New Story – A Cuckold

“Have we ever been late?” Jack roared over the
cacophony of sounds in the very busy and lively
restaurant. His smile was practically going from ear
to ear.

“As I said. So far so good,” Dan Sulley
replied. “I don’t want things getting sloppy down the
road.” He was in good spirits just as we were.

“I promise to keep watching over your
orders carefully,” I said. I gulped down the rest of
my beer and sneaked a peek again at the beautiful
blond over at the next table. I noticed that I have
been checking out other women recently. I have a
knockout of a wife at home.

Jack paid the bill using the corporate
account credit card. Dinner was done early as our
customer had to get to the airport. Jack drove Dan
Sulley and I swiftly in his Sebring convertible. It
was a balmy night and the air hitting my face at 70
miles per hour was making me relaxed and content.

After we said our goodbyes to Mr.
Sulley, Jack said, “We are done so early. Todd, I am
sure your wife isn’t expecting you for another three
hours. I know this bar a few miles away. And the
best of all the company is paying for it.”

“Yeah, sure,” I responded casually. I
had no reason to go to bars anymore. I was a married
man. On the other hand, Jack was still single and
probably fucked over five hundred women of all color,
age and marital status. He was definitely a chick
magnet. It wasn’t because of his looks but rather of
his demeanor and confidence with women. But mostly, I
suspected because he wasn’t a nice guy. Girls were
attracted to his bad boy image. The worse he treated
them, the more of them he got.

He swerved his car into the parking lot.
It was a stand-alone building with a dull lighted
sign over the door proclaiming its name, “Swifty’s”.
The outside walls were covered with thick wines and
the inside had that deceptive look of promise that
never really panned out. The people seemed to
recognize Jack as he walked confidently to a dark
booth. I followed sheepishly. I was sure my marital
status was being beamed to everyone in the bar.

“Do you see that girl sitting alone at
the bar. I am going to invite her over,” Jack

Before I could even acknowledge his
statement, he was off striking a conversation. She
was responding favorably. She didn’t have that “get
lost” look that I faced so often in my single days.
In another half a minute, with drinks in tow the two
of them approached the booth. Smiles everywhere.

“Isabelle, this is my best friend and
fellow sales director, Todd,” Jack said magnanimously.
I shook hands with the unusually attractive woman
that seemed to be too good for this bar. She was a
brunette with short hair, a perky nose and a generous
mouth. She wore a short skirt and a tight top. But
the two things that made my pecker involuntarily
twitch were her light brown eyes and her long shapely
legs that I wouldn’t mind spending a whole night
adoring. It was times like this that I felt envious
of single men like Jack, so free to fuck around.

Jack already had me out of the loop by
mentioning to Isabelle that I was happily married with
a beautiful wife waiting for me at home. Couldn’t do
much else so I made polite conversation.

But Isabelle kept me on the verge of
craziness. “Poor thing,” she said, her hand giving me
a delicious squeeze to my shoulder. “You should be at
home with your wife.”

I was getting horny for my wife but
whatever little interest she had in sex was now
totally depleted. She would do anything to avoid the
physical contact. Danielle was built like a model.
The few times I had the opportunity to see her in a
two-piece at the beach caused such a stir among the
men. It had made me feel good to get those guys
envious. But even that no longer happened. How I
would wish she would just prance around naked in the
house. Her flat abdomen, long legs and perky c-cups
were always a visual delight.

When Isabelle went out to buy a pack of
cigarettes two blocks down the road, Jack said, “Man,
if I had Danielle as my wife, I would quit my single
lifestyle. Todd, you are one lucky man.” The drinks
were sure making us say things that we might regret.

“Lately, she has become a prude,” I
muttered savoring my gin and tonic. “I could accept
the fact that she would not go down on me, but..”

“Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute. Danielle has
never sucked your dick!” Jack interrupted. His face
was sincerely surprised.

“She says that she had never done it and
she won’t ever do it,” I said. I must have sounded

“That is absolutely not possible. Every
woman knows and loves to suck cock. It is written
somewhere in their genes,” Jack said. “Of all the
chicks I have ever fucked, none of them refused to
suck my dick. Man, you’ve got to assert yourself.
Demand that little Todd gets some attention, too.”

I wished I had kept my little mouth shut.
I made matters worse because I kept talking. “There
has to be one chick that refused to go down on you,” I

“Todd, I told you about my collection, my
DVD collection. I have two hundred forty seven disks
each of them a different chick. Pick out any three,
take them home and watch them. I guarantee you that
whichever one you pick, the girl would be sucking my
cock….. Eagerly,” he added. “As a bonus, I’ll have
one ready with Isabelle by Tuesday and you can watch
that, too.”

I was getting depressed rather quickly.
Jack was taunting me. I knew about Jack’s DVD
collection. I had seen parts of a few of them when I
was at his apartment a month ago. They were done
pretty well with three high quality hidden cameras in
his bedroom all edited like a good porno flick. The
sound wasn’t bad either. Jack wanted to show me Alma
that cute faced large breasted receptionist in our
office. I was skeptical that he fucked her till he
hastily showed me clips from the DVD labeled Alma
written in large capital letters.

“You are sure that Isabelle is going to
your apartment and is going to fuck you and suck your
dick,” I said. Isabelle had just entered the front

“Yeah,” he said.

“You guys been good boys,” Isabelle said.
She sat herself on Jack’s lap looking at me with those
brown eyes.

We chatted for an hour, Isabelle
sickeningly attaching herself to Jack. I would have
no release when I got home, so I wasn’t in a good
mood. Finally we left in his Sebring, me sitting in
the back. I was dropped to my car in the office
building and the two of them screeched out in a whiff
leaving me with the smell of burnt rubber.

I must have mentioned to Jack that
Danielle was going to visit her parents back east two
weekends later. Jack told that I should visit his
apartment after I dropped my wife off at the airport
on Thursday evening. I entered his bachelor pad with
a stupid grin on my face. He immediately directed me
to his wall-to-wall dark wood bookshelf. Jack pulled
out a small key that unlocked a section of the
bookshelf. Neatly piled up and three rows deep laid
his collection of DVDs.

“Pick out any three,” Jack directed me.

Neatly inscribed on the spine of each DVD
case, were names of women. They didn’t seem to be in
any particular order. Carol, Lydia, Stephanie,
Corinne, Maria, Michelle – names and names that my
eyes kept scanning. I chose Claudia, Melissa and
Christine, girls that I dated in high school. Who
knows, they could be them.

“Now here is a special one for you,” Jack
said handing me a DVD case. I noticed the name
Isabelle written on it. “You know she thought you
were cute. Man, she gives good head. Very
enthusiastic I might say.”

“Jack, you’re a lucky man,” I said. I
couldn’t understand why I was so unlucky.

I didn’t sleep that night. I watched all
four DVDs completely. Jerked off myself numerous
times. The quality was excellent. These women
practically turned into sluts in the hands of my man
Jack. The few women that I had slept with never
behaved the way they did in those DVDs.

I was particularly mesmerized by Isabelle’s
beauty. They were talking about me as Isabelle
removed her clothes. She said, “Yeah, I would fuck
Todd. He could have taken me in the bar if he wanted.
He’s definitely better looking than you. But he
doesn’t know how to take a woman. Nice guys don’t get

Isabelle had that tight, fun and party all
night long body. Wrapped in only a thong with juicy
bouncy breasts, she got on her knees and gave Jack an
awesome blowjob. I could see that Jack was feeling
good. With her short hair, I could see her sexy neck
and back as she worked incessantly on Jack’s tool.

Later Jack was on top of the lovely
Isabelle, fucking her beautiful body. As with the
other girls, Jack gets them satisfied good. My wife
never seemed to have that “I just got fucked real hard
and good look.” These girls had become putty wanting
nothing more than to be with Jack and to be his
subservient chick. It seemed that he had to
practically push these girls out of his apartment.

Before picking up my wife on Sunday night,
I stopped at Jack’s apartment to return the episodes
of the four women back to his collection. I tried not
to show my envy.

“What did I tell you,” Jack said as he
checked all four DVDs for scratches.

“A nice collection you got there,” I said
hoping to sound cool. My dick was totally worn out.

“Did all the chicks use their mouth?” he

“Yeah,” I said. No point in denying the

“Your wife can also do that. You just
have to know what triggers them. Its real simple,” he

I was glad to finally leave his apartment
even for picking up my frigid wife at the airport.
All she gave me was a cold customary kiss and
blabbered about her boring parents.

With hopes of finding that elusive trigger,
I tried to arouse some intimacy with Danielle in these
following weeks. As usual, she didn’t respond to my
charms and in the last two weeks even became rather
cruel to my advances. Words like inadequate, small
and lack of sexual compatibility were thrown around.

I am not sure if Jack sensed my marital
problems but he seemed his usual chirpy self and told
me to come by his apartment after work today.

“Remember I told you about the trigger,
that every woman has it,” he said handing me a can of
Miller Light.

“Yeah,” I said dreading that Jack was
going to give me some unworkable advice to get
Danielle on her knees.

“Look,” he said turning on his state of
the art wide screen TV and DVD player with the remote.

The image didn’t immediately register in
my brain. I saw my Danielle in Jack’s bedroom.
Thankfully she was clothed, wearing her light blue
knit top and her white cotton capris. She was
casually and comfortably checking out the bedroom.

“What the fuck is this,” I said. I
clenched my fist ready to pound his face. Jack didn’t
respond as he was intently watching the screen. Jack
entered the room and Danielle turned around to face

“I’m wearing the thong you gave me,” she
said. She curled her arms around Jack and gave him a
most passionate kiss to his mouth.

My blood was boiling. Biting my lip, I
threw a clumsy punch to his face with all my energy.
He easily side stepped the assault and plunged his
fist into my solar plexus. I doubled over gasping for
air, tears down my cheeks. After a few minutes of
agonizing pain, I looked up at the screen again
watching my wife’s breast exposed to this man. She
wore the sexiest black thong that made her look like a
knockout. She was on her knees expertly unbuckling
his belt to release his larger and wider pecker than
mine. Then with unbridled enthusiasm I watched with
horror and with the unexpected rushing of the blood to
my genitalia my wife sucking Jack’s strong dick. She
gave it the love that only a true slut could.

“Suck it you slut,” Jack commanded my wife.
She twirled her pretty head over his gorging muscle
like it was a lollipop. “Yeah more like it. Yeah
keep doing it and I’ll promise you those black
gangbangers. Yeah, you can be their whore, live with
them, get fucked good and hard everyday.”

When Jack’s dick erupted, Danielle
hungrily swallowed the reward licking up the overflow
that spilled down his dick and balls. After that she
laid on his bed naked legs open.

“I need you everyday, honey,” my wife
told Jack.

“I told you I can’t do that. I gave you
this chance. This is the last time. Don’t worry I’ll
get you those gangbangers. They are eager to meet
you,” Jack responded.

She seemed satisfied with the reply and
casually threw her fingers between her legs, rubbing
herself. Jack limp from the recent ejaculation, sat
next to her watching her masturbate. I could see that
he was taking in her beauty, her long blond hair on
his sheets, her blue eyes and her generous mouth. He
played with her toes as she kept on playing with

“I’ve got to go. Let’s get this done,”
Jack said. His dick had gotten back up a little bit.
Seeing Danielle open her legs for him made me envious.
He got on top of her and slid his tool in. I could
clearly see it immersed into my wife’s pussy. The
sight was strange like a dream. He pushed it to the
hilt and slowly slid in and out. He put his mouth on
my wife’s breast and sucked on those awesome nipples.
Then they had their mouths together, passionately
kissing like two lovers. Danielle was moaning, “Oh
fuck me, fuck me, Jack. Do it good.” Her head moved
side to side. She was in a trance. I couldn’t get
my eyes off the screen. My boner was clearly evident
and Jack noticed it.

When Jack finally spilled his seed into
my wife’s womb and I saw my wife shudder in orgasmic
euphoria, I cried in despair and in jealousy. Jack
switched off the TV and left me alone. I didn’t say
much else to Jack and with humiliation pocketed
Danielle’s thong that he tossed to me. Dazed and
confused, I drove home, my mind in turmoil. It seemed
unreal what Jack told me. That he went to my house to
give Danielle a thong to trigger our relationship and
she in turn went wild and got him on our bed for some
good ole-fashion fucking and sucking. The thought of
Jack on my bed taking my wife was sickening.

Danielle somehow got a whiff of what
transpired, knew that I knew about her infidelity.
Foolishly I expected an apology and a promise to not
repeat what had happened. And I was ready to forgive
her. But that was a gullible fantasy of mine.

“Todd, I love you,” she told me. Her
words seemed hollow. “But sexually we are not
compatible. If it wasn’t for Jack, I would still be
living my life of despair and unhappiness.”

I had no will to fight this battle, to
take control of my life. When I looked back, this was
the time to fight tooth and nail for love and marriage
with this beautiful woman. But I dropped the ball.

We remained married but it was no marriage.
Danielle would be gone for days, coming back home to
gather her strength and disappeared again. I was
there for her.

“Hello,” I answered the phone. It was ten
o’clock on a Sunday morning.

“Mo’ fucker. Pick up yo ho,” the man I
presumed to be black said. “Two-nine-four-five South
Avenue.” The phone went dead.

It seemed Danielle overstayed her welcome.
She just doesn’t quit and after several days the guys
wanted to get rid of her. This was a new address I
had not gone to before. I knew it was not the best of
neighborhoods. I was glad to pick her up during
daytime. The night pickups were dangerous sometimes.

I got in the filthy house with everything
strewn all about. Three large black men were watching
TV and drinking beer. After quite awhile, one of them
looked up at me and pointed me in the direction of
where I would find my wife. I checked each door
carefully opening it slowly and taking a short peek.
Inside the third door was my wife. I noticed her
messed up blond hair going up and down in between
strong big and wide black muscular thighs. Danielle
was naked probably had been since she entered this
place. The man she was blowing was gulping down beer
straight from the bottle and watching TV. He was
sitting on the edge of a large bed and wore a ripped
undershirt. He didn’t pay any attention to my wife
nor acknowledged my presence. So I waited.

With nothing to do I just stared at the
two naked sleeping bodies. One was a Hispanic woman
snoring away and the other, a large breasted black
woman. Since the man probably had a lot of sex these
past few days, my wife worked hard and long on his
pecker. I had to admit that she had good technique,
which I have never experienced personally. She would
suck on those large black balls then played with just
the very tip letting her tongue swirl around the
diameter and then pump the whole tool in and out. I
knew the end was coming when he roughly grabbed her
blond mane to speed up the motion. He arched his back
and let out a massive grunt. My wife made sure to
take in everything. Once satisfied with Danielle, the
man tossed her away and went back to his beer and TV.

It was then that Danielle noticed me. I
motioned her that we should get going. She got up and
began looking for her clothes. I followed her room to
room as she searched through the filth. When she
found her dress, Danielle just slipped it on, no bra
or panties. Finally with her sandals on, we walked
past the three men and out the door.

“Hey, call me guys,” she said. They
didn’t acknowledge her.

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