She was trying her best to get pregnant, it didn’t matter to her who did it for her

I arrived at my friends apartment unannounced, late and half drunk. I’d been drinking and after starting to drive home decided I’d better not. Bob’s apartment was in a direct line from where I was to my own place so I stopped to crash on his sofa. I knew where he kept a spare key so I let myself in quietly then settled down to get some sleep in his front room. I didn’t even know if he was home but it didn’t matter, wouldn’t be the first time he came in and found me in his living-room. After I kicked my shoes off and stretched out I began to listen to the night around me. I heard street noises, the hum of a noisy electric clock and the not so faint sounds of a woman getting well fucked. I focused on the female voicing passion, it was coming from Bob’s bedroom. Well, I knew then that Bob was home, and he had some feminine entertainment with him. I was too woozy to care so I drifted to sleep with the sounds of bodies slapping and murmurs of passion drifting on the night air.

I was jolted awake when the overhead light went on, shocking my eyes even through the closed lids. I heard a sharp gasp and a girl uttered “Oh, no. No fucking way!” I opened my eyes to see who was there and got a severe shock to my nerve central. My younger sister was standing in the archway wearing only brief panties, staring at me, “Oh my God Travis, what the hell are you doing here?” she wailed.

I was quickly coming fully awake, my mind kicked into analysis mode and promptly analyzed the situation so I responded “Trying to get some sleep, I certainly wasn’t expecting to find my married sister sneaking around an apartment that isn’t hers dressed in only underwear. What the fuck are you doing here Penny!? You’re fucking Bob? I don’t remember him slipping the ring on your finger!”

Penny’s face fell apart, she looked like she wanted to cry while looking for an escape. Just then Bob stepped up behind her “Hey Trav, I wasn’t expecting you tonight.” Even though he was nude he seemed a lot calmer than Penny who was panicking in place.

“I’d say not, but I see you’re staying in touch with my family anyway.” My sister picked up her blouse and skirt which were laying crumpled on the floor and fled the room. I hadn’t noticed the discarded clothing in the dark.

Bob stood his ground “Is this going to be trouble Trav?”

I looked at my lifelong friend, he had known me and Penny our entire lives but I never expected to find the three of us in this situation. “What the hell is going on here? She’s married Bob, remember, you were at the wedding three years ago.”

From the back room my sister called out, “We have to talk Travis, don’t blame Bob, you can’t be mad at him. I’ll be right out.”

I looked at my friend, “Go put some fucking clothes on, your dick doesn’t excite me like that.” He grinned, flopped his hand in acknowledgment and went to put something on.

Penny came back into the room dressed and timid. She glanced around as if looking for the quickest escape route before sitting an arm of the easy chair. I looked frankly at my sister, still shocked to find her fucking my best friend, cheating on her spouse.

“I’m trying to get pregnant” she started, “I haven’t used birth control since I got married but Ross hasn’t done the job. I think there is something wrong with one of us and we can’t conceive. I don’t want to cheat on him but I have to know if I can’t get pregnant because of him or me. We don’t talk about it, mostly because he won’t admit he might not be a ‘man’, she hooked her fingers in pantomime quotes,“he’s too fucking macho to think he might not have the balls to make a woman pregnant. It irks the shit out of me because he’s so selfish about it. I went for a check up and was told everything seems to be normal so it might be Ross who isn’t fertile.”

I was flabbergasted “You’re letting Bob dick you so you can get knocked up? How long has this been going on Penny? And why him, he’s like a brother to us, how could you two expect to keep this a secret?”

My sister shaded red again, looked around to see if her lover was near then said quietly “Bob thinks I’m here for fun, he doesn’t know what I hope he can do for me.”

I sat back and stared at my sister and played back what she told me. Bob thought he was on a joy ride while she was actually on a mission, he was a tool to get the job done. I started to laugh “you’ve got to be kidding, you mean …” just then he came back into the room wearing a morning robe as if everything was normal, he didn’t have a worry in world.

He approached me, “So Travis, are we right?”

“I’m still a little unnerved about finding my sister in your bed again, I thought you two got over that when she was fifteen.”

Penny jumped up, “You know about that!? Did he tell you?” She looked pissed, Bob grinned.

“You tried hard to keep it secret but you acted like a cat in heat every time he came over for a long time. It didn’t take me long to figure out you and him were fucking every time my back was turned, I think that lasted a little over a year. And just before you got married you screwed him again for about a week. Bob must have been your extended bachelorette party. I thought you were done with him after you married Ross but I guess not, huh. And no he didn’t’ tell me either time, didn’t have too, you were so obvious.”

Penny was over being embarrassed, “Well if you know our history then you can’t be judgmental now. I’m having a fling and once I get it out of my system I’ll stay home again.” I noticed she was careful to avoid the word pregnant in front of our friend.

“Why him, you seem to be attracted to him but I don’t think you love him like that, what keeps you coming back?” I was curious but Bob just settled down on the sofa and listened to my sister and me talk about him.

“I don’t know, maybe because he’s easy; I don’t have to go out and play the courting game with him.”

“I’m easy?” he asked her.

“Hell yes, all I have to do is twitch my ass you and you get hard, that’s part of the fun, how fucking turned on you get even before we touch.”

His mouth turned up in a salacious smile “You mean I’m the best fucker you know? Come on, you can say it girl, you like what I do with you.”

Her eyes crinkled with fun, “I get off on what you do but don’t think you are some kind of awesome stud that I am addicted too, you aren’t the only one that can make me happy.”

I was forgotten as the two parried words “Ha-hem –, if you two are working up to another bounce I can leave.”

Penny swiveled her head back to me “No, I have to go, I told Ross I’d be home by midnight, he thinks I went to see the Hunger Games in 3D with Rachel.” She got up, gave Bob a light kiss then said to me “Walk me to the car.”

We were standing on the darkened street beside her car, she had clicked the door locks open but stopped to face me “Please don’t tell Ross about us, I know its not right but I need this. I’ve been screwing Bob hoping to get pregnant but I don’t think he’s any more useful than my husband. We’ve been at it for two months now and I haven’t had any luck. I need to find someone else, I need to get away from Bob or he’s going to start thinking we are exclusive or something. He doesn’t know I want a baby and he’s getting into the habit of us, I don’t want a commitment, I did when I was fifteen, but not now.”

“Then what the hell are you going to do, start flopping for anybody with a set of nuts?”

“Can you come by tomorrow about three? I have another guy in mind but I need to talk it out first, I just can’t walk up to him and say “Hey you, knock me up, I’ll need your help.”

Actually my sister was alluring enough to say something like that and get results but I told her “Yeah, okay I’ll come by, and remember, you’re my sister, our bonds are stronger than Ross’ and mine” I teased her, “Your depraved lifestyle will by our secret, fuck Ross.”

Penny laughed lightly “I have been but it doesn’t do me any good, see you tomorrow.” I left her and returned to the apartment.

I got to Penny’s place at the appointed time, 3 pm. Ross was gone somewhere so my sister and I were alone and I knew she arranged it that way so she could tell me what was on her mind. When I opened her door she smiled prettily and gave me a nice sisterly hug and kiss on the cheek “Want to get high?”

Penny and I had been recreational tokers since we were teens so her offer was not unusual “Sure, yours or mine?”

As I followed her to the back yard she told me “Ross got some awesome Canadian Wild the other day, you’ll like it, it’s nice and mellow.” We sat side by side on patio lounges where she pulled up a freshly tamped mini hookah and fired it up. Penny took a deep hit then passed it to me, I settled back to get stoned with my sister.

She and I relaxed back on the lounges in silence for a few minutes, the only interaction was to pass the weed back and forth. When it burned out she set the pipe aside then started “I have something I need you to do.”

I was feeling pretty damn good just then, the stuff she lit up was good. “You said need, not want, what do you need me to do for you Penny?”

She started “I want to meet that guy —-” but paused, her eyes went out of focus for a moment as if something unbidden invaded her thoughts. Penny looked back at me sharply then asked “Do you remember those times when we had sex?”

Of all the things she could have said, that was pretty much the last thing I imagined she would bring up. Instantly I became wary while I flashed back to a family vacation we were on and got a little carried away. Penny and I were bored, restless teens and ended up screwing a few times. We never went back to each other after the vacation was over and we never talked about it.

“Well, yeah, sort of.”

She rose up to an indignant half sit, “What the hell do you mean ‘sort of’? You fucked me eleven times in four days, how in hell could that be a ‘sort of’?”

“You kept count?”

“Of course!” she looked me puzzled for a moment then conceded, “I guess you wouldn’t, guys only remember getting the noodle wet, not how many times it got wet.” She snuffled a quick laugh, fell back to the chair and reminisced, “Four times we did it in the room right next to mom and dad, remember how hard it was to be quiet?”

I did remember. I never told Penny that I thought she was the hottest fuck I ever had up to then. What the hell, we were stoned and living memories so I at last told her “You were the best piece of ass I had all through school, you were awesome.”

She smiled delightedly, “Yeah, you sling cock pretty well, I liked fucking you.” As I watched her lips moving, forming words, the memory of our sibling affair rose from the hidden secrets buried deep in my mind to become vivid images of my sister and me. We got caught in a fast strong dust devil and clung to each other as the wind buffeted us. Afterward I started pulling leafs and bits of grass out of her long tangled hair, that progressed to tickling, laughing, playing, wrestling, stripping each other then screwing. We had found a mutually satisfying way of dispelling the boredom of the vacation. The visions reflected into my hormone pool and my cock began to alter its state.

My sister and I stopped talking, I looked into her face and saw my feelings mirrored in her eyes. As our minds linked I stood beside her and offered her my hand. Her gaze drifted down my body until she was looking at the results of my memory and the nearness of her. Penny stood, kissed me softly on the lips and said “Ross won’t be home until after six.”

As she led me from the patio I had a thought “Did you invite me over for this?”

She turned to face me, took my hands in hers and continued to walk backwards, pulling me along, “I asked you here to do me a favor, not this, but, what the hell, let’s do it again, it will be fun, come on!” She spun around and dashed toward her bedroom, laughing happily, just as she did when we were teens.

It took only a few seconds to get to her room but when she stopped by the bed she was flushed and breathing deeply, I grabbed her and threw her to her back. She was looking up at me with a mixture of lust and expectancy as I straddled her thighs. I reached down and began to unbutton her blouse while she started on my belt and zipper. Once her breasts were free of the blouse I pushed her bra up and off her tits, exposing them to me for the first time in years. I was pleased to see that they still stood firm from her chest, they hadn’t deflated or slipped lower on her body yet. She had my pants open so I rolled off her to my back and pulled them down to my knees then flipped to my side facing her, I grabbed her panties under the skirt and not too tenderly jerked them down her legs. She kicked one foot free of them then held my arms and tugged me into place.

We didn’t need to engage in any gradual build up to sex, there was no foreplay, no lengthy necking and petting, I wet my hand with my tongue, coated the end of my cock then put head of my erection on my sisters pussy and pushed into her until my groin crushed against hers. Penny smiled up at me then grabbed my head and pulled me down for our first fucking kiss. It briefly flashed through my head that she wasn’t on birth control and I didn’t have a condom. I doubted she had any since she was trying to have a kid but concern for her forced me to ask, “Do you have something I can wear?”

Penny squirmed around trying to pull her blouse off while our stomachs chafed and hips bumped. When she was finally free of the blouse she pulled the bra off her arms, tossed it around my neck and used it to pull me down, her breasts were mashed by my chest. Her lips brushed my ear as she said “No, Ross and I don’t need any, let’s not think about things like that right now.” I was so turned on by the feeling of her hot eager cunt sucking my hard-on it took only seconds to decide that if she wasn’t worried about me adding my sperm to her husband’s or lover’s, I wasn’t going to worry about it either. As my sister and I partied on her bed I forgot she asked me over to do her a favor, I just settled in between her thighs and fucked her heatedly.

I paused long enough to pull out of her and pull my pants off my legs. She laughed happily when I grabbed her ankles and twisted them until she rolled to her stomach. I lifted her skirt off her tight round butt, got over her then slipped my erection into her again. She bent at the waist, raising her ass to me as we continued to take pleasure from each other. She started murmuring softly but I didn’t understand what she was saying so I leaned down and put my head next to hers while feeling for her clit with my fingertips. She turned her face to me and our lips met briefly then she said through gasps and soft shivers “You are the third guy that’s fucked me -ssss-ince yesterday, first Ross, then Bob and now you. I like —mmmmm— the attention.”

She started to huff deeper breaths as I lifted off her slightly then slapped her ass “And you aren’t even getting paid to do it, you just like being a free and easy fuck.”

The first smack on her butt caused her to jerk and moan so I did it again. Penny pulled a pillow over her head and began to beg for the end “Oh god Trav! I didn’t remember fucking you could feel this good, do it right you son-of-a-bitch!!” My sister’s ass started quivering, her legs splayed even further apart and she began to wail her as her body shook, her pussy started flowing. My nuts got the message directly from her cunt and started doing their life’s work as my cock spewed legions of nieces and nephews into my married sibling.

We were lying side by side, her head resting on a pillow cradled in her arms, me on my back. Her eyes drifted from my face down my body then back as she smiled. “I’d forgotten that we did it so well back then; why didn’t we keep fucking after we got back?”

“I don’t know, it seemed like a good idea at the time but then Patricia took over, she and I screwed like rabbits for a long time, I didn’t have enough energy for another girl, not even one that would let me without the hassle of dating.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s what happened, remember Greg? We stayed busy for a few months too, the novelty of banging my brother wore off quickly and I wasn’t really interested when I had other guys around. I mean it was fun, but I had other stiff cocks to try.”

“Who is going out to get the smoke, I’m ready to toke up again?”

Penny bounced off the bed and dropped her skirt, revealing her full nakedness to me, I have to clean up, go fix it.”

I slipped my pants on and went back to the patio, Penny joined me a few minutes later wearing just an oversized black t-shirt, she was revealing a lot of shapely leg. After we stoked our heads I asked her again “What favor do you need me to do?”

She rolled her eyes to me, she was ready for some Visene, “I want you to introduce me to Carson, that guy that I see at your work once in a while. He looks like he could do a good job of knocking up a girl.”

“Carson, the one that shaves his head like Vin Diesel?”

“Yeah, he’s hot!”

“Well Sis, if you can get him to fuck you then you’d be doing better than every woman in our company. He gets hit on all the time, some of those bitches are pretty damn blatant but he hasn’t gone out with any of them. Now if your name was Bubba and you had a humongous set of balls and a dick like a sausage, you might have a chance.”

Penny looked at me, her eyes wide with understanding, “He’s gay?”

“Very, he’s hit on me. I’m not interested but I’ll introduce him so you can finally learn about rejection if you want.”

My sister began to giggle as she reached for the glass of water. She sipped away her dry lips, set the water down then got up and faced me. She went to her knees, pushed my legs wide then reached for my zipper again. I reacted immediately when I realized I was about to get a blow job. By the time Penny had my pants open my erection was becoming everything she hoped it could be.

With fingers holding the shaft tenderly she looked up “I guess Carson will be missing out on two things here, your dick and my lips.” She bent over my lap, licked the end of my cock then pulled me in over her tongue.

My sister put a job on me that I hadn’t experienced in a long while. Her mouth felt like wet hot silk moving on my boner. She teased the end of me with the tip of her tongue, she pulled me into and down her throat. I’d had some good jobs before but I learned quickly that my sister had perfected the art. She built the pressure in my balls expertly and swiftly then stood and straddled my lap. I held my erection while she slid her wet velvet cunt down on it. When she was sitting with seven inches of me in her, she started rolling her hips, fucking me. As she flexed and bounced on my balls our mouths mated and I got to taste my own prick.

Penny and I ground our bodies together, I was lost in the hot fleshy depths of her body while she purred softly in my ear, she was getting more animated, hotter the longer we screwed. She pushed up and sat erect on my lap, looked me in the eyes and gushed “If I get pregnant this week I wouldn’t even know who did it!” Her words tripped the last switch in a sequence of turn-ons that started my orgasm. My cock convulsed and began firing round after round of hot juices into her. Penny cramped over so hard her forehead banged on my shoulder as she cried and quivered when she climaxed.

An hour later my sister and I were fully dressed and visiting politely when my brother-in-law came home. He greeted me warmly, offered me a hit and a beer, the three of us enjoyed the evening together. When I left Penny walked me to the car, she gave me a hug and said “I guess I don’t need to meet Carson. He can’t do me any good but I’m going back in and give Ross another chance.” She looked around to make sure we were alone, “I had fun today, lets not wait another nine years to do it again.” Her eyes were sparkling when she kissed me softly with a hint of non-sisterly ardor. It was apparent that her marriage vows didn’t extend very far into the bedroom.

Several weeks later Penny announced that she was with child, our parents were overjoyed, Ross was strutting, Bob retreated furtively to his apartment. I was curious so a few days later I called my sister and asked her to my condo, for two reasons. She had said we shouldn’t wait another nine years, and I wanted to know who she thought did the job for her.