Do the ass hole first!

Bitch’s (formally known as Claudia) ass was swollen and stiped
from Bunnie’s ministrations.

Now she staggered down the long hall, lead by her trainer’s
hold on her embedded cunt ring. They past another denuded
female busily tongue swabbing the nasty cunts of ‘Long Dong’s’
whores as they return from a shift of pleasuring customers.

Bitch didn’t even know or care who it was. She could just
followed her trainer hand into a pleasantly appointed room.

Her trainer turned released her hold of bitch’s ting, turned
and sat down on a soft comfortable red couch in the center of
the room.

There she forced bitch to squat down in front of her, with
bitchs knees raised up and spread. Her but 6 inches off the
floor before the center of the couch. Her left hand was
required, set down, way behind her on the floor to keep her

This was now a comfortably posture there between her trainers
spread legs. The trainers naked puss was spread before her.

Then came the command,

“Strum that little bump of your’n! And you better do it till I
get tired of watching ya cum! She me how a high class piece does
the nasty.. Come on bitch .. Play that thing ..”


The trainers remarks were punctuated by an over hand slash to
bitches all ready sore stripped back and ass with a thin black
leather belt held tightly in the trainers right hand.

Bitch had never done this in … um .. public before.. She
looked up from her crouch but the sight of the raising of that
big black right arm convinced her, She could do it!! She could
do it here and NOW!

Quickly bitch’s right hand reached down under her mons. She found
that little open space there between her swollen labia where her
shy little clit was hidden.

She grabbed it and began to manipulate it.

Anything to please her trainer.

She had done this before, but of course, all ways she was in the
privacy of her big soft bed, alone, in her home, ALONE!


She looked up into the scowling face and smiled weekly. She was
attempting to show she was trying to please her trainer.

All the while, bitch felt like a nasty little child performing
something NASTY before a grown up!

Like a trained animal, she was rubbing herself off, here, in
public, for this smirking black trainer, on command!

Ashamed, she lowered her gaze. Her eyes found the black woman’s
smelly tangled hairy cunt lips and the trainers hidden slot there
before her …

The black pussy had purple lips, and looked soo … well …
disgusting there starring back as she masturbated on command.
She wanted to throw up from the shear …

But then she began to fell her ministrations doing what they did
at home.

They were causing that tingling to begin, down there, deep in her
soft white belly.

(Like all women, though, when confronted with an abhorrent task,
bitch decided get it over with.. FAST .. She would ‘fake it’. A
real ‘O’ would take time .. and bitch wanted to please, and get it
over with .. quickly. She reasoned that then, surely the trainer,
would let her stop this .. NASTY ..)

“Um Um UMMM!” bitch murmured .. as she tried to make the motions,
and the sounds .. like the normal .. now she tried to make the
shivering look .. well .. real.


Bitchs back exploded again ..

“I ain’t none of your little old white boys. You’ll can’t fool me.
FOOL! You’d best be doing the dirty and do it for real .. ”


“You better get that bud to working. We ain’t got us all day..
Now strum that thing, bitch! And do it right this time. You
ain’t fooling me. Now strum it or I skin you alive..”


Bitches back hurt, her tits shook and they, despite their
modifications hurt worse with each punishing stroke. Her orgasm,
the one ordered by her trainer, was fast reseeding farther,
farther into the future, if it would ever come.


And that belt, it was .. well cutting her to pieces ..

Through the burning haze bitch heard.

“You’d best be getting that lily white ass in gear, lest I
take it in my mind to slice it off.” the trainer informed
the furiously laboring bitch.

Bitches back must have been cut up … She was sure it was
cut to pieces. Her legs doubled over and spread were

She tried to lower her head to support herself on the sofa.


A strong black hand lifted her head by bitchs right ear.

“NOAHHA Baby! You keep that head up. That way we can all
see little bitch’s technique .. and we gonna correct your
style. Now you get on with it, baby. Come on! Show teacher
how all them educated snooty cunts likes ya, beats off …
and you’d best be doing it! And be quick about it.”

“Come on, come on, bitch! Stroke that thing …”


“I’ll gonna just sit right c’here and ‘encourage’ ya with this
here with this little old belt, for a time … But I gets tired,
maybe I get’s a stick or .. maybe we play a new game. How bout we
play ‘swat the titties’ with the belt. You like that??”

“Understand me bitch??”

“That usually get’s a bitch to a working. Aching titties .. They
works really hard .. too.. Wanna try?”

Bitchs didn’t want to even think of that .. She worked her bud
frantically ..

She put her all into the nasty! But she knew that with her right
hand soo tired .. after a while .. even the swipes form the belt
to her back were not able to make her speed up.

Her trainer sensing the fatigue of bitches right hand was a
problem, decided to make a change.

“You lazy bitch! You puny .. Switch hands. After all I likes me
a ‘mbidextrous masturbater!” the trainer demanded and punctuated
her command with …


Bitchs already stripped back took yet another viscous cutting
blow form an overhand sweep of the belt.

Her reaction was to hastened to obey the command. She almost
fell over in the process.

Her helpful trainer reached out and supported the switch by
grabbing and firmly holding on to bitchs ever available,
tit ring.

Thus as her left tit stretched, bitch changed hands. Now her
tired right hand was thrown out behind her squatting ass.

With this new arrangement bitch was supported. Quickly her
left hand sought out, found, and began the quick manipulations
that were turning her clit and denuded labia redder and redder.

“Now that’s better. All ways renews the nasty when a bitch
changing hands … Now we got’s to work on your breathing. I
want’s to hear ya cuming. Breath deeply .. None that shy
shit .. let me hear that monkey a cuming.. Come on now ..”

“Suuummm” bitch obeyed.

“Louder bitch .. Now again… You’ll white people got no
rhythm … diddle .. breathe … diddle .. COME ON BITCH!
Else wise we gonna play ‘swat the tittie’! don’t ya know.
I means it!”

Bitch felt like she was a performing animal .. but the
presence of the belt and the vulnerability of her soft tit
flesh convinced her .. She would perform .. and perform
like whatever the trainer wanted.

She was a performing trained bitch.

at her masturbating technique..

She slowly developed a rhythm .. like the trainer demanded.
She let her breathing add to her rising passion, and sure
enough the fluttering in her belly returned.

It grew and grew ..

“UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … ” bitch increased
her pace under the threat of …

Her passion build soo quick this time despite her aching neck
and stripped back that she herself was surprised.

“UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … ” bitch went on ..

All the while, bitchs eyes bore deeper, and deeper .. into the
tangled mass of smelly black hair before her. The purple labia
and the hole hidden there beckoned her own facial pink lips …

ran through bitchs head as her own sex ran
with moisture at her actions and the thoughts of..

“UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … ” bitch labored ..

A few days ago, an eternity now, she would have died at the
very suggestion of such a …


“Come on bitch! You is the slowest masturbator I done ever seen.
I gonna give ya bout a minute more and you ain’t made it by then,
we gonna be a ‘swat the tittie time’ right here.” her trainer
demanded positioning the belt …

Bitch was frantic.

UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … ” bitch labored frenetically in her
attempt to avoid ..

She twisted her little red sex bud .. she increased her bleating
to imitate one of those animals that had fucked her before ..
anything .. anything .. to get her over the top …

The building orgasm mounted. It was coming.. It was. But that
horrible strap was right there, and it was poised to strike her
soft vulnerable tittes.

“UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … ” bitch felt it ..

Bitch felt her orgism .. IT WAS ..



The orgasm CAME!

But it dissolved into the pain of the ‘tittie swat!’ and then

the pleasure surged and then the pain and then ….

Bitch fell forward, face first into the black pussy lips
before her face.

Frantically she started to madly tongue bath the soft dead
purple lips of her tormenter.

This orgasm was like none other in her staid life. It went on and
on. She had never had a multiple before. Never with PAIN .. Nev ..

It was like this would go on forever.

It almost tore her head off.

A strong black hand grabbed her left ear and dragged her shaking
head from its love nest.

“Bitch don’t ya be messing with me. I don’t low no bitch there
lessing she ask and ask real politely. Then to she have to be
in love with it. Now you get back to your nasty diddling and
you’d best be doing it better than that time.”

Bitch had surrendered her self to this .. woman. She had .. and
the trainer didn’t care .. Her total surrender and love rebuffed..

The steady pressure from the ear tug caused denuded head to rise
up to the top of her aching neck.

With the tears of rejection for her lost love nestin her eyes
and that empty feeling, a sobbing bitch went back to her nasty
task, masturbating .. for her trainer ..

“Stop that sniveling bitch! You got bout a minute till we play
‘swatt the tittie time’ again. You’d best be concentrating on
your instructions. Don’t hear your breathing .. Whore like you
best be doing .. not sniveling.” the trainer ordered peering
down on her laboring charge like some scientist inspecting a
bug far beneath her contempt.

The return of her senses brought the sensations of bitch’s
tits to the fore. They now began to burn and ache. But this time
it was that ache that now was causing the tightening in her
belly to start again. And it was going so quickly. Reinforced
with her diddling the ‘O’ to began to build … QUICKLY!!

Now the diddling and the breathing and the aching tits, they
all combined and bitch managed her second orgasm in short order …

Shyly she looked up from her desired crotch into trainer’s eyes.

“Well now that’s my little nasty bitch .. you stuck up bitches
can learn .. now show me another .. and make it faster this
time .. Come on you need a ‘tittie swat’? You like that?”

With the trainers encouragement, her laboring pupil resumed
the ‘nasty’, vigorously.

Bitch, was prou .. well she did not know weather it was in fear
or elation that she found the encouragement she needed. She knew
she didn’t really want the swat, but it’s presence drove her on
and on ..

She came, and came, and … She leaned back .. She was so pro ..

On and on she worked and when she thought she could not cum ever
again in her life, the old ‘tittie swat’ brought her over the top
the final time.

With that, through shear exhaustion, bitch collapsed into a tangled
sweating heap on the floor at the trainers feet.

The trainer swatted her back and her feet and…

Nothing ..

Nothing the trainer did would bring bitchs dehydrated exhausted
body back to life.

Even a couple of cunt shots with the belt, were wasted.

Bitch would just moan and then lay there.

She need something else.

Her trainer rose, stepped over her exhausted charge, and went
to the polished wooden box on the table.

She withdrew the hypodermic needle with the clear liquid in it.

With no preparation to the needle she returned to bitch and
injected the full contents into bitchs now lined left ass cheek.

The speed coursed through the exhausted womans systems. It did
it’s work fast and soon brought bitch back to a receptive state.

Conscious .. ?? Almost ..

Through the haze bitch looked up at her trainer. Then down through
the mass of tangled black hair, and her mouth just naturally,
watered for the moist smelly labia she now loved with all her heart.

Her right hand snaked under her body between her legs, to her bud.

She managed to rise to her former squatting position.

Her left hand reached back to support herself, and she started to
again manipulate her stiff raw red bud leaning back.

Using her left hand she forced her sweating dead weight high up off
the wet floor.

Then with a smile, she leaned unsteadily over. Drawn like a beacon
to the tangle of black pubic hair, her mouth opened and her dry
tongue stuck out.

“Please mistress! PLEASE!!” she hoarsely uttered.

She was seeking .. the precious moisture from the trainers cunt,
her lovers .. cunt hole ..

She had to have. She must … She felt she would die if she didn’t
get … to that orifice ..

Her trainer reached down and lifted her chin up to gaze in her eyes.

“Now that’s a good bitch .. Now show me what you learned..

“UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU … ” bitch began showing
her trainer what she had learned… “UUUHHHUUU … UUUHHHUUU …

“Now ain’t that a nasty bitch.” the trainer observed as she lowered
bitches face into her crotch.

“Show me you love it … Do the ass hole first. RIM ME .. UUUU
BABY.. You got the softest tongue ..” the satisfied trainer
informed her laboring bitch.