Beast humping

In the course of history, bestial practices have not only been a private pastime but in various places and times have played a part in religious rituals, witchcraft rites, and public spectacles for the titillation of the masses. It is hardly surprising that the ancient Romans who made a arena spectacle out of everything from

Voyeurism and Bestiality

Once apart Pop noticed Cricket’s hand shoved into her shorts. She had completely forgotten about her own hand job, so engrossed was she in her first blowjob. Noticing Pop’s stare, she looked down to where he seemed to be looking and pulled out her hand embarrassingly. Blushing, she looked back up to Pop to see

Anna and our dog

She’s sexy, Blue – my dog – didn’t wake me when she came over,she kneels down, my dick is hard, when she touches it, I shoot off, she says mmmm, and she licks all of it off my dick and her hand . Blue is also licking his dick. Anna says I’ve watched Blue fucking

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