Whores in The Horse Club

Patsy Sloane caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Excitement
flashed back from her pretty reflection. She was fifteen, blonde, with
wide innocent blue eyes and big overripe tits that made all the boys in
school drool. She paced the small room, waiting, anxious. She stopped. Someone was
coming! A loud knock on the door caused her heart to skip a beat. “Come in,” she said meekly. Trembling she watched the door open. Ellen, the leader of the small exclusive Horse Club, came into the room
first. Tracy and Mary were behind her. They were barely able to keep
their excitement contained. “Are you ready, Patsy?” Ellen asked, anticipating the afternoon’s
events. She feasted her eyes on the trembling blonde, remembering her
own initiation four years ago into Hillside’s Horse Club. A tremor
swept through her hot sexy body. Patsy nodded. “I’m ready,” she said tremulously. She looked at the
three girls. She was the youngest. A nervous smile failed. She felt
funny. It was almost sexual – the secrecy, the unknown. She giggled to
herself. Since the beginning of summer everything was sexual to her. “Put the blindfold on her,” Ellen ordered. Patsy gulped and trembled as Mary put the blindfold over her eyes and
Tracy tied it tight. A shudder caromed through her virgin body, a
sexual shudder that caused the spongy muscles in her virgin pussy to
moisten the tight channel of her unused pussy. Ellen took her hand and with Tracy and Mary giggling, she led Patsy
from the small room, through the club house, and out to the barn. Patsy stumbled once. She felt strange, disoriented. She took a deep
breath, smelling the hay. A knowing smile crossed her face. She was in
the barn. Knowing where she was relieved some of her fear. There was
nothing to be frightened of in the barn. She heard voices and knew that the other girls in the club were staring
at her. It excited her. “What … what … are you … doing?” She began to shake. Hands were pawing her body, kneading her ass, her
tits. A hand jabbed between her legs, roughly rubbing her pussy through
her tight jeans. Ellen laughed. “Getting to know our new pledge,” she said. Ellen’s
fingers curled into one of Patsy’s soft rounded tits. “Mmmm, they’re
real.” “Stop,” Patsy protested. A wave of panic swept over her. Her heart was
thumping and she tried unsuccessfully to fend off the hands that were
fondling her body. “Stop!” she moaned, almost breaking into tears. Tracy and Mary each took hold of Patsy’s arm, making it impossible for
the sexy blonde girl to protect her tits and crotch. Ellen roamed
Patsy’s quivering body with her hands, kneading, squeezing. The rest of
the girls drooled hungrily as they watched. With a hand on each tit, Ellen stared into Patsy’s flushed face and
grinned. She knew the fear Patsy felt because of the added element of
darkness that the blindfold created. “Do you want to be a member of the
Hillside Horse Club?” “Yes,” Patsy gasped. Ellen’s hands were getting her hot. Pussy juice
saturated her virgin cunt. “Why … why this?” “Just part of the initiation,” Ellen said. “Right, girls?” Patsy moaned as a chorus of voices filled the barn. Her nipples were
getting hard, pressing against her bra. They ached. She moaned as
Ellen’s hands roamed her body at will, exploring. “I think we can let go of her arms now,” Mary said. “I think she’s
creaming already.” Mary released her grip on Patsy’s arm. Tracy did the same, stepping back to watch. Like every girl in the
room, Tracy drooled, remembering her own erotic initiation. “She’s
really turned on!” “I told you,” Ellen said smugly. “I knew Patsy was perfect for our
little Horse Club,” she laughed. “What are you doing now?” Patsy gasped as Ellen’s hands pulled at her
blouse. She was dizzy, standing in the center of the barn, blindfolded,
with everyone staring, everyone but her knowing what would be happening
next. “I’m going to show everyone that your tits are real. Some of the girls
think you wear falsies,” Ellen laughed. Patsy gasped. Her knees weakened. She wanted to belong to the Horse
Club more than anything. She loved horses. She loved to ride them and
care for them. She bit her bottom lip and accepted her fate. If it was
a show they wanted, she was going to give it to them. Any price was
worth paying to ride the ponies and horses the Horse Club owned. Any
price was worth it to belong. “Mmmm, nice and plump,” Ellen said, after slipping off Patsy’s blouse. “Take off her bra,” Tracy sighed, and leered at Patsy’s ripe tits
spilling from the lace. Patsy felt as if she were on fire. She was glad no one could see her
eyes. If they could, they would be able to see how hot she was. Goose
bumps dotted her smooth flesh as Ellen’s hands caressed her tits. “Do you like having your tits played with?” Ellen purred. “Nnnn,” Patsy moaned. She nodded, her legs trembling. Ellen licked her lips. “Then you should take off your bra and show us
that there is nothing false about your tits.” She stepped back, her own
body tingling. Patsy looked delicious and she could think of nothing
else but the blonde’s virgin pussy. Patsy brought her hands to her bra. She fumbled with the snap, glad for
the first time in her life that she had big tits, bigger, she knew,
than Ellen’s, who was three years older. The bra came away in her hand.
Her plump fleshy globes became exposed. She heard everyone gasp and
smiled inwardly. Trying not to be too obvious about it she pulled her
shoulders back jutting her tits out proudly, tingling with lust. “Now your jeans,” Ellen said, her voice coated with desire. “We want to
see how sexy our new member is.” Hot from displaying her tits and the earlier fondling of her body,
Patsy obeyed willingly. She was confident that she had the best body of
any girl in Hillside. With a hot smile on her face, Patsy fumbled with her jeans, almost
tripping as they slipped down over her slim hips. She cried out,
swaying, her arms waving in the air, her jeans caught around her
ankles. Tracy and Mary both grabbed her, keeping her from falling. For their
effort, each copped a feel, enjoying the warm, pliant meat of Patsy’s
huge, creamy tits. “Ewwww,” Patsy sighed, getting into the swing of things. With Tracy’s
and Mary’s support, she kicked off her jeans and sandals. Except for a
pair of bikini panties and the blindfold., the teenaged blonde was
naked. Ellen came forward. The other two girls moved back, their eyes, like
everyone else’s, glued to Patsy’s beautiful body. Ellen was tingling,
hungry for the new member. “Are you going to do everything you’re told
without question?” Patsy felt the closeness of the older girl. It excited her. She nodded.
“Yes.” She was a little frightened. Ellen’s voice sounded so ominous. Ellen brought her hot anxious hands to Patsy’s luscious body. As
president of the Horse Club, she had the honors of breaking Patsy in.
She caressed the creamy flesh of Patsy’s tits, roamed over her hips and
panty-clad ass cheeks. Fingers skimmed between Patsy’s long legs. Her
inner thighs were warm to the touch, her crotch moist with virgin
juice. Patsy’s breathing quickened. She heard Ellen’s ragged breaths. Knowing
the older girl was hot, Patsy trembled more. Her mind swirled. For a
moment, she felt as if she were alone with Ellen. She opened her mouth
and a soft sigh floated out. Ellen felt the same. Patsy’s sigh penetrated her stupor and she
blinked. “Get down on your back,” she said, her voice quaking with
lust. Trembling, not knowing what to expect, Patsy stretched out on the hay-
strewn floor. She felt, for a moment, like a sacrifice. It made her
quiver. “Now take off your panties,” Ellen said. “Let’s see your blonde pussy.” Patsy was glad she wasn’t standing. If she had been, she knew she would
have fallen. She eased her panties down her slim hips, then kicked them
off as voices gasped and sighed. “Not much hair,” Ellen said, looking down at Patsy’s pussy, then at the
drooling crowd of girls. Mary and Tracy got down on their knees and each grabbed one of Patsy’s
slim ankles. They pulled, stretching Patsy’s legs apart, exposing her
blonde-thatched virgin cunt to everyone in the barn. Patsy’s sparse patch of golden pubic down concealed nothing. Patsy moaned. “What … what’s going on?” Ellen got between Patsy’s legs and stared at the dripping cunt. “You’re
all wet between your legs,” she giggled. For a moment, Patsy was embarrassed. It was true. She was on fire. “Are you still a virgin?” Ellen asked as she touched Patsy’s wet pussy. Patsy shuddered. “Y … yes,” she gasped. The touch had been
electrifying. “We have to check,” Ellen said. “Only virgins can join our Horse Club.” Patsy began to shake. Her nipples ached as blood surged through her
veins, swelling her nipples and her hard, tiny clit. She moaned, her
hips twitching, her tits flopping. Ellen licked her lips. Her violet eyes seemed to glow. She took her
fingers, prodded Patsy’s pussy as a hush fell over the teenaged girls
in the barn. Warm cream soaked her exploring fingertips. Tracy and Mary gasped, each remembering when Ellen had checked their
pussy for cherry-skin. Being the closest, they saw the most. They kept
Patsy’s legs stretched wide and drooled as Ellen’s fingers slipped
beyond the puffy folds of Patsy’s cunt and into the steamy wet
entrance. “Oooo,” Patsy gasped as Ellen’s fingers wormed through the hot soupy
entrance of her virgin pussy. “Ooooo … oooo … unnn … aaah!” Ellen’s finger probed, finding the cherry-skin. “She’s cherry,” Ellen
announced. “Cherry, but hot as a fucking whore!” Everyone sighed, then laughed. Each girl looked at Patsy, who was
writhing naked on the floor of the barn. This was one of the best parts
of the initiation. Ellen was creaming her jeans. Patsy’s pussy was drenched, and it took
all of her willpower not to bury her face between the blonde’s luscious
thighs and suck her off. Later, she knew, things would be different.
Patsy, like Tracy and Mary had been, would be easy, like plucking
cherries from a tree. Ellen brought her wet sticky fingers from Patsy’s cunt. “Lick my
fingers clean,” she said, smearing the sticky ooze over Patsy’s mouth.
“Suck ’em.” Patsy, working in a world of darkness, tasted the juice of her own
pussy. Being forced to lick her own cream was erotic, turning her on
even more. She sucked, swirling in a sightless world of lust. Being
displayed, fondled, and exposed to everyone in the club had her crazy-
hot. Ellen knew, saw all the signs. She raised her hand for silence and a
hush fell over the group of horny girls. Someone in the back stood,
went to a stall and quietly led Cloud, the white Arabian stallion to
the center of the barn. Patsy, her body on fire, heard the sounds of the stallion’s hoofs.
“What’s that?” she asked. Ellen took the horse’s reigns from the girl. “Shut up and don’t move,”
she said. Ellen expertly guided the horse into position. Patsy, not knowing what was going on, became frightened. The scent of
the horse reached her nostrils. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Tell
me!” “Shut up,” Mary whispered. “You want to join the club, don’tcha?” Ellen was on the floor. “Mary’s right. Any more talk and you’re out.” Patsy clamped her lips shut. She trembled, knew a horse was nearby, but
nothing else. Her blindfold hid everything and the unknown frightened
her, but she didn’t speak. Becoming a member of the Horse Club was the
most important thing in her life. As the girls in the club inched closer to get a better view, Ellen
stroked the giant white Arabian stallion’s flanks. “Easy boy,” she
said. There was a closeness she had with the beast. She forgot about
everyone else in the place. For now, it was just her, Patsy, and Cloud. Patsy could hear Ellen’s voice. Ellen was talking to the horse, but
Patsy didn’t know why. She was the only one in the barn who didn’t
know. Ellen’s stroking hand reached under the docile stallion. She fondled
his huge nuts and everyone gasped. Ellen didn’t hear anything but the
pounding of her own heart. “Nice, Cloud,” she soothed, her hand running
over the length of his giant cock. “Nice, Cloud.” Patsy was trembling. The longer she lay there, the more frightened she
became. Only her desire to belong kept her from talking and getting up
to leave. “Mmmm,” Ellen sighed. She was massaging the thick-skinned sheath that
housed Cloud’s giant cock. The round bloated head peeked out, sending
tremors through each onlooker. Ellen looked down at the trembling, naked Patsy. “Don’t move. Your
initiation will be over soon.” Lips dry, eyes staring into the blindfold, Patsy nodded. If only she
knew what was going on. Ellen’s urgent fingers had coaxed Cloud’s cock completely out of its
sheath. It was a long, thick hose of limp white flesh. Ellen drooled,
feeling the power surge into his cock as she caressed the length of his
shaft. Cloud bobbed his head, his thick white mane swishing over his face. His
big eyes bulged with excitement and he snorted. “Easy,” Ellen soothed. “Easy.” She massaged his stiffening cock. She
was creaming. The crotch of her jeans was soaked with her pussy juice.
“Nice, Cloud. Good boy!” The huge organ had suddenly gone rigid in her grasp. The meaty shaft
turned rock-hard, menacing, the bloated head aimed at the creamy flesh
of Patsy’s naked body. Cloud tossed his head and whinnied. His big rubbery lips rumbled. His
black eyes blazed. Swishing his tail, he shook his head while Ellen’s
fondling hands made the cum in his huge nuts begin to churn. Patsy shuddered. The vibrations of Cloud’s hoofs told her the horse was
close, and highly agitated. Her mouth dried up. Fear gripped her.
Something was happening to the beautiful animal. “Keep your legs spread,” Ellen said. “Nice and wide.” Patsy obeyed. Her
pussy, virgin and still moist, the meeting point of the erotic vee her
outstretched legs created. Her fingers curled into frightened fists.
Pieces of straw became caught in her hands. Ellen’s eyes devoured Cloud’s cock. She drooled, her eyes floating
mistily to Patsy’s naked body. Spasms attacked the spongy depths of her
overheated pussy. “God,” she moaned. All eyes in the barn watched with erotic fascination as Ellen’s hand
worked methodically on Cloud’s cock. They waited anxiously for it to
happen. Ellen sighed, a tremor shooting up her arm. She angled her body into a
better position. The throbbing in Cloud’s shaft told her it wouldn’t be
long. Snorting, Cloud tossed his head high. Ellen’s hand was driving him
crazy. Finely tuned muscles rippled under his gleaming white coat. His
tail slapped up, catching Mary across the face as she watched in
stunned silence. Patsy, lost in a world of darkness, sensed that something was about to
happen. She could feel the excitement in the barn growing. It made her
quiver because she knew it was going to happen to her. Fear,
excitement, and impatience for it to happen blended. Ellen stroked the stallion’s giant cock, loving every second of it. The
power, the strength, the sexuality of Cloud’s thick steel-beamed prick
made the teenager cream. “Cum,” she whispered, the word barely passing her lips. “Cum … cum
… cum.” Ellen was dizzy. She looked at Patsy’s creamy flesh and knew that in
moments it would be drenched in a deluge of hot thick sticky cum. It
made her head spin. The muscles in Cloud’s cock tensed. His prick thickened and his nuts
began to rumble. He neighed loudly, his front hoofs pawing the hay-
strewn floor. The hush in the barn grew louder. Each knew it was going to happen.
They had all witnessed it before. Cloud was acting up. Mary drooled, her eyes darting from Cloud’s swinging balls to Patsy’s
naked body. Tracy’s eyes were on Ellen and Cloud’s cock. She swooned, remembering
her own initiation into the exclusive Horse Club. Ellen was trembling. Cloud was ready to explode. Everyone in the room
watched, remembered. Patsy tensed. It was going to happen now. Instinctively, she closed her
eyes, although it wasn’t needed. The blindfold was sufficient. With loud snorting and tossing his head, Ellen’s hand shifted rapidly
along his overgrown shaft. She gulped. His prick was swelling. She
wanted to throw herself into the path of his cum, but didn’t. There was
always another time. This load was for the sexy new member. She smiled
wickedly at Patsy and squeezed the horse’s cock. The gripping squeeze was the trigger. Cloud’s balls erupted and a hot,
squirting load sprayed from his pisser. It splashed all over Patsy’s
creamy skin. Another load followed. Patsy gasped, her naked flesh saturated in Cloud’s thick cum. “What’s
… happening?” Her mouth opened. A hot squirt splattered her face,
dribbling into her open mouth. Patsy used her tongue to taste Cloud’s cum. It was thick, gooey, and
warm. “What is it?” she gasped as more cum sprayed from Cloud’s
exploding cock. It was covering her body, searing her flesh. Not
knowing what it was excited her and her pussy began to ooze again. Ellen, watching each squirt with greedy eyes, saw what was happening to
Patsy. “Don’t move,” she warned, making sure Patsy didn’t bolt. She
jerked her fist on Cloud’s cock, squeezing, stroking. She caressed his
balls, coaxing more cum from his heavy nuts. Cloud’s ears flickered, his tail became a whip. His head jerked up and
his snorting noises filled the barn. Eyes bulging with fire, he jabbed
his cock through Ellen’s tormenting fingers, drenching Patsy in a
deluge of thick creamy horse jizz. Ellen was hungry for the creamy white jism coating Patsy’s body. She
was filled with a hunger for his cock. She squeezed his prick, aiming
his pisser carefully, soaking every beautiful inch of Patsy’s flesh
with cum. Patsy wanted to tear off her blindfold, but she didn’t. To do that
would have ruined everything. They would tell her, once she was in the
club, what was happening, she was sure. Cloud jabbed his cock through Ellen’s fist. Another spraying wad came
rushing out and splashed Patsy’s plump tits. He neighed, his thickly
muscled neck flipping his head up. “Oooo,” Patsy cried out. “Oooo.” Cum dribbled down into her armpits,
soaked her face, her belly, dripped between her legs and over her cunt.
A creamy wad spurted into her panting mouth. Patsy gulped, swallowing it. It tasted like nothing she knew. She
gasped, knowing this was all being done to frighten her. Instead, it
was getting her hot! She couldn’t wait until she found out what the
delicious-tasting stuff was that they were spraying her with. Ellen’s arm was getting tired. She was dizzy with lust. Seeing Patsy
covered in Cloud’s cum made her want to attack the girl. A secret smile
played at her mouth. She would have Patsy soon enough. She eased up,
Cloud’s neighing telling her he was through and wanted to be set free.
She jerked hard, making the last few drops wet Patsy’s thighs. Cloud jerked back, dragging his cock from Ellen’s grasping fingers. He
dropped his head and nuzzled against Ellen’s neck. “Good, boy,” she whispered. “Good, boy.” As if on cue, someone got up from the dazed crowd and led Cloud back to
his stall, rejoining the group for the finale. Patsy lay still. The cum on her naked body had warmed her, heated her
insides. “You’ve been bathed in a special mixture, Patsy,” Ellen said. There was
laughter. “With your blindfold still on, you have to clean yourself,
getting as much as possible into your mouth.” Her voice was laden with
sexual emotion. “Now stand up.” Patsy did. Her legs, wobbly at first, finally supported her. Using her
fingers, she scooped the cum up from her body as it dribbled down her
flesh. She sucked her fingers clean and swallowed most of the cum. She
felt sticky, but whatever it was, it was scrumptious. Mary and Tracy came forward and helped Patsy into a robe. “You were
great,” Mary whispered. “Yeah,” Tracy added. “Great!” Ellen cleared her throat. “Be here tomorrow at three.” “Yes,” Patsy said as Tracy and Mary led her from the barn. With Patsy gone, the rest of the members of the Horse Club applauded. “Meeting’s adjourned,” Ellen said. “See you all next week for the
riding meet in Glen Cove.” Back in the clubhouse, Patsy pulled off her blindfold. She was still
naked. Her excitement was too great for her to be embarrassed. “What
was that stuff?” she bubbled. “God, it tasted great!” Tracy giggled, looked at Mary. “Can’t tell you.” “Why?” Patsy whined. “Because,” Tracy said, “Ellen will tomorrow.” “Will everyone be there?” Patsy asked. “Like today?” “No,” Mary said. “Just the officers of the Horse Club – Ellen, me, and
Tracy.” “You mean I get in the club tomorrow?” Patsy was ecstatic. “You’ll find out tomorrow,” Ellen said, coming into the room. She
drooled over Patsy’s creamy white body. “Now you better get dressed and
leave. We have to talk.” “Right,” Patsy said. “I understand.” Quickly, she dressed. “See you all
tomorrow.” She waved good-bye and rushed out into the open air. “I’m going to be a member of the Horse Club!” she shouted as she
straddled her bike and headed home to tell the good news to her mother. Chapter 2
Patsy rode her bike along the road and smiled when she spotted the barn
and the clubhouse. Her long slender legs pedaled faster. Leaving her bike, she ran into the clubhouse. It was empty. “The barn,”
she said, remembering Ellen’s words. She rushed out and hurried to the
barn. Ellen, who was feeding Cloud and apple, looked up. “Hi!” she said.
“You’re right on time.” Patsy nodded. She was out of breath. She looked at the white stallion
and swooned. To ride him was a fantasy she never expected to come true.
Cloud was Ellen’s. Patsy’s eyes scanned the barn. “Where’s Tracy and Mary?” Her eyes went
back to Ellen. “They’ll be around later,” Ellen said. She saw the disappointment on
Patsy’s face. “Don’t worry, you’ll be a member. Why dont’cha c’mon over
and feed Cloud an apple while we wait.” Patsy’s face brightened. “Thanks.” She grabbed an apple in each hand.
“Here, Cloud,” she said. She held an apple in her palm and he took it.
“Ewwww, his lips are so soft and wet.” Ellen giggled. “He does have soft lips.” She leaned against a stall,
remembering Patsy’s naked body covered in cum. “Were you scared
yesterday?” “A little,” Patsy admitted. “It was exciting though.” She finished
giving Cloud the second apple. Cloud chomped noisily, pieces of the apple dropping to the ground.
Finished, he nuzzled his mouth against Patsy’s neck. “Ewwww,” she giggled. “You’re getting me all wet.” She stepped away,
tingling inside. There was something very erotic about Cloud nuzzling
her neck. “I think he likes you,” Ellen said. “I like him too,” Patsy said. “A lot.” Ellen hopped up on a bale of hay, crossing her legs beneath her. “You
looked great naked,” she said, her violet eyes feasting on Patsy’s
oversized tits. “You got the best looking tits in the club. Everybody
was drooling.” Patsy blushed. She didn’t know what to say. “I’m glad it’s over. I was
so embarrassed.” “You were hot as hell too,” Ellen reminded her. “Your pussy was soaked.
I think everyone else’s cunt was soaked too.” Ellen’s words not only embarrassed the virgin blonde, they were getting
her hot. She swallowed. “I couldn’t help it.” She looked at the other
girl. “Do all the girls react that way?” “Some do, but you … damn, you were drenched.” Patsy’s face flushed scarlet. “Did you?” “I was drenched. So were Mary and Tracy.” Patsy was tingling. “I can’t wait until I see someone get initiated.” “It’s more fun when you participate, like Mary and Tracy.” “Oooo, I can imagine! Whewww, it would be great.” “You think you’d like playing around with their tits and pussy, holding
their legs apart?” Ellen was creaming her jeans. Out loud, such desires sounded dirty. Patsy blushed, but nodded anyway. “Maybe you can,” Ellen said. “Uh … what about Tracy and Mary?” Her heart was racing. “Tracy’s moving to California in a few weeks. You could take her
place.” “Really? Wow … that would be wonderful!” “You have to prove yourself first,” Ellen said. “How? I’ll do anything.” The words came rushing out before she had a
chance to think. “I knew I was right about you,” Ellen said, anticipating the afternoon
ahead. Patsy was reeling. The things she was admitting to had been in her mind
constantly since her initiation yesterday. They were thoughts she
didn’t understand. It was as if stripping and being fondled in public
had unleashed hidden passions she had no idea she had. The look on
Ellen’s face told her that the older girl had known. “If you want to take Tracy’s place, you’ll have to make it with me.”
She held Patsy’s shocked blue eyes with her own. Patsy’s mouth dropped. “You kidding?” “No,” Ellen said. Patsy believed. There was no doubting the tone of Ellen’s voice, or the
look in her eyes. Patsy gulped. The idea both excited and frightened
her. It was yesterday all over again. “You’ve done it with Tracy?” “Mary too,” Ellen added. “A lot of other things to.” “What?” Patsy gasped, wanting to know everything. “You’ll learn soon enough.” “When will I find out what the stuff you squirted on me was?” “Mmmm, you liked that, huh?” Patsy nodded. “It was delicious.” She smacked her lips. “Can I have
more, or is it only used for initiations?” “You can have all you want after we make it together.” “I’m ready anytime you are,” Patsy said more boldly than she felt. “Good,” Ellen said. She uncrossed her legs and dangled them over the
side of the bale of hay. “Strip.” Patsy gulped. Trembling hands worked frantically at the buttons of her
blouse. “What … what about you?” she asked breathlessly. “You can undress me once you have your own clothes off.” Ellen
answered. Her violet eyes feasted on Patsy’s tits as the younger girl
slipped off her blouse and bra. “God, your tits are so big!” Patsy smiled nervously. Her face was flushed, the pink glow enveloping
her tits. “My mom is big too,” she said as if needing to explain. “Mmmm,” Ellen sighed. She licked her lips, her eyes floating to Patsy’s
slim waist as the sexy blonde unsnapped her jeans. Patsy pushed her jeans down. She was dizzy. Today was different, so
different from yesterday. She gulped, her panties drenched with juice
as she pushed them down over her slim hips. “I liked fingering your pussy yesterday,” Ellen said. “It was so wet
and juicy. Did you like the taste of your own cunt?” “Un, huh,” Patsy said. She had her jeans and panties in her hand. She
laid them on a bench. “It tasted good, but not as good as the stuff you
sprayed on me.” “You’ll get plenty of that,” Ellen giggled. “Now you can find out what
my pussy tastes like.” She eased off the bale of hay. “You can strip me
now.” Flushed with a desire she couldn’t explain, Patsy came toward the older
girl. Her blue eyes were on fire. Her tits bounced, ached. Her throat
was dry, tight, and her pussy was wet and juicy. Ellen fondled Patsy’s large creamy tits as the younger girl fumbled
with her blouse. “Christ, you’re one sexy bitch!” She felt the pulpy
meat – soft and pliant – as Patsy slipped her blouse off. Patsy gasped. Ellen wasn’t wearing a bra! She stared hungrily at the
older girl’s tits. They were big, plump and exciting, but not as big as
her own. As if in a trance, she brought her hands to Ellen’s succulent
tits and began to massage them. “Mmmmmm, feels good,” Ellen purred. “Unnn, real nice.” Patsy was in a dazed stupor, Ellen’s nipples burning into the palms of
her hands. She wanted to get the rest of Ellen’s clothes off. She
pulled at the snap on Ellen’s jeans, forced down the zipper, then
pushed the jeans over Ellen’s full hips. “Unnn, Patsy,” Ellen gasped. She was standing in a puddle of jeans. She
stepped out of them. “Am I the first girl you ever stripped?” She
winked, kicked off her sandals and paraded around the barn. She glanced
at Cloud, hot shivers rippling up her spine. Patsy gawked at Ellen’s lush body. Ellen was all curves and had a thick
curly patch of black hair between her legs. She felt like a kid with
her silky blonde hair that barely covered her pussy mound. Except for
her big tits, she was still a kid, an innocent kid who wanted to be a
woman, a sexy, experienced woman. Ellen came back. She hefted her tits in her hands. “Rub your tits into
mine.” Patsy giggled shyly, lifted her own tits and mashed them into Ellen’s.
“Ooooo, God, I’m so hot!” The dam had broken. She began to tremble. “Ohhh, Patsy, you’re really going to have fun belonging to our club.”
She crushed Patsy in her arms. “Mmmmmm, we’re going to have a ball this
summer.” Patsy was overwhelmed. She rubbed her body into Ellen’s. She wanted to
devour her older friend, eat her pussy, and taste the juices. “Ooo,
God!” She was dizzy, creaming, the warm juices of her pussy soaking her
thighs. Ellen squiggled out of Patsy’s clinging arms. She eased herself up on
the bale of hay, her legs dangling over the side. “I’m all wet and
gooey, just like you were yesterday.” She spread her legs, parting her
cunt-lips with her fingers. “See?” “Ooooo, Ellen,” Patsy gasped, gazing hotly at Ellen’s pussy. It was
red, wet, puffy, glistening with white filmy cream. “Oooo, God!” Her
knees weakened. Sucking in her breath, she swayed. “I can’t wait until your tongue is right here.” Ellen dragged her
finger through her own cunt, coating it with froth. “Mmmm, I taste
good, but not as good as you.” She winked. “I think other pussies
always taste better than your own. What do you think?” Patsy giggled. “I don’t know yet. I’ve only tasted mine.” “Then you should find out right now.” Ellen’s face filled with desire.
“Suck me, Patsy. See how good I taste.” Patsy, mesmerized with the sight of the older girl’s wet sopping pussy,
dropped to her knees. She crawled between Ellen’s thighs. The sweet
pungent scent of Ellen’s pussy attacked her brain. “Ooo, God,” she
moaned. It felt like she was dreaming. “Don’t look too long,” Ellen sighed, staring down at the younger
virgin. She kept her fingers in place, exposing the hot sticky slit of
her pussy. “I need some real good sucking. Yesterday got me hot as
hell.” For a moment longer, Patsy stared at the red seeping gash of Ellen’s
pussy. With her insides churning, Patsy brought her mouth to Ellen’s
delicious-looking cunt. Her lips touched the wet heat. Hot flashes
caromed through her body. Warm sticky cream smeared her lips. “Ooooo, Patsy,” Ellen moaned, feeling her lips on her fingers and cunt.
She pulled her fingers away and fell back, staring at the beamed
ceiling. “Suck me! Suck me!” Enveloped by the scent and taste of Ellen’s fabulous cunt, Patsy
couldn’t do anything else but suck. Pussy cream coated her lips and
dribbled into her mouth. She sucked, drawing the puffy folds of Ellen’s
cunt into her mouth. Cream gushed over her tongue, coated her throat. “Oooo, Patsy, I love it.” Ellen thrashed on the bale of hay, her tits
flopping, her head snapping from side to side. “Keep sucking, Patsy.
Oooo, like that!” Patsy sucked again and again, marveling at the amount of juice that
flowed from Ellen’s pussy and into her mouth. She swallowed, sucked and
swallowed again. “Ummmmm, Patsy,” Ellen said, staring up at the hayloft. “Ooooo, now
chew me. Chew my cunt!” Patsy heard and in her innocence didn’t believe. She continued to suck
deeply on Ellen’s overheated cunt. Ellen humped, her tits jiggling, her mouth open, and her eyes popping.
She rotated her ass, the hay jabbing into her fleshy cheeks. “Oh! Oh!
Oh! Bite me, Patsy. Christ, chew me up!” She smashed her pussy into
Patsy’s face, showing the innocent blonde she meant business. Patsy understood. With the puffy folds of Ellen’s cunt in her mouth,
Patsy began to chew. She sucked, then gently chewed. She liked it.
Passion took away the gentleness and she began to chomp roughly on
Ellen’s cunt. “Ooooo, now you’re doing it,” Ellen squealed. She twisted her hips,
soaking Patsy’s face with a delude of buttery pussy cream. “Ooooo,
yesss!” Spurred on by Ellen’s hot exciting voice, Patsy sucked harder. She
chewed with more determination. Hot sticky juice flowed into her mouth
and over her lips. “Now tongue me,” Ellen squealed. “Tongue-fuck me, Patsy!” She arched
her back, pounded the hay with her fists. Patsy opened her mouth and clamped it to Ellen’s cunt. She darted her
tongue out, plunging it into the heated wetness of Ellen’s cunt. She
went deep, exploring the spongy pussy with the tip of her tongue. “Yessss,” Ellen hissed. “Deeper, go deeper.” She smashed her cunt into
Patsy’s face. Hay jabbed her ass crack, making her twitch. Patsy’s
tongue was driving her wild. “Ooooo, Patsy … soon … oooo … so
soon!” Patsy heard, but wasn’t quite sure she understood. She gurgled as hot
frothy pussy juice flowed over her exploring tongue. Pussy muscles
pulsed against her, exciting her, making her own virgin pussy hot. With her tongue reaming out Ellen’s cunt, it hit Patsy like a bolt of
lightning. Ellen wasn’t a virgin! The knowledge made her dizzy, crazed.
She went mad. No more did Ellen have to tell her what to do. She worked
on natural instinct. Ellen sensed the change. “Oh, my God!” She bucked wildly, her pussy now
a prisoner of Patsy’s greedy mouth. “Oh, yeahhhh!” Ellen’s eyes rolled and her eyelids fluttered. Her mouth opened and
ragged gasps escaped. She clawed the hay, grabbing fistfuls in her
hands. “Ohhh, Patsy. I’m there. I’m …” Patsy knew now what Ellen was talking about. It blew her mind. She went
crazy. Deep sucking action flooded her mouth with cream. Chewing hard
on Ellen’s cunt-lips had the barn filled with Ellen’s screams. Tongue-
fucking plunges had Ellen twisting and writhing on the hay. “I’m …cumming! Bite! Bite my clit!” Patsy, her face drenched in cunt juice, attacked Ellen’s clit. She
sucked it into her mouth and held it prisoner. Hard sucks almost tore
it from Ellen’s gyrating body. She used her teeth to gnaw on the
purplish blood-filled clit. Sucking and chewing, chewing and sucking,
Patsy changed the sensations. Ellen’s screams told her she was doing it
right. “I’m creaming! Cumming! Ohhh, Patsy! You’re biting off my clit!” Holding Ellen’s clit firmly between her teeth, Patsy brought her tongue
into action. Slapping her tongue back and forth over Ellen’s cunt, she
whipped the older girl into a screaming frenzy. The screeching noise
had Cloud, the white stallion, neighing, highly agitated in his stall. “Oh, don’t stop!” Ellen cried out. Her body contorted in bliss as
another series of flashing orgasms whipped through her young overheated
body. “Chew it! Bite it! Aghhhh!” Ellen was delirious. “I feel your
teeth. Ooooo!” Patsy destroyed Ellen’s clit with her mouth. She held Ellen’s hips,
skimmed under and mauled her ass cheeks. Cum flowed over her face. She
gurgled as it flooded her mouth and throat. She continued to swallow,
but it was gushing too fast. With her tongue whipping, her teeth
chewing, and her mouth sucking, Patsy turned Ellen’s clit into a piece
of raw pulsing meat. Spit came out of Ellen’s mouth, dribbled down the side of her face. Her
cunt exploded again and she thrashed on the hay, Patsy’s fingers
digging into her jiggling ass cheeks. Creamy cum drooled down the crack of her ass, coated Patsy’s mouth.
“Patsy! Wonderful … so wonderful!” Patsy was lost in a world of wet heat. She became an animal. She gnawed
and sucked Ellen’s clit. Gulping sucks took creamy cum into her mouth.
The rest of the white frothy soup bathed her mouth and face. Ellen humped wildly. Her back bowed, her neck strained, and her face
screwed up in the last agonizing pleasures of her orgasm. Quivering,
she slumped back, panting, gasping air into her lungs.

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