Erotic story – Caryn’s eighteenth birthday

It was Caryn’s eighteenth birthday and Mike had a special celebration in
mind. He had an engagement ring in a little black box that he planned to
give her over dinner at Maxwell’s, known for the romantic atmosphere as
well as the fine food. When he had called to make the reservation, the
maitre d’ had offered a special dessert, one that the restaurant apparently
made often. The ring would be in a special cradle on the dessert, made to
look like a black velvet box, but it was actually cake.

Mike was on pins and needles when the doorbell rang. He opened the door
to see Deanne. “Hi,” he said, opening the door.

“Hi, yourself. Where’s Caryn?” Deanne asked.

“She should be home any minute. I have a birthday celebration planned.”
He showed Deanne the ring.

Deanne cooed over it. “Does she know?”

“No idea,” he said.

“I’ve spent the last year wondering if I was doing the right thing. But
I guess it is going to work out,” she said.

Mike looked puzzled, “Speaking of the last year, where have you been?
What about your visits?”

“Something always came up. You think I wanted to walk in and find you
two lovebirds in a compromising position?”

“I never heard of the compromising position. How does that go?” Mike
asked innocently.

“I don’t want to hear that,” she said holding hands over her ears.

Caryn bounced in the front door, “Hi!” she yelled.

Mike grabbed the box and put it in his coat pocket. “Back here.”

“Hi, Mrs. Walton,” Caryn said as she came in. She leaned over and
kissed Mike as she always did when she got home. Then she looked at
Deanne, “Oh. I guess I shouldn’t…”

“You’re eighteen now. You can do what you want, which is why I’m here.
And call me Deanne. You are officially no longer a ward of the state.”

Caryn threw her arms around Mike’s neck planting a kiss on him. She
snuggled into his lap after the kiss.

Deanne pulled a pile of papers from her briefcase. “I don’t know if you
even know any of this. First, here is the paperwork for your parents’
trust.” Caryn looked confused. Deanne handed her the sheet. “All of your
parents’ assets were put into a trust for you. Most of the money comes
from the house, their insurance, and their retirement accounts.”

Caryn looked at the bottom number and up at Deanne.

“Yes, it is quite a bit of money,” she said.

“I had no idea,” Caryn said.

“It will pay your way through college if that’s what you want to do,”
Deanne said.

Caryn was looking at the paper, “I want a Jetta.” She looked at Mike,
“Can I have a Jetta?”

“It’s your money,” he said.

“Blue. I want it blue,” she said.

Mike and Deanne shook their heads. Deanne pulled out another paper and
handed it to Mike. “Here’s your official notification that the monthly
supplement stops from the county.” She looked to Caryn. “You’ll notice
that the county has taken the monthly payment to Mike from your trust. We
are allowed to seek reimbursement for the costs.”

Mike jumped in, “What? Caryn’s had to pay me to live here?”

“Yes,” Deanne said. “That’s the law.”

“Well, I don’t want the money,” he huffed.

Deanne smiled, “I don’t care. That’s between you two now. But if I
were you lovebirds, I’d treat it like joint property and wouldn’t worry.”
She looked pointedly at Mike who blushed since he was about to turn their
assets into joint property. Caryn missed it entirely.

Mike realized that Deanne was playing with him about the ring in front
of Caryn and glared at her. “Fine.”

Deanne stifled a laugh and handed the rest of the papers to Caryn.
“Here’s all of the other papers from bank accounts, etc. Most of these
were closed out and moved into the trust, but you have a complete package
now. I guess that’s all.” Deanne sat back now that her official duties
were over, and smiled. “I’m really glad this has worked out. I surely
worried that we’d get found out and all of us wind up in the hoosegow.”

Caryn came over and wrapped Deanne in a hug, “Thank you for letting us
live together.”

“I second that,” he said.

As Caryn released her, Deanne said, “Well, I better be going. Who knows
what’s going to happen now.” She looked at Mike with a twinkle in her eye.
Behind Caryn’s back, he wagged his finger at Deanne.

After Deanne had driven away, Mike told Caryn, “I have a dinner
reservation for your birthday.”

Caryn started bouncing on her toes, “Really? Where?”

“It’s a surprise. Go get dressed, a nice dress,” he said.

“How nice?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Nice. I’m wearing a tie and coat,” he said. Poor Mike
asked himself, `Why do women ask questions like that. How do I know how
nice. Nice is nice, right?’

Caryn looked thoughtful for a second, then radiantly smiling, hurried
off to her bedroom. Mike shook his head and followed her to get dressed
himself. When he reached the bedroom, Caryn was discarding dress after

They had kept up the pretense of her having her own room for the first
several months after they became lovers. After the incident with Cyndi
they had decided the pretense was worth the effort, so Caryn kept her
clothes in her room.

“How about this one?” she asked holding up a pink dress in front of her.

“Looks nice,” he said.

Caryn looked at it in the mirror and discarded it. “How about this
one?” she said holding up a blue dress.

“Nice,” Mike said.

Caryn gave him a bit of a look and he quickly scrammed to his room and
grabbed a shirt, coat, and tie and dressed. No way did he want or need to
be involved with this decision process.

After he had dressed, he waited, somewhat impatiently, in the front
room. Caryn appeared a half hour later. Mike looked up and was astounded.
He knew she was beautiful, but until this moment, he had never seen her
trying to be beautiful. She was stunning. “Oh my God.”

Caryn smiled, glad for the effect she had so obviously created. “How do
I look?”

“Beautiful. Beautiful beyond belief. I can’t even begin to tell you
how beautiful you are,” he said.

Caryn blushed a little at the praise. Mike swept her up in his arms and
kissed her. “Let’s go,” he said after he set her down.


Dinner had been exquisite, the romantic atmosphere perfect, and the
service impeccable. Caryn was floating along as happy as she had ever
been. The waiter stopped by their table. “May I suggest the special

“Certainly,” Mike answered. The waiter left. Mike had previously left
the ring with the waiter when Caryn had made a trip to the lady’s room.

Caryn was surprised. “You don’t even know what it is?”

“Sweetheart, how could it be anything other than perfect if it is for
you,” he said holding her hand.

Caryn blushed.

The waiter was already back and brought a bottle of Champagne and two
glasses. Caryn was taken aback since she hadn’t seen Mike order Champagne.
The waiter popped the cork and carefully filled their glasses. One of the
staff had followed behind and had a covered silver tray. He handed it to
the waiter, who with a flourish, uncovered it and quickly placed it before

She looked at the dessert, then realized it was a real diamond ring.
“Is it real?”

The waiter smiled, “Of course, Mademoiselle, and the cake is real as
well.” Laughing, he retreated.

“Mike?” Caryn said looking up at him. “Is this?”

“What does it look like?” he said smiling.

“It looks like an engagement ring,” she said.

“It is. Will you marry me?”

Caryn put her hand over mouth as tears came to her eyes. “Oh Mike…
Yes, oh yes, yes, yes.”

“Try the ring on,” he said.

Carefully, Caryn removed the ring. The bright diamond sparkled in the
candlelight. She put it on her finger and looked at it. Her heart was
flooded with the love she felt for Mike and the happiness of their joined
love. She bounced out of her chair and ran around the table.

Mike barely cleared his chair before he was nearly knocked over and was
wrapped in Caryn’s arms. Her lips found his in a kiss of promise and of
love. When they broke their kiss, they noticed that the entire restaurant
was staring. Mike blushed. Caryn held up her hand, the ring sparkling in
the lights. Understanding dawned among the diners. First one couple
applauded, then another, and the whole place erupted in applause.

Mike and Caryn stood, hand in hand acknowledging the applause. At the
next table an elderly gentleman stood up and quieted the diners. He held
up his glass and whispered to Mike, “Your names?”

“Mike and Caryn,” he said quietly.

To the restaurant, “To Mike and Caryn. May their marriage be always a
joy and may they live long in happiness.” There were cheers and clinking of
glasses. Mike and Caryn held up their glasses to join the toast. They sat
to more applause before the room returned to normal.

Caryn was staring at the ring. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Because it reflects your beauty,” Mike said. “By the way, the `box’ is
really a cake.”

“Oh,” Caryn said looking down and noticing the dessert as though for the
first time. She lifted off the cradle that had held the ring and some
gooey rich frosting came with it. “Oh my, you’re right.” Picking up her
fork she said, “Share?” Both realized the symbolism as they shared their
first piece of cake together.

On the ride home, Caryn was glued to Mike’s side. As soon as they were
inside, Caryn pulled him into a passionate kiss. Clothing littered the
hall all the way to their bedroom, panties being the last bit as they lay
on the floor next to the bed.

They hit the bed together, Mike lying between Caryn’s outspread legs.
His cock was against her pussy which was hot and wet already. She looked
up at him, “Make love to me.”

His cock slid down and found her open and ready. Mike pushed gently and
they joined together as a true couple, promised each to the other. Their
joining was quick and intense. They had been making love all night and
this was simply the culmination of that long foreplay. He felt it rising
and couldn’t hold back.

“I’m cumming,” he shouted.

“Yes,” Caryn moaned, wanting to feel his seed in her, to complete their
joining, symbol of their promises to each other.

Mike erupted into Caryn, filling her with his cum, blast after powerful
blast, until he was drained. He fell to the side pulling her with him.
They lay together recovering and basking in the pleasant afterglow of

She kissed Mike, “I love you.”

“I love you.”

Caryn looked around the bedroom, and realized this was no longer a
foster home; it was her home with her soon to be husband. Caryn remembered
that very first day when she been comforted by his arms, holding her tight
as she cried. She had fallen in love with him right then. The circle was
complete as she snuggled into his chest, comforted by his strength and

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