Arwen’s Sordid Negotiation

Arwen’s eyes sagged as she listened dully to the
ranting between her husband, King Aragorn and his
‘guest’, GrimLord Torl Bain. For once the bellowing
between her Lord Aragorn and the visiting barbarian
king took the eyes of Bain’s troop off her. With a
dismissive shake of her head she listened as they
howled back and forth over disputed lands or some such.
Turning her eyes to the side, she noticed the one that
had not diverted his attention from her.

Tobias stood guard by the door, his clear blue eyes
peering from beneath his helm, not watching any of
Bain’s men, but instead fixated on the gentle curves of
Queen Arwen. He was already scheming in his mind about
how he would get her alone again after the meeting, the
sweet feel of her juices still on his member from their
brief tossle before this council session. Tightening
his grip on his sword, he gazed at her, wishing she
would turn his way for but a moment, but he was

Resuming her vague attention on the heated debate
between her husband and the barbarian king, Arwen
considered what to do about Tobias. She was very fond
of his attentions, but his lust was making him
indiscreet. Why just before the meeting he had snuck
her away and took her in an empty room. She even heard
Aragorn and his guards pass by as Tobias furiously
screwed her against a cold stone wall. With a curl of a
smile and a subtle glare to Aragorn, she thought
perhaps Tobias wasn’t so bad after all. No, he has
gotten out of hand, she’d have to figure out something
to do about him.

After another long hour of bellowing and threats
between King Aragorn and GrimLord Bain, the various
chancellors convinced the two heated Lords to adjourn
for the night. Aragorn was so incensed that he strode
away, not even waiting for his entourage or even his
weary Queen. In due course Arwen made her way from the
hall in the midst of other officials and nobles of
import. As she was briefly discussing the events with a
wizened guildLord, her arm was grasped firmly but

“M’Lady Arwen, you seem fatigued, might I escort you?”
asked a familiar voice. Turning, Arwen saw the handsome
clear-eyed face of Tobias regarding her with poorly
disguised admiration.

“Yes…In a moment.” Arwen replied, gently disengaging
herself from Tobias’s grip. The wizened guildLord
raised an eyebrow at this rather familiar guard,
certainly being improper just grasping no less than the
Queen of the realm in such a brusque manner. Arwen gave
the guildLord an embarrassed smile, finishing their
conversation that concluded with an agreement that war
is once again at hand.

Turning to Tobias, Arwen swept past him, the loyal
guard following closely in his jingling armor and
leathers. In a breathy whisper, Arwen said, “You must
learn to stay your eagerness…”

“Yes Queen, of course you are right.” Tobias replied,
intoxicated by the scent of Mynari perfume trailing the
Elven Queen, his eyes traveling up and down her body
from behind, watching her ass sway under the full gown.

Going down a dimly lit hall, Arwen continued, “You put
us both at risk, you have to measure your feelings.”

Looking around, seeing no one about, only the sounds of
chatter drifting in from remote hallways, Tobias once
again firmly grasped Arwen’s arm, pushing her up
against the wall. Arwen jerked in the strong grip of
the soldier, thudding up against the stone wall, eyes
flared, shocked from the rapid jerking as if she was
some sort of doll. Before she could berate her foolish
guard, Tobias crushed his lips against her neck,
licking and sucking hungrily, devouring her satiny
skin, tasting the forest on the Elven beauty.

He pressed her against the wall, grasping her soft
breast in his gloved grip. Arwen gasped, eyes sagging,
“Ahh… Idiot…” voice trailing off into a moan as she
felt the hot lips on her neck. Looking back and forth
down the empty hall, she twisted half-heartedly in his
grasp, body reacting to the pawing and rubbing over her
perky breast. “No… Tobias, no.”

Tobias was hearing none of it, snapping open a button
on the front of her dress and plunging his hand inside,
over her bare soft tit. With a growl he pulled his hand
out, using his teeth to strip off the glove, his other
arm holding Arwen’s slender body to his before sliding
his bare hand back into her dress, rubbing her hot
globe. “Stop…” Arwen whined as her nipple stiffened,
putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him

For a moment he just stared at her, and the obsession
in his handsome blue eyes sent a heated flush through
her. He then pushed her hand off his chest, taking the
back of her head and kissed her roughly, his tongue
burrowing into her mouth. Arwen trembled and kissed
back hotly, licking his tongue, moaning into his mouth
as her breast was rubbed and squeezed. Tobias pulled
his hand from within her gown, sliding it down her body
to cup and squeeze her delicate ass, feeling over the
curve of it, rubbing deeply behind her to her inner

Arwen moaned in response, kissing deeper, about to
wrench herself away from this despite how truly good it
felt. To her horror she heard the unmistakable sounds
of a buckle being undone, Tobias still thrusting his
tongue into her mouth, kissing her chin and neck.
“Tobias no, please.” Arwen begged, again looking up and
down the empty hallway. She had to stop this madness,
take control of this, get him into a chamber, anywhere
but here.

“Shh…please… I need you Arwen, I love you,” Tobias
huffed as his hot breath went over her neck as he
kissed her. Arwen once again pressed her hands against
him, but he roughly thudded her back against the wall,
now reaching down and lifting her gown, hiking it high
up her thighs, exposing her slender pale legs to his
rough fingers.

“You’re mad! You’ll get us killed!” Arwen hissed, not
knowing what to do. Tobias was lost, completely
addicted to the need to be inside her Elven body, he’d
rape her if he had to, she could see that, then they’d
be doomed. Arwen gasped as her ass was taken and she
was lifted up, her eyes widening at the feel of
Tobias’s strong cock slapping against the insides of
her thighs, her legs being spread on either side of his
muscled body.

In a final desperate attempt at sanity, her fingers
gripped his hair and pulled his head back from her
neck. She was about to protest when with an angry lunge
he thrust forward, spearing his hard prick deep into
her satiny elfin pussy, the feel of her intimate Elven
incomparable to that of a human. The words fled her as
her eyes glazed, body jerking from Tobias’s hard
thrusts. Her grip on his hair lightened until she was
merely stroking his head, legs wrapping around him

Tobias groaned into her neck, hands under her ass,
kneading it hard, Arwen’s gown bunched up between them
as he thrust like mad inside her, jamming in and out of
the wet heat of her royal pussy. With hot hard thuds he
fucked up into the object of his obsession, pulling her
at him as he pressed deeply inside her, skewering her
with his hard cock.

Arwen clenched her fingers on him, digging in his hair,
holding his back as he pumped inside her. Scared and
intensely excited she looked this way and that, fully
expecting Aragorn to round a corner any second and make
her pay for her betrayal. As the wet heat in her pussy
grew from the heavy fucking, her legs clenched tighter,
squeezing him tight in her quim. Yes, she had to make
him cum as fast as she could, that was the only way to
stop this, or so she told herself. With tight deep
grinds she started thrusting her hips at him, her
calves against his legs, pulling him up and into her.

Hot wet lips found Arwen’s ear, sucking on it and
whispering as Tobias slathered his tongue over her
sculpted tip, “Yes, I knew you wanted me too, you love
me as much as I love you.” Tobias thrust faster into
her, driven insane by the feeling of her velvety pussy,
her legs around him, urging him on. Arwen ground her
pussy down hard around him, feeling their bodies merged
completely, panting in his ear as she sweat into her
gown. “Yes…yes…” she mewled into his ear, her pussy
spasming and clenching tightly over him fucking tightly
onto his cock. She wanted to scream as she came, but
bit into the leather of his shoulder armor, growling
into it, long raven hair spilling down his side as her
pussy quivered and gushed over him.

“Gods!”, grunted Tobias as he felt her cumming, the wet
hot flow around his prick overwhelming him. With a few
hard wild stabs into her silky sheath he held tight and
came, spraying his hot ropes of cum deep inside her,
claiming his Elven lady, and she was ‘his’ Elven lady.
His hands squeezed and held her soft ass as he thrust
slowly and deeply, spurting everything he had into her
clenching pussy, groaning in ecstasy.

Arwen felt his releases, making her toes curl and legs
clench. She purred and kissed his neck, and his head,
gasping as she drained him of every glorious drop,
feeling the wild thrill of another man spilling into
her. For long moments they clung to each other, sweaty
in the dark, still hallway. Then with a soft kiss,
Arwen slid off of him gently, sighing as she felt his
hot prick spring from her clasping pussy. She smoothed
her gown down her legs as Tobias put away his sticky
member, his eyes never leaving Arwen.

She whispered, “That was wonderful, but we must to go
now.” Tugging on his arm and hoping he would follow,
which he did. When they returned to the chambers, the
guards in front of it snapped to attention, seemingly
oblivious to the disheveled appearance of the Elven
Queen. “Thank you for escorting me Tobias.” Arwen
offered demurely, standing outside the door to her
husband’s room with Tobias’s cum slowly dripping down
her leg.

“Of course Queen Arwen.” Tobias replied, bowing low
before leaving, casting many looks over his shoulder.
Arwen peeked in the room, finding it dark, her
exhausted husband in bed, asleep for which she was
infinitely thankful. Padding through the room, she went
to the washtub and quietly bathed herself in the
moonlight as she dreamed about the wicked encounter,
and thought about how to handle her Tobias problem.

The next morning, as she idly spoke with Aragorn about
the upcoming day, the insanity of the previous night
hit her. That fool Tobias nearly got them both killed.
Aragorn was a reasonable man, but not if he were to
find his wife being ravished by some sweaty guard.
Tobias was out of hand, she cared for him, but this
obsession was more than she bargained for. Perhaps some
space between them would give them perspective, but
how? He was part of her personal guard, and of course
had done nothing wrong.

After dressing in a fine white gown, complete with gold
lace trimming and silver embroidery, she joined her
husband in the great hall for yet another interesting
day of debate and thinly veiled scorn between Aragorn
and this GrimLord Bain. She wondered why Aragorn would
even allow this travesty to go on, but actually she
knew the reason was that the War of the Ring had left
Gondor’s army very depleted. They were vulnerable from
the barbarian hordes, but of course the barbarians had
their own enemies as well. Mutual destruction was not
what either of them wanted, so here they were, with
Bain pressing to eke out a concession from Aragorn in
exchange for peace.

During a recess, Arwen sat at a table, sipping some
wine before a midmorning snack was served when she felt
a gentle caress along the back of her neck. With a
smile she turned her head up to look at her
husband…and instead saw standing behind her Tobias,
stoically looking about, his hand now at his side.
Arwen looked around quickly to see if anyone had seen,
but thankfully it appeared as no one had. She quickly
stood up, giving him a slight smile before padding off,
only to notice that he was discretely following her
about the room.

This must stop, she thought. Then, an inspired idea
occurred to her. She instructed a servant to see to it
that her guards were served good food, and while Tobias
was engaged with a serving girl, ducked from the hall.
Looking to see that he had not followed her, she
quickly went to the guard captain’s office.

The office was a small cramped room that smelled of
torchsmoke and tobacco. The guard captain, Hadrian, was
a middle-aged man with a face that while most likely
handsome in his youth, had seen too many battles and
too much misery. The guards feared his temper more than
respected him, for he was gruff and abrasive with them,
but fiercely loyal to Gondor and was important to
purging those that thought that Aragorn had wrongly
displaced the old Steward. For this he had won
Aragorn’s support and admiration.

“Queen Arwen!” barked Hadrian as he rose from his desk,
snapping to attention.

“Captain Hadrian, we need to speak about Tobias.” Arwen
said, moving into the room over by the desk. As the
captain relaxed, he stroked one of his oiled mustaches
and listened. “Would be possible for him to be…
reassigned for a time?” seeing his expression darken,
she quickly added “No no, he hasn’t done anything, I
just feel that I need a change in attendants.” Arwen
knew her story sounded poor as she said it, and could
tell the captain was suspicious as well.

“I see.” was the simple reply from the captain,
grumbling into his mustache. “I could put him on tower
duty, I suppose. I always felt he was a shifty one
anyway.” Arwen sighed, knowing him being in a guard
tower would not nearly keep him away from her.

“Maybe something more remote, for a time.” Arwen
offered, hoping he would suggest a suitable

“Arwen I can’t just ship him off, I have people to
answer to as well. Frankly, I’m concerned he did do
something, this is unusual.” The watched her steadily,
seeing her obviously hiding something.

Arwen swallowed hard, taking a deep breath “I think he
is… attached to me.” Looking at the captain demurely.

“That oaf, by god I’ll teach him a thing or two!”
Hadrian smacked his fist into his palm. Arwen went over
and put her hand on his chest “No no, just move him
elsewhere, and please don’t tell anyone why. I can’t go
to Aragorn about this…” Arwen laid her head on his
chest, whimpering, trying to play on the captains pity.

“Okay, okay lass, I’ll take care of it, don’t you
worry.” His arm went around her waist, she felt his
rough hand on her lower back, rubbing gently.

“Thank you, I knew you would help me.” Arwen smiled
secretly into his chest, thinking her problem solved
when she felt the captains hand slide down a little,
lightly touching the top of her ass before drifting
back up to its proper place. She tensed, remaining
against him, feeling him breathing harder, the room
deathly quiet as naughty thoughts raced through Arwen’s

She knew he might still tell someone, unless he could
be really made to keep quiet about his motivations. The
fingers on her lower back rubbed a little, digging in
slightly. She chewed on her lip, knowing her growing
desire was unwise, but talking herself quickly into
believing that she had no choice.

With a nervous tremble, she slowly lowered herself,
sinking down to her knees in front of Captain Hadrian.
Almost as if in a spell, his hands went into her dark
hair, stroking the silky strands, afraid to say
anything or even look down at the Elven treasure at his
groin. Arwen quickly undid his cloth breeches, and with
shaky fingers drew out his sweaty and rapidly
stiffening cock. She heard and felt him gasp at the
feel of her fingers on his shaft, and he let out a deep
groan as Arwen slid her hot mouth over it, taking it in
deep, licking around the thickening member.

The captain in a daze held her head tighter, groaning
and panting. He’d always had the idle fantasy about
Arwen, just as every man in the castle had, but here
she was, sucking on him eagerly. All thought of duty
and honor were gone as he rubbed her hair, leaning his
head back and enjoying the pleasures of her hot
slurping Elven mouth. The satiny smooth heat of her
tongue and lips nearly drove him mad, the feel of her
soaking into him through his prick, ruining other women
for him.

Arwen licked and sucked faster, tasting the musky sweat
on his cock, bobbing her head back and forth, dashing
her tongue all over the head. She could taste the salty
ooze leak into her mouth, swallowing it and sucking
faster, getting more worked up, her pussy damp under
her dress as she worked on the experienced captain’s

“Ahh…ahhh…” the captain grunted, clenching his jaw
as he felt himself drawing close, a fleeting thought
about pulling out so as not to soil the Queen’s royal
mouth. That thought was banished as he gripped her head
tightly, keeping her lips deep down his prick as it
jumped and sprayed hot cum into her mouth.

Arwen moaned around the captains hot spewing cock,
tasting the thick musky cum, swallowing over and over
and taking it as deep into her mouth as she could. With
long hard licks over the shaft in her mouth she drew
out all his heavy seed, feeling him relaxing before
slowly pulling back and swallowing the last of the
steamy cum. Arwen flushed, coming to her senses as she
replaced his cock back into his pants, halfway
buttoning him before turning and standing, going to the
door without looking back at him. Arwen muttered to the
door, “Not a word now… do this for me, please.”
pausing until she heard his reply.

“Yes.” coughing to clear his throat “Yes of course…”
Arwen nodded and quickly slipped out, licking her lips
as she returned to the great hall.

Still flustered over her lewd and adulterous act with
yet another member of the court, Arwen saw Aragorn
approaching. She still had the strong heavy taste of
cum in her mouth, and if Aragorn kissed her he’d
know…he’d know. Quickly stealing a glass of wine from
a server, she downed it greedily, swishing it a little
before giving Aragorn a soft smile as he came to her.
He raised an eyebrow at her brisk drinking, then smiled
and went to kiss her, which she skillfully turned into
a cheek kiss, the same lips that had been wrapped
around another mans prick minutes ago now pressed
against her king and husband. “Shall we continue, my
love?” he asked his Elven bride.

“Any time you’re ready, my King.” Arwen purred,
brushing against him as she went to her seat, finally
starting to relax from the morning’s heated events.

Moonlight shown in on Aragorn and his bride as they lay
together in bed, snuggling after a gentle lovemaking.
Arwen stroked the matted hair of her scruffy king, who
was quite distracted by the ill turn of the talks
during the day. “I didn’t become King to fight my own
people.” Aragorn lamented, holding Arwen’s silken body
against his, her breasts rubbing against his bare

“They are animals my love, I wouldn’t dare to call them
‘your people’.” she purred into his ear.

Aragorn huffed, “They are proud and strong, and the
Shadow kept the threat over them for generations. It is
not their fault.” Aragorn pulled Arwen closer to him,
rubbing up and down her slender waist, his rough hands,
somewhat softer now from performing his kingly duties
roaming over her tight ass.

It was all Arwen could do not to sigh and shake her
head, her darling husband, so noble and fair,
apologizing for the idiot savagery of some barbarian
upstart. She gave him a soft kiss, admiring the
gentleness while also pitying his weakness. “There is
still time love, you can make him see reason, bend him
to your will.” she whispered in his ear, rolling her
ass into his hands.

Arwen gasped softly, Aragorn thinking it from his touch
on her body, but indeed it was from the thought that
entered her, a plan, scandalous and risky on how to
avert the war. Yes, the barbarian leader would be made
to see reason, but it wouldn’t be by Aragorn. A flush
of heat going through her body, plans and images in her
mind, Arwen began kissing Aragorn hotly, her velvet
tongue plunging into his mouth. Aragorn startled at the
lusty attack of his wife, but kissed her back hard,
sucking on her sweet tongue.

Arwen wrapped her legs around him, rubbing his strong
hot body as she lay under him, rubbing her hot slit
against his member. “Mmm, Aragorn, love me…” she
purred, grinding against the hot shaft gliding through
her silky folds. As he eagerly slid into her delicious
pussy, she had a flash that it was Tobias inside her,
jolting out of it and suddenly feeling very guilty and
sleazy for cheating on her loyal husband the way she

“Oh Arwen, the way you feel inside, you have no
idea…” Aragorn moaned in her ear, taking her with
deep slow thrusts. Arwen wrapped her legs over her
husband, blinking back tears, telling herself that
after she ends this thing with Tobias, and carries out
her plan with Torl, that she will be a good wife, a
loyal wife. Having beaten back her guilt, for the
moment, she gripped his strong ass in her slender
fingers, pulling him into her, moaning as they made
heated love. She pulled his head to her pert elfin
breasts, gasping and grinding into him as he licked and
suckled on them.

“Ellessar…Aragorn…” she whined as her pussy
exploded in pleasure, cumming wetly around his cock,
legs tight and gripping around the backs of his legs.
Aragorn felt every tight squeeze of his wife’s sucking
Elven cunt and jammed in hard, biting on her nipple as
he shot stream after stream of cum into her hungry
pussy. Shaking and sweating, he pumped again and again,
Arwen’s hips lifting to take it deeply, the heat of
their juices mingling in her sweet quim. With an echoed
sigh, they slumped against each other, falling asleep
tangled in the messy bed.

The following morning, the two parties were again in
the council chamber, food and drink was being passed
about as the two camps milled about, taking a
refreshment before lunch. The dark swarthy barbarian
Lord huddled with two of his underlings, one a single-
eyed old battle Lord, and the uncle of Torl, the other
a crafty fat warrior who had been at Torl’s side for
many a battle. Arwen watched the heavy barbarian
through the crowd, holding the arm of her king, her
mind scheming, and her pussy tingling as she made her
plans. Truly if Aragorn didn’t appreciate what she was
about to do for him… after all, it was for peace in
the kingdom.

Discretely separating from her king, Arwen glided about
the room, talking to a few people, before heading back
to her husbands gathering. As luck would have it, Torl
and his advisors were in her path. Steeling herself,
Arwen chewed her lip as she slipped between the men,
the rough sweaty fur smell of them making her dizzy.
The looked at her in surprise as her soft body slid
into the circle, brushing up against Torl and the one-
eyed man.

“Excuse me.” Arwen offered demurely, pretending to
stumble a bit. Her soft hand slid into the furred chest
covering of Torl; soft satiny fingers rubbing his bare
hairy chest. Torl looked down, feeling her hand inside
the fur he wore. He wasn’t prepared at all to feel
Arwen’s fingers curl and nails lightly rake along his
muscled chest, digging in over his nipple as she slowly
extricated her hand. The barbarian Lord let forth a
deep growl, his lust rising, as he stared speechless at
the Queen’s wanton advance. “Sorry, my Lord.”

Arwen’s eyes meeting his before she slipped from the
gathering of men, leaving the stunned and aroused
barbarian behind. Arwen, dripping under her gown, dizzy
at the wild risk she just took stood by Aragorn again,
breathing deeply under her silken gown, smiling
inwardly as she saw that the huge hairy man was staring
at her, eyes narrowed and nose flaring, a lustful angry
look on his face.

Late that night, under the guise of taking a stroll
before bed, Arwen padded through the dark quiet halls,
a light satin gown around her body, graceful Elven hips
sashaying. As she turned a corner she heard and smelt
the activities of the barbarian delegation drinking and
bellowing. With her mind consumed by a needy wicked
desire, she strode into a doorway.

There, in a small common room off of their quarters was
the barbarian Lord and his two henchmen. They were
huddled at a table, drinking and carrying on, ale down
their dark heavy beards, beating on the oaken planks
and laughing drunkenly. Torl looked up from his flagon
and saw the slinky form of the elf Queen standing in
the doorway. He gazed at her hungrily, remembering her
hand clawing on his chest in the morning, the sight of
her making his manhood throb.

Arwen gave the leering brute a coy smile, then
continued on her way, but only making it a few steps
before hearing “Queen!”, the exclamation shouted from
within the common room. Arwen, heady with wicked
desire, turned and stepped back into the smoky dark

“You may call me Queen Arwen, for I have a name.” she
snapping curtly at the huddled men. Torl stood up, his
hard muscled body lumbering over to her, the smell of
sweat and ale strong on him, but such animalness
appealed to Arwen, after all, she did marry a human

“Mmm Arwen then. Have a drink, your guest demands it.”
Torl reached out and put his hand on the small of her
back, guiding her to the table before she even could
respond. The two advisors looked at each other warily,
not comfortable with the way their Lord was treating
the Queen, putting them all at grave risk.

“Perhaps just a small one,” Arwen remarked, curling her
lip as Torl poured her an ale. Instead of taking the
new flagon, Arwen took his, drinking from the foamy
brim where Torl’s lips had been, looking at him. Torl
watched the graceful elf lady drink from his glass, an
act among his people that only a mate would do, but
surely she was just an ignorant outlander.
Nevertheless, the implication aroused him more, the
thought of stealing the kings treasure nearly making
him insane with desire.

“You are a bold woman, elf.” taking the flagon from her
hands, putting his lips to where she drank from,
licking it as he drank, the taste of her on the glass
sweeter than the best ale. He put the flagon down, his
hand under the table going over to her thigh, gripping
it high and squeezing.

Arwen flinched at his mangling of words, ‘woman elf’
indeed, but gasped as she felt her thigh gripped,
making no move to stop him as he stroked and felt her
leg through the thin gown. “You men are most brave and
proud, it would be a shame if this meeting didn’t end

“Your King asks too much, Aragorn would steal lands
we’ve had for ages.” the fat barbarian elder growled.
Torl growled at the mention of politics, drinking and
fixating on the fair creature, his hand rubbing harder
inside her thigh, her legs parting more under the table
allowing his thick fingers to get dangerously close to
her tight crotch.

Arwen breathily responded, “The lands you say were
those Aragorn wrested from Sauron. You should be glad
to take what he offers. Would you prefer them back
under the hand of the orc?” Arwen shifted her hips
slightly, feeling the Torl’s hand brush against her
pussy, pressing her gown between her parted thighs. The
one-eyed advisor fixed his remaining faculties on the
obvious sight of Torl leaning into the Queen, his arm
moving and obviously touching her out of their gaze. He
nervously drank, cursing his leader for a fool in his
mind, even as his cycloptic gaze wandered back to the
Elven beauty that had enspelled his Lord.

Torl squeezed her leg, then pressed his hand against
Arwen’s pussy, feeling the heat from it, getting dizzy
with his desire to ravish her. He shoved his flagon of
ale into her hand. “Drink Queen, then we’ll make
peace.” knowing well how to loosen a woman up with ale
before taking her body.

Arwen drained the mug, leaning back to thrust out her
perky soft breasts gloriously through the thin silks,
her nipples clearly poking through it, much to the
delight of the two advisors watching her display. She
put the flagon down, her Elven constitution not at all
affected by the strong ale, smiling and licking the
whitish foam from her lips.

The lewd sight was too much for Torl, who dragged her
into his lap, his angry bulge pressing against her
slender ass. He gripped her long raven hair, tilting
her head back and thrusting his tongue into her mouth,
kissing her wildly as his hand cupped her breast,
squeezing it hard with his rough fingers. The fat
advisor gulped and stared at the outrageous act, “Torl
by the gods!”. Seeing Torl undeterred as he gripped the
slender elf, swirling his tongue in her mouth, he kept
his head enough to jump up and quickly shut the door to
the hall, lest the guards see their Queen being all but
raped by his Lord.

With a gasp, Arwen squirmed in Torl’s firm grip,
tensing from surprise as he pulled her to him and
kissed her. Arwen’s tongue lashed against his, tasting
his dirty mouth and strong ale, her hand going into his
dark wild hair, their mouths making hot sucking sounds
before Arwen pried her mouth back, a line of spit
between their lips. “Lord Bain, you’re too bold…” her
hips lightly grinding, ass rubbing tightly against the
thick shaft she could feel throbbing beneath her. Arwen
turned her head away, seeing the other two men staring
at them both, leaning against the strong barbarian
holding her light body.

“Bold…har… I’m no man of the West, that’s for damn
sure.” sneering and insult about Arwen’s husband as he
mauled her soft breast. He once again turned her face
and kissed her roughly, intoxicated more by the feel of
her pillowy Elven lips and satin tongue than the ale
he’d been devouring all night. His hands rubbed up and
down on her breast, squeezing and pulling at the silks,
trying to get to her bare flesh.

Arwen moaned into his mouth, aware of the other two men
watching, the thought exciting and scaring her. Desire
rippled through her body, plans all but forgotten as
she licked inside the barbarian’s mouth, kissing
deeply, pressing her hot breast into his hands. She
felt the hard futile tugs against her silks, and with a
deft move unclasped the shoulder tie, the entire top of
her gown sliding down to her waist. She felt the hot
air of the chamber on her body as her pert satiny
breasts were exposed to the men, Torl’s hand quickly
going to it and rubbing it hard, pinching the nipple
enough to make her gasp.

Torl grabbed and squeezed her, never having felt
anything as silky and sweet as her Elven body, his hard
cock raging in his pants, humping urgently at her as
she sat in his lap. He pulled back from her mouth, eyes
ablaze as he looked at her face, eyes closed, lips
pursed, a wet sheen of his spit around her lips. With a
violent sweep of his arm, he swept the mugs and plates
from the table in front of them, picking Arwen up and
putting her onto it. Torl kicked his chair back and
stood between her spread thighs, her satin gown bunched
up past her knees.

Arwen quivered as she scooted onto the table, lifting
her hips and clawing her gown higher up her legs, she
knew what was about to happen and wanted it, wanted to
feel the hardness of this man in her, needing to be
taken, used, treated like Aragorn used to treat her
ages ago.

Torl pushed his sweaty pants down, his long hard heavy
cock jutting out and rubbing against Arwen’s thigh. He
looked down to see her silk gown bunched around her
waist, exposing her long smooth white legs and soft
darkhaired pussymound. With a groan he leaned over her,
guiding his hard shaft to her slit, no time or desire
to go slowly or gently.

Arwen wrapped her legs around him, crying out as he
thrust deeply into her, making her back arch, her pussy
spreading painfully to take the thick invader. Torl
howled at the feeling of her walls around them, the
smooth wet silk of her pussy better than any human
woman, giving her four hard quick stabs until he was
completely inside her.

With deep tight grinds, Arwen thrust her pussy up,
tears down her face from the delicious pain of feeling
that huge cock fucking her. She moaned and ground
tightly around him, legs crossed over his pumping ass,
the table creaking as he laid into her again and again.
Her soft breasts bounced with each thrust, hands
rubbing the barbarian’s strong arms as he fucked her
wildly, pounding himself so hard inside her.

The two advisors stared, the fat Lord downing ale after
ale, watching the Elven Queen get violently fucked
right in front of him, drooling at the sight of her
lithe body under his Lord. The one-eyed man standing
and watching, rubbing his groin as he heard Arwen’s
moans and gasps fill the room, mixing with the grunts
and groans of Torl banging quickly in and out of her
tight body.

Arwen reached up and rubbed Torl’s heavy chest, pumping
her pussy to take him fully into her, still wincing
from the deep hard fucking she was getting. She felt
the hard wood under her ass digging into her as the
heavy hot weight of the barbarian lay over her, sawing
his hard cock in and out of her silky tunnel.

Arching her back, Arwen’s long black hair hung down off
the table, her head tossing about in ecstasy from the
deep fucking she was getting, her lithe gorgeous body
slick with sweat, hers and the barbarians that dripped
onto her breasts and stomach. The fat advisor, dizzy
with ale and lust at the sight in front of him reached
over and grasped Arwen’s breast, squeezing it, feeling
her hot nipple. Torl glared at his fellow, but said
nothing as he focused all his effort on fucking the
hell out of the amazing Elven pussy that was claiming
his cock.

Arwen moaned at the feel of the hand rubbing her
breast, having never had two men touch her like this at
the same time. The fat sweaty fingers rubbing her more
as he stood up, coming around to her head where he
dragged his thick prick from his breeches, pointing it
at her mouth. Torl groaned, thrusting faster into her,
making her slide forward and her face bumped against
the fat barbarian’s prick.

Shuddering deeply, Arwen grasped the heavy member and
sucked it into her mouth, licking the dirty smelly cock
and bucking her pussy up to the savage pounding in her
tight quim. Her legs still wrapped tightly around Torl,
keeping him hard and deep inside her, sucking and
fucking on the two lust-crazed barabrians.

Arwen couldn’t take anymore, the fire in her sweet
Elven cunt was too much and she cried out around the
cock in her mouth, cumming wickedly and soaking Torl’s
prick in her slick Elven juices. With tight deep
grinds, taking him to his full balls she came and came,
her whole body tingling as the two brutish men used

Torl grunted and gasped, “Elf bitch… ahh….” seizing
up as his cock jumped and fired gobs and gobs of hot
heavy cum into her pussy, spurting so deep inside her.
Arwen moaned loudly around the fat cock in her mouth,
rubbing the sweaty balls of the fat advisor she was
sucking on, feeling her pussy filled with cum and
making her spasm and gush again. She clenched over and
over, drawing on Torl’s cock to pump more long wet
sprays of cum deep inside her, sliding her pussy wildly
against his shaft, moving him in and out of her as he

Finally he slid back, slumping into a chair, holding
his aching prick and staring at the elf Queen, spread
on a table, legs parted, cum oozing from her tight
wispy pussy as she deeply sucked on one of his fellows.
The one-eyed brute moved up and seeing Torl still in a
daze from fucking the gorgeous elf, fished out his
stiff prick, taking her head and turning it so it
popped off the cock in her mouth with a slurp.

Arwen dizzy and horny beyond reason didn’t even think
as she turned her head to suck in the other barbarians
cock, bobbing her head back and forth, then turning
back to the fat man and sucking his long prick into her
hot silky mouth. Back and forth she sucked wildly,
lashing them with her tongue, feeling their large hands
on her hair, over her breasts, moving her mouth up and
down their pricks.

Moaning, around the fat mans cock, she felt it swell in
her mouth, making her hollow her cheeks and suck
harder, rubbing his sweaty heavy balls. She gasped and
gurgled as his cock started firing stream after stream
of hot cum into her mouth, her tongue chasing the wads
around in her mouth, sucking and drinking his musky
tasting loads. The man held her face, pumping in hard,
spurting thick gummy wads of cum into the sexy elf’s
mouth, painting with his wet cum.

Arwen’s head was turned rudely making the cock spring
from her lips, spurting ropes of sticky cum across her
face and into her black hair as the one-eyed man
desperately shoved his cock back into her cumsoaked
mouth. With gobs of the fat barbarians cum still in her
cheeks, she shook and started rubbing her pussyslit in
and out, sliding her fingers through Torl’s greasy cum
and rubbing it in and out of her hot Elven pussy. The
cock in her mouth immediately started gushing, the man
holding her neck as he pumped his slimy cum into her
mouth. Arwen growled, dizzy and wantonly as she sucked
hard and rubbed her wet pussy, her tongue stirring the
cum around in her mouth, more and more pumping deep
into her throat.

With hot slurping licks Arwen’s mouth overflowed with
the two mingled loads in her mouth, the cum bubbling
out between her lips and oozing down her face as she
sucked and drank from the dirty barbarians cock. She
rubbed his balls as he moaned in pleasure, emptying his
cum into the best hottest smoothest mouth he’d ever
felt. After a long hard cum, he drew back out of her
mouth, huffing and panting hard. Arwen lifted up onto
her elbows on the table, body slick and shiny with
sweat, cum all around her mouth and chin and neck, a
few ropes of it in her hair, and a copious mess of it
soaking her silky crotch, slicking her tight Elven womb

Torl got up from his chair, grabbing Arwen and tossing
her over his shoulder like a sack, making her gasp and
huff, cum falling from her open lips to the floor at
the abrupt jerking. “That’s enough for tonight…” he
barked to his fellows, taking Arwen into his private
room and tossing her slender naked body onto his bed.
He grabbed a cloth and tossed it on her belly. “Wipe
yourself.” staring at her and taking a pull of ale as
he stripped his clothes off.

Arwen slowly licked the cum from her lips, then used
the rag to clean off her mouth and chin, wiping her hot
pussy once before dropping it by the bed. Stretching
like a cat on the bed, Arwen arched her sore body and
whispered, “You know, if you make peace, we can do this
every single time you visit…” rubbing between her
thighs, starting to remember why she did this in the
first place.

“My land for you, is that it, elf-wench?” Torl muttered
as he moved to the bed, stroking his stiff meaty cock.

Arwen looked up at him, giving him her most smoky
sultry look, one not often seen from one of the elves.
“If you think it worth the price…” rubbing her slit
invitingly, spreading her legs more, the heavy taste of
cum still strong in her mouth and throat.

“Damn you woman!” the Lord growled, grabbing her legs
and flipping her onto her stomach. “If I’m giving it up
I’m going to make that bastard Aragorn pay, through
your ass…” hauling her slender hips up, the bed
creaking as he moved behind her. Arwen’s eyes were wide
and wild as she felt his cock pressing tightly against
her ass, shoving and trying to force it’s way into her
nether hole.

“Oh…no…” afraid at what he might do to her, but
pressing her hips back at his insistent prick. The huge
barbarian spread her cheeks open and pushed hard,
groaning as his long stiff shaft ground its way into
Arwen’s sweet ass.

“Graa… elf bitch… ahhh!” The mighty barbarian
babbled as he shoved hard into Arwen’s silky tight ass,
the feel of her walls constricting his prick. Arwen
arched her back and cried out, the yelp echoing off the
stone walls of the chamber as she took the thick hard
shaft into her hot tight asshole.

“Mmm….ugh…” Torl gripping two handfuls of dark
shiny hair, pulling it back, wrapping it around his
fists as he started fucking Arwen’s ass violently.
“Take my land, I’ll take your wife, I’ll fuck your elf
wifes ass!” he bellowed as he raged against Aragorn and
took it out on poor Arwen.

Tears rolled down her face, even as she yelped and
cried and thrust her ass back, hands clawing at the
bed, moaning and bracing against the deep painful
thrusts. Arwen’s pussy was so hot from this horrible
treatment that it dripped down her thighs, even Aragorn
in his prime was never so nasty with her, despite how
she craved it. She screwed her ass back and forth and
around on the barbarians cock, grabbing it hard with
her walls, her pinching making him groan in pain and

“Arwen….fuck…ahhh…” Torl panted as he slammed his
huge cock in and out of her ass, pulling her hair back,
exposing her delicate elf ears as he rammed into her.
Arwen’s hips bucked and bounced as he pounded in and
out of her ass, making her push back hard to keep from
falling forward, her soft wet pussy rubbing against his
balls every time he drove deep inside her.

With a hard push, Torl pressed her down, mashing her
face into the bed as he leaned over her and buried his
hot cock balls deep into her ass, her tears staining
his sweaty musky bed as she felt him bellow and cum
hard right into her ass. Arwen shook and quivered,
feeling his cock jumping and spurting thick milky wads
of cum deep in her ass, spurting her insides, soaking
in. “Yes… yes…” she whined, as she squeezed on him,
milking the cum from his balls as he ground in her ass.
Finally with a gasp he pulled out, flopping onto the
bed beside her, stinking with sweat, his chest huffing
as he stared at the ceiling.

The room was eerily quiet for long moments as they both
lay there, Arwen’s ass throbbing inside and full of
cum. With a glance at the barbarian brute next to her,
she got up and retrieved a cloth, and dutifully cleaned
his prick, leaning her head down to lap her satin
tongue over the cleaned portions. “Mmm… quite an elf
you are, Arwen…” Torl mumbled as he rested, his cock
stiffening under her ministrations.

Still quivering from the violent ass pounding, a blend
of resentment and lust in her for this nasty animal of
a man, she realized he may just take his conquest and
still try to have his way. Not about to let this be all
for nothing, Arwen narrowed her eyes and crawled up
onto him, holding his moderately stiff member and
sliding her sweet silk pussy down over it. Torl’s eyes
widened and he groaned at the feeling of being inside
the luscious elf again, his hands going to her slender
hips. “Damn woman… again?” his hips moving up to meet
her as she started grinding up and down.

Leaning over him, her dark hair tickling his bearded
sweaty face, Arwen purred as she slowly ground her
pussy up and down his shaft, massaging it with her
slick gripping Elven pussywalls. “Yes, again, and again
and again.” staring down at him. “And after you make
peace, I can come to visit your lands…” sliding
faster on him, eliciting moans as she fucked his long
hard cock.

Arwen rolled her hips around, moaning herself as she
hotly rode the smelly barbarian, leaning down to lick
his sweaty hairy chest. “We can spend days, nights,
doing this,” getting dizzy and hot at the thought of
spending nights in a barbarians tent, being roughly
fucked over and over. Wild images came to her mind of
fucking other barbarians, sucking the men around the
campfire, taking their steamy cum into her body,
feeling it spraying on her and dripping down her
slender form as she crawled from man to man.

“Ah..ahh..yes…yes…” Torl grunted under her, pulling
her hips down as he thrust up, Arwen coming out of her
fantasy as she started cumming on him, her pussy
soaking his shaft and dripping down over his balls as
it grabbed down tightly around him, the spasms of her
crotch making some of his cum leak back out her ass as
she gushed and rode him wildly.

The barbarian couldn’t take anymore and he gripped his
hair, nearly losing his mind as he thrust up and gushed
a heavy stream of cum into Arwen’s pussy. He spurt into
her like a fountain, each grind of her pussy making
another hot sticky rope splatter into her wanton,
desperate elf slit. Arwen felt each hard spurt and
bucked wildly, fucking herself hotly onto it, bouncing
and squeezing deeply to get it all inside her.

After the long moments of their orgasms, Arwen slumped
onto him, panting, quivering, and exhausted. Torl’s
hands on her ass, cock still inside her as he rasped
his breath, twitching in aftershocks of lust for the
slinky elf Queen. Arwen nipped at his chin, purring,
“Don’t forget… don’t deny us this…” giving him a
steamy look as she extricated herself from him, donning
her gown as he looked at her helplessly, nodding. With
a clingy look back at him, Arwen slunk from the
chamber, past the table where she first fucked the
barbarian Lord and serviced his fellows, and made her
way back to her chambers, hopeful that her plan would
work, and dizzy with the wild scandalous act.

The following morning, surprisingly to all gathered, a
peace was made and King Aragorn was quite happy with
the arrangement. He would have been less happy to know
that during the remaining three days of the visit, his
delicate Queen was ravished nightly by Torl. Tobias,
having heard that he was being sent to man a remote
guard post, was distraught at being torn from the elf
Queen that enchanted him so. He dragged her off
frequently during his remaining days; Arwen acquiescing
to his desires and heatedly taking him into her body
while the King and the barbarians spent time in

As Arwen watched the barbarian troop leave, she hung on
Aragorn’s arm, waving dutifully. “Torl mentioned
sending his wives here to visit, he suggested you might
want to see his lands as well.”

Arwen, pursed her lips in a soft smile, “Did he now?”
clinging Aragorn’s arm tighter as she felt the cooling
spend of Torl dripping down her thigh under her long
sleek blue dress.