Between auntie’s thighs

Karen Jordan, a tall cool-looking blonde of thirty-five, watched intently as the boy walked onto the diving board and prepared to plunge into the pool. Specifically, she watched his crotch, and she was thinking, Oh, to be young again!
Karen’s dark-blue eyes focused lingeringly on the well-defined bulge of the kid’s skimpy trunks, and as he bounced up and down on the diving board in preparation for his leap, she thought she detected a slight quivering there.
What did that bulge represent? His balls? His cock? Her feverish speculation grew. She wondered what he looked like without clothes. God, he had a nice body-broad shoulders, small waist and hips, strongly muscled arms and legs. His sleek young body was deeply tanned, but the hair on his head and chest was white-blond.
Karen tried to imagine his cock, a sturdy stiff pole of flesh with a rosy tip. She felt an answering warmth in her crotch, a melting sensation. She imagined the boy crawling over her, thrusting his swollen dick into her…
“Hey, Aunt Karen,” the boy called, “dig this.”
He executed a neat clean dive into the pool, and her horny vision was scattered. Karen sighed softly.
Dirty old woman, she thought.
The boy’s head broke water, and he swam toward her, grinning, showing perfectly even white teeth. She noticed he had freckles. My God, he was so young…
“How was that, Aunt Karen?” he called.
“Beautiful, Mark,” she said, forcing a smile.
The boy was her nephew Mark, now her adopted son.
Karen looked around at the rest of her family. Her husband Bill, an attractive graying man of forty, was tanning himself on a big towel by the edge of the pool. Her niece Stacy, Mark’s sister, was preparing to dive.
“Watch, me, too, Aunt Karen,” Stacy pleaded.
“Okay, honey, I’m watching,” said Karen.
Watching all too intently… Karen noted.
Stacy’s delicious young curvy figure, the bobbling round breasts, the deep tan combined with platinum hair just like her brother. Yes, to be young age…
Karen rolled over on her towel and buried her face in her arms. She found she was quivering with need. How long since she and Bill had made love? Three weeks? Four? It didn’t matter. Their sex life was dead, dead of boredom. Yet she hungered for a mans touch.
And now she had these kids. As if she didn’t have problems enough.
Two weeks ago Karen’s older sister Betty had been killed in a car crash, leaving her children orphaned. Karen hadn’t seen her sister or the kids in years, but when she learned that no one else would take Mark and Stacy, she and Bill readily agreed to adopt the teenage brother and sister. The Jordans had no children of their own.
Now Karen was wondering if she’d made a mistake. The kids had been with them only a week, and already they’d made her life a turmoil. Not by any fault of their own. It was just that Stacy reminded her how old she was getting, how time was running out. And Mark – well, dammit, that fine young body of his frankly aroused all the deep longing she’d been trying so hard to repress.
“Aunt Karen, you didn’t watch me,” Stacy said reproachfully.
“I’m sorry, dear,” said Karen. “It’s so hot out here, I’m falling asleep. I’d better go in now.”
Karen got to her feet, her shapely body rising to its full five-feet-seven. For a thirty-five-year-old woman she was in excellent shape, with fine long legs, nipped-in waist, and large firm pointed breasts. She wasn’t too old for the tiny blue bikini she was wearing. But next to Stacy, she felt ancient.
“I’m going to go lie down inside,” she said. “Have fun. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Mark and Stacy waved at her, then started to splash each other, shouting and giggling. Karen wondered how Bill could sleep through that racket. She turned and went into the house.
In fact her husband Bill wasn’t sleeping. He was sneaking looks at his niece.
Bill Jordan lay face down, seemingly asleep, but whenever it seemed safe he risked a long hungry look at Stacy. Jesus, what a sweet little piece of ass. The girl was wearing a tiny red bikini held on with a few thin strings. He wished the strings would break.
With a shriek Stacy leaped from the pool and ran around the edge, her brother chasing her. Her sweet round tits, the size of large oranges, bounced furiously. Her little round butt bounced, too. She was so young. And Mark was a another teenager.
Yes, Bill thought, I’m old enough to be their father.
And now he was their father. He and Karen had adopted the kids a week ago and brought them home to suburban L.A. He wondered if it had been a mistake. In terms of years, he was old enough to be their father, but when he looked at Stacy he definitely didn’t feel paternal. He felt like a drooling rapist.
“Uncle Bill, help!” Stacy squealed.
Bill raised his head and looked. Mark was close behind his sister, mischievously trying to untie her bikini bra. The boy kept reaching for the string, Stacy just managing to stay ahead of him. In a way, Bill wanted Mark to succeed. He’d love to see those adorable little boobs of hers.
On the other hand he was supposed to be their father, keep them in line, and it wouldn’t do for Mark to run around undressing his kid sister.
Forcing a laugh, Bill sprang to his feet, and as Stacy streaked by him, he caught Mark by the shoulders. The boy laughed, too, and they wrestled at the edge of the pool. The kid was strong, stronger than Bill had imagined.
Bill was older, taller, and heavier, but Mark had youth and energy. As they grappled, Bill found himself panting.
“Hey, Sis,” Mark called, “I’m gonna dump Uncle Bill in the pool, and then I’m gonna get ya.”
“Oh, no,” Stacy squealed. “You have to beat him, Uncle Bill.”
Bill tried to remind himself that this was all in fun, just a little horseplay. Yet he felt like he was fighting for his honor. He couldn’t let a teenager kid dump him in the pool. He fought harder, showing off for Stacy.
“Aaggghh!” Mark shouted.
Bill got him off balance, shoved, and Mark went crashing into the pool. Stacy squealed with delight, clapped her hands, and then ran up to Bill, hugging him.
“Oh, Uncle Bill,” she purred, “that was super. You’re so strong.”
Bill swelled with silly pride. Unfortunately his pride wasn’t the only thing that swelled up. As Stacy rubbed her warm curvy little body against him, he felt his cock getting hard…
He looked down at her. She was a whole foot shorter than him, and he could see right down her bra, into the plump cleavage of her ripe young tits, down the front of her tiny red bra. He saw just a hint of light pink nipple, bumpy and rigid from swimming.
Oh, Jesus, he would have loved to slip his hand down there and cup one of those sweet round boobs. He hugged Stacy back, resisting the temptation to pat her on the ass, that adorable little wriggling butt.
Mark surfaced, spitting and laughing.
“Hey, Uncle Bill,” he said, “two rounds out of three, okay?”
Bill scarcely heard him. He was acutely aware of his hard-on, though. What if the girl saw it? He couldn’t stand there in front of Stacy with his dick sticking out lewd and hard.
“Uh, not today, Mark,” he said lamely. “Think I’ll go in now.”
Bill beat a hasty retreat to the house. Jesus Christ, he was going to have to learn to control himself better than that. Stacy was his daughter now, she’d be around all the time. He couldn’t get a cock-stand every time she smiled at him.
“Shit,” Bill muttered, padding down the carpeted hall in his bare feet.
If only he and Karen were still getting it on, maybe he wouldn’t be acting like an idiot over a teenage girl. But their sex life had been dull for years, and lately it had practically stopped. They’d been married so long, fifteen years now. He loved Karen very much, but he longed for variety.
Quietly he opened the door of the master bedroom. Karen often took naps in the afternoon, and he didn’t want to wake her.
She was stretched out naked on the bed, still a beautiful sight in any man’s eyes. Tall, honey blonde, with a superb voluptuous body and big size 40-D tits, his wife was a treat to look at. It was just that he’d seen her so often.
She had the curtains closed, and the strong afternoon sun came through a filtered yellow, making her tan body glow. She lay on her side with her back to him. The large shapely rounds of her ass seemed to be quivering slightly. “Ohhh,” she moaned.
“Honey?” said Bill. “Are you all fight?”
She flinched, then lay still.
When she didn’t answer him, Bill assumed she’d been dreaming. He slipped off his swimming trunks and lay down beside her, keeping maximum distance between them. He wanted desperately to jack off, but he didn’t want Karen to notice.
His cock was standing straight up from his belly, rosy stalk swollen taut, blue veins standing out. The purple head of his dick oozed big gobs of horny juice. Feeling childish and silly, he began to pump himself. He had to have some relief from that aching hard-on.
But, Jesus, what a stupid state of affairs. A gorgeous woman lay naked not two feet away from him, and a delicious little teenage chick was just outside – and here he was jerking off like a guilty teenager.
Well, he couldn’t have Stacy. A man couldn’t ball his own adopted daughter. And it was no use trying with Karen. She seemed to have lost all interest in sex these past few years. Sighing, he pumped faster on his swollen throbbing stalk…
Hell, Karen was thinking. It was the very worst time for Bill to show up.
After leaving the others at the pool, she’d retreated to the bedroom for an urgent purpose, to bring herself off, to get some relief from the boiling sexual tension she’d developed from watching Mark. It was a silly infantile habit, masturbating, but it was the only thing she could do.
She’d stripped quickly, laid down on the bed, and eased a stiff finger between the furry wet lips of her pussy. She always started that way, stroking her hot little joy button, moaning softly. It felt so nice. In a while, when she was wet and eager, she’d use her fingers like a cock.
The real thing would have been much better, of course, but where was she going to get it? She lusted for Mark, but he was her blood nephew, her adopted son, and only a teenager. She’d have to be crazy to even consider making love to him.
No use asking Bill, either. He wasn’t interested in sex any more, hadn’t been for some time. Her only recourse was her hand. It made her ashamed to touch herself like that, but she couldn’t stand the tension a moment longer.
Karen stroked her little slick clit, moaning and whimpering as sweet, hot sensations rippled through her belly. She thought back to the time when she and Bill were still hot for each other, the wonderful fucks they’d had, and her aroused cunt creamed heavily, wetting her stroking finger.
Where had that excitement gone? Once she and Bill couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They were balling two and three times a day. She used to cream at the sight of him, but now she yawned.
And she letched for a teenage boy.
“Ohhh,” Karen moaned, half in exasperation, half in growing pleasure.
Her finger kept up its good work, arousing her little wet clit into stiff sensitive erection. She rubbed faster, and juice sizzled from her hungry twat to soak her finger. Soon, very soon, she would slip that stiff finger lower into her seething pussy, slip it into her flooded cunt, pretend it was Mark’s rigid young cock…
At the very thought of her sexy young nephew, she moaned again, louder this time, forgetting caution.
“Honey?” came Bill’s unexpected voice. “Are you all right?”
Karen flinched in surprise. She hadn’t heard him enter the room. Her face flamed. Fortunately she had her back to him, and he couldn’t see her feverish eyes, her flushed face, or her shamelessly probing finger.
She slipped her soaked finger off her clit, closed her eyes, and pretended to be asleep. She was so aroused, so desperate, that she could hardly keep still. Dammit all, what a lousy time for her husband to arrive.
She waited, quivering with need, till she thought he was asleep. She just had to beat off, get rid of that tension. If she was very quiet about it, she might manage. At last, when she had heard no sound from Bill for several minutes, she quietly slipped her finger back onto the plump scorching button of her clit.
Bill noticed it again, the strange gentle rhythmic movements of his wife’s richly curved ass. What the hell…! Was she having some strange dream? He heard her sighing softly.
He hoped she wasn’t going to turn over and wake up. She’d sure as hell catch him in an awkward position if she did. He lay on his back, listing his erect cock, pumping himself like a horny kid. His dick was enormously swollen, drooling thick steamy juice.
“Ummm,” Karen murmured.
Her sweet creamy-skinned ass continued its strange contortions, and then Bill noticed a little trickle of cunt cream progressing slowly down her thighs. He reddened. It didn’t seem possible, didn’t seem at all in character for his beautiful cool wife, but it looked very much like Karen was masturbating.
He felt a rush of disgust – till he looked down and saw his own fist pumping away at his swollen rosy meat. Christ, who was he to condemn her for something he was doing himself? He understood her need, too. It’d been weeks since they’d balled.
Bill watched her more closely, suspending his own movements. Her lushly curved hips and ass were grinding gently now, picking up the pace, and her breathing was hard and hot. From the movements of her arm muscles he could tell she was using her hand. No doubt about it, she was trying to bring herself off.
This is insane, he thought.
Husband and wife lying side by side, frigging themselves, hiding their need from each other – it was crazy. They might not excite each other so much any more, but they didn’t have to resort to that.
“Karen,” he said gently.
She flinched violently, and he could see her whole body redden. He understood. He’d be ashamed as hell if she caught him jacking off. Her hip movements stopped and she lay very still, faking sleep again.
He knew better. He moved toward her, letting his long rigid dripping prick lead the way. He snuggled his chest against her back, felt her soft creamy butt settling into his lap.
Karen had wanted to scream when he interrupted her the second time. She’d been so close to fulfillment, so close to the delicious moment when she’d ease her stiff finger into her soaked twat and fantasize that it was Mark. Bill’s interruption couldn’t have come at a more cruel moment.
Then she felt her husband moving on the bed, snuggling up to her. That familiar body, the broad hairy chest, the trim hips, the long muscular legs, pressed against her back. He was a handsome man even at forty, well-preserved, and probably very sexy-looking to other women. But he no longer turned her on, and she knew he was bored with her, too.
So what did he want?
She got her answer very quickly. She felt her husband’s cock, hard and hot and throbbing, nosing between her clenched thighs.
“Bill?” she said drowsily.
She couldn’t believe it was happening. He hadn’t wanted her in weeks. The prospect of fucking him didn’t particularly excite her, but at least she was ready. Thinking about Mark, frigging herself, she’d gotten juicy and violently aroused.
“Ssshhh,” said Bill. “Let’s just enjoy.”
He wasn’t turned on by the thought of balling her, either, but if he closed his eyes, he could pretend she was Stacy.
Karen had an identical thought at the same time. With Bill entering her from behind, with her eyes closed, she could pretend he was Mark.
“Yesssss,” she whimpered excitedly.
She quivered as he eased his big swollen dick between her legs. He had a big cock, thick and long, something she’d always appreciated. It was going to feel very good now. All she had to do was forget that he was her husband.
Bill shivered with horny anticipation as he eased his stiff swollen meat between her silky thighs. He almost never fucked Karen from behind, but today it would be an advantage. Not seeing her face, he could forget she was his wife.
He poked around lazily with the fat knobby head of his cock till he felt himself slipping into the moist little pit of her cunt mouth. Karen was trembling violently, and so was he. No wonder they hadn’t been laid in about a month.
He pushed into her strongly, penetrating her deeply in one long delicious thrust. Her aroused wet cunt seethed around him. He was surprised at how aroused she was. She hadn’t been wet and hot for him in years.
“Ooooo!” she gasped.
Skewered on that long hard cock, feeling it snake right up to her womb, Karen moaned helplessly with pleasure. Her starved twat boiled around his meat, nipping, grasping. She jammed her butt down hard into his lap, taking his prick inside her as deep as she could. She felt his coarse-haired balls come to rest against her seething pussy.
“Yes, yesss,” she whined, “fuck meee…”
But it wasn’t Bill she was saying it to. Already she was lost in fantasy. Mark, young and tan and husky, was penetrating her lustily from behind, and she was responding eagerly, shamelessly.
“Fuck me, fuck me,” she chanted. “I want it…”
Bill was amazed at his wife’s behavior. It’d been years since she’d responded like that to his love-making, using dirty wards to say how much she liked it, moaning helplessly, creaming floods of steamy juice all over his cock.
Poor Karen, he’d neglected her. She must be really hard up.
He couldn’t keep his mind on her, though, because as he sank his swollen cock into her slick, hot, nipping hole, he was thinking of his adopted daughter Stacy.
It was Stacy, saucy little butt wriggling wantonly in his lap, who cried out huskily, “Fuck meeee.”
Bill snorted with excitement and began working his meat in her, too aroused to be gentle. He fucked her in deep powerful strokes, plunging in all the way to his balls, raking and stuffing her red-hot, squeezing box.
“Baby, baby,” he moaned, “is it good?”
“Ummm,” she sighed. “Yessss… Oh, YES I love it… Don’t stop…”
Karen creamed helplessly as the long thick cock reamed her long-starved twat. She couldn’t control herself. Her hips pumped furiously in time to his strokes, and she moaned aloud. Filthy words came to her lips, and she grew wanton with pleasure.
“Ball me,” she whined. “Stick it in me… Yes, oh, yesss…”
Bill’s belly smacked loudly against her pumping ass, and the noise of their fucking grew lewdly wet and slurping. The bed creaked and groaned. They were lost to everything but their own thrilling fantasies and the dizzying pleasure of this long overdue fuck.
Bill imagined his sexy little niece writhing and squealing with joy as he balled her tight teenage cunt. Karen grew hoarse and panting as she fantasized her handsome teenage nephew fucking her furiously from behind.
“Do it, do it, DO IT,” she screeched. “Do it to meeee…”
“Aw, Christ,” Bill panted. “It’s good… You’re so fuckin’ hot… Yeah…”
Karen suddenly arched her body sharply as she felt herself spinning into a delicious climax. Her normally cool sedate face twisted in a horny leer, and she felt her cunt going into spasms of pleasure, literally squirting steamy juice.
“Oooo,” she shrieked, “Ooooo!”
Bill felt the silky wet sheath tightening powerfully around his cock, gripping him, holding him deep down in her fiery wet depths. It was too much. It milked the jism right out of him. “I’m coming,” he gasped. “Oh, Jesus, yes!”
He fucked her brutally, ramming his squirting cock out of control in her convulsing box. He felt his come rushing out, flooding her, bathing them both.
They panted and writhed together for a long moment, then fell apart, their feverish fantasies gone. Karen rolled over and looked wonderingly at her husband. They hadn’t made love like that in years.
And they still hadn’t – because she’d been with Mark in her mind, not with Bill. She blushed with shame.
Bill felt himself blushing, too. He’d never tell Karen, of course, but in the very act of balling her he’d been unfaithful. All the time it had been Stacy he was fucking.
“Well,” he said lamely, “that was a surprise.”
“Yes,” Karen said, lowering her eyes, “wasn’t it?”
They rolled apart, turning their backs to each other, lost in thought. Their marriage couldn’t go on like this, they both knew. They couldn’t live a lie. They couldn’t go around lusting for the two teenagers who had become their children.
But what were they going to do about it?
Out in the bright summer sunshine Mark and Stacy lay side by side at the edge of the pool, sunning themselves. Brother and sister, only a year apart in age, they looked like twins, both of them deeply tanned and platinum-haired and radiantly healthy.
Stacy giggled. “Hey,” she said to her brother, “did you notice Uncle Bill had a hard-on?”
Mark snorted and turned to look at her.
“Naw,” he said, “I didn’t. But then I was digging Aunt Karen. Man, what a pair of jugs.”
Stacy sighed. “Wouldn’t it be far out if we could get it on with them?”
“Forget it,” said Mark. “They’re so fuckin’ middle-class and uptight. No, we gotta find our fun somewhere else, baby sister.”
“Like where?” said Stacy. “There’s no kids around her. Just old people.”
“Well, I’m gonna sneak out tonight and explore,” said Mark. “You wanta come along?”
“Yeah,” said Stacy. “I’m dying for some action. As soon as they go to bed…”
Having agreed on their plan, brother and sister resumed the pleasant innocent expressions they always used around their aunt and uncle. They’d learned to con adults a long time ago.

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