Behind the barn 2.

Mike hurried over to the dairy and went straight to the milking parlour. He spotted Eve right away, standing to the right of the long row of cows already chained in the milking passage. She had put on a white coat, and her blonde hair was piled high on her head, and capped with a small band of white. Even with her fair, creamy skin, she did not look washed-out, and Mike thought to himself how attractive she looked in the white dairy coat. Her ample curves were cleverly accentuated by the tightly belted garment and Mike could not resist running his eyes over her proud, full breasts jutting out like snow-capped peaks, the slight sway of her molded hips, the long arch of her shapely legs. She was talking to Sam Maguire, and turned when she heard Mike come in.
“Good evening, Miss Slater. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long.”
“Oh no, Mr. Peters. Sam here has been showing me the ropes and making me feel at home. And do call me Eve, please.”
“All right, Eve,” Mike laughed. “We don’t stand on formality here, so you might as well call me Mike.”
Mike felt more at ease when Sam had ambled off to attend to the animals already milked. He felt a warm friendliness exuding silently from Eve, and it comforted him somehow, as he was still stinging from Sandra’s verbal blows. He felt that her accusations had been unjust; he had bent over backwards over the past year to make up for the affair she had found out about, and yet nothing seemed to please her. She had changed so much over the past few years, he mused sadly to himself; she wasn’t the same woman he’d married, laughing, full of fun, ready for anything. She had turned into a nagging, whining shrew and didn’t seem to care whether he was there or not. It was that feeling of not being wanted that had made him seek refuge in other women. Of course, he felt guilty about it, feeling like a rat as he slunk off to his clandestine meetings, but he had to do something, or he’d go mad. Still, it was unfair of her to accuse him of being interested that way in Eve. He’d be mad to try anything with her, right under Sandra’s nose. Not that he’d mind…
“A penny for them!” Eve’s light-hearted voice chimed in on his rambling thoughts, and her interruption caused him to blush to the roots of his hair.
“I’m sorry, Miss… Eve, I mean… I’ve been so rude; I was completely carried away…” he stammered, conscious of her twinkling gray eyes fixed on him. He felt awkward, like a schoolboy. Her searching graze was so intent, he felt sure for a brief instant that she must have read his thoughts, but knew that was ridiculous.
“Well,” he began lamely, “do you think you’ll enjoy working here?”
“Oh yes,” she exclaimed, smiling widely. “Everything’s so up-to-date, and you’ve got a fine herd. Sam showed me around everywhere, and I even saw your donkey herd. That broken-colored stallion is magnificent!”
“Yes, he’s a fine fellow, isn’t he? Imported from England from one of the champions over there. I hope to have some good progeny from him next year.”
“How is he working out as a sire?” Eve asked interestedly. Mike started, her question disturbing him. What did she mean? She knew he had only just got the stallion, that there wouldn’t be any foals till next year.
“Eh, what do you mean?” he asked guardedly.
“I mean, does he do the job properly? He looked pretty young to me!”
Mike found himself coloring again. What was the matter with the girl, asking questions like that?
“He’s able to manage,” Mike faltered, and immediately turned his attention to placing the clusters on the first cow’s teats. Normally, the dairy girl and Sam did the actual milking, but as Eve was new, and the machine might be unfamiliar to her, Mike had decided to help her, in case she needed any instructions or had any problems.
“I love the feel of a cow’s teat in my hand,” Eve mused to him, moving on to the next animal. “It feels so soft, so sensuous,” she went on dreamily, “and it almost comes to life as the milk flows through it, and the thick frothy cream spurts out of it…” Mike was glad he was hidden from her sight, and that she couldn’t see the flushed look of astonishment on his face. Her voice was so hazy, her tone so sultry, and Mike could see out of the corner of his eye that she was caressing one of the pink-tinged teats as tenderly and lovingly as if… He felt stunned by the impact of his own lewd thought. As if it were a man’s cock! That was the thought that leaped into his head and drummed persistently at his consciousness.
“Mike, could you help me please!” she called out suddenly, and he found himself rushing over to her, glad of the chance to be near her again. She was hunched over one of the milk tube clusters which was lying on the ground, and Mike’s eyes were drawn, as if by a magnet, to the exciting split between the tops of her creamy white breasts. He was mesmerized by the enticing glimpse of her deep cleft and had to drag his eyes away when she looked anxiously up at him.
“I seem to have lost one of the tops,” she said worriedly, and Mike got down on his knees beside her, and scanned the straw for the dark-rimmed cap.
“Here it is!” he said suddenly, picking it out of a golden sheaf, and he began to screw it back into the tube.
“Oh thank goodness you found it,” Eve breathed, laying one of her small white hands on his thigh, “I was so worried.” Her touch was like a firebrand on his flesh and when he looked at her, she was smiling at him.
“Well, we’d better get on with the milking,” he said weakly, and reluctantly, it seemed to him, she removed her hand from his thigh. He suddenly felt bereft, as if a part of him was missing. Pull yourself together, he chided himself, you’re acting like a teenager, imagining all sort of ridiculous things.
They worked silently, preparing all the cows for milking, and Mike’s thoughts were swirling around in his head. He couldn’t shake loose the memory of her touch on his thigh. Did she mean to do that, or was it just an accident? And what did she mean by all that stuff about the teat?
Finally, Mike switched on the milking machine, and the barn was filled with the vibratory sounds of the pulsator.
“Mmm, it’s hot in here!” Eve said suddenly, and began to unbutton her dairy coat.
“D’you mind if I take this off?” she queried Mike, and when he replied, “of course not,” she removed it, and Mike saw that she was wearing a red see-through blouse and a tight black mini-skirt. He could see that she was wearing a matching red bra, really only a strip of lace, and his eyes were riveted on the generous mounds of her ivory breasts which were visible through the red nylon.
“Do you like them?” Eve’s voice broke in on his distraction, and he could only stare open-mouthed at her. Had he heard her right? His heart began to thud uncomfortably in his chest and he was at a loss as to what to do.
“Would you like to see them?” Again her gay, mocking voice startled him.
“Wha…” he could only stammer.
“Would you like to see my breasts, Mike?” she asked again with exaggerated slowness, walking a step closer to him.
“Are you out of your mind?” Mike snapped, afraid that his mind was playing tricks on him. “This is no time for games!”
“I’m not playing any games!” Eve said silkily, and Mike watched in boggling disbelief as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her sheer blouse. Gaping, he saw the edges fall away and reveal the exquisite form of her perfectly molded breasts, made all the more provocative by the dainty confines of her lacy bra. He could see the alabaster flesh heaving slightly and was hypnotized by the rhythmic rise and fall of the luscious orbs. Incredibly, he saw Eve’s hand slip around to the back, and in a moment, she was shrugging the thin satin straps from her smooth, pearly shoulders.
“Christ, they’re beautiful!” He couldn’t resist gasping as the full glory of her exquisitely sculpted breasts came into his astonished view. Craning his neck, his eyes bulged as he stared at the creamy expanse of the silky mounds, surmounted by delicate pink nipples, semi-erect from the rustling of her bra. Her hands crept up and cupped the full rounded young spheres, thrusting them out, pointing the hardening little buds at her disbelieving employer.
“God, Eve, I…” he murmured, unable to tear his eyes away from the half-naked girl. His head was swirling – things were happening too fast for him. He could feel the protuberance of his cock growing, and it was beginning to swell against the confines of his pants. His hands fidgeted by his sides – they itched to reach out and clasp those glorious globes of young college-girl tit flesh, to knead and pummel them. His mouth longed to take the tiny budding nipples between his lips, coax them into turgidity with his tongue, nip on their sweetness with his teeth. God, she was driving him mad, standing there half-dressed, like some youthfully naked Venus. She moved closer to him, so close that her naked breasts brushed against the blue denim of his workshirt, and the delicious contact sent eddies of almost intolerable pleasure soaring through him. Sinuously, she rubbed the hardened tips against his chest, purring like a cat, her arm resting casually on his thigh again. He wanted to pull away, order his errant young employee to get dressed, get on with the milking, but he couldn’t. What he really wanted to do was take her in his arms, crush his mouth down on hers, knock the breath out of her with his kiss, caress those ripe boobies of hers, and then fuck her, yes, fuck her to within an inch of her life. Instead, he managed to inch backward a little.
“Eve… we shouldn’t…” he faltered, his eyes dropping again to the sensuous grace of her unadorned breasts.
“We shouldn’t… what?” she queried boldly.
“We… you shouldn’t… tease a man like that!” he gasped, feeling his face flush. Yes, that’s what she was doing, teasing him with her naked tits, her sulky voice, her veiled hints. Well, she’d better watch her step, or she’d get more than she bargained for!
“I’m-not-teasing!” she enunciated, her hand slowly reaching for the side zip of her brief black skirt. With a horrified stare, he watched as she eased the skirt down over her full hips, slipping it down her thighs, and kicking it aside as it reached her ankles, leaving her nude except for a tiny pair of bikini briefs the same startling red as her bra.
“For God’s sake, Eve, anyone could come in…” Mike gasped, his eyes riveted on the golden triangle of pubic curls squashed beneath the sheer fabric of her panties.
“So what?” Eve laughed. “You’re a man, and I’m a woman. What we do is our business… isn’t it?”
“You’re crazy!” Mike rasped. “You’d better get dressed before… before I…”
“Before you go out of your mind?” she taunted, moving in a little circle around the demented man.
“That’s right, you teasing little bitch!” Mike rasped, his control snapping like a straw inside him. “You can’t expect to go prancing around in front of a man, naked like that, and not affect him. You should know what this could lead to, the temptation you’re putting my way. I’m only flesh and blood, and this is more than any man can take!” He railed on, his mouth dry and his voice hoarse, fighting to control the demons of lust which were mutinying inside him. She continued to look at him with her mocking eyes.
“Poor Mike!” she clucked, her hand dropping down and cradling the considerable bulge of his swollen prick in her palm. “What are you getting so uptight about?” she crooned as she began to massage the growing organ, feeling it pulse hotly in her hand.
Perspiration broke out on Mike’s face. What the hell did she think she was doing? Poor Mike indeed! She thought she could twist him around her little finger. Well, he’d show her he wasn’t the Milquetoast she thought he was!
“Now listen, Eve,” he began, but her hand was already drawing down the zipper of his pants, and his demented cock, rejoicing in its sudden freedom, leaped up, cleaving the air, the red bulbous head grotesque in its palpitating arousal. His mouth hinged open as he stared down at the apparition of his own blood-engorged prick, and he moaned from the tremendous contact between her cool fingers and his heated, throbbing flesh. Her hands stroked and kneaded the elongated rod, drawing it out into an even greater length and Mike felt powerless to do anything but stand there and allow his new employee to stroke his ever hardening cock in her masterful, exciting way.
“Mmmm, what a nice big cock you’ve got, Mike!” Eve hummed, continuing her rhythmic pummelling of his pulsating organ, “I just know I’m going to enjoy working for you…”
Her hand reached in and cupped the squirming sac of his testicles in her palm, and Mike felt rising shivers of ecstasy course through him, emanating from the sensitive balls. Mike leaned back against the edge of the stall, lost in the sensual reverie that Eve was weaving around him. God, her hand felt so good on his cock, stroking and kneading like that… it was a long time since he’d felt a hot hand on his prick… too long, in fact… Sandra never touched him there… SANDRA! The memory of his wife jarred him back to reality. She could easily walk in here, find him like this, being stroked and caressed by this young voluptuous agricultural student! It would mean the end of everything, their marriage, all they had worked for! She’d never forgive him!
With a tortured groan, he wrenched back from Eve and backed out of the stall. His face burning, he stuffed his long suffering penis back into his pants, and hurried over and turned off the milking motor.
“I don’t know what came over me…” he mumbled. “I must’ve been crazy… anybody could have come in…!” Unable to meet her gaze, Mike hurried over to the cows, and began to undo the clusters frenziedly, his fingers shaking.
“Mike!” Eve’s soft voice was directly behind him. Squatting to remove the clusters from the cow’s teats, he half-turned and saw Eve standing directly behind him.
“My God!” he gasped, the milk-clusters falling from his hands. She was stark naked! She was standing with her legs slightly apart, and he could just barely see the faint pink sheen of her pussy lips peeping out from under the soft resilient thatch of golden curls. His throat felt arid, and his voice failed him. He could only stare. She was like a creature from another world. A strange, exotic female who towered over him, and was omnipotent. She held the power to transmit incredible sensual ecstasy to him, and he was her slave.
“Eve…” he managed to croak feebly.
And then she was beside him, kneeling on the soft straw, pushing him gently back. He was unresisting, borne along on the wind of her tremendous sexuality. He was completely in her power, and yielded as she once more freed the heated protuberance of his bulging cock. He sighed an uncontrollable moan as it sprang up from the forest of his pubic hair and gasped again as her fingers once more encircled it, pulling on it gently. Her fingers were easing off his pants, and were playing titillatingly along his thighs, sending chills of pleasure rippling up and down and along his skin, and kindling great flames of heat deep in the pit of his stomach. Like a robot, his hands reached up eagerly for the target they yearned, and grabbed the full soft mounds of her tender breasts, and clutched at the delicate flesh with his talon-like fingers, making her wince from the sudden pain, and leaving little red welts on the smooth white skin. His fingers drubbed the hard little beads of her nipples, rubbing them mercilessly, tugging on them until they were rigid little spears. Beside him, the cow fidgeted nervously, anxious over the unaccustomed disturbance at her feet, and Mike felt a moment’s paralyzing fear lest her hooves lash out at his prostrate body. But all practical consideration fled from his brain as he felt his young milk maid settle herself over him, her long smooth thighs straddling his naked hips and Mike could feel the graze of her soft curling pubic hair as it brushed against his naked stomach. Still grasping his distended cock in her hand, she began to guide it towards the warm grasping furrow of her cunt, and Mike sighed with pleasure as he felt the hard rubbery head caress the soft delicate tissue already moist with expectation.
She began to sweep the bulging head of his inflated prick along the length of her pulsating cuntal split, and the fluted edges of her moistly glistening inner lips clung tenaciously to his hard masculine flesh, and the bulbous head became lubricated with her free-flowing vaginal juices. His head was swirling and a wave of pleasure, such as he had not experienced in a long time, was washing over him again and again, and with each cleansing wave, he was laved of any doubts and fears he might have had. Gone was all worry about his wife or anyone else finding him stretched out with his naked young female employee; gone completely was any fear of discovery. All that mattered was the unbelievable thrill of ecstasy he was feeling and which he knew would mount up to an incredible crescendo of hedonistic delight.
“Mmmmm…” Eve sighed, “your cock feels so good against my pussy…”
The lewd words coming from the young, innocent faced girl’s lips excited Mike even more and he felt lust mushrooming inside him and threatening to turn him into a raving beast. His hands flew down and grasped the girl’s slim tapering hips, and held her in a vise-like grip. Hungrily, he began to rotate her entire pelvis until she was revolving over the spongy cap of his burgeoning penis still grasped firmly in her hand. Gingerly, she began to position herself over the jutting instrument, easing herself down slowly, until she had managed to insert the huge distended head up inside the tender inner folds of her cunt mouth.
“Aaaaahhhhhhh…” she sighed, accustoming herself to the hard feeling of a heavy, pounding prick inside her. But the initial contact unleashed the fury of Mike’s lust, and with a savage snarl, he crashed the helpless girl’s pelvis downward, driving his thick rod upwards with flesh-splitting cruelty.
“Aaaarrrrghhhhhhhh…” Eve screamed out and struggled in a vain attempt to dislodge the terrible instrument from her unsuspecting depths. But she was completely skewered, and the fleshy hair-lined outer lips of her pulsing vagina were resting on the tickling nest of Mike’s blond pubic forest. Beside them, the cow snorted, frightened by the ear-piercing scream, and began to paw the ground ominously.
Mike’s fingers clawed at the soft resilient flesh of Eve’s smooth rounded buttocks as he raised her loins upward, feeling her sensitive inner membrane cling to his hard fleshy rod as her heated vaginal sheath slid upwards. He held her poised above him, leaving just the hard burgeoning head still buried inside her, and then he crashed her down again, feeling the spongy global mounds of her buttocks flatten down against his pubic area as his tunnelling prick plunged far up inside her, cleaving her unaccustomed flesh with cruel obstinacy. He could feel the pliant entrance of her cringing womb yield before his unabated onslaught and a gasp of mingled shock and excitement escaped her as she felt the unexpected pressure so deep up inside her impaled belly.
Eve’s eager vagina had accustomed itself to the ponderous girth of Mike’s trammelling penis, and she began to move up and down freely, establishing a yo-yo like rhythm. Mike’s palpitating cock seemed to expand even more inside her and she responded with a gentle tentative flexing of her practised inner muscle which seemed to excite him to even greater lust. His hands shot up eagerly and enfolded the enticing orbs of her breasts in his palms, and they rubbed and caressed her throbbing flesh, sending chill after chill curdling through her blood, making passion pulse hotly through her veins.
“Oh God, Mike…” she gasped, her hands clutching at his tensely corded thighs, “your hands feel good on my titties… as good as your cock feels inside me…”
Tremors of passion were spasming through Mike. Eve’s lewd words of praise sent lurid shivers running up and down his spine and doubled the already incredible pleasure he was feeling. He could hardly believe what was happening! Only this morning, this girl was a complete stranger, newly arrived from Agricultural School, and now, after a turn of events which had left him breathless, they were fucking, or rather, she was fucking him! Yes, she was the one who had seduced him, and who was now riding him like a savage Indian girl on a half-wild mustang, her thighs clenching his hips viciously, and the soft inner hole up between her legs milking furiously on his rampaging cock. He had never experienced anything like this before – stretching out on the soft golden straw, being screwed by a real woman – because that’s what Eve was, there was no doubt about that. Beside him, the cow lowed deeply, finally accepting the strange, nakedly writhing couple beside her, and Mike felt her breath, warm and sweet scented, wafting gently over his perspiring face.
Mike glanced up and saw that Eve’s face was coated with perspiration, her mouth was half open and her head was flung back. Her luxuriant coils of curls had become undone and her silky flaxen hair was streaming down like a silver stream over her bare creamy shoulders. He had released his savage hold on her breasts and now the full ripe spheres were bobbing from her exertion, the reddish-brown nipples jutting out like berries, and the brown aureolas were crinkled in their contracted excitement. His lust-glazed eyes travelled down the length of her magnificent body, coated with moisture, revelling in the soft yet supple milkiness of it, the provocative curve of her womanly hips, the lemon-colored fleece of pubic down which meshed so indistinguishably with his own. Her long slender thighs were like alabaster columns and Mike could see that the inner tendons stood out like whipcord against the ivory inner skin. She continued to grind wildly up and down on his jerking prick, making a little teasing rotatory movement as she rose up. Her fingers slipped around behind her squirming buttocks and stroked the squirming sac of his testicles in a sudden swift movement which sent his roiling sperm into a frenzy of churning liquid deep inside the darkness of his balls.
“Christ, Eve,” he panted through the breathlessness of his mounting passion, “you’re… you’re incredible…! Oh God, keep tickling my balls like that…”
Mike felt a rush of heat that started in the pit of his stomach rise up in an overpowering curtain and steam through him, and at the same time, his cock began to jerk uncontrollably and the ache in his writhing balls had become unbearable.
“Aaaaaggghhhhhhh… keep fucking… keep fucking… I’m cumming! I’m cuuummmmiiinnnggggg…!!!”
And then his body was caught up in a gigantic whirlwind, and he thought he would lose consciousness because a blackness appeared in front of his eyes, and he felt he was drifting away, but his faltering rationality was arrested by Eve’s own hoarse screams.
“Oh God Mike, I’m cumming too. I’m…aaahhhhhhh…!!” And she was cumming too, her pelvis pounding against his like gigantic waves against storm-tossed rocks. Her fingers were like razor-sharp spears cutting into the flesh of his hips, and the interior muscle of her vaginal sheath was an insatiable entity of its own. It was sucking, demanding, and getting, its life-giving quencher of his thick store of semen, which suddenly began to spurt along the pulsating tube of his spasming penis and hose hotly up into the heated cavern of her pussy. Almost immediately it seemed, the frothy liquid trickled back down around his pumping prick and seeped into the matted pubic curls, already moistened with the shower of her orgasmic release. The cow was blowing hot puffs of breath down onto Mike’s steaming face, her big liquid brown eyes staring in boggled amazement at her two temporary stall companions. Her big, wet white nose just touched Mike’s face as the last heave convulsed his dying prick and he emptied the final drop of his boiling semen into Eve’s still hungrily twitching pussy. At last, the exhausted girl collapsed onto his panting body, and his now limp prick slipped easily from her wet, cock-stretched passage.
“That… that was the best fuck I’ve ever had!” Mike acknowledged gratefully. And it was. There was something about the spontaneity of the act which impassioned him to fever pitch, and the girl’s own total sexuality, and lack of restraint, unleashed a similar characteristic in him. “You’re quite a girl, Eve,” he added admiringly.
“You’re a real man yourself, Boss,” Eve praised, smiling down at him. “You sure know how to please a girl!”
She lay her face down on his chest so he couldn’t see her widening grin. Things are working out just great, she thought happily. She had been thrilled when she had met her new boss, captivated right away by his virile good looks, and now she had discovered that he had above average talent in other respects, too. Yes, she murmured to herself, I think I’m going to enjoy myself very much on this job!

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