Pervert adventures

Every man just loves to watch two girls get it
on…… all those legs and asses and tits and tongues rolling around. One
of his favorite things had been sneaking down to the Cheetah club to
watch some girl-girl action and try to pick up one of the dancers.
“Were you two experimenting a little? Just curious?”
“Not me….I got into it at college. But it was Tori’s first time.”
“No wonder your grades were so bad,” Jonas observed. “OOOWW!”
Nikki had pulled on his chest hairs.
“Boy, I thought you’d be more surprised than this!” Nikki said.
“I’m really only surprised at your choice….Tori’s just sorta, I don’t
know, uh, homely?”
“Dad, when’s the last time you’ve seen Tori?” Jonas guessed it may
have been maybe two years and he told her so. “Then, you haven’t seen
the new Tori….she’s dropped a lot of weight, cut her hair short…and
grew.” Nikki held her hands in front of her chest in a Dolly Parton
“I can’t believe Tori’s changed that much.” he said.
“You’ll see…the reason I brought it up is that I’d like to have Tori
over…. maybe you’d like to watch us.”
“Like from a closet?” Jonas asked, slightly intrigued. The threat of
finding out about he and Nikki really put a damper on his arousal.
“No, silly….we’re naked, you’re naked….and then we have a little
audience participation at the end.”
Now, that surprised Jonas; that she would even consider telling Tori
about their incestuous affair because that was what she was proposing.
“Nikki, absolutely not! You can not tell anyone about us. Do you
understand what could happen to me?…to us?” Jonas scolded her for
even dreaming up such a crazy idea.
“But, Dad…”
“No buts! Baby, if you told Tori and she let it slip….or got mad at
and wanted to hurt us…Nikki, it could ruin our lives.” Jonas had bad
thoughts of disbarment and some jail time.
“O.K.!…O.K.! …..I won’t tell her, Dad.” Nikki promised, putting her
coffee cup on the table in front of her. “I thought you wanted to get
“I think sleeping with my own daughter is wild enough!” Jonas said
with a laugh and Nikki turned back to him with a wicked grin on her face.
She scooted right next to him and swung her knee over his legs,
ending up straddling his thighs facing him. Jonas put the coffee cup he’d
almost dropped on the end table near the phone as his daughter placed
her hands around his neck.
“So….I’m wild enough for you?!” Nikki said, now with a playful,
seductive edge to her voice. She looked so wholesome and yet so sexy –
her blue eyes, thin aristocratic nose, those little lips, cute narrow
the hint of cleavage through the slightly opened robe, the creamy-white
complexion of her skin.
“You’re my little heartbreaker,” Jonas said softly. It had been quite a
while since he’d made love to a woman the morning after but he felt the
stirrings to do just that with his alluring daughter.
“I’d never break your heart, Daddy,” Nikki whispered as she moved her
mouth toward his. She kissed him, feather-light on the lips and then left
her face close to his, rubbing her nose on his.
‘God, she’s like a drug,’ Jonas thought as his hands began undoing
the sash of her robe. ‘And I’m getting hooked fast.’
“Mmmmm…..Daddy, what are you doing?” Nikki asked innocently.
“We got two hours to kill, sweetheart,” Jonas replied, sliding his
in the open front of her robe. Nikki chuckled and began kissing him

Forty minutes later, the master bedroom was ringing with their grunts
and groans. The sheer inner set of curtains had been pulled closed,
allowing most of the sunlight to pass through and give the room a
yellowish glow. Faint gray fibrous shadows of the curtain’s fabric fell on
the moving bodies of the incestuous pair like undulating topographic
‘Jesus, I love this!’ Nikki confessed mentally as she gripped the
lacquered slats of her parent’s headboard, looking back over her right
shoulder, watching her horny father hump into her slippery slot.
“Ah…oh….oohhhh…uh….uhhh…gaaa….ummmm….yeah,” she throatily
huffed and puffed as her father’s strong hands gripped her waist, holding
her lithe frame steady.
Last night’s lovemaking had been a series of quick sprints to orgasms
for both of them but, this morning, her father was really taking his time,
stopping periodically to just let his erection luxuriate in her young body
or to change to another position.
She caught her father’s eye when he looked up from watching his
penetration. Smiling contentedly, he stuck his long-lasting peter deep in
her and let his chest drop down on her back, his lips kissing her
shoulder a couple of times.
“Enjoying yourself?” he ask unnecessarily. He’d given her a mini-
orgasm once already by going down on her to begin with. She now knew
why girls went for older men if her father was any example – they would
go out of their way to please a young piece of ass, whether out of
gratitude or the promise of more.
“Oh yeah!” she said, grinding her butt against him as she faced the
headboard again, “Tell me again why this is against the law….” she
Her father chuckled, then leaned his torso back up a little. Nikki felt
hands start sliding up her back, his thumbs kneading little circles along
either side of her spine.
“I love your body,” her father murmured.
“Just my body?”
“No, baby…of course, I love all of you…..,” her father assured her
he leaned all the way back, running his hands down the length of her
back. They kept going over the very back of her rear end and she felt his
thumbs pulling the lower swells of her ass further apart, pulling the skin
on either side of her stuffed pussy taut, “….but your body is way out in
Nikki used her cuntal muscles to squeeze his organ and her father
lightly slapped her ass.
“That’s a talented little pussy.”
“It really wants to come, Daddy,” she informed him, looking back to
see him again staring at it…her father was definitely a pussyman. Nikki
wished he’d just get back to fucking her. So, she was really disappointed
when she felt him pull out of her fuck-ready snatch.
“Let me see you make it come, baby….here, scoot back a little…
lay your face on the pillows….yeah, stick that ass up higher…beautiful

now, let me see you play with that pussy.”
Masturbating herself for her father sounded pretty kinky and Nikki
the idea. He might have gotten the idea from what she had told him
about her and Tori. She spread her knees a little wider on the bed,
slipping her right hand back between her thighs. Her slender fingers
knew the territory well.
“Very nice…verrrrryyy nice,” Dad said from somewhere behind her as
she rubbed and pulled and spread her bush-fringed cunt petals. “God,
that looks good, baby…..just like that…..that looks so hot…..shit,
I’ll give you about twenty minutes to stop that!”
“Daddddddyy, you’re incorrigible!” Nikki cried from the pillow her face
was laying on….called him incorrigible as she frigged her tingling twat
eight ways to Sunday.
Nikki closed her eyes and began waxing her clit with her glistening
fingertips. In a few minutes, she was making little yipping sounds as
bolts of current shot through her fiery pussy. She was getting awfully
close to a climatic conclusion.
She’d almost forgotten about her father, caught up in her fingering
frenzy, but suddenly his hands were on her ass, pulling the lower portion
of her butt apart again. Then his lips barely touched her slit, almost
making her come on the spot. Instinctively, she made a dipping motion
with her hips like she was fucking someone herself.
His lips went away but she knew he was watching so she kept on
phantom-fucking the air beneath her hips, holding her fingers still and
moving her pussy on them. In her mind’s eye, she could see her father
back there jacking himself, too.
away into the pillow, finding it harder to breathe as she shot down the
homestretch toward her much-needed orgasm.
Her father threw a new twist at her and couldn’t have timed it any
His strong hands grabbed the front of her legs above her knees and
jerked them back about a foot. Her hips fell to within six inches of the
mattress. Before she could raise her shoulders with her left elbow and
look around to see what he had in mind, he was on top of her, driving his
hot fat pecker deep in her fuck-slit.
“OOOOOOOUUUUGGGGGGGG!” Nikki groaned as his full weight
came down on her, pinning her right arm under her, and he began
hammering away with his hips.
“COME…COME…COME…COME!” Daddy yelled with each thrust.
Nikki’s cunt exploded around her parent’s prick like the night before
but far more intensely. Her feet and head snapped up in unison has her
innards turned to quicksilver all up and down her father’s slowing dick.
“OH YEAH, BABY….COME…oh, yeah….let it go..let it go,” she heard
her father’s voice close to her ear. She expected to feel the warm rush of
his incestuous spunk but it never came.
The waves of orgasm coursed out and came crashing back on each
other for over a minute, her blown-away box shuddering and squeezing
her father’s buried member.
When it was over, she let her chin fall into the pillow and her feet
across the back of his knees like stems on a pair of sunglasses. She felt
her father’s lips against the side of her hair, kissing it and nuzzling
toward her ear.
“Daddy?” she finally murmured.
“Is there any way we could get married?”
Her father started laughing deep in his chest and she smiled,
thoroughly sated. Her father gave her calm cunt a few slow pumps with
his still hard cock, reminding her that they were not through by a

‘God, that was a close one….couple more strokes and I’d have popped
my cork in my baby’s pussy again,’ Jonas thought as he stroked her
supple body. ‘I’m a sick fuck for doing this but it’s just too damn
just laying here naked with her would be better than the sex her mother
had been giving me…actually fucking her surpasses everything…I’m
going to make her turn over on her back for the big finish….look in her
eyes while I screw her!”
Jonas ran his right hand over her shoulder, slowly up her neck, and
brushed aside the lock of hair that covered her cheek. He kissed her
exposed ear briefly and then the side of her mouth – the mouth that had
nursed at his nipples, sucked on his tongue…..
‘Sucking?…..oh yeah, those lips are made for sucking!….I’ve
her enough for one day….time for Nikki to give me what I want.’ His dick
grew stiffer in his daughter’s pussy thinking about what he was going to
ask her to do.
Jonas pulled out of his daughter, rolled off her to the left onto his
and began collecting pillows to prop himself up. Beside him, Nikki rolled
over toward him and her right shoulder came to rest against his
stomach. She turned her face up toward him.
“Want to do something special for me?” Jonas asked.
Nikki gave him a little smile. “Maybe.”
“I’d like to finish by doing something we have tried yet,” Jonas said,
smoothing her bangs with his left hand.
“Mmmmmmm, let me guess….you want me on top this time?”
“No, but we will do that sometime, I promise you….let me give you a
hint.” His stroking hand had moved down the far side of her face. He
moved his forefinger to her mouth and pushed it past her lips. He moved
it in and out and winked at her.
Nikki’s eyes filled with understanding and she smiled around his finger
before giving it a loving suck. His pretty daughter was going to suck his
“That’s my girl,” Jonas said as she rolled over on top of him,
his stomach with her elbows and laying her legs between his, her back
arched due to the incline of his body. Jonas felt her soft boobs pressing
against his erection, could actually see the cap of his cock sandwiched
between his stomach and her breastbone when she looked up at him.
“You’re asking me to take your big dick in my mouth…..Daddy, I’m just
shocked!” Nikki was such a cockteaser and Jonas loved it.
“Don’t play Miss Innocent with me!” Jonas sniggered, pushing her
shoulders down his body, “I’m betting you’re real good at this, Nikki.”
Nikki kissed her way down his torso as she shifted her body into
cocksucking position, keeping her eyes on his face until the puffy crown
of his prick hit the bottom of her chin.
At that point, she twisted her body so her left armpit supported
on his right thigh and her right hand began rubbing the underside of his
cock as it lay on his lap.
“Think you can handle that?” Jonas asked her, laying his right hand on
the back of her head.
“I think so,” Nikki purred confidently as her right hand fisted the
and hefted it upright so his drunkenly swaying phallus was right there in
front of her pretty little mouth.
“Mmmmmm,” she said, “O.K., Dad, how do you want it? Nice and
slow?” Looking at his face, she gave the underside of his glans a long,
slow lick.
“Or nice and hard?” She tightened her grip on his shaft and jacked his
cock several times.
“Oooooh, Jesus!….. Nikki, it’s not going to matter! I’m not going to
able to hold out long watching you, not the first time……give me a few
minutes of slow and then just give it all you got, honey!”
His naughty daughter began licking around the head of his organ,
taking her sweet time. He’d oozed a little when she gave him the preview
jacks and he watched her lick that up, her tongue swirling around and
“Mmmmm, that’s great…, you’re going to ruin me for other
women, you know that don’t you?… aahh….no pussy or mouth is ever
going to compare!”
Nikki dropped her face behind his wide wanker and her tongue
dragged down his underside until her lips reached the top of his hairy
scrotum. She bent his cock to the side so he would have an
unobstructed view as she began sucking in little slivers of his sack
through her lips.
“Nice, honey, very nice,” he encouraged her when she looked up at
him. She moved her body even further back, dipping her nose down out
of his sight and came back up with his whole left nut in her mouth. Jonas
had never had that done and it sent his cock a twitching as he watched
his daughter do the same to his other ball, the warm interior of her
mouth sucking his egg-shaped testicle lovingly.
She plopped the hairy cum-maker out of her mouth and rose up on her
left hand and knees, her right hand swinging his flagpole cock up to her
lips again. Jonas watched her mouth hover over him for a few seconds
as her tongue wetted her lips. Then she gave the tip of his cock a kiss,
held the smooch briefly and then her lips expanded as she pushed her
mouth down.
“AAAAAAAAaaahhhhhhhh!” Jonas groaned as his bloated cockknob
disappeared up into his daughter’s mouth. Her lips stopped when she
had the head engulfed.
She slid her hand slowly up to meet her lips, not gripping it very
but the sight was enough to almost unhinged Jonas. She slid her hand
back down his cock and then took her hand away, now holding him with
only her mouth. Slowly she began rotating her face, twisting her lips on
him while her tongue tormented his imprisoned glans.
“AAaaaaahhh, that’s good, honey…….oh…..oh yeah….let me see how
much you can take……go ahead….aaaahhAAAAAHHHH!” Jonas
groaned again as she sank her lips lower, taking half of his distended
dick to the back of her throat in a series of small gulping motions.
She began really blowing him then – bobbing her head, sucking hard
with concave cheeks. Just like he’d ordered.
“YEAAAHH…suck it, Nikki!..unnnnnhhh…uuunnnnnhhh.”
His daughter’s no-hands blowjob was making his sperm percolate in
his ball-sac. He wasn’t going to hold back when the moment came – he
was just going to ejaculate right in her mouth. He had no doubts that his
little girl was a swallower….a hot bi-sexual father-cocksucking
“Unnnnnhhh…..Nikkkiiii….you’re making me feel so good….uuuunnnh.”
His daughter’s mouth had perfect control of his proud prick. Her lips
came oh so close to leaving his dick but never did; they always stopped
with half his cockhead showing, filling the room with a slurping sound,
and then corkscrewed down his lip-stretching throbber.
Jonas watched it all, filing the images away in his mind under a folder
called “BLOWJOB1” – the way her lips did stretch thin, her eyes closed
as she worshipped him orally, the way the locks of hair on each side of
her face swayed with her head bobbing, her dangling knockers which he
could see through her arms.
“Shit, baby…..oh Nikki, I’m right there!” Jonas warned, his hands
coming up to grab her pitching head. He could feel himself beginning to
lose it. There is that four or five seconds before climax when every man
knows it is all over, that there is no turning back. He thrust up into her
mouth once, unable to control himself.
“MMMPPPFF!” Nikki moaned around his girth as he banged against
the back of her throat. Her right hand came back up and gripped his
rowdy erection, giving her more control. It also allowed her to start
whacking him off in her mouth, her fist went flying up and down his shaft.

“Nikki!….God, Nikki…uuugggghhh…UUUUNNGGGHH …. GGGGAAA!”
Jonas gave a strangled cry as his first main wad of his semen jetted up
into the wet heat of Nikki’s waiting mouth.
slurped loudly as she gulped down his first burst, her hand cranking him
for more. Jonas threatened to crush her head with his hands as she
jacked more jism out of his twitching Johnson.
“SLLLRRIIIIIPPPP!” She milked his boner four or five times and then
drew her mouth off him, her hand still around his base.
Jonas opened his eyes when he felt her mouth withdraw. He felt more
jism still left and he didn’t think Nikki realized it.
“I’m not done, Nikki!” he gasped. He covered her hand with his and
made her jack him again. A fountain of his watery cum, maybe an inch
high, gushed through his piss-slit and trickled down around her hand.
“God, Dad!” Nikki exclaimed as she drew another white fountain from
his ball-wells, her hand slippery with cum. Without being told, she
wrapped her hot lips around his slimy fountainhead and continued
coaxing his slow-traveling semen with her pumping fist.
With old age, Jonas’s delivery system had slowed down but times like
this made it a blessing….all the minor cumshots felt great and he had a
lot of them.
Finally, he was empty. Nikki proved this by pulling his dick out of her
mouth and milking it strongly, only to have nothing come out.
“Thank you, Nikki..I think that will quite do it,” Jonas advised her as
she rolled on her left side, laying her weight again on his right thigh,
jacked him again just to be sure.
“Have you got a spare tank or what?!” Nikki kidded him. It wasn’t that
he pumped out more than he used to when he was younger, it just took
“It’s just age,” he told her, rubbing her shoulder, “I’m an old man.”
“Yeah, so you keep saying!…….tell it to my pussy,” Nikki doled out
more hot compliments.
The phone rang on the nightstand and Jonas picked up the handset
and turned it on.
There was silence for a few seconds and he was going to hang up but
then he heard Stella say, “Jonas, I’d like to speak to Nikki.”
“Hello, Stella,” he said, looking down at his daughter. Nikki gave him
wicked grin and took his half-hard prick back into her mouth, her eyes
looking up at him. It was just like her to do something like that when he
was talking to her mother. “Let me get her for you,” he said, covering the
phone with his hand.
“Nikki, you got to talk to her,” he whispered down to his bad daughter.
Nikki drew her mouth off him and made a pouty face.
“Oh, Dad! Tell her I’m too busy sucking your dick!” she kidded. Jonas
made an angry face back at her and she got up on her knees. “Chill,
Dad!” she said, pulling his legs together and crawling onto his lap,
where she sat down, her knees straddling his hips, her pussy on his
deflating dick.
She took the phone and said sweetly, “Hi, Mom!…….yeah, I’ll be
leaving here in about 15 minutes…….sure, anything else you
right, bye!”
She tossed the turned off handset on the bed and leaned down to give
him a quick kiss.
“When am I going to see you again?” Jonas asked.
“I’ll be with Mom all night probably…I’m sure I could come out
tomorrow. Can you wait that long?” she said, running a finger down his
“I guess I’ll have to.”
“I’m gonna get cleaned up,” Nikki said, crawling off him and padding
toward the bathroom. Jonas was sure she was swinging that little ass of
hers just a little more than usual, setting the hooks in him a bit deeper.


Nikki stopped by the store on the way home and bought the item that
Mother had phoned about. Driving back to Brentwood, she felt unhappy.
She really didn’t want to spend the night with her mother. Like with her
father, Nikki had little in common with her. It hadn’t been that way
but in the last few years as Nikki had started spending more and more
time outside the home exploring her sexuality, she had come to see how
uptight her mother was.
Not just to the idea of sex – about everything! Smoking, fashions, what
was in the movies, all kinds of stuff. It was stifling to hear all the
not going to wear that, are you?” and the “if you’re going to live in this
‘I wouldn’t get that if I was living with Dad!’ Nikki thought. ‘Dad and
are more than in tune.’
Dinner with her mother was a slow torture as she continued to heap
bad thing upon bad thing on her father. Nikki spoke up for her father on
a number of occasions, just to show her mother that there were two
sides to every story.
After dinner, Nikki suggested that they go out and see a movie. She
would have gladly sat through some European subtitled masterpiece if it
meant they didn’t have to talk for two hours.
But before they could decide on anything, they got a phone call from
Mrs. Sperling, Tori’s mother. Tori had told her what was happening in
the Elliot household and she had phoned to talk with Stella. They were
friends by association of their daughters.
Mrs. Sperling invited them to come over and visit. Nikki was surprised
when her mother accepted the invitation.
So a half hour later they were over at the Sperling home. Her mother
and Mrs. Sperling sat and talked in the livingroom while Nikki and Tori
went upstairs to Tori’s bedroom.
“All right…where were you last night, Nikki?” Tori asked as soon as
they were alone.
“Tori, I’d really rather not say…no, I take that back, I’d really
like to tell
you….but I can’t.” Nikki said, falling across her bed in exasperation.
“Do you hear yourself?” Tori said sitting on the bed beside her. “You
sound all confused….I thought there was nothing we couldn’t tell each
“Tori, I think I could tell you. I know you’d keep it secret. But
someone else involved that made me promise not to tell anyone.”
“You know you’re going to tell me,” Tori said confidently, stroking
Nikki’s jean-clad leg. “So why not just do it now?….is it a guy or a
girl?….come on, Nikki, spill it.”
Nikki felt herself weakening…she just had to tell someone else her
secret. Tori could keep her secret; she was sure of it.
“All right but you got to promise not to tell!”


Jonas Elliot came to a stop in front of the beach house early the next
morning and put his hands on his hips as he drank in huge gulps of sea
air. A marine layer was still hanging around, keeping the temperature
down, so he’d decided to take a jog along the ocean. The run had felt
good, got his blood flowing but he hadn’t run far enough to tire himself
‘Not when Nikki’s coming out,” he chuckled to himself.
The night before had been so boring after all that had gone on.
Eventually he’d driven down to Gladstone’s for a late dinner and then
had come back and milled around the empty beach house for a while,
finally going to bed in hopes that it would seem to shorten the time until
he could have Nikki in his arms.
He took off his sweaty T-shirt and went up the stairs that led up to
deck of his home. In the kitchen, he took a jug of Gatorade out of the
refrigerator and drank it without using a glass. There was one thing he
hated to do and that was dishes. He’d be doing a lot of eating out.
He went back into the living area and saw that someone had called
while he was out. He walked to the message machine and hit the button.
“Hi, Dad. Where are you? Just calling to let you know I’ll be there
around 11. Love ya, bye.”
‘Another two hours and my little horny baby will be back!” Jonas
thought as he headed back to shower.

At 12:15 P.M., Nikki pulled up and parked outside the door in the
privacy wall at the beach house. She’d arrived late on purpose; she
wanted her father to wait a little longer.
‘I’m going to hate to do this but he’ll thank me later,’ she hoped.
She got out of the car and reached in the bag seat for the duffel bag
purse she had brought her change of clothes in. A breeze came up and
ballooned the sheer hemp-toned sunshirt she was wearing. Underneath
that she had on her bikini top. A short pair of shorts hid her bikini
bottoms. She wanted to get some sun today since she had told her
mother that she was going to the beach….although not to the beach
She walked through the wall gate and down to the front door. She tried
the door and found that it was unlocked. Stepping into the foyer, she
called out for her father. He came down the hall from his bedroom.
“There you are!” he said.
“Hello, Father,” Nikki said, dropping bag and wrapping her arms
around his waist as he gave her welcoming kiss. And then another real
kiss with a little tongue and some roaming hands on her bottom.
‘I don’t think I’ll have any trouble making him see reason,’ Nikki
to herself as they unclenched.
“What kind of outfit is that?” he said as they walked into the living
“It’s a sunshirt. For those of us with delicate skin,” she twirled in
of him and then began unbuttoning the shirt as he leaned against the
back of the couch. She saw the way his eyes were looking through the
sheer material. She opened the shirt and pulled it down off her
shoulders, showcasing the skimpy black bikini top. Spaghetti straps and
two triangular patches that left no guesswork about her cleavage and
the inner slopes of her breasts.
“Ta-da!” she said.
Her father raised his eyes from her charms and chuckled, “That looks
very nice on you, Nikki….it’s going to look even better laying by the
“Jeez, Dad! I haven’t heard that one in a while,” Nikki replied. “Very
“Hey, I bet there aren’t many fathers that have said that to their
daughters…I think it’s very original.”
“Let’s go for a swim,” Nikki suggested. She saw some disappointment
cross his face. She wouldn’t mind just going back to his bed either but
the longer she could tease him along, the easier it would be.
“The water’s awfully cold,” he pointed out, trying to deter her, no
“Come on, Dad,” Nikki whined. “Are you worried something will get all
shriveled up!” Her eyes went to his crotch. “Don’t worry…after the swim
I’ll unshrink things!”
“Nikki, you little…..O.K., let’s do it!”
He pulled off his T-shirt, leaving himself in his usual swim trunks.
“I’ll get some towels,” he said and went back to his bedroom.
Nikki unzipped her shorts and shed them and took off her tennis
shoes. Standing up, she pulled her bikini bottoms in place as her father
came back with two towels.
They left the towels hanging at the base of the beach stairs and
walked down to the ocean. The beach was mostly deserted; it was a
public area but most people went up to Zuma or stayed down at the
Santa Monica beach. The only people that ever frequented this part of
the coast was the inhabitants of the beach houses.