Vixen’s Sperm Farm 2.

Our ship, newly re-commissioned as the HMS Reprisal
sighed through space at several times the speed of
light. The stars, crystal glints of light, entered the
view screen, cascaded off each other, and then flickered
out of existence like fourth of July sparklers. Shanna,
Harry, and I stared transfixed at the view screen,
immersed in the beauty of the universe. Harry turned
around and faced the room.

“Listen, everyone, I’d like a general assembly on the
factory floor at 0900 hrs, ships time tomorrow. Steven,
Shanna, since we three are the only trained pilots,
we’ll be taking shifts, twelve on twenty-four off. We’ll
have the other officers train under Shanna until we have
a full bridge crew. I’ll take first watch. Steven, you
can take over at Midnight.”

“I agree with your assessment, Harry,” I said. “But the
Captain doesn’t stand watch. You’ll have plenty of other
responsibilities, believe me. I’d advise setting up a
‘Captain’s watch’ where Shanna and I take twelve on and
twelve off while you supervise a few hours a day. Both
Shanna and I can train the other officers immediately.
We’ll get them up to snuff quickly.”

Harry sighed. “You’re probably right, Steven. I’ll still
take first watch, though. I’ve got a lot to think about,
and I might as well kill two birds with one stone. You
two get some rest and I’ll wake you when I’m tired.”

Shanna and I agreed that this was the best course of
action. We spent a few minutes going over the
instrumentation and getting familiar with scanning
procedures and what to do if we picked up the life pod
on screen. When Harry was certain he had it down
correctly, Shanna and I turned to go. As I exited the
door, I looked back to see Harry standing, head bent
over the console. I raised a hand in salute: “Good
night, then… Captain.”

Shanna’s rooms were close to the control room. It had
been a long day and no sleep the night before for any of
us. I fully expected Shanna to need a load of semen or
two for dinner, so after a quick zero-G shower, I
slipped into bed. I was surprised to see that Shanna had
fallen asleep while I was washing up. Usually, the drive
to suck cock and swallow sperm overrides even her need
for sleep. Smiling down at her, I gently parted her lips
with my hard cock and slowly thrust until my manhood was
fully embedded in her tight throat. She smiled in her
sleep and started suckling automatically.

Being used to getting three or four blowjobs a day, I
had a full ball sack waiting to be drained. The
excitement of the last 36 hours had left no time for my
sexual relief or Shanna’s feeding. Moving my hips slowly
so as not to wake her, I brought myself to a gentle
pulsing orgasm in her throat. Shanna swallowed
reflexively, ingesting the thick live protein she needed
to survive. I left my cock crammed deeply in her throat
and drifted off to sleep.

She might have wakened and sucked me off another time or
two, but if she did, it didn’t bring me out of the deep
sleep I fell into. Sometime in the night, the
communicator disk buzzed shrilly rousing me into a semi-
comatose grogginess. It was Harry, waiting to be
replaced on watch. I told him I would be right over. I
pulled my cock out of Shanna’s mouth where it had rested
all night and fumbled in the dark for my clean uniform.
A few minutes later I joined Harry in the control room.
I looked at the Fae-style chronometer and did a hasty
translation into English time-standards.

“Harry! You let me sleep almost the whole night

“It’s alright, Steven. I had a lot of planning to do.
I’m dead tired now, though. I’m turning in. Nothing on
the scope, nothing on the communicator. You have the
con.” He shambled off toward the door.

“Harry, one quick thing before you go-” He turned to
listen. “Why don’t you stay with Shanna when I’m on
watch. I’m sure she would like the company, and you know
that she and I have an agreement concerning her
‘appetite.’ It certainly wouldn’t change our love for
each other or even our affection for you.”

“Thanks, Steven. I didn’t know how to ask, but I’m glad
it’s ok with you. If I know Shanna, she would have made
the decision for us anyway. I just feel sorry for all
those marine recruits who’ve never come in contact with
a female Fae before. I’ve got a feeling there’s going to
be a few broken hearts around here in the next few days.
Well, I’m turning in. Wake me 20 minutes before the
briefing, will you?” I turned to scan the viewport and
sensors while Harry went to take a well-deserved rest
(and provide Shanna with her breakfast serving of
steaming semen).

After a few hours of fruitlessly scanning and listing
for the escape pod, I went into the room to wake Harry
and Shanna. As it turned out, I was too late. Harry was
already up, and I mean that in more than one way. He was
sitting on the edge of the bed, naked except for a
regulation undershirt.

Shanna was on her knees before him, her head buried in
his lap. From beneath the cascade of her honey-blonde
hair, I heard the sounds of sucking and licking. Harry’s
hands were holding onto either side of her head, and his
hips were bucking furiously as he savagely fucked her
throat. Neither of them noticed me, so I decided to get
in on the fun.

Taking a glob of lubricant from a nearby shelf, I
exposed my now-hardened cock and smeared it liberally.
Then I took up position behind Shanna and pointed it at
the tight puckered target of her asshole. With one
mighty thrust, I penetrated her anus deeply. Shanna
paused for a moment at the same time as Harry looked up
to see me buggering his sucktress. Then Shanna resumed
her desperate sucking and Harry once again humped her
throat as before.

The sensation of Shanna’s ass was like nothing I had
ever experienced. Shanna told me that the Fae have no
fewer than seven sphincter muscles in their rectums, an
arrangement which allowed them to glean full nutritional
value from the sperm they swallowed. When fucking her
ass, that meant that my cock penetrated, and was gripped
and released by each sphincter in turn as it rode deep
into her crack. Pulling out, she clamped this ring-
shaped pleasure muscles as tightly as a vice.

Only the copious amount of lubricant I had applied to my
cock allowed me to pull out. Each time I paused with my
cock deep inside her rectum, the separate muscles joined
forces, milking my cock one at a time starting at the
base and working towards the head, squeezing, spasming,
releasing. It was heaven, and best of all, I knew she
loved it too. It was affecting her sucking of Harry’s
cock. The pleasure she felt in this rough ass-fucking
was translating directly into hotter, tighter sucking of
the shaft in her throat.

Both Harry and I, although veterans of Shanna’s avid
milking techniques and her ability to keep us at the
edge of orgasm without letting us go over, could take
very little of such intense pleasure. Harry was the
first to go, his grunting and thrashing telling me that
he was unleashing a virtual torrent of semen deep into
her throat. Seeing him fire off was just what I need to
send me over the edge.

I made three last mighty thrusts deep inside her rectum,
feeling each sphincter grudgingly give way and then
refuse to let go of my cock, and then I shot spurt after
spurt of hot cum far past the seventh sphincter well
into the most inner depths of her hot ass. I could feel
the tight little cavity fill with sperm, but still those
tight muscles milked me like an Irish dairy maid’s
fingers. I fell forward onto Shanna’s back, gasping.

Both Harry and I remained motionless. Shanna’s tight
throat and ass continued to milk us, refusing to release
our cocks until the last tiniest drop of sperm was
brought to the tip and then consumed. With a little moan
of satisfaction, Shanna pulled her head up from Harry’s
lap and slid forward, extracting my cock from her rectum
in the process. Her outermost sphincter was stretched as
wide as a silver dollar, and it spasmed as I watched it,
lewdly winking up at my eight or nine times.

Perversely, I reached down with both hands and stretched
it wide open again, peering into the dark depths of her
ass. I released it to watch it spasm anew, opening and
closing as I watch. I repeated this many times until it
simply remained open, allowing me to insert three
fingers into her rectum without touching either side of
her asshole.

Shanna seemed to enjoy this stretching action, so I kept
it up as she lay on the floor, firm round asscheeks
thrust obscenely into the air. As I ran my finger around
the inside of the rim, lightly touching it to keep it
widely open, Harry stared enrapt by the sight of her
gaping ass. I looked up at him. “Hello, Captain. It’s
time for us to make it to that briefing, wouldn’t you

Chapter Five

Harry looked back at me. “It will wait,” he gasped. His
face was flushed, and his cock was standing straight
out. Motioning me aside, he took up position directly
over her still-gaping asshole and plunged his throbbing
member deep inside her. Shanna wriggled once, but gave
no objection. I could tell that Harry wasn’t in the mood
for a long fucking. He just wanted relief for this
massive hard-on he had developed seeing me expand
Shanna’s asshole to the point that it could have been
used to hold a coke can.

He fucked her savagely, more rape than act of love, and
within minutes he was pouring another huge load of cum
deep inside her rectum. He pulled out immediately and
panted, out of breath. “That was wonderful, Shanna.” He
said. He checked his watch. “But it’s time to prepare
for that briefing. Have the crew ready for me in twenty
minutes. I’ll be there in thirty.”

Shanna and I shared a quick zero-G shower (which was
unfortunate because you haven’t lived until you’ve had a
shower with Shanna tethered to you by the link between
her mouth and your cock. I would have liked to have a
few more minutes alone with her). Then we put on fresh
uniforms and made our way to the factory floor where
Commander Barton had his marines assembled.

Commander Barton snapped a smart salute. “Marine
detachment assembled, Inspector.” I returned it asked
him to have his men stand at ease while we waited for
Harry to arrive. When I heard his steps up the hall, I
turned to the marines and bellowed “Captain on deck!”

The marines as a unit, snapped to attention. Harry
stepped into the room dressed in naval full dress. The
gleaming gold of his epaulettes sparkled against the
brilliant white of his uniform jacket. Commander Barton
saluted again, after which Harry asked all assembled to
stand easy.

“Good morning everyone.” He began. “I’m sure all of you
know what our objective is here. To make it clear, we
are to track, disable and recapture the escape pod
containing the Fae Kiarra. Her escape in the face of our
unreadiness to defend ourselves from attack from space,
has caused a serious security risk. If we cannot
recapture her, our orders are to destroy her. Inspectors
Carlson and MacGleash and I are the only experts on Fae
technology and culture aboard, and our knowledge leaves
much to be desired.”

“In the event we are boarded, I will expect Commander
Barton’s marines to secure the ship by any means
necessary. If we find we are able to board and capture
another Fae ship, I will expect each and every one of
you to give whatever it takes to do so. To that end, I
would like all of us to conduct daily drills to become
familiar with the layout and design of this ship.
Hopefully, others of its type will have similar design.”

“We are dreadfully shorthanded in the pilot department.
When not actively planning or executing boarding drills,
I expect the officers and ratings to train with
Inspector MacGleash to fill the gap.” There was some
suppressed mirth at this turn of phrase, and Harry keyed
right in on it.

“Well, since some of you think the subject to be funny,
let me take a moment to speak about Inspector MacGleash.
As you were briefed, she is part Fae.” At this point, a
murmur of “bloody Fae!” was heard coming from the same
area as the previous snickering. Harry stopped
immediately and strode into the ranks of marines,
pushing them aside until he found the one he wanted.
Coming face to face with the heckler, he stated loudly:
“Yes, she’s a Fae! Anyone else have a problem with
that?” No response this time. “Very well. Commander, put
this man on report.”

Harry returned to face the marines “I apologize for the
interruption. To continue, yes, Inspector MacGleash is
part Fae. She’s also part human. If it weren’t for her
efforts, the other Fae would still be kidnapping infant
human males and raising them to be sperm slaves. She’s
risked her life on more than one occasion, and I for one
am proud to serve with her. Now, the Inspector requires
a certain amount of human sperm to survive.

“We have an ample store, but there’s no telling how long
we’ll be out here. To conserve ship’s stores, I am
asking you all to provide the Inspector with daily
donations of semen. Let me make this clear: Inspector
MacGleash is not along to provide you with sexual
stimulation, nor may you approach her for the same. If
she needs your services, she will ask for them. And I
would like to stress that you are under no obligation to
oblige her.”

“I have every confidence that you will all discharge
your duties to the Crown in a manner consonant with your
prior service and the traditions of your corps. Thank
you for your attention.” Commander Barton brought his
troops back to attention and saluted Harry.

“Thank you Commander. Please dismiss your marines and
we’ll continue this in the control room.” The Commander
saluted again and then turned and dismissed his men.
Commander Barton took a moment to speak with the squad
leaders and lieutenants and then had a few short words
with the lieutenant and squad leader in charge of the
earlier heckler.

The command team made its way silently to the control
room. When we arrived, Harry briefed the Marine officers
on ships systems and the details of the mission. We sat
down and scheduled meals, a duty roster, and the type
and time of upcoming drills. The ship’s computer and
communications systems were covered in detail and we
made provisions for keeping each man in contact with the
control room on a regular basis. Lieutenant Garstins
suggested we develop a brief code consisting of ordinary
phrases, which could convey some simple instructions
and/or information. We all agreed, and then the meeting
broke up.

Lieutenant Garstins and Shanna took the day’s first
watch. Although her knowledge of piloting a Fae ship was
limited, it was the best we had, and she was appointed
the official flight instructor. Harry and I went into
the small galley we used as an officers’ mess and had a
cup of coffee and some scrambled eggs. Standard military
fare the world over. “And now throughout the universe!”
I thought to myself.

To no one’s surprise, the marine assigned to mess duty
was the one who had snickered and commented during
Harry’s briefing. I expected Harry to give him a private
little dressing down, but instead Harry took a few
moments to urge upon the man the critical nature of this
mission and the need for all of us to be at our best.
Chastened, the man served Harry what would probably be
the best omelet of Harry’s military career.

After chatting a bit over coffee, Harry and I returned
to our respective quarters. I was tired, but I wanted to
see how Shanna was doing with Lieutenant Garstins. I
used the computer console in her study to open a
surveillance video view of the control room. Shanna had
Garstins standing in front of the control console with
his pants and briefs on the floor about his ankles. No
surprise there.

As I watched, she would point out a control or monitor
and quiz Garstins about its function. If he got the
answer correct, she would bend down and suck his cock
quickly and deeply into her throat for a few seconds. If
he got it wrong, she would thwack his cock head sharply
with a stylus, causing him (and me) to wince in pain.
With reward and punishment like that, who could fail to
learn quickly.

Garstins was a quick study, it seemed. He learned the
function and application of each major control in a few
minutes. Shanna took pity on him finally and after he
gave an exhaustive regorgement of her lecture on scanner
controls, she knelt in front of him and sucked him
wholly and completely into her throat.

Having experienced this many many times, I could
appreciate what the man was feeling. Her throat muscles
were working strongly to keep his cock embedded halfway
to her stomach. She hadn’t had the opportunity to give a
man the proper amount of pleasure for the proper amount
of time for quite a while. Without warning, she pulled
back until her lips were barely containing his cock and
then plunged back down to hold him in her throat again.

Over and over, she repeated this motion, her throat
muscles fluttering and squeezing him tightly. Every time
she sensed he was ready to cum, she clamped her lips at
the base of his cock and squeezed the head with her
throat muscles to make it deflate slightly. When he
recovered his composure, she would resume her steady in-
and-out thrusting and bobbing. The lieutenant’s balls
were drawn tight up against his body, his scrotum
tautening as his cum filled and swirled around them.

Finally, he could take no more and with a ragged cry, he
grasped the back of her head and pulled it even harder
into his crotch. Ten, eleven times, his hips bucked
furiously against her head as his semen poured out of is
cock like water from a garden hose. I could see the
outline of his cock in the supple muscles of her neck
and the motion of those muscle as her throat struggled
to swallow his copious load. In a few minutes, his
pleasure subsided and he released her head.

Shanna, always eager to please her “donors” allowed his
cock to remain in her throat as it deflated, finally
letting it drop from her mouth completely limp. Few
cocks leave that hot mouth still hard. After all, if it
can stay hard, it can supply her with hot semen, right?
A single shining glob of that semen was poised at the
end of the lieutenant’s cock. Seeing it, Shanna flicked
out her tongue and licked it off, swallowing it as
grandly as if it had been caviar at a Russian Czar’s
state dinner.

Shanna looked directly into the camera’s view and
smiled. Of course, she knew I was watching. The control
panel would show the status of all security viewers, and
since I was the only other one onboard who knew how to
operate them, it had to be me- and what else would I
rather watch? Smiling at me, she licked the last
remaining traces of sperm from Garstin’s now-flaccid

Chapter Six

For the first few days, we had it rough but eventually
all of the marine officers and ratings passed Shanna’s
“training sessions.” We cancelled the twelve-on/twelve-
off schedule and created a bridge crew structure that
allowed the newly trained pilots to be loosely
supervised by either Shanna, Harry or me. That gave me
some more quality time with Shanna, for which I’m very
grateful. We soon settled down into a routine of heading
for the Fae home world and scanning the ether for the
escape pod.

As it turns out, we didn’t have long to wait to find the
pod. Garstins, on duty under Shanna’s supervision, came
running into the officers’ mess where Harry, Commander
Barton, and I were scheduling the next day’s
boarding/repelling drills. “Captain, we have a blip on
the scanners. It’s consistent with what the Inspector
said the escape pod might look like!”

Harry and the Commander piled out of the small mess room
and ran quickly into the control room. I stopped by
Shanna and my rooms to let her know what was going on
and we joined them immediately. When we got in, all
three of them were poring over the console, looking at
the scanner traces. Shanna shouldered the men aside,
managing to look like a cat rubbing against their legs
at the same time. She’s one bundle of sexual energy,
that Shanna. I peered over her shoulder as she ran a few
simulations and pattern matching programs.

“It’s the escape pod, alright.” She said. “But its space
drive has been turned off. I’ll bring us along side and
we’ll retrieve it into the cargo bay.” Her hands flew
across the panel as she maneuvered the ship next to the
pod. A robotic probe designed specifically for the
purpose grabbed the pod and pulled it to the doors of
the aft cargo bay.

Harry turned to Commander Barton, “Commander, assemble
your men and have them surround the pod when it comes
in. I don’t want that Fae loose on my ship!” Commander
Barton nodded and went over to another console.

He picked up the communicator disk there and spoke
firmly into it “Attention marine detachment! We have
picked up the escape pod and are about to bring it into
the aft cargo bay. All hands gear up and form on the
factory floor in 10 minutes.” He set the disk down and
looked at Harry. “With your permission, Captain?” Harry
nodded and both marine officers left quickly.

“Shanna, you stay here and work the console. I’ll
contact you from the cargo bay to tell you to bring in
the pod. Steven, you’re with me.” Harry and I left the
control room and stopping only to arm ourselves from our
respective rooms, we ran through the ship down into the
aft cargo bay.

We arrived slightly ahead of the marine detachment, as
Commander Barton had to form and brief the troops- plus
they had to take a longer route. The pod, an eight-foot
high truncated cone, rested on padded struts. No door
was visible. However, there was a small panel located
about eye-level for a Fae. As the marines filed in and
assumed defensive positions, I read instructions for
opening the escape pod as well as small medical readout
which I assumed must refer to the passengers inside.

I had hoped to get some indication of Kiarra’s health
from it, but unfortunately, both it, and another status-
related panel were dead. The only possible explanation
was that the pod had suffered some equipment failure and
was disabled. I pitied poor Kiarra, freezing to death in
the cold vacuum between the stars. On the other hand, I
figured it probably spared the marines from having to
shoot her so maybe it was a good thing.

I returned to where Commander Barton and Harry were
having a brief discussion. “Gentlemen, it appears that
our problem has solved itself. The pod’s power systems
are dead, and the medical readout as well. In all
probability, Kiarra’s in there frozen or suffocated.”

Commander Barton looked at us both. “She may be playing
dead. I’m going to leave the men on alert while you open
the pod. We don’t want any surprises, eh?” He saluted
Harry and spun around to update his marines.

“Well Harry,” I said. “Shall I pop the lid?”

“Alright. Just be careful, will you? I’d hate to have to
explain things to Shanna.” He left me and joined Barton
in a defensive position behind some crates.

I walked back to the pod. The instructions were fairly
easy to read, even with my limited Fae reading skills. I
pressed the three studs as shown, and a panel opened.
Inside was a lever, with explicit instructions against
opening in vacuum. I pulled on it, and the top of the
pod levitated up about an inch, slid down the side, and
then crashed to the cargo bay floor, its emergency power
supply exhausted. Inside was nothing but empty space.

“Empty!” I yelled back at the marines.

Chapter Seven

Commander Barton sent a man in to verify that I didn’t
have a gun to my head or anything, and then they stood
down from alert. Somehow, either Kiarra never made it
into the escape pod or she left it somewhere between our
present location and Earth. Neither choice made sense.
If she didn’t escape, where on Earth (literally!) was
she? If she left the pod, where did she go? There
weren’t any habitable planets along the way as far as I
knew. We were perplexed.

Later on, in a meeting back in the control room, we
decided on two courses of action. First, one of the
Marine sergeants would be trained on the operation of
the escape pod and then sent back to Earth to report. It
would be a long and cramped trip, but Harry felt it
vital that a search for Kiarra be started immediately on
Earth. Second, we would begin searching back along our
path for indications that Kiarra had jettisoned or been

Harry stood after giving his consent to the new plan.
“Very good. Commander, please have your sergeant report
to Shanna immediately for training. He leaves in 8
hours, regardless of how much or little he knows. I want
at least four ‘repel-boarders’ drills per day until
further notice as well. If she’s somehow hitched a ride,
they’ll know we’re out here too.”

“What about gunnery practice?” I asked, “None of us
really have any experience with the weapons systems.
Powerful as they are, they’re mostly for show.” (The Fae
rarely have space-to-space battles, instead preferring
to fight it out Fae-to-Fae in unarmed combat). “If we’re
counting on using the guns to gain the element of
surprise, we’d better know what we’re doing.”

“Agreed,” Harry said. “You and I will stay here and
train ourselves in their use and then when we’re
proficient, we’ll train others.” We discussed a few more
items and then broke up the meeting to get into action.

The next few days passed in a blur. If I wasn’t at the
controls actually piloting the ship, I was with Harry
learning the nuances of firing the ship’s guns. I was
amazed at the fire power these little spacecraft
carried. If our estimations were correct, they could
take out a small asteroid with ease. Shanna handled the
schedule better than anyone else aboard.

When time permitted, she would spend the night with me,
sucking me off to sleep. I don’t even remember cumming,
although I’m as sure I came as I am that Shanna
swallowed it all. Most nights, she just held my hard
cock in her throat all night, sometimes sucking hard,
sometimes just resting there. We didn’t speak much since
it’s difficult for her to communicate and give head at
the same time.

Harry was clearly under a lot of stress as well. The
strain of being captain took its toll. Shanna tried to
keep him relaxed with at least one daily blowjob, but
even still he had a haggard look to him. I walked in on
him and Shanna once. He had collapsed on top of her with
his just-spent cock still lodged deeply in her asshole.

Looking back at me, Shanna said “Shhhh. I think he fell
asleep. Let’s let him get a few hours rest, OK?” I
quickly and quietly left the room and Harry didn’t wake
up (or withdraw his cock from her anus) for 10 hours

With all the pilots trained, Shanna had less to do than
Harry or I did. She spent a lot of time down in crew’s
quarters, and it was easy to guess what she was doing. I
went down there a couple of times to see her in action.
The marines had an area of the old sperm slaves’ factory
floor sectioned off to serve as a ward room and briefing
area. They held their formations there and had a TV with
a VCR and some movies to watch. Typically, the movies
were of the triple-X type.

When I went down there, the marines were usually sitting
in a circle on folding chairs. I think they had an
arrangement where one platoon would be there on one day,
and the other on the next. Shanna was usually in the
middle on her hands and knees, and one man would be in
front of her getting his cock sucked and another behind
her fucking her ass. Shanna wasn’t into vaginal fucking,
except with me.

One day, a big marine corporal named Cooper had a video
camera and was recording the session. I didn’t have the
heart to tell him that I had been taping each of her
many blowjobs since the beginning. Shanna’s face and ass
were stuffed to the limit with huge marine cocks, and
there were about 15 other men in the chairs beating off
slowly. How ironic, I thought: this used to be a factory
floor where men beat off to supply the Fae with semen.
Now, it’s pretty much the same thing, except that the
men seem to enjoy it this time.

Shanna wasn’t trying to do anything fancy here. Just a
healthy and hearty sucking action on the cock in front
of her and a vise-tight rectum squeeze on the cock in
her ass. Cooper kept a steady close-up on her face,
sometimes switching to show the massive cock invading
her nether hole. It didn’t take her long to finish the
first guy off. I guess Cooper had a bit of latent porno
director in him, because he made sure the marine pulled
his cock out of Shanna’s mouth and spurt his cum all
over her face.

Either the guy had been saving semen up for a week or
Shanna had given him a better blowjob than I had thought
because the cum spurted like ketchup from a plastic
squeeze bottle. Her face was coated.

Shanna tried to wipe the cum off her face, but Cooper
told her not to. She grinned through cum-soaked teeth
and then motioned to the next marine to take his place.
Meanwhile, the man grinding her asshole had cum, again
pulling out to spurt thick ropes down her spasming
sphincter. Cooper got it all on tape, and another marine
took the spent soldier’s place.

Marine after marine popped off either on her face or
into her rectum. Semen pooled on the floor around her
and filled her ass to brimming. Each time a man pulled
out of her anus, it would wink open and closed
repeatedly, sometimes spitting a little glob of cum out
to drip down past her crack and onto the floor. Shanna,
in between deep-throating her marines, would stretch her
neck down to the floor and lick the cum that had spilled
there. Her face was coated in cum which formed a milky
white mask gluing her eyelids shut together. Every once
in a while, she would run her fingers across her face to
scoop up and consume the cum coating it.

Although I had been there over an hour, neither her
appetite nor her ability to please the platoon of
marines had flagged. She was sucking as strongly as when
she had begun. When all of them had had a turn at either
her face or her ass, Cooper had them line up by one of
the old “milking” troughs. These troughs were part of
the old sperm slave factory. The lined the whole floor.

The sperm slaves, most of whom started their lives as
male children stolen by the Fae, would stand naked in
front of the troughs and jack off as many as 30 times a
day. Hormone injections and additives in the slop the
Fae called their food allowed them to not only ejaculate
often but copiously.

Some sperm slaves could fill a brandy snifter with their
cum. The marines, however, did not have the advantage of
hormone treatments. Cooper had them lined up jacking off
into the trough. Most did their best, although Shanna
had drained them pretty thoroughly. Spurt after spurt of
smelly semen shot into the trough, sliding down its
nearly frictionless center into the collection jar at
its end.

After about another half hour, all the marines (at all
those who could) had ejaculated into the trough. Inside
the clear glass collection jar was about a cup and a
half of thick semen. Cooper unscrewed the jar from the
trough and brought it over to Shanna. She licked her
lips appreciatively, but Cooper had other ideas. Handing
the jar over to another (exhausted) marine, Cooper gave
his full attention to Shanna’s upraised ass.

Using fingers from both hands, he teased it open,
widening it enough that he could have dropped a ping
pong ball in without touching her anal rim. He let it
close a few times and then stretched it open again and
again. Soon, her sphincter was fully dilated and stayed
wide open of its own accord. Cooper took the jar full of
marine semen back and, camera zoomed in on Shanna’s
relaxed wide-open asshole, poured about a fourth of the
cum into her hole.

Her rectum filled almost to the rim, and you could see
the semen just about to spill over. Cooper flicked her
anus with his fingernail, causing it to regain its
original tightness and snap shut, trapping about half a
cup of semen inside.

Cooper then produced a spoon out of somewhere and began
feeding the cum to Shanna spoonful by spoonful. She
licked her lips between feedings and sighed when it
appeared that the cup of semen was about to be
completely empty. Cooper poured the last few tablespoons
full directly into her waiting mouth and then allowed
her to lick the jar clean.

Shanna repaid him by giving him a quick rough blowjob
which only took a minute because he had been too busy
directing to take advantage of the festivities. He blew
his load deep in her throat (or at least I assume he did
by the look on his face- men don’t typically fake
orgasms. Why would we?). Shanna sucked him dry twice
before letting his cock out of her throat.

Apparently, he forgot his admonishment to his cohorts to
pull out and spray cum on Shanna’s face because she
swallowed it all directly from the source. What the
hell, she deserved it. She had just put on one hell of a
show. When supplying the ship, I had been the one to
suggest a video camera, so I knew there was enough tape
to film close to a month’s activities straight.

It looked like I’d have to ration the tape that was used
for “recreational” events.

Chapter Eight

When all the filming was done and Shanna had taken
extreme care to ensure that all cocks nearby were
completely drained and painstakingly clean, I withdrew
into the shadows and returned to the rooms I shared with
Shanna. She must have known I was watching because she
didn’t bother to get dressed before coming in and she
was still coated with cum. Cum matted her hair and
crusted white all over her face. She looked happy and
tired, so I didn’t really mind.

“Enjoy yourself?” I asked, smiling.

“I might ask you the same question,” she replied. “I saw
you watching.

Why didn’t you join in the fun?”

“Oh, I thought the marines might not be as inventive if
I was there. They still consider us to be something
between live-in lovers and an old married couple. That
bit where he filled your asshole with cum, now that was
something. I almost shot in my shorts!”

Shanna laughed. “Believe me, Stephen, nobody was more
surprised than I was. I’ve had to really clench to keep
it in.”

It looked like she was going to have to keep on
clenching because just at that second the intercom

We looked at each other. Shanna was completely naked.
She hadn’t bothered to put clothes on to come up to our
rooms. I was still half-dressed, anticipating a
monumental blowjob (needing it too, after seeing those
marines go to town on her asshole). Neither of us
bothered to do anything about it. We rushed next door to
the control room. Harry and Commander Barton were
hovering over the control panel. They looked up briefly
and then quickly looked again.

Shanna must have been a sight. Her long wavy blonde hair
was matted to her face by dried globs of cum. Her back
and ass were coated as well, and a long line of dried
cum trailed down one leg. Her hairless pussy (Fae did
not have pussy hair, just a human looking mound and slit
in the usual places) was smeared with the semen which
had dripped past it a few minutes ago. I have to give
Harry and the Commander credit, though. After giving her
cum-dipped body a generous look or two, they were all

“There it is. Right there in the monitor,” Harry said,
pointing to a blip on the long-range scanners. I had to
strain my eyes to focus on it, but when I did I could
see he was right. Given its size, speed, and range, it
had to be a Fae ship. No astronomical phenomenon moved
like that. “We aren’t able to determine its destination
from the scant information we have, but I think we can

“How soon?” I asked. “Will we have time to prepare to

“I think so,” Harry answered. “I’d rather just blow them
out of the vacuum, but it would mean so much to our
efforts if we had two ships to work on.”

Just then, one of the Marine lieutenants burst into the
control room. “Sir, all marines briefed and in
positions!” he reported. His salute wobbled a bit, as he
lost concentration while his eyes locked onto Shanna’s
cum coated body. He ripped his gaze away and stiffened
his posture (and tried to un-stiffen his growing
erection). “All corridors cleared and entrances are
blocked as well, sir.”

Commander Barton returned his salute. “Very good. Tell
the men to stand at ready. We have another Fae vessel in
sight and we are going to attempt to intercept. Assemble
the officers in…” he glanced at Harry, “fifteen
minutes, sir?” Harry nodded. “Very well. Assembly in
fifteen minutes.”

While this was going on, Shanna and I were trying to
determine how long it would take to intercept. We had a
course laid in in short order. One big variable was
whether or not the other ship had detected us. We had to
assume they did, so after setting course, we both took
up positions at the weapons consoles.

Shanna had control of the defensive systems. Her quicker
reactions would allow her to neutralize incoming
missiles and repel energy attacks. I took over the
offensive systems. My job would be to try to disable the
vessel. In our training simulations, I had scored
highest on these systems. I guess it was my years of
Nintendo experience.

We went through a few more practice runs, limbering up
for the upcoming encounter. Commander Barton went below
to brief his marines and get ready in case we decided to
take the ship by force. Very soon, all was made ready
and all we had to do was wait.

Harry had been quiet the whole time Shanna and I were
running gunnery simulations. Suddenly, he stood straight
up and said “Shanna! Come here straightaway!” She jumped
up from her console and moved quickly over to Harry. I
kept my eyes on the consoles as Harry took Shanna aside
for a moment and conferred with her.

They spent about five minutes whispering to each other.
I couldn’t hear what they were saying but if I knew
Harry, he was up to something. They both looked over at
me and smiled, which made me even more nervous. Soon,
they had come to an agreement, but what about?

“Stephen, take off your clothes!” Harry ordered.

“My clothes? What do you mean?”

“Just do it! We don’t have time for you to argue. We’re
almost upon the Fae ship!” Harry barked.

Harry was the Captain after all, so I quickly shucked
out of my uniform and stood there naked. Harry did the
same in record speed, and then ran out of the room.
Before I could turn to Shanna and ask him if we were
expected to follow or had Harry just gone mad, he
returned bearing two flimsy outfits.

I recognized them as similar to the ones I had been made
to wear when I was kidnapped to be a sperm slave on this
very ship. The Fae had made me put on sissy-boy
clothing, mostly loose silks with buttoned panels
offering easy access to my cock (and the cum it could
deliver). Looking at them, I realized just what he had
in mind.

“Back to being a sperm slave, am I?” I asked him.

He smiled. “Well we can’t have our mistress mad at us,
eh?” He explained.

“Keep close to your weapons console. When I give the you
the nod, attack.” He turned to Shanna. “Shanna, it’s up
to you now. Convince them we’re no threat. When they’ve
lowered their defenses, we’ll take action.”

We had little time to spare. As soon as Harry and I were
dressed in high-gigolo fashion, the view screen came
alive with a face I had come to know and fear.

“Hello, Sister. So wonderful to see you so soon,” purred
Kiarra, Shanna’s former captain and the former
owner/master of our ship. “I see you’re in very good
company. Does he provide you with much nourishment?”

“Kiarra.” Shanna rose, sperm still crackling as it dried
on her body. “I wondered where you had gotten too. I
found your escape pod. Care to come back aboard?”

“No, thank you. If I did, I’d have to slit your throat
with my claws, but your bully boys wouldn’t let me. Why
don’t you come here instead? Then we could discuss how
you betrayed me and had your pretty boyfriends keep me
locked up while you toyed with them. These sisters were
kind enough to retrieve my escape pod. Of course, the
ship’s quite all mine now. Their ‘former’ captain gave
me quite a workout before I ripped her throat out. I’ll
do the same for you, if you ask me nicely.”

Shanna widened her stance. “Are you challenging me,
Kiarra? Because if you are, I assure you only one of us
will leave the circle.”

Kiarra showed her hands, claws sharpened and capped with
come gleaming metal. “Yes, a challenge. But how am I to
be sure your little friends won’t help you?”

“Try me and find out. I’ll bring our ship within static
line range and come over. Single combat, natural weapons
only, as soon as I board and you can arrange for a
circle to be formed.”

Kiarra quickly agreed, and we broke com connection.

“Excellent work, Shanna. You even had me going,” said
Harry. “Stephen, when we are right upon them, open fire
on weapons, engines, and defenses in that order. Kiarra,
try to keep them from poking holes in us.”

“NO!” cried Shanna. “I agreed to single combat! I can’t
go back on my challenge.”

Harry cut her off. “Shanna, darling, I know you mean
well, but we just can’t take the risk. There’s too much
at stake. If you won’t help us, then please get off the
bridge and remain in your quarters until we finish. I
realize you have a certain loyalty to your Fae ancestry
and even to Kiarra, but I’m the Captain of this ship.
It’s my decision to make, and my decision is that we
will take them by surprise. It’s no less honorable than
what they’ve been doing to us for centuries.”

Shanna fumed and fussed for a while, but I could see
that she knew that Harry was right. Kiarra had assumed
that Shanna escaped in our ship, keeping Harry and
myself as captive sperm slaves. Based on this
assumption, we might get the drop on them and be able to
capture their ship as well as keep quiet news of our
effort to make ships of our own. If Shanna were to
attempt single combat with Kiarra, who knows what might

Within minutes we were only a few hundred feet of the
other ship. I had multiple guns tracking her, each with
its own target prioritized per Harry’s instructions.
Shanna brought us to a halt. Harry looked at me, I
nodded. Shanna likewise.

“Very well. On my command… Fire!” My fingers flew
across the control panel. Missiles first, targeted
against their offensive systems. Flowers bloomed and
then disappeared in the vacuum. Then their engines, this
time with energy throwers. A quick slice and they were
disabled. I was surprised at how little effect they had.
I had anticipated a cataclysmic explosion, but all I saw
was the metal hull brighten then flare red and then
begin to cool.

No time to ponder the pyrotechnics or lack thereof.
Kiarra or one of her crew had begun to see to the ship’s
defense. My missiles were being intercepted and the
energy thrower’s beams were deflected. I launched a
quick last barrage as their defensive systems. Enough
missiles found their marks, and once they wiped out
their targets, the other missiles were unchallenged. We
had them!

The view screen came on. It was Kiarra. Smoke filled the
control room behind her. “Traitor! Traitor to your race
and to your honor! Is this how you honor your agreement
to single combat? Well you have us now. Fire and have it
done. I’ll see you in Hell!”

Shanna spoke. “I believe you, Kiarra. I also think that
if I let you get there before me, you’ll be in charge of
the place! I regret that we had to break our agreement.
It wasn’t my decision. Consider yourself and your ship
captured, again. Soldiers will be boarding you shortly.
Give them no resistance or you will be blown to pieces.
Meet them, disarmed, in your aft cargo bay. Leave the
bridge crewless, and prepare to be boarded immediately.”
Shanna cut the com link.

She turned to Harry, “With your permission, I would like
to get cleaned up. I had about a cup of cum poured into
my asshole over an hour and a half ago, and I’m tired of
clenching my butt to keep it in.”

Harry nodded and she left the room.

“Well, Harry, I think we’ve lost her,” I said, sadly. I
turned back to the console and spoke into a communicator
disk. “Commander Barton, we’ve disabled the Fae ship.
Have your marines board through the spaceway we’re about
to extend. The Fae commander and her crew will be in
their aft cargo bay. Secure the rest of the ship and
then keep a guard on the crew. Inspector MacGleash and I
will be over to see what repairs she might need and if
she can make it back to our base.”

Chapter Nine

I returned to our rooms to find Shanna taking a zero-G
shower in the room designated for that purpose. In short
order, she finished and had put on her Scotland Yard
uniform. I put on a clean shirt as well, and then we
both went down to the entrance to the spaceway Harry had
extended. A lone marine guarded this side, ready to cut
it loose if it looked like things were going bad and we
could be boarded. He saluted. “Inspectors! Commander
Barton reports the Fae ship is secured and he has the
crew under guard. He’s waiting for further orders.”

“Very good. Stay at your post and keep the Captain
informed,” I returned. We stepped into the spaceway. At
once, gravity dropped to zero. The spaceway, basically a
pressurized tub clamped to both ships, flexed like a
covered slinky spring in front of us. We pulled
ourselves hand over hand to the far end where another
marine waited. He helped us out and we set our feet on
the deck, taking a moment to re-accustom ourselves to

We made our way quickly to the cargo bay were the crew
was being held. About thirty Fae women were seated on
the floor, hands tied behind their backs with the carbon
steel cable shackles we had brought along for this very
purpose. Kiarra stood up as Shanna walked in. “So,
you’ve come to humiliate us as well? I might have
known.” Shanna said nothing but started taking her
clothes off. I stared at her, speechless.

In a moment, Shanna was naked. “Stephen, remove her
restraints,” she said quietly.

“What, are you mad? She’ll kill you! Shanna, don’t do
this, please.”

“Just take off the damn cuffs, would you!” She shouted.

I looked at her once, and then nodded to the marine
nearest me. He walked over to where the other Fae were
already forming a circle of about twenty feet in
diameter around Kiarra. They remained seated, but parted
to allow the marine through. He carefully removed the
cuffs from her wrists, and then backed away outside of
the ring of Fae as Kiarra removed the flimsy outfit she
had been wearing.

Shanna walked into the circle of Fae. To see them, to
see any two Fae, was like looking at twin sisters. Their
bodies were perfect. High breasts were tipped by hard
little pencil-eraser nipples pointing skyward. Their
asses were round globes, muscular but soft. They both
had the same high cheekbones, the same beautiful green
eyes and the same luxurious long hair that even Farah
Fawcet would have died to have. It was like looking at
two goddesses. At some signal that I couldn’t perceive,
they both held up a sharp-clawed hand. And then they

It happened too quickly for the human eye to follow. All
I could see was a blur and blood flying everywhere. Once
in a while, they would disengage and I would see one or
the other of them, arms coated with blood, flesh
shredded, and then they would attack again and I
couldn’t blink. At one point, they were grappling on the

Kiarra was on top, and had her hand poised to strike. A
moment later, and Shanna would be dead on the floor.
“NO!” I cried. Kiarra hesitated just for moment to look
at the source of the noise. It was enough. Shanna bucked
and twisted and escaped Kiarra’s hold.

They stood there, breath heaving, blood streaming from
many cuts on each their bodies. Again, at some signal,
they raised one hand and started again. The action,
slashing, blocking, hitting, happened too fast to really
watch, but it was clear that Kiarra had the upper hand.
One-fourth Fae ancestry just wasn’t a match for the full
strength of a female Fae warrior.

Then, miraculously, I saw them disengage for a second
time. Kiarra’s hands were over her eyes and she
staggered and then swayed and fell to the ground
convulsing. I looked at Shanna. Her right hand was held
up and in it I saw two round objects. Eyeballs. The rest
of her hand and arm was coated in gore and brain tissue.
She looked over at me, smiled, and then collapsed as

I don’t remember much of what happened next. Commander
Barton told me that I picked Shanna up in my arms and
carried her back to our ship, towing her behind me
through the spaceway. I vaguely recall washing her
wounds and binding them up. Shreds of flesh hung from
her face and arms, and I could see right through her
cheek in one place. We had no qualified medical doctor
onboard (a lack I cursed more than once in the next
week), so I had to be satisfied with bandaging her as
best I could and hoping we got back to Earth as soon as

I took over a week to repair the other Fae ship, and
even then her engines were hopelessly damaged. It would
take her more than a month longer for her to get to
Earth than our own ship. Harry decided to transfer the
Fae captives to our ship and keep them under heavy
guard. While they were doing this, I spent most of my
time with Shanna. She really couldn’t talk, but she
would mumble and moan and ask for cum nearly all day.

I did the best I could, jacking off carefully into her
mouth about three to four times a day. I never even
touched her for fear of doing some damage to her already
shredded features. It seemed to make her feel better,
though. Harry came in a couple of times to see her, but
I’m not even sure she knew it was him.

She developed an unbelievably high fever of 113 degrees
Farenheight for four days. I bathed her forehead and
gave her alcohol rubs on those parts of her body that
weren’t covered with wounds. She completely lost
lucidity on the fourth day of the fever and then fell
into a deep coma.

Myself, I was exhausted beyond relief. I had not slept
more than a couple of hours a night for a week, or even
left our room except to report to Harry on Shanna’s
condition. When she slipped down into the coma, I just
gave up and curled up next to her in the bed we had
shared for the entire trip. “I don’t want to lose you,
Shanna,” I sobbed into her ear. I cried myself to sleep,
head buried in my pillow.


The next morning, something miraculous happened. When I
woke up, Shanna wasn’t next to me! I heard noises from
one of the other rooms, so I looked in. Inside was
Shanna soaking in a gentle zero-G shower. I looked at
the cuts and slashes on her body, and most of them were
actually healed without a trace. The larger ones still
looked pretty bad, but they were clearly closing up
without leaving any scar tissue! The hideous gash along
her cheek was completely filled in and there was just a
tiny red line to mark its place.

She saw me through the door and smiled and waved as she
floated effortlessly in the lack of gravity. She did a
pirouette, arms extended as if to show me her healed
body. Her breasts, always buoyant even in full Earth
gravity, floated as if they were contained in perfectly
shaped invisible champagne glasses.

Her ass was as tight as ever, and her long legs came
together to meet in the most exquisite hairless pussy I
have ever cum across (pardon the pun). Some of her wet
hair clung to her face, shoulders, and breasts, but the
rest flew freely like a medusa’s snakes. My heart, sick
with worry from the past few days, relaxed and was

I worked the control panel on the outside of the room
and brought the gravity back to normal. The water in the
room was absorbed by the floor (a neat trick of Fae
engineering that we hope to someday figure out), and
Shanna was gently let down. I stepped inside and hugged
her fiercely saying, “I’d thought I’d lost you!”

“Ooof! not so hard darling. I’ve got a few bones to
mend, if it’s all right with you!” Shanna said. “How
long was I asleep?”

“You were in and out of touch for about a week, but then
you went into a coma yesterday afternoon. I thought you
were done for, but that Fae hardiness seemed to have
kicked in and healed you almost completely.” As we
spoke, I toweled her off, taking extreme care of those
spots where her wounds hadn’t fully healed. “Are you
hungry? I can get you some regular food, and maybe a
little treat for dessert if you like.”

Shanna shook her head vigorously. “Yes! I could eat a

“Well, I’m sure the horse would enjoy it, darling, but
why don’t you restrict yourself to Harry and me for a
few days. In the meantime, I’ll get them to make you a
light breakfast and we’ll work our way up to lunch,
which will NOT be a horse, unless you count Harry whose
hung like one!” I laughed in sheer delight to have her
back again. I walked over to her desk and picked up a
communicator disk, “Harry! Come over right away. There’s
someone here who would like to see you!”

I hadn’t finished setting the disk down when Harry burst
in. “Shanna!” he cried. “You’re awake- and walking. Is
that wise, Stephen? Shouldn’t she keep to bed for a

I looked at him. He was clearly relieved to see her so
much better. “Well, Harry. She’s whining for a load of
semen, so I think that should tell us she’s feeling
fine. She even threatened to suck off a horse, if we had
one. I volunteered you for the job later on today. Why
don’t you two talk for a moment while I get some
breakfast? I haven’t updated Shanna on our status, so
maybe you could bring her up to date.”

I left them talking excitedly about recent events and
went down to the area we called our officer’s mess. I
quickly made three plates of scrambled eggs, toast, and
rashers. I loaded them up on a service cart and added a
trio of coffee mugs and a fresh pot of Columbia’s second
most profitable export. When I returned, Harry had
thoughtfully set places for us all. I served, and soon
we were having a nice breakfast, just the three of us.

“Harry,” I asked, “how are the Fae prisoners doing? Are
we able to keep them fed and out of trouble?”

“Well, Stephen, I’m surprised at how nice they are. It
seems they’re just a small trading concern and the women
are nothing like Kiarra or the other Fae you’ve
described. In fact, they’re quite personable and even,
well, ‘nice.’ Some of them have actually struck up
friendships with the marines.

“At first, I tried to discourage it. But then I realized
that this was just what we needed: the beginning of a
truly amicable relationship between the Fae and
humankind. Actually, Shanna, if you’re up to it I’d like
you and Stephen to spend as much time with the prisoners
as you can. If we’re to convince them of our non-hostile
intentions, we’ve got to show them that Fae and Human
can cohabitate peacefully, and in your case even

I quickly agreed, and looked over to Shanna. Her fork
had paused halfway to her mouth, her head was nodding
and her eyes were half closed. “Somebody needs a nap,” I
said. Taking the fork from her hand, I led her over to
the bed and tucked her in.

“Dessert? You promised, Stephen. You promised me,” she
said, yawning.

I smiled. “Harry, it seems this young lady was promised
a certain dessert treat, but it looks like she doesn’t
have the strength to get it out of the package. Do you
think we could help her?” He nodded and we both quickly
stripped off our pants and briefs. Harry really was hung
like a horse, and although I didn’t make a habit of
checking him out, I was a little envious.

Putting envy and embarrassment aside, I began to jack
off furiously. I had all my memories of Shanna and her
marvelous mouth to help me, so it wasn’t long before I
came into an empty coffee mug. I think Shanna’s constant
demand for semen had somehow caused my body to adapt to
meet the needs, because I filled it nearly halfway up. I
guess I had it stored up.

Harry only took a minute more. He spurted nearly as much
as I did into the cup. Shanna’s constant oral
ministrations had worked their miracle on him as well. I
looked over at her. She had been watching us hungrily. I
handed her the coffee mug and watched as she drank our
mingled semen in tiny sips. “Hmm, good to the last
drop,” she said, “now come over here both of you. I
think you missed a little and you know how much I hate
to let any good sperm go to waste.”

We both walked over to her and let her lick the last few
drops of cum from our cocks. This effort completely
exhausted her, and when she had finished with Harry, she
dropped her head back on the bed and fell instantly to
sleep. We dressed quietly and left her there sleeping

Chapter Ten

The next week passed uneventfully. Harry had decided
that we should escort the captured Fae ship back to
Earth rather than let it make its own way defenseless.
That meant another month on ship, but nobody seemed to

The reason none of the marine’s complained was the
prisoners. Although initially distrustful, Commander
Barton decided to accept their parole and allow them
free access to the crew, cargo, and factory areas. A
pair of armed marines guarded the entry to the command
center and officers’ quarters. The marines, finding
themselves with not much to do, quickly struck up
friendships with some of the younger Fae. One thing
followed the next, and before you know it, the Fae
appetite for semen made itself a factor. Fortunately, in
this case the producers of the semen were more than
happy to provide it.

The Fae were dumbstruck. They had never thought of
simply asking! After all, how many young men would turn
down the opportunity to have their dicks sucked pretty
much continuously by astoundingly beautiful girls? If
the Fae had just been polite enough to say “please” when
they first came to Earth so many centuries ago, they
would probably have had more volunteers than they could

But instead they chose to go the mass production route
which required mindless sperm slaves. True, the sperm
slaves could produce massive amounts of semen-enough
that one slave could fill the needs of close to a
thousand adult Fae. But one man with the right
motivation (and believe me, Shanna’s lips, mouth and
throat were plenty of motivation) could just barely
supply one Fae. A little help from extremely willing
friends, and you’d have a happy Fae, a happy man, and
even happy friends! Well, it seems that our captive Fae
were learning this lesson, and the Marines were having
the times of their lives teaching them.

I visited the Fae several times. Trilina, their leader
and Kiarra’s former second-in-command, informed me that
their ship had been on an easy trading mission to one of
their colony worlds. Their crew only consisted of
herself, another senior Fae, and twenty eight trainees.
These girls, ranging in age from 16 to 18, were the
daughters of their clan and were in training to staff a
new fleet of trading ships. Their ship contained many
goods which could be examples of things Earth and Fae
could exchange for mutual profit.

One time, Commander Barton was there with us. “I’ve seen
some of the artwork and carpets they produce,
Inspector,” he gushed. “They’re simply fabulous- nothing
on Earth can match the intricacy of the design or the
richness of the fabric.” He looked at Trilina, blushing.
“When we get back home, well the two of us thought we
could go into trade together. I can take early
retirement, and I figure with the bit I’ve put aside and
a little loan I could open an import shop.”

Some of his men had similar ideas, but I think it was
the constant oral sex that had them hooked. While I had
been talking to Commander Barton, about three fourths of
them were reclining on lounges extruded from the deck
while nubile young Fae girls went from marine to marine
sucking for a few minutes and then moving on.

I have to admit they were very juicy looking. Even
though I loved Shanna with all my heart, I couldn’t deny
the attraction of those high just-budding breast and
those slender almost boyish hips and asses. There were
more girls than marines, so some lucky guys had one Fae
sucking their cocks while another licked and tongued
their balls. Every so often, a marine would cum, and the
little Fae girl sucking him off would throw back her
head and swallow grandly.

If she had been sharing the marine with another girl,
she would share his semen also, allowing the other Fae
to lower her mouth onto the spurting cock while the
marine was about half-way finished cumming. To tell the
truth, I was getting more than a little turned on
looking at the spectacle of 20 men getting sucked off by
16 and 17 year old girls. My cock was getting hard, and
it was difficult to keep a conversation going with
Commander Barton and his Fae “business” partner.

“Like what you see?” a voice whispered in my ear. I
jumped! It was Shanna.

It was the first time she had left her cabin since being

“Well, err. Um. They are quite cute, I do admit,” I
said, with a guilty flush stealing across my face.

“Why don’t you go over and have some fun. It doesn’t
look like your marine friends have taught them any of
you little anal tricks. Or you can give one or more of
them a little snack. I’m sure they’d enjoy either. Go
on. You deserve a little fun, and besides I have to talk
to Trilina about pilotage and navigation. There’s still
a lot I have to learn, and the more we know the better
trained our own pilots will be when we start making

Shanna sure was understanding, but then again I guess
turnabout is fair play. After all, she had spent many a
long afternoon sucking off these very same marines. In
the end, it didn’t take too much convincing to make me
give in. Those girls were just too cute to resist. I
walked over to where Corporal Cooper was getting his
video camera ready.

“Haven’t you run out of video tape yet, Cooper?” I asked

“Yes, Sir, but I had so much footage of Shanna that I’ve
decided to tape over some of it for these lovely little
ones. Care to take a starring role?”

“No thanks. In fact, try to keep me off camera if you
can. Shanna’s pretty understanding about all this, but I
don’t know how she’d react if you ever tried to
‘accidentally’ let some of this footage make its way
into the porno industry. That goes double for any movies
you have of her, incidentally. If any of it gets
distributed in any way, I’ll just let her take care of
it herself, and you’ve seen what she can do.”

“Aye Aye, Sir!” He snapped to attention. “You have my
word that none of the footage I have of Shanna will ever
be shown without her permission. We all owe her at least
that much.”

While we had been talking, a few of the Fae girls had
come over to say hello. After I introduced myself, more
and more of them gathered closer. Pretty soon, I was
being mobbed.

“What’s this all about?” I asked. I was surrounded by
nubile young Fae girls. A sea of perky little tits
pointed perfect nipples directly at me. It was every
high-school teacher’s worst nightmare- or his best wet

“You’re Shanna’s mate?” One wide-eyed youngster asked.
“The Inspector Stephen Carlson? Kiarra told us about
you. You were able to survive her sucking on you for an
entire ship’s day. Please, sir, would you let us take
care of you today? It would be an honor. No other human
male has been able to accomplish what you have.”

I looked around me. While I’ve always held a preference
for more mature women (i.e. not jail-bait), there was
something definitely seductive about having thirty or so
incredibly beautiful young girls hungering for your
semen. “Well,” I told them, “Since you’re all asking so
nicely, I think I could accommodate you. But at the time
Kiarra took me, I had been on hormone supplements. I
can’t perform like that now, but I could take two or
three of you a day for an hour or so each day until we
get to Earth. Is that satisfactory?”

“Ooh, Yes!” the obvious ring-leader answered. “Can I be

A wicked thought entered my head. “I don’t think that’s
fair. Hmm. How can I choose between so many beautiful
girls. You’re all so pretty. Let me see…” I made a big
show of looking them over, stroking a shoulder here,
caressing a perky little breast there. “I know, let’s
have a contest. I’ll let each of you suck my cock for
two minutes, and I’ll pick the best first. Then each
day, you can decide among yourselves who can visit me.
Is that agreeable?”

It must have been, because the young redhead who started
all this led me over to a couch and helped me off with
my uniform class. Another sat down next to me and asked
me for my wrist watch. A few moments were necessary for
me to explain how the chronometer worked, and then she
looked over at the redhead and said “Begin!”

The warm familiar feeling of a Fae mouth engulfed my
already-hard cock. I sighed and relaxed further back
into the couch. It was astoundingly good, and I could
tell in the first twenty seconds that this one would
definitely be seeing me first (and often after that, if
I could arrange it). Her technique was flawless. She
must have been getting lessons from Kiarra. Her tongue
swirled like a buzz-saw and her throat gripped my cock
like a vacuum hose. When the little girl next to me sang
out “Time!” I was almost to the point of cumming. I
gasped as her mouth released my cock.

“I thought you’d like that. Should we stop the
competition now?” I shook my head, breathless.

“No, I’m having too much fun to quit now. But thank you,
that was incredible. Stay close. I have a feeling I
might need you pretty soon.” She smiled as she stood up
and moved a few feet over. As she turned around, I got
an excellent view of her from behind. God! Her ass was
tight. I knew that if Shanna let me, there was a lot I
could teach this little vixen.

The next hour passed far too quickly for my tastes. I
should have specified five minutes per girl- no, ten-
no, an hour! Honestly, though, I probably wouldn’t have
survived any longer than I did. Girl after girl knelt in
front of me, engulfed my cock for a scant two minutes,
and then got up to be replaced by the next in line.

Each of them was as cute as a button. Each of them had
small but freshly firm little tits that cried out to be
squeezed (and I couldn’t let them go to waste, no could
I?) For good measure, I slipped a finger or two in each
of their assholes as they sucked me off. All of them
were air-tight, I can tell you that.

I came three times in that hour, but my little
timekeeper next to me wouldn’t let me cum in anyone’s
mouth. She said it wasn’t fair to the rest of them, so
she made whomever was busy sucking me at the time aim my
cum up into a crystal goblet. The winner could drink my
cum from the glass as part of winning first dibbs at
eating a load directly from the source of my cock.

Eventually, it was over. The last Fae girl to go was the
timekeeper. She handed the watch to me and I said “Go!”
Immediately, she squeezed me cock from the base to the
tip, milking a little blob of cum up that had been
hiding in there from my previous ejaculation. Looking me
right in the eye, she licked it up, rolled it around in
her mouth for a moment, and then swallowed it. “Hey, no
fair!” I said. “Everybody else had to leave it behind.
Now get started, missy. Let’s see how well you suck

Well wasn’t the word for it. She was heavenly. She must
have had the same teacher as Shanna because the styles
were similar. Actually, Harry had been Shanna’s teacher,
so I guess that was impossible. But she had that same
eager desire to give the cock she was sucking her full

Like all Fae, she had the ability to keep a cock deep in
her throat without gagging. Her lips never got higher
than half an inch from the base of my tool. She just
repeatedly jammed it as deep as it could go into her
throat. The muscles in her esophagus grabbed at my cock,
milking it strongly. Two minutes went by, but I was
having too much fun. I let the second hand sweep past
three more times, by which time I was ready to cum.
“Now! I’m cumming Now!” I shouted, trying to hold her
head down in my lap.

She was too strong for me. She pulled off and jacked my
cock hard with her hands, causing jets of semen to spurt
into the goblet, mingling with the three other loads I
had spurted in the last hour and a half. Soon, I had
finished, and the little Fae girl sweetly licked my cock
clean before standing up. Since I hadn’t had a chance to
finger her asshole, she did a little turn and bent over
before me, spreading her ass cheeks wide. I gave her one
and then two fingers up her tight little hole. It was
even tighter and hotter than the others had been.

She stood up, my fingers still deep within her rectum.
“Well, have you made your decision? Who wins the

I looked at the sea of eager young faces, each one
drooling in anticipation of getting to swallow my cum.
“Well,” I said, “all of you are outstanding cock
suckers. I can’t imagine how I got to be so lucky to
have you all in one afternoon. I’ll remember this day
for the rest of my life. There were two of you, however,
who were even more incredible than the others.” I patted
the Fae girl next to me with my fingers in her asshole.

“You. You amazed me.” I motioned over the other who had
been the first to suck my cock and was the little ring
leader for this group. “You, on the other hand, ” (and
slipping two fingers into her asshole made her REALLY on
my other hand). “You are incredibly beautiful, and your
throat feels like silk. I have a terrible dilemma. How
do I choose between two such gorgeous and talented
girls? Would it be possible to have both of you

They looked at each other and smiled. They nodded their
agreement and then knelt on either side of me. Another
gave them the goblet full of cum and they took turns,
each taking a sip of cum and then holding my cock (and
the cum) in her mouth for a moment and then swallowing
it down.

The process of sipping, sucking, and swallowing semen
took another good (great!) five minutes. But all good
things must come to an end, and eventually the goblet
was empty and scarped clean by eager fingers looking for
a last morsel. I gave them each a last good thrust of my
finger in their assholes and withdrew.

Chapter Eleven

After getting my cock sucked by thirty or so beautiful
young Fae, I was exhausted. Shanna came over from where
she had been “entertaining” a few of the unoccupied
marines and looked at my exhausted face. “So, did you
enjoy yourself?”

“Just a little.” I grinned back at her. “But don’t
expect anything from me for a few weeks or so. That pack
of vixens just convinced me to take them all on, two per

“Well, since you’ve been so understanding about my
playing with the marines, I think you deserve a little
variety in your life. Just save a little for me once in
a while, OK?” She patted me on the head and walked over
to where Trilina, the older of the Fae who had been the
crew of the ship we fought and disabled, was giving a
brisk blowjob to her new-found love, marine Commander

My watch was in fifteen minutes, so I jogged up to our
rooms and took a quick zero-G shower and changed into a
fresh uniform. Harry was in the control room, and as I
entered he gave me his best mother-hen look. “Tsk, tsk,
tsk. You’re playing with fire, you know. I saw what
happened-you lucky dog! But Shanna’s far more jealous
than she made it out to be. The look she gave the two
winners of your little contest was more than a little
scary. You’d better be careful.”

I thanked him for the advice. Could Shanna really be
jealous? How could that be- she never hinted of any sort
of possessiveness. While I stood my watch, I resolved to
find a way to convince her that her place in my life and
our lives together were not at risk. I loved Shanna, and
I hoped to grow old if not with her (Fae age much more
slowly than humans, especially when they have access to
semen) then at least near her.


That evening, we had a long talk about our relationship
and the future we hoped to spend together. It turns out
that Shanna really had been worried. “It’s just that
those girls are so cute, and you seemed to have so much
fun with them. I thought you might want to get rid of me
and have three or four of them to keep you happy,” she

“Shanna,” I cried. “I could never replace you. Just
think of all we’ve been through together just in such a
short time. There’s no way you’re getting rid of me just
by throwing a couple of young girls my way.” I hugged
her. “Now don’t worry. If you want me to, I’ll tell
those girls to forget the whole thing tomorrow.”

“No,” she said, forcing a smile. “You really do deserve
to have a little fun. You can play all you want until we
get back to Earth, but then let’s make a deal: it’ll be
just you and me from then on. OK?”

“OK.” I said. She hugged me fiercely, and we settled off
to sleep the old way- with Shanna softly sucking my
cock. We were both tired, but I knew I would be firmly
lodged in her throat when I woke up.

It turns out I was wrong. When I woke up, my cock was
definitely being sucked, but it wasn’t Shanna doing the
sucking. A head full of little blonde curls was bobbing
up and down in my lap, and the mouth concealed behind
all that hair was having quite an effect on my cock. I
closed my eyes and tried to figure out who it was
without seeing her face. Hmm.

She was giving me full strokes, each time taking her
lips almost to the tip of my cock before descending to
engulf the whole thing in her throat. That would rule
out the timekeeper, who had kept my cock deep the entire
time she had sucked me off. And that swirling motion
with the tongue when only the head of my cock was on her
mouth- definitely the little ringleader who had
suggested the contest yesterday.

I reached down and parted the curls. “Oh, so it’s you,”
I said, having guessed correctly. “How about telling me
your name. I hate to cum in someone’s mouth when I
haven’t been introduced.” Well actually, I didn’t mind
at all, as long as the cocksucker did a good job of it
and swallowed my cum nicely.

“My name is Risha, Inspector,” she said, momentarily
pausing in her rod gobbling. “My sister, Lisha, and I
won the contest, remember?”

“Your sister, Lisha? Is she your real sister, or do you
refer to the universal sisterhood of Fae?” I asked.

She looked up at me from the delightful position of
having her mouth wrapped around the base of my cock. She
pulled me out of her throat (about the only thing Fae
can’t do with a gullet full of cock is talk). “No, she’s
my real sister. We’re twins, actually.”

“I thought I noticed a resemblance. Are you hungry, or
would you like this to last a while? I’m asking because
if you keep up this pace it’s going to be over soon.
You’re really good, you know.” My cock was feeling that
old familiar tingling that let me know that it expected
someone to eat its cum in less than a minute.

She pulled my cock from her throat again and said “let’s
make it last a while, shall we?” She began licking my
shaft sweetly, avoiding the sensitive head and letting
me back down from orgasm for a while. A few minutes of
this, and I had recovered enough to let her continue in
her former fashion. Again, she sucked me off with long,
deep thrusts. My body was responding involuntarily, my
hips bucking against her to try to get my cock even a
millimeter deeper into her throat.

Each time I came close, I asked her to slow down, and
she adopted a pleasant nibbling and licking, teasing my
cock rather than really seriously eating it. As I would
recover, she would slowly increase the pace until again
I was close to cumming. It was like waves in the ocean,
swelling and receding. My orgasm returned and faded,
returned and faded. In a way, it was relaxing. Soon, we
had reached a rhythm, and she could probably have sucked
my cock all day.

But as nice as it felt, I wanted to have my cum eaten. I
wanted to see her throat muscles work as she swallowed
it down. I grabbed hold of either side of her head and
thrust deeply into her. Over and over again, I furiously
fucked her throat. Finally, I could take no more and I
came. Massive spurts of semen filled her mouth again and
again as she swallowed as fast as she could. I held her
head tightly, her lips pressed against my pubic bone as
I spurted out the last few globs of cum directly down
her throat.

Soon I was finished cumming, and she pulled off of my
cock with her mouth still filled with cum. She stood up.
Her pert little tits were tight with excitement, little
nipples crinkly and erect. Looking directly at me, she
rolled the cum around in her mouth and then grandly
swallowed it down. She knelt down on the bed again and
then carefully licked my cock clean, squeezing a few
drops more from it and making sure she didn’t miss a
single molecule of semen.

“Whew!” I exclaimed “That was great. Remind me not to
introduce me to any of my friends- a few sessions like
that and they’ll be dead!” She responded by giving me a
last playful kiss on my deflating penis.

“Thank you. A girl like to be appreciated.” She wiped a
tiny smear of cum off her cheek and licked her finger
clean. “Hmm. So nice. On the trade world where I was
born, we never had fresh semen. It’s quite rare, you
know. Only a few trading concerns could afford to deal
in it, and even then the supply is very limited. I only
had even the preserved type on special occasions.”

“Well, on Earth I imagine a pretty and talented young
cock sucker like yourself can just about drown herself
in cum if she wants to. I don’t think you’ll have any
trouble finding willing young men to donate their semen
to you. If anything, you’ll have problems keeping them
away.” As I spoke, she snuggled down next to me, and I
spent a few moments caressing and massaging her taut
little breasts. They just fit into the cup of my palms.
With my other hand, I stroked her back lightly. She
relaxed even more.

Close contact with her firm young body was causing a
certain part of my old horny body to respond. I thought
about asking her for another round of cocksuckulation,
but I had a wicked little thought. “Risha,” I asked,
“have you ever heard of anal sex?”

“Like when you had your finger up my butt yesterday? It
was nice, but nobody had ever done that before.” She
tentatively replied.

“Well, if you like I can show you how it can really make
you feel good. Shanna says having me shoot my cum up her
ass is just as satisfying as when she swallows it, plus
the feeling of fullness lasts longer that way.”

“Is it going to hurt?” she asked. “It hurt just a little
bit yesterday when you first put one finger in.”

“Well, I don’t want to tell you a lie. It will hurt,
probably the whole time this first time. You have to
learn how to do it before you can really enjoy it. It
takes a certain amount of stretching to get your asshole
to expand to let my cock in. But after the third or
fourth time Shanna really started to like it, and now
she practically begs me to fuck her ass sometimes.”

“OK, I guess I’ll try it.” Risha stood up and pulled her
ass cheeks apart.

“How do you want me to stand?”

I told her to kneel on her hands a knees on the bed and
then I reached down into a drawer to pull out some
lubricating gel.

I smeared the gel around her tight little asshole and
put a little of it on my fingers. Then I worked one
finger into her ass gently. Her virgin sphincter
resisted a little, but adjusted quickly to the finger
that had invaded it for the second time in two days. I
thrust it in and out like a little cock for a few
minutes. “hmm, that’s starting to feel real good. I
thought you said it would hurt!” she remarked.

“Just getting started, Risha.” I replied. I inserted
another finger and continued fucking her ass with both
of them. When she had loosened enough to let both
fingers easily slide in and out, I inserted two more
from the other hand. Now, it was beginning to hurt her.
I had the first two fingers of each hand in her asshole,
and I was spreading it open by pulling my hands apart.
Her asshole gaped wide each time I pulled hard and then
winked shut when I released pressure. I opened and
released her anus for a few minutes, stretching it to
the point where I thought my cock would enter easily.

Greasing my cock generously, I positioned the tip at her
now closed sphincter. A thumb from either hand sufficed
to pull her hole open again, and I pushed forward with
my cock. Instantly, I was surrounded by her hot tight
rectum. It clamped down hard. “Oww! It hurts. Stop!”
Risha cried. I stopped my thrust with my cock about
halfway into her. Her bowels repeatedly clamped and then
released my cock in spasms of pain (for her, anyway. It
felt great to me!).

Soon, she had relaxed enough so that I could continue my
thrust. In a moment, I was fully embedded in her rectum,
my cock’s base mated to her tight ring of asshole
muscle. “Does it still hurt?” I asked her.

“A little, but that’s ok. Are you going to move?”

“Yes, slowly at first, but I’ll go faster when you relax

“OK, but please make it fast. I don’t think I can take
it too long.”

In response, I drew my cock from its home deep in her
bowels to almost out of her rectum altogether. Just the
very tip of the very tip was still inserted. Then I
fiercely jammed it back into her. The spasms as I passed
each of the Fae rectal sphincters gripped my cock
tightly, in some cases even stopping the motion of my
thrust. The spasms continued each time I thrust forward.
After each thrust I paused deep inside her bowels and
waited for the clenching to subside. Then I pulled out
and thrust in again.

Beads of sweat were starting to appear on Risha’s
forehead, and a grimace of pain was slowly making its
way onto her face. I renewed my efforts, but I had just
cum not ten minutes before. There was no way this was
going to be a fast one. It would hurt more, but the only
thing I could do to limit the duration of her agony was
to fuck her asshole hard and brutal. I gripped her hips
with my hands and drew her to me, fucking her like a
dog. It was fast and fierce. The spasms in her rectum
were pretty much constant, and tears of pain were
flowing from her eyes.

I still couldn’t cum, though. It took a full ten minutes
of shear agony for Risha before I could finally jam my
cock deep into her ass and spurt a huge load of cum all
the way inside. “Arghhh! Damn, your asshole is tight!” I
cried as I pumped her full of semen. My breath was
ragged and my hips were bucking involuntarily. My
cruelly tormented cock was milked for semen by seven
hungry sphincter muscles as the spasms in her asshole
continued unabated.

“Ooh, take it out, take it out.” She begged, but I knew
better. If I pulled out, the constant spasming of her
rectum would eject all the semen she had just worked so
hard for. I pulled her even more tightly to me, getting
maximum penetration. Then I stopped moving. Risha’s arms
and legs gave way, and she fell flat onto the bed face
first. I laid down on top of her to make sure my cock
didn’t fall out of her asshole. The spasms continued for
another five minutes or so, and then slowly died away.

As soon as her rectum stopped spasming, I slowly pulled
my cock out. In true Fae fashion, her sphincter muscles
pulled the last few gobs of semen out of my cock. When I
was out, her anus began spasming again, her asshole
gaping open and then closing, opening and closing over
and over. It was a good ten minutes before it finally
closed, and then even a slight rimming touch by my
fingers was enough to get it started again. I admired
her winking anus for a few more rounds and then turned
her over.

“Well, what do you think?” I asked her “Is anal sex
something you might learn to enjoy?”

“Savage,” she teased, rolling over. “You didn’t care at
all if it hurt me, did you? You just wanted your fun.”
She smiled. “It wasn’t that bad, but I can see it will
take some getting used to. Are you going to be my

“Probably not, child,” I replied. “Shanna’s only letting
me play with you girls until we get back to Earth and
that means I’ll have a full schedule. But I know one of
the marines who’s particularly good at it, and I’m sure
he’d love to teach you all he knows.”

“That sounds wonderful. Tired.” Her eyes slowly closed
and her body went limp. I tucked her in with the
blankets and went to take a shower.

I took a long, hot weightless shower. The jets of
steaming water felt great on my tired muscles. I cut the
water off before I could start to drown and then just
floated there in the center of the shower room, basking
in the heat. Before long, I started to unwind and feel
much more relaxed. I rinsed the soapy water off with
clean and then dried myself with a big fluffy towel.

Slowly increasing the gravity, I gently settled to the
ground as the floor of the room absorbed soap, water,
towel, and all. One of the things the Fae were going to
be able to trade with us was their wonderful new

Chapter Twelve

I left Risha sleeping and went to find Harry and Shanna.
They were in the officers’ mess having lunch.

“Good morning, all!” I called out as I filled a mug with
coffee. I asked the marine acting as officers’ mess
orderly for a big plate of eggs and rashers. Gulping
down the coffee, I buttered a slice of toast and pulled
apart a scone, wolfing them down.

Harry and Shanna stared at my ravenous eating. “Why
Stephen, why could you be so hungry?” Shanna teased.
“Surely your little friend couldn’t have taken that much
out of you?”

“Help me Shanna,” I mock-cried. “They’re insatiable, and
they’re twins! I’m only halfway done, and I think I
might die!” I followed this with a melodramatic sigh of
exhaustion and enervated fluttering of my eyelashes.

“Stop it, you big baby,” she scolded. “You made your
bed, now go lie back and enjoyed being sucked to death
in it. I have no sympathy for you whatsoever- how about
you Harry?”

Harry winked at me, “Well, Stephen, she does have a
point. If you hadn’t agreed to that silly little game
you wouldn’t be so tired. Serves you right.” Then, in a
mock whisper for Shanna’s benefit: “and when you’re done
with those twins, perhaps you could give them directions
to my quarters, eh? Ouch!” (the last after Shanna gave
him a little slap across the back of his head.

I wolfed down the eggs and bacon that were placed before
me and hollered for more. Finally, I was full. I pushed
my chair back from the table and looked at them. “Harry,
I know you were joking about sending the girls to you,
but I really think you’d like them. They’re both smart
as a whip, and they’ve got spunk. I really think they
set that whole thing up yesterday. Why don’t you
consider spending some time with either or both of them.
You need someone to complicate your life like Shanna’s
complicated mine. Ouch!” (another slap, this time to the
back of MY head.)

When I returned to my room, Risha was gone. Standing in
the center of room, hands resting on her boyish hips was
the girl who had been keeping time during the contest
yesterday as each little Fae girl was given two minutes
to convince me she was the best cocksucker of the group.
I could definitely see they were twins now.

They both had that same gleam to their eyes, and they
both held their heads slightly to the side, like a bird
cocking its head. Coupled with two fierce pirate grins,
they would make any man from sixteen to sixty turn for a
second look.

“Hello, Lisha. How is your sister doing?” I greeted her.

“Fine. She’s a little tired, so I sent her back to our
room. She said she had fun. Should I call her back?”

“No, one of you at a time is plenty enough to kill me.
Are you here to collect your prize?”

“Unless you’re too tired.”

“No, but try not to kill me, OK? You Fae girls tend to
be a little, uh, energetic. I’m not getting any

She wriggled out of the filmy gauze outfit that had
(barely) hid her body. Like her sister, she was slender
but with the promise of fine things to come. Her hips
were boyish, and her bald pussy (no Fae grew pussy hair)
was a perfect nut-shaped cleft between her legs. Her
breasts were slightly larger than her sister’s, but
still defied gravity like only a young girl’s can do.
They were capped by upward pointing tiny pale pink
nipples, erect with excitement. I walked around behind
her and cupped them in my hands. “You have beautiful
breasts, Lisha.”

“Thank you,” she rasped, breathless from my massaging
her tits and pinching her little nipples. I reached down
and fingered her hairless pussy with one hand and her
asshole with the other. I could feel my fingers meet
through the thin membrane separating her rectum from her

I lifted her from those handholds and set her down on
the bed. Even reclining, her nipples pointed skyward and
her breasts didn’t even sag a tiny bit to the outside.
Although clearly her sister’s twin, there was something
breathtakingly beautiful and seductively sensual that
Risha didn’t have. On the other hand, Risha had had a
sort of awed innocence about her that had awoken a lust
in me that I didn’t know existed.

Risha was the eternal virgin, begging to be violently
raped but ever pure after the fact. Lisha was pure
whore. She dripped sexuality and begged for cock in an
entirely different way. Where Risha made you want to
take her roughly, Lisha made you want to have her, but
slowly and thoroughly. I could tell Lisha wouldn’t be
satisfied with just one snack of hot cum, and that she
wouldn’t leave until I had filled her throat and rectum
multiple times.

I sighed. It would be a long night. Stripping off my
uniform, I joined Lisha in bed. She looked at me and
crawled on her hands and knees over to me. Swinging her
head from side to side, she slapped my growing cock with
her long blonde hair. As she descended to try to take my
cock in her mouth, I repaid her by swinging my “head”
back and forth, slapping her in the face. She laughed,
and in one of those amazing Fae movements, snaked her
head quickly down, capturing my cock in her mouth.

Like always, having your cock sucked by a Fae was a
transcendental experience. Lisha, like Shanna, preferred
deep throat, and it was very seldom that she released
even two inches of cock from her esophageal depths. Her
throat muscles milked and squeezed like a professional

I was amazed because if Risha were to be believed,
neither of them had ever seen a human male until a few
days ago when we captured their ship. In Lisha’s case, I
have to believe that sucking cock was an instinct. She
murmured, cooed, and sighed as she sucked. It was as if
she wanted to make sure I knew how much she loved doing

Part of me wanted it to last forever, but another part
(just below the waist) wanted to cum and see her swallow
my semen. I told her “I’m almost there. Suck harder and
don’t miss a drop. I want to see your mouth full of my
cum and I want you to swallow every drop.” Her eyebrows
knitted as she gave three mighty sucks and then I was

Honoring my wishes, she held just the head of my cock in
her mouth as I came, filling her oral cavity with my hot
semen. I kept cumming and cumming and spurting and
spurting, and soon it was clear that she was either
going to have to swallow some or have it come out of her
nose. “Don’t choke yourself- if you have to take a gulp
go ahead.” She nodded (it felt delicious to my cumming
cock), and swallowed half a mouthful to make room for

“Don’t swallow it yet. I’ll tell you when you can.” I
admonished her when

I had finished. I pulled my softening cock from her
mouth and explained: “I want to fuck your ass like I
fucked your sister’s ass. I fucked it so hard she was
crying, and I’m going to do the same to you. How would
you like a hot cock up your rear, Lisha?”

She nodded, prevented from answering by her mouth full
of cum. She turned around and got on her hands and
knees. Obviously Risha had told her what had happened.
My cock was still limp from its earlier exertions, so I
spent the next fifteen minutes or so loosening Lisha’s
anus. I stretched it first with one finger and then
worked my way up to four. Pulling her sphincter to
opposite sides, I opened her asshole wide enough to look
deep into her rectum.

Soon, both her ass and my cock were ready. I wasted no
time on being gentle. When I fuck a virgin ass I want
the owner to know it for a week. I humped her tight
little rectum like there was no tomorrow. She was in
agony, but I could tell she loved it. I wanted it to
last, so I pumped her ass violently until I got close to
cumming, and then I stopped deep inside her until I
backed away from the “edge.”

As soon as the danger of immediate ejaculation was past,
I rammed it into her hard again and again. The rhythm
was hard and violent. I didn’t give her a chance to
rest, and I fed her rectum hot cock for forty-five
minutes without stopping.

Finally, with tears streaming down Lisha’s face, I took
pity on her and gave her ass one more round of intense
pounding and then shot gobs of hot semen deep inside her
rectum. I only let the cum go when I was all the way
inside, giving her a high-colonic cum enema that she’d
remember for days.

Eventually, my softening cock pulled out of her anus of
its own accord. “You can swallow now, Lisha,” I told
her. Wiping away the tears from the rape of her
formerly-virgin asshole, she gulped once, twice, then
three times savoring every drop of thick cum she had
held in her mouth the better part of an hour.

“Thank you,” she sighed. “That was quite an experience.
It hurt, though.

In fact it still hurts. Can’t you do it more gently?”
She asked.

“Anal sex isn’t about being gentle, Lisha. It’s hard.
It’s rough. And until you get used to it, it’s going to
hurt. It’s going to take weeks before you can take a
good ass fucking without crying, and months before you
can take on more than one man in your ass without being
sore. Don’t give up on it, though.

Shanna’s had the whole platoon of marines fuck her ass
in a day, some of them twice. She says that it feels
even better than sucking cock and that the satisfied
feeling lasts for days. If you and Risha ask him nicely,
I’d be willing to bet the Captain would be more than
happy to fuck your assholes on a regular basis. He needs
some company anyway. I think you two would be perfect
for him.”

“He seems to be a very nice human. Could you ask him if
it’s OK for us to visit him?” she asked shyly.

“Of course. In fact, he’s already asked me to introduce
the two of you. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and
after the evening meal we can all get together. Now,
thank you so much for a wonderful blowjob. Shanna’s
about the only Fae I’ve met who can do better. And
before you ask, I think your sister did equally well-
you had better technique, but she was extremely
enthusiastic. Get Harry to tell you what he likes. He
taught Shanna, you know.”

Lisha gathered up her crumpled outfit, started to put it
on, and then shook her head. She balled it up in one
hand and walked to the door. I must admit, her tight
young asscheeks made it a very entertaining view. “Seen
enough?” she asked.

“Nah, just stand there a moment while I drink in your
beauty,” I replied. She snorted and then impishly struck
several poses to show off various parts of her body.
Then when I had taken my fill of her breathtakingly
beautiful slender body, she gave her butt a quick
wriggle and then skipped out the door.


The rest of the voyage passed without note. I took on
two eager and sinfully cute Fae girls daily, while
Shanna amused herself with those few marines who still
had the strength to satisfy her after attending to a
platoon of 16-year old semi-virgins with an insatiable
appetite for sperm. Oh, we still made time for each
other, make no doubt. Shanna insisted on falling asleep
with my cock in her throat, and on those days when I
felt superhuman, I fucked her ass or throat like we used
to do.

Harry had his hands full with Risha and Lisha. If they
were deadly on their own, they were doubly dangerous in
tandem. One day just before we arrived back at Earth, we
were alone in the control room during my watch.
“Stephen, I’m at my wit’s end!” he confided in me, “So
help me, I love them both dearly, but they’ll send me to
an early grave! I need two cocks and a battalion of
marines to keep them satisfied.”

I laughed. “Seems someone recently told me that it
served me right. Well, turnabout is fair play I guess.
They’re delightful girls, and Shanna tells me they share
your feelings for them. My advice to you, old friend, is
to simply lie back, undress, and enjoy the ride. After
all, no one’s ever died of having his cock sucked yet,
have they?”

“No,” he admitted morosely, “but with Shanna and those
twins around, it’s just a matter of time.”

We laughed as the little blue marble we called home grew
larger and larger in the view screen. In 48 hours we’d
be back on good old Planet Earth. Behind us there were
Fae starships, Fae technology, and an entire galaxy of
Fae cocksuckers, hot for nothing but load after load of
cum. Would life on Earth ever be the same? I didn’t
think so, but then with Shanna’s hot throat firmly
attached to my hard cock, I could face anything.