A white professional couple entertain their new African Boss as their guest

Richard squirmed in his seat.

Tormented and teased by their guest, yet powerless to
do anything about it. He had worked for six months for
Okhama Ochiemara. During that time, he had worked
tirelessly to impress and improve the profits of JD
Engineering. His reward had been to be forced to offer
his wife, Suzanne, to his African employer. Bitterness
governed his thoughts. For six months Okhama Ochiemara
had laid sexual siege to his pretty 32-year-old wife. ]

He had been proud of the way Suzanne had brushed him

Responding coolly and politely with firmness, she had
rejected every advance. That Okhama should have been so
blatant in his advances had shocked Richard. To see the
man that employed him, and governed their life in
Zimbabwe, make such obvious and direct sexual overtures
to his lovely wife had been a great shock.

Such behaviour would have been unthinkable in England.
Here in Africa, things were done differently.

Even after 16 years of marriage she had remained
steadfast. Had casually accepted the overtures, and
just as casually ignored them. Remained serene and
poised, even when the advances had been physical.
Richard shuddered at he memory of Okhama cupping his
wife’s pudenda through her shorts and casually stroking
her in front of several laughing, if embarrassed,
guests. Richard had been close to punching Okhama, then
but had not dared.

Okhama was extremely powerful as well as wealthy. He
had pulled up tonight at their villa in a Lamborghini
Diablo. His four bodyguards, who even now lounged
around the garden terrace drinking Richard’s beer, had
arrived in two more Diablos. What sort of wealth
allowed a man to equip his bodyguard’s with such cars?

Okhama had laughed.

“I need my bodyguards to be able to travel as fast as
me. What use are they if I leave them behind? I look
after my guards, and I expect them to look after me.”

He certainly did look after his guards. Twenty minutes
after they arrived, a Mercedes drew up out of which had
popped two very attractive white women who were
apparently the entertainment for the bodyguards. Their
occasional happy screeches were an embarrassment to
Richard, though Suzanne had taken it all in her stride.

Tonight he seemed to be on his best behaviour.
Charming, witty, and polite. He was so confident in his
final success that he was magnanimous in victory.


Richard held his temper. He had been set up. It was all
so wrong!

He had done nothing wrong! He had behaved impeccably.
Tread the straight and narrow. His wife had been a
perfect and loyal partner.

It had done them no good.

Okhama had known what he wanted from the moment he had
seen the obligatory family photograph accompanying
Richard’s CV. The perfect English family fallen on hard
times, a depression in the Europe, or America always
churned out surplus professionals looking to maintain
their lifestyle. An overseas contract seemed like manna
from heaven to such people.

Okhama’s hand dropped below the table resting on
Suzanne’s shapely thigh. Suzanne jumped. Richard
noticed. His looked at Okhama suddenly conscious that
his arm was moving slowly below the table.

“It’s all right, Richard.” There was a trembling in
Suzanne’s voice. Richard swallowed. Holding back a
retort. Okhama looked over at Richard.

“Yes Richard, relax. I assure your wife is going to
thoroughly enjoy this evening.”

He grinned at Richard who kerbed the impulse to thump
him. It would do no good. Okhama was going to get what
he wanted this evening. Richard knew it. Okhama knew
it. Suzanne knew it, and trembled, seeking to control
her fear and desire.

She had controlled very firmly her response to Africa.
The continent was wildly exotic. The African men had
been so determinedly sexually aggressive. Okhama was
one of only many men who had made persistent advances
towards her. Not just men who were rich and powerful
like the owner of JD Engineering, but men who were
street loafers and layabouts.

Their own gardener had fondled her several times,
though she had not troubled Richard with such news. The
beautiful flowers and flowering trees gave off new
scents every month. At night, the occasional roar
reminded her that, out in the dark, danger lurked.

Tonight the danger was below the table, were a dark
hand casually pushing her skirt higher, gently
stroking. She quivered again and glanced at Richard. If
only he knew her thoughts he would not feel so bad, but
how could she explain to Richard that it was all right
without destroying their loving relationship.

She loved Richard. Loved and desired him, even after 16
years of marriage. Six months in Africa had made a
distinct impression. A yearning and need she had
controlled and suppressed by impeccably controlled
behaviour. Tonight it was all breaking down. She
believed Richard. Knew he was innocent. He just was not
like that. Nevertheless the fact remained that unless
she was “nice” to Mr. Ochiemara, her husband faced

She twitched as his hand slid above her stocking top
and caressed the silky softness. No man but Richard are
ever touched her there. She had fallen in love with
Richard when she was 13. A childish crush that had
surprised her parents by nurturing into a long-lasting
love. She had celebrated her 16th birthday by offering
her virginity to Richard.

That she had become pregnant from that very first
coupling had been part of the magic. That her parents
had suddenly decided to allow her to marry him, and to
marry quickly, had seemed like heaven come early. Since
then her love for Richard had not wavered.

Of course, she had never met men like the men of
Africa. They had quickly agreed that their daughter
would be best in Highfield Private Boarding School. She
and Richard had been left in no uncertain doubt after
witnessing the response of the African men to Leanne’s
nubile enthusiasm for life. A boarding school seemed so
much safer than letting her wander the streets of
Harare. At 16, they could hardly lock her up.

Okhama’s thoughts had also drifted to Leanne, seeing
her picture on the timber mantelpiece over the log
fire. He owned Highfield Private Boarding school along
with four African partners. It was extremely
profitable. The parents paid them to educate their
daughters. Most of the girls earned the partners
Z$100,000 a year each. The pretty ones earned as much
as Z$500,000 from wealthy African men who particularly
enjoyed abusing the daughters of their white
competitors. Often paying in extra to be part of the
team breaking in the new girls.

Last year they had organized a school trip to Zambia,
taking 20 girls to a safari ranch on the Zambezi River.
Their parents had each paid Z$2000 for the trip.
Zambian businessmen and politicians had paid over
Z$300,000 over in just three weeks for the pleasure
they took from the youthful white schoolgirls.

He was very careful. On average, 25% of the girls
became black pregnant. That was very carefully managed
and very profitable. It was also a much better average
than girls living at home. In modern Zimbabwe, 60% of
teenage white girls living at home were seduced and
became pregnant; sometimes they were gang raped, by
African men and became pregnant. On that basis, his
school, where no girls reported rape, and only 25%
became pregnant, was seen as a godsend by many fearful

As he looked at the picture of Leanne and remembered
the night he took her anal virginity. Remembered her
scream of fear and shock as he punctured her anal ring.
Laughing at her wriggles and struggles as his friends
held her down while he buggered her. He remembered the
moment when she started pushing back, when she started
to enjoy.

In three months they had already earned Z$260,000 from
the nubile teenage girl and the enthusiasm she had
discovered for sex and all its kinky variations. Her
virginity, a rare commodity in pretty white girls in
Africa, had fetched Z$100,000.

He savoured the soft silkiness of her mother’s inner
thigh. Suzanne would have been horrified if she knew
her daughter was a whore. That he was the man who had
made her daughter into a whore. Richard would probably
have tried to kill him.

Instead, Richard was going to humbly step aside and
allow him to bed his lovely wife. Suzanne would smile
weakly and allow him to have his way with her to save
her husband from an African jail. He laughed aloud and
moved his hand higher. He doubted Suzanne was still an
anal virgin, though he had often been surprised at the
sexual innocence of English couples.

He stood taking Suzanne by the arm.

“Clear the table, Richard.” Then he led Suzanne to the

Suppressing a scowl, Richard gathered up the pots as
Okhama leaned close and whispered in his wife’s ear.
Suzanne’s flushed response served testimony on the
lewdness of his words.

As Richard left the room, Okhama called out to him.

“Make sure you wash them all. Don’t leave them for the
servants.” Richard flushed but obediently set about the
task. Okhama wanted time alone with his wife. Hating it
as he did, Richard bit his tongue and accepted his

The conversation in the next room was muted. While one
half wanted to hear, the other was trying to deny all
that was happening. Richard worked hard on the dirty
pots. After a few moments, he heard Okhama’s voice.

“These are nice and firm.” African women often struggle
to retain firm breasts. Hard work on the farm, and
several children sap their figures.

“These are really delightful. Just like a young
woman’s. You must have nursed Leanne on these? Only one
child, that surprises me, an attractive woman like

“Hmmm, yes soft, but still firm, good your nipples are
nice and hard.”

Richard gripped the side of the sink tightly. The black
bastard was fondling his wife’s breasts. The image of
that dark hand caressing those full and firm white orbs
that he knew so well filled his mind. He turned quickly
to work on the pots to distract himself.

He made a fuss of finishing them off so they knew he
would be returning to the room. To no avail, Okhama was
deep in a passionate kiss with Suzanne when he entered
the room and made no effort to relinquish his grasp on
Suzanne. When he eventually looked up, he grinned at

“Go and make some coffee, woman!” He ordered.

A flustered and dishevelled Suzanne seemed only too
keen to escape to the kitchen. Okhama leaned back on
the sofa and smiled, relaxing. Richard was anything but
relaxed. Okhama’s relaxed pose did nothing to hide the
huge bulge threatening to tear through his trousers.
Okhama looked over at Richard, grinned, and give him a
thumbs up sign, inwardly Richard seethed.

Then Okhama rose and followed Suzanne to the kitchen.
Richard gripped the arm of the chair and remained

In the kitchen Suzanne gasped, “Please, my husband,

There was a short shriek that matched the sound of
tearing cloth. Okhama’s voice came clear and firm from
the kitchen, a hint of anger in his voice.

“Don’t you ever wear these again in my presence, is
that understood?”

“Oh…what have you done?”



She shrieked and Richard leapt to his feet, but
remained frozen in place.

“YES SIR! Yes, sir,” Suzanne whimpered.

“Hush my little lovely, relax, you be a good girl and
your husband won’t have to go to jail.” Richard cringed
at those words, at the reminder of the price of
intervening. He slumped back I his chair.

“Have a feel of what I have for you, here give me your
hand, there now have you ever felt anything like that?”

There was silence from the kitchen.


“No. No, sir, it, it can’t be real…is it?”

Richard’s nerves were on edge as he heard the distinct
sound of a zipper being lowered.

“Oh my!” Oh!” Suzanne sounded shocked.


“Err, I…err…ugh…I….”

“Left you speechless has it? Well tell me have you ever
felt anything like this before?”

“No, no, it’s….”

Okhama laughed. A deep, throaty laugh.

Felt. That was the word he had used. Felt. Suzanne was
touching his cock!!!

“You have a nice touch.”

Richard seethed.

“That’s nice, you have a nice gentle stroke, but if you
think you can bring me off early, you are much

The thought that his wife might have been trying to
jerk off Okhama made Richard smile. She had not lost
her cool wits then, despite the circumstances. The
image remained in his mind of the silken grip of his
wife’s white hand caressing a big, gnarled black cock.
It couldn’t be all that big, he told himself.

“Please, you should not be forcing me like this.

“I am not forcing you. Just say the word and I will
leave.” Okhama’s voice was low, calm, and controlled.

“…And Richard, he will be OK? Please, he’s my

“I would imagine your husband will spend many years in
jail.” Okhama’s voice trailed off.

“You’re not leaving me much choice, I….” Okhama
interrupted her again.

“On the contrary, the choice is all yours. Give me
pleasure tonight, and save your husband from jail. Or
don’t give me pleasure, and visit your husband once a
week for the next six years. The choice is entirely

“You are a beast!”

“Undoubtedly, but a beast with a very big cock. Don’t
tell me you don’t want to try a cock like this, I just
won’t believe it.”

“It’s too thick and too long.”

“Let me assure you that if you say yes, you will
discover it is neither too thick, nor too long.”

“It will never fit.” He laughed.

“Please, come up with something original!”

“It won’t!”

Okhama laughed again. “Then there will be no risk in
saying yes, will there?”

There was silence from the kitchen.

His wife mumbled something. Okhama laughed in delight.

“You are a good wife. Making the ultimate sacrifice for
her husband.” Suzanne murmured something and Okhama
laughed again.

“Tell me. Are you not a little impressed by the size of
my cock?” Richard could hear his wife murmur a reply,
and Okhama’s quiet laughter.

“Does it feel good in your hand?”

Richard squirmed at his words, at the realization that
his wife was fondling and touching another man’s cock,
a black cock, and big one by the sound of it.

“Give me a kiss, honey.”

There was silence from the kitchen.

Richard agonized through that silence. Was his wife
kissing him? Did she really like his cock? Was she
enjoying touching it? Was he groping her up as he
kissed her? Was she enjoying the kiss?

So many thoughts, but only a silence came from the

“Come on honey. It’s time to go to bed.”

Richard came to alert at the words. He turned towards
the kitchen, watching for his wife, unsure and nervous.
He did not want to go to jail, but if his wife showed
any sign of distress he would act.

The couple appeared in the doorway, and he cursed
himself for thinking of his wife and Okhama as a
“couple.” She was being forced to sacrifice herself for
him through his own folly. Her eyes darted around the
room but avoided contact with Richard’s eyes. Her top
was ruffled. A top, he realized, that dark hands
searching out the lovely, firm, breasts within, had

His wife’s face was flushed and there was a strange
look on her face he did not recognize.

Her hand suddenly darted away from the loins of Okhama
as she realized she was still fondling his cock in
front of her husband! Richard’s eyes involuntarily
dropped to Okhama’s loins and reeled in shock.

The black cock jutting out from the flap in his
trousers was monstrous! “Huge” hardly described the
length of dark meat that jutted forth from his
trousers. Nor did hang low, or even jut horizontal.

Nine inches of black muscle, sperm, and blood jutted
high at forty-five degrees to the vertical. No hint of
sag or droop marked that steely length.

Richard ogled it in disbelief.

He was looking at the cock of a demon.

A black demon from hell with a monster cock summoned
from hell to ravish his wife, a beast that would tear
his wife open in rampant lust and depravity. A thick
mushroom head adorned that circumcised cock. A thick,
hard mushroom that was destined to punch its way
through the portals of his wife’s love lips and spurt
its seed deep into her ravished loins.

He reeled backwards in disbelief and shock.

Okhama grinned.

He wondered how Richard would react to the news that he
had already sodomized his precious daughter with this
cock that so shocked him. That would keep for another
time. Tonight he relished the shock and horror on
Richard’s face as he realized the size of the cock that
was going to plunder his wife and sate its lust inside
her lovely body.

His wife – Okhama’s cock – could she survive?

He stared into the grinning face of Okhama.

“This way, dear.” His arm encircled Suzanne’s slim
waist and urged towards the corridor leading to the
bedroom. His unresisting wife allowed Okhama to lead
her along. Richard cringed at his use of the term of
endearment. He watched helpless at the hand around her
waist dropped lower, cupping and caressing the
delightful curves of her bottom.

Suzanne looked back over her shoulder. Her eyes at last
caught those of her husband. Richard lurched at the
look of reproach and regret in her eyes as she was led
to their bedroom.

The door closed. Richard stared at it. His hands flexed
into fists, relaxed and flexed again. He sought to
control his emotions. His beloved wife was behind that
bedroom door with another man, a black man. An African,
who was going to make love to his unwilling wife. He
snorted. Making love, that was a joke.

It would not be lovemaking behind that door. It would
be raw sex. A man who did not care that his wife was
unwilling. A rutting black man who wanted to use her
white body to slake his own lust! A black demon with a
huge cock who was going to thrust it up between his
lovely wife’s legs and ravish and debauch her.

He cursed his own folly! He cursed his stupidity! He
cursed ever taking this job! He cursed his own cock for
its betrayal. Cursed the hard length that strained his
trousers. Cursed the foul image of his wife’s
perfection splayed beneath a rutting aroused African
and the arousal it created in himself!

He was doubly betraying his wife by having an erection
at the thought of what that black bastard was doing to
his wife behind that door.

The door.

It was like a magnet drawing him. Behind that door was
his wife. He edged closer.

Okhama was having a good time. He expected to have a
much better time shortly. He casually stripped away his
clothes. Naked he turned. Stretched and flexed his
body. He grinned at Suzanne. Enjoyed the way she was
slightly trembling. Enjoyed the look of fear in her
eyes. Enjoyed the desire in her eyes. He loved it when
white women were still confused, still uncertain. It
was like taking a virgin again.

She dreaded the size of his cock! Like all women, she
was also fascinated by it. Wondrous of what it might do
to her. Terrified that he would split her open. Fear
and desire mixed. Tributes he enjoyed in a woman. It
made them so much more responsive.

He walked across the bedroom to the trembling woman,
who sought to back away. He laughed.

“Come here, time to take that nice dress off.”

Richard clenched his teeth at the words as he listened
behind the door. Silence came from the room. Richard’s
imagination was in overdrive. His wife was being
undressed. Was he touching and caressing her? What was

Silence came from the room. Not a sound. All his senses
seemed to strain.

“Please…it’s too big…it won’t fit…please.”


A grunt came from the room. It had clearly been a male


Richard was in torment. There was a faint sound. A
whine, followed by mewling whimpers. Then he heard a
noise, a rhythmic noise. A noise that grew, become more
regular and frequent. The slap, slap, slap of two
bodies coming together that signalled his wife was
being fucked! She had taken that monstrous black cock
inside her and was being fucked!

Almost without realizing what he was doing, his hand
slid down the zipper of his trousers. He delved inside
for his hardness. Drew it out and fondled his cock,
even as another man’s cock sought its release in the
hot velvet tightness of his wife.

Another mewling whimper came from behind the door.
There was no doubting the pleasure in that whimper. His
wife was enjoying it!

“Like it, don’t you?”


“Like my big black cock?”

Grunt. Whimper. Grunt. Whimper.

“Tell me that you like it!”

He heard the slap of a hand on his wife.

“Tell me that you like it.”

“I like it. Ohhhh! It’s so gooood!”

Richard’s heart leapt. On one side, he was horrified
that his wife was enjoying sex with another man. On the
other, he was relieved that it was not a total
nightmare for his wife.

“Ughh!” The heavy gasp of the African in rut.

“Oh!” The sweet moaning of his aroused wife came from
beyond the door.










“OooooooooooooH! Ahhhhh! OooooooooHHH!”

His wife had just had an orgasm! An orgasm with another
man! A black man with a huge cock had just driven his
wife to one of the noisiest orgasm she had ever had!
His hand clasped his own cock. He was justified in
seeking his own release!




“Stop. I’ve cum!”




“Please, enough…! Oh!”








Richard listened in disbelief as the African continued.
Was the man never going to stop? He was a monster!









“Ahhh! Oh! Ahhh!”

“Still want me to stop?”

“NOOOOO! Oh! Ahhhhh! Ohhh! No don’t stop!”

Rich male laughter assaulted Richard’s ears, as his
wife started shrieking her release!


“Oh God! Oh fuck!”

Richard was shocked by his wife’s profanity.


Richard could hear Okhama’s laughter, as his wife
shrieked and yelled in excitement. He had never known
her react like this before.


“Oh God enough…please!”


“Oh nooo…enough! Oh!”




“Oh yes!”


“Oh you big-cocked bastard, fuck me then…OOOH!”

A hot wetness filled Richard’s hand.




“Oh I love your big cock! Ooooooh yes!”



Richard strained to hear.


That big cocked African had just shot his load deep up
inside his wife, her sweet tightness filled with
another man’s spunk. Pungent black sperm so deep in his
wife…he shuddered.

The door opened. Richard nearly fell through it into
the bedroom. Okhama laughed. He pulled Richard into the
room. Richard looked over at his wife who was sprawled
on her back with a lazy, sated look on her face. She
eyed her husband as though through a sexual daze.

Okhama laughed as he noticed Richard’s now-flaccid cock
hanging out of his trousers. He easily pulled Richard
into the centre of the room. Richard tumbled to his

He looked in shocked horror at the cock bouncing in
front of his face. It glistened. Slick with spent
juices from his wife. White nodules of sperm. It was no
longer hard. It was still thick and lengthy.

He looked up at Okhama. Up into the grinning African



“Oh please no.”

“I’m not gay. I’m not like that.”

“I know you’re not gay Richard, that is why I am going
to enjoy it so much.”

Richard whimpered as two strong hands clenched behind
his head.

Susanne stirred. What was Okhama doing? What was
Richard doing? She felt a wave of dizziness. She had
never believed in multiple orgasms and was still
recovering. She rose up on her elbows and looked across
the room. In disbelief, she saw her husband on his
knees in front of Okhama.

What was Okhama making her husband do? Then she saw
Okhama’s cock hardening again! She looked up at
Okhama’s grinning face.

She smiled shyly…

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