The Friderika’s Blackmail Begins

I sat at my desk at work one morning, when my phone starts ringing, its a withheld number. I answer it, slightly cautiously, and I am surprised when I here my ex girlfriend’s voice. She sounds quite authorative as she speaks, not starting with any pleasantries. I am listening and can’t believe what I am

Lesbian fantasies 3.

She’s a busy sort, utilizing the finite minutes of each day, always directed, the day’s agenda planned at the office in the morning, or sometimes the previous evening, with me aware of it when I see that distracted look in her eyes. Sometimes I think this relationship is ridiculous, too many places where the quilts

A gold digger in the Gold Rush

Feeling akin to a gold miner in the Gold Rush, looking for that nugget among all the sand and pebbles, that nugget when found would make him a rich man. In the right hands, hands familiar with molding one into something else, the nugget dug from the ground becomes more beautiful and then even more

Revenge of the Old Boyfriend

I met my husband Jake when we were both sixteen years old. We were on a double date; he with another woman and I with a guy named Greg. We all went out to the movies and dinner and Jake and I couldn’t keep our eyes off each other. Within a week I had broken

Sometimes, When You’re Sleeping

Dear Diary, | Late at night, sometimes, you | whimper. I think it wakes me every I want him to use me. | time. | That sounds weird, doesn’t it? I | It scares me just a little; I know don’t understand. | right away that something’s wrong. | You’re as close to me as

First fuckdate

“Do you know what?” she asks him, in bed. “I know someone who likes you. Yeah, they do! Do you want me to tell you who it is…? You do? I think you should have to guess… I’ll give you a clue… it’s a part of my body. Can you guess?” His hands are running

Initial Explorations

I’m not sure if this is typical, but as long as I can remember I’ve known that my cock had two distinct states. I thought of the larger, stiffer, and more infrequent one as “big,” and the process of erection as “getting big.” And as long as I can remember, I’d had a habit of

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