Aiming For Amy

It was 6th period lunch on Thursday at East High
School. Amy was sitting at the popular Freshman Table
with all her friends, and was about to be surprised by
Nick, a popular senior. Nick motioned over to Amy for
her to come over to him. Amy looked at her friends and
shared a few giggles and then got up and walked over to
him. Nick watched as she walked over to him and thought
she looked really hot in her Freshman Cheerleader’s
Uniform. When Amy got over to him he asked, “Can we
talk tonight at the freshman game? I need to ask you a
question.” “Oh… Ok,” she said a bit in awe of the

Amy was a 15 year old Freshman at East High. It was the
2nd week of school and she was still getting used to
the school. Amy is a very pretty girl. She’s 5’1, has
long blond hair, good sized breasts for her age, and
one of the best butts in the school. All the guys in
the school wanted her since the first time she walked
into the schools door.

Nick was a Senior and the star running back on the
football team. He had entered into a pool with the
other seniors on the team about who would be the first
to take Amy’s cherry and Nick planned to win it. He was
going for the victory this weekend.

Nick stayed after Varsity football practice to go to
the Freshmen game and talk to Amy. At half-time Amy
walked up to where Nick was sitting. “There’s this
party on Saturday” Nick said, “and I was wondering if
you would go with me?” Amy was surprised and very
excited that she was asked out by a Senior, but she
knew there was no way her parents would let her go.
“Sure” Amy said, “but my parents can’t know. How bout
we meet at the mall and go from there.” Nick agreed and
they planed to meet at the mall on Saturday evening.

On Friday Night, East High played their 3rd game of the
season. It was a huge game against the defending state
champion and a rival school from the town next to East
High’s. Amy watched from the stands as East pulled out
the victory in double overtime. Nick had a great game
rushing for 211 yards, rushed for 3 touchdowns
including an 87-yard run late in the 4th quarter, and
caught the game winning touchdown in the 2nd overtime.

After the game, Nick gathered all the other Seniors on
the team around him. He told them that he had gotten
something for them to celebrate with and that they
should meet him at the lake tomorrow night. The other
seniors tried to get Nick to say what the surprise was,
but he wouldn’t tell only say, “It’ll be good.”

On Saturday Morning Amy went out with some of her
friends to the mall to look for a new outfit for her
date. After looking for awhile Amy picked a light blue
top, and a short denim skirt that came down a few
inches above the knee. Then they went and got some
lunch and talked about Amy’s date tonight and shared
some giggles.

When Amy got home that afternoon, she just lounged
around for awhile. After a while she began to get ready
for her big date tonight. She put on some make up, and
brushed her deciding to leave it down for tonight. She
then put on her new outfit on and decided to just wear
flip-flops for shoes. After looking in the mirror and
making some last minute changes she went down stairs
and told her mom that she was ready to go to the mall.

Once Amy got to the mall she told her mom “bye” and
watched her drive off. Amy was nervous as she walked to
where she and Nick were supposed to meet. Going out
with a Senior was a big deal for Amy, especially a cool
Senior like Nick and she was still somewhat in awe of
it. Nick was already waiting for her when she got there
and he said, “You’re looking really hot baby, now let’s
go.” With that he walked Amy out to his car.

Nick pulled his car out of the mall parking lot and
they went on their way to the party, or so Amy thought.
Shortly after leaving the mall Nick asked, “You wanna
go down to the lake so we can spend some time alone and
talk?” Amy quickly answered, “Sure” knowing that going
to the lake would lead to her making out with a senior.

When they go to the lake Nick parked his car near the
lakes edge. Then he looked at Amy and said, “You look
really beautiful tonight, Amy.” Amy blushed and quietly
mumbled, “Thank you” and Nick slid next to her. Then
Nick leaned in and kissed Amy. She returned the kiss
and they began making-out.

After a few minutes of making-out Nick moved his hand
to Amy’s breast. “Don’t” she said and Nick obeyed and
slowly pulled his hand away. About a minute later
Nick’s hand returned to Amy’s breast and his other hand
moved up her leg under her skirt. “Stop” Amy said a bit
more forcefully, but Nick didn’t stop and continued
groping Amy’s tits and moved his hand further up her

Amy began to struggle against Nick. She was ok with
making out, but didn’t want to go any further. “No,
Nick. I don’t want to do this” Amy said as she tried to
shove Nick away. Nick continued kissing and groping Amy
while she struggled against him.

Amy’s struggles seemed futile, but then she got a
break. She adjusted herself and got leverage over Nick
and managed to shove Nick off her. Amy quickly got out
of the car and began to run. She wasn’t sure where she
was going, but she knew she wanted to get away from

Nick watched Amy get out of the car and run away. He
got out of the care and being the running back he knew
he could catch her easily. Nick began chasing Amy and
caught her quickly about 30 yards from the car. He
tackled her from behind and she went to the ground. She
tried to crawl away, but Nick quickly grabbed her,
pulled her back and flipped her over on to her back.

Nick held Amy down with his weight and reached under
Amy’s skirt. He ripped off Amy’s panties roughly and
tossed them aside. Amy was crying now and was terrified
as she watched Nick pull out his penis. “No,” Amy
begged, “I’m a virgin.”

“I know,” Nick said, “but you won’t be for long.”

Nick bunched Amy’s skirt around her waist and put his
dick on the outer lips of he vagina. Amy struggled as
hard as she could against Nick’s invasion and begged
him to stop. “No Nick. Don’t do this to me.” She
pleaded as she felt him push his penis against her
vagina. He slid in about an inch with great effort. She
was extremely tight, being completely dry, so the
penetration was excruciating for Amy.

Nick continued to push into Amy and she was now
screaming, hoping against hope that someone would help
her. Nick felt Amy’s hymen as he saw several pairs of
headlights pull up. It was his teammates. Amy suddenly
felt great hope when she saw the headlights and thought
someone was going to help her. Amy began screaming as
loud as she could try to get the attention of the
people in the cars.

Nick watched as the guys walked up to where he and Amy
were. As they drew closer they saw what Nick was
talking about. “I told you it was gonna be good.” Nick
said, “and your about to see the best part.” “Help me”
Amy said to the group, but her hope turned great terror
as she realized that the group was not going to help

Nick pulled back a bit and then shoved forward as hard
as he could into Amy taking her cherry and impaling her
on his cock as the other seniors watched. Amy let out a
loud yelp of pain as Nick took her cherry and began
crying uncontrollably. Nick began to fuck Amy hard
nearly pulling completely out of Amy before thrusting
back in. Amy felt tremendous pain as he did this, she
never knew such pain existed and just wanted it to

Nick continued fucking Amy hard as the others watched
and began to feel an orgasm approaching. He began to
fuck Amy even faster and said, “I’m about to cum.” A
new terror filled Amy’s head. Pregnancy. “Please don’t
cum in me.” Amy begged, “I don’t want to be pregnant.”
Just as she saying that Nick shoved as far into to Amy
as he could, grunted, and then came into Amy’s pussy.
Amy let out a cry as she felt him cum in her and just
continued crying.

Nick pulled out of Amy and got up. “You were a great
fuck. Thanks for your cherry.” Nick told Amy. Then he
turned to his teammates and D.J. stepped forward and
said, “I guess you won, but you left too much clothes
on this bitch.” By that time Amy has sat up and was
trying to get up. “Mark and Jeff you go hold her down.”
Nick said, “The rest of us need to get the clothes off
this girl.”

Mark and Jeff went to hold Amy down and the rest of the
seniors were close behind to rip off Amy’s clothing.
Being held down Amy was completely helpless as the
seniors began to remove her clothes. They ripped off
Amy’s top and pulled down her skirt and tossed them
away. Then they removed her one remaining flip-flop,
and the ripped off her bra. She was now completely
exposed to her attackers.

DJ now moved between Amy’s legs. She was trying to
struggle a way from a second attack, but was not at all
successful, being held down by 2 offensive linemen.
“Someone please help me.” Amy said to the group hoping
someone would help her, but no one would.

DJ entered Amy’s pussy as she screamed out loud at a
second invasion. Amy was still tight, but Entry was
easy for DJ with the lubrication from the previous
rape. Amy screamed as DJ began fucking her. DJ started
off slowly, but gradually picked up the pace, as Amy
tried uselessly to buck him off her. DJ was now rapidly
thrusting into Amy hard as he neared orgasm. “Not you
too” Amy begged, “Don’t cum in me too.” DJ looked at
Amy as he thrust deep into Amy and blew his load into
her. Amy let out a cry as she felt DJ cum in her.

As soon as DJ pulled away from Amy, Lance took his
place. “No! Not again,” Amy said, “Don’t!” she screamed
as Lance quickly shoved into Amy’s pussy. Lance fucked
Amy hard thrusting the full length of his cock into her
with each thrust. Amy screamed in pain with each thrust
between her sobs. Amy felt lance was about to cum and
tried in vain to get him not to cum in her.

“Please don’t cum in me. Not again.” Amy pleaded. Lance
ignored her and continued fucking her hard. Lance felt
he was about to cum, so he got a few more strokes and
then blew his load into Amy.

When Lance was finished he said, “Thanks for the ride,
bitch,” and got off her. Lance was replaced between
Amy’s legs by Jay and Amy just continued crying knowing
pleading was useless.

Jay entered Amy’s pussy all the way and he began
fucking her at a quick pace. Amy just whimpered as he
entered her and let out a little scream with each
thrust. Jay had very little stamina being very aroused
by watching this girl get fucked hard by 3 guys and he
quickly approached orgasm. Jay came into Amy and she
just let a small cry. As Jay pulled off, Matt was next
in line to fuck Amy.

“Flip her over onto her hands and knees,” Matt said. “I
wanna fuck her doggie style.” Mark and Jeff got Amy
into the requested position. Then Matt moved into
position behind Amy and rested his dick on Amy’s pussy.

Matt pushed into Amy and began to fuck her hard. Amy
still felt pain as he fucked her and would let out a
little yelp with each thrust. Jeremy got very aroused
watching Amy get fucked and needed to get off. He moved
in front of Amy and rested his dick against her lips.
“Suck my cock,” Jeremy said.

Amy knew she was helpless against the rape of her
vagina, but she was not going to allow herself to be
raped in the mouth. She felt Jeremy’s penis against her
lips and tried to turn her head away, but he grabbed
her hair and forced her head back. “Damn it, Bitch. I
told you to suck my cock,” Jeremy said as he tried to
force his cock into Amy’s mouth. Amy refused to take
Jeremy’s cock into her mouth and kept her mouth tightly

“Alright, bitch you asked for it.” Jeremy said as he
tightly pinched Amy’s nostrils shut. After about a
minute Amy’s face had turned red from lack of oxygen
and she finally opened her mouth to draw in air. When
she did Jeremy slid his dick into to Amy’s mouth.
Jeremy began to fuck Amy’s mouth mercilessly shoving
all the way in her mouth and into her throat forcing
her to gag.

Amy now had one cock in her mouth and another in her
pussy. She began to cry even harder feeling even more
humiliated. Then Matt let out a grunt, shoved his dick
as far into Amy as he could, and unleashed his cum in
to Amy’s cunt. She let out a scream that was muffled by
Jeremy’s cock in her mouth.

John quickly took the place of Matt behind Amy and
shoved his dick into Amy’s pussy. As John began fucking
Amy she felt Jeremy began to pump into her mouth even
faster. “I’m gonna cum,” Jeremy exclaimed as he shoved
his cock down Amy’s throat. He came down Amy’s throat
and she was forced to swallow or drown. As Jeremy
pulled away Amy felt sick for having just been forced
to swallow cum.

Mike moved to take Jeremy’s place. “No, don’t do that
to me again!” Amy screamed at Mike, “You can’t
mmmmphfffff!” Amy was silenced by Mike’s Cock as it
entered her mouth and began fucking her down her

Amy was being fucked in 2 holes again. Both cocks were
pistoning in and out of Amy in what seemed to her to be
in rhythm. She then felt the cock in her pussy nearing
orgasm. John began ramming harder and faster in to Amy
before he forced himself deep into Amy’s pussy and came
in her.

Just as John pulled out of Amy she felt the cock in her
mouth pick up the pace. “I’m gonna cum all over your
face” Mike said as he continued to fuck Amy’s mouth.
When he was about to cum he pulled out of Amy’s mouth.
“No” Amy screamed as Mike came all over her face with
some landing in her hair.

“Mark and Jeff, I think you can let her go and take
your turns” Nick said, “I don’t think she’s gonna try
anything.” They let Amy go and moved into position to
Fuck Amy. Mark moved in front of Amy and violently
shoved his dick into her mouth. Jeff moved behind Amy
and pushed his dick into her pussy.

They both fucked Amy relentlessly as she just cried and
whimpered on Mark’s cock. Both cocks began fucking Amy
harder and were getting close to cumming. Mark came
down Amy’s throat and just seconds later Jeff blew his
load in Amy’s cunt. Both withdrew from Amy and she was
relieved that no was approaching her, but her relief
was short lived.

“I think you’re gonna have to hold her down for this,”
Nick said and he began to move towards Amy. She was
sitting up again, but Mark and Jeff quickly threw her
back down and held her to the ground.

“Don’t rape me again,” Amy said. “I’m really sore down

“Don’t worry babe, I’m not gonna fuck your pussy this

Amy’s eyes filled with terror and she began screaming
and struggling mightily. “No. You can’t. Don’t…” Amy
screamed in vain as Nick rested Amy’s ankles on his
shoulders. He gave Amy’s foot a kiss before he pushed
towards Amy’s rectum.

Nick’s penis was now on Amy’s rectum. Amy was still
screaming and struggling against her attackers. Nick
began pushing as hard as he could against Amy’s
asshole, but wasn’t getting in to it at all. He
realized that he wasn’t going to get in without
lubrication. So, he got some of the juice from Amy’s
pussy from the previous rapes as and used it as

Nick again pushed as hard as he could against Amy’s
asshole and this time managed to get in about an inch.
Amy was screaming in extreme pain and struggling and
tried to buck Nick off her. Nick continued shoving into
Amy’s ass slowly until he was entirely in her.

Amy’s pain was much worse than any of the other rapes.
She was still screaming and struggling to get Nick out
of her. Nick began slowly pumping in Amy’s ass causing
Amy to scream out. Nick began to take longer strokes
and began to thrust more rapidly. As Nick neared orgasm
in, Amy was still struggling hard, but beginning to
realize it was useless.

Now Nick was nearly withdrawing before thrusting back
into Amy, causing her to scream with great pain with
each thrust. Nick thrust as far in to Amy as he could
and came into Amy’s ass. Amy felt relief when Nick
pulled out of her ass, but soon Nick was replaced by

DJ slid into Amy’s ass with ease following Nick’s rape.
Amy felt less pain with this rape, but it was still
tremendous, greater than any pain she had experienced
before that night. DJ started fucking Amy’s ass with
reckless abandon and quickly approached cumming. DJ
grunted and pushed into Amy and blew his load into
Amy’s ass.

Next, Matt and Lance moved towards Amy. Matt put Amy’s
ankles on his shoulders and shoved into Amy’s ass.
Lance adjusted himself and put his dick on Amy’s Lips.
“Open up!” Lance demanded and Amy obeyed knowing
fighting was useless. Lanced fucked Amy’s mouth while
Matt fucked her ass seemingly in a rhythm.

Amy would just let out a little yelp onto Lances dick
with each thrust into her ass. Amy felt Matt pick up
the pace and knew he was close to cumming. Matt got in
a few last strokes then shoved into Amy and blew his
load in Amy’s ass. Shortly after Matt, Lance pulled out
of Amy’s mouth and came on her face. Amy just continued
crying as Jeremy and Jay stepped forward.

Jeremy moved into position and pushed deep into Amy’s
ass. Jay moved to Amy’s mouth, which accepted the
invasion without struggle. Again Amy was being fucked
by two cocks in two holes and she just cried and would
grunt with each thrust into her ass. Both cocks in Amy
began thrusting into her faster as the came closer to
orgasm. Jay came first thrusting into Amy’s throat
forcing her to swallow his cum. Then Jeremy came with a
grunt into Amy’s ass.

When Jay and Jeremy moved away from Amy, Mike and John
moved towards her. John quickly placed himself and
shoved into Amy’s mouth. Amy was very surprised when
she felt Mike shoving into her pussy. Mike really
wanted Amy’s cunt and now he was taking it. Amy was
still from the earlier rapes in her pussy and screamed
onto Johns cock as Mike began thrusting into her. She
felt John picking up the pace and knew he was near

John continued thrusting into Amy’s mouth as he came
close to orgasm and then shoved into Amy’s throat and
came down her throat. Amy was revolted by being forced
to swallow another load of cum, but knew she could do
nothing to prevent it. Then she felt Mike thrusting
into her faster and harder and with one last thrust he
blew his load into Amy’s used cunt. Amy just laid there
crying and staring blankly at the sky as Mike withdrew.

Mark and Jeff, Knowing that Amy was completely broken,
let her go and moved into position to take their turn
with her. Mark placed Amy’s ankles on his shoulders and
thrust into her ass. Jeff then put his dick into Amy’s
mouth and began fucking her mouth. They both fucked Amy
extremely hard and were nearing cumming quickly. Mark
was the first to cum as he shoved into Amy’s ass and
blew his load. Jeff was close behind and came down
Amy’s throat forcing her to swallow it. Mark and Jeff
pulled away from Amy and joined the rest of the group.

The group of teammates discussed what to do next as Amy
just laid on the ground sobbing. The guys moved towards
Amy and surrounded her. They all took out their cocks
and began jacking off over Amy. They all blew their
loads pretty quickly on Amy. Jets of cum hit Amy on her
legs and feet, torso and arms and her face and hair.
Amy was now completely covered in cum and totally
humiliated and she just cried as she watched the guys
walk away from her.

“I think it’s time we got outta here,” DJ said.

“Yea man, its getting late and we need to get back,”
Nick agreed walking towards his car, “I’ll see you guys

As all the guys walked towards their cars Amy screamed,
“No, Don’t leave me here, please!”

The guys just ignored her, started their cars and drove
off. Amy got up and tried to chase them, but failed.
Amy fell to her hands and knees and began to cry again
as she was left alone and naked.