A young college student begins an affair with her older step brother

Okay, this is the short version of the story. My
brother and I had always been close and shared an
almost indecent relationship. My parents had to make us
stop taking baths together and sleeping together when
we were adolescences. Jason had always stuck up for me
if and when other kids were mean to me and we tended to
tell each other everything. As close as we were no one,
not even Jason or I, thought anything about it when we
moved into the same apartment in college.

He was a junior and I was a freshman. We shared a one
bedroom place just off campus, in an old house that had
been converted into apartments. I got the bedroom,
being the girl, and Jason slept on a futon in the
living room. It was close quarters that would
contribute to our getting even closer. We were both
buried in our studies, Jason trying to graduate early
and me trying to get my GPA up enough to earn a
scholarship. Because of this we didn’t go out much and
our weekends were usually spent at home. One Friday
night, after a particularly rough week, my brother came
home determined to fend off brain fry with a bottle of
rum in his hand. “We’re getting drunk and forgetting
about school for a change,” he announced.

We mixed the booze with some kind of juice we had, I
don’t remember what. Jason broke out some cards and
suggested a drinking game. He said we could play 21 and
had to drink every time we lost. An hour later we were
both getting pretty sauced and that’s when my courage
stepped up.

“This is boring,” I whined. “We need a game that’s more
exciting and won’t have me with my head in the toilet

“What do you suggest?” Jason asked.

I smiled, my head swimming and a fearless urge brewing
inside me. “Let’s play strip poker,” I wickedly

Jason smiled but seemed hesitant. I pushed him saying
that it was no big deal and it could be kind of a kick.
Finally, he agreed and we started playing hands for
articles of clothing. Another hour later I wasn’t much
more drunk but, I was down to my panties and so horny I
could scream. Jason was also down to his underwear and
sporting an erection that looked painful even through
his tighty whiteies. We were playing five card stud
this hand and my brother produced a pair of queens. I,
however, had a straight flush. I proudly slapped it
down and announced my win.

“Drop the sheet and show the meat!” I laughed.

This is where things really started to get freaky, even
to me. Jason, without a word, stood and pulled off his
underpants. I suddenly found myself gasping a bit for
air. There before my eyes was my brother’s naked,
erect, penis, suddenly seeming so big and daring me to
say something. Anything.

“Nice dick,” I heard myself stutter.

Again, Jason said nothing. He just sat back down and
dealt another hand. I lost this one and we were both
suddenly completely naked in front of each other. I was
loosing my mind with desire while still telling myself
“He’s your brother!” Of course, if I’d really cared
about such a thing, I wouldn’t have been playing strip
poker with him. Jason asked if the game was over or if
we were to keep going. I asked him what stakes we were
playing for at this point. He smiled a little.

“Tell you what, Em, whoever wins gets a blow job from
the other one.”

I laughed. It was a nervous laugh but, also a little
excited. I grew suddenly quiet and scanned Jason’s face
for any sign that he might be messing with my head. I
saw nothing. Hesitantly, I nodded in agreement and my
brother dealt. It was a hand of blackjack. Jason turned
over a 10 and a 7 and I turned over a Jack and a 9. For
a split second I wondered if Jason had deliberately
lost the hand but, I didn’t really care. The prize was
a blow job and, if Jay were really serious, I was about
to get one.

I spread my legs, my stomach doing flips the whole time
but, proudly insisted, “Eat my pussy.”

He did. I was so shocked and so turned on. It felt SO
GOOD. I came in about three minutes. Jason backed off
wiping my fluids off his mouth and smiling. He asked
without any apparent fear or shame if I’d be willing to
do the same for him. Suddenly, sucking his dick like a
popsicle didn’t sound all that inappropriate. Suddenly,
it was the most exciting thing in the world. I put him
in my mouth and went to town. Jason even had to tell me
to slow down and take it easy a couple of times. Still,
in less than a few minute he announced that he was
coming and, while I continued to jerk him off, he
sprayed semen all over my neck and chest.

Jason and I both fell asleep on the futon, naked. The
next morning was a bit awkward but, we both learned
that the whole thing was something that we’d both
wanted for as long as either of us could remember. We
began a sexual relationship right then which continues
to get more and more perverted and wild. I love every
minute of it.

… And, if you’re interested, I’ll share some more
details with you some other time. Later.

-= PART 2 =-

So, my brother Jason and I had begun fooling around. In
the beginning it was often preceded by games. I suppose
it was a way of making it happen without really
admitting that we’d become lovers. If someone walks up
and is welcome to start kissing you and rubbing you all
over, there’s no denying that’s a physical
relationship. If you play Truth or Dare over a bottle
of zinfandel first, it could be argued that that was an
experiment of sorts or that “things just got out of
hand”. Some kind of bullshit.

It was the afore mentioned Truth or Dare that revealed
that Jason and I had both wanted to sleep with each
other for as long as either of us could remember. We’d
both masturbated while thinking of the other one. We’d
both thought of the other one while having sex with
someone else. We’d both basically been each other’s
secret fantasy since puberty. Once we moved in together
in college it was just inevitable that something would
land us in bed.

About three weeks had gone by and Jason and I had
limited our incestuous exploits to oral sex, mutual
masturbation, kissing, rubbing and other, let’s say
noninvasive, things. We knew that, at least for now,
actual intercourse was completely out of the question.
I wasn’t on the pill and if a condom broke we could
really be up shit creek without a paddle. So, with no
vaginal penetration on the menu what else can you
really do?

“How about anal sex?” my brother asked one night.

“What?” I returned.

“Anal sex, Emily. Have you ever tried it?”

“God, no!” Like 99% of most American women I was
mortified even by the thought of anything going in and
out of my ass, much less a man’s erect genitals.

“Why not?”

“What do you mean ‘why not’?” I furrowed my brow,
wondering why such a question even needed asking. “A
dick! A big, hard dick getting shoved up my butt? No
thank you!”

Jason grinned and seemed a little sheepish. “I don’t
know. It’s not that big.”

I suddenly choked on whatever it was we were drinking
that night. It dawned on me that Jason wasn’t just
probing me for details about my past. He was suggesting
I let him probe my backside. I coughed a few times and
wiped my drink from my mouth. “You’ve got to be

“Oh, come on, Em,” he begged, suddenly seeming so
excited and eager. “Think about it. We could be really
close, actually fucking without… well, you know,

I scanned Jason’s face looking for some sort of glimpse
that he might be messing with me. What I saw was a kind
of urgency that suggested that this might be something
he’d given a lot of thought to.

“Truth,” I proposed not giving him the option of the
dare. Jason nodded and I continued. “Is this something
that you’ve fantasized about?”

My brother started to visibly blush. His eagerness
seemed to be slightly tamed for a while. It was then
that he reveled that it was his primary fantasy and had
been for some time. He would imagine situations, like
being stranded on an island, that would put us together
where we could express our desires but not without fear
of pregnancy. The only other option open to us, was
anal sex. He paused for a brief moment before finally
admitting that screwing my ass was the primary thing he
thought about when he masturbated.

I sat silently for a while. I don’t know how to explain
it but, something about his explanation seemed kind of
sweet. I know that sounds ridiculous but, it was so
obvious that Jason was being sincere and that this was
something that meant a lot to him.

“Let me think about it,” I finally told him.

He perked up a bit. I didn’t let him sodomize me that
night but, the mere idea that I would consider it made
Jason very happy, not to mention horny. He kissed me
and then picked me up and took me to my bed where he
went down on me for, like, an hour and a half. I came
about six times. The next morning both my head and
crotch were sore and I didn’t even mind.

I spent the next couple of days considering my
brother’s request. It was a pretty big one from where I
was sitting, no pun intended. Still, there was a part
of me that wanted to give it to him. I looked on line
for some information on the whole process of “taking it
up the ass”. Just a tip, if you ever try and research
such a thing be prepared. No matter how technical you
try and sound in the search engine, you’ll get hit with
SO MANY porn pop up’s that it’s literally not funny.

Apparently, it’s one of the most, if not THE MOST,
popular of all men’s fantasies. Something about how
forbidden it is and the implications of a woman’s
submission that it holds. Supposedly, we have more
nerve endings there and it can be really pleasurable
for the woman when she’s into it as well. I don’t know.
All I do know is the more I read about it, the less
frightening it sounded. However, it never really
started to sound all that appealing either.

That same afternoon I decided to change my approach to
the research. I went into town to this video rental
place that supposedly rented adult stuff too. There was
a back room that I tried to casually and quietly sneak
in when I heard a man’s voice call out. I turned and
there was a big, hairy clerk telling me I had to be
eighteen to go back there. I pulled out my ID and
showed it to him, all the while shaking even though I
was, in fact, legal. He let me go and I walked,
embarrassed, through the heavy curtains into the world
of porn DVD’s.

I was kind of mortified. Porn had never really offended
me; in fact, the few magazines I’d seen actually kind
of turned me on. Still, everywhere I looked there was a
DVD cover of girls with grotesquely large tits, covered
in semen and gapping orifices of every kind imaginable.
It was overwhelming. Still, I was on a mission. I began
to look around and once the shock wore off I began to
find a few things. I eventually walked out with two
DVD’s. One was an instructional guide to anal sex aimed
specifically at women. A “how to” to butt sex, if you
will. The other was pure gonzo filth. It had a big red
star across the front proclaiming that it was “ALL
ANAL!”. I figured if one couldn’t help me understand
the phenomenon, maybe he other would.

The first one, the instruction DVD for women was a
documentary of sorts. It had some supposed porn queen
explaining all the details of anal sex in fairly
genteel, albeit frank, terms. She made it seem less
improbable, even if she never made it sound all that
exciting. Next, I watched the hardcore thing. It was
wild, chaotic and, at times, pretty gross. A lot of the
girls in it seemed to really be going through the
motions (again, no pun intended) if not having an out
right unpleasant time.

Then there were the other girls. There were a few on
the flick that didn’t make me want to fast forward no
matter how many penetration shots there were. These
women seemed to like it. Correction, they seemed to
love it! They were screaming and moaning in ways that
didn’t sound like reactions to pain and kept
encouraging the men to do it. There was this one red
head in particular who kept yelling “harder, harder,
harder!” I couldn’t believe it.

It was right around then that something inside me
changed. Suddenly, I was getting turned on by the idea
of Jason fucking me in the ass.

Jason got home late that evening from a night class. I
met him at the door in a cut off t-shirt and panties,
two glasses of liquor in hand. I offered him one and
said as seductively as I could, “Good evening, Dear
Brother. How was class.”

Obviously surprised and immediately turned on he
accepted the drink and told me it had been good, but
that he couldn’t wait to get home.

“That’s good,” I replied as I eased back on to the
futon. “I couldn’t wait for you to get home either.”

Jason smiled and began to slowly ease in for a kiss.
“Oh? And why is that?”

I stopped him with a finger over his lips. I informed
him that I had special plans for us for the evening and
that we were going to play a very special game that
night called “You want it, you got it”. Jason laughed
slightly, almost nervous. I smiled and laughed a little
myself. Then I stopped.

“Strip,” I insisted.

Jason sat his drink down and began to undress. Once he
was naked I sat him down on the futon and began to kiss
him all over, no real pretenses of a game, starting at
his lips and working my way down. Once I got to his
crotch I began a very slow and sensuous blow job. I
took my time with my movements but still didn’t let it
go on for too long. I couldn’t have him cumming in my
mouth when I had decided he’d be doing it somewhere
else. I stopped and looked at Jason intently.

“Now,” I said, “You do the same to me.”

I took off my shirt and panties and we swapped places.
Jason kissed me all over and when he began licking my
pussy I told him not to stop.

“Make me cum,” I begged him.

He obliged. As I lay there getting more and more horny,
he brought me to an orgasm that tingled everywhere.
Finally, I decided I was ready and I stood up. Taking
Jason by the hand I led him to my bed and kneeled on
it. I pulled some lubricant that the lady in the first
DVD had recommended out of my bedside table and laid it
next to the pillow. Finally, I got on all fours and
asked my brother, “You want to fuck me in the ass?”

Jason was speechless. He just stood there dumbfounded
trying to figure out how to react to my question. Was I
serious? He had no idea how much!

I took his hand and placed it on my butt. I asked him
to kiss it and he did. The next thing I know, I’m
getting this vicious rim job and I’m loving every
second of it. That stuff about all those nerve endings
is definitely true. Jason’s tongue felt great in my ass
and I didn’t want him to stop. He did, however. After
what seemed like forever he finally let up and I saw
his hand grab the lube next to my head. I heard him
squeeze a little out and then felt him massage it on my

Suddenly, I felt the head of his dick at my entryway
and I started to panic just a little. Maybe, Jason
could sense my sudden apprehension because he asked if
I was okay. When I didn’t respond he told me that I
didn’t have to go through with it if I didn’t want to.
I took a deep breath and thought about exactly what I
was about to do. I was offering to let my big brother
put his dick in my ass and fuck me. This was going to
be the closest we’d ever gotten. This was going to be
actual penetration. I took another breath and my fears
went away. My passion took over.

“God, yes, I want to,” I sighed.

The next thing I knew, Jason was slowly moving himself
in and out of me. It felt a little strange at first.
Not painful really but, more like I had to go to the
restroom. More and more though my desires grew and what
felt so strange at first began to feel like heaven. I
don’t know if it was because it was so taboo or the
feelings of total submission to him that I began to
feel or possibly even a glimmer of, dare I say it,
love, but it started to feel really, really good.

“Faster,” I heard myself say.

Jason increased the speed of his strokes and my comfort
level dropped a little. I began to rub my clitoris and
before I knew it, I was pushing back into him. Within
about thirty seconds I started shaking I was coming so
hard. I heard Jason, yell just a little and then felt a
warm, wet sensation in my ass. We’d done it. Jason and
I had had anal sex. Not only that but, it was fabulous.

-= Part 3 =-

Another First

The college experience definitely changed me…into a
whore. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, it just
came as a bit of a shock at first. It was bad enough
that I was screwing my brother, who I was sharing an
apartment with, but I was also beginning to explore
other parts of my sexuality that continued to push me
outside the mainstream.

It all started at a study group for a psychology class
I was taking. Me and three other girls, Katie, Sabrina
and Grace were studying for a Psych 101 class. After
about three hours of talking about genes, behavior,
neurons and hormones we all needed to unwind. It was
Sabrina and Grace’s place and they were kind enough to
brake out a bottle of vodka and some orange juice for
us to imbibe in. As Sabrina mixed us up some cocktails
we all talked about our frustrations with the class.

“I can see why Dr. Schuyler uses this book in his
classes,” said Sabrina, a buxom and catty brunette
girl. “It’s so dry and senseless. It makes us all sound
like machines… just like his boring, monotone ass.”

“Seriously,” I added. “If my hormones were as
systematic as this stupid thing makes them sound I’d
never have tried some of the stuff I have.”

“Oh, do tell,” Grace pounced on the statement as I
suddenly realized what my big mouth had gotten me into

“Oh, nothing terribly weird,” I lied. “Just more than
trying to satisfy urges and make babies.”

“Well, share with the group,” Sabrina insisted as she
handed me my drink. I began to suddenly feel very shy
but, my study partners would have none of it.

Grace, a beautiful blonde with big eyes asked me if I’d
ever had sex with a woman and I told her no. The girls
giggled and, I think it was Sabrina who mumbled
something about needing to fix that. Katie a small,
mousey-looking girl asked me if I’d ever had sex with
more than one person at a time. Again, my response was
no. The girls all sighed and insisted that it sounded
as though I hadn’t really done much of anything. I
couldn’t risk telling them about Jason and me but,
suddenly I wanted to just to rub their noses in my
depravity. Not even drunk yet and my judgment was

“Have you had it up the butt?” Sabrina asked as Katie
and Grace laughed.

“Now that, I’ve done,” I proudly proclaimed.

Katie and Grace let out an semi-appalled “Ewww!” before
laughing, while, Sabrina just rolled her eyes. Before
even finishing their exclamation the girls were all
over me about “What was it like?” and “Did it hurt?” I
told them that I happened to like it…a lot! It was then
that Katie pointed out that one of our hostesses had
tried it and wasn’t impressed.

“I mean, I didn’t hate it,” said Sabrina, “I just
didn’t really like it either.”

I smiled wickedly, remembering all the glorious times
Jason had sodomized me and informed her that she just
hadn’t had it done right. I described all the little
details of a truly wonderful anal experience and
answered more of their questions. They went on to tell
me of a few exotic experiences in their love lives. It
seems all three of them had had sex with women. Grace
and Sabrina had screwed each other on multiple
occasions, in fact. The two had also had threesomes
while all of them had posed for naked photos.

The alcohol flowed and the stories continued. I was
getting insanely horny when suddenly, there was knock
at the door. Sabrina called out for the visitor to
enter and in walked a thin, wicked looking girl, about
5′ 4″ in heels, dressed in all black and sporting blood
red hair. The girls called out, “Stacy!”

“So,” she said, puffing on a cigarette and removing her
leather jacket, “what you bitches doing tonight?”

“Well, we were studying but, now were getting drunk and
talking about slutty things we’ve all done,” Sabina
replied between sips.

“Two of my favorite things!” the new visitor exclaimed.

Sabrina offered to make Stacy a screwdriver which she
graciously accepted. Grace pointed me out and
introduced me. Stacy, who’d been eyeing me like I was
candy from the moment she walked in, pulled her
cigarette from her lips, offered me her hand and said
“Charmed,” in a manor that actually made the hair on
the back of my neck stand up. I shook her surprisingly
dainty feeling hand and greeted her back. She continued
to look me up and down when Sabrina came back over and
offered her drink to her.

“So, tell me about some of these slutty things I’m not
already privy to.”

Sabrina was kind enough to point at me and announce,
“Emily says she’s had good butt sex.”

“Ooo,” Stacy exclaimed eagerly, “giving or receiving?”

The girls laughed and I was hit with all the questions
again from Stacy. By the time I’d explained all the
details and why I loved it she insisted that I had to
introduce her to this man who knew how to make anal so
pleasurable. Grace punctuated it by telling Stacy that
she needed to introduce me to girl/girl love and maybe
we could make a swap. Stacy continued to look me up and
down as the conversation moved on to s and m.

“Look, just grab me by the hair, push my face in the
pillow, hold my wrists behind my back and fuck the shit
out of me while you tell me what a horrible piece of
trash I am and I’m a happy girl,” Katie flatly

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Stacy said. She then returned
her attention to me and asked, “What about you, Miss
Emily? You like to be ‘taken’?”

She drew on her cigarette again very slowly. The rest
of the girls laughed and I began to sweat. This girl
really creeped me out but, I’d be lying if I didn’t
find myself a little turned on at the same time. I
can’t quit explain it. I just felt my stomach tighten
up and my legs press together while I started
swallowing a lot. Stacy continued to look me over like
she was trying to decide if I was a narc or something
and I began to try and push thoughts of her forcibly
pressing herself up against me out of my head.

“Be nice, Stac,” Sabrina interrupted. “Emily gave us a
tutorial on effectively taking it up the ass. That
warrants some respect.”

“You’re right,” Stacy replied. “Maybe we can start with
you giving it to me up the butt and move on to me
spanking you with a crop while I push your face in my

“Like I said, ‘a swap’,” laughed Grace.

“Wait,” Katie interjected, “how is she going to give it
to you in the ass?”

“I have toys,” said Stacy.

By this point, the girls were rolling around laughing.
We continued to drink and talk about sex. We covered
the positive and negative details of filatio,
fantasies, and celebrities and other students we
thought were sexy. Before long I was drunk and
announced that I needed to go home.

Sabrina protested. “You’re too drunk to drive, Emily.”

“I won’t,” I slurred. “I walked here, I’ll just walk
back. I only live on Elm… at Taylor House.”

“I’ll drive you home!” exclaimed Stacy. “I live on the
corner of Elm.”

I should have been immediately concerned but, I really
didn’t want to walk the mile home. Laziness and alcohol
combined to make me accept. We said our good byes and
left Sabrina’s. As we walked out the door, she said,
“Have fun,” rather suggestively. I paused for just
enough time to hear the other girls giggle but
continued on to Stacy’s car.

“Are you sure you’re sober enough to drive,” I asked

“Don’t worry, Baby,” she said “I’ve only had a couple.
You on the other hand are in need of some help.”

She poured me into the car and then got in on her side.
After turning on the engine she set the CD player to
some industrial Goth music and started driving me home.

“So,” she began, “are you going to introduce me to this
amazing man who makes ass sex so good?”

My head was swimming and the request was one I couldn’t
begin to entertain granting.

“I don’t think so.”

“Aw,” she pouted. “Well… how about letting me show
you some girl love?”

My heart was starting to pound and I couldn’t respond.

“You’re very beautiful, Emily… not to mention sexy. I
don’t know if you noticed but, I couldn’t take my eyes
off you all night.”

“I… noticed.”

Stacy pulled up to the curb in front of my apartment
and put her car in park. Without turning off the engine
she continued to hit on me.

“Well, then…” she purred as she undid her own seat
belt before reaching over to unhook mine, “What do you

We just sat there for a moment staring at each other.
Stacy looked at me like prey and I tried to keep my
heart from beating straight through my chest. Finally,
she basically lunged at me, shoving her tongue down my
throat and her hand up my shirt. I freaked and pushed
her off of me.

“STOP!” I snapped.

We sat there looking at each other. After a few more
moments, Stacy apologized. As she hung her head
something in me changed and I was no longer as
frightened by her. Instead, my urges commandeered my
body and I jumped on her. I crawled across the seat and
into her lap and started kissing her frantically. We
unfastened each others pants and felt each other up
under our clothes. At some point Stacy pulled my hands
off of her and shoved her hand between my legs. She
massaged my clit in ways I didn’t even know were
possible and fingered me until I came minutes later so
hard I had to bury my face in her leather jacket to
keep the whole street from hearing me scream.

I sat there breathing heavily until I calmed down
enough to regain some of my senses. I tried to touch
Stacy but she wouldn’t let me.

“Next time,” she said with one last kiss.

Stacy opened the car door and motioned for me to get
out. I did feeling clumsy and a little violated. I
stood in the street next to her car adjusting my
clothes and trying to rationalize what we had just

“Thanks, Emily,” Stacy said, almost sweetly. “Tell you
what, why don’t I make you dinner tomorrow night and we
can get to know each other a little better, okay?”

I just stood there staring at her, stunned.

“Hey,” she insisted, “okay?”

I thought for just a second and finally nodded. Stacy
held out her cell phone and asked me to program my
phone number into it. I did as she asked, still without
a word. Afterward, she blew me a kiss, shut her car
door and drove to the parking lot right next door. She
pulled into the garage and that was the last I saw of
her that night.

After a few more seconds of just standing there in the
street I pulled myself together and walked inside and
upstairs to my apartment. I opened the door to find
Jason there on the sofa.

“Hey, kid,” he said, “what did you do this evening?”

What indeed.

-= PART 4 =-

Dinner With Friends

Stacy tried to call me for the next couple of days. I
avoided answering the phone the first time I saw a
strange number and continued when the same one kept
popping up. For whatever reason I was a little ashamed
of what had happened between us, not so much, I don’t
think, because of the fact that it was sex with another
girl as much as the idea that I might have just been
behaving kind of slutty period. It seems silly now but,
at the time it was consuming me. Not only that, there
was just something… almost creepy about this girl.
Don’t get me wrong. She was about the sexiest person
I’ve ever met. She was just so aggressive and wicked. I
didn’t really know how to react.

Finally after a couple of days of avoiding her calls I
was distressed to come home and find her sitting on the
front steps of my apartment building, smoking a
cigarette. I had my nose in a book and almost ran right
into her as I approached. She caught my attention at
the last moment, oddly cheerful considering the

“Whoa there, Cowgirl. Slow it down and watch where
you’re going. You could kill somebody with that hot
little body of yours.”

I was speechless. I didn’t know whether to be
frightened by her presence, offended at her suggestive
remark or pleased that she didn’t seem angry or hurt. I
just sort of stood there for a moment before finally
saying her name. She smiled and exhaled smoke with an
almost evil looking glint in her eye.

“I hope I haven’t scared you off,” she grinned.

I scrambled to collect my thoughts and found myself
feeling a bit ashamed of avoiding her.

“No, no,” I stuttered, adjusting the books in my hands,
“I just…”

I didn’t really have an answer.

“…You’ve just never been down that particular road
before and now you’re worried that this fella you’ve
been having great alternative sex with is going to
think you’re a total whore when he finds out.”

No wonder I didn’t have an answer. Stacy was holding on
to it.

“Um… something like that.”

“Look,” she said surprisingly sympathetically, “I
understand. This is probably a little over whelming.”

Stacy offered me a cigarette which I accepted. She went
on to explain a few things to me, including her first
encounter with a girl, the fact that most guys get
turned on by two chicks together and, most importantly,
that she really did just want to make me dinner.

“I’m not trying to stalk you,” she continued, “I just
want to be friends. I figure I at least owe you dinner.
After that we can talk and get to know each other a
little better. What do you say?”

She was so comforting that all my apprehension and fear
just dissolved like sugar into coffee. They were still
there, deep down but, they were no longer as solid …
and in fact just added to the over all experience. I
smiled and agreed. We made plans for that night around
six and started to make small talk when Jason walked
up. I suddenly jumped to my feet.

“Jason,” I said like a teenager whose parents just
caught them with cheap wine.

“Hey, Em,” he said unfazed, “what’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing,” I lied. “This is Stacy. She’s making me

I was as rigid as a board. If you’d stuck a lump of
coal in my pussy it would have turned into a diamond in
about an hour. I just knew he was going to look at us
and know we’d fucked. On top of that, I just knew Stacy
was going to look at Jason and me and know… we’d

“Is that okay?” I almost whimpered.

“Uh, sure,” Jason replied, confused at my need for

“It’s nice to meet you,” Stacy offered her hand to him.
“Perhaps I can make both of you dinner some time.”


I was really getting nervous and told Jason that I
would be up to start some homework shortly. He said his
goodbyes and headed upstairs with what seemed to be a
fairly ignorant smile. I was about to hyperventilate.

“So, six o’ clock?” I said much louder and faster than
I intended.

“Six o’ clock,” Stacy confirmed. She placed another
cigarette in her mouth, lit it, took a drag and then
put it in my mouth. “Until then.”

She walked away leaving me to finish her smoke while I
tried to calm down.


It was seven o’clock and I was still at my place
standing in front of a full length mirror. I had spent
a ridiculous amount of time, showering, applying my
make up and selecting my clothes for the evening,
which, at this point, consisted of a cut off Judas
Priest T-Shirt, a black open sweater, short black
skirt, beige stockings and cowboy boots. I was getting
ready to change my outfit when Jason walked in.

“What are you planning to fuck this girl?” he asked.

“What?!?” I was absolutely mortified.

“I’m kidding,” he amended. “It’s just that you’ve
changed clothes three times. You’re acting like you’re
going out on a date… And weren’t you supposed to meet
her at six? Its seven now. You’re an hour late.”

“I know. I know.” I said in a virtual state of panic. I
grabbed my purse, cigarettes and keys and headed out
telling Jason not to wait up. I walked next door to the
building Stacy lived in and stood there staring at it.
The fact that the weather was starting to get colder
and my being sort of scantily dressed were enough to
give me that last push. I went to her door and knocked.

I heard her voice say, “Coming,” as I stood there
shaking, partially from the cold air and partially from
nerves. After what seemed like a really long time for a
trip to the door she pulled it open. There Stacy stood
in a tank top, denim shorts and wool socks, shockingly
red red bobbed hair framing her beautiful face. We both
looked each other up and down and finally she said, “I
was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

“I… couldn’t find my purse,” I lied.

Stacy looked me over again. “You look cute,” she said.
I thanked her as she invited me in and told me to make
myself at home.

Her apartment was tiny, even smaller than Jason and
mine’s. It was just a living room, bedroom/bath and a
little kitchenette off the left of living room. It had
hard wood floors that creaked every time we took a
step. It was sparsely furnished but still seemed a
little cramped. There was a futon couch in the middle
of the floor in front of a bookshelf that was in the
wall. It was packed to the ceiling with a mixture of
text books, photography books, and conspiracy theory
junk and, what appeared to be erotica and porn.

There was a bean bag chair on one side of the room and
a foam love seat on the other, a cheap end table
between the futon and love seat with a tacky lamp on it
and a TV sitting on another end table next to the front
door. There was also a small woven rug in the middle of
the floor. Aside from all this the only other thing in
the room were photos, lots and lots of photos, most
unframed, all over the walls. They were predominantly
black and white and of women in various stages of
undress. Most were very beautiful and tastefully done,
while some bordered on outright smut.

“Did you take all these?”

“Most,” she said. “Photography is going to be my focus.
I just decided this semester. Have a seat.”

I sat on the couch, putting my purse under it and
pulling out a cigarette. The half full ash tray on the
end table told me it was okay, so I lit up. Stacy was
in the kitchen warming up dinner and said she’d made
pasta. Before I could say anything I was shocked to
hear the toilet flush, the bathroom door open and see
Katie walk out of the bedroom.

“Hey, Emily,” she said cheerfully and innocently.
“What’s up?”

“Katie. Hey, what are you doing here?” I blurted out
before I realized the implications. “I mean…” I
struggled to think of how to amend the thought but
froze up.

“Katie was helping me with some work earlier,” Stacy
informed me. “I told her she could stay and eat with

I was really confused. Here I had thought that this was
some kind of date or that Stacy was going to try to get
in my pants again. The confusion obviously showed
because as Stacy walked out of the kitchen she stopped
and cocked her head, studying me for a moment.

“Oh, Sweetie, did you think I was just going to try and
get in your pants again?” she asked in an almost
patronizing tone, confirming my anxieties.

Katie laughed. Me? I panicked. I stood up and started
to charge out of the apartment but, Stacy grabbed my

“Hey, I’m just teasing.”

I was pissed. That she could just out me like that,
that she could have Katie there giggling at me to begin
with, it was all too much.

“Let go of me, you whore!”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Stacy said, soothingly, “calm down,
Kid. It’s okay.”

“It’s not okay and I’m not a kid!”

“Maybe I should go,” Katie said almost nervously, yet
trying to mend the situation.

“No, Kate, you are going to stay, Emily is going to
stay and we are going to have dinner,” our hostess
flatly stated. “Everything is fine.”

“It’s not fucking fine!” I swore. “What? Is this all
just a game to you?”

“Actually,” Katie interjected, “it sort of is.”

Stacy and I both grew silent as she had our full

“Don’t get pissed off at Stacy, Emily,” she said in a
very rational, calming tone. “It’s just her way of
trying to be nice. She did the same thing to me.”

I tried to fathom just what Katie was saying while
trying not to suffocate.

“My freshman year she cornered me in a bedroom at a
party and shoved her tongue in my mouth and her hand
down my pants. I didn’t know what was happening but, in
the end I learned that she was just trying to show me
that she liked me. And, in the end, I liked it.” She
paused to take a breath and then continued. “Give her a
chance. Have dinner. And, if you two want to start
fooling around afterwards, I’ll leave if you want.”

Katie paused again before completing her thought.
“You’re young. Have fun.”

She made it all sound so reasonable. Just have dinner.
If I want later, have sex. Nothing to it.

I stood there in silence for a moment or two. Finally,
Emily let go of my wrist and asked if I was staying for
dinner or not. I found myself suddenly calm and a
little embarrassed. I started to chuckle a little. I
could feel myself blushing and thought that I must seem
like a real idiot, if not a psycho.

I nodded.

“Great,” Stacy said as she hugged me.

“I’m sorry, you guys,” I apologized as I laughed and
simultaneously wiped small tears from my eyes. “You
must think I’m a real crazy bitch.”

“You?” asked Stacy semi-sarcastically, “Now Kate… you
wouldn’t know it to look at her but this mousey, 98
pound thing can scream and punch when she wants to.”

“Oh, shut up, you cunt,” Katie said flatly before

As Stacy fixed our plates, pulled out two bottles of
wine and we all sat in a circle on the floor, the two
told me more details of how Stacy had ambushed Katie,
not unlike she had me, the year before. Katie, the
tiny, waifish, little blonde had apparently been much
more distressed than I over the whole thing and had
physically attacked Stacy when confronted by her a
couple of days later.

“I was so pissed off and so confused and so… uh!

“You didn’t know you were a lesbian, either, I take

“I’m not,” she insisted.

“Sorry, bisexual,” I apologized.

“I don’t know if I’d really call myself bi, ether,”
Katie said, confusing the issue more. “I just seem to
like fucking some of my girlfriends sometimes, that’s
all… I like dick.”

“Don’t we all?” said Stacy.

“So, you’re not gay?” I was becoming more and more
confused by the minute.

“Oh, Honey, I just like to screw pretty people,” she
replied with a mouth full of fettuccini. “As long as
I’m attracted to you and you’re good at it, I don’t
care about the parts.”

“Parts is parts,” Katie added.

We laughed and as we finished dinner the two girls
continued to tell me about their girl-sex exploits.
Apparently Stacy had also shown Sabrina her first girl-
on-girl experience and Grace as well. According to
Katie, our hostess really enjoyed deflowering innocent,
freshmen girls. She also, apparently, enjoyed getting
them together. She had introduced Grace and Sabrina to
each other who, I was surprised to be told, were sort
of a couple now.

“I didn’t realize,” I exclaimed. “I mean… I
thought… I don’t know what I thought.”

“Oh, don’t be fooled. They still date boys on occasion
they just sleep with each other A LOT,” Stacy

I thought for a moment, digesting the conversation
along with my Alfredo. As one of the most recent
details hit me I pulled my wine from my lips rather
abruptly and spilled some on the rug.

“Shit!” I exclaimed in a panic.

“Its okay, it’s okay,” Stacy reassured as she got
something to clean it with.

“So, um,” I stammered as I smeared red wine farther
across her rug in a futile attempt to clean it myself,
“Are you trying to fix Katie and I up?”

Both girls stopped. They looked at me like I’d suddenly
asked them if they were from a different planet. Stacy
finally bent down and began cleaning the rug.

“It’s not a ‘fix up’,” she said flatly.

“Oh.” I replied, “Okay… cuz… I mean… it’s not
that you’re not attractive, Katie… I just…” I was
making more of a mess with my words than I did with the
wine. Finally, Stacy sat up in front of me and put her
hands on my knees.

“Emily… Baby Doll, its just diner. I happen to like
you and I’m trying to get to know you better. Now, if
we do decide to get all sweaty later, Katie has offered
to leave…”

“I will,” she interjected.

“Or, if you’re brave enough, she can sit and watch.
I’ve been taking naked pictures of her all afternoon;
it’s only fair if she gets to see some skin.”

Katie laughed and hit Stacy in the back of the head
with a cushion. Stacy gave me a brief but sweet kiss
and sat back down in front of her plate.

“I’m teasing,” she finally said. Then she paused a
moment before adding, “… or maybe I’m not.”

“She’s being a slutty bitch is what she’s doing,” Katie
laughed again.

I laughed as well. It was becoming clear that it was
all true. If I wanted, this was just dinner. If I chose
otherwise, Katie would excuse herself and I could get
laid with Stacy. If I was feeling really brave we could
all three pile up on the floor licking whatever piece
of skin happened to appear before us and feeling hands
and mouths all over our own parts.

Hell, I probably could have called Jason and had him
jack off over us as we all three screwed and it would
have been okay. It was all very simple; these girls
were simply available to each other and to me. What
they wanted was to know if I was available to them.

Suddenly I started getting really, really, unbelievably

“So, if I wanted to fuck Stacy while you watched and
then screw you while she watched, I could do it?” I
asked flatly.

The girls were surprised by my sudden bravado. Katie
explained that that scenario might be difficult because
Stacy wasn’t content to just watch. She liked to be in
the middle of things.

“So, you and I can put her in the middle, then?”

Again the girls just kind of stared at me, Katie with
her mouth hanging slightly open and Stacy wickedly
smirking a little. Katie laughed again. Stacy stood,
picking up our plates in the process.

“I have an idea,” she said. “Let’s all have dessert.”

She went to the kitchen, put the plates down and then
swore. We stared at her as she turned and stood in the

“We don’t have any dessert,” she announced. She then
raised a finger, signaling an idea. “But, wait! I know
what we can have instead.” She then turned to me,
pulled me up onto the futon and said, “Let’s have sex.”

With that we started to make out like doctors in an
elevator. I surprised my self so much with my sudden
lack of inhibitions. It was like I was watching myself
from the outside as we swirled our tongues around in
each other’s mouths and pulled at each other’s
clothing. I glanced over at Katie who watched with a
smile as she sipped her wine. After a while I noticed
she was starting to play with herself through her
pants. It was about this time that Stacy got up and
marched into the bedroom telling us that she’d be right
back. Without hesitation I crawled over to Katie and
kissed her sweetly on the lips. We both smiled.

When Stacy came back she tossed a box on the floor in
front of the futon and then pulled me to my feet. She
dug in the box for a moment and then presented me with
a strap on dildo. As I looked at it like some foreign
piece of technology she reminded me that she had
promised to let me have my way with her this time
around. At this point she was down to wool socks and
cut off shorts. She removed the shorts and a pair of
thong panties with them. Then she sat on the futon with
her knees up and spread presenting me with her soaking
pussy which she started rubbing.

“I’m desperately, painfully horny, Emily. Will you put
me out of my misery?”