Beggars Can’t Be.. – A Cup of My Own

I pulled up to the curb just as Jenny unlocked her
apartment. She waited for me at the door. She was

At me.

“I don’t know what you see in me?”

“Don’t worry about it, Kenny. Just get here and fuck

Two shakes of a lamb’s tail later, our clothes were
scattered over the familiar ground of the foyer. Jenny and
I were, however, scattered over the living room this time.
All the lights were out, which relieved me of seeing Sherry
and Kim.


My thoughts shifted to moments before and the girls at
MacBurgerSlut’s, Collen and Kimmy. And what Jenny had
said. I was confused, but at least of all the emotions
that I had swimming through my mind, confusion had the
comfort of familiarity.

I lay on my back, where Jenny had pushed me, in the
geometric center of the floor. She got to her knees next
to me, but when I reached to pull her over my face, she
slapped my hands away.

“No, lover. Just enjoy.”

She bent over and took my penis into her mouth. Once
again, as if by magic, I felt myself grow. At my full, if
modest length, she backed away and pulled a hair from her
teeth. She winked at me.

“Occupational hazard.”

She flipped her hair over her far shoulder. Holding
onto my penis, she used it as an axis to pivot around.
This gave me a view of her in profile. I pushed myself up
to elbows so I could watch her in the dim light that came
from the foyer.

My eyes traced the curve of her back from her neck down
to her smooth hindquarters. The twin, smallish cones of
her breasts hung down motionless without the slightest hint
of sway. Her dark, pink nipples pointed to the floor,
noticeably hard. Her rear rested on the backs of her heels
with her slim legs drawn beneath her body. She appeared as
if in prayer, except for the object, my penis, in her hand.

For a moment, she merely studied my erection. The look
of devotion in this study caused me twitch. I expected her
to smile at this sign; she did not. She paid no mind to me
at all. Instead, she closed her eyes as if concentrating
on something holy. In the low light, I could almost see
the glow of a halo around her head.

I shifted so the weight of my body rested on the arm
away from her. This allowed me the use of my other to
lightly touch her hair. She did not move as my fingers
made contact, nor did she respond as I began to stroke her
with the outsides of my fingers. After my third or fourth
stroke, she opened her mouth and lowered it over and around
my penis.

I so completely resisted the urge to thrust up and
deeper into her, that I failed to notice the urge itself.
She did all the work; she willed me to let her do it. I
let the sensations begin to overwhelm my ability to keep
track of them.

Time slowed and my world shrunk to just the sensations
from my engulfed penis and the sight of Jenny’s bobbing
head atop her otherwise motionless form. I remember
neither the soft feeling of her hair nor the dull ache of
the weight of my body on my elbows.

Her head moved up along the length of my shaft. As she
rose, her tongue slid along the vein of the urethra. At
the top, the tongue would then curl around my glans and
feel the entire surface without removing me from her mouth.
The she would glide down to bottom, starting to swallow me,
with the bottom of her tongue this time sliding down the
length of my penis. At the back of her mouth, the very
edge of her throat, she paused for an instant’s wait,
before again raise her head.

She kept up this slow torturous rhythm as my body slowly
started to relax from the tension that had built up and my
mind began to focus more and more on the pleasure signals
that her actions were generating in my body. The need
built with each bob of Jenny’s head. I felt my body begin
to twitch and my buttock clench and unclench. Jenny sensed
it as well; when my penis reached the back of her mouth,
she relaxed the muscles at the entrance of her throat. I
felt myself travel inside.

I closed my eyes. I threw my head back. I ejaculated
down her throat as I orgasmed with a loud bellow.

After a moment, I became coherent enough in my thoughts
to return to awareness. Jenny released me from her mouth
and scooted herself against my upper body. I lowered
myself as she did, making it easier for her to cuddle into
the crook of my arm. Her head lay across my chest, and I
brought my arm over our bodies with my other hand resting
pocessively on her far hip. Jenny drifted asleep.

Seeing as how I woke with a start a moment later, I must
have drifted off myself. Given the cramp in my crooked
arm, it had been for more than the afore mentioned moment,
as well. I gently slide out from underneath Jenny’s
slumbering form. Feeling self conscience, I sneaked off to
the foyer and grabbed my underpants.

After briefing myself, went into the kitchen. In the
dim light of a street lamp coming through the window, I
searched in one of the cupboards for a glass to use for
some water. The light switched on and stung my eyes. I
turned to see Kim.

“Leave her alone.” Her voice had the calm tone of a
person who wasn’t but was trying hard for appearance’s sake
to seem that way. Her balled fists and tear filled eyes
merely confirmed the lie in her voice as being a lie.

“Kim, I…”

“Leave her alone,” she said, each word clearly and
precisely formed. “You don’t deserve her. None of you
deserve her. Just leave us alone and find someone else to

She stared at me silently after this. I just numbly
stared back.

After a silent, awkward eternity, I opened my big mouth,

The tears that filled her eyes at last began to overflow
and run down her cheeks. She turned and ran away. Earlier
in life, I had learned from my utterly evil twin sisters
that at this point if I were meant to follow that it was
merely to be weakly flailed at in a show of anger. Chances
were that I was not meant to follow. I let her run.

I, also, tried to decide if it would be okay to get a
drink of water. I was thirsty, but it struck me as a bit
cold to just go back to what I had been doing before she
had confronted me. Think about it this way, if this were
a scene from a movie (one without gunfire, explosions, and
computer generated special effects, the kind reviewers
like), I know that I would be thinking asshole.

I left the kitchen (unsatisfied) to find Jenny gone. I
went down the hall to her room. Kim’s door was open,
again. This time, Sherry lay on the bed, unbound and
unclothed and unawake. I summoned the strength needed to
turn my gaze away and so have nothing else to report at
this time. Jenny’s door was closed but ajar. My hand
stopped before it had reached the knob.

I heard sobbing.

The only other person (other than myself and I was
accounted for) that I had notice had been crying tonight
was Kim.

I turned and walked away. Laying down on the couch and
using my shirt as a blanket, I attempted 1to fall asleep as
I fought with the feeling that I should be doing something.
I ,however, lacked the first clue about what sort of
something I should be doing. Sleeping on a couch is bad
enough without confused guilt. I gave thanks , therefore,
that Sunday would be a day off.

I somehow managed to force in a little sleep, yet
morning still arrived way too soon. I lay beneath my shirt
more several minutes before the final gurgling sounds of
Mr. Coffee ™ convinced me to move towards the kitchen.
I stopped that journey only long enough to start trying to
find my pants.

“Forget ’em and get your ass in here, Kenny.”

As my love commanded, I obeyed. I entered the kitchen
in only my underwear. Wearing just a pair of light blue
thong panties, Jenny stood at the counter ruining a
perfectly good cup of coffee with cream and sugar. I
walked up behind her and gave her a hug and a peck on the
cheek. After this, we exchanged our good mornings.

“Ick,” I said as I peered over her shoulder and into her
cup. “How in the world can you drink that shit?”

“I like my coffee like I like my men,” she paused to let
me brace for the punch line, “light and sweet.”

“It’s suppose to be ‘black and hot.'”

“It is?” She smiled at me. “I hope they can do an

“Sorry. They can’t.”

“But they let me trade my record player at Harrods’s.”

I stuck my tongue out at her. She laughed, and reached
up to kiss me on the lips. Her hard nipples brushed
lightly over my chest. Before I could pull her closer, she
danced away and sat down at the table.

“Speaking of coffee, go pour yourself a cup.” I started
over to the coffee maker. “And feel free to ruin it any
way that you’d like.”

I found three cups next to the pot. Two were familiar
from yesterday morning, with clear ownership. The last was
new at least to me, and I suspected that it would be new to
the house. It wore a pancake and griddle theme. I picked
it up. It was wet. A sticker on the bottom declared a
Taiwanese origin.

“Are you going to fill it sometime today or just stare
at it all morning?”

“I assume that this is mine.”

“I couldn’t let you keep drinking out of Kim’s cup.
She’d have a fit about the cooties. Sherry is sort of
pocessive about hers, as well. So, I bought you one.”


“Well, you do have to do something to earn your pussy.”
She winked at me. “Speaking of which, a new box of mix is
in the cupboard and fresh milk is in the fridge.”

“My specialty is omelets.”

“Adopt, adapt, improve. Now, get to work.”

Naturally, I did as I was told and began to gather the
needed ingredients from their appropriate hiding places,
plus the needed instruments from where I remembered finding
them the morning before. As I meandered around the
kitchen, I sipped from my new mug.

“Jenny, about Kim?”

“Don’t worry yourself about Kim. She’ll be okay.”

“Good, but…?”

Jenny got up from her chair and went to the coffee
machine for more coffee. I turned away from her to start
mixing the fresh carton of milk into the bowl of pancake

“… but what about me and her?” I weakly nodded my
head without turning towards her. “We’re lovers,
girlfriends, etc…”

Mentally, I did the ole’ cartoon character’s gulp.

I also felt her stare into my back as I stirred in
silence. She was silent, and I couldn’t take the stress.
I turned. She leaned against the counter just as I had
imagined her, arms crossed and waiting, but unexpectedly
with a shit-eating grin on her face.


“… and what about me and you?” Again I nodded, but
now facing her. Her smile somehow grew bigger. “We’re
lovers, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc… I told you I was
bisexual you silly, insecure man. I want and have you

“And Sherry…?”

“And Sherry is Kim’s mistress. As is dom,” came
Sherry’s voice from the kitchen’s doorway. “Because Jen is
too much of a wimp to take care of that sort of thing.”

“I’m not a wimp,” Jenny said. “And I have the brothers
with the scars to prove it.”

“Yeah, right,” Sherry replied as she went over to the
pot. She gave Jenny a peck as she poured. “So you’re just
a goodie two shoes.”

“Again, my family would say otherwise.”

The short, pink, Japanese-styled robe that she wore gave
me a few glimpses of her body as Sherry went to the table
and sat down with her coffee. She took care to tuck the
bottom of the robe between herself and the chair Jenny
went over as well, sitting next to her. Both woman
positioned themselves to watch as I began to pour batter
into the small skillet that was making do. I found and
started to heat another frying pan.

“I don’t know, Jenny. You seem to be the perfect little
angel,” said Sherry after settling into her seat.

Jenny laughed, “Not anymore, I’m officially a demon.”

“So I have sold my soul to the devil,” I asked as I
slid the first cake onto a plate which I popped into the
oven to keep warm.

Again, Jenny laughed, “No, you silly man. Only a devil.
My brother isn’t buying right now. So, I’m the best you’re
going to do.”

“Which isn’t bad,” added Sherry.

“More than he deserves.”

Kim walked into the kitchen, fully clothed in a loose
sweatshirt and baggy jeans, and took her cup. She looked
into it, and than towards me. She saw that I was holding a
cup of my own. I swear that she glared at it, before
filling hers with coffee.

She took the chair that best faced away from me and
adjusted to better ignore me. This inched her closer to
Sherry. She turned and looked at the open chair, the one
next to Jenny, and quickly switched to it. Jenny either
pretended not to notice or in fact may have not noticed.
Sherry stared at her in utter shock. I quietly made

Jenny and Sherry began to banter away, mostly about the
possibility of getting me pregnant, as if nothing had
happened. I, as I wrote earlier, made pancakes. After
deciding that I had enough, I got out three fresh plates
and placed a generous stack on each. I served Jenny first,
then Kim, and finally Sherry.

Sherry took her plate from my hand before I could place
it front of her and moved to the seat next to Kim. I left
the last pancakes on the oven plate and with a pot holder
placed it on the table in front of the place that Sherry
had made for me. The chair was still warm from Sherry.

Kim and I sat across from each other, eating silently.
Our lovers ate over a conversation that evolved from my
pregnancy to something even more overboard (and they call
me silly) which I shan’t repeat not wanting to harm their
reputations. When I had finished my breakfast, I looked up
from my plate long enough to see that Kim had pushed hers
forward. She had eaten about two bites and obviously
decided to not eat more.

“Uh.” Both Sherry and Jenny looked towards me
expectantly. Now, I lacked for something to say. “How are
your pancakes?”

Both laughed and answered to the effect that the were
enjoying their breakfast. Jenny leaned over and punctuated
her reply with a kiss. Kim mumbled something to her place

I pushed my chair away from the table and said, “I’ve
got to go home. I want to change, plus the cat will want
to be fed.”

“Oooo! you’re neglecting your poor kitty. I may need to
punish you, you bad boy,” said Sherry. “Nothing is more
important than feeding the cat.”

For some reason, this caused Jenny to break into
laughter. Even Kim began to smile if only a little. I
felt my face forming a nicely confused look.

“Get going, Kenny,” said Jenny as she stood up from the
table as well. She stepped behind Kim. “You take care of
the cat and everything else. Sherry needs to get going
soon, too.”

She gave her other lover a squeeze on the shoulders.
“Kimmy and I need a little time together.”

Without much more bother other then a kiss or two and
the necessary chores related to avoiding an indecent
exposure charge, I was soon out the door and driving home.

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