Remote Controlled dildo

Hi folks,

Here again is a story based partly on fact and partly on fiction (my
fantasy); I really did get the toy described in the story. The entire
story of the evening in town is true , apart from the use of the toy on
that evening, which fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your
point of view) is only in my dreams.

Poul usually gives me a sex toy in my Christmas stocking. It is not
really a Danish tradition (the stockings I mean – not the sex toy which
definitely isn’t), but I picked up the tradition when I lived in
Glasgow and I have always had a small Christmas stocking just for some
fun items. Poul was the one who got the idea to put sex-toys in the
stocking (we have to remove the toys before the children come in and
find out what we have in our stockings!). This time Poul had found
a cordless remote-controlled dildo! It is very exciting. The idea is
that you can wear it under your clothes and set it off any time you
like. You strap it on like a g-string. The top straps are wide
though, and the length can be adjusted so it sits firmly inside you.
It is penis-shaped with a rather large head. Batteries are inside it,
so it is about the length of two C size batteries, but it is still
bendable at the point between the two batteries, and the surface is
very smooth and soft. When you slip it in there is almost nothing
projecting, except a small, semi-hard plastic plate on which a small
vibrator is mounted. From the remote control you can turn on the head,
which makes a rotating movement right on the g-spot, and you can turn
on the small vibrator, which can be positioned so it sits right over
the clit. Both controls can be adjusted. At full speed it is almost
too much, but at the right speed it is fantastic.

Earlier that morning I had already tried it out. Poul couldn’t wait to
see my reaction, and to tell you the truth, neither could I! Just
putting it on was exciting, but the feeling when I strapped it tight
on, was in itself very arousing. The straps were like on a garter belt
around my waist, so it could be tightened quite hard without the
straps hurting. That meant that the little vibrator, which was designed
to stimulate the clit, dug itself into me so that every time I moved
it rubbed against my excited little nub.

Poul wanted me to try out different positions with it on, to see how
much I could move; there wasn’t really anything I couldn’t do. In a
sitting position the stimulation of my clit was intense; lying on my
knees and elbows with my bottom in the air, made the rotating head’s
movement against my g-spot feel very good. But actually it was when
standing up it was the best. Bending the pelvis forward while gyrating
sideways, stimulated both points to a level where I didn’t last long
and actually had a strong second orgasm very quickly after the first.
Poul was elated and kept hinting at how exciting this would be if we
did it some time when we were out together. I shuddered as I had a
picture of myself experiencing that kind of arousal in a public place.

Only a few days later an opportunity did indeed present itself. It was
the premiere of a Danish film, in which a friend of ours had a role as
a sex model. In was almost a porn movie, but the director, who is a
Danish lady, had managed to market it as a piece of erotic art, which
made it “acceptable” to all but the most conservative cinemas. The
girl we know plays a minor role, but she is actually involved in one of
the hotter sexual scenes. She used to be a nurse at the hospital, but
gave it up to pursue a career as an actress. She is very attractive so
I am not surprised that she was offered the role, but I am surprised
that she accepted it. However, she says this is her big chance, and
already after the first trial screenings she did get several much more
serious offers for good roles, so probably she was right.

Anyway Poul was dying to see this film. The girl had been a nurse in
his surgery theatre, and the thought of seeing her naked in a hot sex
act, must have been a very big turn-on for him. However, he didn’t
need to persuade or apologise to me as much as he had feared; I too
thought the idea quite arousing. I got excited by the thought of what
it would be like if it had been me, and I very much wanted to see how
she played the part.

We decided to go out to dinner first, then go on to the film at a late
showing, and finally, if we felt like it to a discotheque near the
cinema. I dressed rather conservatively, thinking that I would draw
unwanted attention to myself if I dressed too provocatively. I hadn’t
quite accepted the idea of having an orgasm in a restaurant or on a
dance floor! So I dressed in my business suit. That meant a knee
length skirt, but with self-supporting stockings as I wanted to have
the feeling of being as naked as I could under the skirt. I wore a
half-bra which Poul had given me and which I liked very much. It looks
nice and conservative, except that it stops right under the nipples,
lifting them up and stretching them. Alas my breasts aren’t quite as
they were when I was 16; they do not sag very much, but the flesh in
not quite as firm, so they wobble more when I move. Poul thinks it
looks nice, because it becomes more obvious when I am not wearing a
bra, but I don’t think wobbly breasts go with a business suit over a
thin white shirt. With the half-bra, as long as I am wearing a jacket
I am fairly decent, with controlled breast movements. Without the
jacket, however, it doesn’t take very much excitement before my nipples
stand out and protrude, making it obvious that I am naked under the
thin shirt. In certain circumstances as I like to show off my breasts,
I find it a good compromise.

Poul helped me strap on the dildo. I had to grab the control unit from
him otherwise we would never have got out of the place in time. It was
a weird feeling moving around with it inside me. I could feel it very
clearly when I moved, but I could almost forget it if I sat still.
However, it didn’t take much movement to get me excited. Even though
on the way to restaurant I didn’t turn it on, the movements of the car
kept stimulating me, especially my clit, so much so that I found it
difficult to sit still. Poul wanted the remote control back, but I
wanted to save myself for later. Anyway the movements of the car were
quite enough for the time being.

The lights in the restaurant were quite dim. That was fortunate
because it was one big room, where there were no secluded seats. I sat
with my back against a wall with a large mirror, with Poul right across
from me so he could watch both me and the room behind. We had a four-
person table for the two of us, so there was a bit of a gap to the
neighbouring tables, which were all occupied by businessmen. This was
a very expensive restaurant.

Poul wanted the control unit back and I gave it to him, knowing very
well what that meant. But that was part of the game and the real
reason we had gone there in the first place, so why not? We got the
menus and spent some time choosing. Under cover of the menu I had a
look at the other guests. They were mostly middle aged, but there were
a few younger and attractive ones around and I thought I saw several
eyes look away as my eyes grazed theirs.

The waiter returned for our order. Poul ordered first, but when it was
my turn, the dildo started to move. I threw Poul a quick, dirty look,
but couldn’t do anything except try to ignore it and order. Poul
stared at me with a kind of smirk on his face as he turned on the clit
stimulator as well. The waiter gave me a funny look as I sat upright
with a start. I had a hard time ordering. I couldn’t remember what I
had decided on and tried to bite my lip as I thought hard. Meanwhile
the excitement grew. Poul leant over and pointed at the item he knew I
wanted. The waiter looked at me for confirmation, but I could only nod
as I was biting my lip hard. He must have thought me very odd. As
soon as he left Poul turned it off. Now I almost didn’t want him to
stop, but it really wasn’t up to me.

I wasn’t really surprised either when Poul asked me if I wasn’t getting
hot. I really was – but I knew he just wanted me to take off the jacket
so he could watch how my nipples were behaving. As I slipped off the
jacket I looked around and noticed that almost all the men at the
nearby tables were looking at me. Even without the help of the dildo,
my nipples had started to rise in excitement. You see – I have this
thing about guys looking at me. I don’t really get embarrassed, at
least not when I am already a bit excited. I just get really turned on
by the thought of the effect I have on the guys. I know I can turn
heads and I love it when I can see their eyes drop to my front, and
then get embarrassed and look back at my eyes. The guys know very well
that the direction of their stare is obvious to me, but they just can’t
help it. I pretended to look for the waiter who should have been on
his way with our drinks. I twisted around in the seat a bit,
stretching my breasts against the fabric of the shirt, so the hard
nipples clearly stood out. So many pairs of eyes on my breasts! The
excitement grew and I welcomed the movement inside me again as the
waiter returned with our drinks. He couldn’t take his eyes off me.
When he finally left I could let go a little, but I still had to
control myself. I leant forward to toast Poul, and told him that if he
wanted to go all the way, it had to be now, because I had got to the
point when I didn’t want him to stop.

I grabbed the drink with both hands in front of me as Poul turned on
the clit-stimulator. I couldn’t sit still. It was so intense – and
in a restaurant right in front of 10 or 15 people more or less openly
watching me. I asked Poul to tell me joke, or at least pretend to, as
I needed to move more openly. He leant forward and whispered in my ear
that I should just let go; nobody would be able to imagine what was
going on anyway. I laughed as if he had told a joke, hiding my
involuntary movements as I could feel an orgasm approaching. I knew my
face was making the inevitable expressions indicating excitement, my
eyes lids were drooping, my breathing short and shallow, I was biting
my lower lip and my hips were sliding back and forth on the seat. I
didn’t really care any more how odd this behaviour might look to
people, or whether they were really unable to guess what was going on.
Poul’s eyes were alternating between my excited facial expression and
the front of my shirt. I sneaked a look down at myself and was
surprised to see how clearly my nipples were showing through the
material. I couldn’t help squirming around. Poul had found just the
right speed and I could feel the first small contractions indicating to
me that a large orgasm was no more than ten seconds away. My hips were
jerking forward in spasms and I arched my back as the first wave hit
me. I looked sideways through my half-closed eyes, and saw very
clearly the guys at the next table only perhaps three or four feet
away, surprised and staring at me, and not hiding that they were
looking directly at me. I could feel their eyes on my protruding
nipples, and I hoped I was giving them a good hard-on. In a final
spasm, I stretched backwards, throwing my head and shoulders back as if
bursting out laughing, thus exposing my exploding nipples as much as
the thin white shirt would permit. I collapsed leaning over the table
licking the liquid from the drink that had spilled over my fingers,
smiling at Poul as if that was the best joke I had heard for a long
time. The dildo was off but I couldn’t help jiggling about a bit in
the seat as the last waves of the orgasm subsided. Poul looked at me
and said he had never seen my nipples so hard and erect. Well, I
wasn’t surprised. First the half-bra would do that, and secondly they
always grow really hard after an orgasm and this was definitely one of
the better ones. I looked around again. Only a few of the men were
still looking at me, and all but one averted their eyes when I looked
at them. He smiled and nodded with a small wink and didn’t try to
conceal the direction of his gaze as they moved over my front. I loved
the feeling of his eyes on me and happily let him look as I returned my
attention to Poul. He wanted to know how it had been. I told him, but
left out the feeling of excitement I got from the other guys looking at
me. When the first course arrived the waiter looked at me again, but I
didn’t really care. By now everybody must have realised they had seen
all they were going to tonight, so I decided to concentrate on Poul and
the food. The food was great and I felt fantastic. I loved the
sensation of the dildo inside me in a public place – it was just so
naughty. I told Poul, who asked if I wanted another go at it, that I
thought that it would be stretching things a bit to do it again in
there, but I couldn’t wait to get to the darkness of the cinema where I
could really let go.

The film was due to start at 11:30 pm so we had plenty of time to
linger over the meal. In the end we were the only ones in the
restaurant and I had almost forgotten the previous display and the
dildo. However, when I stood up I could feel the dress sticking to the
back of my legs, which made me wonder just how wet I had got, and also
to worry a bit about just how obvious a stain was left on the skirt.

The cinema was only around the corner. Poul had complimentary tickets
so we bypassed those waiting for tickets and went right inside to the
bar. I guess I should have known that as Sofie (as the actress was
called), was a friend of ours, there would also be some of her other
friends there. I was surprised however to find not only quite a few
colleagues from the hospital, but also a couple of very good old
friends from my time at university, one of them with his new wife. I
had had a fling with him during a skiing trip with the University
Skiing Club, and I was slightly jealous of his new wife, even though I
had absolutely no right to be. She must have been more than ten years
younger than I am and dressed very elegantly in a revealing outfit,
very suitable for this kind of film.

I will digress a little from my story here, because I feel like telling
you a bit about my experiences with this guy. He probably had had the
biggest effect on my sex life, and was the cause of some of the most
outrageous things I have ever done.

I was in my fourth year of medical study, which in Denmark lasts
anything from five to eight years, depending on how, and in what you
specialise. I was finding it quite tough to follow the curriculum and
had got a bit behind in the previous year, and we were fast approaching
the first serious [PJ1]exam. For that reason I had given up working
part time in the casualty ward, which had been my main source of
income, in order to concentrate on studying. As it was, I was rather
hard up, and only the support from my parents kept me from going hungry.

In previous years I had gone on skiing holidays with the University
Skiing Club. These trips had been rather wild trips, with people
loosing all their inhibitions after a day of hard skiing and an evening
of drinking and partying. Everybody was teaming up with somebody and
some even changed partners several times during the trip. I was
probably one of the wilder ones, and was quite popular with the guys.
When they heard I couldn’t afford to go that year, they were very
disappointed, but not as much as I was.

They had the usual planning meeting at the beginning of January and I
felt very much left out, so I was surprised and pleased when the
president of the club called and invited me along to a party that they
were arranging. He said that at least I shouldn’t miss out on all the

We were all meeting at a nightclub. It didn’t have the best reputation
as it was considered to be a strip club, but I was told that this was
where the guys had voted to go (there being 12 guys and only 6 girls in
the club, the guys would always win any vote). We drank and danced and
had a good time. It turned out to be one of those evening where the
management invited the guests to strip if they dared. They paid 500
Danish kroners for anyone even to go up there, and then you auctioned
away your clothes, or rather the removal of them for further money. It
was all quite good fun, but only a few girls went up there and none of
them removed all their clothes, so the professional strippers had to
fill in.

At one point the ski club president asked for everybody’s attention: he
wanted to make a speech. I was surprised when he addressed me, saying
how sad and disappointed they all were that I couldn’t come along. The
situation had been discussed at the planning meeting, and he had been
instructed by the members at the meeting to put a proposal to me, which
would allow me the possibility of joining them anyway. That really got
my attention going – I was really dying to go along.

They would all share the expense of my trip and my lift card on
condition that I would go onto the stage and strip – and go all the
way. The extra money I earned doing that would pay for my pocket money.

Now I understood why it had to be this nightclub and on this night. I
was certain I knew which of the guys had got together on this idea, but
I was surprised that the girls had gone along and, under those
circumstances, splitting the costs. However, there was no way I could
say no, both because my reputation dictated that I accepted the dare,
and secondly because I would have done almost anything to be able to
go. (Actually nobody had to pay anything. This was the first time our
numbers had gone over 18, and as such we were entitled to a free place
for an instructor. They had decided to offer me the free place, but
thought they would make me pay for it!).

At the next call for volunteers the president called out that they had
one, so I didn’t get much time to pretend to by shy, or let them
believe that I was being pushed into this very much against my will.

On entering the stage I was given my 500 kroners entry prize. I was
determined to get as much out of the rest of the performance as
possible. I was wearing a red sweater over a thin satin top, long
black tight jeans and a pair of rather conventional panties. [PJ2] I
wasn’t wearing any tights, only a pair of short red socks matching my
shoes. I wished I had worn stockings and garters as all the
professionals did, but realised that I would have to make do with what
I had on.

I can’t really remember the whole sequence of events. I remember being
surprised to see how many people were in the audience. The previous
volunteers hadn’t been all that attractive, and I realised I was
probably the best looking of the girls that had been on the stage –
even including the professionals (I have never been very humble about
my looks!). I “sold” the sweater and the top first for a total of only
100 kroner, which disappointed me a bit. However, when I dropped the
satin top I really got their attention. I wore a rather large ring in
one nipple, which was not as common at that time as it is today. I was
aware that this would probably get their attention; it had that effect
on men. That was the reason I was wearing it. I had done so since the
summer, when I found it really provocative to go topless on the beach
flaunting the ring. Now the audience was catcalling and whistling. I
think they probably smelled a chance that this girl would go all the
way. I knew that by selling the tops first, I would be able to show
off my breasts as I bent down to undo shoes and peel off the tight
jeans. Well, anyway, before I was finished I had made another 2000
kroners, with panties alone bringing in 800. A total of 2600 for a ten
minute performance, which apart from a hairy bush which at this time of
the year, I hadn’t thought of shaving, didn’t show much more than what
people saw for free on the beach!

After the applause had died down a stagehand draped a big dressing gown
over me and helped me down, while another picked up my clothes and gave
them to me at the table. I didn’t really mind the guys playing a joke
on me, but I had decided to get my own back on them. I made a small
speech and thanked them for their initiative. However, I complained,
the money wasn’t really enough. I would have to invest in new clothes,
as my old ones were worn out, also 2600 kroners would not get me very
far on a ten day trip, so I had decided to keep the auction going and
auction myself away for the duration of the skiing trip!

The risk was negligible. I knew I would end up with one of them during
the trip anyway. There was only one I really didn’t want to be with,
and that was the one I was with last year. It had got a bit more
serious than I had planned, and it had been difficult to get out of
again. The last thing I wanted was for that to start over again. But
I knew he didn’t have a lot of money either, and though I am sure he
would have been very interested in buying me back, even if it was only
for ten days.

Probably because they knew they actually didn’t have to pay for my
ticket, they were willing to go along. I was a bit surprised but also
pleased when the first bid for 1000 kroners came from one of the
girls. She didn’t even look the least bit embarrassed. I told her I
was very flattered, but that I was afraid she wouldn’t get much out of
me because, even though I might find it fun to try, I didn’t want to
ruin her whole vacation when she found out that it really wasn’t my
game. She just laughed and said it wasn’t really hers either, she just
thought it might be fun! However, that got the bidding going.

Initially everybody bid. But soon a pattern developed. Jonas, as the
guy Poul and I was meeting at the cinema [PJ3]was called, seemed
determined to meet any bid. Also, unfortunately it seemed that the guy
from last year had more money, or was willing to gamble higher than I
had expected, as he kept following Jonas. A third guy Goran, also
went along, but he seemed to be talking to Jonas and only bid when he
knew Jonas would outbid him. I think it probably was obvious that I
wasn’t keen on getting back with the same guy again, so Jonas and Goran
kept teasing me by waiting until the second call of the opposing bid
before they reacted. One time I went and sat on Jonas lap and
whispered in his ear what it would be like if I was his, and I would
have to do anything he said because that would be the result of
him “buying” me. He had a hand far up the inside of my leg, when he
looked me in my eyes and asked half-mockingly, half-unbelievingly, if
with anything I really meant “anything”. I said yes, thinking he was
referring to the present position of his hand, but he had other things
in mind, because he gently pushed me off his lap and had a whispered
conversation with Goran. Next time they were about to be outbid by the
opponent, Jonas doubled the amount. Everybody looked surprised at him,
but as the guy from last year shook his head and gave up, Jonas said
that since I had agreed to anything, he had joined forces with Goran.
His first command would be that I would have to accept that I would
have to be with both of them. Everybody laughed like mad, thinking
this was a great “revenge” for my willingness to offer myself – but
actually I was so excited from the situation and the anticipation of
what it would be like that I could hardly breathe. Jonas’s and Goran’s
first privilege was to help me get dressed again, which they managed to
do while keeping me fairly decently covered from the others prying
eyes, but not without themselves getting a good look and feel of the

I won’t get into what happened during the holiday now. Only to tell
that there really wasn’t anything we didn’t try doing on that trip.
Normal relationships develop slowly and only advance step by step as
you get to know the other person’s inhibitions and limitations. The
fact that both Jonas and Goran felt they had paid for me, meant that
they didn’t hold themselves back from asking anything they thought
might be fun, exciting or daring. As I felt I had an obligation – I
did actually oblige with very few hesitations. We did it in all
imaginable positions and places. Nothing or no place was spared. They
told me how to dress and what not to wear. They had me in the men’s
changing room (with the risk of any other guy walking in on us), in the
ski gondola (which we had by ourselves, but which passed other gondolas
on the way), in the ski huts and once in the cloakroom of a
discotheque. They even offered me to the girl who had initially bid on
me. She accepted happily until they told her that it was a condition
that they could watch. I had accepted the situation and was a bit
disappointed when she backed down, not so much from not having sex with
her, but the thought of doing it in front of Jonas and Goran had seemed
so naughty. Towards the end of the ten days I was so tired that I
would fall asleep in the ski lifts and in the restaurants in the
evenings. It took me weeks to recover when I came home. I went out
with Jonas several times after we came back – whenever one of us felt
an urge for sex we would call and tell the other – and the other one
would always happily accept. However after a few months it started to
become a bit mechanical, as we really didn’t have any deep feelings for
each other, and when I entered into a more steady relationship it
stopped. However, I often think back to those days, and when I say
that I have tried almost everything – probably half of those things
happened during that holiday.

Well, back to the present story some 13 years later. Meeting Jonas at
the cinema was not a fantasy. He looked great, but not as great as
Jesper the guy he was with. I remembered him as being a friend of
Jonas’s back in university days, but he wasn’t a skier, so he was never
in on the “secrets” of our skiing trips, which the group kept very much
to itself. But here he paid a lot of attention to me; perhaps Jonas
had told him about the holiday? Jonas seemed very occupied with his
wife so Jesper talked to us about the film and Sofie whom he also knew.
He said he couldn’t wait to see her in the scenes he had been told she
was in, and as the talk started to get more into sex, I feared that
Poul would turn on the dildo again. He didn’t, but I was getting more
excited and couldn’t help moving about a bit so the little, so the now
inactive, stimulator would move against my clit. Fortunately the film
started right after, because I could already see Jesper looking
strangely at me.

Unfortunately we had seats apart from Jonas and Jesper; they were a
couple of rows in front of us, in the somewhat cheaper seats. Ours was
a deep and comfortable sofa where the armrest between the two seats
could be moved up like in an aeroplane, so you could snuggle up close
to your partner.

Already in the opening shots of the film there was a still picture of
Sofie, naked, kissing a guy. I cold feel Poul tensing and holding me a
little tighter. When she went off the screen he whispered to me that
he didn’t know she had that large tits and that he wondered if she had
had an operation. I am sure she hadn’t. They were not really big
enough for that; also the shape didn’t indicate that anything had been
done. I slipped a hand up Poul’s leg and grabbed him at the crotch,
being surprised that he was that hard after just one brief shot.
However he claimed that it was just as much from being with me in my
state. Even if it was Sofie doing this to him, I didn’t mind. I could
imagine what it would do to me if one of my handsome young male
colleagues were to perform sex acts on film in front of me on a big
screen. I shivered at the thought and snuggled up to Poul a little

The film wasn’t bad. It was about this lady, who after a divorce from
a boring husband decided to get a job at an escort service. Most of
the film was about the reaction of her friends when they find out.
Sofie’s role was to help her get going and provide the training. She
takes her along on a date with a guy who wanted two ladies to accompany
him and to spend the night with him. The main character chickens out,
but watches Sofie as she has to satisfy the guy’s wishes on her own,
taking the opportunity to teach her pupil a thing or two.

As had been rumoured, there wasn’t much left to the imagination and
there wasn’t any part of Sofie which we hadn’t seen when her ten
minutes of fame was over. She reappeared later, but then mostly
decent. Those ten minutes were so hot. I asked Poul to turn on the
dildo at a slow speed as the film was going on, but as neither of us
wanted to miss anything we kept the speed down. We stared in
disbelief at what Sofie was doing on the screen. I still can’t believe
that she did that. Afterwards Poul was practically stretching his
pants to bursting point. We were both very agitated and even out of
breath, and I didn’t mind at all when the hand Poul had around my
shoulder moved my jacket to the side, revealing my very excited nipples
stretching the thin shirt.

He tried to reach over to undo some of the buttons, but the movement
was very obvious, so I slipped a hand down the front and undid most of
them myself. Poul’s hand started to move the material aside, but I
felt very exposed to the people nearby so I turned more towards Poul.
However, as he held on to the shirt, it just resulted in my breast
being completely exposed. I looked down and saw, in scenes which had a
lot of light just how clearly visible the nipple was. I just hoped
that most of people would be concentrating on the film, because Poul
had now turned on the dildo to almost full speed, and I had no
intention of covering myself now. Poul kept looking at me rather than
the film, and soon had the other breast exposed as well. I grabbed a
nipple and started to massage it, losing touch with the film and only
concentrating on my own feelings. I slipped the cups of the bra all the
way down so all of my breasts were exposed. Poul couldn’t keep his
hands off me and gave up the staring and started to play with my
nipples instead. That gave me a free hand, which I used to grab his
dick and tried to stimulate him the best I could through the material
of his pants.

As my excitement grew so did my frustration, because in a sideways
position, turned against Poul, it wasn’t allowing the dildo to work on
my g-spot in the same way as in the restaurant. I wanted an orgasm
like the last one, one that this time, I didn’t have to hide. I pulled
the jacket over my exposed breast as well as I could, and sat up
straight watching the movie. But I didn’t see much because now the
dildo was working at its most effective. I sank down a bit to position
the clit-stimulator better, and soon the first warm waves started to
roll in. Poul was still staring at me. I moved a hand to his crotch
again and in doing so my jacket slipped away baring the nipple of the
breast closest to him. I tried to move my hand away from him to pull
it back, as otherwise it would be very obvious to the people on the
side as I sat facing the screen. Had they looked, I wouldn’t have
been able to do anything to prevent people from seeing my breast.
However, Poul pressed my hand on his dick long enough for me to reach a
state where I was losing it, and not caring about what people might
see. Poul knew me well enough to know that I would soon reach the
point of no return. As I leant all the way back in the seat, resting
my head against the high back with his other hand still around me, he
moved the other part of the jacket aside, exposing my other breast as
well. I knew he had done it, but now the orgasm was starting to build
momentum and I didn’t want it to stop. I closed my eyes to forget
about possible onlookers, and the first contraction hit me hard. I
bent forward in the seat, feeling how Poul’s hand, holding on to the
jacket, was almost pulling it off me. As the-clit stimulator dug
itself into me, I started shaking with a feeling so intense, that I had
to throw myself back in the seat again. I could feel my breasts
wobbling free as the next wave of contractions hit me hard one after
the other. Soon I couldn’t take it any more, and turned sideways
against Poul to minimise the effect of the dildo which Poul still had
going at high speed. I begged him to stop it, but he just grabbed a
breast and started squeezing it and playing with the nipple. In the
new position the movements of the dildo were again bearable, and as
Poul bent down to kiss me on the mouth, I felt a second wave slowly
approaching. In a less exposed position I didn’t have to worry about
other people watching me, so I could let go and stretch out the next
orgasm by moving slightly and adjusting the effect the dildo had, and
in that way prolonging it as much as possible. I don’t know for how
long I was coming but it seemed to go on forever. Finally I couldn’t
cope with it any more and begged Poul to stop, which he finally did.
As the movements died down, so did I almost. I collapsed against
Poul’s chest and only saw the rest of the film out of the corner of my
eyes. Sitting like this however, I watched Jesper in the seats ahead
turning around and looking at us. I wondered how often he had done
that, but didn’t really care – I was too content and tired.

I was half dosing and hadn’t even noticed the film ending before the
lights came on. I had a hard time getting decent without it being too
obvious, and only managed to do up a few buttons and close my jacket
before Jonas and Jesper came over. Both were very excited and
completely overcome with admiration for Sofie. They didn’t seem to
condemn her for being willing to go along with an act like that – they
just thought she was magnificent. I was wondering what it would be
like for her the next time she saw anybody from the audience who knew
her. I know I would feel very strange, and I am not usually shy. But
I would soon find out, because we were going to be with her at a New
Year’s party, only a couple of days away.

We stood inside the foyer of the cinema talking for a while, but when
Poul mentioned we were going to the discotheque afterwards, they all
wanted to come along. I think Poul was quite pleased as he appeared to
be very interested in Jonas’s wife’s dress (or lack of it) which was
now covered by her fur coat. This must have been disappointing for
him, judging from the way he hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away
before she put on the coat (and No, I am not jealous, I just think it
is fun to watch his reactions!).

The discotheque was packed. Judging from the number of couples dancing
close, they were probably mostly people who had seen the film as well,
and needed a bit of close body contact. I certainly did, so as soon as
we had found a pair of seats and had a drink I got Poul on the floor.
I didn’t have to do much dancing before my excitement again became
obvious to Poul. I would have thought that he had wanted to turn on
the dildo again, but he didn’t so we just had a slow and comfortable
dance, where my frustration slowly increased. We were watching Jesper
dancing with Jonas’s wife. Her dress was so open at the sides, that
most of her breasts were visible when she put her hands up around
Jesper’s neck. Poul had a hard time concentrating on me, and I teased
him a little. But the teasing was soon reversed, because when the
dance was finished Poul elegantly switched partners, so I was dancing
with Jesper. It wasn’t long before I could see Poul’s hands on her
sides touching her bare skin. I don’t know what got me most excited,
the way Jesper held me and rubbed against me, or watching Poul.

Soon however, we got separated by other dancers. Jesper had his hands
on my sides under my jacket, carefully caressing the outside curves of
my breasts and I was starting to get really excited from the dildo
inside me, when I suddenly felt it go on again. I couldn’t see Poul
anywhere, and soon I couldn’t look around either because I had to dig
my face into Jesper’s shoulder in order to not show the obvious signs
of excitement and pleasure which were rolling in over me.

I couldn’t believe Poul was doing this to me. That was really unfair;
he was practically pushing me right in the arms of Jesper. Maybe so
that he could concentrate on his partner in peace? I didn’t know what
to do. I couldn’t just stand there up against Jesper and all of a
sudden just twist and shake as the orgasm hit me. I guess I had to let
him believe he was doing it to me. I twisted in his arms so that one
of his hands touched the front of a breast. As he touched the hard
nipples, I gasped letting him know I was enjoying his touch. He picked
up the signal right away. I whispered in his ear that I was so excited
from the film that I almost couldn’t stand dancing like this, it was
too frustrating. I could feel his dick hardening and pushing against
me, as his other hand found the other breast under cover of the
jacket. Meantime, the dildo was working away and I was finding it
harder and harder to stay with the slow rhythm of the music. I started
to gyrate my hips, grinding against his hardness. He bit my ear, and
whispered that I was so hot. If only he had known just how hot! I
moved a bit away from him so I could get a hand to my front and undo my
shirt buttons. He looked down as my breasts emerged. I pulled the
shirt apart, so it was only the jacket which shielded the view from the
other couples. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him down for
a kiss as both his hands found a nipple to play with. I soon had to
stop kissing as I felt the first small wave of a new orgasm
approaching. I looked over his shoulder and saw Poul looking at me
over his partner’s shoulder with a dirty big grin on his face. I just
closed my eyes and concentrated on not making the oncoming orgasm too
obvious to Jesper, but as the first spasms started he moved a hand to
my backside end and pulled me hard against him. I couldn’t hide any
longer what was happening, I was just hoping that he thought it was his
work on my breasts and nipples in combination with my excitement from
the film that was doing it to me. I almost pushed him over when the
large contractions hit me. I think I bit his shoulder through his
shirt. As they subsided he pushed me away a bit and looked down at my
naked and very excited breasts which were bouncing with the last shakes
of my orgasm, and probably now quite apparent to any other dancers who
might happen to be looking. I wondered afterwards what he thought of
me, being able to orgasm like that on a dance floor, just from being
touched on the breasts. He pushed the half-bra back up covering the
bottom part of my breasts and carefully buttoned the shirt for me. I
couldn’t see Poul but he must have been watching and known my orgasm
was over because he turned off the dildo at just the right time. I
really couldn’t have coped with another double orgasm that night.

I left Jesper at our table, went to the toilet and removed the dildo.
I just couldn’t cope with any more tonight, and I couldn’t trust Poul
not to turn it on again at an awkward moment. Fortunately I had my
large business handbag along so I had a place to put it; it would never
have fitted into my usual evening bag. I was still dripping wet and
the stain on my skirt was quite apparent in the light of the toilet,
but I didn’t think it would be visible in the low light of the
discotheque. Back at the table Poul was deep in conversation with
Jonas and his wife about restaurants in Paris, so I ended up next to
Jesper again. He was very concerned about me and asked if I was all
right. It wasn’t long before he had a hand on my thigh, but
fortunately he never went any further. He was actually very nice and
we had a good intimate discussion about sex, Sofie and marriages. I
felt very relaxed and completely spent, so I was pleased that Jesper
just wanted to talk. He might have had [PJ4]different ideas after the
experience on the dance floor.

Poul and I had a lot to talk about when we finally got home. We both
felt that it might be awkward the next time we saw Sofie, and also the
next time we saw Jesper. However, we also agreed that that shouldn’t
prevent us from seeing them anyway. Finally we also agreed that the
evening had been unforgettable for both of us, and that we perhaps
could find other times to try it again.