Masturbating in her bed

“I knew you would be back.” The man addressing Sandra was old enough to
be her father (or, maybe, her grandfather). Sandra stared at the table
separating her from the man, too embarrassed to meet his gaze.

“I was so sure of it,” he continued, “that I wrote this contract for you
to sign.” The man pushed the paper toward Sandra.

“As you can see,” he continued as he sat back in his chair, “I’ve
already signed the contract.” Sandra picked up the paper with trembling
fingers and began to read.

Agreement between Maxwell Frost, hereinafter referred to as The Master
or The Owner and Sandra Winters, hereinafter referred to as The Slave.’

The first line was enough to make Sandra’s stomach flutter and her pussy
to become wet with anticipation. She blushed with the knowledge that a man
who she had only spoken to briefly the day before, should be able to see so
clearly her deepest and most carefully hidden desires.

Owner’s dutiesIn exchange for the slave’s faithful fulfillment of the
conditions outlined in the section labeled Slave’s Duties, the Owner agrees
to the following,

1- The Owner will supply the Slave with a place to live, food to eat,
and whatever clothing is required for the Slave’s successful fulfillment of
the duties and responsibilities described in the section titled Slave’s

2- The Owner will pay tuition and purchase the books and supplies
necessary for the Slave to continue her education.

3- The Owner will insure that the Slave has the resources and time
necessary to complete the work required for her study.

4- The owner will take every precaution to insure that the Slave does
not become pregnant.

5- The Owner will not, without the specific agreement of the Slave,
cause the Slave to become pierced, tattooed, branded or scarred in any way.

6- The Owner will not require the Slave to preform any act, sexual or
otherwise, that would result in the Slave’s body being permanently injured
or damaged.

7- The Owner reserves the right to require the Slave to preform any act,
sexual or otherwise, that is not specifically proscribed by this contract.’

Sandra swallowed hard several times, her stomach buzzed with fear and
anticipation as she tried to imagine what acts ‘sexual or otherwise’ this
man might require of her. The prohibition against permanent damage or
injury left a lot of room for him to play with her body. Sandra continued
reading8- The owner reserves the right to punish the slave in any way The
Owner sees fit, within the limits specified by this agreement, at the
discretion of The Owner.

Linda felt ‘other worldly’ as a surge of adrenalin saturated her mind
and body. Why did the prospect of being punished by this man thrill her so

Slave’s DutiesIn exchange for the Owner supplying the items or benefits
described in the section titled Owner’s Duties, the Slave agrees to the

1- The Slave agrees to perform whatever duties or physical acts, sexual
or otherwise, requested or assigned to her by the Owner.’

The magnitude of that statement left Sandra week and shaking with both
dread and excitement. She fully realized that she would be signing away
her right to say ‘no’, to anything.

2- The Slave agrees to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA during the term of
this agreement, and agrees to submit to whatever punishment the Owner deems
appropriate if the Slave’s GPA drops below 3.5.

Sandra certainly intended to maintain a 3.5 or higher grade point
average but the idea of being punished if it slipped was both disturbed and
excited her.

3- The slave agrees not to have any unnecessary interaction with any
other male except if instructed to by The Owner. This includes, but is not
limited to the following; A) The Slave will not speak to any male except as
required by her studies, or when authorized by The Owner B)The Slave will
not make eye contact with any male accept when instructed to by The Owner
C) When The Slave is required to go out in public without The Owner’s
presence The Slave will always dress in simple, modest, loose fitting
clothes that have met The Owner’s approval D) If The Slave is requested to
participate in any non study related activity by any person other than The
Owner, The Slave will respond by saying ‘Sorry, I’m not allowed to’ The
Slave will offer no further explanation to any person making such requests.

Sandra was surprised by the intensity of the feeling of relief and
security this clause gave her. She would be, not just allowed, but
required to be a nonsexual recluse while she was actually at school.
Sandra had always been painfully shy and she was sure she would have no
problem fulfilling the requirements describing her interactions with other
people at school. Besides, she thought with an inward smile, I would be
more tempted by one of the older, authoritative professors than any of the
boys my age.

Sandra looked at the older man waiting patiently while she studied the
contract. How had he known? How could he have guessed that she had worn
out several copies of ‘The Story of O’ masturbating in her bed by herself
at night. Sandra picked up the pen, this was easily the most terrifying
and exciting moment in her life.

“This contract is effective as soon as you sign it,” Maxwell said as the
pen hovered over the line that had her name printed under it, “as soon as
you have signed, you will be ‘The Slave’ and I will be ‘The Master’, are
you ready to become my slave right now? If not, or if there is anything
you need to take care of first, I am willing to let you leave the house and
will give you up to twenty-four hours to come back and sign the agreement.”
Sandra signed the contract with an almost defiant flare.

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