Kinky Anal Secretaries – chapter 2.

“I guess I’m one of those girls that got started on finger fucking and cocksucking and managed to have so much fun out of it that just plain fucking never seemed extra-special. When I first started dating boys, I remember, I was really worried about getting pregnant. I suppose that’s because of Mom-she was always telling me when a girl got pregnant and warning me to be careful when I was out with a guy. The result was, I could often get really turned on, but whenever a guy started making noises like he’d like to get his cock up my cunt, I just turned off right there! “The guy I dated all through high school, I think he helped get me into this condition. Sure, he’d have liked to have had a nice fuck with me, but would you believe that we dated for almost two years before we ever did it? That’s a fact, baby! It was twenty-two months to the day after our first date when I finally broke down and let him get his cock into my cunt. And even then I made damned sure that he was wearing a rubber and that I’d squirted half a tube of vaginal foam up my hole before he did it. I wasn’t one to take any chances on getting myself knocked up.
“Jimmy, the guy I dated so long, was about as horny as they come but he didn’t mind if I only jerked him off. He was a little bit more experienced than I was and he already knew about eating pussy. That gave me the idea about going down on him, see, and after I found out how nice it was to have a guy’s prick in your mouth and how you could tease him along until his balls foamed over and he shot out about a gallon Of that hot, salty cream, I was just about as wild about eating dick as I was of jerking a guy off.
“See, I’ve always been just a pig about guys and their come. Somehow, the sight of a big, hard, fat cock standing tall and shooting that wonderful cream out into the air, that’s always really turned me on more than anything else, I guess. There’s something about the sight of it, knowing that I’m the one who got this guy all worked up and that I also brought him off so that he was squirting jism all over the place, that really makes me take off. Lots of times I’ve felt my pussy just boil over with my own come and I wouldn’t even be touching it and the guy wouldn’t be feeling it either. I guess that’s what you call a sympathetic reaction, right? “It’s a good thing I found out about how nice it is -to give a guy a hand job and how they can do the same back to me, because if I hadn’t, I know for a fact that I’d have just withered up and died long ago. Why, even on the very first date I ever had my panties were all soaked, just from being close to the guy, and we weren’t even kissing or trying to neck it up, even! And when I really started that stuff, I just about died! Lord, the first time a guy stood next to me and kissed me, so I could feel his legs pressing against mine and his chest squashing my titties down a little, I got so worked up that I could barely stand on my own legs! The first guy that ever tried anything with me was just wonderful. When he started brushing the tips of his fingers over my thighs I nearly fainted and of course I really let go when he started fingering my pussy through my panties.
“When I started dating Jimmy I really started finding out about guys. I told him right off that I was scared to death of getting pregnant and he said it was all right, if I’d just do him with my hand. He showed me how to jack a guy off, doing it real slow and easy till all of a sudden he just can’t hold it back any more, and then ending up with some real fast strokes of your fist. Man, the first time I ever saw him shoot off I was so proud of myself! And he was real good with his hands too. He could nearly always make me come within five minutes after we’d start necking and usually he’d keep after me till I’d come two or three times in his hand.
“Jimmy was the one who got me interested in that French stuff too. We went off on a picnic one Saturday afternoon and he had a lot of those pictures showing men and women doing things to each other. I was really shook up the first time I saw a shot of a guy licking a cunt. The idea of something like that was almost too much for me to handle. But Jimmy put his mouth on mine, after he’d told me that this was how he’d like to lick my snatch, and when I felt his tongue playing over my lips and digging into my mouth I just had to have his face between my legs.
“So I laid back on the blanket, after I’d stripped down to the skin, and he really did it to me. Wow! I’d had some comes before, I thought, but once he got his mouth right over the meat of my pussy I just went wild with it. He ate my cunt till I thought sure it was going to drop off and then he moved up and started kissing my mouth. Mmm, that was swell too, tasting my cunt on his lips and sucking my come off his tongue! It just made me so hot I could hardly stand it so I grabbed Jimmy’s cock and started pumping.
“He was stripped too and, before I knew what I was doing, I had him straddling me and I was mouthing the tip of his cock. He was kneeling right over my breasts and I was rubbing my nipples into his balls while I sucked, which made it all the nicer. And then he started to come! At first I didn’t want it in my mouth and I pulled away. The first jets splashed on my cheek and as soon as I felt that warm, slick stuff on my face I knew I had to have it in my mouth. So I stuffed his big cock back between my lips and started sucking the come out of him. Man, was that ever some delicious brew he was shooting out! “I know of some girls who claim that a man’s come is the awfullest stuff in the world but, believe me, back when I was seventeen or eighteen and going with Jimmy or a couple of the guys I dated after he and I broke up, I thought that come was just the best stuff in the world! I think I could have lived on the stuff, almost.
“Well, it wasn’t long till Jimmy and I were really French artists. He liked to tease me along, to play with my pussy till I was almost ready to come and then ease off, so I’d just simmer for a while. There were times when I wanted to come so bad I’d almost cry. Hell, I’d beg and plead with him to stick his tongue up my cunt and finish me off but -lie was too smart for that. He’d just lay back and there wasn’t a thing I could do to force him into finishing me.
“But then I got smart and started paying attention to what I was doing. I learned how to play with his cock and balls and to get him so blasted hot his nuts would almost fall off, he wanted it so bad, and once I’d given him a good case of the ache, he learned not to leave me dangling so long. But I’ll say this for putting it off and stretching it out till you think you’re going to die, you want to come so bad that when you finally do make it, you really come! “Once Jimmy and I broke up, I had it a little more difficult. He’d fucked me a few times, mostly on real special occasions, but 1 just never could forget about getting pregnant. That always stayed in the back of my mind, even when my cunt pumped away like a fire hose, and I guess that’s the main reason I never came quite as well that way. Most of the guys, though, they thought it was kid stuff to “get by with hand jobs and several of them were really down on blow jobs and eating pussy. I remember this one guy he nearly kicked me out of the car when I started licking his cock.
“You cheap little bitch!” he yelled out, jerking his prick away and scooting away from me till you’d have thought I was something drug in from the garbage heap. “If I’d known you were a cocksucker, I’d never have taken you out!”
“But by that time I was really hooked on the French way and I just figured that, if he couldn’t dig it, too bad for him. There were lots of guys around who didn’t mind a bit having their dicks sucked, and a fair number of them were really ready to chew on a girl’s pussy too. So I was getting mine pretty regular, even if it wasn’t in quite the same way as most of the other girls.
“I guess I was about twenty when I met Paul. He was real nice, just the coolest guy you’d ever want to see. And did be ever love tonguing me! Man, I could lay over him for an hour or two, just rubbing my cunt into his mouth and going down on that big fat cock of his! He wasn’t nearly as quick to come as a lot of guys I’ve known, and I could spend a long time working the skin back and forth over the head of his dick, running my tongue around that groove where the head meets the shaft, and licking on his balls. But when he finally let go, man! It was like Old Faithful up at Yellowstone. The way he could spurt out that love juice! “We were spending one Saturday afternoon in his apartment, loving it up like it was going out of style, when he tried this new thing on*me. I don’t know why I did it, but I was stretched out over him, just having myself a ball with his cock, when all of a sudden I got this idea to jab my finger into his ass. He bad a real cute little asshole, with a fringe of black fur around it, and I shoved in my middle finger up to about the second knuckle. I’d never done anything like that to a guy before, not in my whole life, and I still don’t know why I did it that afternoon.
“Wow! He let out a grunt like he’d been kicked in the gut and then he started to let the cream fly! I’d already sucked him off once that afternoon and I wasn’t expecting another flood, at least not that soon. But I’m telling you, that man just about drowned me in come! Oh, did he ever shoot it out! And as soon as he’d finished coming, damned if he didn’t do it to me! Yeah, right up my fanny went his finger and then. I knew what I’d done to him.
“I’d had myself some fine old times with guys before but this one-with Paul digging his tongue about six inches deep in my cunt and jabbing that finger up my ass-it just wiped me out completely. I felt as though I was melting and running down into his mouth. The come was so hard, and it just went on forever, it seemed, until I couldn’t even move any more. I gave a little groan and rolled off him. Man, I was sucked and fingered right into a daze! “From that day to this, all I’ve got to do is just think about a finger dipping into my asshole and I’m hot. I mean, really hot, like I was about to let go and have a real, gut-shaking come. Lots of times I’ve brought myself off just by sitting in a chair with my legs crossed and doing nothing more than thinking about a finger working around in my butt. I’d never been able to do it before, just by crossing my legs and squeezing them together on my pussy, but now that I had that finger to think about, and could remember how delicious it had been when Paul ran that finger in me, I could squeeze a come out of my pussy almost any time.
“At first I was a little shy and bashful about talking to Paul about this. I guess I had my share of hang-ups about the asshole but damn it, I just loved it so much that I had to say something! It turned out that he’d never been punctured there either, so I guess you could say we took each other’s cherry in a way. He was just like me-the feeling of a finger sliding in that little brownie hole was the greatest thing ever and be was really up for me doing it to him all the time while we were going down on each other.
“I was taking the Pill by this time and letting Paul give me a fuck in the cunt every now and then, though I. still didn’t like that as much as I liked the hand jobs and the sucking he could give me. But we tried fingering each other as we flicked and that was pretty good too, even if we did have to get in a real awkward position to be able to reach down for each other. I think that’s the main reason why I didn’t like butt-fingering quite as well while we were screwing.
“It was a lot easier for me to finger myself while Paul shoved the cock to me.
I did that a lot. My, it’s really something to reach into your own asshole and feel a man’s dick working back and forth in your own cunt! They’re real close together, you know, and you can feel the man almost as if your finger was right on his cock. Paul really dug that. Lots of times he’d put his cock in just far enough for me to press through the skin from the asshole and rub the head of his dick. He said it was sort of like being flicked, sucked, and jacked off all at the same time! I know one thing-it sure brought the come to boiling out of his nuts and squirting into my cunt! “I was really into doing it to myself at about that time too. It seemed that when I was about eighteen, and from then till I was twenty-three or so, I just couldn’t get enough sex. I’d get up in the morning and my thighs would be all wet with pussy drippings and I’d be so fucking hot I could hardly go to the bathroom. Why, I’d be sitting on the john for my morning pee and I’d want it so bad I wouldn’t even wait till I’d stopped peeing before I’d start rubbing my clit. Lots of times I’d get piss on my fingers, I was that eager to get to working on myself. It never seemed to worry me too much, pissing and finger-diddling at the same time. As soon as I’d get my bladder drained, wham! In would go a finger or two and I’d stand up, just as if I had a man next to me, and I’d really ball myself. I love to do it standing up. It makes the come so much stronger and it really knocks me out to do it that way.
“It wasn’t too long, you can bet, before I was fingering both holes at the same time. One band in front, digging into my snatch, and the other around behind me gouging my fanny. I was grinding back and forth just like a go-go dancer! Man that was really some fun!
“I also loved watching myself do it. I’d straddle this little bench before my dresser, with a mirror placed on the bench so I could look down and see how it looked. I could see everything just perfect and it really turned me on, watching my fingers work in and out of my pussy. Even better, though, was watching my finger screwing my asshole. I’d stand there for as long as I could, just working the finger all around, in and out, and lots of times I’d fuck first one hole and then the other. I got sort of an extra kick out of taking my finger out of my ass and then running it up my cunt. I don’t know why that jolted me so much more but it always made me tingle all over.
“I was just twenty-one when I noticed one day that I had something wrong with my cunt. Man, it itched and burned something fierce and I could tell that my pussy drippings didn’t have that sweet, musky smell or taste they once had. The guy I was dating at the time, he started complaining about the way I tasted-he was pretty big on pussy eating too-and – I decided that I’d have to do something. Hell, I didn’t know but what I’d picked up a dose of clap or syph or something. I guess I didn’t know anything about anything in those days.
“So I went to see this doctor that some of the girls at the office had talked about. She was a lady doctor, which made it easier to talk about something being wrong with my cunt. As soon as I told her what was wrong she caught on right away. She had me strip and get up on the examining table and she ran a little thing inside my cunt and sent it off to be tested.
“You’d do well to be a little more careful in the future,” she told me after she’d made the test. “One of those holes is for pleasure and the other is for nature. You mustn’t use them both at the same time. Keep their functions separate.”
“What on earth do you mean?” I asked, trying to play dumb.
“I was still a little hung up about my loving to get it in the ass so well and I just couldn’t come right out and tell her that I knew very well that both of those holes were for pleasure. She didn’t say anything to that. She just went over to a little cabinet and got out one of those rubber gloves they wear to poke around inside you. She slipped it on and, while I was still stretched out on that table with my feet propped up in those little steel stirrups they have, she shot that greasy finger right up my asshole! Man, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt that! I couldn’t have hidden my reaction for anything in the world and she saw right off that I was really digging that finger of hers.
“Maybe she was a little queer, I don’t know. Anyway, she finished what she’d started. Yeah, she finger fucked my asshole till I was having a real nice come.
Man, was that ever something, having a woman do it to me! I didn’t know whether to lay back and enjoy it or leap up from that table and get the hell home-but once she’d gotten a good hold on me and was flicking my ditty with her thumb while she was digging into my rear with her finger, I couldn’t have moved if the building had been on five! She brought me off and I just laid there and came like a baby. After it was all over she pulled her hand out and threw the glove away. She sat down at her place and started telling me about what I had.
“It turned out that there wasn’t anything wrong with liking to get a little action in your ass. She told me that lots of people do this and the only reason we’re so hung up about it is that we’ve always been told not to do it. I felt a lot better about that, believe me. And she told me to be real careful and not to let a guy do it to me in the ass first and then switch over to my cunt.
That’s how I got that itch and burning in my cunt, switching from one to the other without washing first.
“She was real nice, that doctor, and I told her all about the way I’d been doing with guys. She seemed to understand all about it and she didn’t even blink when I told her I’d a lot rather suck •a guy off than let him shoot off in my cunt. She had this kind of atmosphere about her that I didn’t mind a bit, telling her all about the things I’d been doing with guys or doing to myself, and, she said that I wasn’t a weirdo at all. I just had different ideas about what was fun and what wasn’t. She gave me a prescription for some stuff to take and told me to check back with her in, a couple of weeks. I did just what she told me and inside of ‘two weeks my cunt was just as sweet and juicy as it had ever been. I was never so grateful for anything in my whole life as I was to get rid of that awful burning, stinking in my cunt! I think she’d have finger fucked me again, that time when I went back to see her. Maybe she was a little on the queer side. I don’t know. But she didn’t do it to me and I think I’m just as glad about that. It was nice when she made me come but I believe that I’d rather do it with guys. After all, there isn’t a girl in the world that can shoot out thick, juicy’, creamy come like a man! “I met up with Paul right after I’d finished the treatment she’d ordered for me. The guy I’d been going with, I blamed him for getting me all screwed up inside, had broke up with me during those treatments. Paul was hip to this sort of thing, the stuff I’d gone to see the doctor about. He’d been married once already and his wife had gotten it too. See, he was another one of those guys that would as soon suck or finger a woman as give her a tuck in the cunt. I guess he’d switched his finger from her asshole to her cunt once too often.
Anyway, he was real careful never to do it to me.
“Sure, I’d like to,” he told me once when we were balling each other, “because it’s really a drag getting up to wash off my finger after I’ve had it up your rump. But what the hell, I sure don’t want to spoil this pussy for eating purposes!”
“So he never got me infected again, which was something I really appreciated.
He was really’ high on my snatch for eating purposes. He always said I had the sweetest, juiciest box he’d ever put a tongue to. He might be right about that.
He took me to a real swinging party one flight, where there were about five girls and seven or eight guys, and I really did my thing. I ate every one of those men, usually right after he’d given another one of the girls a good fucking, and I could taste their cunt on every cock I ate. I didn’t taste a one that had that sweet, ripe, musky taste that I’ve got and Paul, he said the same thing. He ate most of them that night, or at least gave their pussies a good tonguing, so 1 guess he knew what he was talking about.
“I never was much for that wild swinging type of party though. Except for that one party, I never was at a place where other people were going at it and I don’t think I miss it much. When I get turned on, see, all I want to do is get with a man and let it happen. I don’t care much about lying around and watching other girls get it.”
Linda G-, the author of the preceding case history, is a secretary for a small business firm in one of our larger cities. She has never married and shrugs off questions about her marriage plans by admitting that she seems to tire of men too quickly to make permanent plans. As her grammar indicates, she is poorly educated, though her work record shows that she is capable and efficient at performing the limited duties required of her. She took a secretarial course in high school and, upon being graduated, went to work.
The illness which necessitated the visit to the doctor, about which she spoke at some length, was vaginitis. Specifically, she appears to have contracted a vaginal trichomonal infection. “Vaginitis caused by trichomonas,” writes the author of a popular health column found in many underground newspapers, “is characterized by itching and a foul smelling yellow-green discharge. In the male there are usually no symptoms though there may be a thin discharge and some burning or itching on urination.” (Eugene Schoenfeld, M.D., Dear Dr. Hip, p. 51.) The condition is caused by trichomonas vaginalis, “a single-celled organism which is readily identified under a microscope… and which “is identical in appearance” to an organism more commonly found in the digestive tract. (Ibid.) The theory, borne out all too frequently in practice, is that the organism is transferred from the anus to the vagina by careless lovemaking.
Curiously the trichomonad gives no difficulty as long as it is confined to the anal tract. Only when it is transferred to the vagina, does it begin creating problems.
Another common vaginal infection, perhaps even more often found, is the yeast infection. As the yeast organism grows, it creates a condition with symptoms similar to those found in trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. Ironically enough, broad spectrum antibiotics-normally so helpful in many cases-have the effect of killing off vaginal bacteria which keep down the yeast organisms. Thus, in treating one illness, we often open the door to another.
It is quite clear from Linda’s account that she willingly engaged in anal sexual relations. She was not forced into it by men who sought to work out hidden homosexual fantasies upon her. Not is there any evidence that she associated anal sexuality with “unclean” things and thereby derived extra pleasure from degrading herself in that manner. She displayed no signs of masochism, either overt or latent. Thus we can probably rule out two of the more common explanations of anal sexuality in human beings. We believe that another approach will be more fruitful.
Let us first note Linda’s extreme fear of pregnancy. She told us that even after she had begun taking oral contraceptives, she still had a deep fear of conceiving and had privately admitted to us that she had more than once considered having herself sterilized. There is also the matter of her extreme sensitivity to erotic stimulation. Her description of her first encounters with boys is graphic evidence of her ability to become aroused by even the slightest contact with the opposite sex.
Linda was thus superbly equipped with the sensory perceptions needed to gain a great deal of pleasure from sexual relations. She was also, however, gripped by a deep and unreasonable fear of the most obvious consequence of the sexual act, pregnancy. Her readiness to engage in masturbation with her boyfriends can thus be more easily understood. It afforded her an easy “out” and gave her an acceptable substitute for sexual intercourse. Her interest in the opposite sex extended to the phallus and she quickly became adept in fondling that organ, thereby providing her partners with considerable sexual pleasure.
It is not clear how Linda came to associate the anus with sexuality. Her account, as we have seen, had her acting upon a sudden whim and inserting a finger into the anus of the man whom she was fellating. Try as she might, she could not recall ever having given any special thought to the anus before that experience. Psychiatrists are rightly skeptical of the sudden, whimsical action and rightly suspect that startling variations from habitual behavior-such as Linda displayed in inserting her finger into her partner’s rectum-are almost always the result of a long, if unconscious, period of preparation. It is thus probable that she was unconsciously forming an interest in the anus long before that act and that she had in fact come to associate it with sexual response.
This kind of behavior is not unknown to students of human sexuality. Long ago, Havelock Ellis remarked that “it would thus seem probable that in some persons … there is a tendency for the centers of sexual excitation to be shifted posteriorly, such persons possessing unusually developed buttocks and an anus with greater sexual sensibility than the normal sexual centers. Such a state of things must be regarded as constituting a predisposition only; it is not necessarily final or beyond the reach of training. But it is obvious that it constitutes a favorable and even natural basis for various sexual deviations.” (Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vol. II, Part 2, p. 198.) We might also consider the fact of Linda’s relative lack of interest in vaginal intercourse. Even at the time of her interview, she stated a strong preference for the other types of sexual activity mentioned in the foregoing portion of her case history. We believe that her preferences can be accounted for by referring to her conditioning. The sex play to which she was introduced by her first boyfriends, together with her aversion to pregnancy-and Consequently to intercourse-had the effect of training her to find pleasure in sexual outlets other than vaginal intercourse. “Learning and conditioning in connection with human sexual behavior involve the same sorts of processes as learning and conditioning in other types of behavior. But man, because of his highly developed forebrain, may be more condition able than any of the other mammals.
The variations which exist in adult sexual behavior probably depend more upon conditioning than upon variations in the gross anatomy or physiology of the sexual mechanisms.” (Alfred C. Kinsey et at, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, p. 644.) “I guess it was about two years ago that I started working at the place where I work now.
There was another woman there then and I was supposed to sort of help her out around the place, look after the letters and pour the boss’s coffee. The boss is real nice. Hank-that’s his name, everybody there first names everybody else-is about six feet tall and pretty well built, considering that he’s a little over forty. Jean, the woman I was supposed to be helping, was getting it pretty regular from him, as I figured out in about a week after starting to work there.
“I didn’t begrudge it to her, though I was always a little uncomfortable about balling guys who -worked at the same place I did. It just makes things a little more complicated you know? But what the hell, I’d already figured out that Hank’s -wife -was a total bitch. She’d call him at the office all -the time and she’4 be drunk by noon. I still remember the way she bitched and whined at us.
She must have treated him worse. Anyway, he and Jean had a thing going. They used to take off in the afternoons sometimes. I guess they went off to a motel someplace and really sacked out. When they’d get back Jean would have this really satisfied look on her face and Hank, he just looked totally beat. I always figured that Jean was a real hot ass and liked her dick real regular.
She wasn’t married but from what I saw, she might just as well as have been married to Hank, they screwed that much.
“But then they had a big blowup about a year after I started working there. I never did know what it was that set them off but, whatever it was, it was a dilly of a fight. Jean lasted about two days after that and let me tell you, she was just impossible to work with. Finally, one morning when Hank asked her about some contracts she’d – filed away, she blew up and told him to shove it.
She flew out of the office and none of us ever saw her again. I don’t know if Hank missed her or not. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.
“For about two weeks around that office things were a little tense. I didn’t know what to say, so I just did my work and kept my mouth shut. Jean had been really inefficient, so I managed to do my work and hers too, without too much trouble. Hank didn’t have much to say at first but then he started loosening up and pretty soon it seemed as though Jean had never been there at all. I don’t know when he first got interested in me-maybe he’d been interested all along.
Hell, it might even be that that’s what he had that argument with Jean about.
“Sure, I thought about what it would be like, balling him. I always think that about almost any guy. But I hadn’t really figured on anything until one afternoon I was bending over my desk doing something and he had to squeeze by me to get at the filing cabinet in the corner. Man, he had a stiff raised up that you could have used to breed elephants – with! I nearly jumped out of my skin when he squeezed by me and I felt that big, hard dong of his brush my ass!
I knew right away what it was and since I hadn’t had a guy in three or four days-it was because I was having my period-I was naturally pretty horny.
“Jesus, I never felt anything like that,” I said, blurting it right out. “You must be in bad shape.”
“I guess maybe I was asking for it, now that I look back on it, but honest, -the words just slipped out. I wasn’t trying -to set him up or anything like that. But it was real obvious that I knew what he had there and that I wasn’t any stranger to pricks. He came over to me and we started kissing with him rubbing that mammoth thing – into my belly, scraping it across my thighs and all like that. The next thing I knew I was ripping open his fly and dragging that monster out into the open.
“Let’s go into my office,” he said. “Somebody might come in here and we don’t want that.”
“I went in with him and be locked the door behind us, I was already so blasted hot I was about to cream my panties. -I’ll bet that Tampax I had up my cunt was scorched almost! I never even gave a thought to my period, you see. All I could think of was that prong of his and how I wanted to love it up good. He had a little sofa in his office and I pushed him down on it so I could get over him and start loving that – big thing good. Lord, he was as hot as flame and as hard as iron! I rolled the skin down off the head – of his dick and the knob was like a great big cooked beet, – all hot and red and already juicy, he was so hot. Yeah, there was a little thin stream of come leaking out the peehole so I just naturally had to lap it up, it looked so good.
“Hey, I didn’t know you liked to suck dick,” he told me. “You do that as if you really loved it!”
“I do love it,” I told him. “The way a nice, big cock feels against my tongue, I just can’t help loving it.”
“That’s real good,” he said, ‘but I’m dying to tuck you. I want to get my cock in you up to the balls and fill you full of come!”
“That’s when I realized that I couldn’t do it because I was still having my period. I knew he didn’t have a rubber and – I certainly wasn’t going to let him go into me without anything to protect me-that would have been just like begging for trouble. So I told him that I wasn’t able to tuck because of the period. I was figuring on giving him a blow job, like I usually did for guys when I was at that time of the month. I figured he sure wouldn’t want to finger fuck me, what with the period and all that, but I didn’t mind. Just being able to feel him come and to taste his jism squirting into my mouth would have been enough for me. But, for what reason I’ll never know, I said something else. “If you want to tuck,” I said, ‘why don’t you tuck me in the ass? I’d love to do it that way with you and it would be just as good, I bet.”
“Now why would I say a thing like that? I’d never -had a cock in my ass before.
I’d never had anything but a guy’s finger or maybe his tongue and here I was asking Hank if he’d tuck me back there! And him with a cock that many a girl couldn’t -even have gotten into her cunt! I’m sure that if I’d stopped to think about it, I’d have never suggested that he do it to me that way, because of the size of his cock. I mean, he was really hung! About nine inches long, I guess, and almost as big around as a beer bottle, that’s how big that tool of his was! “I’ve never tucked, a woman in the ass,” he told me, ‘but I’d sure like to try it with you!”
“Well, I’ve never been fucked there either,” I answered, ‘but I’ve had some guys put their fingers in my butt and I know that I can come that way.” “You don’t think I’ll be too big for you?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve got to find out,” I said, as I lifted up my dress and pulled it over my head.
“I stripped right there and he jumped up so he could start getting his clothes off too. I was so hot for him I couldn’t help but finger my ditty a little while I was waiting for him to strip down, and he seemed to like the idea of watching me do it to myself. I found out later that he’d never seen a girl do it to her-self and I, well, I’ve got to admit that I took a lot of pleasure in showing him how I did it. But that’s another story. I won’t go into that now.
“I started to get cold feet a little, once -he was naked and I could really see that cock -of his. Man, it looked like somebody had hooked a fireplug onto his middle! But I’d -committed myself and besides, the more I thought about getting that cock inside me, the better the idea sounded. So I was really up for it. I didn’t have much -idea how I ought to be to do it that way. I just bent over his desk and stuck my rump out, the first time. I don’t even know bow he got his cock wet enough to go in me-I guess he must have spit on it. The first time he tried, with me bending over the desk, it wouldn’t go I wasn’t bent forward enough for him to get it aimed just right.
“Let me move over on the sofa,” I told him, impatience apparent in my voice.
“We moved over there and I knelt down on it with my fanny way up in the air, like maybe an ostrich. Just his messing around at the desk, trying to get it in that had been enough to make me want it more than ever. And I could tell – right away that this was going to be great, if only he didn’t split me wide open with that cunt-stretcher of his. I got all bent over just right and he spent a minute or two just feeling of me, running his hands over my pussy and poking my asshole a little with a finger. Man, I was perched right on the edge of one of the biggest comes I’d ever felt and I almost let go with it when he was just fooling around! “Get it in me,” I moaned, trying to keep from letting it burst inside me. “I’m dying to come. You’ve already got me so hot I can’t hold it any longer! Come on put that cock up my ass!”
“I wasn’t lying either. Even though we hadn’t spent much time in ‘playing with each other, I was really hungry for it. He must have been in about the same frame of mind, because he didn’t waste much time in getting set to plunge into me. He wetted his cock again and then he bellied up to me, aiming that -big dick right up into the rim of my ass. Lord, when I felt his prong touch me I nearly died, it felt so good! I couldn’t hold back. I begged and pleaded for him to dig in there and give ‘me a butt full of dick. He did it too, though I thought for a minute he’d ruined me for life.
“I know now, since I’ve done it plenty and gotten the hang of it, that the trick is to make your-self relax back there. That way, you can let him in real easy and it’s really not a big problem at all. The first time, though, I didn’t know that and so it almost killed me, the way he had to struggle to get his prick into the mouth of my ass. Lord, he really whanged it to me! The first time or two he pushed sort of gently, but when it didn’t go and he could tell that he and I both were cranking up for a come, he really drew back and let fly with a hump! “I’ll tuck your ass if I have to tear it open!” he grunted. And I believe he really might have done it.
“But he didn’t have to tear me. That last hump he threw at me was enough, and the head of his cock popped into place. Man! I let out a yelp like I never heard before! Partly it was because it hurt-but, more, it was because I knew I’d gotten him inside me, all of him, and that it was feeling good a lot more than it was hurting. It’s still funny, the way ‘it feels sometimes when I’m not relaxed good and he goes into -me. I sort of hurt, kind of 1-ike tearing off a fingernail or something like that, but at the same time it really feels good-!
It’s nothing at all like taking a man in your cunt-the two feelings are as different as any feelings could be, even if I don’t know how to put it into words.
“But the hurting part never lasts very long and usually I never even pay any attention to it at all. Mostly, I just hang in there and take it until he’s got the head and maybe an inch or two of the shaft rammed into my ass. Then I’ll start working myself around him real slow while he keeps shoving it deeper.
I’ve learned that you sure can’t let loose with any wild humps just after he’s got it in, because it’ll just pop right out and you’re back where you started from. But once he’s got a good bit of it socked into me, then I can really let loose and start grinding. It’s funny, but, when a man’s tucking my cunt, I don’t much like to move at all. When he’s in my asshole, man, I really let go and shake it all! “This first time, though, I couldn’t move at all. As soon as that great big cock of Hank’s stretched out my ass and slithered into the hole. I started to come and it was like nothing I’d ever had before. Well, I guess it was sort of-like the times before when I’d brought myself off by fingering my asshole, or when a guy had done it to me with his finger, but it was, like, ten thousand times better and stronger! Partly, I think, it was just because I knew that it was his dick and not his finger. That seemed to make it a lot better somehow.
You know a man’s so-proud of his cock, it means so much to him, and then Hank’s is so damned – big anyway-all of that together and being rammed into me seemed to get -my mind all worked up a lot more than normal.
“Anyway, I was just coming all over myself. It seemed like I was even feeling the spasms in my hair, that’s how strong they were! And him, he was getting it too. He told me later that my ass just ripped the skin away from the head of his cock and stretched it back so tight he could hardly stand it. Then, when I started coming, it made my ass grip and clutch at him like nothing he’d ever felt before. I was moaning and crying and taking on and I guess the fever got to him too. Anyway I’d only barely started coming good when he got it too. He let out a groan and then I felt his cock swell up till it seemed it was twice its normal size. Wham! A great big thick shot of come spurted up my ass! Pow!
Another! “Lord, he really shot the jism to me, and it felt -like he took about ten minutes to drain b-is balls. I never felt a man come like that before and I’ve been with some guys that could really shoot out the come. I guess it’s his balls. They’re far-and away the biggest pair I ever felt on a guy and they were just packed with lovely, hot, come that day. It was probably because he hadn’t had himself a good tuck since he’d broken up with Jean. Or maybe he was just a little extra fired up because he was screwing a new girl in a strange way.
Whatever it was, he really gave me a hosing and I just loved it all.
“No, don’t take it out,” I told him when he’d finally stopped coming and he acted like he might want to pull it out. “Leave it in. I want to get it in me all the way!”
“It seemed like I just had to get every inch of that monster up my ass that first time. Once I’d started, I wanted to get it all and he seemed agreeable to that. We had to wait a little while, because we were both just totaled by the come, but it didn’t take long for us to get back to normal. He never lost a bit of his hard, which made me feel really good. I took that to mean that he was really wild about doing it to me some more. After a bit he roused himself up.
He started screwing it into me a little at a time. Man that was just like one great, long, slow come! I could feel his cock almost as good as if I’d had it in my hands or my mouth. The head felt like it was about ten times as’ big around as the shaft. And that rim, it just drove me crazy it felt so good…
“Here I want to do it to myself too,” I said, and I squirmed around a little so I could reach up with one hand and start rubbing around my clit. “Damn, I wish I didn’t have the monthly. I bet it would be something to finger fuck while you’re tucking my asshole!”
“I just might have done it anyway, period or not, except that the string of that damned Tampax was hanging out the mouth of my cunt and I was afraid I might get it all jammed up inside me and there’d be a fierce hassle about getting it out again. But it wasn’t half bad, just feeling around the ditty and pulling on the lips of my pussy. It seemed like that made my ass even more sensitive and I could feel him even better.
“I’m coming again!” I moaned, unable to hold back. “You’re tucking another come out of me!”
“Except that this was one of those Teal nice, slow type of comes, the kind that sort of creeps out from your snatch and rolls over your body like a big fog creeping in from the sea. You don’t realize it, but there’s this nice, contented, utterly sexy feeling that’s running all through your body and you’re … well-, you’re just coming from head to toe, that’s the only way I know how to put it.
“Since he’d already shot off that first time in my ass that made it slicker and he didn’t have a bit of trouble getting it in way deep. He said that I wasn’t quite as tight deep inside as at the mouth of my ass but, even at that, I was still a pretty good piece of ass. I’d reach up with a finger every now and then and check to see how much of it was left outside my ass. Once, when I reached up, I felt his balls dangling against me and that gave me another sexy idea.
“Hey, I’m gonna rub your nuts against my pussy!” I told him. The idea seemed like a’ real crazy one and really got me fired up again. “Do you mind if I get a little blood on them?”
“My period wasn’t real heavy, see, and I didn’t think I’d spot him at all, but I thought maybe I’d better check to be sure. Some guys, you know, are really uptight about that stuff and they act like it was some kind of witches’ brew.
“Rub it all you want,” he snorted. “I’ll lean over and grab your tits. Maybe that’ll make it even better for you! Come on, Linda, shake that ass and milk my prick again! I feel the come. I’ll shoot off again if you’ll help me!”
“If I’d help him? Man, I’d have done just about anything to have felt him spew another load of come up my ass! I told him to go ahead but to be easy. My nipples get really tender when I’m fired up like that and, even though I’d already had one whopper of a come, I knew that they were just as sensitive as they’d ever been. He leaned forward a little and shoved another inch of cock up my ass. That was just enough to let me get his sack in my hand and let me tell you, it was a handful! I started rubbing his nuts over the lips of my pussy real slow and easy, just playing with myself and being real careful not to squeeze too hard.
“That was the hardest part of all. I know that guys are pretty tender down there too and, while I wanted to cram those nuts right into the mouth of my cunt, I had to hold back and not hurt him. Even at that, it was just utterly sexy, rubbing those big hairy things into my pussy and touching them to my clit. Funny, but just the idea of rubbing my clit against his balls affected me more than it usually does when I actually put my finger to it! “Jesus, I can’t hold it!” I yelled out. “Come on, Hank, come again! Make me do it some more!”
“Even though I already had this nice, easy come worked up and it was making me feel so wonderful, I found out all of a sudden that just a little extra effort from him was enough to turn it into a real tornado of come. That was just what he needed and he really delivered the goods. He let out another yelp and drew out about half of that big dong and then be really rammed it borne. He started shooting again and, while it wasn’t nearly as big a come as he’d had before, it was enough. I turned loose with one that -just about wrecked me. Lord, I was shaking and crying and grunting till you’d have thought I was,dying, which was pretty close to the truth, except that I’d never felt so good in all my life! “Well, that was my introduction to real, first-class butt tucking. I’ve never regretted it a minute and neither has Hank. Since that first time we’ve done everything there is to do. I’ve given him more blow jobs than he’d ever had before and he’s tucked my cunt enough to where I can get a little pleasure from it occasionally.
But, still, when we’re really turned on and we want – to let it all go, it’s that back hole every time! We’ve found that it’s best if I lay on my back and he gets over me, just like cunt-fucking missionary style, except that he rams his cock into a hole the missionaries never used! Sometimes he’ll grease it up by shoving it up my cunt, or sometimes I’ll grease him up with some stuff I found in a drugstore. But, whichever way it is, I just lift my legs up real high and lay that asshole out for him. He’ll aim his big cock down into the little puckered up rim an4 then it’s just pure heaven from then until the time we’re tucked out and can’t even bear to think about doing it any more.
“It’s a drag, having him get up and wash his cock off after he’s been in my ass-in case we want to turn around and do some sucking or maybe give – my cunt a workout-but, believe me, it’s really worth the trouble! I wouldn’t have him any other way and I wouldn’t take anything for all the times he’s made me come till I couldn’t feel anything.”
There is one point brought out in Linda’s case history that deserves further mention. It will be noted that she especially stressed two facets of her first anal intercourse experience: (1) she was greatly affected by the idea of his introducing his phallus into her anus, and (2) she was similarly affected by the idea of exciting herself by manually rubbing his testicles against her vulva. In both cases she clearly distinguished between the excitement generated by the act and the excitement produced by thinking about the act.
As Alfred C. Kinsey and his associates noted, most women are not especially stimulated by especially sexual thoughts, at least not to the extent that males are affected. However, they also note that a small portion of the women they studied “were psychologically stimulated by a greater variety of factors, and more in tensely stimulated than any of the males in the sample. Their responses had been more immediate, they had responded more frequently, and they had responded to the point of orgasm with frequencies that had far exceeded those known for any male. A few of the females were regularly being stimulated by psychological factors to the point of orgasm, and this almost never happens among any of the males.” (Kinsey et at, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, p. 688.) Linda is undoubtedly one of those women who show an extraordinarily high response to mental stimuli, as evidenced by her mention of the thoughts noted above.

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