Orgy fantasies

Shelly Cooper’s eyes were beginning to fail her after
twelve hours on the road. She had hoped to make it
straight through to Atlantic City tonight, but realiz-
ing that she still had four hours of hard driving ahead
of her, she resolved to stop at the next town for some-
thing to eat, and maybe even a little cat-nap in the

Her travels today had taken her across Indiana,
Illinois, Ohio, and now into Pennsylvania. The road
sign up ahead read: “Exit 11A, Bible Grove PA”.

Shelly took the off-ramp that lead to State Route 442.
She turned right onto the road, following the signs
directing traffic to Bible Grove.

It was nearly 11 PM, and Shelly wasn’t sure that there
would even be anyplace open in a sleepy little town in
the middle of Pennsylvania, where she could find a meal.

But when she entered the town her hopes were revived as
she saw a small diner’s over-sized sign lighting the
roadway, and advertising a “Trucker’s Dream” breakfast.

There were two other cars in the parking lot when
Shelly pulled in. A yellow Volkswagen Bug, and a police
cruiser. The decal on the door of the police car read,
“Protect and Serve; Keepers of Truth”. This struck
Shelly as slightly odd, but she dismissed it to an over
active imagination, stemming from so long on the high-

The inside of the diner was decorated with sports
memorabilia, mostly consisting of Pittsburgh Steelers’
prints, and banners from the 1970’s, and had an aroma
of fried pork. Seated at the counter were a man and a
woman. The man, wearing a police uniform, was busy
devouring a rather large hamburger, and the woman,
dressed in a waitress uniform that Shelly guessed was
roughly two sizes too small for her large figure, was
reading from a paperback romance. Both turned to look
at Shelly as she entered the dinner.

The waitress rose from her seat and stepped behind the
counter, “Well hi there darling. Have a seat wherever
you’d like. What can I get you to drink?”

Shelly chose a seat at the opposite end of the counter
from where the two had been, and asked for a coffee.

As the waitress approached with her cup of coffee,
Shelly noticed the pungent smell of cheap perfume, and
saw the pounds of caked on make-up on the woman’s face.
This blonde haired woman looked eerily like her own
mother, whom she had left behind in Indiana. She
chuckled at the realization that white trash must be
the same everywhere.

“Here you go honey,” the woman said as she set Shelly’s
coffee down in front of her, “my name’s Maybel. Are you
gonna have som’tin to eat tonight?”

“Yeah, can I get a burger, with lettuce and tomatoes,
and nothing else on it?” Shelly replied.

“You sure can. Do you want some fries with it?”

“No thanks. Just the burger please.”

Maybel walked away, and Shelly noticed the cop was
staring at her. He kept looking towards her, and when
she would catch him he would turn away. She figured if
Maybel was the only woman he got to look at during the
night, her own twenty year-old body must really give
him a thrill. It was somewhat strange, but she admitted
to herself that the attention was a little flattering.

The burger was much better than she had expected, and
she left a bigger tip than she normally would because
of it. The police officer had left already, and though
he gave her a good look as he walked past, he never
said a word to Shelly. Maybel had wished her well as
she left the dinner, and added the old, “You come back
now, ya’ hear!” for good measure.

Shelly was half way back to the interstate when her
dashboard’s “Check Engine” light came on. This was her
luck, she thought. She pulled the car over to the side
of the road, and turned the motor off. Shelly was no
mechanic, but she knew how to check the fluid levels,
and was hoping that she just needed some oil, or anti-
freeze to get back on her way.

After several minutes of checking, Shelly still
couldn’t see anything wrong with her engine, so she
closed the hood, and got back inside the car. When she
turned the key, the motor would turn, but wasn’t quite
catching. She thought it sounded as if the battery was
weak, and just wasn’t giving enough of a push to the

Just then she noticed the police cruiser pull up beside
her. The driver, the same cop she had seen at the diner,
rolled down his passenger side window and was looking
towards her.

Shelly opened her own window, “Hi, I don’t know what’s
wrong with it. The check engine light came on, and now
it won’t start at all.”

“Why don’t you lock it up, and I’ll ride you back to
town. Grady owns the garage here, and I’m sure, for a
ten spot, he won’t mind coming out to look at it for
you.” The cop said.

“I guess you’re my knight in shining armor then.” She
said as she stepped out of the car.

The cop introduced himself as Sheriff Rick James. They
spent most of the ride in silence, but Shelly caught
him looking at her chest a few times along the way. He
really must be hard up she thought.

When Grady returned, with Shelly’s car attached to his
tow-truck, he told her that the starter was shot, and
he wouldn’t be able to fix it until Monday, when the
parts store opened. It was Saturday night.

Shelly almost fell into tears at the news. She didn’t
have the money for a motel. She wasn’t even sure if
she had the money for the starter. Sheriff James
suggested that maybe he could find her a place to stay,
and even provide her with a day’s work on Sunday, so
that she could earn a few dollars for the repairs to
her car. He told her that tomorrow was the annual “Fall
Love Feast” here in Bible Grove. The first Sunday of
October, the whole town gathers in the square for a
dinner to celebrate the love, and friendships in their
lives. “It’s sort of a hoakey festival,” he said, “but
it’s a tradition that was started when the town was
founded, and we just hate to break with tradition
around here.”

Shelly was very uneasy with his offer. She didn’t know
him at all, and he had been giving her the creeps since
she first saw him with his stares. On the other hand,
she really wasn’t in a position to decline a place to
stay, or an opportunity to earn a little cash. She
asked him what kind of work, and he told her that she
could help with the set-up in the square tomorrow, as
well as the clean up after the festival. In between she
would get a free dinner, and earn fifty bucks for her

Sheriff James also said that she could stay at his
sister Mary’s until Monday. She has a large house,
lives alone, and he was sure she wouldn’t mind putting
a nice young girl up for a couple of days, as a favor
to him.

Shelly was still leery of his being so fast to make her
such an offer, but she couldn’t see any honest reasons
not to accept. This was a small town where people
looked out for one another. She would be foolish, and
even border-line rude to decline it.

That night, Shelly had several vivid, and erotic dreams.
She woke up after each one, hot and sweaty, as if they
had been nightmares, the only difference being that she
was highly aroused, instead of frightened after each
one. Shelly almost never dreamed, or at least never
remembered her dreams, but she assumed it was due to
being in a strange place, and feeling so vulnerable
without much money, and no car to drive away in, that
caused her sub-conscience to go into overdrive.

One dream had been about the Sheriff. He was in full
uniform, and standing over Shelly’s naked body, spread
eagle on a table top. Shelly’s arms and legs were being
held by unseen hands, and the Sheriff was working his
night-stick in and out of her.

Another dream had Shelly on her knees, being held down
again by unseen forces, sucking Grady’s abnormally
large cock, as the Sheriff’s sister Mary lay between
her legs, licking Shelly’s pussy.

She had other dreams, but they were filled with unseen
hands fondling, and invisible mouths kissing, or lick-
ing her. Even one with a ghost fucking her in the ass.
Each time she woke up with an uncontrollable urge to
masturbate herself to orgasm.

The next morning Mary, Sheriff James’ sister, woke
Shelly at 6 AM. They had met last night when the
Sheriff brought her to his sister, and asked her to
give Shelly a bed for the night. Mary offered Shelly
a dress to wear, saying that the festival had certain
requirements that needed to be followed, and she was
grateful that the woman was so kind. Mary also gave
Shelly a description of what would have to be done
today, how the customs of the feast were symbolic, but
absolutely adhered too on this day each year. She also
promised to stay close to Shelly through-out the
festival, and help her as much as she could with the

The dress was large, yet plain looking. It reminded
Shelly of a servant’s garb from medieval times. There
was even an apron included as part of the outfit.

Shelly felt as if she had stepped into another world
after hearing Mary’s description of the celebration.
She couldn’t believe in this day and age that there
were still people holding rituals that demeaned women
so. All day long she would be forced to serve the men
of town. She could only address them as Sir, or My
Lord. The women were only permitted to eat after the
men were finished, at tables set off to the side of
the square. This was male chauvinism at it’s worst she
thought. However, it was only for an afternoon, and
she did get to eat for free, as well as earn a few
bucks to boot.

The set up was fairly easy. All the women of town were
there, dressed in costume for the event. Some began
cooking, at the far end of the square, while the rest,
Shelly included, took on the task of making a dining
area. They assembled all of the tables, placed the
chairs around them, and then finished it with plates
and silverware. Around four o’clock the men began to
show up. Shelly hadn’t noticed it before, but she
realized that she hadn’t seen a single man all day.
Not even walking through the streets.

As the men appeared, they were greeted, and seated by
a woman, who would then fill his glass, and take her
leave with a curtsy. Mary had told Shelly that she
could escort her brother to his chair, and pointed out
where that was to be. When the time came, Shelly felt
thoroughly disgusted with this entire practice, but
reminded herself of the money she was making for it.

Shelly greeted Rick when he arrived, and walked him to
his chair. It was located at the head of the first
table, directly in-front of the small stage in the
middle of the square. She filled his glass, and he
grabbed her hand as she turned to leave.

“I know this is probably freaking you out. I can’t
imagine how strange it must look to an outsider like
yourself, but you’re doing a wonderful job Shelly.”
Was all he said.

She smiled, a little pleased with herself, and thanked
him for the compliment, then strolled back to where
Mary was standing.

The women served their men when the food was ready.
Shelly, having been assigned to Rick, brought him plate
after plate of food. When the meal ended, the women
were to clear all of the plates and silverware from
the tables, then fill their man’s cup again with wine,
before retiring to their own dinners.

The men told loud, and sometimes crude jokes, and
stories as the women ate their single plates of food.
Shelly asked Mary what all this servant, and ‘My Lord’
stuff had to do with celebrating love. Mary told her
that this was just dinner, and with a look of what
appeared to be sadness, that the love would come later.

After the women finished their meals, they cleared off
their own tables, and returned to their seats. Now was
the time when the men served them a glass of wine.

Shelly thanked Rick for the wine, and he placed a soft
kiss on her forehead, without warning, and simply said,

A band had taken the stage, and begun to play what
Shelly thought was waltz music, but she wasn’t really
sure. Her head felt a little dizzy, and she assumed it
was from a mixture of being in the sun all day, it was
very warm for October, and the wine she had consumed.

Shelly’s muscles began to feel very tired, yet mentally
she was wide awake. In fact, it seemed as though her
senses were excessively active. She not only heard, but
would have sworn that she could feel the music coming
from the stage. Her mind seemed to be going in circles.
As though it were racing, she couldn’t quite focus on
a single thought for more than an instant. She decided
to ask Mary if it would be acceptable for her to leave
yet, since she wasn’t feeling well.

She turned to Mary, “I don’t feel too good, do you
think..” Mary cut her off with a finger to her lips.

Then Mary leaned forward and whispered in her ear,
“Now, comes the love.”

Just as she said that, Rick put his hands under
Shelly’s arms and raised her from her seat. When she
turned, on trembling legs to face him, he pulled her
close and kissed her.

Shelly was furious that he would take the liberty to
kiss her without permission, but before she could pull
away and slap him, as she intended to do, she found
her body responding to his kiss. His lips felt so soft
and warm on hers, and his arms around her gave her the
greatest sense of security she had ever known. This
was so strange. She wasn’t attracted to him at all,
yet her entire body, and all of her emotions seemed to
be yearning for more of his touch.

When he broke the embrace she tried to say something,
but couldn’t muster the energy to speak. It was as if
her mind had lost control of her body’s actions. She
felt limp in his hands. Oh yes, she thought, those
wonderful hands.

Rick set her down on the edge of the table, then she
saw that all the other women were being showered with
kisses, and embraces from their men. Some were even
taking things further. Several women now had their
breasts exposed to their men. Mary, who was sitting on
the table next to her, not having been assigned a man,
was staring at Shelly with a look of lust as her hands
slid up to her own chest.

“This is getting out of control.” Shelly thought, but
she still couldn’t bring herself to do, or say anything
to protest the course of actions. Suddenly, she felt
Rick’s hands on the blouse of her dress. Like all the
other women’s dresses here today, the top was fastened
by a string-tie up the front of the blouse. He was
untying hers! She had to stop him, but as soon as she
thought that, she felt Mary’s hand on her leg. She was
slowly sliding it under Shelly’s dress. Shelly wanted
to scream, run, anything. But at the same time, she
wanted more. Her whole body was alive and aroused. Even
her hair blowing in the breeze seemed to be turning her

Before she could rationalize this, Shelly realized that
Rick had completely untied her top, and was now fondl-
ing her bare breasts with his hands, those wonderful
hands, as he slowly placed soft kisses on her neck,
then began to work his way towards her chest with his
lips. At the same time, she could feel Mary’s hand as
it found its way under the edge of her panties. Without
thought Shelly opened her legs wider to allow Mary
easier access beneath the soaked cloth. Her own hands
were now exploring the muscles of Rick’s arms, and
moving towards his waist. Shelly was in ecstasy.

Any thoughts she held of this being wrong, or strange
had fled. Her mind was tuned to one thing only,
pleasure. The rest of the night was a fuck-feast. By
the end of the evening she had made love to Rick, along
with several other men, multiple times, and even
experienced her first woman to woman encounter with

The next morning Shelly awoke, lying across the front
seat of her car at a rest stop along the interstate.
She wasn’t sure where she was at first. Had it all been
a dream? Her sore muscles, especially in her pelvic
area told her it hadn’t been. Those bastards! “They
raped me!” She thought to herself.

What to do now? How had she escaped? If it was real,
how did she get her car back, and when did she drive
to this rest stop?

That’s when she saw it. The video cassette sitting on
the floor of her car. It was labeled “Love”, and had
a small note taped to it. The note read: “You come
back now, ya’ hear.”

Shelly began to drive. She wasn’t sure what she would
do. She didn’t even know what direction she was heading
in. Then she saw the answer. A road sign up ahead.

“Exit 11A, Bible Grove PA”. Her nipples became erect.