borrowed a piece of paper from the bartender and wrote on it: “Darling, hope you heard the good news from the answering service. Production man going back up to Hollywood will mail this for me today. Here’s $300. My advance. Please pay rent, get groceries, and sit tight. Set up the deal with Weindorf. Some way for me to meet him. See you sometime. Save that dinner for me.”

He addressed the envelope to Nancy at the apartment. At least that ought to make her feel better, and the setup for Weindorf could be his break at last. He added a PS: “I’ll come when I can. Love you.” He signed it, “Man in Mexico.”

Two hours later, Nathan Warner sat behind the wheel of the big black rental chariot. Empress was decked out in sweater and slacks, sitting close beside him. She didn’t have her Oriental look on today, but he called her “Empress” just the same. He drove fast, out of L.A., whipping the hones and watching the rear-view mirror.

Destination: New resort in the desert, twenty five miles northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. Paulette had the propaganda folders and the reservation spread out In her lap. The place was a new super-duper resort hotel, complete with gardens schmaltz, pile carpets, paneled club room, barn, and a stable for horses. Lots were for sale, and that was part of the reason Paulette wanted to go see the place. He learned from her that some of her husband’s business contacts had told her about the glories of Arizona living as opposed to the smog and winds of Los. Angeles, or the hot humidity of Houston, Texas.

Paulette said she liked to travel at night. They drove along. sometimes talking, sometimes listening to the radio, until shortly after midnight they spotted a motel with a truck-stop restaurant open nearby, and they pulled in. They. went over for food after checking into a dingy motel room. Paulette wore stretch pants and sweater. She bad her hair done up on her head, and her makeup was light; Truck drivers and tourists eyed them and he was glad she looked like something instead of forty.

He paid for the food tab directly from the one-twenty he had in his inside coat pocket. The moment he opened her Beverly Hilton suite room, she’d handed it to him and he hadn’t said a word, just put it in his pocket. They went back to the motel and Paulette told him to go to bed, that she would take a bath. That suited Nathan since he was tired from the drive.

As soon as Paulette get into the small bathroom, he pulled all the bills out of his coat pocket, put them in a sock, then hid the sock in the small flight bag. If she wanted to play the I.O.U. game, at least she’d have to search, he had decided.

Nathan drifted off to sleep, hoping that tonight wasn’t a night for tape. He felt Paulette crawl in beside him. All night long he could feel her squeezing him now and again. Once, when she woke up, he thought duty was imminent. But she was just in a lovey-dovey mood. He had, never seen her in early morning without her warpaint. He turned her face over to him. It was morning, but she still was asleep. He silently wished he hadn’t taken such a close look. There was something naked about her. Her eyes were closed. Her skin was pasty cream. She needed sun. It gave her an expression of ghost-like unreality. She looked forty now or more. But it wasn’t the age that made the difference. It was a sallowness beneath the natural dark complexion of her skin.

One thing Nathan knew about these kind of women; there was hardly any middle-age. They were beautiful, then all of a sudden they disintegrated into pudgy, oily-skinned grandmothers. Paulette wasn’t leather-skinned yet.

Nathan hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. When he finished, she was sitting up in bed, yawning and stretching. Her tits were bare and sagging. She didn’t seem to care any more. She held her arms up for him to come to her. Her lips met his. While they kissed, she rubbed him tenderly.

“Oh, poor Nathan,” she said playfully, “did it hurt when Paulette pinched you, dear?” She rolled over and giggled, then put her hands over her face. At times, Paulette could act like a teenage girl. “I’d hate for your handsome face tote scarred up, but I wouldn’t mind about the rest of you too much.”

“Nuts to you, sugar blossom!” he said. “You know damn well nothing’s going to happen to my face. That’s my. future. I’m going to be a star because of my face.”

He searched for a cigarette, got his kit and went into the bathroom and shaved. She watched him for along moment, her eyes alone unsmiling.

“Let’s hit the road,” he called out to her. He towered and came out dressed

“I’ll check the map while you’re dressing,” he told her.

He scooped, up his bills from the sock and put them back in his coat pocket. Suddenly, he noticed the wealth of South Africa lying on the bedside table. This was the first time he had known Paulette to take off the stone. She was still in the bathroom. He kept looking at it, trying to count the carats. He looked again. That was all.

That was the morning he found out it took Paulette. two hours to put on her mask. He waited and smoked coffin nails, one right after the other; He checked the maps. For a while the booklets on the resort held bis interest. He wondered if Paulette was really serious about building a house out there. No doubt she had the money.

He wanted a cup of coffee. “Look here, Empress, he called out to her; “I’m going for a cup of coffee, I’ll bring you one if you like.”

“I don’t want to stay alone, she said, her voice full of petulance.

Well, a man had to take a stand sometime, Nathan decided.

“Sugar, I didn’t ask you if you wanted to stay alone. I asked you did you want a cup of coffee?”

“No!” Short and sweet.

“When you finish, come to the restaurant and get me and I’ll put the bags in the car.”

No reply.

“Do you think you can get the waxworks on before noon?” he called back sarcastically. He knew he shouldn’t have said that, but she was acting like a big baby. He heard the washbasin water go on full flow. Funny how women could use such subtleties to voice their emotions rather than spoken words, he thought, glad that she couldn’t hear him now. He slammed the door and went for coffee.

While he sat in the small restaurant watching the time pass and people come and go, lie got to thinking about the money he had remaining. He hopped up and bought one of those laugh cards because it had art envelope. He winked at . the cashier and asked her to do him a favor. He got her to address the card for him.. . to hiniseif at Nancy’s apartment.

Then he went back to his bar stool and slipped one hundred dollars into the fold-over of the. card inside. He sealed it. Nancy would get it and take it to be just a card from somebody to him. She’d probably figure somebody was sending him money owed him. He couldn’t lose. He bought two thirteen-cent stamps from the machine, pasted them on, and gave the letter to the cashier to mail for him.

“You only need one stamp, sir,” she said.

“I know. Just putting the other one on for insurance,” he replied.

It got to be twelve o’clock, and Nathan paid his coffee tab. He left the cashier a fifty-cent tip. She learned he walked back over to the motel ready to hop all over Paulette. Rich woman or not, she could act a little less like a bitch. He found her sitting in the front seat of the black caddy, all sweetness and smiling. The bags were already in the car.

“I’ve been waiting,” she said.

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“It is not feminine to impose upon a man besides, you were busy talking to the cashier.”

Be bitchy, damn you, he wanted to say. But what the hell? He leaned ever and gently pinched her chin, wondering how much she’d seen. “Lovely, love1y, he said. “How sweet you are. A real queen!” He got in and headed the big Detroit chariot toward Phoenix; He tramped on the gas, anxious to get there.

Paulette had not forgotten ter dug. It was flashing in his eyes. All the way to Phoenix taking the remainder of the afternoon, she sat well over on her portion of the front seat. She was mostly silent, looking at the changing terrain, and once.

dozing in the sun. Her lips were still pouty. But each time Nathan started to say something to her, he would glance down at the ring and think twice.

But he kept thinking about Nancy and the deal she might get him with Weindorf, the producer. Just one good role was all he needed. Just one good role, and his own good looks would do. the rest.

An empty, nagging feeling settled itt the pit of his stomach; it told him he should be there with Nancy, coaching and directing her in the part she had to play with Weindorf. The more he thought about it the more he realized he was creating doubts in his own mind that weren’t there before. Nancy had done a great job so far, and he wasn’t even aware of what she was doing. She’d do all right on her own, he decided. After all, wasn’t she in love with him?

Then he felt Paulette’s hand come to rest on his leg and he snapped out of his private thoughts. He was back to the Empress and the here and now of her teasing fingers, as they strummed a tune on his inner thigh just below his cock. When he felt her fingers working at the zipper to his pants, his foot eased off the gas to bring the Caddy back to the legal speed limit and he fixed his eyes on the road, pretending not to notice. It didn’t bother him that his cock sprang out of his pants stiff and hard, contradicting his indifferent attitude.

Paulette stroked the big prick that jutted out of his pants. She, too, remained silent, but she had a devilish grin on her face. And after a few more strokes she loweredher lips to tlw purplish knob of his cock and sipped at the drop of cream oozing from the eye of it. By the time they got to Phoenix, she was sucking the last of his cum from his cock.

Nathan Warner sat propped up in bed on new pillows, sipping a bourbon and soda, and he laughed all to himself. Oh, but it was great! Carefree Inn, Arizona; the sun by day, whiskey unlimited by night and day; Paulette’s petulance now and then; and tape on the wrists and ankles anytime.

Nathan had never asked questions. He accepted whatever she wanted to dish out in the way of information. This was the way he had decided to play the game. But she had not broken and he still knew damn little. However, halfway through the two-pound Arizona cut, he decided to break his own rule. He decided to do some asking for a change.

“Empress, sweetheart,” he said, while she nibbled at her steak. “I’m a wage earning man, and you know there are things like rent, utilities, etc., back in Hollywood to be met. Who sends back the bacon?”

She looked at him for a moment, getting it all settled. “Do you need some money, darling?” she asked, all sweetness., her voice tinged with the right amount of disdain for the subject of money.

“I didn’t want to trouble you, darling!” he said, just as sweet.

“How much money do . you need?” Just like that.

“How much am. I allowed?”

“Dear, do you have an apartment alone?”

He saw that coming. What did she take him for anyway? He knew better than to stand up in a canoe, or tell one woman he was shacking with another.

“I have to share my apartment with an old Army buddy. We split the rent in order to get by. I’d be ashamed for you to see it.”

“Don’t you have a girl?” she asked softly.

“You know me better than that. Sure I do. You,


She started looking all twinkly and happy. There was no difference in women, Nathan thought. They would believe what they wanted you to tell them.

“Is your mind made up to become an actor?” she asked

“I don’t mind being your driver, Empress.”

“Please do not say so unless you mean it” There was something, strange and hard about her words.

“I mean it,”The said without flinching.

She sat there toying with the steak, her eyes downcast. The widow was almost beautiful there in the dim light of the steak place. She must have really been sharp when she was young But he kept remembering her in the morning without her wax face.

She raised her eyes and looked at hint. “I want you, Nathan.”

“You have me, sweetheart.”

“No I don’t,” she said. “But I will.” There went that chill down his .sprne. He now knew something he had been putting off; Paulette had gone for him hard. He could tell she was serious; yet he wanted to play it coot and right. He needed the dough, and to him, Paulette was no different from any other broad he’d slept with except in termsof cash.

Driving back to the luxury of Carefree Inn

Paulette snuggled close to his shoulder and said to him, “Darling, I know you must pay bills. Would five hundred cover part of them?”

“It’d be a damn good start, honey,” he said. He had deliverately avoided mentioning money again, just to see what she would do.

“You can send it tomorrow. I’ll give you some travelers’ checks. When you do, write to your friend and tell him that you’re giving up the apartment.”

Now Nathan was surprised, but he tried hard to avoid showing it. “You really want me to, darling?”

“Yes. I know you feel a responsibility for your friend. But give him plenty of notice.”

“What about my things?”

“You can pick them up sometime.”

“Well! Now that that is settled, may I ask two questions? First, how long will we be out here riding the range? Second, just where do you plan to stable me?” He had to play it cool. The five hundred was just about what he had been aiming to ask for as a starter.

“The answer to both questions can wait until tomorrow.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I love you,” she said. “Do you love me?”

“The answer to that can wait until we get back to the room, then I’ll tell you.”

She was happy with that. He decided he would lay it on good once they got back. For five hundred bucks, he could tell her he loved her, easy.

“Darling, I want tonight to be special,” she whispered gently.

“Empress, whatever you want you get!”

It was special all right, he later found out. It was nearly dawn when they finished.

The suites were furnished with beds that had real honest-to-goodness bedposts. Period furniture. After she got the tape on good and proper and wrapped it arouhd the bedposts, Paulette started by tickling and massaging his naked body. Then she got to lightly spanking his thighs and pelvis with the strap. “Let, up, Empress,” he said. “You’re hurting me!”

Please let me,” she begged. “I love to make love to you!”

She started in again. Nathan. knew now for sure. The gal had it bad, and he could see the passion cover her eyes. She had her mouth open, and was already in a state of ecstasy. He’d already decided that he would endure. Maybe there was at least another five hundred from where the one promised came. Finally he could not help it. He really jerked against the tape, but it could not be jerked loose.

When she saw him struggling, she eased up and went back to massaging his body and kissing him. He stopped pulling against the tape. God, he thought, what a freak!

It was near dawn when she finally finished and took the tape off his arms. He got up; showered, and brushed his teeth. That bitch! His wrists and ankles were sore from the tape. He showed then to her accusingly. She rubbed them, gently clucking.

“Poor Nathan,” she said. “Do I hurt you so?”

He got a cigarette and sat down. He wanted to discuss it with her, but didn’t know how to put it. He had little use for head-shrinkers, he was thinking, but this was something that had him perplexed. He always figured as long as he heard the right chords when it came to sex, he didn’t care what kind of hangups the piece of ass of the moment had.

He decided to let the conversation go for a few minutes. He had a few hangups of his own to take care of right now; He wanted to fuck her. An ecstatic whimper of eagerness fled her lips when she saw what he had in mind, and she pulled her knees wide apart, placed a forefinger along eithet side of her cunt, spreading her cunt-lips as he lowered his weight into the cradle of her upraised thighs.

He had never known any female to accept the male prick into her cunt with the demonstrative willingness of Paulette Du Bois. The instant his cock-head kissed the fiery flesh of her waiting pussy, animal heat began flushing upward from her in forceful waves. His cock penetrated a thin moment, and a half-whispered scream sounded from her lips, like she was fucking for the first time! Her thighs jerked against his hips and her face screwed into a mask of passion. He hadn’t managed a half-dozen strokes before her maniac movements told him she was again in orgasm.

He eased forward in a single gliding thrust that sent the full length of his cock into the juicy hotness of her fuck-hole. Her half scream became a banshee wail of feverish joy, and with arms and legs she seized him, clamlike, found his mouth and slithered the pink length of her tongue between his ps.

At once he began to steadily fuck into her, hunching his cock smoothly into her cunt, then adding that extra, forceful hunch that drove his prick shaft with firm pressure against her clitoris. Each of these knocked small puffing grunts from deep inside her, sounds that became desperate cries of animal lust when their lips parted. On his twelfth stroke her cunt muscles attacked his invading cock and clamped around it firmly. Her next orgasm struck with mighty force, and for a space Paulette Du Bois became a mewling, screaming, clawing fiend bent on using her fiery cunt as a tool to break off Nathan’s cock.

She bucked, heaved, and raked his head back with her nails, eyes rolling wildly as she chewed her tongue, the hot jets of his first come spurting into her cunt arid adding fuel to her wild display. A deluge of feminine noises bubbled from her throat, passed lips that formed odd, unnatural shapes. About the entangled couple the air hung heavy with. the strong smell of jizz and cunt juice. “Ohbh, ohhhh, fuck me, fuck me!” she murmured against his tongue. Paulette yelped like a lunatic, up off the bed with. her ass, dancing outrageous dance. She coiled small, stretched big… and came and ……. and came. His prick stuck deep in her cunt, soaking in the hot bath of their mingled juices,

Then Nathan turned her about until she was kneeling on her hands, exposing her meaty rump. The globes of her ass were taut and smooth and a little sweaty, snow white and raised to his prick. He drew them apart in a manner one separates a peeled orange in halves, and he paused for a~ moment to watch the tight pucker of her ass-hole. Nathan poked it with a finger. It blinked furiously in protest.

Paulette spread her knees just a littic more, waiting for him. She angled her thighs farther apart and grunted when he poked her in the ass-hole with his finger again. Then he put the tip of his finger at the very center of her winking pucker and pressed. Paulette winced and strained at it,, and suddenly it popped inside. Nathan began moving it around in her skiff er, expanding it, then working it in and out in preparation for what was to follow. Paulette was wiggling her hips and mumbling, shivering in anticipation as Nathan moved in. behind her.

She lowered her head ta rest on her forearms and said, “Fuck me there, love!”

Nathan inched forward until the knob of his cock found the narrow cleavage of her butt-cheeks. She took hold of his prick by reaching down between her thighs and then she stationed the blunt end of meat squarely against her ass-hole. Nathan gripped her firmly by the hips, then slowly and firmly applied pressure with his hips and Paulette gave out an explosive grunt when his knob popped through the tightly puckered ring of her shitter.

He exploded in her butt-passage in raw gushes and Paulette was crying real tears. Nathan clawed at the soft flesh of her ass, and he knew Paulette was coming until she wanted to die from it!

Nathan lost interest. At this point he never cared any more. He thought again about the questions he wanted to ask her. After they lay entangled and got their breath back, he turned her over. He cleared his throat, about to whisper. Paulette started telling him something before he had a chance to phrase the matter in a way in which he could talk about it. What she said took him by surprise.

“Dear, I wanted you so much tonight,” she said, “because I won’t be in the same room with you for several days.”

He was puzzled and showed it. She got up, pulled on a robe and made a production out of explaining.

“Darling, I’m going to have a guest, and it’ll be improper for us to stay in the same room,” she said.

“Another man?” He couldn’t think anything else but that. He didn’t want any man cutting in on the cash. He bristled and it was a lucky stroke. Paulette thought he was jealous. She hugged and kissed him for it.

“No, dear. It’s not a man. I have no man but you. It’s my daughter. She’ll spend a few days wit me,” she revealed.

“Well,” he said. “I’m very surprised. Your daughter, huh? Want me to return to Hollywood?”

“No you’ll move to another hotel. I’ve already arranged it.”

“Fine, he said, trying to outguess her and be cooperative at the same time. “Where?”


“How long will your daughter be here?”.

“Four days”

“Is she coming from Houston?”

“No, from her school in Iowa: She’s a student at the University of Iowa.”

He had automatically imagined her daughter to be a teenager, perhaps attending some exclusive school So he naturally wanted to know more. He could see the motherhood tears behind her eyes, and he was trying to figure this new angle. It was the first he knew about a daughter.

“Go on, baby,” he said, “and tell me about it.”

Any more children?”

“No. Only one. I haven’t even seen my daughter in fifteen years. Not since she was five. years old.”

It didn’t take Nathan long to find out she had needed she could talk to. The story tumbled out from there on, and he finished without interrupting her.

“Her father was an Australian. I was married once before. I don’t like to remember it. We met and married in Houston. We didn’t have much then. We had some trouble, and finally we got a divorce. He got our daughter and went home and married Australian girl.”

Probably got tired of the tape, Nathan thought. Then another thought struck him maybe the Aussie was the one who started it. He kept quiet, though, so Paulette could talk it out of her system. “I was working in a cabaret at the time, working very hard to study and earn money to get out of my background. I’m Mexican in part, and he could never forget that. It made no difference to my second husband; he was a nice man. But we broke up. I really intended to keep my daughter, but I couldn’t work and look after her, too. I put her in a home for children. At the time of our divorce, he managed to get her and when he left for Australia, he took our child. I could do nothing. Later, I married my husband, who was already well on his way to success with Ranchland Oil. He was twenty years older than I.”

“And you haven’t seen you daughter since?”

“No.” She cried a little. Nathan supposed it was a normal emotion, but he couldn’t imagine Paulette caring one whit one way or the other about the child. Her tears seemed incongruous.

“I’ve sent money to my daughter and have written over the years to her. She’s a good child, and has always answered.”‘ “What about the father?”

“He was a good man, I think, deep in his soul. At least he didn’t try to keep me from contacting her. He swore I couldn’t see her until she was grown.

”How come she’s in the United States?” “He’d gone to the University of Iowa, and he sent her to his school.”

“How is it that you’re meeting her here?’ “I’ve decided to build my permanent home here in Arizona and I want her to visit here. I want to show her the place. Perhaps she’ll come and live with me. Since I have no other children, I’ll leave my money to her.”

God, you are mixed up, Nathan wanted to say. But he couldn’t blame her for hoping. He was damn curious all of a sudden about this Australian daughter.

She looked at him all funny for a moment, then reverted to a giggly state. “Nathan, can I trust you away from me?” “Of course you can, little girl “Will you be true?” “You know I will.”

“If you don’t, I will not forgive you.” There was a cold ring to her tones that sent a momentary chill up his spine.

He changed the subject. He was sleepy and fed up with her coquettishness. “Look here, sweetheart,” he said, “I’ve got an idea. I can be your chauffeur.” “Oh; I don’t want her to suspect me.”

“Empress, I’m an actor he .said. “Remember? It would be a good thing. Listen, I can get a cab, drive you to the airport, drive you around. You can impress her; see? Honest, sugar. I can carry it off so well that she’ll never suspect a thing.”

Poor Paulette, he thought. She was torn between several emotions. She wanted to keep an eye on him. She didn’t want her daughter to know about her lover. He could see she was trying to make up her mind.

“My daughter must never know.”

“I’ll act my part like it was an Academy Award performance. You do the same. She’ll never know.”

“Darling, I love you for this,” Paulette said to him. “Thanks for everything.”

“That’s why I’m here, Paulette. For your sake.”

She was all over him again, hugging and kissing him. He turned off the light and dropped off to sleep. She had a call in for eleven.

She let him sleep until one and by that time she was dressed. He showered and shaved in no time, and they went down to the lobby. He waited while she cashed her travelers checks for him. When he counted it in the men’s room, it was six hundred. The widow could be generous when she wanted to, he saw.

Nathan found himself pacing the floor of his new hotel room, sipping a bourbon and soda and going over the events of the day. He couldn’t explain the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, or the sudden burst of nervous energy. Everything had come off just fine at the airport They picked up Paulette’s daughter in a rented taxi, with Nathan behind the wheel, and he had played his part to perfection. The girl was more impressed with his good looks than the tour they gave her, but Nathan handled that with finesse, too. He was polite and friendly toward the girl, carefully avoiding anything that might make Paulette the least bit jealous.

It was a bad arrangement, he decided. He didn’t like being separated from the Empress like this. He didn’t like eating alone, or, for that matter, sleeping alone. And what was so terrible about her daughter finding out she had a boy friend? The kid probably was shacked up with someone at school herself, he thought with growing anger.

Then it occurred to him that Cassandra’s flirtations and open passes during the day may have gotten Paulette jealous anyway. She had been extremely cool but that was part of their plan. Now he had his doubts about whether she was acting or not. For all he knew, the twenty-year-old girl may have driven a wedge between him and Paulette and there was no way of finding out until she left, which was just wasted time as far as Nathan was concerned. Everything was getting complicated, he thought as he poured more bourbon over the ice and soda left in his glass.

It was almost midnight and he was thoroughly dIsgusted with the turn of events and how he had handled them. He knew now that he should have insisted on returning to Hollywood when she first told him they were going to be separated like this.

Paulette suddenly awoke and found Cassy missing, this would be the first place she’d look. “Look, over something like this. So why don’t you go on back to your mother?”

“My, my. Your cock is as handsome as your face,” she said with a sigh, dropping her coat to the floor and moving towards him with catlike grace. “And while you’re telling me to leave, your cock is begging me to stay.”

He couldn’t argue that point. The minute she opened the front of her coat his cock snapped to a full-size hard-on. And Cassy was just what he had imagined Paulette to look like when she was young petite and beautiful. Her size made her look younger than her twenty years, perhaps fifteen, and it really turned him on!

“Mmmmm… I could eat you alive,” she purred, not taking her eyes from the ballooning head of his cock. “But I’m not sure if you’re angry or not . .

“Shit! It’s not you, Cassy. It’s the fuckin job I’m worried about. I had a hell of a time convincing your mother I could handle the job and you want me to blow it just like that!”

“No I don’t! I want to blow you just like that!”

Without another word she swooped down and kissed the tip of his cock, sipping away the drop of cream that oozed from the eye of it. The her lips were slithering down the length of it, kissing his cock and balls with a feverish urgency. She was on her knees then and her small mouth opened to breathe heat and moistness around the throbbing prick.

Nathan remained motionless, watching her eagerly attack the meal jutting ut from between his legs. Sonofabitek! he told himself. This kid is cock-hungry!

His right hand dropped down wider her chin and he pried her mouth open with his thumb – in her cheek, then slipped the head of his cock to the waiting entrance. Her lips stretched around the thick knob like a tight rubber band as be fed the cock into the heat and moistness of her sucking mouth.

“Mmmmmm. ..aaaahhhh,” she purred over and over, as the thick shaft of meat slid along the length of her tongue to the back of her throat. Nathan just wanted her pretty face devour his prick; enjoying the snug fit of her lips around it. He felt her small hand wiggle between his legs to cup his aching balls. Then a slender finger searched the crack of his ass for his ass-hole an toyed at that for a while before forcing her finger into the tight tunnel.

“Mmmmm…I love it!” she screeched, letting his cock slip from her mouth momentarily, but quickly recovering it and bobbing up and down on it again.

The juices were already boiling in his, balls and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he emptied the load down her throat. But his mind was thinking past that moment of delight to what he was going to do next.

“Suck it hard, baby, cause I’m gonna fuck your ass off when you’re finished!”

“Nnnnnnngggghhhh!” she cried, sucking his cock with a frenzy as her little ass wagged in anticipation.

“I’ll bet that little cunt of yours is twice as tight as your lips.., and I’m gonna stretch it to fit my cock, baby. Just you wait and see!”

Cassy’s head bobbed up and down faster and faster on his glistening cock. His threats only increased her desire to see if he would carry them out. When his strong hands clamped together behind her head, she knew he was about ready to come. She was delirious with excitement and didn’t seem to notice that he was gagging her as he forced his thick cock farther down her throat.

For one brief moment, Nathan thought about Paulette her mother and rammed his cock harder into her mouth. That was for the tape on the ankles and wrists! His cock spit its first load of cream down her throat, causing Cassy to choke and gag as she tried to swallow as fast as it gushed out of his huge prick. That was for the strap treatment on the thighs! And all the time his cock was spitting cum down her throat, her finger was up his ass-hole, as though she was forcing it out from the back. He like the sensation. Then when he fired the hot jizz down her throat, she popped her finger out suddenly.

“WOW!” he jasped at the surprise vacuum it created “Nnggghhh.. . Good,” she said with a gurgling sound froth the fuck-cream in her nibuth. Then licking the excess from her lips, added, “Gorgeous cock. Mrnmmmm. . . so big and salty.”

“When you snapped your finger out of my asshole, I thought my balls were being sucked up into my belly!” he said with a laugh.

“Come on,” she said, pulling him by the arm to the bed. “Now I want that handsome face of yours between my legs. It’s your turn to eat me!”

“I told you I was going to fuck you, not eat you.”

“You can fuck me after you eat me!”

She was as hot as a two-dollar pistol, Nathan decided as he pretended to be reluctant about satisfying her wish. If her mother finds out, he told himself with a sigh, this could be one hell of an expensive piece of ass!

“You act as though you’re timid about tongue-fucking” she teased. “Try-it.’ll like it!”

“Okay. I’ll try anything once,” he sighed, feeling as though he was giving another of his great. performances. At least his audience if one was convinced. he told himself proudly. “Too much!” Cassy screeched, spreading her legs wide as Nathan crawled up the bed between them. “My first virgin mouth! Too much!”

He slid his hands over her young, well-turned legs, up over her hips and sides to the small, but perfectly shaped tits. It was all part of his act to convince her he was still reluctant to get down to the task of licking her pussy. Then he drew his’ hands slowly down her sides to her hips, slipped them under her ass and squeezed those hard balls of flesh.

“You’re driving me insane,” Cassy cooed, lifting her ass even farther off the bed to offer hint the meal between her legs. “Please, Nathan. kiss my cunt. I’li die if you don’t. PleaseT’

“More, lover, more!” she cried, squirming and rolling her hips to butter his mouth with the juices seeping from her cunt.

Then she reached down with both hands, swept aside the cunt-hairs and parted the moist, pink labes for him with her fingers, so excited now, she was prepared to come on his closed mo4th. His big finger was boring into her tight little ass-hole, but she didn’t pay any attention to that, concerned only with his mouth and how it would feel on her longing cunt. Her eyes were wide, watching with anticipation as his handsome face lowered to the steaming heat of her pussy again. This time she got her legs over his shoulders and got ready to clamp his mouth at her drooling cunt.

Nathan kept his lips together until they touched the soft, moist cunt-lips. Then he opened his mouth wide and liqiced his tongue over the weeping slit, followed by a deep plunge into her She screamed and cried, releasing the flood of her pent-up orgasm on his snaking tongue. Another orgasm followed the first as his tongue swept around the walls of her cunt and whipped delightfully in the depths of her hole. Then his finger popped out of her ass-hole and she wild with excitement, clamping his mouth to her cunt and feeling his tongue dart in and out with a familiar fucking rhythm. She answered the slippery serpent with another flush of twat-juice.

“Mmmmm… she finally purred. “You lied to me. That tongue is too talented to be a .

.”I never said it was,” Nathan answered with a grin, bringing his throbbing cock to the slit just occupied by his tongue. “Well, the next time I’ll know better and get a real tongue-job.” she sighed, feeling the blunt knob of his cock penetrating the saliva-soaked lips of her pussy. “Mmmmm… I can just imagine how it feels slithering up my ass-hole…”

Nathan grinned down at her as he fed her the length of his ballooning cock into the tight sleeve of her cunt. She had a small snatch, just like her mother, he noted. Animal-lust sounds escaped from deep in her throat as his thick meat sank deeper into her fuck-hole.

“How would you like my cock up your ass-hole?” he offered in jest.

“Oooowwww.. . you say the nicest things!” she purred back. “Lick my tits, Nathan. I want to see that tongue of yours in action. I’m so glad I found you tonight.”

Her nipples were hard and quivering even before his tongue slithered tip-toe and teasing around them. Chills ran up and down her spine as he sopped and licked and sucked at the tips of her aching tits, while his cock pistoned lazily in and out of her cunt.

That’s when Nathan Warner felt the first sting of a strap on the bottom of his ass, just above his balls. It was followed by another and another on his ass and inner thighs.

“Sonofabitch of a bastard!” Paulette hissed with each whip of the strap on his exposed flesh.

The pain was real, but instead of quenching the lust in his cock, it sent him into a frantic, urgent need to empty his balls into Cassy’s equally tormented cunt. It was weird Nathan thought as their bodies heaved and convulsed to the tempo of Paulette’s slapping strap.

With each sting of the strap on his ass, his cock puffed up even bigger inside Cassy’s milking, sucking cunt. The girl was gurgling sounds of ecstasy deep in her throat, as her orgasms rolled on and on like waves on the beach. His cock felt like it was going to burst like a pricked balloon, without freeing the backed-up flood of hot juices in his tight aching, screaming balls. The agony of it all was becoming unbearable…when Paulette’s hand suddenly seized a fistful of his ass flesh in an attempt to spread the cheeks so she could whip his nuts, and it triggered the explosion in his balls when her finger accidentally dug into his ass-hole.

“AAAHHHHHH!” he bellowed when the first was of cum cleared the eye of his cock.

“Nnnnnggghhhh! Ahhhhh…YEAH!” The remainder of his load fired easily, deliciously into the velvet softness of Cassy’s mushy cunt.

Nathan slowly rolled off Cassy to see what Paulette was up to. And it was the damnedest thing he’d ever seen. She was slumped on the floor next to the bed, with her hand tucked inside her slacks-masturbating!

It was nearly dawn when Nathan’s flight touched down in L.A. He felt refreshed form the short nap on the plane and rolled down the window in the taxi for the trip to Nancy’s apartment. The early morning air was invigorating like a cold shower as it blew in his face.

Without saying a word, he showered, dressed and walked out on Paulette and Cassy. Fuck that shit! He told himself. There was still over five hundred dollars in his wallet and another hundred in an envelope at the apartment, he figured. And he was caught up with his bill for the month. Why stick around to listen to the Empress bitch about what happened? Besides, he told himself, if she still wanted to get in touch with him, she could simply call the Mon Cherie and get his answering service number from Buck Pappas.

It was just a matter of good business, he told himself. If he had stayed and begged for forgiveness, the cash flow would have been small. If she came to him, it would cost her plenty now, as well as her pride.

He wanted to slip into the apartment without waking Nancy, just to avoid all the questions he knew she’d fire at him. But he was no sooner in the apartment than Nancy appeared at the door to the bedroom naked from head to toe. As fucked out as he was from Cassy, the sight of her luscious, full body set off sparks in his balls.

“Nathan!” Nancy cried and in the next instant was all over him, smothering him with kisses and pressing her naked flesh against him.

“It’s good to be home, baby,” he said in all honesty. “You’ll never know how much I missed you.”

And she wouldn’t, because he fed her a straight diet of lies in answer to all her questions. It was easier than he expected, since she wanted to believe everything he told her about his part in the picture.

“Baby, my ass and legs are all raw from riding that fuckin’ horse during yesterday’s shooting session.”

“I can’t wait to see the picture, sweetheart. How long do you think it will take before it’s released?”

“Who knows?”But don’t hold your breath. It’s a television pilot and may never be sold.”

“Were ..there…did…you…damn!” she moaned, pressing her cunt mound against his groin.

“Did you have a girl?

“Would I grab my pay and catch the first flight back to you if there was?”

“Ohhhh, Nathan,” she purred.

Suddenly it was Nancy’s turn to help him, the. way he had helped her when she first arrived in Hollywood. And she began by helping him undress. Then she kissed and licked the welts on his and inner thighs, to help ease the discomfort. Her tongue slithered up his thighs to the crack of his ass and painted its soothing saliva there, too. Up his ass-hole next, just to be sure she didn’t miss any soreness and knowing how it drove him wild.

“Oh, Nathan!” she cried. “I can’t wait any longer, I’m sorry… but I want you to fuck me.. I’ve got to have your cock in me before I can do anything else.”

Without saying a word, he pulled her onto the bed beside him and got on top of her, maneuvering his cock into the mouth of her oozing cunt. Nancy felt the thitk, juicy meat glide deep into her drooling hole, filling very twitchinginch of ha. Then his open mouth covered hers and his tongue filled that cavity, while his hands squeezed her aching tits.

Nancy went wild with the tempo of his tongue in – cock-out, cock-in, tongue out rhythm.

with his hips pounding and slapping against her moist creamy flesh… faster and faster. She was going senseless with the burning feel of his huge cock hammering into her cunt like this and loving how wildly happy it made her. It was impossible to concentrate, but deep down she knew she had to hold back the flood of juices.

Finally his cock stuck deep in the heart of her clinging cunt and he whispered, “I’m coming…

They remained motionless, breathless and silent then. She felt the stiffness seep out of his cock and slowly slip from the drenched confines of her cunt. And just as she was about to help him roll over next to her on the bed, Nathan began to move on his own. He moved down to kiss her tits; moved farther down her stomach to a squatting position between her legs; then moved his mouth to her cunt.

“Oh, sweetheart, I love you,” she gasped. “But I have to tell you something. Weindorf, the producer honey. . . well, he gave me the part in his next movie. It’s a good part… Are you listening, Nathan? I got the part! But.., but you missed the chance to meet him, sweetheart. He got someone else . .

Nathan wanted to tell her he didn’t give a shit.

He wanted to tell her he was happy just being with a real woman again. That he wanted her and needed her. But it was impossible at the moment. His tongue was up her cunt whispering sweet nothings to her brain.