Me and my Step-Sis

It was an afternoon in July, I was about three months short of my
eighteenth birthday. I was practicing one on one basketball with my sister
Debbie, who would be nineteen in September.
Debbie is going into grade ten, while I am going into grade eleven at our
school. Debbie is on the basketball team, and I was showing her a couple of
moves. This one was to dribble up to the opponet, then pivot, while lowering
a shoulder, and then dribble around them, using the shoulder to block them
away from the ball.
Debbie dribbled up, and made the move, and went around me and made her
layup. I took the ball, and we did it again.
“Now, get the shoulder down low.” I said, as I dribbled by.
I did not shoot, just tossed her the ball. She did it again, and did it
well, shooting a basket.
“That’s enough” I said.
I grabbed a water bottle and had a quick drink. I noticed the top was loose,
but did not mention it to Deb.
She came over and said “I think that move will help me this year. I can’t
see many girls being able to defend that.”
She tilted up the water bottle, and before I could say anything the top came
loose, and soaked the front of her t-shirt.
The water made the t-shirt transparent, and the tits that I had noticed
bouncing while we played, I could now see quite plainly. I had guessed that
she did not have a bra on while we were playing, and the sight confirmed
that fact.
I remember thinking “Puffies.”
I expected Deb to turn away, but she just took the other water bottle and
stood there, and took a drink, letting me check out her chest. I think she
even pushed it out some, as she tilted her head back to drink.
I just had a real good look. Her tits were not overly big, but jutted out
nicely, and as I said had those nice puffy nipples.
It seemed like a little while, when she said “Finished staring?”
I blushed a bit, and quickly looked away.
Deb just laughed lightly.

In the house, I showered while Deb made us sandwiches. She was about done
eating, when I arrived in the kitchen. She headed for the shower, and I ate
my lunch, and hit the living room sofa, figuring on watching some of the
ball game.
A bit later Deb came in. She was wearing a pair of loose fitting shorts, and
a halter top. Rather than sit in one of the easy chairs, she slid on on the
end of the sofa, making me move my legs up.
She was quiet for a bit, then placing one hand on my knee, she asked “So,
did you like looking at me?”
She definitely caught me off guard with that. I looked at her, and could see
she was serious.
I nodded, as that was easier than saying something.
She looked at me sweetly and said “I was not trying to embarass you. I just
wanted to show you, show you that I want to be more open. I know that does
not sound right, but what I am trying to say, is I want to be able to talk
to you. About everything.”
I looked at her, I had no idea where she was coming from. Debbie and I had
always been close. My Dad died when I was five. There had been an accident
at the plant where he worked. Mom had never remarried, and while money was
not short for the first few years, eventually living on a fixed income,
while costs went up, made her go to work. I had been working part time since
I was fourteen, and Debbie had just found a job at the pizza place.
I guess my lack of an answer encouraged Deb to explain more, as she
continued talking “I want to be able to talk about sex with you. I can talk
to you about everything else. Mom tries, but her view is just a bit old
I nodded, and said “I will help if I can, I am just not sure of our ground
She just gave my knee a playful jab, and said “I am justing looking for
someone to talk to.”
Then she looked at me and smiled a sweet, sexy smile and added “For right
now anyway.”
I shrugged. I don’t know if she took that as agreement, but she suddenly
asked “You have had sex with a girl, or girls, right?”
I just rolled my eyes, and slowly nodded.
“Girl or girls?” She asked.
I again, was reluctant to answer, then finally said “Girls.”
She smiled and said “Thought so, Anyone I know?”
I looked down at the floor, not at her and said “What makes you think I am
going to tell you that.”
She slapped my knee and said “Listen up, I said I need someone to talk to, I
did not say I wanted to pull your teeth.”

We heard Mom’s car pulling in the driveway, and I said a silent prayer. I
needed some time to think.
Deb must have read my mind, as she said “Think about it, I really have no
close friend, and I want to talk. Judy is a good friend, but I don’t have a
best friend as such. I just want you to be my best firend in this, like you
have been for everything else.”
I nodded, and said “I’ll think about it.
Mom had our Aunt Marie with her. My Mom was thirty six years old. She had me
when she was nineteen. I knew Aunt Marie was a couple of years younger. She
was my Dad’s sister. She had been around a lot, ever since Dad died, and I
knew that over the years she had helped with money at times.
I watched my ballgame after that, and after supper I had to drive Debbie
over to her friend’s place, where she was spending the night.
Once in the car, Debbie quickly said “So, you think about it?”
“Some.” I said “But not enough.”
“So, Who have you done it with?” She asked.
“I looked at her, and said “I said, I want to think about it some more, and
I don’t know if I will tell you that or not.”
She just looked down, and said “O.K. Think about it. But in the mean time, I
expect Judy is going to want to play tonight. I know she wants to have sex
with me. What should I do?”
I nearly drove up on the curb. I pulled over and said “What?”
Debbie just smiled sweetly and said “You heard me, I know Judy wants to get
it on with me.”
I shook my head and said “So, what do you think?”
She piped right up and said “I don’t think I am ready for that kind of
serious stuff.”
I said to her “Just tell Judy that then. Tell her you are not ready. If she
is your friend, she should understand.”
Deb nodded and said “There is not time now, but I will tell you everything.
I hope maybe you will do the same.”
I pulled back out in traffic, and we were soon at Judy’s. When we got there,
I said “If you get uncomfortable, call. I can always come and get you.”
She smiled and said “Oh, I think I can handle it. I may even play a bit, I
just don’t want to do it all.”
She was laughing as she got out of the car.
I just shook my head.
Driving home, a thought suddenly hit me. Mom. I suddenly was ten years old,
and going to the bathroom during the night. I heard a noise, and looked down
stairs. I saw Mom on her knees, and she was lifting up Aunt Marie’s dress. I
don’t know why that popped into my head, but it did.
As I drove home, my mind was racing. The time I waited for Aunt Marie to
finish in the bathroom, so I could use it, only to discover half an hour
later, that she was not in there. Where was she? Suddenly little bits and
pieces made sense. Mom and Aunt Marie, all these years. I did not feel bad
about it, if anything I was happy for them.
When I got home, Mom was watching TV with my Aunt. I smiled to myself.
Mom said to me “Your Aunt is going to spend the night, she can use Debbie’s
I nodded as I smiled inwardly. That had occured lots of times in the past.
I spent the night watching TV in my room, and thinking. It was about eleven
and I washed up, planning on hitting the sack.
I went down and as I arrived in the Living room, Aunt Marie got up, and went
to wash.
I went over and gave Mom a small kiss, and softly said “Mom, She does not
have to sleep in Deb’s room. I know, and I am O.K. with it all.”
If I ever had any doubts, they were dispelled by the look on my Mom’s face.
It certainly left her speechless. I went on upstairs.
I slept good. I do recall a little dream about two good looking women in
their thirties having a little party in a bedroom.

I awoke the next morning, and went off to work. I took the car, and as I
only had to work until one in the afternoon, I picked Debbie up when I got
off work. Mom and my Aunt were going shopping (flea market Sunday), so I
said to Deb “I’ll pay for burgers, interested?”
“Sure,” She said.
We went to the drivethrough, then parked and ate.
Once we were home, I hit the shower, and then the sofa. I was going to watch
the ball game and maybe a short nap. I had a game that night.
Debbie soon came in, and came right over. She slid on the sofa, sitting next
to my chest, and looking down at me. “So.” She said “We on or what?”
I looked at her and said “I guess we are on, but I can stop whenever I
She seemed to think a bit, then said “O.K., but no chickening out. If you
stop, it has to be for a good reason. And one other thing, unless one of us
says different, everything we share is only between you and me. We tell no
“Good idea.” I said.
She smiled and said “So, who have you screwed?”
I just looked at her and said “I don’t think I am ready to just jump into
She stopped short and said “Oh.”
Then she added “I suppose, you are going to make me go first.”
I replied “Do you want to go first?”
She did not really answer that, just said “I will.”
With that, she said “Let me lie down with you.”
I was a little doubtful about that, but she pushed me back some, and quickly
lay down beside me. She had her back to me, and snuggled close.
She then reached over and taking my arm, pulled it around her, pressing my
hand to her belly.
She glanced back and said “Comfortable?”
I said “I guess.”
She giggled, and said “I want to feel close when we share stuff. It will
it easier.”
I think as a test, she let go of my hand, and I kept my arm around her.
“So.” She said “Where to start. You know I have gone out with Billy a few
time. We have necked some, and he has felt me up. I let him do that. I even
let him under my blouse, and under my skirt, but not inside my bra or my
panties. I have rubbed him, but only through his jeans. It felt good having
him rub me up, but I was not ready for more.”
I remained quiet, so she continued. “I liked what we were doing, and yes, it
turned me on, but, I don’t like him like that. I want to do it with someone
that is special to me. Billy just is not special. I mean we are friends, but
I don’t love him or anything like that. I don’t mean I have to love someone
first, but I want to at least care a lot more than I do for him.”
I just held her and let her ramble “It’s the same with Judy. I know she
wants to get into some heavy stuff. I mean oral sex with each other and all
that. I think she even has a vibrator, I just am not ready for that. Then I
think if I ever was to do that with another girl, then she would have to be
a better friend. I would only do something like that, if I was best friends
with her. Then that is only a maybe.”
I did not say anything
“So, what do you think?” She asked, then giggled and said “I’m not boring
you am I?”
I laughed lightly and said “No, you are not boring me. And I think you are
handling everything very well right now.”
Then she asked “When you screwed those girls, did you love them, like them,
how did you feel about them?”

The moment of truth had arrived.
I quickly said “Before I answer that, did you and Judy do anything last
Debbie giggled and said “Dirty boy.”
Then she giggled again, and said “We ended up playing with each other. I let
her feel my tits, and rub my cunt. But I would not let her put her lips on
me. I would not even let her kiss me, but yes, we did make each other cum
with our fingers. I would not let her put her fingers in me though. But when
she came, she wanted me to put my fingers inside her, so I did.”
She giggled again and said “So that what you want to hear, I had my fingers
in her wet pussy.”
I laughed myself, and said “You are enjoying this, aren’t you?”
She giggled and said “Yes, I am, I just want you to get comfortable with
I gave in and said “Comfortable, how am I supposed to be comfortable?”
She giggled and said “So, you going to answer my questions?”
I shrugged and said “Go for it.”
She squirmed and turned around, and put her arm around my waist. My arm was
still around her. She was intentionly keeping her hips away from mine. She
bent her neck and leaned her head on my chest, looking down and not at me.
“Sooooo” She let out a deep breath as she said it, then inhaled, equally
“How many girls you had?” She asked.
“I don’t keep count, but five or six.” I said.
“Wow.” Was her response.
Then she asked “I know any of them?”
“Yes, you know some of them.” I said.
She almost shivered against me.
The she whispered “For now, just tell me one name that I know.”
I hesitated, and she urged me on with a “Please.”
“Sherry Barron.” I said.
“Fuck.” She said.
“What?” I asked.
“I could have guessed that.” She said to me.
She then giggled and said “I’ll save the rest, so tell me, did you love any
of these girls?”
“No,” I said, “But then again, I did and do like them all. I consider them
all friends. There are only a couple of them that I really did not know very
well, and I have not followed up with them.”
“One night stands?” She asked.
“Yes, one was, not a one night stand, just at a party. I had just met her
that night.” I told her.
She paused and said “Maybe you had better explain that.”
I took a deep breath and said “It was after a ball game, you know during the
summer I play for the plant. Some of those guys are in their twenties.
Anyway, one weekend there was a big party, and I went. To make a long
story short, one of the guys girlfriends had brought her sister. She was
so we hung out at the party. there was drinking and even a little dope.”
She started to turn here, but I held her and said “I don’t do dope, but some
of them were. There was also lots of booze. I had a beer, but do not drink
as a rule, because I am under age. Anyway, she was older, probably nineteen
or so.
She was single and I was there single, so we danced. She was doing some
weed, but did not bug me to.”
I paused, and I could feel Debbie holding her breath waiting.
I waited some more.
Debbie nudged me with her elbow “Go on.”
I said “I was waiting for you to breath.”
She laughed softly, and said “Just get on with it.”
“So, the party was getting a bit wild. People were necking and there was a
lot of feeling going on. Cindy, that was her name, and I were dancing a lot.
On slow dances, she just wrapped herself around me.” I went on with my
I took a breath and said “I noticed some couples slipping upstairs, and some
others were feeling each other up right out in the open. Cindy just led me
upstairs, She did not say anything, just right up the stairs, and into a
empty bedroom. So we did it. I mean she was nice, and she wanted it, and
seeing all the touching and feeling going on, certainly had me in the mood.”
Debbie took a couple of deep breaths so I said “If you are having trouble
breathing, we can stop.”
I was laughing softly as I got it all said.
Debbie just laughed and said “You just go right on now, don’t be worrying
about me.”
I laughed again, and said “You asked for it.”
I went on with my story “I knew Cindy had definitely climaxed during, you
know, us doing it. But once we got back down stairs, it was like she did not
get enough. I think that is the drugs and booze. She had just pulled her
skirt back on and her tank top. No underwear. Anyway, soon she was dancing
with another girl, and they were feeling each other up. The other girl had
her hand under Cindy’s skirt, and I knew she was bare under there. They were
just getting onto the sofa, when a couple of guys got in a fight in the
other room. I looked back at Cindy, and she and this other girl were just
starting what looked like a sixty nine, when Tommy Carsen grabbed me. I had
gone with Tommy and his girlfriend. Tommy wanted to leave before any more
fights broke out, so we left, before I had a good look at the two girls
going at it.”
Debbie, was breathing now, faster than normal.
“Wow, that was better than I expected.” She said.
She suddenly rolled off the sofa, and looking at me, with a flush on her
cheeks said “I need a drink.Want a pepsi.?”
I nodded.
She disappeared, and was soon back and handed me a pepsi, and put her’s on
the end table.
“Need a leak.” She said.
She was gone about five minutes. When she came back. she had obviously
washed her face. She took a drink and sat down across from me in one of the
easy chairs.
Even now she was still a little flushed.
She smiled a funny smile and said “That story was hot.”
It suddenly dawned on me.
I slapped my forehead with my hand and said “You.”
She blushed and I knew I had her busted.
“You played with yourself.” I said, a little louder than normal.
She blushed again, and nodded.
The talk had made me horny, and I had a hard on that would not quit.
Truthfully what she did, is what I wanted to do. I was pressed over a bit,
into the sofa, trying to hide my hard on.
“Our talking, I got so horny, I was so wet.” She was trying to apoligize and
explain at the same time.
She stopped then and said “Christ, I’m stupid.”
She was looking down at where my hips were pressed into the sofa.
“I’m sorry.” She said.
I just looked at her. Her face was still flushed a bit.
She then whispered so softly, I could barely make her out. “If you want,
I’ll help.”
“What?” I exclaimed.
Her eyes were smokey and she whispered a little louder and plainer. “I want
to see it.”
I just closed my eyes and shook my head.
Then she said “I have never seen one. I felt Billy’s, but that was through
his jeans. It was not real big either.”
I only had a pair of loose shorts on. I slowly turned over on my back and
let my hard cock tent my shorts.
“Oh, my.” She whispered.
I went to get up, but she quickly rose and met me, wrapping her arms around
“Please, I want to see it. I caused it, let me help. We don’t have to do
much.” Her voice was coaxing.
My resolve was slipping, I was so horny.
She very gently pushed me back to the sofa, but she would not let me sit
she reached for my shorts.
My mind screamed “Stop her.”
But my hard cock screamed back, I don’t know what it screamed. but my cock
Debbie pushed my shorts down, and as she did, my cock bounced up. She gave a
nervous little laugh at that. My cock was sticking straight up in the air.
Debbie did not take
her eyes off my cock. She very slowly reached out, and very slowly and
gently took hold of my cock.
As she touched it I moaned, but not loud enough to drown out her moan.
She slowly stroked my cock.
She looked up at me, her face flushed, and whispered “It’s so big, it’s so
hot, it’s so smooth, it’s so hard, it’s beautiful.”
She was stroking me a little faster.
She whispered in a low, sexy voice “Cum for me. I want to see that also.”
I knew she would see it soon. Her hand felt cool when she first touched me,
but now her little hand, jerking me was so hot to the touch. I watched as
her hand held me, stroked me, and then jerked me faster. Debbie wears rings
on all her fingers and her thumb on her right hand, and I noticed them all
as she jerked my hard cock.
“Deb, I’m so close.” I was holding back, and wanted to warn her.
I really don’t think she knew what to do. So she just aimed it at her chest,
and jerked me hard and fast.
I quickly came, shooting cum all over her t-shirt. She just smiled as I
came, and aimed me right at her tits. Her t-shirt was soaked, and she looked
at it, then up at me. Her eyes were shining brightly.
She smiled and said “Awesome.”
She continued to softly stroke my cock, as it slowly began to soften. A
little cum dribbled down and onto her hand. She had cum on a couple of those
neat looking rings.
She was fascinated as my cock slowly wilted in her hand.
She looked at me again, and said “That is so neat, I want to hold it some
time and feel it grow also.”
I reached down and pulled her up to me. I hugged her close.

I knew then, that she would get that wish.