Quality Erotic and sex stories archive

I watch us fuck

With Paul sleeping in this Sunday morning I decide to go into our den and fire up the computer. As the whir of the hard drive signals the system booting up I think about how glad I am I discovered online erotica. Having been married to my husband Paul for twelve years I was feeling

Always horny bride

Where was she? I was at Helen Benson’s wedding reception and was wondering where she had gone. Helen and I had been friends since elementary school–best friends, in fact. We had been like sisters, and had experienced together the trials and tribulations of high school. Then came college and I went to the east while

Dolores Gets Mike All Messy

Dolores opened the door after returning from work after a tough day. She poured herself a stiff drink and took a long sip. She walked the short distance to the bathroom. She hadn’t pee’d since lunchtime and had to piss like a racehorse. She raised her skirt, pulled down her new Victoria’s Secret pink panties

Sex Service Chapter 1

He knocked on the side door of the large house and waited patiently. A young maid in livery opened the door and smiled shyly, blushing when she saw his blue, red lined cloak. “Mistress called for me,” he said, handing her his card. “Please step in,” she said. He slipped into the side anteroom and

Masturbating in her bed

“I knew you would be back.” The man addressing Sandra was old enough to be her father (or, maybe, her grandfather). Sandra stared at the table separating her from the man, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. “I was so sure of it,” he continued, “that I wrote this contract for you to sign.” The

Babysitter Temptress

Julia was the most gorgeous 18 year old I had ever seen, she had long red wavy hair and deep green eyes, an absolute vixen. Her figure was mature beyond her years and the way she moved when she walked would have taken your breath away. God could only have created such a creature for

Sex on the bus rear

He always sat in the third seat back. The outside seat. His posture let everyone know that he would not be moving. He always got on at Fourth street, always read the New York Times, and always got off ten stops later. How did she know? She was always at the Fourth street stop first,

Breeding your own harem

She was dripping wet. Freshly washed and still wet from her bath, she walked across the floor to him, her nude body colored reddish in the firelight. Stopping three paces from him she waited for him to look up at her. When he did, she grinned from ear to ear at him and wiggled so

Dani and the Principal

*Knock knock knock* Principal Ramsey adjusted the bulge in his pants and called, “Come in!” in as stern a voice as he could muster. Dani walked in, her short plaid skirt swishing as she turned to close the door behind her. “You wanted to see me, Sir?” “Yes. I understand you were raising a ruckus

Mother and Daughter’s Creampie fest

The day after I fucked Tiffany and her virgin friend Brittany in the security office I saw Tiffany again. She was with an older woman who was obviously her mother. I watched them come into the store on the CCTV system. Tiffany was wearing a tight t-shirt and a black mini. Her mother looked just

Call Me Mommy

As I entered the adult store, my mind took me back to a few days prior when I had bought my first jelly vibrator. I couldn’t take my mind off the mature lady that worked there. She had seen me looking at where they had the lesbian spanking videos, and had made some suggestive remarks

Your pasty little white ass

“Owww! Take it out!” said Julee to Mike her live-in boyfriend She dropped forward on her bed. Mike’s dick slid out of her ass. It was barely in her, but it had hurt really bad to her. Julee rolled over on her back. Mike sat on his knees looking dejected and frustrated. “You know I

Meeting madam Julie

I was coming back from work, when my master got me “We have some guests tonight, it is useless to change your clothes. Come on, I’ll introduce you to those who are already there.” Only one couple was already there. My master introduced me to them simply as “Katherine”, without saying that I was his

Exhibitionist Slut and the old couple

Meeting Lisa and Rick changed her life, they unlocked something inside of her, a passion and desire she could not control. She loved being with them, but her desires didn’t stop when they were apart. Having lost her virginity in the most public way possible she knew that she could only be satisfied by extreme

Lord and the kinky lady

It has been more then a forthnight since Lord Russell rode across the drawbridge of Castle Bowdoin.  Lady Pauline still a vivid picture,   standing with her forest green gown mostly covered by a heavy dark green cape.  Her hood pushed down on the back, hair blowing in the windy snow.  The hem of her

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