Lesbian fantasies 3.

She’s a busy sort, utilizing the finite minutes of each day, always directed, the day’s agenda planned at the office in the morning, or sometimes the previous evening, with me aware of it when I see that distracted look in her eyes. Sometimes I think this relationship is ridiculous, too many places where the quilts

Just a short erotic story

My on air Greek Goddess hadn’t been around much lately busy with her on air duties plus being with her family I know not to bother her she’ll get in touch with me. Last night I’m sitting home my phone rings it’s my goddess… sorry I haven’t been around I’ve been really busy that’s ok

Dog-Style Wives 2.

Because Cassandra had vacationed with a friend the previous summer — the first summer Harp Lake was used by its new owners — she had been there only on weekends during the fall and spring, and she knew little of the property. Thus she was able to enjoy the mysterious side trip as a genuine

The Sinner Auntie

“Delayed!” Mom said, disgustedly while scanning the arrival board. “Just like her to make me have to wait around longer.” “I don’t think Auntie Sin did that, Mom,” I told her from my spot on the end of the bench. Peering around dad, she pointed at me, “Your aunt’s name is Sinclair”. “She always says

Samantha the HR Whore

Samantha stared blankly at the trade magazine in her lap, the words swimming randomly in front of her eyes like drops of rain rolling up a windshield coated with Rain-X. She hated these late-night conference calls with the Hong Kong office. They were so unproductive lately. Everyone was still nervous about the Chinese. Not that

Beast humping

In the course of history, bestial practices have not only been a private pastime but in various places and times have played a part in religious rituals, witchcraft rites, and public spectacles for the titillation of the masses. It is hardly surprising that the ancient Romans who made a arena spectacle out of everything from

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