The first time they saw each other face to face was at the
airport in the busy city where he lived.

They had actually met one night while on line in a chat room six
months before that, and had become lovers through their computers.
After meeting each other in an AOL chat room, they started talking
every night on line, and very soon couldn’t wait to talk each day.
He sent her some very beautiful poetry, and at first she thought he
was just sending her somebody else’s work, but soon realized that he
was indeed a real Poet and had written many other poems as well.
He composed some special ones just for her and it melted her heart
when he sent them along with the most romantic loving letters she had
ever know. They were filled with wonderful prose and poetry written
just to her, for her. She knew she was falling deeply in love with him
but could not stop herself.

She came to know him very well as they chatted away each day and
night. He showed her all his artistic work, more poems, paintings,
drawings, and sketches and told her all about his life. He was also
an actor, and was an extra in many movies. He said he had his own
little Theatre Company, where he would do plays in elementary schools
for young children, and sent her a copy of all the plays he had
written for it, and she was thrilled with them.

He was like a dream come true, too good to be true. She was
overwhelmed by his romantic words of love and chivalry; it was like an
old romantic novel with Knights of old, and Castles with dungeons and

They were in a world of their own that they built around themselves on
the net, and he was her Knight in armor. They started using the phone
so they could hear each other’s voices when they spoke of their love.
Neither of them could wait to get up in the mornings to go on line and
send their love letters by e-mail, then talk again. They would spend
hour upon hour just talking, ignoring everything else in their
immediate lives. They lived for these moments when they could be

After they had been talking for two months, John told her “I want to
meet you in person Angel, on- line is no longer good enough. We have
to meet, and soon!”

He asked could he come to her or would she come to him. It was a big
decision for Catherine, but she decided to go to him. She had to
finally meet this man that made her heart do summersaults every time
she thought of him.

Needless to say that she was very excited and scared at the same time,
she had heard all kinds of terrible stories about men on the internet,
some of them being perverts, murderers, and all kinds of scary things,
but she knew in her heart that he was safe and was all that he
professed to be.

She trusted him totally now, and knew that she was trusting him with
her very life. She had given her heart to him, and had to do this now
to complete the next step in their relationship.

Chapter two:
She bought a ticket and told him “Darling, I am coming to be with

Her week was spent rushing around buying the silky lacy lingerie’ she
wanted to wear for him, and soon the big day was here. Her heart was
pounding like crazy for the whole trip, while thoughts of what he
would look like raced through her mind. The trip took several hours
and by the time they landed, she had changed her mind a dozen times
and was feeling quite shaky.

As she walked into the area where the luggage would be, her legs were
like water and she prayed she wouldn’t faint when she saw him. Her
heart was pounding so hard it felt as though it would burst out of her
chest or explode!

She stood and waited for him beside the ladies washroom, leaning
against the wall. She searched the sea of faces, hoping she would know
which one he was.

Twenty minutes passed, and no luggage, and no “him”. “Oh God” she
thought, “what if he doesn’t come, what if it was all just a joke for

Catherine then thought that maybe he had seen her and was so
disappointed that he didn’t want to meet her after all! That for some
reason, he was just observing her from across the room. She felt so
alone and rejected at that moment that she felt like sitting down
right there and crying. She was scared to death by this time, not
knowing what awaited her.

She slipped into the ladies room several times to gather her composure
and ignored the curious stares of women that were in there, she must
have looked as distraught as she felt!

Her nerves were screaming by now, and she just wanted to run away, but
was stuck there and could not go anywhere. She died a thousand deaths
while waiting, and prayed that he would show up.

Frantically, Catherine racked her brain to try and think of anyone
else she might know that lived there in case he never showed up, and
she had to stay somewhere! “Please God, make him come!” she prayed
over and over.

Suddenly, a deep husky voice said… “Catherine?” She knew that
wonderful voice; it had always melted her heart… She looked up with
wide scared eyes… “John?” she whispered…

He smiled saying ” So you really came after all, I thought you
wouldn’t show up, that you hadn’t really meant it, and were just
pretending you would come”.

She was so scared and nervous and told him that her luggage was not
there yet.
He took her hand saying, “Come outside for a few minutes.”

He led her to a bench where she guessed people would wait for their
bus or taxi. Wrapping her in his arms. he kissed her, it was long and
sweet…and her heart melted with love and desire for him. At that
moment she knew she would go anywhere with him that he asked her to,
and that she only wanted him.

Sitting down, they gazed into each other’s eyes and felt a warm and
wonderful feeling wash through them. She couldn’t stop from stroking
his arm over and over, she just had to touch him and feel him, and she
was madly in love by now.

He looked down at this and said, “you DO like touching don’t you”…
She knew he was referring to what she had told him on the phone, that
she wanted to touch and feel him very badly, that she was a “touchy

He smiled and kissed her again, this time much longer and deeper. her
heart and whole body were now aching for more. Catherine knew for
certain now, that she loved and wanted only him.

Chapter three:
Catherine didn’t even remember how they got to his place, but
suddenly, there they were. He scooped her up in his arms, opened the
door and carried her inside. She felt like she was part of a fairy

She was still nervous but was absolutely thrilled that finally after
all these months, was really here with him, and he was real! Shyly she
asked him where to put her things, and with a grin he said “Wherever
you are going to be sleeping, and then led her to his bedroom.
They put down the luggage and went back into the living room where he
took off her coat and shoes and put them away. Then they moved
together and kissed for a very long time. Catherine had never kissed
that way before, it was soul stirring and earth moving for her. They
melted together in very long, deep kisses, and they couldn’t get
enough of each other. Both were breathless with feelings, he slid the
shoulders of her dress down, while they kissed and stroked each
other’s bodies to a fever pitch.

She felt like she’d died and gone to heaven… and at that point
wouldn’t have cared if she did die, as long as it was here in his
arms. Moaning softly, she felt a fire racing through her wanting body
as she clung to him.

Removing the rest of her clothes while kissing and stroking her, he
picked her up in his arms, and carried her to his bed. Moaning
himself, he laid her on the bed, engulfing her in his arms. He made
slow beautiful love to every part of her body, while telling her how
beautiful she was, that he was so happy she had actually come to him.
She could barely speak above a whisper, but managed to tell him over
and over how much she loved him.

It went on and on for many hours… most of the night. Loving over and
over… not caring about anything else. The place could have burned
down with the fire of their bodies, but they wouldn’t have cared, they
only wanted each other.

After all those months they couldn’t get enough of the other, they
were insatiable. He took her over the edge of consciousness many times
through that night. Just when they thought it was finished, the fire
in them rose again after just a few minutes, and passion consumed them
once more.

He had self control such as she had never dreamed of, and he took her
where no man ever had, time and time again.They wondered if his
neighbors in the apartments around him could hear, they were not

He gave her long rolling orgasms like she had never experienced before
in her life. Catherine was in heaven, tears of emotion streamed down
her face with each wave as she screamed in ecstasy. It was like a
misty dream, “Surely this can’t be real, I must be in heaven and this
man is some god or angel” she said out loud.

“No Princess, I am quite real and I am just a man,” he whispered in
her ear.

They fell into an exhausted sleep in a tangle of legs and satin sheets
snuggled up together…

Chapter 4

In the morning she woke to the sudden realization that it was all
real, not a dream… she was actually here, naked, and laying in his
bed with him.

She looked at him still asleep next to her, he looked like a sleeping
child, and was flooded with such intense emotion that tears came to
her eyes. He had filled every fiber of her with himself… he had
touched her soul, and she knew he would be in her heart forever…
there was nothing she would not do for him now, and nowhere she would
not go if he asked her.

She had given him not just her body, but her heart and soul as well;
she was his if he wanted her. Quietly slipping out of bed she put her
silky wrap on and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Tingles spread
over her and her body ached with a deep hunger for him as she
remembered the night before.

Then suddenly he walked through the door, came up behind her and
wrapped his arms around her from behind snuggling his face into her
neck. Her knees almost gave out and she melted into him with a moan,
as hot desire washed over her once again.

She could feel his hardness pressing up against her, her eyes were
half closed with wanting him… with a groan, he scooped her up in his
arms, and kissing her passionately, carried her back to his bed…
Their loving was just as wild as it had been the night before and they
even ended up on the carpet as it went on and on…

They spent the entire day there in his bed, loving and pleasuring each
other… they had no limits, all inhibitions were gone… they
explored each other thoroughly and did all they had talked about on
the phone… holding back nothing… She couldn’t get enough of him,
it was like she was starving, his kisses were deep and touched her
soul. She would run her tongue over his lips tasting him and driving
him crazy… and he smothered her body with kisses… he even sucked
her big toe, which made her squeal with delight!

When she massaged his feet, she discovered how sensitive his feet
were, he squirmed and wiggled, laughed and finally told her to stop,
that he couldn’t stand it, and it was the same when she tried to kiss
his toes.

They tasted, ate and drank each other endlessly….. always wanting
more, they were insatiable… they were in a world all their own…
and were obsessed with each other. She had never in her life
experienced or imagined anything like this. this man, this god man had
transformed her into what she didn’t know, but she knew they belonged
together and decided they must be soul mates.

When he was in the shower, she asked if she could join him, and when
she was having hers, he joined her… they washed and shampooed each
other.making love with the warm water pouring over them… they dried
each other, then their bodies still damp, he carried her back to their
bed of love…

She found that the world outside disappeared and there was only here
and now… and “him” that was all she wanted now.
All too soon, the week was up, and by then she was very sorry she
couldn’t stay, but her plane ticket was only for that week…