Kathy’s Dog Act

Kathy Murphy walked nervously onto the stage and peered
into the dark auditorium. She briefly shaded her eyes
with her hand, trying to blot out the blinding stage

“Pete! Pete! I thought I told you that I wanted a
brunette!” Kathy heard the producer yell.

“Bob! I’m telling you she’s good. Listen to her read
her lines and shut up for once in your life,” Pete
Coons, the director, shouted back from the left wing.

“So she’s got a pair of big tits! That makes an
actress?” the man shouted again.

“Go on, Kathy. Read,” Pete urged quietly.

Kathy dropped her hand and swallowed hard, trying to
fight off the feeling of panic that was making her
stomach rumble and quiver with butterflies. This was
her first big chance to get out of the house and into
the theatre.

“Okay, angel tits. Let’s go,” the producer shouted out
from the darkened room.

“Oh Sheba, do you…” Kathy started.

“Goddamn it! Where’s the dog? This is the big return
scene for that fuckin’ dog. If she’s gonna read, I want
to see her with that animal,” the producer hollered.

Kathy closed her eyes and fought back the urge to
scream. She’d never dreamed that getting a part in the
Pasadena Civic Theatre would be this traumatic. The way
everyone was acting, she thought she was auditioning
for a Broadway theatre in New York. But all this was
just a game they were playing, she knew that she had to
go along with the rules or go home.

Back to the vacuum cleaner! Ugh! She thought as she
watched the prop man run frantically round the wings
looking for her co-star. Kathy married Joe when she was
twenty and really had no complaints about him. She’d
been a virgin when she married him, not really knowing
what went on in the sack.

Joe changed all of that quickly, and turned Kathy into
a star pupil of fucking. Kathy experimented with him
willingly–not only because she loved him, but because
she realized she had a hot cunt that needed banging

“Get that damned dog! I haven’t got all day!” the
producer screeched.

Kathy sighed as she remembered how the frustration
slowly began to set in on her. Joe had his career. He
was a manager and instructor at a women’s gym in
Beverly Hills. Kathy had been there a few times and
felt her jealousy burning at full tilt when she saw the
way the women looked at Joe. She watched their eyes
glaze over with lust, as they stared at his powerful

Kathy knew that her husband had a powerful animal
magnetism that made nipples stiffen, tits swell, and
cunts fire up and juice uncontrollably. That was one of
the first things that attracted her to him. But did he
have to parade it around at his job?

Kathy sighed again as she thought of how some women
practically got down on their backs and hunched up
their knees whenever Joe walked by. He was tall, dark-
complected, and had long, curly thick black hair that
hung slightly over his ears. His blue eyes sparkled
with excitement, glowing almost continually with sexual
lust from under his thick black lashes and bushy brows.

Kathy didn’t know if Joe fooled around or not. He was
home with her every night. But there were those
secluded little sauna parties at the gym. If he did
fuck other women, it certainly wasn’t because Kathy was
some ugly frump with purple stretch marks and bad

Kathy was twenty-five now and had long, straight blonde
hair that flowed down to her waist. Her eyes were as
blue as Joe’s and gleamed with the same kind of lust
his did. But her most noticeable asset was her boobs.
They were firm with deep red nipples that always seemed
to be twitching and stiff with sexual excitement. She
always felt her clit twinge with rushing blood as men
on the street stared at her bouncing tits. She’d had
her chances to hop in the hay, but fought back the
inviting urge that gripped her cunt continually,
waiting for Joe to come home from the gym.

For the first few years of their marriage, fucking and
sucking was enough for Kathy. But lately she’d begun to
get restless. Neither she nor Joe wanted children yet.
But Kathy was tired of just sitting at home, finger-
fucking herself until Joe decided to come home and
finish the job with his hot, meaty 9 inch prick. Kathy
began to realize that there was more than just warming
up her cunt and plowing her husband juicy cock.

At first she thought she’d take on a lover or start
going out like other housewives she’d known who had the
same killing desperation that was starting to creep
over her. Joe, however, suggested the Pasadena Civic
Theatre. He’d been watching her way turn in on herself
for knew that Kathy had done a little acting when she
was in high school junior school. One of his customers
was the wife of the president of the Theatre
Association of Pasadena. It wasn’t too hard to get an
audition for play.

“We’ve got the dog,” Kathy heard the prop man out from
behind the setting. It snapped her out of her
daydreaming and she concentrated on her art once more.
Come Back Little Sheba. Big theatre it wasn’t, but
Kathy wasn’t about to argue the point.

“Hey. That’s a Great Dane!” the producer wailed. “This
is supposed to be about some fuckin’ sheep dog!”

“Sorry, Mr. Decker, but he’s all we could round up for
right now,” the prop man apologized, dragging the
frightened big, brown dog onto the stage.

“Okay, okay. Come on, honey. Let’s get going with your
lines. Just pretend he’s the sheep dog,” the producer

Kathy turned to her right and stared almost directly
into the brown eyes the Dane. He panted heavily in
nervous excitement. She didn’t know what was happening
to her. But something about this animal that was
beginning to slowly turn her on. Kathy didn’t know why,
but she sensed that the animal was sexually aroused.
She glanced down between the dog’s hind legs and saw
his prick was still sheathed. Then she looked back into
the dog’s eyes. It was the same kind of look Joe gave
her just before he’d jump on her body.

“Okay, okay, let’s get GOING!”

Kathy swallowed hard again, then got down on her knees
and started reading her lines, reaching up and stroking
the big dog’s head as she spoke. She tried to get back
into her part, but it was impossible. The sensation of
the Dane’s warm, short stiff hair against her slender
fingers was making her nipples hard and stiff. Her
panty-crotch was damp and her knees were beginning to
tremble in excitement.

Kathy couldn’t believe that the dog was making her
pussy steam up like that. She’d heard of women getting
fucked by dogs and donkeys, and had always thought that
they were a little sick. But here she was, on center
stage, stroking a Great Dane and juicing like a teenage

“Shit! What the fuck’s going’ on?” she heard the
producer scream out from the auditorium. Kathy kept
reciting her lines as she heard some murmuring start up
behind her.

“Kathy, stop petting the dog!” Pete whispered from the
left wing.

Kathy flashed him a quick glance and saw that he was
pointing at the Dane’s cock. She looked down, and saw
that the dog’s prick was fully out of its sheath now,
red and glistening red twitching angrily in the air.
She felt her face flush with embarrassment and
excitement as she tried to continue with her reading.

Suddenly the Dane lurched forward slightly, pushing her
down onto the stage.

“Get him off her! He’s gone crazy,” Pete screamed out
from the wings.

“NO!” Kathy shrieked as her legs flew up in the air.
She closed her eyes and clenched her fists, beating at
the dog’s hunching chest as the stagehands ran out from
the wings and tried to pull the Dane off her.

“Christ! What kind of dog did you get?” the producer
shouted as Kathy felt the pointed tip of the Dane’s
prick bang against her soaked panty-crotch. She
struggled under the animal, but felt her pussy tremble,
quiver and contract with excitement every time the
dog’s cock-head slammed against her puffy cunt-lips.

“I’ve got him,” Pete gasped as he grabbed the big dog
by the neck and pulled him off Kathy.

“Are you okay, honey?” the wardrobe mistress asked as
she kneeled down and helped Kathy up to her feet.

“I-I think so,” she stammered, brushing her blonde hair
away from her eyes.

“I’m sorry about this, Mrs. Murphy,” Bob Decker said.

“I think I know what happened. But that doesn’t matter.
Listen, if you want the part, you’ve got it.”

Kathy felt like jumping in happiness. Then it suddenly
occurred to her that he was offering her the part
because he didn’t want her to sue him for this sudden
doggie act. Kathy wanted to be in the theatre, but she
didn’t want to blackmail her way onto the stage.

“You don’t have to give me the part just because…
because some dog…” Kathy began.

“I like you. I liked what I heard before all this
happened,” the producer said, getting up out of his
seat and walking toward the stage. “Like I said, you’ve
got the part if you want it.”

Kathy almost shouted, but managed to keep control of
herself and calmly told the man that she’d accept his

“Great! Okay kids, we’ve got everybody cast,” Bob said
in a loud voice as he walked up to the footlights.
Kathy saw that he was a relatively young man–about
thirty–and ruggedly handsome. His brown hair hung
almost completely over his eyes, while his crotch
bulged noticeably. Kathy wondered how many starlets Bob
had banged on his producer’s couch. “Helen, take Kathy
down to wardrobe and get her fitted. I’m just going to
go over a few points here with the rest of the cast.”

Kathy followed the wardrobe mistress through the maze
of passages in the theatre until they came to a tiny
room that was filled with racks and stacks of dresses,
gowns, robes, crowns–everything that went into
completing a costume.

“Just wait in here, honey. I’ve got to get your
costume,” the woman said as she smiled at Kathy.

Kathy started to look around the room casually as the
wardrobe mistress walked out into the hall and up the
stairs to the main prop room. This was a little girl’s
dream come true. She’d always wanted to be in the
theatre, even if it was in a relatively small one. And
here she was, about to launch herself into the world of
make believe.

Her daydreaming was interrupted by the sounds of
groaning coming from across the hall.

“Who’s there?” Kathy asked as she walked up to the open
door and looked up and down the hall.


Kathy shifted her eyes in the direction of the groans.
There was a door partially opened about thirty feet
from the wardrobe room.


Kathy felt her heart start to pound wildly. She knew
what kind of moans those were. She’d bucked enough in
bed to know the sounds of a woman fucking. Kathy knew
that whoever was in there had her right to privacy. She
didn’t want people peeking in through windows whenever
she and Joe were slamming their groins together. But
something new was happening to Kathy.

This little bit of time in the theatre was freeing her
mind, turning her from Kathy Murphy the housewife into
Kathy Murphy the stage sex pot. She realized that it
was ridiculous for her to feel like whoring it up just
because she’d got a part in some little theatre. But
the feeling was creeping over her.

Kathy walked out of the room, making sure that Helen,
the wardrobe mistress, wasn’t walking down the steps
with her costume yet. She cautiously moved closer to
the doorway, staying close to the wall. Gradually Kathy
peeked around the door frame so she could see what was
going on inside the room.

“My God!” she whispered out loud, clamping her right
hand over her mouth to keep from saying anything else.
There on the floor was a naked dark-haired woman. Her
knees were hunched up and spread widely apart. Between
them was the big Great Dane that had tried to fuck
Kathy just a few minutes before.

“Mmmmm, good boy! Good boy! Ahhhh!”

Kathy felt her knees grow weak as she watched the
Dane’s big, pink spit-dripping tongue slosh in and out
of the woman’s trembling pussy. With each slurp, the
woman closed her eyes, arched her back, and let out
tiny moans from between her parted lips.

Kathy drew her head back and tried to decide what to
do. She wanted to watch what was going to happen next.
Was she going to fuck the Dane? Was she just going to
let him lick her off? Kathy realized that she was
invading someone else’s privacy. She didn’t have any
right to spy on her. It would be embarrassing if she
were discovered lurking in the hallway. Still…

“Ahhhh! Ohhh, fuckin’ Jesus!”

Kathy couldn’t resist any more. She cautiously poked
her head around the doorway again. The Dane was still
lapping at the woman’s hairy muff. The pretty, mammoth-
titted brunette’s crotch glistened with the dog’s spit.
Her wiry, dark cunt hairs were plastered down into a
tangled mat. The woman was hunching her pussy into the
air, her ass squirming on the hardwood floor as the dog
growled in sexual frustration. Kathy swallowed and wet
her dry lips as she eyed the big dog’s blue-veined,
jerking cock.

“Cumming! CUMMING!” the woman screeched as she clamped
her fingers around her big tits. Her nipples thrust
into the air invitingly. They were hard and twitching,
as stiff and sensitive as Kathy’s nipples were now.

“Ahhh! AHHH!”

Kathy looked down at the brunette’s pussy. The dog’s
tongue licked and probed between her slightly parted
cunt lips. Kathy felt her snatch drool and quiver as
she watched the woman thrash on the floor.

“That’s it!” she panted. “Lick me! LICK MY SNATCH!
Ohhh, SHIT!”

Kathy wondered how the woman could scream like that
with the door open. Didn’t she realize that anyone
could walk down here and hear what was going on? Kathy
was amazed at the woman’s brazen attitude, but at the
same time, she envied her. Kathy had been so careful to
keep her fidelity to Joe, when she wasn’t sure about
his own sexual escapades. Here was some woman, probably
married, who didn’t give a damn what she did to satisfy
her hot cunt, or who saw what she was doing.

Slowly, Kathy hiked up her skirt and stuck her finger
under the elastic band of her pink panties, pushing it
through the damp forest of blonde cunt hairs towards
her fully erect clit. She gasped aloud as she felt the
tiny organ spark with excitement when her fingertip
bumped it.

“Come on, boy. Fucking time,” the woman said as she
quickly rolled over onto her hands and knees. The Dane
barked excitedly, then tried to mount her. His long,
thick cock jabbed blindly at her ass as his heavy,
leathery balls swayed and jounced with each jerk that
racked his glistening prick.

“Ohhh!” Kathy gasped, feeling a torrent of fresh cunt
juice ooze over her fingers as the woman reached
between her tits and guided the animal’s cock into her
cunt. He started hunching fast. The woman backed
against him, swaying back and forth in time to his

“God! GOD!” the woman howled.

Kathy pulled away from the doorway and leaned against
the wall, spreading her legs apart as she drove two
fingers into her quivering pussy and stroked her slick
snatch walls. The woman’s moans and the Dane’s growling
was driving her toward orgasm. Rivulets of cunt juice
poured through her damp, matted pussy hairs and
trickled down her shaking, hot thighs as Kathy moved
her fingers up and rubbed them slowly across the red,
sensitive head of her quivering clit.

Suddenly she heard someone coming down the steps.

“Damn!” Kathy muttered, pulling her fingers out of her
cunt with a barely audible squishing sound. She was
running back to the wardrobe room when she remembered
that the door to the other room was still open. The
brunette was howling and whoever was coming down the
steps would hear her. Kathy knew that she didn’t owe
that woman any favors.

Still, she could imagine the shock and horror that
would go around the theatre if anyone saw what was
happening in that tiny room. Carefully and quietly,
Kathy crept back to the doorway and pulled the door
shut. The brunette was howling and bucking too much to
notice the roof falling in, let alone the door closing.

Kathy slipped into the wardrobe room just in time. It
was Bob Decker, the producer.

“Well, I see Helen hasn’t gotten back,” Bob said,
smiling at Kathy as he closed the door behind him.

“No. She said something about getting my costume,”
Kathy said off-handedly, trying to fight down the
rising passion that had almost brought her off in the
hall. She wondered if Bob could smell the vaporizing
pussy juice that filled her nose and, she was afraid,
that was beginning to fill the room.

“Oh, she’ll be gone for a little while,” Bob said,
winking slyly at her.

Suddenly Kathy realized what was happening. The
wardrobe mistress didn’t have to go anywhere to get her
costume–that was probably right here in the room. Bob
Decker had probably told her to get lost for a while
until he’d–

“Well, maybe I should go over my lines again,” Kathy
said nervously, brushing back her hair as she started
for the door.

“No need for that,” Bob said huskily, reaching behind
him as he flipped the lock shut on the door. “We could
go over the lines together later. Right now, let’s just
see how good you are at impromptu acting,” he said,
staring hotly into her eyes.

“I-I don’t understand,” Kathy said, backing slightly
way from him as she shifted her eyes down to his
crotch. She saw a long, thick, hard bulge throbbing at
his crotch. Kathy realized now what Bob Decker wanted.
And she wasn’t so sure if she didn’t want the same

“Come on. This sort of thing goes along with the part.
It’s show biz,” Bob said, reaching down and squeezing
the growing bulge with his powerful hand.

“Show Biz?” Kathy said, almost breaking out laughing.
“This isn’t Hollywood.”

“So what? It’s a good excuse for plain old fucking,
anyway,” Bob said, shrugging his shoulders and breaking
out into a broad, sexy smile.

His smile was lewd. Kathy knew that she should be
outraged. She should stand up for her fidelity to her
marriage vows and tell Bob Decker to go to hell with
his big, stiff cock and his come-filled fuck sacs. But
the brunette and Dane in the other room had fired up
her cunt to an uncontrollable level of heat. Her
nipples begged for a male body to sand their sensitive,
stiffened tips. Her steamy, mushy pussy ached for a big
cock to ram up its sucking hole.

Kathy inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. This was
going to be the first time she cheated on Joe. And she
wasn’t going to ruin the experience with a package of
guilt. If that came, let it come later. Right now, she
wanted to strap on Bob Decker as badly as he wanted to
fuck her.

“It’s my first time,” Kathy said hesitatingly, smiling
back at him. “I mean, with anybody else besides my
husband,” she corrected herself, noticing his smile

“Then you should be hot for a change,” he said as he
walked slowly up to her. Kathy thought her heart would
pound through her rib cage as she felt Bob’s thick, hot
lips clamp against hers. She opened her mouth and let
his wet tongue slide in while his hands roamed freely
over her grinding body. She felt every square inch of
her firm body growing warmer as Bob’s fingers probed
her ass, her crotch, and her boobs.

“OH FUCK!” Kathy heard herself moan as she felt his
fingers mash in her nipples. The room spun around
crazily as she gripped his zipper. With one quick
movement, she pulled the zipper down and slid her hand

“Come on and let’s cut out this crap,” Bob groaned as
Kathy wrapped her slender fingers around his stiff
prick. She almost cried out loud when she felt the heat
from his cock sear through her skin. Joe’s cock was
longer, but Bob’s had a thickness that she knew would
please her steamy snatch.

“Oh, shit!” Kathy said as Bob started to unbutton her
blouse. Before she knew it, Kathy felt her blouse slip
off her shoulders and Bob’s hand slip around behind
her. He was fumbling, trying to find the snap for her

“Fuck!” he cried in frustration, wrapping his fingers
over the cups of her bra. With one powerful pull
downward, he tore off her halter.

“OHHHH!” Kathy groaned, tilting her head back as she
felt her big tits, pop out and flop down on her heaving
chest. Bob backed away slightly and reached into his
pants, pulling out his big, thick cock. Then he moved
forward again and lowered his head, opening his mouth
and sticking out his tongue. Tenderly, he started
lapping at Kathy’s jutting nipples while he unzipped
her skirt. Kathy rolled her head from side to side and
moaned almost as loudly as the woman in the other room
as Bob laved her tits with spit.

“OHHHH!” Kathy moaned as she felt her skirt slide down
her firm thighs to the floor. She backed away slightly,
stepping out of the garment.

“Jesus, you’re wet!” Bob exclaimed as he stared at the
big dark wet spot on the crotch of her panties.

“UNNNGHHH!” Kathy groaned shoving her fingers under the
tight elastic waistband of her panties.

“Come on, babe. Let’s see those pussy lips of yours,”
Bob hissed as he stared at her quivering crotch.

“Ohhhh,” Kathy cried as she pulled her panties down to
her knees. The cool air of the room wafted against her
hot labes, making her cunt contract as Kathy stepped
out of her panties and kicked them into the far corner.
Kathy put her hands on her naked, creamy thighs and
faced Bob, throwing her long blonde hair back as he
moved his fingers through the thick jungle of blonde
hairs that covered her box.

“AIYEEE!” Kathy shrieked as Bob suddenly moved his
hands over her cunt-lips. He worked his fingers over
her fat, slippery labes. Bob squeezed them together,
rubbing the hot, slick edges together while he rubbed
his thumb over her blood-engorged clit.

“Oh, Kathy, I’m gonna have some fun with you,” Bob
groaned as he backed away from the woman and pulled his
polo shirt off his powerful chest. Kathy opened her
eyes and gasped when she saw his muscular, hairy chest.
It wasn’t as impressive as Joe’s. Few men’s bodies
were. But Bob’s was better than average.

“On the floor?” she said as she watched him open the
top of his pants.

“There’s plenty to cover the floor with,” he said,
looking around at all the costumes. This ought to do,”
he said, pulling off three dresses and throwing them
down in front of Kathy. “Get down on those. I’ll be
with you in a sec,” Bob said, shoving his pants down to
his ankles and lifting his giant, quivering prick into
the air.


“Fuck me! Fuck me! Ohhhh fuckin’ Jeeesus, FUCK MEEE!”
Kathy screamed as she squirmed on the dresses. Her ass
was on fire! Kathy felt her pussy drool out cunt-juice
like a broken dam. Her clit throbbed like a big bass
drum, beating crazily against her swollen labes as her
tits ached and twitched for relief. She never thought
that she’d do this for any man except Joe. But now she
was spreading her legs and hunching up her hot,
steaming snatch for Bob, producer of a show that her
husband had practically forced her to join.

Moving quickly Bob kicked his pants into the corner of
the room and walked slowly toward Kathy. The woman
watched his thick, heavily veined cock sway from side
to side with each slow step. Kathy thought she could
see the blood pound through the thick veins circling
his prick, pulling the reddening skin tighter and
tighter as pre-come droplets began to ooze out of his
expanding piss-slit.

“Oh babe, you’re as hot as a pancake griddle,” Bob
said, looking down at Kathy, obviously enjoying her
writhing, snaking contortions on the floor.

“Jesus, you gonna talk or fuck?” Kathy moaned. She
couldn’t believe that she was talking like some massage
parlor slut. Her pussy was all that mattered now. All
she could think about was Bob Decker’s cock and her
straining, aching clit. They had to fuck, put out the
fire that was burning up her quivering snatch.

Bob sank to his knees and crawled between her widely
splayed legs. Bob moved up until he was straddling
Kathy, and started nuzzling her jutting tits. He licked
the hot flesh of her tit, jabbing his tongue hard
against the tip. Then he engulfed her hard nipple with
his hot, wet mouth.

“FUCK!” Kathy groaned, hunching up her knees even
harder as she felt Bob’s teeth sink gently into her
sensitive nipple-flesh. She could feel the tip of his
hot prick bang against her ass-cheeks, crawling up
higher and higher until it finally brushed against her
swollen cunt-lips. Kathy wriggled her ass desperately,
trying to lower her ass slightly so that she could suck
in Bob’s cock with her slippery pussy lips.

But Bob obviously didn’t want to jab his prick into her
cunt just yet. He backed away slightly, still keeping
his lips tightly clamped over her nipple while he
stroked her other tit.

“NO!” Kathy cried as she felt Bob release her tit, then
trail his tongue between her boobs, digging the tip of
it hard against her chest. Slowly he slithered down her
panting belly until he reached her navel. He dug his
tongue into the sunken skin, then moved lower. Kissing
and licking her lower belly, Bob was moving his mouth
lower, and lower, heading for her cunt hairs.

“Oh, no, no, no! NO!” Kathy screeched, hunching up her
thighs, trying to impale her juicy snatch onto Bob’s
probing tongue. His tongue was tracing tiny circles on
her hot flesh, leaving a thick glistening trail on her
hot skin. Kathy groaned over and over as she felt Bob’s
tongue snake through the thick, blonde bush of cunt
hairs that surrounded her pussy.

He was purposely avoiding her swollen labes, moving
just inches away from the stretched, hot rubbery pussy
membranes while he stroked the sensitive skin around
her ass-hole lightly. He was teasing her, urging her on
to a higher climax than she’d ever had before.

Kathy wanted to pound her clenched fists hard against
Bob and demand that he satisfy her fiery pussy
immediately. At the same time, she knew that if she
left him alone, Bob would send her soaring to a sexual
level she’d never entered before — even with the
expert tonguing, sucking and fucking of her husband.

“AHHHH!” Kathy sighed deeply as Bob pushed his hands
under and grabbed her ass while he burrowed his face
deeper into her muff. His tongue stiffened and jabbed
in and out of her hot, sucking hole like a thin, sharp
pointed cock. He spread her cunt-lips then pressed his
mouth to the juicy hole, his tongue darting at her
clit. Kathy bucked and screamed like a wounded animal
when she left Bob tickle her sparking tiny organ.

“Oh, yes! Y-Y-YESSSS!” Kathy groaned, rolling her head
from side to side as strands of hair plastered
themselves on her perspiring forehead. She felt herself
drifting off into some other world filled with sucking
sounds, bright lights and contracting cunts as Bob
continued to play with her clit. He sucked the mound of
flesh and racking spasms tore at her body as she
lurched and tossed wildly, digging her sharp
fingernails into the skin of Bob’s neck as she fought
back the hard knot of orgasm that was growing quickly
in her belly.

“I’m gonna cum!” Kathy shrieked.

“Easy, easy,” Bob crooned, pulling away from her
oozing, dribbling pussy.

“Easy? Oh, God! I-I-oh, shit!” Kathy cried as she felt
her cunt contract crazily.

“If you cum, just don’t worry. I’ll make you blow and
cream all over again,” Bob panted as he went back to
his lapping and sucking. Kathy thought of the woman in
the other room and how she thrashed on the floor as the
Dane lapped hungrily at her glistening, exposed pussy.
For an instant, Kathy wondered if a dog’s tongue would
feel the same as Bob’s did now. She fought back the
idea and buried it–she thought–forever in her mind.
But it remained there ready pop up when the time was

“Ohhh! Ohhhh!” Kathy cried as she fought back the
torrent of orgasmic explosions that threatened to tear
through her cunt. Bob finally lifted his head from her
quivering cunt. He licked his thick, wet lips and moved
in between her legs.

“Christ! When are you going to fuck me?” Kathy moaned
as she looked up at Bob’s flushed face.

“How about right now,” Bob asked, smiling down at her
as he slowly stroked his mammoth cock with his right
hand. Kathy looked between her jutting tits, at the big
dick. Bob slid his fingers over the purple, widely
flanged prick-head, using the oozing droplets of pre-
come as a lubricant as he stroked his prick slowly back
and forth.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Kathy rasped.

“Ummm,” Bob moaned, bending down and licking at her
semi-parted lips as Kathy raised her legs and spread
them as widely apart as she could.

“I want cock!” Kathy cried crazily as she bucked,
thrusting her cunt toward his shaft.

“You’ve got it!” Bob said as he moved his pulsating
cock-head directly over her stretched, parted cunt-
lips. Slowly he hunched his thighs forward, driving the
prick-head slowly against her quivering cunt-lips.

“IN! IN! IN!” Kathy groaned.

“Oh, yeah!” Bob hissed as he pushed against Kathy’s
tight pussy lips. Slowly, the tip of his throbbing cock
sank between her sucking lips. As the head drove in,
her slick labes clamped tightly around his shaft.

“Oh, that feels soooo goood!” Kathy moaned as she felt
inch after inch of Bob’s hot cock drive into her cunt,
sinking quickly into her pussy like a red-hot knife
through a tub of butter.

“Doesn’t feel too bad to me!” Bob grunted as he made a
couple of fast quick fuck-thrusts into Kathy’s grabbing

“AIYEEEE!” Kathy cried, rotating her ass-cheeks slowly,
screwing her hips up as her pussy sucked in inch after
inch of Bob’s driving massive hot prick. Bob began to
move his ass around too, reaming out her out like she’d
never experienced before.