Darwin Girls’ Middle School – Nudity Training

“So, tomorrow is your first day! We’re proud of you.
How do you feel about it?”

“Daddy, I feel great. It’s like I’ve got a new start, a
chance to really do good.”

“How do you feel about Darwin being an all girls’

“Pretty good. Boys waste class time, like showing off
and stuff. I think it’ll be more serious with all

“Where’s the boys’ school?”

“Um, Wallace is the old Springfield Elementary, it’s
only a couple blocks away from Darwin.”

“We got some information by mail from Darwin today. Did
you know all your teachers will be men, and the boys
will have all women?”

“I knew about our teachers. Some girls at the mall were
talking about it.” (Giggling was more like it. Like,
what we’d do if the gym teacher barged right in the
locker room!)

“The literature we got says that under the new laws,
corporal punishment may be administered by the
principal, without telling the parents in advance and
‘without recourse after the fact’. Do you know what
that means?”

I start to laugh. “Uh, he can kill us?”

“No, that’s capital punishment. ‘Corporal’ means he can
inflict pain, usually in public, to humiliate a girl.
And we can’t do anything about it. They give a couple
of examples, like ‘striking the student with a ruler
across the knuckles, or, in severe cases, giving a bare
bottom spanking.’ So if…”

“But he couldn’t, I mean he could I guess if that’s
what it says, but surely he wouldn’t dare! That would
be like, so gross! So pervy!”

“I don’t know the principal, so I can’t say. But I
don’t think they would mention it unless they were
prepared to carry it out. I can’t imagine a good girl
like you getting that badly in trouble. But I want you
to promise me two things.”


“One, that you really buckle down to your schoolwork.
You are 13 now and that means you aren’t a child any
more. And two, I want you to obey every order every
teacher gives you, without any hesitation or backtalk,
and if you think it’s unfair we’ll consider it when you
get home. I don’t want you to be the poster child for
corporal punishment. Let some other girl be the


“Now there’s some stuff about curriculum changes, but
it’s not very specific. I guess you know by now that
the reason for segregating the sexes is that boys and
girls are now on different learning tracks. All it says
here in the literature is ‘to prepare Darwin girls for
their future under the new laws.’ I suppose that refers
to Auction Day.”

I just nod. It’s kind of embarrassing to talk to your
father about that. They showed an Auction this past
summer on TV. There were all these girls who had just
turned 18 standing in line on a stage. And the camera
only showed them from the waist up, but you just knew
they were totally naked! Then each one came forward and
the 18 and 19 year old boys on the floor started
calling out their bids.

Then afterwards they showed the girls crying, saying
goodbye to their families, and getting into cars with
the boys and their parents, going to their new homes.
And of course we all knew that every girl would be
having sex with her new owner right away, whether she
liked him or not, and not just once but every day, or
even more than once a day. I’ve heard some boys want
it, like, all the time! I just can’t figure what a
school could teach me that would prepare me for that!
But it’s in my future, in every girl’s future.

That was the end of the conversation, but I could tell
my parents were both worried. I knew neither one had
supported the new laws, but they passed, and so that is

Next morning I put on my new school uniform, blue
jumper over white blouse, sneakers. That marked me as a
newbie, only 13 year olds wear blue. When I got to
school and thumbed the plate, the computer gave me
directions to the gym.

Many other girls my own age, all dressed like me, were
pouring in. There was a lot of chatter until the bell
rang and four men entered. The best dressed man was
even wearing a tie, which you hardly ever see these
days. He was like, an old guy, maybe even 50, with pale
blue eyes in a well-lined face. There was another man,
kind of short but very muscular, with him, and then
there were two younger men in blue uniforms who went to
the side of the room. The older man spoke first.

“Good morning. The man on my right is your gym teacher,
Mr. Herringbone, and the two guards in uniform are Mr.
Phillips on the left, and Mr. Cowszliz on the right.
I’m Mr. Trefthen, your principal.

“Ever since passage of the new laws last May, we have
been struggling with developing a different curriculum
for girls. As you know, each of you will be going to
Auction and entering into slavery on the Saturday
following your 16th birthday. Our job, our only job, is
to prepare you for that day and for a lifetime of
servitude. So we have had to jettison much of what we
used to teach girls your age, while continuing to teach
the boys at Wallace much the same as always.

“Your major course, and I will say it is the only
course that really matters, will last the entire
morning for all three years you are here. It is called
“How To Please A Boy”, and you can stop giggling now,
because there is a lot more to learn than just sex. We
have four teachers dividing up the 72 of you. You will
be studying and practicing such things as food
shopping, cooking and cleaning, personal hygiene,
application of makeup, etiquette, diction, and much
more. “Your second year of Pleasing will include
some physical contact with boys. You will learn, for
example, how to wash and cut a boy’s hair, and how to
give manicures and pedicures and nonsexual massages.
Boys will come up in groups from Wallace and you will
have an opportunity to practice these skills on them.

It is only at the very end of the second year that you
will see boys nude, when you practice showering them.
You will be wearing swimsuits.

There were gasps from us.

“Naturally, the boys will become aroused. But you will
have had sufficient training with our anatomically
correct dummies to know how to Please them while still
maintaining your swimsuit, or at least the bottom part
of it.

“You will be introduced to sexual intercourse, or what
we call Full Pleasing, in your third year, when you are
15. Your partner is chosen at random and varies with
each visit you make to Wallace. He will give you your
grade for the day. Consistently poor grades are a
warning sign to potential bidders, but an occasional
poor grade may be expected and can be erased by a
makeup exam with the same boy the next day.

Our experience has been that 15 year old boys are quite
easy to Please and consequently, most girls get
straight ‘A’s’ in third year class. Some boys raise the
bar by insisting that both partners experience orgasm.
We try to discourage this, because it is quite
unnecessary to be concerned about the pleasure of a
female slave, except of course at breeding time.

“You are probably pretty relieved that this won’t
happen for a couple more years. But there is one thing
we are going to ask you to do today that may surprise
and temporarily embarrass you. We are about to ask you
to take off all your clothes.”

We all gasp simultaneously.

“There are two reasons for this. The shyness you have
been taught as children has served you well, but you
are growing up and going into a society that, frankly,
is ruled by men. And men like to look. So we want you
to start getting rid of your inhibitions. All girls
will be taking a mandatory one hour nude gym class
every afternoon. Naturally we have modified the gym
curriculum to eliminate contact sports, and we do allow
socks and sneakers.

Each gym session will start with calisthenics, followed
by rope climbing or badminton and the like, but most of
your time will be spent on gymnastics. Mr. Herringbone
is an expert teacher, and will be assisting you as you
learn various skills. We feel the abilities to bend and
twist lithely that you learn in gymnastics will serve
you well in third year Pleasing.

“You are probably thinking right now about how
impossible it will be for you to keep your private
parts private under these circumstances. It’s not
possible. That’s the whole point. We believe you will
be surprised as to how quickly you adjust. And there
are certain protections for you built into the school
rules, the most important being that no teacher is
allowed to touch a student, whether she is clothed or
unclothed, except incidentally or to prevent imminent

“There are two exceptions to this rule. I am allowed to
touch a girl for disciplinary or health reasons, and
Mr. Herringbone is allowed to touch you while he is
physically assisting you in a gymnastics routine.

“As you exercise in the nude, you might notice teachers
coming and going, and some of them might wish to stand
on the sidelines and watch you. You will be too busy to
do anything silly like cover yourselves, so I suggest
you just ignore them. After gym, all girls are required
to take a shower, and as our showers are limited in
number, you will always share with another girl. You
may wish to assist each other in soaping up hard to
reach places. Do not be concerned if Mr. Herringbone or
other teachers observe you while showering, we are just
doing our jobs in making sure you are clean.

“The other reason we are about to ask you to disrobe is
that we are mandated under the law to establish for
each one of you a Dossier. It will contain a record of
any discipline taken against you and of your grades in
all three years of Pleasing Class, plus the boys’
written comments about your Pleasing skills. In
addition, your Dossier will include a complete
portfolio of nude photos of you, taken monthly over the
years you are here. As the months run on, a record thus
will be established showing how your breasts developed,
hips widened, labia thickened and elongated, pubic hair
developed, and so on.

“This is important to bidders, because not only will
they see your developmental history, but they can
project in their imaginations how you might look when
you are fully adult. Your Dossier remains here at the
school for public viewing until the day of Auction. Any
boy of any age at any time, whether of not he is a
serious bidder, can come by Darwin and ask to see your
Dossier. Of course, we cannot and do not try to weed
out boys who just come by because they like to look at
full color close-up photos of the exposed genitalia of
young girls. We provide a private room for viewing. On
Auction Day, the Dossier joins you in the backstage
room where boys may look at it and give you one final
genital examination before going out to the bidder’s

“At this point, I’m going to ask any girls who are on
their periods to leave and go to Room 227. Mr.
Carrington will be there to line you up and have you
pull down your panties to your ankles. Then he will
walk down the line and ask each of you to raise your
jumper. We will assume any girl not wearing a pad or
tampon is lying to us, and she will be subject to

A number of girls left, looking relieved and

“We have now come to the point where I am ordering you
to undress. At the end of five minutes, any girl who is
not completely naked will be singled out for special
attention and probably for discipline. You may retain
your shoes.”

For maybe fifteen seconds nobody did anything. We all
started talking and looking around to see what everyone
else was doing. But then I thought about what I’d
promised my father. And I looked at the two guards, who
were grinning like hell, and I wondered exactly what
Mt. T. meant by ‘special attention’ and I realized I
didn’t want to find out. So I fixed my eyes on him,
took a step forward, grasped the hem of my jumper, and
began to raise it. Immediately some of the others
started to do the same thing.

The hard part was after my blouse was off and I had to
choose between my little training bra and my panties. I
hesitated, then turned around with my back to Mr. T.,
facing the girls. A few were already topless. Of course
there wasn’t that much to see, basically just small
mounds, that’s all I have, too. With my back to the
principal, I shucked off the bra and just slid my
panties right down and off before I had time to think
about it.

When I turned carefully around, Mr. Trefthen was
looking squarely at me. He had been looking at my bare
fanny! I squeaked and covered my breasts with one arm
and my pussy with the other hand. He frowned. I looked
back over my shoulder and saw most of the girls still
had their panties on. I turned back, smiled at Mr. T.,
uncovered myself. He smiled back, took a good look,
then ostentatiously looked at his watch.

“Two minutes left. Hands at your sides when you are

At the end of the five minutes, we were all nude except
for two girls. One was a little thing, looked more like
twelve than thirteen, who was bare from the waist up,
looking pretty much like a boy on top, except for
bigger and softer-looking nipples. She still was
wearing panties. Her face was very red and her hands
were at her waistband. She appeared to be frozen.

Mr. T. didn’t say a word, just motioned to one of the
guards. Mr. Cowszliz stepped forward and leaned down
and whispered something in the girl’s ear. She gasped
and started to tremble. Then he kneeled in front of her
and very slowly peeled her panties down, his nose just
about touching her tiny bare slit.

Mr. Trefthen then turned his attention to the remaining
girl, who was still fully dressed. She was taller than
most of us and appeared to be older than thirteen, but
I don’t think she could be. She had jet black hair and
a slightly darker complexion, possibly Mediterranean.

“Your name is?”

“Golna Akham.”

“And why aren’t you naked, Miss Akham?”

“Because, sir, I am Muslim, and my parents would not
allow me to undress before a man not my husband.”

“Miss Akham, I understand what you say, but your
parent’s wishes, frankly, do not matter. Under the new
laws, while you are at school, the principal is
considered to be legally your parents. It is called ‘in
loco parentis’. If you cannot remove your clothing , we
will remove it now. We will remove it gently if you do
not put up a fuss. But if you struggle, your clothing
will be removed forcibly, and you may suffer some pain
as it is ripped off your body.”

There were gasps from the girls, followed by dead
silence. Miss Akham wet her lips as if to speak, then
compressed them. Suddenly a girl standing next to her

“Let the perverts do it, Golna. If you do not assist,
there is no shame.”

A very sad look came over Golna’s face. She nodded and
raised her arms. Mr. Trefthen had her turn around and
face us girls. He undressed her from the rear gently,
as he had promised. When she was down to undergarments,
he calmly unhooked her bra and lifted it off, showing
us the largest breasts in the room. Her aureoles, even
darker than her skin, surrounded prominent nipples. He
grasped her panties by the waistband and lowered them
all the way down, revealing a totally bare mound and
slit, the latter set off by two tender pouting lips.
Then he came around to her front.

“What’s this?” said Mr. T., pointing.

“It is fitrah, all Muslim men and women shave
themselves in that place.”


“It is the right thing, it is part of hygiene, we think
it is necessary, and looks better.”

“I told you all that any girl who was not naked at the
end of five minutes would get special attention, or
even discipline. There were two such girls. I would
like the girl who had to have her panties pulled down
to come here.”

The poor little thing sidled forward, an absolutely
terrified look on her face.

“What is your name?”

“Melissa, sir.”

“Melissa, I think you wanted to pull your panties down,
but just kind of froze, so I’m just going to give you
one spank on your bare fanny. Please turn around and
bend slightly forward, placing your hands on your
thighs just above your knees.”

It was over in a second. His hand made a kind of a loud
smack, but I think that’s just how Mr. Trefthen curled
it. I don’t think he hit her very hard, even though she
started crying. I felt sorry for her that she was so
embarrassed in front of us, but at the same time I was
glad to think I was smart enough to avoid discipline.

“Miss Akham, your case is a bit more serious. I want
you to continue facing the girls and start doing
jumping jacks.”

Of course it was very humiliating for her. It was even
embarrassing to watch. Her breasts bobbled about every
which way, and every time her legs came wide apart, her
outer labia pulled open and she flashed us pink. She
must have regretted being shaved.

“OK, stop.” Mr. T. turned to the guards.

“I want you to pick up a mat or two and take her to Mr.
Herringbone’s office. Have her do hard calisthenics,
anything you can think up, until she is hot and sweaty.
Then spend an additional 15 minutes making her pose for
you in any naughty manner you can imagine. You cannot
touch her. If she refuses any request, come see me and
we will proceed with more punishment.”

As they left with her, both sickos were grinning.

“OK girls, I’m going to hand out to each of you a
medical history form and a pen, it’s a little awkward,
but you can sit on the mats to fill it out.”

I kept my legs tightly together while I filled it out.
The form was just the usual stuff, immunizations, ever
break a bone, what drugs are you taking, surgery
history, etc. Until I got to the last page.

“Date of first period. …Date last period started,
Date ended… Date of first appearance of pubic
hair…Age at time of first masturbation…Approximate
frequency of masturbation, weekly…Describe in an
essay of 100-300 words your masturbatory techniques,
i.e., one or both hands, foreign object usage, if
penetration is effected, etc….In the last week, how
many men or boys have placed their penises in your
vagina…In the last month, year, lifetime. History of
VD, pubic lice?

Of course I’m a virgin. As far as the masturbation, I
figured I could safely underestimate how often, didn’t
want Mr. T. to think I’m like, a slut. Plus I kind of
toned down what I do. I mean, really 300 words isn’t
enough to cover everything, if you know what I mean.

He had us put down our forms. “Now I’m going to take
girls one by one into the training room for
photography, the rest of you can form a line, hands by
your sides, and Mr. Herringbone will start you out on

He looked at me. “Come, you were the first girl to
completely undress, please bring your form, thank you.”

He pointed to the examination room and walked behind
me, no doubt enjoying how my little bare butt waggled
as I walked. Inside, he took my weight and height. They
were the first things to go in my Dossier. Then while I
just stood there, he went right to the last page of my
medical history form. I blushed when I saw he was
reading what I wrote about masturbation. Then that went
in the file, too. Suddenly I realized any boy could
read it anytime.

Backstage on Auction Day, a boy could look at hundreds
of explicit pictures of me, read what boys I had
Pleased had to say, make me pose for an intimate
examination, read about or make me tell him exactly
what I do to jill off…and only then decide how much
to bid.

Finally it was time to be photographed. T. took one
shot of me facing him, legs together, so really there
wasn’t very much to see, certainly not much on top. I
don’t have much hair down below and what I have is
pretty fine (I’m blonde.). So really all he could see
is a tiny crease way down low. Then he took a side view
and one from the back, well, ‘that’s not too bad’, I
thought, ‘who cares about butts anyway.’

But then he had me bend forward, hands on ankles, legs
wide apart, snapping a half dozen pics from behind. And
then I had to get up on the examination table, feet in
the stirrups which he opened wider than I thought
possible. And then he crouched down and snapped away,
naming every part as he centered it in the lens,
telling me how nice I looked down there, embarrassing
me beyond belief. I didn’t have the brains to keep my
trap shut, I was so ashamed I couldn’t think straight,
I just blurted out:

“Do you see lots of vaginas?” Of course as soon as I
said it, I felt like an idiot.

“Actually, Miss Carruthers, I don’t expect to see any
vaginas. Vaginas are internal organs that can’t be
examined without a speculum, and I don’t intend to do
that. I think you are trying to find the right word. A
fancy word for what I’m looking at is pudendum, but few
people know what that is, Vulva is a reasonably polite
word, and I prefer to use that. Some will say slit,
some pussy, and the vulgar word is cunt.

” To answer your question, I suggest you think about
it. There are 219 girls in this school. But the new
laws did not go into effect until this semester. This
is first period and you are the first girl in this
room. So while I expect within a month I will have
photographed all 219, yours is the very first young
girl’s vulva I have ever seen.”

My next thought was to ask him if I got him hot,
fortunately I had learned my lesson and kept silent.
And when he told me he was done and I could leave, I
carefully kept my eyes above his waist.

I can’t exactly tell you what happened with Golna. She
never came back to school after that day, and I
understand her parents took the family elsewhere, which
would have to be out of the country, because the new
laws are national. Some of the girls say that the
guards made her masturbate in front of them, and got
mad when she couldn’t come, but maybe that isn’t true.

That night, my father asked me how my first day of
school went.

“OK, no problems, filled out some paperwork and like

“Good, I’m glad. Did you make some new friends?”

“Yes, and I met the principal.”