Dan and Daisy the pervert couple

“NNNNNnnngggg!” The object which used to be Daisy Fulton let out a desperate,
incoherent grunt that sounded more animal than human. In fact, Daisy hadn’t
been close to human in a long time. Not since her last year of high school,
when Mama had gotten so terribly sick and had to go into the nursing home,
and her stepfather Jimmy said he could barely afford to keep her in that
shithole, let alone send Daisy to college. Instead, he suggested he go to
“work” for his friend Dan Mitchell. That would give her enough money to put
Mama in a nicer home, and maybe go to college after working for a year or
two. Dan was a big bear of a man with short black hair on his head and thick,
curly black hair over most of the rest of his body. Jimmy said he worked in
construction, but as he dropped her off in the driveway of Dan’s enormous
house, Daisy thought she’d never seen a construction worker who was that
rich. Oh well, she thought….maybe Dan owned the company or something. He
sat opposite Daisy in a small office in the front of his house, where he
looked her over carefully as she told him about her mother’s illness and the
money shortage. “So you’re looking for a job where you can earn enough money
to put your mother in a nice place?” he asked, rubbing his unshaven chin as
he looked her over. “Yes, Sir,” Daisy said politely. She was a pretty girl,
but not stunning, five-three with medium-sized tits and a decent figure. She
was an average student, too, smart enough for university although she would
certainly never win any major scholarships. “I’ll do anything, Sir. Jimmy
said you were looking for someone to be your personal assistant.”
“Assistant?” Dan raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I guess that’s one word for

Slave’ is more like it.” And he laughed so hard that Daisy chuckled
along politely, although she didn’t see exactly what was funny. “Are you
talking about, like, doing housework and stuff?” she said. “I’m a really hard
worker.” “There’s some housework involved,” Dan said, nodding slightly, a
smile still playing at the corners of his lips. “Now, did Jimmy tell you this
is a live-in position?” Daisy nodded. “He said I probably wouldn’t have any
social life while I was doing this job. But that’s fine with me. I’ll do
anything to make sure Mama’s okay.” Dan smiled. “That’s good. Are you ready
to start, then?” “Yes, Sir.” He laughed again. ”
Sir.’ I like that.

catch on quickly. Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” That had
been eighteen months ago. Now Daisy hung suspended upside-down by her ankles,
her swollen, distended breasts and pussy lips pierced with heated skewers
while Dan whipped her back, ass and and upper thighs with a bullwhip for some
small perceived infraction. She screamed with the pain, but had long since
ceased caring whether she lived or died as a result of her treatment. The
first thing he’d done when he got her downstairs to the basement was to lock
the door behind them. “You want your mother to be in the nicest nursing home
available, right?” Dan said. “Y-yes, Sir,” Daisy stammered, looking behind
him at the deadbolted lock. “Then you’ll do whatever I say while she’s in
there, understand?” Daisy nodded, although her heart began to race as she
realized that he might be thinking of raping her….or worse. “Put your hands
over your head,” Dan said. He held his arms straight up in the air to
demonstrate, and Daisy imitated him. In a flash, Dan had produced a pair of
handcuffs from his back pocket and fastened them tightly onto Daisy’s wrists.
She let out a squeal of protest, but she was too frightened to try and run
away. Dan fastened the handcuffs to a hook overhead, leaving Daisy struggling
to balance on her tip-toes so all her weight was on her shoulders. “Hey, what
do you think you’re doing?” Daisy finally managed. “You can’t do this! Let me
go!” “What do you mean, I ‘ can’t’ do this?” Dan laughed. “Looks to me like
you don’t have much choice in the matter. Remember, we could leave your
mother in that county home.” Daisy shuddered, thinking of the smell in that
place, and the vacant look in all the residents’ eyes. She couldn’t leave
Mama in a place like that. “W-what are you going to do to me?” she whispered.
“I’m going to train you for my little business,” Dan told her. “I have
clients who pay a lot of money to use pretty young girls like you.” A chill
swept through Daisy’s body and she began to cry. “No, please. I can’t do
that….please, no,” she blubbered, struggling as she dangled from the
ceiling. Dan laughed as he wandered off into the shadows. “I like the sound
of that,” he said. “You beg very well. People pay a lot of money to hear
that.” Daisy let out a scream as Dan re-approached her and began to circle
her thoughtfully. He was carrying a huge hunting knife that gleamed in the
dim light of the basement. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you….yet,”
he smiled. “At least, not if you hold still.” And with that, he began to cut
her clothes off her body with the knife. “W-hat are you doing?” Daisy sobbed,
trying hard but unsuccessfully not to struggle. “This is my b-best outfit.”
“Aaw, that’s so cute. You wore it for your job interview, didn’t you?” he
said. “That’s okay, I’ll give you lots of nice clothes to wear once we get
rid of these old things.” He tossed the shreds of her clothes aside and
circled her a few more times. Daisy had never been naked in front of a man
before, and sobbed copiously as he examined her. Dan ran his hands over her
body, lifting each of her breasts in turn, tweaking the nipples, stroking her
belly softly before working his way down between her legs. “Uhhh! Stop!”
Daisy moaned, trying to pull her legs together. Dan responded with a sharp
slap to her rear end. “Spread them,” he barked in a no-nonsense tone she
didn’t dare disobey. His fingers crept up between her thighs, parting her
labia and rubbing against her vaginal opening before creeping back and
prodding against her anus. Daisy wriggled her hips uncomfortably, but didn’t
say anything, just pressed her lips together and wept. Daniel’s hands
travelled back up her body, pressing in at her waist and seeming to weigh her
breasts one by one. “We’ll have to make some modifications,” he said finally.
“My customers like their slaves a certain….style. I’m afraid you’re not
quite shapely enough yet.” “What do you mean?” Daisy squeaked, more terrified
by the casual tone in his voice than she had been when he snapped at her.
“Well, your tits are nice, but they’re nothing special,” he said, absently
pulling at her nipples. “We’ll have to pump those up considerably. And your
waist….well, it’s entirely too large. We’ll have to cinch that in. Hang on,
I’ll go get you something to wear.” Daisy didn’t immediately realize what it
was Dan brought back from the next room, but when he began to lace it up, she
realized it was a leather corset with holes cut for her breasts to stick out.
She gasped as he began to lace it up behind her, pulling her waist in so
sharply she felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. “I can’t–I can’t
breathe,” she whispered frantically. “Not to worry. You’ll get used to it
eventually,” he said. When he’d finished binding her into the hot, tight
corset, Dan began to play with her breasts in earnest. Daisy shifted around
uncomfortably as he pinched her nipples hard. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?
Hasn’t anyone ever played with your titties before?” Dan said with a smile
that was almost gentle. Daisy shook her head, no, and Dan laughed. “What, you
mean you’re a virgin?” She nodded, nearly hyperventilating with fear and the
pain of the corset pressing her insides together. “I don’t fucking believe
it,” Dan said. “Jimmy’s found some good ones before, but never a fucking
virgin.” Daisy quivered as Dan erupted into another gale of laughter. He
pulled the handcuff key from his pocket and unlocked her wrists, and Daisy
wondered for a brief moment whether he was going to let her go. “Get in
there,” Dan said, pointing to another room. “We’ll take care of that little
virginity problem right now.” Daisy glanced furtively at the door, but Dan
was easily 250 pounds to her 130, and there was no way she could beat him up
the stairs with that corset on. So, meekly, she stumbled into the other room
as Dan walked slowly behind her. She heard the sound of him unzipping his fly
and locking a second door behind them as she realized there was a bed in the
room. “Lie down,” he said simply. “Let’s get this over with so we can start
your training.” Daisy sat on the edge of the bed and gasped as the corset cut
even deeper into her midsection. She swung her legs around and lay flat on
her back as Dan stood over her and lowered his jeans to his knees. “Have you
ever seen one of these before?” he said, stroking his half-hard penis. Daisy
shook her head slightly. “N-not really,” she whispered, staring at the organ
with a look of horrified fascination. “Not like….like that. I saw little
Mikey Olivera’s when I was babysitting him….I had to give him a bath….”
“Well, this is a lot different then, isn’t it?” he said with a smile. His
tone of voice was different now, huskier as his eyes roamed her body. “Y-yes,
Sir,” she whispered, not knowing what else to say. Her eyes widened with fear
as he approached closer. “Please,” she said. “Please?” Dan arched an eyebrow.
“Please what?” “P-please don’t.” He laughed. “Don’t what?” he said. “Don’t
p-put that inside me….” “Put what?” he said, looming near her face with his
nearly-erect penis. He was uncircumsized, and the head of his instrument
protruded from the foreskin like an enormous veined snake in a sleeping bag.
His entire lower belly and pubic area was thick with coarse black hair. “Put
WHAT?” Dan repeated. “Y-your–your thing,” she finally managed. “My ‘THING’?”
he echoed, and threw his head back to roar with laughter. “This ‘thing’ is my
cock, you little slut, and you’d better get used to saying that, because
you’re going to be begging for it before long.” Daisy’s face contorted with
disgust at the idea of begging for such a repulsive thing, and she turned her
face away from Dan. He gripped her jaw with his right hand and turned her
back to face him. “I’m going to put this in every hole in your body, slut. Do
you understand that?” “Stop calling me that,” she whimpered. “Calling you
what?” “‘Slut.’ My name is Daisy,” she said. “Your name is whatever I say it
is, slut,” he said, and squeezed her jaw a little tighter. “But here’s one
thing for sure, your name is never going to be ‘Daisy’ again. As soon as I
put my cock in your worthless little slut cunt, Daisy Fulton ceases to exist.
You belong to me….or to whoever I happen to sell you to. You want to keep
your mother out of that county hellhole? Then you are a slave. Bitch.” He let
go of her face and stepped up onto the bed, straddling her face with his cock
dangling over her mouth. “Open up, slut,” he ordered. “Take my cock in your
mouth. And if I feel so much as a hint of teeth, I’m going to cut off your
tits. Understand.” Her lips trembling, Daisy opened her mouth wide. Dan ran
the head of his cock around her lips, leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum as he
went. “You probably won’t like the taste of cum to start off,” he said
conversationally. “Most girls don’t. But you’ll get used to it, and then
you’ll probably love it.” He inserted the head of his cock into her mouth and
stroked her hair thoughtfully, almost gently. “Suck it,” he said quietly, and
smiled slightly, his icy blue eyes warming slightly. Daisy locked her lips
around his shaft and sucked it gingerly, nearly gagging on the taste. “It’s
okay,” Dan said. “It won’t hurt you. Flick your tongue around the end a
little bit. That’s a good girl.” He stroked her cheek as his organ grew
harder in her mouth, twitching with arousal. “You know, it’s been a long time
since I fucked a virgin. I’m going to enjoy this,” he said thoughtfully. He
pulled his cock out of her mouth and lay down on top of her, spreading her
legs with his, his weight crushing what little air she still had out of her
lungs. The look of pain in her eyes was intense as he pushed his cock up
against the entrance to her tight, dry pussy and slowly inserted it into her
hole. She moaned and wriggled beneath him as he began to tear her open
painfully. “Ah, there it is,” he said thoughtfully as her cherry blocked his
passage. A quick thrust of his hips took care of the blockage, and Daisy let
out a wail of agony and humiliation as he destroyed the virginity she had
worked so hard to preserve for her husband. Dan began to fuck her in earnest
now, as the blood from her maidenhead lubricated his journey, the squeals of
pain from the girl beneath him only serving to excite him more.

Daisy succumbed to the pain and lay back, waiting for him to finish. Finally
he slowed his thrusts, his eyes glazing over momentarily as his cock began to
spill its juices into her. When he finally pulled out of her, Daisy’s entire
chest felt like it was about to collapse as the corset pulled her body into
an unnatural hourglass shape. Dan set about tying her to the bed as she tried
to regain her breath. Once he had her arms and legs securely knotted to the
headboard and footboard, he leaned down and kissed her deeply on the mouth.
Daisy was too sore and humiliated to fight as Dan’s warm, wet tongue probed
deeply into her mouth. “I think you’ll do well, little slut,” he said, giving
each of her nipples another twist. “I’ll be back in a little while and we can
do something about these.

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