The Gangbang Scholarship

I looked at the two applicants as they walked in. Both of them were a bit
intimidated by the wealth used to furnish a simple office. The floor was a lush
red carpet and the furnishings were Old English. My chair had a high back that
looked vaguely like a throne. The desk in front of me was solid oak and every
piece of equipment on top of the desk was gold plated. This office was designed
to intimidate the fuck out of the poor teenage girls who came here for their
final interview.

My assistant April showed them in, and I could see the girls’ mothers
behind her. They obviously wanted to come in and safeguard their young women,
but it was not meant to be. Today was the most important day in these under
privileged girls’ lives, and I wasn’t going to allow parental prudishness to get
in the way of the girls’ futures. Or my own hedonism for that matter.

“Greetings, ladies. I’m Mr. Thomas, and I’ll be deciding if you are
worthy of our scholarship today.”

“My name is Yvonne,” the black girl said nervously. She was a delightful
looking young woman. She was a solid six feet tall but thin. She was graceful
for her height, not possessing the awkwardness I expect from a woman 18 years of
age. Her skin was a flawless coffee color and her hair was cut short in a bell
style that framed her face. Tonya was dressed conservatively, but her white
shirt couldn’t hide her lovely 34C breasts.

“And you must be Corina,” I said to the voluptuous Hispanic girl. Only 18
and possessing lovely 38C breasts, she had matured early and lovely. Long black
hair fell around her heart shaped face and long bangs highlighted her beautiful
doe like eyes. She was wearing a brown dress that came down to her ankles but
it couldn’t hide the very womanly hips she possessed. I’m sure the dress was
the most formal her family could afford but it didn’t suit her dusky complexion
very well. Corina would look much better without it.

Sigh, thoughts like that would have to wait.

“Please sit down, and let me tell you about the Arthur Thomas Society
Scholarship,” I said, motioning them to the two chairs in front of my desk. I
sat down and smiled as warmly as I could. I wasn’t used to doing warm.

“The Scholarship will provide one of you girls with a four year, all
expense paid tuition to any school of your choice,” I began. “In addition to
paying for your tuition and books, we also we provide thirty thousand dollars a
year for living expenses, so you don’t have to live in a stuffy dorm. You could
get a decent car, and furnish your new residence. If nothing else, you can bank
the money in case you flunk out.”

“Wow,” Yvonne said. English wasn’t one of her best subjects.

“Wow, indeed,” I said. “Now, can either of you two tell me why you were
selected to this very generous program?”

Corina raised her hand. I loved the discipline on girls fresh out of High
School. I motioned for her to speak.

“Because of our grades?” the Hispanic beauty shyly offered.

I laughed. “No, not for your grades. Yvonne has a miserable C+ average
while you barely broke a B average. Care to take another guess?”

Yvonne raised her hand. “Was it our after school activities?”

“Close,” I said. “Both of you were cheerleaders, and you were part of the
volleyball team. Both require fitness and a certain friendly quality.”

I let them digest that before continuing. “You see ladies, my associates
are all wealthy, successful men who are too busy to socialize. We are willing
to spend an extraordinary amount of money on a lovely, healthy young lady so
that she can get a wonderful start in life. Can you imagine what may be
expected of you?”

They thought about it and Corina raised her hand. “You want us to go out
with you guys?”

I laughed simply because it was so na ve. “Go out? My associates and I
do not go out. Dating is a complex social game that we have no interest in.
Want to guess, Yvonne?”

“Hmm,” she stalled. “If you don’t want to date us, then maybe you want us
to hang out with you?”

What do they teach women these days in school? “Oh yes,” I answered
sarcastically. “We are willing to sink a ton of money just so pretty girls like
you can talk to ugly men like us.”

“But you’re not ugly!” Corina interjected. Yvonne shot her a dirty look.
Oh I love catfights.

“True,” I admitted. “But my associates are much older than me. They’re
also out of shape. Quite frankly, if it wasn’t for their wealth, they wouldn’t
get laid at all.”

Corina and Yvonne giggled like girls briefly but then they realized what I
was saying.

“Are we expected to sleep with them?” Corina asked, her dusky skin paling.

“No,” I said. “Only one of you is. The scholarship goes to one special
girl who doesn’t mind fucking two dozen men.”

“What?” Yvonne asked. Her eyes were wide and startled. “Two dozen guys?
My mom would kill me!”

“Oh? Is your mom paying for your education?” I asked. “It says here on
your application that your mom works as a waitress. It’s been my experience
that young girls often take the same job as their mother. Do you want an
education or do you want to bus tables?”

She didn’t answer. “What about you, Corina? Does the idea of two dozen
guys freak you out too?”

Corina squirmed in her seat. “I’ve only been with one guy, and my father
nearly killed him. If they found out about this, they would disown me!”

I smiled. “Then lie. We are not interested in your private lives. We
only require you once a month. We will fly you on a weekend from where you are
attending college and have you back in time for school.”

“Once a month?” Yvonne asked. Both girls were shaking a little.

“Oh yes,” I said. “Once a month, you will be our plaything for a single
evening. It’ll be a nice, nasty orgy. We’ll most likely keep you all day long
and fuck you silly.”

Corina’s eyes were like gimlets and Yvonne’s coffee skin was just turning
paler. Yvonne was also clutching the arms of her chair tightly while Corina
seemed to be in a trance. I became a bit concerned that neither of them were up
for it. Oh well. I had a stack of applications to go through if that was the

“Ladies, you know the arrangement and you know the awards available,” I
said. “The question is, which of you wants a better future bad enough? Which
of you is willing to use the gorgeous body you were born with for something
better than fucking your teenage boyfriends with? Which one of you is going to
escape the uneducated future ahead of you?”

They were silent. It was time to weed one out.

“Since it is my duty in my group to pick our candidate for this program, I
must see which of you we want,” I said. “Both of you please take off your
shirt. It’s never good to buy a pig in a blanket.”

They looked at me, and then they looked at each other. Corina looked
frozen but Yvonne began. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off
to reveal a lovely pair of dark tits held in by a simple white bra. The young
black woman impressed me. She knew she wanted to win.

Corina had a dress, but she improvised. She reached behind herself and
unzipped the back of her dress. The front of her dress fell forward, and a nice
pink bra contained her sensual breasts. When the Hispanic youth crossed her
arms over her chest in modesty, I was sure she would quit first.

“Very nice ladies,” I said. “Now please take off your bras and let’s see
what you have to offer.”

Again, Yvonne complied first, taking off her bra with efficiency. She
stared straight ahead and placed her hands in her lap. I tried to catch her
eye, but the red blush to her face told me she was at her limit. Shame is
something she’ll get over. Her breasts were perfect. Nice, round and so young
that they were almost as perky as implants. I loved the dark richness of her
coffee colored skin and the way her nipples were as black as dark chocolate.
Yes, I could fuck those tits gladly once a month.

Corina was still hesitating. She looked at Yvonne’s tits with a look of
disbelief. I patiently waited for her to comply. I had Yvonne’s wonderful
chest to look at in the meantime. Finally, Corina slowly reached behind her and
took off her bra. The slow motion only heightened the experience, as she
slowly, carefully, revealed her unbelievable breasts. Gods, I had forgotten how
full and erect a young woman’s tits could be. Time hadn’t begun to pull down
those huge brown globes, and her nipples were only slightly darker than the rest
of her breasts. Corina went to cross her arms over her breasts but I shook my
head no in response. She unhappily placed her hands on the armrests and frowned
at me. Reluctant teens can be so sexy.

Yvonne was the picture of coolness, well, detached coolness and denial.
Corina was actually sweating. Her eyes were moving in frenzy and I knew the
Hispanic teen was about to run for it.

I stood up and both girls jumped in their seats. As I walked around,
Corina’s head swiveled to follow me while Yvonne just stared straight ahead. I
walked to between both girls and placed my hands on each of their shoulders. It
is amazing how warm skin can feel when the woman is nervous.

With my hands still on their shoulders, I bent down quickly took Corina’s
left nipple in my mouth. She squealed as my mouth sucked in her soft tit but
she put up no resistance. I sucked, I licked and I bit at her plump breast, but
Corina simply sat there. Her nipple got hard under my tongue and I kissed her
tit goodbye.

I turned around, and Yvonne was still staring straight ahead as I
approached her right nipple. Her nipple was already hard as it anticipated my
mouth. I bit down on the dark target and moaned as my teeth sank into her young
tender breast. Her skin was so soft, and their was a clean scent of youth that
filled me nose. I sucked at her tit with a passion.

“I can’t do it!” I heard and to my surprise, it was Yvonne who was
screaming. The black lady jumped to her feet and quickly put her bra back on.
I simply watched her, my hand still on Corina’s shoulder. I was sad to see
Yvonne put her shirt back on, but on the plus side, I’ll always have the video
my hidden camera was recording from behind my desk.

Yvonne ran out of the office and the door slammed behind her. That’s one
down. I looked down at Corina, who was just as surprised as I was to be the
only girl here.

“Your audition isn’t over yet,” I told her. “Remove the rest of your
clothing and I’ll have my secretary cut you a check today.”

Corina looked at me and I saw a brief flash of greed cross her eyes. For
the first time she saw just how possible sudden wealth was. She stood up, and
slid out of her dress, letting it drop around her ankles. Even her cotton
panties were no longer a concern for she discarded them quickly as well. Her
pussy had a light covering of black pubic hair, just enough to show she was a

“Very good,” I said, and meaning it as I saw how smooth and lithe her legs
was. I moved to the side door and motioned for her. “Now follow me,” I said as
I stepped out into the hall.

Corina’s eyes widened and she covered her sex with both hands. “Out
there?” she asked meekly.

“Really, Corina, how can we expect you to participate in our orgy if you
are too shy to walk into a deserted hallway?” I chided. “Don’t you have plans
for that thirty thousand dollars?”

That did it. She nodded once and stepped out into the hall. I took her
hand and began walking down the hall. I walked slowly, which only caused the
pulse in her hand to speed to rapid levels. She shrieked once when we passed
two businessmen and she couldn’t decide if she should cover her pussy with her
free hand or try to cover her massive breasts. The two men leered openly at her
but they kept their hands to themselves. To Corina, their leers were an
invasion of privacy she could have never imagined.

Finally, we reached our destination and I opened the door to the
conference room we had set aside. Corina’s dusky skin paled as she saw the
assembly of well-dressed older men sitting around a long table. She was
mumbling something, must likely a denial of reality. Still holding onto her
hand, I pulled her into the room and closed the door behind me.

“Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the winner of our scholarship
program,” I announced. “Her name is Corina, and as you can see, she is exactly
the kind of young nubile beauty we need. Spin around Corina and let your
sponsers see you.”

Corina clenched her eyes and spun around. The sight of her heavy breasts,
long black hair that fell halfway down her back and her sweet, innocent
movements enflamed the men around the table. They all leaned forward in their
chairs and openly lusted for the eighteen year old. Young and old alike, they
were pleased with their new acquisition.

“Very good, Arthur,” Mr. Merrick said. “As the handler of the selection
process, would you like first taste of our new prize?”

Corina gasped, just now realizing how soon she was going to be earning her

“No, I claim last use,” I said releasing Corina’s hand. “Go ahead,
Corina. You may begin.”

“Right now?” she said, looking at me in shock. The men were already
rising and unzipping their pants. I saw her eyes flash to the door and I
reached out and grabbed her chin. Bringing her eyes back to me, I spoke very

“Four years at any college you desire is the prize,” I reminded her. “You
could go out of the country, you could go to Hawaii for all we care. The thirty
thousand dollars living expense is yours to do with as you please. If you want,
you could stay at a dorm and send the money back to your family. We don’t care.
All we care about is that you earn your money and to do that, you begin right
now. After all you have endured, are you going to quit now?”

Corina thought about it while I admired her wide eyes. “No,” she said

“Then begin,” I laughed and released her chin.

Mr. Merrick took her by the arm and pulled her towards the rapidly
undressing men. His cock was already half erect, an impressive sight for a
sixty year old man. He sat her down in the chair he had occupied and took a
handful of her rich black hair. Corina stared at the cock that was head level
with her and when he pulled her head to him, she knew what to do. Corina closed
her eyes and opened her mouth.

“Ahhhh,” Mr. Merrick sighed as Corina took his cock into her mouth. The
other men applauded. Mr. Merrick moved her head up and down his cock. Corina
kept her eyes shut as he fucked her mouth. He buried himself in her mouth, his
gray pubic hairs crushing against her lips.

Behind her, Mr. Nanders stood behind her chair and leaned down to grasp a
ripe breast. Corina’s eyes opened in shock as Mr. Nander’s hand roughly
squeezed and fondled her tit. Her eyes flickered to the cock in her mouth, as
if she was seeing it for the first time. Mr. Merrick was moaning louder, and in
less than two minutes, he was already climaxing. His iron grip on her hair
denied any escape and we all watched as Corina’s throat swallowed her first

“Let’s get her on the table,” Mr. Bowenstein suggested. The group agreed,
and Corina barely had time to swallow before she was guided up onto the table.
The young Hispanic woman climbed on her hands and knees on the hard table
surface and the group of sophisticated wealthy executives cheered like frat
boys. The blush of shame on Corina’s face was starting to cover her entire

Mr. Nanders grabbed her ankles and turned her on her back. Corina lay
down and moaned in worry as hands grabbed each of her ankles and pulled her legs
apart. Mr. Nanders aimed his cock for her sex and he was the first to enter
that young pussy. It was a tight fit, and the rest of us laughed as Mr. Nanders
struggled to get his cock inside her. Corina squealed and twisted, but the
hands on her ankles kept her open while Nanders penetrated her.

“Let’s not let that mouth go to waste,” my friend Brian leered. Brian was
one of the few here who was my age, which just meant he was going to last much
longer than these old men. He climbed up on top of the table and moved to
beside Corina’s mouth. Squatting down beside her, he lifted her by the hair
towards his cock. Corina twisted her head and took Brian’s large cock into her
lips. It was an awkward angle, but Corina began to suck Brian who moaned his

Meanwhile, several men took turns groping her massive tits. Each of the
men was hungry to pull at her nipples and to sink their fingers into soft
plaints breasts. Pulled, squeezed, clutched and slapped, her breasts were the
main attraction. Her olive breasts was turning red from all the attention, and
when Mr. Vickers was the first to actually suck on her nipples, Corina moaned
with something that could have been lust. This only encouraged the other men to
give her nipples a try and before long, her breasts were slick from the tongues
of two dozen men.

“Yes!” Mr. Nanders growled, and he deposited his cum into our new toy’s
pussy. When he was done, Mr. Carson pulled him away, and took his place inside
Corina’s pussy.

Meanwhile, Brian was moaning himself as he exploded his seed in Corina’s
mouth. The young teen shook as she tried to pull away but Brian held onto her
hair as his seed erupted down her throat. I knew Brian, he wouldn’t leave her
mouth until her wet mouth had sucked every last drop of his cum.

The men were getting impatient. Both of Corina’s hands were pulled
towards waiting cocks. Her hands gripped their cocks with uncertainty, but the
older men didn’t care. Just the feel of her soft hands holding their firm cocks
was enough to cause both men to shiver. She wasn’t even masturbating them.
They held her hands around their cocks, and moved her wrist for them.

“Dios!” Corina cried out as the first bit of cum landed on her face. Mr.
Xavier had knelt just above her head and had been jerking himself off since this
began. The fat man looked comical as he knelt on the table, jerking his half
soft cock in a few inches away from our Corina. He just wanted to look at her
naked body as he ejaculated long streams of white fluid onto her face. Poor
Corina could only shake her head since her ankles and hands were still being
held. I can only imagine how difficult it was going to be to wash the cum out
of her silky black hair later.

Brian sat down beside me, exhausted but flushed with excitement. “This is
amazing!” he declared.

I nodded, watching Mr. Carson bend over double as his frail body
ejaculated inside Corina’s wet pussy. Mr. Zimmerman took his place, ramming his
hard cock inside Corina’s pussy with a vigor I wouldn’t expect from his skinny

“I don’t understand it,” Brian continued. “When you first suggested this,
I wasn’t sure it would be worthwhile. My slave Alexis gives me all the pleasure
I could imagine, but there was something so hot about Corina, I don’t understand

I rolled my eyes at the mention of his slave, Alexis. The bastard was so
besotted with her. He acted like she was made of gold or something. I didn’t
understand his obsession with Alexis, but I could explain Corina.

“Corina’s appeal is simple,” I explained. “These men all own women. Most
of them have small harems of women. What they don’t have is something they have
to share. That’s why this experience is so novel to them. For the first time
in their lives, they are taking pleasure from something they have to give to the
next man over. Look at Mr. Askew there.”

Mr. Askew was a short bald man who was straddling Corina’s chest. His
hands were squeezing Corina’s tits around his cock and he was fucking the
Hispanic’s breasts with passion. Corina was looking down at the white cock
emerging from her dusky tits with horror, knowing it would soon explode more cum
at her.

“Mr. Askew is fucking her tits because no one else has,” I explained.
“And after he is done, someone else will get jealous and take his place. Wait
till someone fucks her ass. After that, everyone will want to try it. These
men are so competitive, so greedy and so used to being in control, they are
getting turned on by just by keeping up with their fellow orgy members.”

It didn’t take long for Mr. Askew at all. Corina cried out in shock as
the cock between her breasts released their load. It was quite impressive; his
cock fired like a cannon between her tits, splashing on her pretty face.
Coincidently, the cocks in her hands erupted as well, and Corina’s hands were
now just as covered in cum as her scowling face.

After Zimmerman released himself as well, Mr. Stewart paused before
entering Corina’s now very messy pussy.

“Flip her over,” Mr. Stewart suggested. “I think I want to see how tight
her ass is.”

The men laughed but Corina was livid. “No! No! That’s wrong! You can’t
go there!”

The men stopped laughing and looked at her. Old fools. I stood up and
approached Corina’s body. She flinched when she saw the anger on my face.

“What nonsense is this?” I growled. “You’ll let men cum between your
tits, you’ll jerk off men and suck their cocks, but now you want to quit? Fine,
let her go gentlemen. She is not what we are look for. She can explain to her
mother how she wanted to be our slut and got cum in her hair.”

Corina’s panic was evident. Somehow, the idea of telling her mother
seemed worse than an anal invasion. I think she also realized how total her
purchase was. She wasn’t going to bargain with us. Either she was our slut,
with all the money that came with it, or she wasn’t.

“But I don’t know how,” Corina offered weakly.

I laughed. “Good, it’ll be better that way. Now turn over.”

Corina obeyed, moving stiffly as she rolled onto her stomach. She cried
out as her legs were pulled back so that she was hanging off the table. I
opened a bottle of lube that I had brought for the occasion, and squirted a
healthy dose onto her nice, round ass. Damn, she had a great ass. I was
jealous of Mr. Stewart for trying her ass first. Her buttocks were smooth and
full of promise. The wiggling was nice too.

Mr. Stewart placed his cock at Corina’s tiny anus and we all watched with
interest. Slowly, he pushed the tip of his cock into her. Corina moaned and
started to struggle, but two dozen pairs of hands were quick to hold her still.
In fact, Mr. Daniels gave her something else to worry about by placing his cock
in her mouth. I just hope she didn’t use it as a bit.

Corina’s anus expanded as Mr. Stewart slowly forced his way in. His cock
sank inch by inch and we watched as Corina’s ass clenched down hard. Mr.
Stewart moaned and he was sweating as hard as Corina was. Finally, he was
completely inside her and the rapture on his face was clear.

With everyone encouraging him, Stewart fucked Corina’s tight ass. Corina
moaned with each thrust, something that delighted Mr. Daniels as he received his
blowjob. Corina’s ass was clenching tight, giving Mr. Stewart the fuck of his
life. He was beaming with a smile as he slid in and out of her young ass.
Corina never ceased moaning as the virginity of her ass was given up.

Stewart groaned and his body shook. The rest of the crowd applauded as he
achieved his climax. Mr. Stewart simply smiled as he pulled his cock out of her
ass, and pumped the remains of his cum onto her ass. I am always fascinated by
the desire for men to mark their territory.

“I’m next,” Mr. Fuller announced, and Corina’s ass was filled again with
another cock.

It was an interesting assembly line of cocks. One cock in Corina’s mouth,
one cock in her ass and one in each hand. Some enterprising gentlemen took her
long black hair and wrapped it around their cocks, masturbating with her hair as
a sheath. Others were content to jerk off, the sight of Corina’s youthful body
squirming enough to excite them. These wealthy men were devoid of class and
etiquette as they feasted on the eighteen year old before them.

In time, all two dozen had their way with Corina. Two dozens loads of
cum had found their way to her, and two dozen orgasms brought smiles to the
assembled executives. When Mr. Gutherie was finished fucking her now well
traveled pussy, there was just one last piece of business to do. It was my

“Corina, come here,” I commanded. I was sitting in a chair, my cock erect
and ready for her. She looked at me with a dazed look on her young face and I
could see excitement spring to her eyes. This was the final humiliating act and
her duty would be over. Well, it would be over for today.

She slid off the table, and walked to me. Her beautiful black hair was
streaked with so much cum, it almost looked fashionable. The skin of her large
breasts glowed with the raw attentions of so much touching. I laughed as she
stumbled, her legs unsure of themselves after being fucked so many times in the
ass and pussy. I patted the top of my thighs, and her shoulders slumped.

“Sit on my cock, and as soon as you can cause me to cum in you, I’ll write
you your check. After that, you can clean up and leave,” I told her. “The
sooner I cum, the quicker you may go.”

Corina was breathing hard, exhausted by all that had occurred. She
stradlled my lap and I held my stiff cock up for her. Corina slid down and my
cock, her pussy easily accepting one more cock. She groaned as my cock filled
her, a cock full of youth and vigor, fully erect unlike the other cocks she
fucked. I could feel the seed of the other men inside her, and yet somehow I
wasn’t jealous in the least. I knew my cock would far overshadow theirs.

Her young tired body settled down onto my cock and I felt the warm globes
of her ass on my thighs. Corina’s breasts hung in front of my face, covered in
so much cream. She was breathing hard, exhausted and worn out. Corina looked
at me from beneath half closed eyes and my cock throbbed in response.

“I’m not doing the work here,” I told her. “Earn your pay and fuck me.
I’m too wealthy to do all the moving.”

Corina weakly moaned in frustration. Her hands gripped the back of the
chair and she slowly raised herself up. Quickly her pussy slid back down on my
cock as her thighs ached and relaxed. Again she slowly pulled herself up my
cock only to collapse once again, sinking down hard on me. It was fucking born
of exhaustion, and it turned me on to think of the absolute physical trial it
was for her to fuck me. No matter how hard it was, she was still humping my

The men were relaxing now. Pants were zipped and drinks were poured. It
was a worse atmosphere for Corina. She was still the star, but now the men were
just watching. She kept closing her eyes and I can tell she was starting to
really understand her role as our slut. Corina was here to be fucked, and she
was no more indispensable to us than the chairs or the tables.

“Faster, slut,” I chided. “Or slower, if you like fucking me.” I laughed
as her face scowled briefly before she resumed her whore face. She learned
quickly. Her tits bounced as the pace increased.

“Faster,” I growled again. Corina’s ass slammed down on my legs.

“Faster,” I commanded. The chair creaked as Corina fucked me harder.

“Faster!” I snapped. Her pussy made smacking noises as it impaled itself
on my cock.

“Faster!” I demanded. Corina moaned as she fucked me with the last of her

“Yes!” I hissed. Finally, my cock erupted. Corina’s pussy clenched as my
cum invaded her, spraying the inside of her wet and messy sex. The young woman
looked at me expectantly as I had my orgasm. I refused to answer her. Grabbing
her hips, I forced her down on my cock as I released my entire load into her.
She wasn’t leaving until she had drained every once.

“Excellent,” I said as I pushed her off. “I’ll finish the paperwork while
Mr. Roberts here takes your final measurements.”

“What do you mean?” Corina asked weakly. The tired teen had to lean on
the table while Mr. Roberts did his expert measurements with a tape measure.

“Well, now that you are ours, we need to insure you don’t damage our
property,” I said. “We’ll be fitting you with a chastity belt. Oh, don’t look
so upset. I would imagine after today you would have your fill of sex.”

She didn’t argue after that.

As I zipped back up, I couldn’t help but be amazed at how good that felt.
Maybe sharing wasn’t a bad thing after all.

The end.

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