Fiona includes her workmate into her games

Teena was showing more than a passing interest in dog sex. I didn’t want to involve her any further in my performances at the farm but it was obvious she wanted to go further. Me, pretending to be a dog and fucking her with a strap-on, had only made her more curious. Having given her all the facts and she taking it all in I decided to see just how interested she was. Sunday morning I rang Mrs Walden. “Can I come and see you please?” I asked. She laughed “see me or see Goldie?” she replied. “Both really” I said. “Well my husband is going off playing gold and I am alone so come over. Make at 2pm” she said. When I told Teena she was very concerned. “I don’t want her to know about anything” she complained. “Well darling” I said “she knows you are a lesbian and she knows you have the hots for me”. She looked at me totally shocked. “It will be fine honey” I said “trust me”.

We have lunch on the way and arrived at exactly 2pm. Teena was still worried and asked why we were going there. “You will see” I said “trust me” I told her. We rang the bell and Mrs Walden opened the door. She smiled but the smile disappeared when she saw that Teena was with me. “Can we come in?” I asked. She stepped aside and Teena and I went into the lounge and sat on the couch. Mrs Walden sat down opposite us. There was a silent pause before I began. “Teena knows everything” I said “she heard you and Mr Walden in the office. You had left your intercom on. She knows about me and you both and also about my love of dogs”. Mrs Walden looked at me and then Teena. “Oh I am so embarrassed Fiona” she said. “Don’t be Mrs Walden” Teena said “I also know you know about my, umm, sexual orientation”.

I continued “Teena came with me to the farm yesterday and I have told her about dog sex. She has expressed an interest. I thought Goldie might be a perfect first experience”. Now BOTH Teena and Mrs Walden looked at me. Teena in shock and Mrs Walden in surprise. “I know you told me not to get involved with Teena but her overhearing you and Mr Walden talking about me sort of negates that does it?” I said. “I guess you are right” Mrs Walden said “wait here and I will get him”. Moments later she appeared with Goldie. He saw me and his tail began to wag. “You remember me boy” I said “I have someone new for you today” and looked over at Teena. “He is a lovely dog” I said to her “just let him lick you honey. Pat his head”. Goldie seemed confused so I called him over the pushed him towards Teena. Despite her misgivings she patted his head and he immediately pushed his nose under her skirt, seeking her sweet pussy.

Teena squealed and then laughed. “He is licking me” she gasped. “Pull your knickers to one side” I said and she did and squealed again. That was soon replaced with a moan. “Oh wow. It feels so good” she whispered “I love it”. I could see she did as she head was thrown back and her eyes were closed. “Yes lick me” she groaned and announced she was cumming. “Do you want to do all the way?” I asked but the question was mute. “Yes” she said “yes I want to”. She stood up and took off her knickers. As I had described to her she took up position, on her knees in front of the couch. Goldie was more than ready and immediately mounted her. With no outside help he located her pussy and began to pound her. “Oh yes. God he is so big” she groaned and mumbled as he enjoyed her virgin pussy. I had warned her about the knot but she hadn’t fully understood and as Goldie rammed it home she learned what it was like to be sealed tight and then filled with doggy cum.

By the time Goldie had completed his mission and withdrawn Teena was totally limp. “Fiona that was so…..oh God I am such a slut” she moaned. “Yes darling, a dog slut just like me” I said “and me chimed in Mrs Walden. Teena stood on shaky legs. Cum oozing from her pleasured pussy. “Come let’s have a shower” I said and led her to the bathroom where we both got naked and under the water. She clung to me reliving her experience. “It was so weird” she said “I never thought it would feel so disgustingly wonderful”. “A good de***********ion” I said. We got out of the shower, dried each other and stepped into the bedroom. Teena squealed and I smiled. Sitting on the bed was a very naked Mrs Walden.

She smiled at us. “You didn’t think Goldie was the only one who wanted you did you Teena? She said. Standing up she embraced us both and we all fell onto the bed. For someone who told me not to get involved with a workmate she sure enjoyed Teena’s pussy. The three of us rolled around that bed in a sexual frenzy. At one point Mrs Walden told Teena she had always wanted her. Then admitted she wanted both of us. She looked up at the bedside clock. “We better stop now. My husband will be home soon. I know you won’t want him catching you naked Teena. We got off the bed and dressed. Passionate kisses all ‘round and Teena and I left.

Halfway home Teena stopped the car. Thank you Fiona” she said “I had a wonderful time today. The whole weekend actually. At that farm, you and I together and then today. Thank you for introducing your pleasure to me. I know now why you are into dogs. I don’t know if I will do it again but thank you for today” We then headed for my house and she dropped me off. “Isn’t she coming in?” Mum said. “No Mum, she has to get home and feed her cat” I said, lying because she didn’t have a cat. “Oh ok then. Maybe next time” Mum said. I said hello to Dad on the way past the lounge. “Have a good time?” he asked. “Yes” I said “we listened to music and talked”. “Sounds pretty boring love” Dad said. “Anything but boring” I said under my breath as I went into my room.

All this was some months ago. My relationship with Teena didn’t cause any problems at work. In fact it probably made things a little easier. Our relationship with Mrs Walden didn’t cause problems either. I moved in with Teena soon after our first “adventure”. Mum was a bit put out but Dad said it was good that I was branching out. What started out as sex soon became love and we are now engaged. I continued with my Saturday “job” entertained Adrian and Claire’s guests. I always take Teena along and she sits and enjoys watching me. Several times she has had my Great Dane after everyone has left. I know Claire would like to join us. It will happen I am sure.

We often visit Mrs Walden when her husband is off golfing. It starts with Goldie pleasuring Teena but always ends with the three of us in bed together. I don’t mind as I know I will get to taste Teena’s sweet pussy every day of the week. Also her toy draw as well. I love that strap-on so much.