Drunken sex story

It was a lovely summer afternoon, and I was having a late lunch with
two friends of mine, Bill and Amy. It could have been nicer, it
could have been just me and Amy, but this was good too.

We were finishing up our meal, and Bill went in to the kitchen for a
minute. I looked at Amy and we shared a pleasant smile. I wondered if
it was possible she’d ever go for me.

It was a nice day, so I tried to concentrate on that instead of my
sexual feelings. I was enjoying a beer inside me, and it had been a
tasty lunch. Amy sat serenely, as if she were expecting something.

When Bill came back, he was carrying a plate with three small shot
glasses on it. The glasses were half-full of a bright blue liqueur,
and he set them on the table, one in front of each of us.

“Oh wow,” remarked Amy, “you’re bringing out the good stuff.”

I held my glass to my nose and inhaled a faint scent of cinnamon. I’d
never seen liquor this color and was wondering what it is.

“Summer is the time of love,” Bill replied cryptically.

“What is this?” I asked.

Amy looked at me with an encompassing smile on her face. “It’s sex
juice.” I looked at her puzzled and she continued, “It’s a special
potion. Once you drink it, your sexual desires are enhanced tenfold,
and you act out your fantasies.”

I laughed. “No way.” Bill and Amy just sat there holding their glasses
delicately. Apparently this was something they did a lot. Well, I
couldn’t say that I minded being brought in on their fun. I lifted the

“Salud,” said Bill. We all tipped back our shots.

It went down smooth with just a little bit of fire. I swallowed and
my mouth was filled with some strange spicy taste, like I had just
eaten a seasoned mango.

Bill set his glass down and smiled. “There, it should only be a few
moments before it starts working.”

There was a silent pause. I was feeling kind of strange, but it was
more the situation than the liquor. The silence dragged on, and I got
that feeling where you can’t remember the immediate past. As far as
I knew, we sat there for an hour.

Then, abruptly, Bill slid his chair to the side away from the table.
As I watched him, he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out his cock.
Whoa. I guess there must be something to this stuff, even though I
couldn’t feel it.

Bill sat there stroking himself. As he got hard, I could see he had a
nice sized member, maybe an inch longer than mine and thicker. I
looked over at Amy. Were we all going to sit here and masturbate?

Amy looked at me with a level stare. It felt like she was trying to
communicate with me telepathically. I just sat there are returned her
gaze. Then she kind of gestured over towards Bill with her head.

I looked back and forth between them. Bill was just sitting there
stroking. I couldn’t feel any effect on my brain. Amy was staring and
I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

Amy spoke. “Well?”

Suddenly I realized what she wanted. What kind of game were they
playing? I felt ill at ease, and I stood up, but it didn’t take their
eyes off me.

Why not play along? I walked over to Bill, somehow compelled by their
implicit suggestions. Bill smiled at me. His cock was very hard. I
knelt down.

Bill’s cock was pungent. I took it into my mouth and started sucking.
I was getting hard in spite of myself. It’s just the liquor, I told
myself, and my head bobbed up and down.

Amy made a quiet cooing sound. I looked over at her and she gave me
an approving smile. Her hand was down her pants and she was
masturbating. I went back to my work.

* * *

I had sucked Bill off and swallowed his cum. It was a week later, and
I was still thinking of it. Afterwards, Amy and Bill had acted pretty
much as normal. Amy had a small case of the giggles, like we had
gotten into our parents liquor cabinet, and ended up doing something
naughty under the influence.

Other than that, our friendships continued as normal. I had talked to
Bill over the week, and he and John and I had gone out to a movie, but
of course, we never said anything about the other day.

I thought about having his dick in my mouth. I think I liked it. Amy
seemed to really enjoy seeing us like that. She was frigging herself
the entire time. I don’t know if she came or not.

Then one Saturday when I got back to my apartment there was a note on
my door. I lifted it up and read. “Mark — come over. Amy.” Short and
to the point. Something was up, I wondered what was in store for me
this time.

Amy lives just downstairs, when I got to her apartment, there was a
slip of paper on the door with an arrow pointing downwards. On the
floor sat a plain cardboard box. More games.

I bent down and picked up the box, opening it. Inside there was a shot
glass stuck in styrofoam so that it wouldn’t spill. The blue liquid in
the glass gave off a familiar scent. On a piece of paper read “drink

I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out the glass. In for a penny, in
for a pound I suppose. I tipped back the glass and drank it down.

As I stood in the hallway, this time I could definitely feel an effect
from the blue stuff. My cock twinged. It hardened as quick as I’ve
ever had it harden. I had to unzip my pants and let my penis out, it
was so uncomfortable straining again the fabric.

I tried the door. It was unlocked, so I went right in. At first I
thought that maybe Amy wasn’t home. It was quiet, but then I heard
her call from the bedroom. “In here, Mark.”

I went in, and was greeted by quite a sight. Amy was lying on her bed,
naked. Her legs were spread apart, a chain attatched cuffs on her
ankles to a wide leather belt around her waist. She was lying on her
back with her arms under her, and I suspect her hands were cuffed as

“Hi Mark.”

I walked to her automatically. My dick was pointing straight out.

“Mark, please untie me.”

There was a slight urgency to her voice. I stared at those beautiful
tits that I had admired through clothes so many times. Her legs were
kept apart by the chain, and her pussy beckoned to me.

I got up on the bed, ready to plunge into her. She just looked at me
with pleading eyes. I was so hard. I mounted her with an urgency I’ve
never felt. She moaned as I thrust in and out of her.

She bucked against me as we spent minutes in rapid fucking. I reached
down and pulled on her nipples, and she cried out loudly in pleasure.
I’m pretty sure she was coming. I filled her pussy with my cum.

It was incredibly good. I fell onto the bed beside her, exhausted. We
lay there breathing heavily for a while. I felt like I was in a daze,
I’d nearly forgotten about drinking the liquor.

As I lay there, I head Amy speaking from someplace far away. Somehow,
this time she was speaking more forcefully.

“Untie me now, Mark.”

I rolled over and ran a lingering gaze down her naked body.

“Mark! Untie me right now!”

Her tone cut through my cotton filled mind and made me sit up in bed.
Mechanically, I released her from the cuffs, and sat there staring
like a fool.

Amy stood up and collected herself. She dangled the cuffs and chain in
front of her. She looked right at me with her deep brown eyes. I
couldn’t avoid her stare. We locked gazes. I felt like I was in over
my head. When she commanded me, I couldn’t help but obey.

“Put these cuffs on.”

I took the cuffs from her and snapped them on, binding my arms behind
my back. Then she went into the other room and came back with a glass
of sex juice. She took a gulp of it, and then put the glass to my lips.

She tilted it back and I swallowed the whole thing. I began to feel a
little light-headed. Amy pushed me back onto the bed and put the
leather belt around me. Soon my knees were bent and my legs were
spread apart just like I’d found her.

My dick was stiff as a board again. I was spread open and ready for
anything. I heard a knocking sound and realized that someone was at
the door. Amy left, and when she came back in, Bill was with her.

* * *

They used me for hours.

Amy delighted in teasing my bound body. She’d pinch me and stroke me,
but she’d never touch my penis. She sat on my face, and I tasted my
own cum out of her pussy.

Bill was in control of the session. He fingered Amy’s cunt and almost
made her cum that way. He teased her about being a naughty girl, and
then he spanked her for it.

They took as much pleasure from me as I could give. I sucked Bill off
again, and later he took my ass. Finally, after a near eternity, they
let me come. Bill put me on my hands and knees and ordered me to jerk
off. I did, while Amy licked my balls. I shot a load all over the
floor and then Bill grabbed me by the hair and made me lick up every
last drop of it.

Late that night, I sat up at my table thinking and drinking a glass of
beer. My body was sore from all the rough play. Bill had given me a
bottle of sex juice as a parting gift. It sat on the middle of the
table, full of maybe ten doses.

As I looked at it, I thought unconsciously of its tantalizing taste
and aroma. It was so bright blue in color, it caught the eye easily.
And it had sucked me in. I thought of all the different things I could
do with the bottle, all the people I could drink it with. Mostly,
though, I thought about Bill’s hard cock.