Slow Dancing With A Stranger

The hotel bar had the same qualities of so many others I’ve seen before: dim
lighting, over-priced drinks, and clientele that consisted mostly of travelers
with no idea where else they should go. I took my drink from the bar and found
a table where I could kick back and relax. As the alcohol started its work on
my nerves, I watched couples on the small floor dance to the canned music.

One dancer in particular caught my attention: a tall raven-hared beauty. She
was dressed in a skin-tight black sheath slit up one side to mid thigh; high
enough to show where her garter straps attached to her fishnet stockings.
Every time I saw her on the dance floor she was with different partner. When
each dance ended she returned to her table across the room and sipped her
drink. Soon another hopeful gentleman soon showed up and claimed the next dance
with her.

Watching her on the floor with yet another partner, I toyed with the idea of
going to her table when the song ended, and asking her to dance. I wondered if
she would press her body up against mine as she was doing with the guy she was
dancing with.

When the song finished, the gentleman slid his arm around her waist and walked
her back to her table. Slowly his hand slipped down until it cupped her fanny.
She smiled, moved out of his reach and sat down.

While I contemplated my lonely evening I ordered another drink. Returning my
attention to the dance floor I watched another couple trip the light fantastic.

“Mind if I join you?”

Startled, I turned to find the woman I’d been watching earlier standing next to
my table. “It would be my pleasure,” I said as I stood to pull a chair out for

The woman’s last dance companion walked to the table that had been hers, sat
down, and stared at us. From the look on his face I could tell he wasn’t
pleased with the recent turn of events. He got up and walked to my table,
stopped and eyed the woman.

“Sorry,” the woman told her former companion.

“I think the lady’s promised the next dance to me,” I said.

“My mistake,” he said as he backed away. The woman and I both watched him walk
up to the barmaid, settle up his tab, and leave.

“Oh, you can almost smell the testosterone,” said the woman.

“I’m sure you could catch up to him if you really wanted to,” I replied.

“No, I think I prefer the current company. My name is Karen. What’s yours?”


“Well, Todd, what brings you here?”

Karen listened intently as I explained to her that I was on a business trip and
how lonely I felt being in a strange town. As I talked, Karen’s hand reached
for mine and fingered my wedding band.

“Why, Todd, you’re married,” she said in mock surprise.

“Does that matter?”

“Not to me anymore than it does to you.”

“Good,” I said, taking her hand in mine. “Then, lets dance.”

Karen definitely knew how to arouse a partner while dancing. She started by
slowly brushing her breasts against my chest as we swayed to the music. Her
nipples outlined beneath the black fabric proved that those actions were as
much for her pleasure as they were for mine. Her lower body pressed in closer
to mine, brushing my crotch as she moved her hips. She was having fun and so
was I.

Several dances later, my hands were familiar with every curve under her skin
tight dress. I hoped that later that evening I’d get a chance to confirm that
her garter belt was the only thing she had on under her skirt.

We went back to my table and ordered another round of drinks.

Our flirtatious conversation kept the fires burning within while we sat side by
side. As we talked, I placed one hand behind her in the gap between the
chair’s back and seat, while with the other hand I caressed her lower back with
my open palm. Karen smiled at me as she leaned forward on the table, just
enough to lift her rear end a bit and allow my hand to rub lower.

I was too busy enjoying what I was doing to notice Karen’s hand heading for my
lap. My heart skipped a beat as she started to run her hand up and down my
growing erection. Karen grinned at the shocked look that came over my face as
she unzipped my pants and slipped her hand inside my trousers. She deftly
opened the fly on my underwear and released my hard-on from its confines.

The crowd had thinned and I was grateful for the room’s dim lights, especially
when Karen began running her fingernails up and down my shaft under our table.

“I think it’s time we took this someplace a little more private,” Karen said.

I started to zip my pants up, but then Karen stopped me. “We’re not going far,
and you won’t have to walk too close to anyone. But if anyone really takes a
good look, I want them to know what we’re going to do.”

She wanted me to walk across the room with my cock sticking straight out!

Her eyes challenged me and she smiled wickedly. “Your choice,” she said.
“Either follow me, or return to your room and take care of your condition

At this point I was far too aroused to refuse her demand. If Karen had bent
over the table and hiked her skirt up, I think I’d have taken her right there
in the middle of the bar. Still, I followed close behind her as she went
through a doorway with a sign reading ‘RESTROOMS’ above it. We headed straight
into the ladies room.

“Don’t worry,” Karen said, “there are only a few female customers here tonight.
If we used the men’s room you’d either have to fight them off or agree to a
gang-bang. And while that does sound like fun,” she said with a sexy smile, “I
don’t want that tonight. Tonight I only want you. Here and now.”

Karen pushed open the door to the Ladies room and pulled me inside. She
slipped into my arms and I backed her up against the sinks lining the wall. We
exchanged quick and passionate kisses are we started undressing each other. I
unzipped Karen’s dress, letting it slide to the floor as she ripped open the
front of my shirt, sending buttons flying.

I was thrilled to find that my earlier guess about what was under Karen’s dress
was correct. She stood before me in garter belt, stockings and shoes. The tan
lines around her breasts and groin clearly showed the shape of her favorite

Karen kissed her way down my chest until her kisses reached my already open
slacks. She pulled them, along with my underwear, down to my ankles then took
my engorged member into her mouth.

I was lost in the sensations of what Karen was doing to me. She kissed and
licked my shaft and cockhead as she stroked my thighs and butt with both hands.
Karen kept that up for a while, then pulled away and sat on the sink. “Now
it’s your turn, Todd,” she said as she spread her legs apart.

I dropped to my knees. My attention focused on Karen’s clean shaven sex, I
brought my mouth to her moist opening, savoring her scent and taste, as my
tongue entered her. Karen’s moans of pleasure encouraged me as I continued to
probe her with my tongue.

As I sensed Karen’s excitement grow, I moved my attention further up her slit
to her hooded clitoris. Karen grabbed my head with her hands, and held me in
place as her orgasm hit.

After Karen released her hold on me I stood up and pulled Karen away from the
sink. Turning her around I said, “Now spread your legs and bend over.”

I stepped up close behind Karen, my erection sliding easily into her wet hole.
I watched us in the mirror as I took her. I started slowly, driving in deep,
then pulling out until only the head of my shaft remained within her . . .
then going in deep again.

I enjoyed the erotic sight in the mirror. Karen’s breasts swung freely to the
rhythm of my strokes. I started driving into her faster and harder, my pent-up
desires taking control.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a slight movement. I saw the reflection
of the barmaid in the mirror, standing just inside the rest room door, her
attention focused on us. My fear was that she’d blow the whistle and I’d have
to find a new hotel room for the night. When I saw her hands I knew it was
all right.

One hand tweaked her nipples through her blouse, while the other hand was busy
under her skirt.

The barmaid noticed me staring at her in the mirror and her face blushed with
embarrassment. She froze. When she realized I wasn’t going to anything, nor
stop what I was doing to Karen, the barmaid’s hands started to move again,
pleasuring herself while she watched us. I turned my attention back to the
reflection of Karen and me in the mirror.

I’d never acted in the roll of exhibitionist, and suddenly I found myself
excited by the fact I was being watched while a voyeur pleasured herself. The
additional thrill brought me even closer to the edge. The tempo of my thrusts
into Karen continued to increase driven by a burning fire that began deep in my
groin, signaling my rapidly approaching orgasm. I gripped Karen’s waist and
pulled us closer together, straining as deeply into her wetness as I could get.
My orgasm hammered through me and began cumming inside Karen, my hot seed
mixing with her own wetness.

My breathing slowly returned to normal as I pulled out of Karen, then glanced
toward the door. I was somewhat relieved to see that our companion had already
made her exit.

“That was wonderful, Todd,” Karen said as she picked her dress up from the

“You won’t find me arguing about that,” I replied and began to put my clothes

I stopped Karen as she grabbed some paper towels to clean up the wet evidence
of our encounter that was by now coating her inner thighs and running down her
legs. “Fairs fair,” I told her, “I came in here exposed, I want you to leave
that way. If anyone gets close enough to see, or catch the scent, I want them
to know what we just did.”

“Well, I guess that’s only fair,” Karen said. She dropped the paper towels and
slid her dress back on.

Heading for the door, Karen looked back at me, smiled and said, “If you’re
going to be in town a few more days, maybe we’ll run into each other again.”

“Maybe,” I replied as I finished buttoning my shirt.

Cautiously exiting the ladies’ room, I saw Karen leave the bar. When I went to
settle my bill, the same barmaid who had watched us was at the register. She
smiled at me. “I guess don’t have to ask if you had a good time tonight,” she

“No, in fact, I found your establishment rather stimulating.”

I pulled a hundred dollar bill out of my wallet, handed it to her and told her
to keep the change.

“Thanks, and do come again,” she said.

“Oh, I certainly hope so.” I turned and left the bar.

As I somewhat expected Karen was nowhere to be seen in the hotel lobby. I made
my way to my room, replaying the night’s events over in my mind.

The next morning I awoke with the familiar feeling of my wife’s’ naked body
against mine.

“Did you have a good time last night?” my wife asked.

“Yes, the hotel has a very nice bar downstairs,” I replied.

“And such a nice ladies room,” my wife said grinning.

“Karen, I wish you had told me you had something like that in mind,” I scolded.

“You know you would have never agreed to exposing yourself in that bar and then
doing it in the ladies room if I hadn’t got you so hot.”

“True enough,” I replied laughing. “But I almost thought we were done for when
I saw the barmaid in there with us. What would you have done if she had wanted
to do more than watch?”

“I was so horny by then I think I’d have let her have you,” Karen said. “But of
course if I had, I would have insisted you take me into the men’s room

“Oh you think so?”

Karen simply smiled. “I love you Todd,” she said then moved on top of me.

“I love you too, Karen.”

Memories of the previous evening still fresh in our minds, we began to make