
When he finally reached the top of the ridge, Theo stopped to rest
against a thick and gnarled pin oak. He drank in the warm, humid
southern Indiana air, relishing the scents of wild-flowers, ferns,
moss, and moist decay. Though he knew it was the odor of
disintegration, it was also the signature of the forest: a delicious
earthy scent that rose up from the woods all around him and told him
that he belonged here, that he was part of this natural world, that
his home was here with the chattering squirrels and puffballs and
fallen timber and rolling ridges.

He mopped his brow with the bottom of his T-shirt and looked back
down the trail. Thanks to the rich humidity of late summer, the
bottom of the ravine appeared hazy even though the climb had not
been particularly steep. Still, it allowed Theo to smile and
imagine that his ascent had been a far more epic journey than
reality admitted. And, after all, wasn’t fantasy the biggest part
of the emotion that had called him to the woods today?

He wondered idly whether he’d walked far enough along the trail for
it to be safe yet. He checked his watch–it said that he’d been
winding along these ridges for almost two hours now–so that should
be about halfway, right? But he’d stopped to rest as well, and
there was a lot of up and down, too… Best to keep on going. The
farther away from the trail head he was, the less likely that
another weekend hiker would stumble across him.

Still, he felt that he owed something to the restless stirring in
his loins that had waited these two hours so patiently, so he pulled
the T-shirt over his head and tucked the bottom into the waist of
his jeans. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees then, and the
welcome cool air caressed his smooth-muscled chest and caused his
nipples to tighten. Ah… onwards, then.

* * *

Coincidentally, it had also been about two hours since Susan had
begun hiking the same ten-mile loop, proceeding in the opposite
direction. She hadn’t made quite as much progress as Theo had, but
the first few miles of the trail in that direction were probably the
roughest, and she had stopped often to rest and admire particularly
interesting fallen trees, ferns, and flowers.

And, of course, she had lingered at each rest stop, her gentle young
features flushing at the thought of what she planned to do when she
got just a little bit farther down the trail, just a little bit
farther… It wasn’t just her face where she felt the sudden heat;
Susan could feel it all too well as her nipples pressed against the
fabric of her sports bra and begged for release.

This pause to catch her breath and try to rein in her raging
hormones until she had gone a little farther was no different. As
she crouched to study the intricate silken web of an orb spider, she
absent-mindedly stroked her breasts, and the tips stood at
attention, emitting a tingling sensation that spread through her
whole body. She shivered as the warm tingle rolled across her belly
and tickled her clitoris.

Smilingly self-aware, she addressed her misbehaving breasts. “My
goodness, is the novelty really too much for you? Just a little bit
more down the trail, and then I’ll let you out, I promise.” She
cupped a soft, restrained breast in one hand and punched the nipple
lightly. “Now be good.”

Susan began to walk down the trail again, but allowing herself that
last playful tweak had been her downfall. Now, as she struggled to
reach the summit of the next ridge, the muscular contractions of her
thighs caused her moistening labia to slide against each other. A
warm glow slowly began to creep over her body, beginning at her
denim-covered crotch and her trapped breasts and roaming over the
rest of her body with soft, massaging fingers. She found herself
thinking less about where to place her next footstep and more about
whether she had remembered to pack extra batteries in her backpack
along with her vibrator.

* * *

Finally, Theo reached the crest of a large hill and realized almost
immediately that he had discovered the clearing he had been holding
out for. The top of the hill was bare, but the trees encroached
just enough on the clearing so that the late afternoon sun could no
longer scorch the hard-packed clay of the ground. The slope of the
hill fell away gently enough so that he could lie down comfortably
without worrying about accidentally rolling all the way back down
again. If he picked a spot a little bit below the peak, he could
keep an eye on the approaching trail. No sun in his eyes, a light
breeze gusting along the ground and replacing the sweat of exercise
with the sweet scent of summer–nothing could be more perfect.

Theo picked out his spot and unslung his backpack from his
shoulders. He fished a beach towel out from among the rest of his
hiking supplies and spread it out on the ground. When he lowered
himself to the blanket and his buttocks finally hit solid ground,
Theo shut his eyes and breathed a deep sigh of satisfaction and

/But no release/, he wryly commented to himself as he began the
tedious task of loosening the ties on his hiking boots. When he had
removed the boots and peeled the thick socks from his slightly
tender feet, he raised his feet to the sky and spread apart his
toes, grinning as the breeze tickled the soft webbing between the

Theo’s feet returned to the ground, and he lay there luxuriating in
the warm summer air, which now felt at least ten degrees cooler than
it had just a moment ago. But some parts of him were objecting to
this observation and demanding that their voice be heard. With his
eyes shut and a blissful smile upon his face, Theo moved his hands
down his chest and his tight abdomen and fastened them upon his belt

A quick, dextrous motion, and the obstacle of the belt was no more;
an instant later, the button at the top of his jeans followed. His
fingers found the zipper of his fly and slowly dragged it downwards.
Then he hooked his thumbs into the waist band of his boxers and
raised his butt as he eased down both his jeans and his underwear.

He gasped. The cool breeze had felt good enough on his tired feet,
but the feeling that seized him as his descending jeans exposed his
dark and curly mass of pubic hair and the wind coursed through it
could only be described as pure bliss.

He reached down to free one leg from the confines of his pants and
worked the other one off using the toes of the opposite foot. Now
completely naked, Theo closed his eyes and moved his legs farther
apart, his smile deepening as the breeze discovered his scrotum and
carried the summer heat away from his balls.

* * *

For all this enjoyment, Theo had been quiet enough in disrobing that
Susan had not the faintest notion that there could be another person
on the other side of the hill, and she laid out her own beach
blanket and took the load off of her feet.

Sitting on the blanket with her knees bent, Susan gazed into the
trees and wondered how far she could see if the endless mass of
thick hardwoods were not obstructing the view. She wondered if from
this height she would be able to see the full fifteen miles to the
office where she worked, the place where no one in a million years
would ever imagine that this attractive but shy woman would ever
walk five miles out into the woods to masturbate outdoors.

/Masturbate/. The word felt deliciously dangerous to her today,
almost like a command.

Susan was not a regular hiker, and she had only worn tennis shoes
for this trip, so her feet were quite sore as she pulled off her
shoes and shook out a few fragments of bark before laying them on
the ground. She stripped off her socks and stuffed them in her
shoes, inspecting the soles of her feet briefly for blisters (none
yet) before massaging them firmly with both hands, first the left,
then the right–and the relief of tension this brought allowed her
to sigh deeply and grin into the woods.

But it had another effect too, for when she drew in her breath again
and her chest rose against knit fabric, there was the insistent
chorus of her nipples again, urging her to rub them, squeeze them,
gently twist and pull as the blood coursed hotly through them.

/I guess it’s finally time that I can let you gals out,/ Susan
thought to herself, and she gripped the bottom of her sports bra
with both hands and pulled it above her head. Her breasts popped
free of their confinement, and the skin around her already rigid
nipples crinkled as her aureole caught the breeze. She laid back on
the towel, shut her eyes, and grasped a breast in each hand,
allowing the stiff points to project through twin circles formed by
her thumbs and forefingers.

/I can’t believe I’m doing this,/ she told herself as her fingers
moved together and pinched her nipples, causing the warm glow she
had felt earlier to again wash over her body. She rolled the small
buds between her fingers, relishing the sensations and sighing
softly. The electricity that sparked through her nervous system was
even more exquisite, more thrilling than she had imagined in her
fantasies last night, when she had planned this trip.

“Oh, God,” she mouthed as she tensed her thigh and pelvic muscles
briefly, testing the waters. The warmth was in her pants, too, and
inside of her cotton panties, her clitoris throbbed as if it were
sweltering under thousand-degree heat.

/I bet I’m so wet,/ she told herself, and this thought excited her
and made the juices of her vagina flow even more quickly as she
decided she could not stand to deny herself any longer and began to
fumble with the snap of her denim shorts.

* * *

Only a scant twenty yards and yet still a full thousand miles away,
Theo lay on the other side of the hill and enjoyed the peace and
solitude of the forest. He held his limp penis lightly in his right
hand, barely gripping it as he began to pull the skin very softly up
and down the shaft. The blood began to flow into his sexual organ,
and he used his left hand to pinch his nipples roughly as his other
hand coaxed his penis into full erection.

The ground beneath him, the rustling of the leaves on the trees as
the wind stirred the branches, the scent of blossoms and moist earth,
the warmth of the sun–everything was erotic as Theo grasped his
stiffening cock and felt the cooling current of air compete with the
burning heat that radiated from his shaft. He continued to stroke
himself gently as blood continued to engorge his genitals and his
cock become so turgid that it was insistently tugging his balls from
his scrotum up toward his body.

He released his member and allowed his hands to fall to the ground.
He extended his arms out from his sides, and his legs parted
further. Theo’s hands and feet were points on a circle, the model
man once drawn by da Vinci, and there in the center of the circle,
rigid and bouncing with its own pulse, was his penis.

As it bobbed gently, it pleaded, begged, /ached/ to be touched–but
Theo would not, not yet, and the burning pleasure and need to be
touched grew in his groin until he thought he could barely stand it
for another moment without going mad.

But still he kept his arms beside him as his desire grew, grew,
grew, and he could close his eyes and imagine that he was spinning,
that his entire body was rotating around his cock. His stiff penis
was the polar axis of his wildly spinning universe, and only by
grabbing on for dear life did he stand a chance of not flying off
into space.

Dreamily, he propped himself up on one elbow and searched through
his backpack for the tube of personal lubricant he had brought
along. He fell back to the ground and thumbed open the cap of the
lubricant. Theo held the open container directly over the sensitive
head of his prick and squeezed lightly so that a single glistening
drop of lube hit the spot where his glans met the shaft of his

The lubricant was cool and tingling, and Theo let a few more drops
of it coat the underside of his penis before grasping the shaft with
his right hand and beginning to pump his fist slowly up and down the
length of his cock. The pearly pre-come that had already been
flowing from the tip mixed with the lubricant, and waves of pleasure
began to course through Theo’s entire body as his tempo increased.

* * *

On the other side of the hill, Susan had removed her shorts and was
moving her hand lightly up and down her pantied crotch, relishing
the sensations that her touch awoke inside of her. The fabric of
her panties was very moist now, and the breeze brought a whiff of
her intimate fragrance to her flared nostrils. She pressed down on
her clitoris through the cotton panel, and the erotic response was
intense enough so that her buttocks tensed involuntarily and her
head tilted back as she sighed deeply.

Susan kept her index and middle fingers on the crotch of her
panties, and she pressed down with slightly more pressure now as she
stroked them up and down the length of her hidden vulva. Her
wetness had begun to soak through the fabric now, and unable to bear
this indirect contact any longer, Susan raised her legs in the air
and skimmed off her panties.

Her thighs moved apart as her legs returned to the ground, and her
knees bent, causing the lips of her moist pussy to part slightly and
expose her soft inner folds to the outdoor air. Susan thrilled as
the breeze tickled the hair on her outer labia. How different it
felt outdoors, how unlike the bed in her apartment! Here in the
woods, she felt no restriction, no confining walls, just the
cheerful caress of the summer sun on her naked body.

Susan returned her hand to her groin, and she was not at all
surprised to discover that her pussy was sopping wet. She dipped
her middle finger between her labia and coated it with her slick
lubrication. She repeated this with her index finger, and then her
ring finger, and so on until her entire hand was wet with her
secretions and the kinky curls of her brown public hair provided the
only friction between her rubbing hand and her hot vulva.

“Oh, God, I’m so wet,” murmured Susan, and the forbidden feeling of
saying the words–and saying them outdoors–sent an erotic shudder
through her body.

“I’m so wet,” she repeated as she used one hand to massage her
breasts and the other to rub the slick lips of her creamy pussy.
The tip of her middle finger dipped briefly into her vagina and then
brought the renewed wetness it discovered there to the hood of her
clitoris. She parted her fingers slightly so that the shaft of her
clitoris would side between her fingers on each stroke, and her
whole body began to buzz with building sexual tension.

As her passion grew, Susan’s breathing quickened and became more
ragged. She gasped as one of her knuckles inadvertently pressed
against the tip of her clitoris where it protruded from its silken
pink hood, and she moaned softly as she dipped two of her fingers
into her vagina and pushed them in and out a few times before
scooping more of her creamy lubrication up to her clitoris.

Susan continued to frig herself to orgasm, and as she felt the first
fragile form of an orgasm begin to take shape in her body–not
impending just yet, but warning of a growing need for release that
would have her body and soul at its mercy–Susan began to vocalize
her desire.

“Oh,” she moaned, twisting her head to the right as she cupped that
breast more tightly. “Oh, yes. That feels so good. Oh, God, yes.
So good, so good. I’m outdoors, and I’m… I’m fucking myself. I’m
fucking myself outdoors and I’m so wet and it feels so good!”

* * *

Theo didn’t hear Susan’s moans because he had become lost in the
rich and vibrant world of sensation that enfolded him as he pistoned
his hand up and down the glistening shaft of his penis. He ran his
hand along the entire length of his cock for a few strokes, then
masturbated just the base of his penis for a while as his
ultra-sensitive glans cried out for more attention. In response, he
would wrap his closed fist around the head of his prick and bob it
up and down slightly as he shuddered at the intensity of the sexual
feeling this movement created.

His left hand had been twisting at his nipples, but now it abandoned
that task and moved slowly down his body, skimming over the wiry
hair on his belly that pointed the way to his rigid penis. He
cupped his balls in his hand, relishing the sensation of his warm,
soft hand caressing his testicles. Very gently, he began to massage
the skin of his scrotum, and his pumping fist moved faster and
faster along the length of his cock.

Theo thrust his pelvis up against the open air of the countryside,
and the skin on his penis became more taut as he flexed his buttock
muscles. The increased friction between his cock and his hands
caused his passion to intensify, and another drop of pre-come oozed
from the tip of his prick and became lost in the furious
masturbation on his shaft.

His grip tightened, his rhythm quickened, his breaths drew closer
together, and the sexual energy in his body began to condense into
the force that would soon be his orgasm. Lost in blissful
self-stimulation, Theo’s mouth opened slightly, and he began to moan
in a voice sodden with passion and hoarse with lust.

“Oh, shit, yeah! Oh, hell, yeah, that feels good! I’m stroking it,
I’m strokin’ my cock… yeah, my balls, my cock. Jacking off in the
woods, doing it outdoors. Ah, yeah, that’s right… outdoors. Oh,

* * *

Susan was so strongly immersed in the world of her sex that she did
not even begin to notice Theo’s cries as they increased in volume
and feeling. She did, however, continue to add her own as she moved
the humming vibrator she had retrieved from her backpack against her
clitoris. “Oh yes, oh yes, oh God oh yes right here.”

But she could not bear to hold the buzzing wand against her clitoris
for too long, and she thrust the vibrator deeply into her pulsing
vagina. The plastic massager made her entire pelvis tingle with its
hum, and she moaned as her G-spot swelled against the smooth plastic
shaft and began to add to her pleasure.

As Susan rubbed vigorously at her clit and frigged herself with the
phallic artifact, she began to fantasize. What if she weren’t
really alone out here in the woods? What if she were lying like
this, masturbating, and some man happened to wander along the trail?
What would he think, this man, to see her there on the ground, her
legs open so lewdly, her hands busy at work on her pussy and
breasts, her vibrator pistoning in and out of her vagina? Would it
turn him on? And what if, what if, it were the man she’d been
waiting for all these years–would he turn away, disgusted?

No! He’d know, he’d feel it too, he’d know that this was the woman
he wanted, and the sight of his love there before him would excite
him… and soon that wouldn’t be her hand rubbing against her
clitoris, it would be his tongue, and that wouldn’t be a white
vibrating piece of plastic buried inside her, it would be his stiff
penis moving inside, slowly at first, then more strongly, as he
pushed himself deep into her and his pubic bone pushed against hers
and her clit was caught in the middle…

“He’d make love to me,” breathed Susan as she twisted her nipple
roughly. “Yes, he’d fuck me. He’d fuck me, oh so good, so good, in
and out, in and out… oh, fuck me, fuck me, oh… oh… OH!!!”

Susan cried out as her orgasm slammed into her, and nothing in the
world existed besides her passion as every muscle in her body
contracted and she ceased frigging herself and then relaxed and then
tensed up again and then relaxed and tensed relaxed tensed relaxed
oh dear God was that Four?! then relaxed, so very relaxed, and her
entire body was limp and humming and moist with perspiration and
felt so very, very good that she could not move.

* * *

During those same moments in which Susan was coming so strongly,
Theo was progressing rapidly toward his own orgasm. As he slid his
fist up and down his trembling hard-on, he continued to moan and
speak lewdly to himself in a raspy voice. The passion inside of him
continued to build, and as the muscles in his groin twitched, he
knew that his orgasm was not far away.

Partly to coax the eventual explosion forward and partly
unconsciously, Theo began to fantasize out loud. “Oh, yeah,” he
said. “I’m in the woods… I’m jerking off and it feels so fucking
good. But I’m not alone. There’s this woman, the woman I dream
about, she’s walking down the trail… yeah! Oh God, yeah, and she
sees me beating off and it turns her on and she gets horny and she
takes off her clothes…”

The motion of his hand on his penis became more disciplined and the
rhythm became more regular he guided himself toward orgasm through
his fantasy.

“Oh, yeah, baby, come here,” he breathed. “Oh, baby, you’re so
beautiful… so beautiful… oh, yeah… oh, what are you doing? Oh
yeah, that feels good. You’re so good at that… yeah, oh, that’s
so good. Oh… what are you doing now? Oh, God, yes! Oh, your
pussy feels so good, baby, oh fuck yeah that’s good… yes, fuck me,
fuck me… oh uh uhh uhhh AHH!”

A long and thick jet of come erupted from Theo’s spasming cock and
landed on his belly. It was quickly followed by another even
stronger spurt, then a lesser one, and another, six in all before
his orgasm finally began to subside and his whole body went limp and
he gently milked his softening penis as he panted and settled back
down to earth.

* * *

After their orgasms, Theo and Susan rested for a while, both of them
still unaware that they had just climaxed simultaneously. At long
last, each of them stood up, stretched, and bent to retrieve their
clothing. As Theo threaded his leg through the his jeans, he did a
double take. Was that a flash of wavy brunette hair he had seen off
to his side? No, he decided, it must just have been some of the
local wildlife, scampering about in search of food.

While Susan was struggling to fasten the snap of her shorts, she
could swear that she had seen a man’s head briefly peek over the
crest of the hill. Instantly, she was filled with fear at the idea
that she had been observed by a stranger while she was masturbating.
For her own peace of mind, however, she abandoned the idea and
concluded that the wind had caused a branch to sway oddly or an
animal had passed by, nothing more.

But when Theo and Susan were both fully dressed and ready to resume
their hikes, both of them were shocked as they reached the top of
the hill and found themselves staring at another human being. Their
gazes met and locked together, and their faces blushed deep red as
they both suddenly understood, without a doubt, what must have just

“Um… hi,” Theo mumbled as averted his eyes and hurried off down
the trail.

“Yeah,” murmured Susan with embarrassment and frank curiosity as she
turned to stare at the retreating form of Theo for a moment before
hurrying along the trail herself.

Neither Theo nor Susan would admit it to themselves for days yet to
come, but both of them had already decided that next Saturday would
be a lovely time for a hike. Just to get out in nature, of course.
And to observe the wildlife.