Betty and Me (Hotdog)

Just then, as the girls were pleasing themselves, Mr. Lodge was
exercising one of his white stallion, ‘Sir Lancelot,’ with a ride
the woods. He thought that he had spied something near the pond,
and so he pulled on the reins and dropped down to investigate.

What greeted him was a sight that he hadn’t seen since before his
marriage. At that time he decided that it wouldn’t be appropriate for

a married and respectable businessman to keep his porno collection.
And so, with great regret he trashed them years ago. But here before
him was a live performance by two wood nymphs. He just couldn’t
pass up on this opportunity. So being very quiet and careful, he
tethered his horse to a nearby tree and started to slowly get closer
have a better view.

He could hear them through the bushes as he crept closer. He didn’t
know who these lezzies were, but he was grateful for their presence.
Closer he crept.

As he was getting closer, he could actually smell their sex, even from

this distance. He decided that this should be close enough without
risking to be discovered. And so he raised his head above the bushes
to see the action.

Imagine his shock when he could recognize two of Veronica’s friends
were his performers. But what surprised him most was that one of
them was Betty Cooper.

‘My god!’ He exclaimed to himself.

Mr. Lodge had been fantasizing about young Betty ever since her
body started to develop into a ravishing beauty. And here she was,
head down into Midge’s crotch, licking away like an old pro.

As he continued following the action in front of him, Mr. Lodge
released his cock from the confines of his riding pants and started to

jerk himself off. As Mr. Lodge kept looking at the lesbian scene
before him, he could hear Midge moaning in ecstasy from Betty’s
ministration. Just then he watched mesmerized, as Betty reached up
and started mauling Midge’s pert, yet firm breast.

Crawling up Midge’s body, Betty was now laying on top of her young
friend. Breast to breast, pussy to pussy. They then started rubbing
their bodies together, causing one of the most erotic sensations
of them had ever experienced in their young teenage life.

He started speeding his own masturbation, wanting to finish so that
he’d be able to leave the clearing before the girls noticed him spying

on them. The next thing that Mr. Lodge was witnessing was seeing
Midge lift her lips up to Betty’s, and witnessing them exchanging a
long deep french kiss. Their tongues intertwining, and sucking on
them as if their life depended on it.

Mr. Lodge finally came with gusto, leaving a puddle of his jism in the

bushes in front of him.

The girls tongue action must have gone on for at least fifteen minutes

before they separated themselves, breathing hard. They both lay on
their back clasping their own chest, trying to catch their breath.
Looking at each other, Mr. Lodge observed a smile on each of their
lips. So obviously they were both into it.

This revelation got Mr. Lodge’s mind churning.

‘How can I use this?’ He was thinking to himself.

As he was thinking of his plans, he was slowly making his way back
to his steed. Upon reaching ‘Sir Lancelot’, he climbed up and turned
head back to his Estate. All the while, a plan was formulating in his


‘First of all, I’ll have to give some vacation time to one of my staff

member. One in an isolated area of the Estate. Then I’ll get some
surveillance equipment installed. The one’s that are so small that
can’t see, even if you were looking strait at them.’

‘Then, I’ll phone up the Cooper place and offer Betty a summer job,
replacing the staff member. I’ll mention that its a two person job
that maybe one of her friends might be interested. Someone like
Midge maybe.’ He was thinking out his plans as he approached the
Lodge Estate.

Reaching the stable/kennel building, a glimmer could be seen in his
eyes as he called for Jeffrey. Jeffrey has been the caretaker of the
stable from seven years, and has always turned down the notion of
taking some time off.

“Jeffrey, I’ve been thinking this over, and I think it’s time for you
take some vacation time. I’m going to have to insist on it this time,

old boy.” Mr. Lodge said.

“But why sir? Is my job performance unsatisfactory?” Fretted the
stable hand.

“Of course not, my good man. But I cannot in good consciousness
allow you to go on without some time for rest.” Mr. Lodge

“But sir. I do so enjoy the work.”

Jeffrey wasn’t it making it easy for Mr. Lodge to proceed with his
voyeuristic plans. He’ll have to up the ante.

“Yes, yes. I know you do, but you need to take some time for
yourself. In fact, I’m going to give you something no other of the
staff has ever received. I’m giving you three full months of paid

Jeffrey’s jaw dropped. This was unheard of. Tightwad Lodge, giving
three months of vacation time.

‘Gee! He must really like my work.’ Thought Jeffrey.

Oh! How little did he know.

‘This is going to be just perfect.’ Was Mr. Lodge’s thought. ‘The
stable building is so far away from everything else, I’ll have no
problem with my plans. And the girls will feel secure enough to do
whatever they want.’

Getting back to the Mansion, Mr. Lodge headed straight to his study
to call up a surveillance company out of state, managed by one of his
old porno day buddies. He wanted to place a special order that he
wanted done within the week.

“Stan? Hiram Lodge here.” Mr. Lodge said over the phone.

“Hiram, how’s things. Long time no hear.” Snorted his friend.
“What can I do for ya?”

“Listen Stan, I need you to do an urgent installation job,” he started

to explain.

“What yuh got in mind chum.” Came the reply.

“I need a room hooked with spy cams. You know, the ones that you
can’t see.”

“Who you plannin’ on looking into old boy?” Stan’s curiosity had
been peeked.

Mr. Lodge knew by then that Stan had guessed his purpose so he
explained about his ploy to get these two teenaged girls he had spied
fooling around, to work for him. And that it was his hope that they
would be doing a repeat performance for his private collection. Of
course he left out Betty and Midge’s identity.

His friend understood and promised that he’ll do the job personally so

as to ensure Mr. Lodge’s anonymity. He’d get everything ready and
come over this weekend. He promised Mr. Lodge that he’d have the
whole system up and running by that Sunday. In exchange, he only
asked for a copy of the action to come.

This was agreeable to Mr. Lodge, so his buddy said he’d be over the
next day to plan out the installation. Mr. Lodge thanked him, and
hung up the phone.

A grin crossed his lips in anticipation of his successful plan.

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