A mature, experienced beautiful widow finds shudderingly satisfying sex with a younger man

Rob was gone! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!!
And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell
on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had
been through and seen it all in their long union. A
May-December marriage that started out like a torrid
sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile
cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when
Dolly had been repeatedly ravished by escaped convicted
rapist, Lyle Buhr.

Buhr’s monster cock had stretched Dolly’s revirginated
pussy and aroused previously unstimulated nerve endings
and created an voracious mature sex slave. Dolly had
dieted and exercised to tone her voluptuous body into a
creature of unparalleled beauty and sensuousness.

Her plump rounded tits measured a stunning 37DD. The
pink bullet-like nipples, centered in silver dollar
sized, lightly pebbled areolas, responded to the touch
to an excited state of erection that fairly shouted to
be tweaked, pinched, pulled, sucked and twirled.

Her sculptured Scandinavian face with her ice blue
eyes, platinum hair and flawless glowing complexion
turned heads wherever she went. She had worked hard to
flatten her slight round belly and she had succeeded.
She was a flat as any woman her age with just the
slightest sexy roundness to her belly and was proud of
her accomplishment. Her sensuously rounded 36 inch hips
encased a firm well defined ass. Her legs were short
and muscular, but nicely formed to carry her regal
upright carriage.

All in all, Dolly was a stunningly beautiful woman with
all the feminine wiles to excite any red-blooded man.
The loss of her husband had hit her hard. She had
enjoyed a close companionship, as well a rejoined sex
life with Rob. And now he was gone. She missed the
verbal repartee and physical closeness they had shared.
To ease her mind from dwelling on her loss, she threw
herself into her work as a nurse in a local nursing

Immediately following Rob’s death, her friends and co-
workers had kept her busy with invitations to dinners
and recreational outings, along with some obvious
attempts to link her up with available males. Dolly had
seen through these and had sloughed them off as too
early and too mismatched.

She had had a good marriage and was not ready to enter
into an emotional relationship with any man…not just
yet, anyhow! She had vowed to Rob on his deathbed that
she would not re-marry and she fully intended to honor
the pledge…even though it went against the growing
ache in her pussy to be filled with hard hot cock meat.

It was the practice that the resident’s doctors
routinely visited the nursing home to check on their
condition and to provide orders and guidance for the
nursing staff. Dolly’s position of Director of Nursing
placed her in close daily contact with the visiting
MD’s. One of the “docs”, as they were called by the
nurses was Dr. Vincent Ferugia. Dr. Ferugia was a
startlingly handsome man of about 6 feet tall with a
ruddy, tanned classic Mediterranean face. His was 45
years old and had lost his wife about 5 years ago in a
car crash.

The good doctor possessed a gentle and comforting
bedside manner and the residents under his care loved
him. His demeanor around the staff was professional and
detached…except around Dolly. When he was in close
proximity to the strikingly beautiful Dolly, he turned
on the charm that had endeared him to his friends and
patients for years.

He did not hesitate to compliment her on her physical
and intellectual attributes that were anything but
professional. He flattered her with comments about her
hair, her dress, her complexion and even, one day,
about her body.

Dolly had always been a little shy and reacted to his
attentions with a casual reticence. But, under her
casual attitude, she was thrilled at his growing
interest. After all, he WAS the most attractive man
that ever came into her facility! Doctor Ferugia soon
developed the habit of stopping into Dolly’s office and
discussing various aspects of patient care that they
both shared. Dolly delighted with the seeming extra
attention that the good doctor showered her with. Every
day that he visited the facility was a day that Dolly
looked forward to with growing anticipation.

As time when on, these clinical meetings in Dolly’s
office took a more personal turn. Dolly sincerely
shared many common interests with the good doctor and
it seemed quite normal to be curious about him and
likewise Doctor Vince, she now called him, was growing
more interested in Dolly and just who she was and what
she liked and disliked and what made her so desirable
to him.

Dolly, while enjoying the attention that Doctor Vince
showered her with, was looking more intensely at this
gorgeous male who sat across her desk. His swarthy good
looks, his chiseled Mediterranean features and his
toned large body had her pussy tingling in spite of
herself. When he would reach out and brush her hand as
he was speaking, it was as if he was electrifying her.
On occasion, during pauses in the conversation, she
would let her mind drift and thought of the
possibilities, ahhh… the possibilities. Could this
man really be interested in her, an older much married
mature woman?

Then one day while they were talking in the hallway,
Dr. Vince gently laid his hand on Dolly’s shoulder and
turning her to face him, “Dolly, would you be agreeable
to have dinner with me tonight?”

Somewhat taken aback and more than a little flustered,
Dolly replied, “I’d be delighted. What time do you

Still softly holding her hands in his, he asked, “How
would seven-thirty be? Can I pick you up at your house
in Oakdale?”

“Seven-thirty would be just fine, I’ll be ready.” And
with that affirmation, Dolly’s fate was sealed. Their
eyes locked for what seemed to Dolly to be an eternity.
Waves of excitement that she hadn’t felt in years
washed over her.

The rest of the day was a blur to Dolly. “What to wear?
How much make up? Do I have any underwear sexy enough?
What am I thinking… it’s just a dinner. My God, he’s
so handsome. I wonder where he’ll take me?”

The seconds ticked by like glacial eons, the hours like
super slow motion as Dolly’s anticipation mounted.

Finally, it was time to leave the facility and go home
and get ready for her big night. Arriving at her home,
Dolly was in a state of excited anticipation. What to
wear… what to wear? After she showered, she lightly
trimmed her pussy bush. She spent a good three quarters
of an hour going through her fine wardrobe. Finally she
chose a silver blue wrap-around sheath with a, to her
anyway, was a daring decollete. Showing just enough
swelling breast to be enticing, but not too
provocative. To add a bit of mystery and allure, she
chose a soft shimmering silver flecked wrap to warm her
shoulders and compliment her platinum locks.

She picked through her bra collection, finally
selecting a lacy under-wire demi-bra that lifted and
pushed up her exceptional tits and barely covered her
thrusting rosy pink nipples. Trying it on, she was very
satisfied with the way it shaped her sensational
superstructure and gave her a very sexy look. While
Dolly usually wore pantyhose for daily work, tonight
she wriggled into a satin/lace, rather conservative
pair of panties. Her fancy spandex/lace garter belt
finished the foundation. It was time to complete her
make-up and hair. For starters, she applied a touch of
Oscar de la Renta cologne to her trimmed pussy and
between her swelling breasts.

The understated musky sexiness of that particular scent
always aroused her and she wondered about what effect,
if any, it would have on Dr. Vince. She spend an
inordinate amount of time to make sure that every hair
was in its’ perfect place for this perfect evening.
When she was satisfied with the radiant glowing image
in the mirror, she began applying her final step… her
make-up. Dolly had been trained as an esthetician
before she had become a nurse, so that she had
extensive knowledge of how to enhance her natural
beauty to the maximum extent.

First the eyeliner, shadow, blusher, and the lovely lip
color. She was simply a visage of feminine loveliness
as she slipped into her tight silver blue sheath dress.
As a final touch, she put on her diamond studded nugget
necklace (a remembrance from a husband past) and her
tasteful diamond earrings. She was now ready to meet
her “first date” since Rob’s death and excited to
experience whatever was about to happen.

Dolly was no naive, innocent woman when it came to sex
and the wonders that it held, but it had been a fairly
long time since her adventures with Rob and the many
men whom she had enjoyed and who had enjoyed her. As
she awaited her handsome exciting escort she was
atingle with sexual exhilaration.

At last, the doorbell announcing the arrival of Dr.
Vince and his magic chariot to paradise! Grabbing her
soft silver shoulder wrap she hurried to the door. She
smiled and almost gasped at her handsome beaming
escort, resplendent in his dark suit, tastefully
understated pink power tie and A SINGLE ROSE! Dolly
almost swooned. She held out her hands and invited him
in while she obtained her silvery shoulder wrap.

Surely, electricity flowed between them as they
touched. This could be the beginning of a great
evening. Dr. Vince held out his hand and escorted her
to his gleaming black Lexus sedan waiting in her drive.
As Vince helped Dolly into his car, he glanced down to
catch a wonderful view of her swelling decolletage.
Dolly’s neckline was doing exactly what she had hoped
for… her bounteous bosom had gotten Vince’s
attention. She looked up at her beaming “prince” and
smiled knowingly.

“What a beautiful car,” Dolly exclaimed as they pulled
from her driveway. Vince smiled and replied, “It takes
a doctor’s degree to drive it. It has so many bells and
whistles. I’ve made reservations at Copeland’s, I
assume that’s alright with you?” Dolly enthusiastically
agreed. As they drove to their chosen restaurant they
made small talk, about food, cars and their community.
They both thought that the evening was off to a
wonderful start.

After parking the car, Vince once again helped Dolly
alight from her side of the vehicle and got another
glimpse of her luscious ripe breasts. “What gorgeous
tits!” he thought to himself. As the two walked to the
entrance, they made a striking couple. No one would
have guessed that Dolly was 14 years the senior
partner. Dr. Vince tall, dark, chiseled and impeccably
dressed and Dolly radiant in her sculpted shiny light
blue sheath and silvery shoulder shawl gave the
impression that they had been a couple for years…not
just a few hours.

Having been ushered to a intimate quiet corner table in
the impressively decorated restaurant, they were give
the menu and Vince inquired if Dolly would like a glass
of wine before dinner. While Dolly ordinarily didn’t
drink, she agreed and selected a Beringer White
Zinfandel while Vince ordered a California Pinot Noir.
As an appetizer, the couple selected Creole Calimari.

Studying the menu, Dolly chose a dish she loved; Shrimp
Scampi and Vince chose Crab Stuffed Catfish Bordelaise.
The gustatory business out of the way the two began the
age-old would-be intimates conversational “dance”.
Throughout the meal Dolly and Vince talked about their
past and some enlightening experiences, about their
past husbands and wives, and about their shared likes
and dislikes.

Occasionally when their eyes met it was like magic
passed between them…their eyes seemed to lock for
seconds that ran into hours. In the silent message was
the promise of what was to come.

The wonderful meal was over. They had passed on dessert
had headed for their car in a lustful fog. Once
underway, Vince said. “Would you like to see my humble
abode?” Dolly quickly agreed with growing anticipation.
Dr. Vince lived in a upscale newer subdivision called,
Stonehenge where the majority of homes were in the
half-million dollar range. Vince’s home was no
exception to that rule. Dolly was stunned when they
pulled into the driveway of his fantastic home. It was
huge and it was majestic!

As Vince ushered Dolly into the glorious mansion, Dolly
was agog at the opulence of the place. He took her past
the entryway into the large living room. Pushing a few
buttons on a small remote, the place was suffused with
a indirect light. Then soft music enveloped them. Vince
asked, “Now can we share a small nightcap? Drambuie,

Dolly nodded numbly, over- whelmed. She had never even
seen a place like this. Vince led his beautiful “date”
to a large overstuffed Italian leather couch and
gestured for her to sit. “Make yourself at home,
Dolly'” he said, as Dolly sank into the soft
encompassing leather. “Ahh! This is pure luxury,” she
sighed. Vince smiled in appreciation.

As the velvety melodic sensual music of Art Garfunkel’s
“I Only Have Eyes for You” swelled around them, Vince
said, “Dolly dear, may I have this dance?” Smiling,
Dolly shucked her heels and Vince slipped out of his
Bruno Magli loafers. Rising from the couch she flowed
into his arms.

As they smoothly danced, Dolly nestled her head into
broad chest. Holding her tightly to him Vince could
feel her bountiful breasts press into his chest. As
Dolly closed her eyes and felt his hand press into her
lower back she could feel his rising maleness push into
her rounded belly.

It was as if they were lost in an erotic fog. Dolly
placed her arms around Vince’s neck as he freed one arm
to gently stroke her back and finally the side of her
breast. As she looked up at him, bent down and lightly
kissed her lips. She pressed into him and returned his
kiss with a growing passion. Their mouths opened and
their tongues tested and explored. They savored the
erotic probing they made with their tongues. The dance
ended and Vince led Dolly back to the couch.

As they reclined on the couch, Vince had begun to
caress both of Dolly’s breasts as she thrust them up
into his hands. They were in a constant kiss. Dolly
could feel Vince trying to release the fasteners that
held her dress together. In the throes of the moment,
Dolly began to unbutton Vince’s shirt. With Dolly’s
dress undone and her beautiful lacy bra packed tits
open for Vince’s eyes and ministrations. He got right
to work on working Dolly into a sexual frenzy.

Four hands were flying over two beautiful bodies. Dolly
felt the strong back and shoulder muscles. Vince
massaged and rolled her soft and elastic tits,
concentrating on her stiffening nipples through her
lacy demi-bra. He reached around behind her to locate
and unfasten the hooks that were keeping him from his

Using the finger dexterity that comes with years of
medical training, in seconds Dolly’s gorgeous globes
sprung free, luscious, separate and unhindered by a
bra. When Dolly felt Vince’s hairy chest rub against
her bare nipples, she squealed with delight. Seizing
his opportunity, Vince kissed his way to her heaving
bosom and latched on to her right nipple, now as hard
and as long as 45 caliber bullet. “Aahhhhhhh!
Oooohhhh!” Dolly moaned.

Vince hummed as he sucked and drove Dolly even further
into rapture. His tongue whirled, swirled, and flicked
while his free hands ceaselessly kneaded and rolled her
other billowing breast.

Dolly, even though clearly endowed with luxuriant tit
flesh, possessed a great number of nerve endings in her
throbbing breasts. As a result, her tits were
extraordinarily sensitive to the extent that she was
one of the rare women who could revel in what is called
a “tit come”. Given the amount of titillation, it was
as if her tits/nipples were connected to her clit/cunt.
ZAP! ZAP! The electricity struck her! OOOWWWW! OOOHH!

Dolly experienced her first orgasm of the evening with
many more to come! She arched her back into Vince’s
strong hands and fingers and flattened them into his
sucking mouth and pirouetting tongue.

Although the only sounds in the room were of short
little moans and mews, soft grunts, hums, rustling
clothes and wet kissing and sucking, Vince had not even
touched her satin and lace encased Mound of Venus and
the trophy that lay just “round the bend”, already
Dolly had crested big time.

Dolly, when she regained some limited control, was
feverishly trying to get Vince out of his restricting
clothes. She’d undone his belt and unzipped his fly and
had finally got her fingers around his manly fuck tool.
Ohhhh! He was big! The ovely mature woman gasped as she
felt the surprising length and thickness of it again,
its blood-heated warmth sensually penetrated the palm
of her slender hand which could hardly encompass it.
Bigger than Rob ever was!

Her touch brought it to even greater hardness and with
a heightened felling of awe, she began to explore it.
Almost as big as she remembered Lyle Buhr. She used her
short trimmed nails to gently scrape along its rigid
length, knowing that it would give him a charge. Her
reward came instantly. She felt its lustful, expanding
throb, accompanied by his low moan of pleasure. He had
to much longer than Rob and of wonderful cunt
stretching girth.

Vince felt her hands caress his hardening cock and
sighed with pleasure. This woman was so very alluring
and desirable, he could hardly believe his good luck.
Her fingers ran up and down his shaft. She squeezed as
she pulled him into greater hardness. She certainly
knew how to arouse her man! His arms went around her,
his hands dropping down to massage the smooth
suppleness of her buttocks and to feel the silky, lithe
flesh of her body under his loving hands.

Then, pulling her tight in against him, he pushed the
hardened rod of his massive penis between her thighs,
thrusting it into the curly trimmed mass of light brown
curls lining her pulsing cuntal entrance. He moved it
back and forth there, rubbing teasingly against her
naked silky pussy flesh, feeling the smooth moisture of
her hot throbbing cunt flow over his passion-heated

The firm, engorged pointed buds of her erect nipples
punched into his chest as her arms flew around him.
Then parting her thighs slightly, Dolly slid her hand
down to grasp his slim hard-muscled buttocks, pulling
him in until their loins met, black public hair mashed
together with light brown, and his purple bulbous
cockhead nestled solidly all the way up between her
legs in the hot sodden wetness of her cunt.

The huge mushroom shaped head of his cock was taunting
and teasing her tightly puckered little anal rosebud.
Dolly leaned back away from him, breaking the circle of
his arms, and with a guttural groan, Vince scooped up
the lovely woman and carried her to the bedroom.
Breathing hard, he laid her down on the huge king-sized
bed that was his sexual playground.

Lying on her back, her thighs spread, ready to receive
him, her hands flitted narcissistically over her
flamboyant tits. Dolly mewed, “Oh my titties, my
titties, my titties”. Cupping and squeezing them,
pulling on her nipples, then sliding her hands over her
flat belly, down the outside of her thighs and back up
the intimate velvety softness to the thick light brown
thicket of her cuntal down while she waited for him to
mount her.

Vince gazed down at the vision of loveliness under his
outstretched arms and was struck with her lust filled
beauty. Dolly’s breath was coming in ragged gasps,
“Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh! Oh Vince, do me, do me, fuck me

He leaned over and kissed her deeply, tongues wrapping
around each others. He slowly moved over to her neck
and ear as she shuddered. Next he kissed and ran his
hot tongue down to her lust swollen tits and nipples
where he lavished both with tongue and sucking kisses.
Dolly rolled and writhed with sheer pleasure and

His tongue trailed down her body and zeroed on her
dainty navel. Here he let his swirling, sucking,
darting tongue thrill his squirming target to
stratospheric heights. All during this, his hands
continued kneading and tweaking her tits and nipples.
“Ohhhhhh GOOODD! Ohhhh Gaawwddd! SOOO GOOD, SO GOOD!”

Her overflowing flesh flower lay open before him. He
pressed his fevered lips to her quaking hardened bud.
Sucking gently so as to restrain her orgasm, He began
the “Sam Kinison Pussy Eating Program”. His tongue drew
outlines of every letter of the alphabet on her clit.
Dolly’s pelvis arched upward to meet his flicking
tongue. When he got to “F”, Dolly erupted with a scream
of ecstacy, her body went rigid, her cunt spasmed,
ambrosia like liquid flowed from its recesses! Her come
was monumental! Never in her life had she even come
close to this.

As Dolly trembled, Vince shifted his attack on her
cunt. He lavished the flat of his tongue on her flared
open labia from anus to clit. The effect was dizzying
to Dolly’s senses. “Oooo, Ooooo, Oooo, Oh Gawddd!” She
mewed. Insinuating his middle finger into her oozing
cunt, finger fucked her in faster and faster thrusts.
Adding the two fingers on either side of his middle
finger he made the thrusts deeper and rolling. He
pressed and rubbed against her G-Spot and she howled in
ecstacy. “Ooohh! Ooohh! Vince, Fuck Me NOW! OOHH!
Please Fuck MEEE!”

With experience gained from fucking a number of lovely
ladies, Vince sensed that Dolly was ready for his
turgid cock to transport her the rest of the way to
paradise. With her thighs splayed as wide as she could
spread them and her cunt soaked and honeying with her
fuck fluids, Dolly certainly could not have been more

Vince raised his body from its position lavishing her
orally and hovered for a moment. Sliding his cock up
and down her engorged labia, he wetted the circumcised
purple cockhead with his pre-coital lubricant and her
liquors. Slowly, very slowly, he pushed and stretched
as he bore deeper into her welcoming tightness.
“OOOOOHHH! OOOOOHHH! Dolly moaned as she felt his
hardness broach her long unused passageway. She gasped
as his cockhead passed the tight muscle band just
inside her vaginal opening, the widening felt sooooo

Having just become semi-seated inside he succulent
cunt, Vince pulled his cock back to the very puffy pink
portal from which he had come. Moistening his steel-
like erection with their juices, he pushed in again.
Just like the first time, Dolly reveled in the
sensation of his taking of her.

Pulling her knees up toward her chest, Vince placed his
muscular arms behind them to raise her cunt to allow
for his cocks full penetration. Slowly, very slowly,
she felt him sink further and further into her body.

As her slippery smooth, warm corrugated vagina expanded
and grew to encourage his pathway, she threw her head
back and felt delivered into a new world. Vince loved
the way he could feel the hot, wet walls of her cunt
give way before his mighty truncheon. Alternately
clasping and surrendering as he pressed forward toward
the limits of her enveloping vagina.

With her breath coming in ragged expressions of
“AAAHHH! AAAHHH! OOOOO! AAAHHH! Dolly felt her whole
existence was centered in her cunt. Had sex ever been
this delicious? His cock was so hard, so long, so
thick, she felt skewered by it and wanted it to never
end! He was such a indescribable lover, she had
completely abandoned herself to his cock! The lovers
paused, almost on cue, to relish the feel of complete
penetration, with his cock fully seated to the hilt
into her stretched and lengthened vagina. With each
other’s heat and presence acutely felt by the other.

“Talk dirty, Doll, talk dirty!” Vince said in the heat
of passion.

Dolly moaned, “Oh Vince, fuck mee! fuck meee! fill my
cunt! Ohhh! Ohhh!”

Thrusting her pelvis up to meet his downward slides,
she was lost in carnal fog. Gawd! Ohhh Gawd! My
titties, My titties! OOOHHH! Vince, subtly changed his
fucking rhythm, using a technique he had learned about
from his medical colleagues, pulled back until his cock
was almost out of Dolly’s grasping pussy and making 5
or 6 little one inch thrusts at her pussy portal
followed by a honeyed rush to the bottom of her velvet
channel, he made Dolly shriek with pleasure. Each
little thrust stimulated her muscle ring at the
entrance to her cunt, just like his first penetration.

Jab, jab, jab, Dolly loved the feeling of quick
spearing and the soaring plunge to the distended limits
of her cunt. Vince exulted in the repeated tightness
her cunt threshold and its subsequent yielding to his
forceful penile lunge that filled her with his
pulsating manhood. Jab, jab, jab, jab: Swooosh!

Dolly’s cunt walls convulsed in a grasping, milking,
clinging embrace! Over and over, until she felt his
cock swell and push deeper and deeper until an intense,
scalding hot eruption started deep inside her cunt and
spread throughout her entire being! Vince, too, had
come! And with perfect timing!

The lovers paused to luxuriate in their spent passion.
Their love liquids melding together inside this
dazzling vessel, Dolly’s cunt. As Vince’s cock slowly
began to wane from its steely hardness, he disengaged
from Dolly’s cunt with a soft wet plop. Dolly, is an
exhausted haze, dreamily said, “I want to taste us.”
And with that she crabbed around so that she could
envelop Vince’s withered penis in her fevered mouth.

She set about licking the “turtle butter” of their
lovemaking off his slowly reawakening shaft. Vince, now
within inches of Dolly’s seeping love nest, nuzzled his
head into her overheated crotch and began licking her
sopping labia and the sweet “liquors” issuing from deep
inside his glorious conquest.

With Vince rising to the occasion, or at least
partially rising, in involuntary response to Dolly’s
sucking and tongue play and to his delight in the aroma
and taste of her cunt, he felt like he could mount
another round. But, Dolly exhausted from her exertions
and multiple orgasms, just “petered out.” She slowly
stopped in her oral efforts and just nodded off.

Vince worked around so that he was “spooned” into her
back with his right hand cupping her full left breast
and his half limp cock snuggled lightly into the crack
of her rounded buttocks. So situated, he fell into a
wistful slumber.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Vince awakened and
realized that he had a raging hard-on nestled in the
warm cleft of Dolly’s ass. With his hard cock only an
inch or two from Dolly’s warm and still oozing pussy,
he slid it closer to the “promised land.” His cock was
now so hard it hurt.

Using the few drops of pre-coital lubricating fluid to
smooth his way he effortlessly slid between Dolly’s
relaxed labial flower and up and down her love funnel.
Gliding past her cunt opening and up scarcely bumping
her sleeping clit. He felt her involuntarily start to
heat up and add to the satiny slickness that he was
feeling. Slightly changing his angle of attack, he
gently pressed into her opening. Dolly softly moaned
and moved her behind toward the hot hard rod that was
tunneling into her still wet velvet cunt.

“Ummm! Ummm! Ummm!” She hummed faintly as he bored past
the nerve laden entry ring and made his way slowly and
toward the blind end of her vagina, now elongating and
stretching as he pressed on. Dolly’s legs extended to
feel the great cock at its’ fullest range. Her toes
pointed to the sky as she reveled in his taking of her.
The exquisite awareness of cock and cunt overwhelmed
the lovers as Vince began small, very small, about one
inch rhythmic thrusts where he would hit bottom and
retreat over and over again.

Almost drifting off into sleep, this slow motion,
sensuous love making went on for almost 45 minutes. At
last, Vince stiffened, swelled and erupted in another
ropy stream after stream of hot cream filling Dolly’s
cavern for the second time. Dolly gasped as her cunt
muscles milked and spasmed against his throbbing penis
as she came again in glorious release.

sighed. Temporarily exhausted, the lovers fell into a
sensuous slumber, once more with Vince’s hand cupping
Dolly’s warm, soft, swollen breast. As they lay
reveling in the warm afterglow of their love making,
they both just drifted off into sleep. With Vince’s
hand once more cupping Dolly’s soft breast and with his
softening cock still entrapped in her warm wet cunt, he
felt like he was in heaven.

And with the two so coupled, dawn broke in resplendent
color. As Vince opened his eyes to the new day, he felt
Dolly’s fingers clasping his customary morning “woody”.
As he reached over her recumbent body to kiss her “good
morning”, she moaned softly and responded with a
passionate kiss of her own. “I looks like a wonderful
morning,” she said.

“It feels even more wonderful,” he replied, as she
lightly squeezed his cock. “Do you think we have time
for one more?” she whispered between kisses. As Vince
rolled onto his back, Dolly moved to straddle him and
began to rub her flared cunt over and over his erect

She could feel the lubrication start to coat her
sensitized labia and mix with his pre-come oozing from
his cock. As they continued to fondle and kiss each
other with growing passion, Dolly slowly lowered
herself onto his towering shaft in one sensuous glide
until he was fully seated into her gorgeous body!

“Ummmmm! Ummmmm! Oh! So good, sooo wonderfully good! It
has never been this good-EVER!” Dolly breathed.

“I’m glad you like it.” Vince smiled and replied.

As she rocked her body with him imbedded to the hilt,
relishing the full feeling inside her cunt, she said,
“Make it last forever. Oh your cock feels sooo good.
YES! YES! YES! My pussy is stuffed with it.” She bent
forward and offered her swollen breasts and raspberry
sized nipples to his ravenous mouth and tongue.

“OH! GAWD! I’M IN HEAVEN!” His hand reached around her
bouncing ass globes and found her puckered anus.
Coating his middle finger with the juices from their
fucking, he inserted it into to her causing her to gasp
and moan loudly. He could feel both her pussy and her
anus rhythmically contract in time with their fucking.
He knew he had found a woman who could match his sexual
appetite and desires. Everything he had ever wanted in
a woman he now had impaled on his driving and plunging
cock. He would not let this one go, he told himself as
he fucked her into delirious orgasm after orgasm.

Tits bouncing, pussy in almost continuous paroxysm,
mouth kissing and gasping, eyes closed, head thrown
back, Dolly was in a fucking frenzy! When, at last, he
allowed his drained balls to release their load up into
the warm, clasping recesses of Dolly’s straining body,
their glorious lovemaking slowed and finally she fell
forward onto him with his cock still buried deep in her

They lay together for a long time before Vince rolled
to one side, his cock slipped out of Dolly’s draining
pussy and they kissed in passionate embrace for ten
minutes or so. Dolly turned and took Vince’s dwindling
cock in her mouth and sucked it clean, drawing
satisfied grunts and moans for the satiated man on the
end of it. Vince reciprocated and moved to service
Dolly’s sopping cunt with the same loving appreciation
as Dolly had shown him.

Reluctantly the lovers retired to the bathroom and
showered together and prepared for the day ahead. They
both had rounds to make at their respective facilities
and face the realities of the real world and its’
problems. Wearing white terry robes, made small talk as
they cooperatively made breakfast of scrambled eggs,
bacon, toast and coffee. It was almost as if they had
been together for years, not just one night. Soon, away
too soon, away too soon, it was time to dress and tend
to their other responsibilities.

As Vince drove Dolly back to her home to dress for her
job, her mind once again returned to her thoughts as
the evening has begun. She had had her sexual needs met
as never before in her life. Vince had proved as
enticing, intelligent, charming and a fantastic lover
as he had seemed when she accepted his invitation. This
relationship had real promise. As she dwelt on it…
she thought, as she had originally, ah… the
possibilities… the possibilities.