A couple of days after my mind blowing experience with the hot lady from Wal-Mart, my wrist was getting sore from jerking off. I hadn’t been able to hook up with my regular sex partners and the friends at Xhamster had been posting some hot vids so I was running out of tissue to wipe up the cum I was shooting.
Everything from exciting rim job movies with gorgeous BBWs to deep penetrating strap-ons were being uploaded. I wasn’t complaining, but I needed some real live action. The dry spell had to end and i figured that the best way to end it was to check out the local roller-derby league action. Those rough and tumble ladies were the kind that needed to blow off steam after a close game, and I was feeling a bit ready for some on my knees action. Being in charge is great, but sometimes I need to switch things up. So that’s how I found myself in the stands right next to the action as thick women in shorts, legs pumping and voices screaming circled round and round. I watched their big, muscular asses, go round and round and breathed in their exotic sweat. I caught the eye of one tall redhead with big tits. I knew that if she unleashed those twin balloons from beneath her jersey that I’d better watch out or I’d have bruises on my face. I made a mental note to include hand signals in my safety regimen because if I were smothered by those breasts I would not be able to voice it. She caught my eye and we connected. As she rounded a turn I read the name on the back of her shirt — …
busther. What?
A typo on the jersey. Shouldn’t that have been buster? But the it hit me — it wasn’t a typo it was a nickname — Bust Her. It was a play on those enormous tits and the fact that she was one of the toughest chicks out there. She gave shoulder and hip checks that belonged in the NHL. I hoped that I could withstand her onslaught.
After the match I waited outside. We didn’t have a chance to talk at all and all I had was a hope that she read my signals. I waited outside, fingering my cock through a hole in my pocket. I wanted to give a good impression. Lady after lady came out and I wondered if I had missed her. I stood beneath a street light, my hardon about to grow soft when the door opened and Busther came out arm and arm with another lady. This second lady wasn’t a roller derby girl. She was too big to be an athlete, probably close to 190 pounds, most of it in her ass and thighs. My cock sprang to life even as I extended my hand in greeting. ‘Hi, I was wondering if I’d missed you,’ I said.’ Busther measured me up and down, lingering a long moment at my crotch. The bigger girl giggled and hefted a shoulder bag. ‘I saw you in the crowd. Tasty.’ Busther turned to her friend. ‘Is everything in the bag?’ ‘Yeah,’ said the big girl. ‘I’m Margie. You got a car or what?’ A threesome was the farthest thing from my mind, but my brain reached out and grabbed it. ‘Right over there. The red Honda.’ ‘We’ll follow you,’ Margie said. ‘We’ll have to stop and pick up some food.’ …