Put some on my breast

Tomatoes. The smell of the plants enveloped her, stung her nose and made her want to sneeze. Her back ached from leaning over the vines, and her arms were stained with the chartruese of the leaves. She had rubbed a handful of them over her skin in a futile effort to deter the mosquitoes. Still

Fuck me Eric!

WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! My pelvic bone was starting to ache a wee bit. And I wasn’t anywhere close, due to the knee-trembling blowjob I had gotten not minutes before. My dick felt just fine, but.. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! She slammed on top of me, fury and passion and loss warring in her clouded eyes. We’d

First fuckdate

“Do you know what?” she asks him, in bed. “I know someone who likes you. Yeah, they do! Do you want me to tell you who it is…? You do? I think you should have to guess… I’ll give you a clue… it’s a part of my body. Can you guess?” His hands are running

A Whiter Sexmas than ever

It was already snowing when I got up in the morning and even though I thought I was a bit too old to care that much about it, I secretly wished that the snow would stay until Christmas. It was only two days. A white Christmas is something special and I hoped this one was

Erotic stories – Snowbound

The snow started late the afternoon of New Year’s Eve. Snow was rare in Seattle, and Sarah would turn sometimes from her work at the desk to look across the room out the window, watching the big white flakes come down. It was something new, rare and beautiful. Finally, she stopped pretending to do something

Erotic memories part 1.

As I rolled to the side, shifting the covers, she pressed up against my back. “Danny, me boy, we’ve come a long way.” Memory plays games when the nights are cold. Memory talks and I sleep, and we all grow old. The air conditioner kicked on in the hotel room, and my upstairs neighbor stumbled

Love making in the park

Yes, it was beautiful. Spectacular, really. Beth and I had stopped at a roadside park to have a look. It was mountainous country and the park was basically a lookout, with a sidewalk and a stone fence serving as a railing. It was sunny and there was just a little bit of mist, some of

The Goodnight Kiss – erotic story

I watch you getting ready for bed, enjoying the nearness of you – the closeness of this space we share. With a tired sigh, you crawl beneath the covers and I stretch out next to you, my body hungry for the comforting warmth I know I will find in your arms. “God, I am beat–”

Online Seduction – erotic fiction

I realized that the person who popped in out of the blue to chat with me was suspicious. This “teen girl” said she liked to meet people and thought I’d be interested in seeing her. Now being a techie who writes erotic fiction, I wasn’t all _that_ paranoid since I was, for the most part,

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