A Day In The Life of a Gloryhole Stripper

Lissy showed up on time for her interview. She is a slender blonde
female, about 23, with an engaging, sweet smile. Her yellow hair
nicely framed her young-college-girl face. She wore a white blouse,
jeans, and sandals. her attractive feet showed off her red-polished

She told me that her name is Melissa, and she prefers that to her
stage name of Lissy. I asked how she got started in the scene.

“I was a math major at State, and basically I ran out of money. An
older girl I knew told me about the place, and said that if I was
interested she’s put in a good word for me. I said sure, why not, and
she said that I’d have to work my way up to the better paying jobs
there. She didn’t tell me what they were, but I figured if I didn’t
like it I could always say no.”

How did you start there?

“I went in and talked to the guy in charge. He had me take off all my
clothes and show him my body. I knew he liked what he saw, and he
said he thought I’d do well. Then we went out into the lounge area
and watched some of the girls prance around to the music. I told him
I could easily do that and I came back at six to start work. I did
the stripping act for about a month and then I told him I wanted
something more interesting or I was out of there. He told me about
the gloryhole part of the club which was at a different location.
Told me that the pay is per customer, and that the girls there
basically give guys handjobs and BJs. The thought kind of grossed me
out at first but curiosity got the better of me and I went along.”

What was it like?

“There are different levels of jobs there, and I had to start at the
bottom. Basically there was this room, about the size of a small
bedroom, and three or four girls worked each room. There were holes
in one of the walls – about five of them, each one about four inches
across. When there was a customer he was on the other side of the
wall and he’d stick his thing through the hole. Then one of the girls
gave him a hand job until he squirted. Then they’d be on their way.
The girls wore their bikinis when they were on the job.”

How did you like working that one?

“It was okay. The goal was to get the guys to pop off as soon as
possible, and I learned some things from the other girls there. By
the time the guys would come to the club, they were usually pretty
desperate and nervous, so it was usually possible to make them pop
fairly quick. I got to where I’d oil up my hands and the instant a
guy poked his thing through, both hands were on him. I kind of like
seeing a cock get even harder and helplessly cum when I work on it.
There were times when one or two of the girls didn’t show, and I
worked two of the gloryholes at the same time – I worked one cock in
each hand. The girls in that room got five dollars a pop.”

How long did you stay there?

“A month or so. Then I moved to the next step up, which is a better
deal. I have a room to myself, as does every girl at that level. It
has a hole in the wall for the guy’s thing, and the hole is a little
bigger. It also has a one-way mirror so the guy can see into the
room, but I can’t see him. There’s a little light that comes on when
he’s on the other side of the wall, so I know somebody’s there. I’ll
start with a dance – a strip dance. By then I get an idea of what he
likes to see, ’cause I can feel what part of my body he’s looking at,
even though I can’t see him.”

Amazing – what then?

“Well, I move around and get him aroused, and at some point I put my
finger through the hole and make a ‘come here’ signal. Within a
minute there’s that hard cock sticking through the hole. I’ll tease
him some more, making suggestive movements and faces, and then I squat
down in front of his cock. Remember, he can see all this.”

Yes – and then…

“Then I’ll handle his cock for a while, and sometimes his testicles –
that drives some guys wild. Then I’ll take him into my mouth, and look
up. I vary the tempo, and by then the guy shoots his wad. I pull
back just as he starts to cum, and I let him splat all over my face.
When he’s done, I stand up and make sexy faces as the cum trickles
down my face and drips off onto the floor.”

Wow – I bet you get repeat customers.

“I do all right. I see that bulge in your pants – why don’t you take
them off and I’ll demonstrate how I do a gloryhole strip for my best
customers – without the wall in the way, of course. In fact, take all
your clothes off. Yes, that’s it.”

I had my clothes off, and, naturally, my rock-hard boner stuck out
like a flagpole. Lissy stood about ten feet away and began her show.

She cocked her head down, looked into my eyes, and placed her hands on
her hips for a moment. Then with a serious expression she kicked off
her sandals, unbuttoned her blouse and removed it. She arched her
back and her beautiful small breasts jutted out. Her hands went to
her midsection and she slowly unsnapped her jeans and climbed out of

Lissy slowly turned around while kicking one leg back, then the other.
She faced me, put her knees and shins together, and sensuously rubbed
her hands up and down her legs several times. My erection throbbed.
Then with one hand on her hip, she extended her other hand and
beckoned me to come hither. I went over to where she stood.

She squatted in front of me and spread her thighs well apart. With
puckered lips near the tip of my erection, she tickle-touched my
testicles and erect cock until I began to seep. Then she opened her
mouth and wrapped her lips around my member. With slurping sounds she
moved her head back and forth. Some of the time her mouth was very
loosely around my member, which was shiny from her drool. Several
times I thought that any further stimulation would cause me to blast
forth, but Lissy always managed to restrain me.

After several minutes she probably sensed that my nuts ached and that
I was more than ready to give her a good serving. She closed her eyes
and sensuously went to work on my throbbing erection. In a matter of
a few moments I felt the inevitability of approaching orgasm. Just
before I started to ejaculate she pulled back. She puckered her lips
and smiled at the same time and aimed my erection at her mouth. While
my cock throbbed and pulsed in her hand, jets of milky fluid shot out
and splattered on her face, her lips, her chin.

When I had finished spurting, she milked the remaining semen from me
by hand. Then she smiled sweetly. The splatters of cum accentuated
the sensuous expressions on her face. She opened her mouth and put
one finger inside and moved it around as if exploring her own mouth.
I could almost feel my erection returning at that point.

Then, with an innocent look on her face, she got dressed and left.

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