Goldilocks’ Entirely Different Encounter with the Three Bears

Goldilocks did not want to go with her parents on this or any other
vacation. Now that she was 18 going on 30 she wanted to what she wanted
when she wanted to. Her parents, wisely, knew that she need more
supervision and insisted that she come along. They had been in the very
uncool lodge just inside the national park. There was, however, one
thing that she found interesting and exciting: JR, an attractive waiter,
who was just a year older than she. She had managed to get close with
him but she wanted more! Especially since he was a college man (well,
he would be in the fall).

She was willing to sacrifice to get to have quality and private time
with him. So much so, that she even got her ass out of bed at 5:30 in
the morning so that she could meet him before he started work. It was
wonderful. Fabulous! By chance it was the peak of her fertility cycle
and her _come hither_ pheromones were at their maximum. Not that it
mattered to JR for at his age he was always up and ready for some
action, although truth be known it did make him a bit more randy.

They met at sunrise down by the lake and soon were entwined on the beach
sucking face. It was just a few minutes later that her tube top had
been slipped down allowing her pert breasts and their hard nipples to be
nibbed by the young man. Soon her panties were slipped down, her
miniskirt raised so that he could kiss her lower lips and then, after
unzipping his pants, he slid his hard, hot shaft deep into her dripping
love canal. Minks and rabbits could have learnt from watching them.

All to soon, although after a couple of climaxes, he withdrew and kissed
her lips gently. “I got to get to work, Goldie.” He fixed his clothes
and hurried off to the drudgery of the dinning hall.

Goldie got up a few minutes later, quite satisfied with herself. No
matter how the day turned out with her parents, JR’s fuck was just so
marvelous it would not matter. She decided to take a walk about the
lake before going for breakfast.

Goldie had just turned to return to the lodge when she saw IT coming at
her. It was HUGE! A black and white BEAR. She froze. The bear
continued and soon was upon her. Upon in the most literal sense for it
had run into her and she went sprawling. He weighted more than twice
what she did. She was certain that this was going to be her end. At
least she had a great fuck just before and this certainly would teach
her parents a good lesson. If they had let her stay home, she would
have been safe.

While she laid spread out on the ground as she had fallen, the bear
licked her face. A bear kiss. It was wet and sloppy, like it would
have been from a large dog, but it did not hurt. The creature quickly
turned its attention to her other lips. There were not any panties to
remove for she had forgotten to put them back on. A few boys had gone
down on her but the difference was immense; like the difference between
steerage and first class. As the huge tongue worked its way in and
about her hot sex she just relished the feeling. She came over and over
as the beast ate her out.

His vocalization translated as: “Yum, yum. Ripe young sow; much cunt
juice with cum. Yum, yum.”

Then he stopped eating and mounted her. She was surprised that he did
not have a larger cock but this one fit her just fine. Apparently he
was happy also as he mated vigorously and then shot a large load into
her hot pussy.

His vocalization translated as: “Ripe juicy cunt. Hot, hot sow! Great

He gave her face a final lick and scampered off. She watched him leave.

Goldie remained on the ground for a while and then got up. She was a
bit confused so she headed deeper into the forest rather than back to
the lodge. Then she saw a small cottage and headed there in hopes of
succor. It was the house of the Mr. and Mrs. Smokey Bear who were
eating their morning porridge with fresh fruit, berries and honey.

Goldie told them what had happened but was very surprised by the
response. Mr. Bear immediately said she must have met PB. Mrs. Bear
insisted that she first have a proper breakfast with fresh orange juice
(with all the pulp), hot porridge with fruit and milk. (Absolutely no
coffee for such a young lass.) It was all served at the proper
temperatures and she had a study chair to sit on.

Then Smokey explained. “Oh, you met PB; he’s our new Giant Panda Bear.
Headquarters said that we should have one as an extra attraction for the

“But he attacked me” complained Goldie.

“Nonsense, he only did only what he suppose to do and we can’t go
against Washington’s directives. Smokey opened the Park’s procedure
manual to the panda’s job spec. “Giant Panda: eats, shoots and leaves.”

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