How can you have someone’s dick up your ass and not be fucking?

Martha slid the paper across the kitchen table. “Take a look at the
reunions.” She was smiling but her eyes couldn’t hide her worry.

I looked down, read the article she’d circled…

And froze as 30 year old memories returned.


“Mr. Stanton?”

I sighed, then smiled wearily. I was watching my wife but my words were
for our oldest daughter, Christine and her ‘domestic partner’, Julie.
“Tom’s in charge this time. I haven’t seen him since high school. Thirty
years ago he and Martha were the hottest couple on campus and I was just
another academic student.”

“So?” Christine was obviously puzzled.

Martha laughed and saved me. “Your father ‘got the girl’ but who he
really wanted was the guy.”


Then, tentatively, Julie asked the question that needed to be asked. “Mr.
Stanton? You were *gay*? But…” She looked at me and then Martha.

I chuckled, breaking the tension. “In the closet, but yes, I was gay when
I started dating Martha so I could have an excuse to get fucked by Tom.”

Martha smiled. “Tom was quite a hunk back then. Personality of an
asshole, but with that prick he didn’t have to worry about being

I laughed. “Size Queen.”

Her riposte was barbed. “You aren’t?” She turned her attention to the
girls. “The strap-on we gave you two ten years ago? The one I said held
so many fond memories? Steve gave it to me as a wedding gift so he
wouldn’t have to cruise the gay bars after we got married.”

They stared at us. “I was sore for a week after our wedding night–and I
loved every second of it.” I grinned at them. “I was gay, then bi before
our wedding. Shortly after the wedding we decided that with one exception
we’d be ‘true to each other’. That decision didn’t stop me from being an
anal erotic and a bottom.”

“Anyway, as Martha mentioned, Tom was an asshole in most ways but he knew
how to use his prick and that was all anyone really wanted from him. I
was no different…”

* * *

I hate PE but I love the showers. All the naked guys. The wonderful
smell. All those cocks. I let myself glance to one side…

Tom caught me staring at his dick. “Jealous?”

I blushed. “Yeah.” No point in hiding that much. Every guy on campus
was jealous of that monster and what he got to do with it. Tom enjoyed
the attention it got him.

“Don’t worry, Stevie. Maybe someday you’ll grow up and have a real dick.”
He waggled it at me and strutted away.

I hated being called ‘Stevie’, he knew it–and didn’t ever pass up a
chance to needle me. I finished soaping myself and sighed. ‘The real
dick I want is yours, shoved up my ass.’

I rinsed myself, dried off, got dressed and headed for my next class.

* * *

“Steve! Wait for me!”

When Martha caught up to me I pointed at the red light. “Like I had a

She sighed. “What’s wrong? You walked right past me without a word.
That’s not like you.”

“You want to walk, or talk?” I started crossing the street when the light
changed. Caught by surprise she hesitated a few seconds and then caught up
with me again.

We walked a ways in silence and then she attacked me again. “How come
you’ve never tried to hit on me? I’d say yes, you know.”

What the hell? We’d grown up together, even explored each other’s bodies
a few times. But, ask her out? Deliberately try to get her to put out?

She touched my arm to get my attention. “Well?”

I shrugged. “Haven’t thought about it.”

This time she grabbed my arm and forced me to stop and face her.
“Bullshit. Ever since we stopped going around naked together you haven’t
hit on *any* girls.” She let go of my arm and sighed. “Why the hell is
such a nice person like you gay?”

Lie? Never considered it. This was Martha. She and I had traded
confidences all our lives. Or at least as far as I knew she’d never lied
to me. I’d never lied either–just kept silent.

“Remember when you started puberty and I wasn’t interested in sex?”

She nodded.

“Well, you started screwing boys who *were* interested. By the time I was
interested you’d told me all the stories about boys being totally focused
on one thing: ‘anything that would get you to let them fuck you’. You
thought it was funny but you kept fucking them. You even amused yourself
by playing mind games with them and then telling me.”

She blushed and started to interrupt me but I was wound up and unwilling
to slow down as all the bitterness came back. “Then I started trying to
go out with other girls and saw the games for myself, along with the
rejections. Sure, I was interested in sex but I also wanted to go out
with girls I had an interest in. Every one of them treated me the same
way, as if I was only looking for sex. By then you’d teamed up with that
asshole Tom and never seemed to understand when I hinted that I wanted to
go out with you on dates. All you could talk about was that prick of his
and how good it felt.”

I sighed and started walking again. “You and all the others made me give
up. I started hanging with other guys who felt the same way. Somehow we
wound up fucking each other. There’s a lot more than the sex. We have
something in common and we care for each other.” I realized she wasn’t
next to me and I looked back. “You think I’m going to give that up for
female mind-fucks?”

She looked stricken. “Steve, that hurt.”

“Should I have lied to you in spite of what we promised each other?”

“No. Never that.”

The rest of the walk home was filled with a strained silence. Just
before she turned up her driveway she touched me to get my attention.
“Steve? Walk with me in the morning? Just like always?”

I focused on her instead of my pain. “Yeah, Martha. Just like always.”
I forced a smile. “Just because I’m gay and pissed right now–that
doesn’t mean I don’t want us to be friends.”

* * *

We met at the end of her driveway, just like usual, at the usual time.

“Morning, Steve.”

“Morning, Martha.”

We’d walked a block or so when she surprised me. “Tom’s bi. But he
doesn’t think so. He’s also a lousy fuck.”

“Yeah? Why tell me? If he’s such a lousy fuck why are you still going
out with him?”

“I’m telling you because it’s obvious you want him to fuck you. The
reason I’m still going out with him is because all the guys are afraid of
him. None have *asked* me to go out with them, including you. He’s
strange. As long as a girl doesn’t have a boyfriend, Tom thinks she’s
his. Once she starts going with someone else, he doesn’t worry because
she’ll usually ask him to fuck her once or twice a month. Get the

I got it. I was also pissed. “You’re his? Anytime he wants? Thats…”

“Don’t say it. Not anytime he wants, we set limits. We even pass him
around to keep him satisfied when one of us isn’t in the mood to put up
with him.”

“So, what puts a girl off limits?”

“If she’s going steady with another guy.” She sighed and moved closer so
she could whisper. “You help me, I’ll help you. Tom’ll only fuck a guy
as part of a threesome. ‘I ain’t no faggot. I don’t do guys by
themselves.’ You figure it out.”

We walked the next block in silence. We were waiting for a light to
change when I made my decision. “I gotta know what that monster feels
like. OK. I’m in.”

She laughed. “I figured you would be. It usually hurts when he fucks my
cunt. Up the ass is better. Better yet, be sure you’ve given yourself an
enema before you let him fuck you. *He* doesn’t care and he’ll force
himself all the way in no matter what. Oh, think you can get it up and
fuck me first? He likes to watch and talk about how when the guy’s done
he’ll give the girl a real fuck by a real man–and how he’ll give the guy
something that will make him wish he were a cunt instead of a guy.”

We stepped off the curb and started across the street. “Mar, I don’t know
if I could get it up in that asshole’s presence. You know how he puts me
down. Maybe. If you help.”

“Bring one of your friends.” She named one of them. “He’s bi and a
pretty decent fuck if what I’ve been told is true. Are you my new

“Yeah, Mar. If that’s what it takes to get Tom to fuck me. I gotta

She spotted Tom, waved at him and then hugged me. “Thanks. See you after

* * *

Tom confronted me while I was taking my shower after PE. “Martha says
you’re her new boyfriend. Plan on fucking her?”

“Yeah. If she’ll let me.”

He laughed. “Stevie, boy, she’s easy. Stick a finger between her legs
and she’ll spread ’em for you. Of course you gotta have a prick first.
That thing get any bigger? ”

I blushed but managed to hold my eyes on his face. “A little. Think
she’ll go for 6 1/2 inches or so?”

Amazing. He didn’t make an immediate put down. Finally he turned away.
“Yeah, Stevie. She’ll go for it.” He looked back over his shoulder and
grinned. “It will give her cunt and asshole a chance to tighten up after
being fucked by a real prick.”

* * *

“Steve. Tim. Got time to stop at my place?” Martha settled between us
as we started home.

Tim and I looked at each other and I answered first. “As long as I can
call my parents to let them know where I am.”

Tim’s answer was typical for him. “Plenty of time. I get home when I get


Martha’s mom greeted us at the door. “Steve. Tim. Good to see you.
You boys be able to stay for dinner?”

Tim’s response was an enthusiastic yes. Mine was slower and hedged.
“I’ll know as soon as I call my parents.”

“You know where the phone is.”

“Thanks.” I made the call and got permission to stay for dinner.

When I got back to the living room Martha was facing her mom and had a
grin on her face. “I got rid of Tom.”

“About time. Who’d you replace him with?”


“Better. Does he know the house rules?”

She blushed. “Not yet. Tim hasn’t heard them either.”

“Why not?”

Martha looked at me. “Can I tell her?” I sighed and then nodded to let
her know it was OK. Tim just shrugged when she asked him the same

“Mom, Steve’s gay. It’s partly my fault. Tim’s bi and I need his help
with Steve.”

“So? What makes you think Steve will be able to fuck you? Never mind.
None of my business.” She faced Tim and me. “The house rules are simple.
You use condoms and no means no. You also keep quiet about what you
learn or do here. In return my husband and I answer any questions without
judging you–and you don’t judge us. Martha?”

She nodded. “Steve’s always been the one I’ve confided in. He trusts
Tim. That’s good enough for me.”

Her mother nodded. “Dinner will be at eight. Oh, did you deliver my
message to Tom?”

“Yes, mother. He didn’t take it seriously. He was pretty crude about

“Fine. He’s been warned. Don’t you worry about it.” She studied me and
Tim. “You’ve got more than enough to worry about right now. Scoot!”

* * *

Martha closed the door to her room. Tim looked at her. “You going to
lock it?”

“No. That’s another rule.”

He shook his head. “This is crazy. You’re after Steve, not me. What am
I doing here? Steve? You never did tell me.”

“She never told me why she wanted you here.”

She started taking her clothes off. “Strip. Both of you. I’ll tell you
after you get on the bed with me.”

She carefully positioned us on either side of her. “Tim, Cindy says
you’re not only a decent fuck, you like to cuddle.”

“I am? She did?”

“She did.”

Martha coaxed me into rolling over so we faced each other. She pressed
her body against mine. “Steve, hold me. Tim, cuddle me. Both of you, if
there’s anything else you want to do, do it.” She smiled at me. “Steve.
I love you. Always have.”

She kissed me and without thinking I automatically kissed her back.

I wish I could say we made glorious love together. We didn’t. All we did
was stay together in the middle of her bed while she told us how much she
needed us to help her forget about how Tom had been treating her as his
private sex toy rather than treating her like a person. His attitude had
been quite a shock to her and all her efforts to get him to change had
failed. She loved the feel of his prick when he fucked her but finally,
the day before she’d confronted me, she’d realized it wasn’t enough.

She cried a bit, got angry a bit. She hugged me and Tim a lot and we
hugged her back a lot. Then the three of us held each other and fell

The sound of somebody knocking on her door woke us up. “Dinner in thirty
minutes! Clothing optional.”

Martha giggled. “Dad’s giving us a chance to clean up before dinner.”
She untangled herself and headed for her bathroom. “There’s room for all
of us in the shower. Join me?”

Tim and I looked at each other and blushed. He shook his head. “Don’t
you *ever* tell anyone Martha and I were naked together and I never once
thought about fucking her.” He grinned. “Didn’t think about fucking you,

“Yeah. Same here.” I looked at the bathroom door and sighed. “Never
thought I’d say this but right now thinking of us doesn’t do a thing for
me. I’d rather be holding Martha.”

Tim hugged me. “Tell you something. I’ve always fantasized about fucking
Martha. Now that I’ve had the chance and not taken advantage of it I’m
satisfied.” He pushed me towards the door. “Let’s go scrub each other’s
backs–and anything else worth scrubbing.”

I hesitated as something came to mind. “I’m starting to realize that
sometimes fantasies are best left as fantasies… Oh, that reminds me.
As far as I can figure out she originally wanted you here as part of her
plot to get me a chance to let Tom fuck me.” I turned around and pulled
him against me so I could kiss him before I headed for the shower, and

* * *

The next few weeks were weird. Usually Martha and I would stop at her
house and cuddle. Sometimes Tim would come along. Eventually he did fuck
her but only that once. Most of the time he and I fucked each other with
Martha watching or sometimes just cuddling with both of us.

I guess it was after a couple of weeks when Martha and I fucked each
other. Tim was fucking me and she was helping me jack off. She said
something like ‘I don’t want to waste this’, rolled over and before I
figured out what was going on, had stuffed my prick in her ass. I
suppose she’d figured out how to tell how close I was to orgasming because
she pumped herself on me for a few strokes and I came inside her.

Then Tim came and his driving thrusts forced me deeper into Martha when I
tried to pull out.

The strange part was that *I* was worried about not having a condom on.
“Martha! I’m not wearing a condom!”

She giggled, rolled back to face me and hugged me. “If I get pregnant
from it, we’ll make millions. Now, see? You’ve fucked me and it didn’t
hurt a bit.”

Tim was still in my ass. He laughed. “She got you, Steve. Relax and
enjoy it. I’ve never felt your ass clench as hard as it did then. I
couldn’t stop myself from coming.” He wiggled himself and I felt his dick
growing. “Wouldn’t mind doing it again.”

I thought about it. I’d never been the center of a threesome before and
the thought of being the focus of both of them was a real turn on. I
wanted to do it NOW but I knew what would happen if I we didn’t use a
condom and her parents found out.

I was horny, frustrated–and then I felt barrier inside me go down.
“Yeah… Oh man do I want to do it again. But this time I want to fuck
Martha face to face…. And I know just how we can do it. You two with

Tim’s reaction was immediate. “Jesus! You damn near cut my prick off.
Oh, yeah, if you can do *that* again I’m with you.”

I squeezed Martha into a tight hug and dry humped her for a few strokes.

“Yes. Oh, YES!”

I pushed her away. “Then grab some condoms and let’s all get in the
shower. I’m going to give the two of you showers you’ll never forget and
then both of you can give me a shower–and a good fucking!” I grinned at

We got in the shower and I hugged Tim. “Tim, I love you. I really,
really do and I promise I’ll never forget what a special person you are.
Don’t say a word. Just let me be selfish and enjoy myself. You won’t
regret it.” I looked over my shoulder at Martha. “I’ll get to you but
I’ve got to take care of Tim first.”

She lightly touched my face with her fingers. “You already have.” She
blushed. “Gotten to me, I mean. And, Steve? I understand.”

I knelt down and planted my face in Tim’s crotch while I reached around
his legs and adjusted the water before switching to the shower head. I
let the water cascade over us and then I reached for the soap.

While I lathered Tim I stroked his body as if it were a penis I was trying
to arouse. I caressed his legs and every upward stroke was completed with
a light touch on his penis. I teased him in every way that I knew he
liked. I probed his ass with my fingers. I fondled his balls. When I
lathered his back I walked up and down his spine and finished by grabbing
his slippery buttocks and pulling his crotch against my cheek as hard as I
could. I used both hands to massage his chest and stomach. This time it
was the downward strokes that ended at his crotch. I teased him. I
worked him mercilessly… But every movement I made was a promise that
when the time came, I would be his as I’d never been his before.

I was lost in savoring his body but eventually I was done and I rinsed him
off. I knelt again and kissed his penis gently before I rose to pull him
into a tight hug. We kissed deeply and then I pulled away. “Tim?”

He sighed. “Yeah, Steve. I’ve lost you, haven’t I?”

I looked at Martha and she nodded. I hugged Tim again. “You haven’t lost
me. We’ll be there for you the rest of our lives.” I cried on his
shoulder. “We weren’t meant to be in the way Martha and I have been.
She’s waited for me a long time. I hope you understand that.”

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. “Yeah. I understand. Wish I
didn’t. Maybe someday I’ll be as lucky as you are.”

I pulled back and grinned at him. “Yeah, lucky. Lucky enough so that my
very best friend and male lover is going to fuck me in the ass while I
fuck the woman of my dreams for the first time.”

“Steve, you’re crazy. You do know that, don’t you?”

“I’m not crazy. I’m in love, with both of you. Swap places with Martha
so I can give her the same treatment I just gave you.”

He squirmed past me and hugged Martha. “Oh, wow… I’d be jealous but he
did it to me first. Brace yourself. Are you gonna be surprised.”

Martha and I hugged each other. “Thanks. I know it’s late for this but I
want to show you how much I love my ‘former sister’.”

She tensed and then squeezed me as hard as she could when she filled in
the blank. “If I’m your ‘former sister’, that makes you my ‘former
brother’. What are we now?”

I kissed her and held it while I ran my fingers lightly down either side
of her spine in the way she’d taught me. When she arched into my body I
arched mine into hers before moving my lips next to her ear so I could
whisper to her. “Lovers, I guess. But that doesn’t really sound right.
How about making it ‘man and wife’ as soon as we graduate?”


“After all the years we’ve known each other, you need to ask?

“Yes. And YES!”

“Then stand there and let me give you a betrothal gift.”

I grabbed the soap and lathered my body. I switched the water from the
shower to the tub and then pulled Martha into an embrace. Then, slowly, I
used my body against hers. I used my legs and feet to gently rub the soap
against hers and ‘scrub’ them. I used my penis to wash her crotch. My
chest rubbed against hers and I felt her heat and her unsteady breathing.
I teased her buttocks with my fingers and gently massaged them. One
finger found its way into her asshole and she moaned and pressed against
me. She tried to move her hips and bury my penis in her cunt. I pulled
back. “Not yet. Let me explore your body in the ways you’ve taught me.”

I kissed her and then pulled back. “Close your eyes.” She did and I
soaped her face and hair. I savored the slippery feel of her soaped skin
as I explored her face with my lathered fingers. I traced her cheekbones.
I let my senses follow the lines of her smiling lips. I brushed her
eyebrows and followed them outward to the edges of her flushed face. I
used both hands and lovingly traced the whorls of her ears before I
reached and gently massaged her scalp.

I ran my fingers through her hair and let myself get lost in my dreams as
I imagined her hair falling across my face as we made passionate love

Then it was over. I hugged her again and then bent down to switch the
water back to the shower head so I could rinse us off. When I was done I
knelt and kissed her between her legs. I looked up and saw that she was
watching me with a dreamy look in her eyes. “And now, my love, I’m all
yours.” I looked back over one shoulder. “Yours, too.”

Martha pulled me to my feet. “All those showers together and now this.
What happened?”

I shrugged. “I’m not afraid any more.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I don’t either. Not completely. Something happened inside me and I
realized I love you as much as I love Tim. That’s all.”

She studied my face. “There’s more.”

“Probably. But I don’t know what it is.”

She shook her head and then looked at Tim. “Do you believe this?”

“No, but I love it.” I felt him press his body against mine. His prick
was hard and he slid it between my ass cheeks until it was pushing against
my asshole. He must have soaped it because I didn’t feel any friction.
“Steve wants us to fuck him.” He reached around and gently fondled my
balls before he put his hands on the insides of my thighs. I felt his
breath on my ear as he whispered: “I certainly believe *that*.” He
jerked me backwards as he drove himself home.

I moaned when he started fucking me deeply and slowly. His gentle
forcefulness demanded that I surrender to him and I did. I sagged into
his body and let him control me in a way I’ve never dared to do before. I
relaxed my asshole and then clenched it as tightly as I could. “All of
you, Tim. I want it all.”

He chuckled. “And I’ll give it to you–as soon as you finish fucking

“Martha!” I made her name a demand.

She laughed. “Not yet, Steve. Not yet. Close your eyes.”

I did and was rewarded with the touch of her soapy hands. She started at
my feet and slowly worked her way up my legs to my crotch. I felt her
kiss the end of my cock before she wrapped her hands around it and began
stroking it in time to Tim’s thrusts. “Soon.” She touched me and stopped
my involuntary thrusting.. Her hands wandered my torso and I felt
something different in her light caresses. I realized she was exploring
me as a lover, not a friend. She must have sensed my curiosity because
she pressed her body against me and kissed me. “Keep them closed. Your
head’s next.”

She didn’t wash my face, she massaged it. At the same time she pumped her
hips against my crotch. I moaned with frustration when she paused.

Tim stopped pumping and I moaned again. His hands shifted from my crotch
to my waist. I felt one of Martha’s hands on my prick.

Sudden warmth on the tip was followed by a slow engulfment as she slowly
covered me. “Hug me, Steve. Kiss me…. Fuck me! Now!

I blindly grabbed for her butt and jerked her against me. My body took
over and drove itself into her. It jerked back and slammed forward again.
I felt Tim’s dick as my movements pistoned it in and out of my asshole.
It took him a few strokes but soon Tim was driving with me, his crotch
slamming against me as he drove me into Martha. Each time he slammed home
he twitched his hips slightly and his prick would make contact with my
prostate, increasing my urgency.

Tingling. Urgency. A concentration of feelings that told me I was
getting ever closer to my orgasm. My thrusts became shorter and driven
with an ever increasing intensity of purpose.

I used all the strength in my arms to jerk Martha into my crotch. I could
feel her muscles as she matched my efforts with her own.

Suddenly she clenched and I was lost. I jammed us together and froze.
With each twitch of my dick I tried to drive it deeper. I felt my asshole
clench in time to my ejaculations. Tim kept pounding into me and the
pain-pleasure was so intense I couldn’t find breath to scream. I felt his
strokes take on a familiar staccato urgency.

Then he jerked us both into his crotch and froze. Martha clenched again
and caused me to jerk in surprise. Tim found more strength than I’d ever
felt him use and he jerked forward, driving his his dick so deep I felt
like his crotch merged with my butt. I felt his pulses as he emptied
himself into my shaking body.

Overwhelmed by it all I sagged and would have slipped from between them if
they hadn’t held me in place.

When I came to my senses it was my turn to exhale slowly and utter the
simple and inadequate, yet appropriate: “Wow.”

Then reality hit me. “We didn’t use condoms. Martha? What do we tell
your parents?”

She glowed and hugged me. “The truth. We all forgot. Besides, Mom and
Dad know we’re going to get married because we want to, not because we
have to.”

“They know? I just proposed!”

“Silly. Several years ago I told them I was going to marry you.”

* * *

I came back to the present and smiled. “She hasn’t stopped running my
life since.”

Christine smiled back. “She’s taken vacations though. As soon as I was
old enough she let me run it- for practice.”

I grinned at her. “Did I ever complain?”

She froze. “You knew?”

“Parents always know what their teens are doing.”

Julie laughed, then sobered. “What about Tom?”

I shook my head as I remembered that afternoon. “I got to feel his dick
up my ass, but he didn’t fuck me.”

“Huh? How can you have someone’s dick up your ass and not be fucking?”

“Martha? You were there.”

“Steve fucked me while Tom made his usual crude comments and hints. Steve
and I were enjoying the afterglow when Tom put his dick against Steve’s
asshole and asked him ‘Stevie boy. You and Martha got me real hard and
frustrated. Your hole is closest and I plan to use it. What are you
going to do about *that*?’ Steve humped himself backwards and took all of
Tom’s dick in one stroke. Then he spoke two sentences: ‘This. Go ahead
and fuck me!'” She and I both laughed as we remembered Tom’s shock. She
finally sobered and finished it. “Tom was so surprised and shocked he
lost his erection. He screamed ‘I ain’t no faggot!’ got off the bed,
grabbed his clothes and was still putting them on as he left my house. He
never bothered either of us again.”

Julie’s mouth formed an ‘Oh!’ of surprise and then she laughed

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