A grand adventure in the office

Jess was puttering around her “office” not really doing much. There were no expense reports since the first supplies shipment wasn’t do for two more days and the excavations hadn’t really started. They had been delayed while negotiating with the local tribe. Ron walked into the tent. “You ready to go?” he asked.

“Go where?” Jess questioned.

“The chief is having some sort of a tribal get together and invited us. I don’t really have the time to spare, but it’s important we keep him happy. Albert is staying in camp with the workers to get set up. The translator, you, and I will go to the village. We’re leaving in about five minutes; as soon as the translator gets here,” he answered.

Jess, even though she hadn’t expected to go to the village, had nothing else planned, so it wasn’t a big deal. The translator arrived and the three left with a village representative. It was a long walk and Jess was happy to finally see the village. The chief met them and all were smiling, making Ron happy with their acceptance. They could see the villagers getting ready with some cooking and others setting up things.

All were surprised when the chief’s daughter addressed them. Through the translator, she told them she was impressed with their generosity giving her a gift (the panties) and she wanted to return the favor. She requested Jess to follow her to her hut. Jess looked at Ron and he nodded.

The two girls walked through the village. Jess noticed some of the villagers were wearing brightly colored sarongs which were mainly greens, blues, and yellows, but a few were orange or purple. They approached sort of a compound surrounded by a solid fence. There was an entryway to the compounded with a red cloth draped over it and with a guard, which the chief’s daughter just walked by.

Inside the compound were a few huts and they walked up to one of them and the chief’s daughter walked inside with Jess following. The chief’s daughter leaned down and pulled something out of a trunk. Jess really didn’t notice as she was looking around. She guessed it was the girl’s hut, like her room. There was a bed, chairs, and a few other items scattered around.

The chief’s daughter said something in her native language and held out what looked like a red cloth to Jess, keeping one like it for herself. Jess took the cloth, still not sure what it was. The girl then dropped the sarong she was wearing, baring herself, then wrapped the red cloth around her waist, knotting it, and Jess realized it was a sarong. She then gestured to Jess and Jess realized the girl wanted her to put on a matching sarong.

Jess sat down on one of the chairs, took her boots off, then her shorts. Since she had washed her panties the previous day, Jess was now naked from the waist down. With the girl’s help, Jess wrapped the sarong around her waist and the girl showed her how to knot it. Jess smiled seeing the girl had given her a sarong that matched the one she was wearing.

She was still wearing her top and Jess hesitated for a moment, then unbuttoned her top and took it off. The chief’s daughter smiled. Both girls were now wearing the same clothing and both were topless. Jess hadn’t thought before, but as the two girls left the hut she wondered what Ron would think of her topless and dressed like the villagers. She carried her boots, top, and shorts close to her chest unsure of what the reaction might be to her current dress, or rather undress.

As they approached Ron and the chief, the chief smiled and spoke. The translator interpreted for Ron and he relayed the message to Jess. “The chief says you look nice in the dress of his people. You may not realize it, but the color red is reserved for the rulers only. The chief told me his daughter wanted you to wear the family colors. Put your clothes and boots into my backpack assuming you are OK being topless for the rest of the day.”

“Do you mind me being topless?” Jess questioned, still not sure if it was OK for her to be topless. Ron shook his head. Jess stuffed her things into the backpack, then turned to Ron. “Tell her I am proud to wear her family colors,” she smiled, looking at the girl. “Tell her my name is Jess and ask her what I should call her too,” she added.

Ron relayed the message to the translator, who spoke to the chief’s daughter, making everyone smile. The chief’s daughter pointed at Jess, then said, “Jess,” and Jess nodded. She then pointed to herself and said, “Zuri,” and then pointed to her brother and said, “Hasani.” Jess repeated the names, pointing at each as she did. All three laughed.

Everything was ready for the feast. The chief, his family, Ron, and Jess all sat together at a big table, and were served by the villagers. Jess ended up sitting between Zuri and Hasani. The translator didn’t sit at the table, but stayed near by so his services could be used. The chief and his family were, of course, royalty to the villagers, but Jess was impressed when she too was treated as royalty.

They had a leisure meal, then sat back relaxing. Some of the villagers began dancing and what seemed to be a sort of entertainment. It was getting dark, but they had built a fire providing light. The chief’s children engaged him in a short conversation and he nodded. Zuri said something to the translator and he, in turn, translated to Ron.

“She said the young people were going to a different fire and asked if you would like to join them. Would you?” Ron said to Jess and she nodded. “OK, you can go with them. Do not leave the village though. You will have to talk to them as best as you can. I’ll keep the translator with me.” He then said something to the translator and he said something to Zuri. She smiled and held out her hand to Jess, which she took.

Zuri, Hasani, and Jess left to go to the other fire. On the way Zuri said something to her brother, who nodded. As they passed Zuri’s hut, inside the compound, Zuri pulled on Jess’s arm and lead her to her hut. There was what looked like an oil lamp in the hut so it was light enough to see. Once inside Zuri said something, which of course Jess didn’t understand. Zuri picked up a stick and drew something in the dirt.

Jess looked at it and giggled, but also nodded. Zuri had drawn the outline of what was obviously a boy’s cock and balls. Zuri pointed at the drawing, then pointed to her crotch. With her other hand she made a half circle motion starting at her chest and ending at her crotch, then folded her arms and rocked them back and forth. Jess realized she was saying a boy puts his cock into a girl’s pussy and then gets pregnant. Jess nodded, indicating she understood.

Zuri then pointed at her drawing again, but then pointed at her ass. Her free arm traced down her belly, which was naturally flat, she crossed her arms rocking them as she had before, but shook her head this time. Jess giggled as she nodded, knowing Zuri was telling her she couldn’t get pregnant from anal sex. Zuri once again pointed to the drawing, pointed to her ass, then made a face like it hurt. Jess understood right away. She didn’t know why Zuri was telling her that though.

Zuri looked around, then opened her chest and pulled out a clay covered jar, showing it to Jess. Jess was surprised when Zuri loosened the knot of her sarong and let it drop to the floor. She opened the jar and showed Jess the contents of it. It looked like some kind of cream to Jess. Jess noticed Zuri blush a little as she dipped her finger into the cream, turn around bending over, and rubbed her finger over her asshole. She then turned back around, pointed to the drawing, then her ass, but this time smiled and nodded. Jess wondered if Zuri was trying to tell her how to have anal sex, but wasn’t sure, so indicated she didn’t understand.

Zuri repeated her actions, but seemed to emphasize putting the cream on by scooping a large amount with her finger, showing it to Jess, then turning, bending over, and, reaching up between her legs, pushed the cream into her asshole and pushing her finger in as well. She repeated pushing some cream into her, then stood up, held the jar out to Jess, and pointed at Jess’s ass.

It left no doubt what Zuri meant this time. Jess undid the knot on her sarong, letting it drop, then dipped her finger into the jar and spread some on the cream on her asshole. She found it very slippery. Zuri reached for Jess’s hand, stretched out Jess’s finger, and dipped it into the jar scooping out a big glob of cream. She then bent over and pushed her own finger into her ass as Jess watched again. Zuri stood and turned to face Jess again and seemed to push on Jess’s back until she bent over. Zuri then moved Jess’s cream covered finger to her ass, obviously indicating for Jess to put her finger into her own ass.

Jess blushed instinctively as she complied. Zuri took Jess’s finger and again dipped it into the cream. Jess pushed more of the cream into her ass, then stood up to see Zuri smiling and nodding. She then picked up her sarong and knotted it around her hips again and indicated for Jess to do the same, which she did. The two then left the hut.

They walked out of the compound then around it to the rear section. As they walked around a bend Jess saw a small fire with six boys, including Hasani, and four girls. Two of the girls were the two offered to Ron and Jess didn’t recognize the other two. The four girls were dancing around the fire and the boys were sitting around the fire, outside the girls, watching the girls dance.

Zuri took Jess aside and showed her the moves to the dance. It wasn’t a complicated dance and Jess seemed to pick up the steps quickly. Zuri seemed pleased and lead Jess into the circle of girls and both joined in the dance. It was fun dancing seductively in front of the boys and Jess thought she could see the results of the dancing in the boys’ crotches.

Jess was starting to get turned on. The native girls may have been comfortable being topless, like it was a normal thing, but Jess wasn’t. To her it was sexual, very sexual. Seeing the boys hard was exciting her even more.

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